The Myrtles Plantation - October 2020

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[Music] well we are here the myrtles middle of the night i know it looks a lot lighter than it actually is yeah it's getting it's dust time but um this is supposedly one of the most haunted places in america um i've stayed here a few times a few experiences i'll talk about that later spooks they've made a lot of changes around here it's not nearly as private or as quiet as it used to be they um the old restaurant and the used to be the horse stables where they had people stay burned so they rebuilt it and it's uh it's a lot of people so if you're thinking you're gonna come out here and get the quietness that used to be the myrtles that's not it but it's still a beautiful place oh yeah it's still it's still awesome but like i said they took a little bit of history away i think adding the the new restaurant and you know you know gotta make that money they making their money that's right but we're gonna take y'all on a tour of the outside of the house yeah because i don't think they'll let me film in there but i might sneak in a little something all right so this is the parking area yeah you come off the road come off the road the main road and then come all around of course park this is where i was talking about the new section oh this is new this is a restaurant i don't i'm assuming i think it's a restaurant you can rent out for events yeah event room that's what it is a big nice restaurant though got like a you know one of them gourmet shifts none of that was here there was a restaurant that was very small and very quaint first time i tried escargot was here yeah the uh where would the gift shop be it's back this way so here's the side of the house okay what you see when you come up yeah this is the side of the house and we're gonna go right through here we're gonna walk around to the back because i was thinking this was the restaurant but this is not the restaurant this is the restaurant huh where's the general store see all of this is new this whole area right here is new and then this is where you start there's the general store yeah that's where we ate the breakfast yeah just over there that's right that also burns but we did that as well when i first started staying here it was different i mean it's the same area but um it is it looks different now than it did before yes here's the back of it that's awesome back here too it's a big beautiful house i'm sure everybody sits on the rocking chairs um you can stay in this room right here which we have also you can see there's some doors up right over here and you go in it goes straight up and you can stay upstairs in the house this is the only room that's on the bottom of the house that you can stay in and it's the biggest room yeah we actually stayed in that one i've also stayed upstairs and when the old staples were here i stayed back there to get my old room but um all of this has been added they added all those products right there there used to be nothing back there yeah oh that's over here but it's like fine dining you know over here in this little restaurant so kind of turning into a little destination on the weekends so like i said in the beginning um i've actually stayed here before the room that's on the bottom of the house the only room that you can stay in the bottom my niece stayed in that room and we'd put a blanket over the bottom of the bed we went to the store came back there's hand prints on the blanket nobody had been in the room um savannah my daughter and one of her friends we stayed upstairs in one of the rooms there the stairway i mean it's it's old it's creaky old wood you can hear anybody walking up there even when you get on the little foyer area but we were laying in bed the girls were asleep i was awake i hear this bang bang bang on my door and nothing's there i just lay there the girls woke up nobody ever walked away we definitely would have heard them there was no shadows under the door for the feet so that was definitely kind of creepy and as you can see there is one way up and one way down there is nowhere that anybody could have been could have went there was only one other guest up there and it definitely wasn't them so just a couple of creepy experiences so here's what you can see like breezeway through here there's clearly right there she had a little turban on there's also pictures of what appears to be the children sitting on top of the house here yep there that's it it was the same picture they were sitting there and they were analyzing this part of the picture and the guy said well what about the kids on the on the roof and as you can see a couple of shadows of kids you know david bradford had two children that she accidentally killed yeah that's what they were thinking the two kids you know a real record this house was here um esther used to be like the person that like gave the tours and all that time in the place before they added all this other stuff and that's where she lived um you can rent this out now so it sleeps a lot of people all these cottages that are back here that you see they are very cool i mean they they're a little rustic looking so they look like they belong none of that facility you can walk all the way around the pond now i put a little trail all the way around the pond so this area right here where it's just like the blankfield there was some guests staying here and they took they were taking pictures of their daughter kids whatever the situation was and when they got home of course this was back in the day where you developed pictures or put them on the computer you didn't have them like instantly you couldn't see it when they got home their kids weren't in the picture but instead there was confederate soldiers in the picture like walking in a line so they called that the pictures out there somewhere the myrtle they reported to the myrtles their experience but the dog the kids were not in the picture at all anyway this is the place where when cats came out and they were they spent the night we were trying to analyze the house they were in this building back here and they were trying to edit and talk about tape and so forth and when we went back and looked at what they were filming actually in this house you see a lamp move so you can go to youtube and look that up taps at the myrtles i need to see that video it was pretty cool [Applause] no okay say anything you can go and see the front of the house with the lights on yeah i'm shining up and even though we have a tour scheduled i mean it didn't cost anything to just come out here and walk the grounds nobody's gonna say anything nobody's gonna say a word so took the pictures had them developed and sent them off to insurance but they were sent back a few weeks later in an envelope that said they'd been denied and when she called to ask why they'd been denied she was told well mrs moss we told you know what to be in your pictures she said no one's in those pictures i was by myself when i took them but when she went back and looked sure enough there's a figure standing between the two buildings she's transparent you can see the clapboards of the main house through her but not only that it appears she's wearing a turban and legend says that chloe took to wearing a green turban after the eavesdropping incident tied the fact that her left earlobe was gone and chloe began to fear for her place in the home so she figured that the more she knew about the family's business the safer her place in the household would be and so she started eavesdropping on family conversations but she was terrible at it and got caught all the time the judge warned her it wasn't acceptable behavior but she persisted until one day she took things a bit too far the judge was doing an extremely important business deal in the gentleman's parlor one of the gentlemen got up unexpectedly opened the doors and who should be fine listening into the keyhole but chloe and the judge was furious this was the last straw he had her taken outside where he ordered her left earlobe cut off in punishment because back then it was believed the opinions that it helped you to sin either had to be removed or banged and chloe caught with her left gear up against the door but that wasn't enough punishment for the judge he banished her from the house and centered to one of the worst jobs on the plantation and that was the kitchen the kitchen was a small building with a fire burning almost 24 hours a day and in the summer heat of louisiana that is not a place you want to be chloe was much more accustomed to the cooler work of the main house and so she began to plot how she could get her old job back and sure enough she came up with a plan she'd been raising the judge's three children so she knew that if they got sick or had a nightmare they'd call for her before they called for their own mother so what she decided she would do is she'd make them just a little bit sick so they'd call out for her and she'd be brought back into the house to tend them she'd make them better after all she'd know what was wrong with them and then the family would welcome her back into the house as a hero but that's not how it went to carry out her plan chloe volunteers made the two elvis woodruff children's birthday cake that year they have similar birthdays and so they share the cake and inside cakes you put a bit of a secret ingredient thank you is anyone here familiar with oleander it is an extremely poisonous plant that still grows here on the grounds to this day so if you find that don't eat it one to two of these leaves will kill a full grown horse about an hour and the leaves when they're boiled down actually have similar properties to arsenic chloe not knowing as much as she thought she did about the plant took a whole handful of these leaves boiled them down with the extract into the cake the cake was served to sarah matilda and the two eldest woodrow children and my morning all three of them were dead now the judge was saved as he was away on a business trip at the time and their youngest daughter mary octavia was saying that she was too young to eat cake and had been sent to bed already when morning came the mother and two children were found dead chloe knew her life was over when the judge came home so she ran out to her fellow slaves and she admitted what she'd done because she believed that being part of the slave community that would help her to escape she was sadly mistaken because they knew that when the judge came home and found out what had happened he'd be looking for someone to punish if chloe wasn't turned out it would probably be one of them and so to save themselves a lot of trouble they took her into custody themselves they held a trial and found her guilty of all three counts of murder they took her down from the mississippi riverbank hunger for maturity and once she was dead they waited her body down in the stones and threw her in the river and they did that because people back then were extremely superstitious and it was believed that spirits couldn't cross bodies of water so they threw her into the river believing it would prevent her spirit from ever returning to the plantation even in depth but of course today we know that's not true and they can cross on or otherwise i wouldn't be true but this is also now the original part of the house built by general david bradford in 1796. everything from here on out is the original 1796 house the dining room is actually the children's favorite room in the house to play in the children who ate the poison cake were named james and cornelia woodruff they were brother and sister and they were so young when they died they would have been allowed in here too much in life because you don't let the little kids around the good china and so they like to play in here and death because they know there's nothing we can do about it [Music] [Music] oh look at this one bud yeah come look at this one [Music] [Music] um [Music] you
Channel: The Traveling Gilberts
Views: 4,440
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: The Myrtles Plantation - October 2020, St Francisville La, The Traveling Gilberts, Louisiana Travel, Louisiana Travelers, Myrtles, Chloe the ghost, Haunted Louisiana, Louisiana Hauntings, The Myrtles
Id: cEIJwSUgsfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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