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what's up everyone and welcome back to the overnight channel and our weekly reaction video series that we've been doing this one is all about the blair house without any further ado i'm not doing this reaction video alone i'm gonna give a big warm welcome to corbin reinhardt come on in corbin corbin where are you all right corbin thank you of course uh and of course without you know the ghost magnet himself corey shearer please enter the building corey let's go corey corey come on corey corey corey sorry yeah you had us in there for a while yeah i've been in there for a minute huh yeah brandon who is granny not in there who bran who no oh the man the dude with the man bun yeah this guy oh yeah all right well come on in brandon hey don't worry about it are you sleeping don't look in there okay let's just go let's do this that doesn't look like a block that doesn't look like a bus to me i thought you lived in your bus don't worry about my living conditions guys go and by the way if you haven't noticed this is our new set that we're filming on we are at the basement a live escape experience this one is the one in uh sylmar like hollywood north hollywood area it's also one in vegas so check them out this is one of the the many rooms that they have i've been a patron of this place for many years and i love it i'm stoked that we're filming here yeah so it's really cool and i feel like maybe next time we do this i should like because they have live actors here that participate in the room yeah oh yeah i feel like i should just like ask a couple of them just to like randomly scare the [ __ ] out of all of us yeah make sense if you guys like that idea hit the like button a bunch of people like that idea i'm gonna hire just a bunch of their actors yeah that's a good idea just come in and torment us we'll get their input on the reaction yeah yeah exactly they scare us and by the way if you don't know we are still doing the overnight monthly contest where everyone every month we pick one person and we fly out to your hometown to bring you to do an overnight investigation or something fun whatever it is that you want to do there's two ways to enter one's super simple just leave a like and a comment on this video and every time you do that on each video do that on equals one entry the other way is to head over to the clothing line that we run every dollar you spend also equals one entry and every month it restarts so by the end of the year we'll have you know 12 different winners 12 different investigations we're actually getting ready right now to go out and film with our last three winners so wow that'll be happening pretty soon one of us one of them might be joining us at the conjuring house oh what they happen to live very close to it wow so that's convenient the gang's all here and eastside well fitting because with this video was an east side location it was interesting and i think this reaction video is going to have a little bit of a different feel to it i don't think we're going to be playing as many clips and more so like talking about what happened because everything i left this video basically uncut it was crazy this one was one of my favorite ones to do this is like this is probably the experience that really turned everything around yeah for me yeah yeah i do like this is actually kind of made me feel weird so if you haven't for some reason seen that video and you're on this one go watch that video everything's there and then come back to this because we're going to talk about everything that happened i will say there were a few things that i was able to like kind of re-go through that i think are worth revisiting that we're going to talk about as well as like meeting kristen for the first time yeah and doing like our first like i guess table sean's because we had done one before pennhurst but we're all on the ground but this was like what felt to me like a proper fan so when you think of a seance it's what you think of when you're all sitting at the table and your hands are up and 100 gypsy all i think about when i think of this place is the roar yes that's it that's all i feel like that did not get enough i looked i was crazy and i was just thinking to myself i didn't i didn't hear it no i didn't hear it no well you're going to hear it because i have it laid out and i have it uh compared to a different sound that we heard what and they sound almost identical i think i know what he's talking about we were in the area we were doing a high reformatory we were doing allegheny we're doing west virginia pen we had a lot of like big known locations and blair house was there which seemed kind of weird because it was all about like there was like ley lines yeah and then there was like indian barrel grounds and then there was like miners and then there was like a heart attack there and a lot of stuff happening it was like all it was like this giant hosh posh potpourri mixture of just random things over there and it just seemed like they were really taking a stretch at like why it should be that potpourri do you know how many miners died like under that house like 18 or something practically i don't even had to be under 18 to be miners oh correct that's true yeah it was a very like mundane house and it wasn't like axe murder house kind of small too so exactly yeah like there was like something that it wasn't like conjuring house where like the warrens had been yeah it was like a house where someone did a seance a super long time ago oh i was very skeptical going into it how many houses do you think that there are like that in the world it's in a normal neighborhood like all the houses look the exact same can't really point one out and be like oh that's a haunted house right there but then once you actually learn about it it's like oh yeah they used to summon this here and all these people died here and i think i feel like i would know about that because i only know of four i know of whaley yeah uh baliska bel-air and conjuring yeah yeah but think about how many houses like there could be indian burial grounds on like but one of my for sure one of the people that i know that he'd like lived on one that actually did have an indian burial ground beforehand and it's just like that just happens but think think about like the amount of people that were like in colts and they would do seances and stuff like that and now it's just like a normal family with three kids living there and they're like why do i keep seeing a demon you know i mean i told you guys that i lived in a house it used to be a crematorium it was inside the cemetery yeah you don't remember that no like there was like the little kid footprints on the trampoline yeah you don't know about that no i don't know about this but it doesn't surprise me i feel like you would choose to look like someone would tell you this used to be a criminal i'll take it it was not my choice in my mother's choice oh oh okay the only house we could afford and i explained why so your mother was a ghost hunter yes exactly with all that being said we went into this place in my opinion a little like yeah we'll see and also there was a backstory to it where there was a buzzfeed video made about this place the guys who investigated it kind of made fun of yeah the owner of the house they had that weird and she had that relationship with youtubers and it was kind of a weird like all right let's see how this goes which is kind of rude yeah you know like she's allowing them permission to come back from there exactly you're gonna allow someone to investigate your house and you're gonna laugh at that yeah they're gonna laugh at what they experience it's one thing to be like skeptical sure to be like that sounds a little yeah no but he straight up laughed yeah yeah so regardless as soon as we walked into the house it ended up being one of the creepiest houses like we've seen possibly not like old dilapidated like run down but like oh honey look at this place as soon because at this point you walk in there's skulls and there's black mirrors and there's all these different items and like you immediately were like this feels like the place where people do crazy [ __ ] yeah yeah that's that's why we're here it's exactly right that's exactly what we're here that is 100 perfect and i will say this is one of the few times that not only did i know the history of a place but also brandon did that's right and normally you guys hate it when i withhold information but brandon got to have some fun with me on this one it's nice to be on his side sometimes so it was it was pretty fun being able to like hold back information it's like a currently active place where people are still doing like demonics like rituals and spells and stuff do you want me to say yes or yes or yes i'm gonna be here in an hour to explain everything i remember that part but just thinking about it like you were just saying like we had no idea like anything about that place and with it being like as weird as it was a what like do cult leaders just go there like they're like well where should we go tonight no not airbnb let's go to bel air house like is it just a normal thing yeah yeah yeah it was a lot of fun it was it was it was it actually was okay it actually it actually was but like think about how like demonic that house is what was it i mean the the roar yeah it was it was a lot of fun and then also at the same time you can't sleep i didn't sleep i tried you can't sleep kristen herself like was like no shutting down she also she does the cleansing of the house every once in a while as well she sages it yeah but just from back in the day imagine no i summoned in there there were skulls there was black mirrors like still probably with you today yeah perfect yeah great yeah after we kind of like decided like okay this one's gonna be like an hour so we wanted to go explore the house ourselves yes and at the time none of us really realized where we were what was happening and when you guys like said like the door slammed i literally like just thought you guys were joking but when you also pay attention to what room you guys are in all right pay attention to the mirror that's in the room and where we are when the door slams keep that in mind for where we end up spending the rest of the night later what if black mirrors are like a magic brand it made down the stairs who's that what dude i remember this moment so clearly i literally just ignored you guys because someone said in the door i'm like all right i think we should just leave in this room but let's clear it up real quick i mean at that time i thought you guys were pulling a prank on us no i would say none of you all closed the door brandon was like two rooms around and i was in a different room yeah so that legit just closed by itself do you remember that bro like i kind of had like a deja vu moment like i feel like i was living at it again we were in such confusion to like what what the hell was that i really just started talking i'm like okay do you realize what door that is that's that's that's the door ends up being set up because that's the that's the place that's where you're sitting yeah the camera was here and then that's the door and then we you end up core ends up sitting there i did not know that was the play wow it was trying to tell us to just stay in there it was it was the same yeah that i just i found that interesting when i played that back because like i literally just thought you guys were like just trying i thought you guys were trying to freak us out no no you see the footage we're not even close to the door see that's why i'm so happy we film all of this stuff we can go back and watch you know how many times we'll be somewhere investigating using that and we don't hear really anything clearly but then for some reason as soon as we hear it on the computer the words are clear as day oh i know yeah it doesn't make sense to me it's crazy this was also the first place we ever went to that had like journals like yes hand written yes evidence like i don't know reaccounts i wish that was more common in places yeah the only other place was murder house they had a huge basket of papers but it wasn't like per room no yeah it was a really cool thing to have like all these different like diary pages here to go through yeah um so i was i was pumped to see it and like you know here's us like finding it for the first time i found this when i came in oh wait wait wait cory you want to read that about the room we're sleeping in is this the room pittsburgh paranormal society first night in this room had a lot of orb activity it's just it's really cool that they write who they are what they had the times they had it and it's and it's really neat especially i feel like if you read it in the morning after yeah because after you see what line up things did line up didn't they exactly yeah but then we finally get to meeting kristen for the first time yeah and the story that she wouldn't tell us which we kind of know why is because i feel like she felt like maybe we would make fun of her again yeah but regardless was like an incredibly like interesting person to me and definitely oh yeah the first joke she makes is like i'm going to lock us in huh like that's just how she welcomes we're meeting her in her own house when we're already in it like mm-hmm like we're going to talk about our own house yeah i will say one of the most beneficial things that happened and again i had never met her before none of us had ever met her before she owns this house this is like what she does also like for a living in terms of being like a medium and doing seances and she said something that i've been trying to say to all of us at that point in time for the longest time what'd you say which is when [ __ ] starts happening just stay there and let the [ __ ] keep happening instead of like sprinting away are you kidding me when it built more and that that telephone rings i'm not just going to be able to be like oh let me just uh pick that up you just jumped well though i did four times later i jumped like it's just it just gets you sometimes yeah yeah no that's not that's not what i'm saying it's like we used to have this habit of super frustrating it's like every time something could happen it would be like okay we gotta leave we're done yeah it's too scary we gotta leave like well then why why are we here yeah like why are we here to just leave when someone gets scared like that's the whole point it makes sense and then when this complete stranger comes in and tells us that and this happens to be the very first night where we don't like turn off any equipment or we don't leave that we actually just sit there and just let it run its course it ends up being one of the craziest nights we've ever had know what i mean this is his common thing for us and we need to actually be happy about it i don't think there's a physical bone in my body that can't be happy about it i'm so scared look at your hair shaking i'm like come on what i've been saying for so long it is good advice yeah it is and it's like 100 and we've adapted that ever since and it's been local we've been getting since it's been wonderful yeah and it's like it's so great though like we ended up meeting her and it led to all this and this also ended up being like i said what it felt like our first like real seance yeah yeah and i actually thought it was like a really cool experience because to me this was always something you saw like in movies and actually like sit at a table and do one it may it was like oh this is like real like the first time any of us have done that yeah like that right it's like something you'd like see like you know that set up yeah yeah yeah it's like i was nervous like see like sketch from like the 1700s oh definitely but we're like actually genuinely doing one you know hundreds of years later yeah all these like little tiny rules that she like had all these like little things like make sure you're fully grounded yeah and you can't cross your legs exactly oh yeah all these different all these different little things that she had that really made like a huge difference in what she was trying to have happen yeah also we have absolutely no idea what she said during this part of the seance so like we actually i still don't know what she said was it a different language what do you mean yeah i don't know so like we just like trusted this lady and like have absolutely no idea if she like casts a spell on us or like i don't know i never thought about it because it just happened let me hear you let me hear you yeah i say so yeah thank you thank you thank you i don't know what you've been saying like please screw these people over very heavily is there any uh is there any like comments on what she said like like in our in our comments not that i saw all right guys please comment down below yeah if you have a clue what she's saying what does it sound like that sounds like not spanish but it sounds something i yeah i don't know what it is what i do know is this is the first time we've ever had a sound like shut down yeah or anyone just be like we're done here oh yeah because of the three growls and how it was mocking the uh the trinity that thing was creepy and she just stood up and shut it down yeah just immediately yeah i want you guys to remember what that growl sounds like i convinced her uh very politely to leave us her device that she had just shut down because i wanted to still use it she didn't want to use it anymore i was like well can we borrow it we'll just leave it here she finally like agrees to do it we take it like upstairs to the attic oh completely different part of the house first thing it says and one of the first times i ever recall a spirit box or anything like that ever saying and it says my name like on the dot like says very clearly i remember that do you remember how clear that was very clearly jesus christ and then again it's gonna say my name one more time and then it's gonna say something else that none of us caught that night and i guess i didn't even i don't know if i caught it in editing but we didn't catch it and then it says watching you [Applause] was it it was like it was like whispering it's like right here wait it goes do you hear that oh my wow it says my name is my name again that is so creepy how does it keep saying elton that's not a common name no that is not a common name and then we go to a different device we go to the ovulus yeah and we get a series of words we've used the objects quite a few times we've like seen some words pop up twice but we've never gotten this series of words before and then also fun fact we're all american but it got worse it says knife american later nice american layer a series of words after it said my name i'm an american and said watching you listen like that in the beginning can you pick that you can see that that is actually really weird so at this point brandon and i are withholding that we're not telling you guys what it says so you guys have no idea what it says on the obvious at that point in time and we're just listening you have no idea yeah we're not saying you know my name is later and then later says american good luck here on two different devices back and forth literally is going back and forth two completely unrelated devices that have absolutely no connection to each other no connectivity to each other american mm-hmm what how many minutes was that apart would you say no that was like in a sequence that was probably within like two minutes yeah was all you wanted yeah it was just kind of one big flowing piece and then so one thing i want to point out is in this room the rim pods set up yeah the red pod never goes off never once goes off it's not a malfunction it never does going to see it in this it's going to be right at the top of the stairs okay yeah we're always going to be sitting right there and then if you start putting together the pieces of what the august is saying and the room we end up going into and the same room that had the door slam it's pretty interesting how it all kind of ends up working out is it later pillow square knife american yes and the room with the black mirror has a square bed in it i don't know so we're not sleeping in a square by showing it and that's your rem pod it's been there the whole time it's right there at the top of the stairs it's never gone off that's weird it never went off till we went down to that one particular room and it does have like a square bed like most beds are rectangular and it genuinely has like a weird perfectly square bed i don't know why we're not sleeping that one yeah well i think you can yeah kristen stop the stand because she heard three growls we use that portal device for like an hour never once heard a growl with it but then we hear the like a real one does the real growl sound like the one from the uh that's what he's saying i picked it up and got threatened immediately what yes that's so similar immediately i picked it up and got threatened immediately what immediately got threatened no it was like that is so crazy i'm just going to recap that device the same device that made the noise earlier yeah we weren't even using this i want to hear i want to hear the i want to hear that the growl again what because that sounds so no similar that sounded just like the same growl but then there wasn't no echo because that device has an echo behind it listen i put them back to back that's so similar oh my god literally just with the echo is the only difference just without like the staticky of the that came from of the portal but that that the the growl with corbin didn't come from any device no no we just heard that out in the room with them they're saying it came from my stomach and i didn't know it sounded like it came from like your like mouth yeah that's what i thought right yeah yeah there you go does that mean he got like possessed for like half a second or something that's just or it didn't come from him and just just from the right we were sitting next to corey it came from corbin i remember dude we were sitting next to him and we like watched him roar like it came from corbin and we all were just like like a little possessed dude i just don't remember hearing the sound i know i know but i remember playing it back for you yeah and you freaking out yeah it's the same as like when patty at cecil she didn't know after the fact like any of the stuff that had happened yeah it could be like the same thing like he didn't know and then remember whenever we were at the biltmore i was talking to myself when the phone was ringing i didn't remember that yeah are we all like low-key getting more and more possessed no like you two are but we're good i'm chilling he's going on okay yeah one more time i i'm not i'm low-key in shock that is nuts that's so weird pretty damn similar it's like yeah after after this we shut down the whole like attic area we wanted to see the rest of the house went down to the basement checked it out some more journals checked out all the other rooms then we ended up just like going back into like that same room with the giant black mirror yeah and this was kind of the night where i feel like the fact that evan and i like were going back and forth for like two hours trying to like figure out what the hell could have happened and caused it this was like one of those nights where we were like holy [ __ ] i mean it was one of the few times i've ever left a video completely uncaught yeah i just left a one hour straight clip you're right there same room all right so we have everyone sitting here this is the bedroom i had the most full notebook yeah the red pot is in the corner it's actually closest to the doorway where something can come in and get to cooler before it gets to us stop i'm really glad it's going to decoy first one stop we're all in this together well well you might be over there we might still be over here together we're all in this together but you're first i'm just hoping you're oh we're mean we're so mean to chloe just started getting drunk by his left foot i would like i would immediately figure out how to get out of this window first time it ever goes off dude i was like hugging you someone bails no one grabs the camera i literally was hugging else and i remember we were joking everybody was just joking and then it happened and oh man i want to see like that clip one more time because i want to see how quiet everybody gets after we hear it because you can see all of us just like all our smiles just leave look at all of our smiles just go holy [ __ ] what wait what oh that's [ __ ] weird that's just weird timing remember the door slam earlier oh the slam yeah and then it goes off wait oh i just find it super weird that you hear that similar noise that's literally how it all started active that's how it all started i was just joking around [ __ ] with corey put it in the jokes yeah and this by the way is one of the many jokes you told that night two female deer come walking out of a bar and they go wow i can't believe we just blew 100 bucks that's one of my favorites that's a good that's a good joke you like that one okay you like that one that is a pretty good one that's a good joke 45 minutes of this video you're just going through r-rated dad jokes corbin told me that i told him that joker buddy this one's interesting this is one of the big comments that the mirror moves on its own and i don't get how evan and i have gone through this the lighting source never changed nothing in the room ever changed somehow the mirror shifts but not only does the mirror shift it doesn't make a sound because no one hears it that the only person that looks back is corey on the dresser on the dresser moves and only corey like for some reason like feels something see something hear something no one else does and it comes from my side wow so i haven't seen this okay what see it right there watch watch the mirror move oh my god oh yeah the whole mirror moves and it doesn't make any sense why that's weird that's just weird all right so now from the same side that corey looked at this is the first time i had ever been like scratched or felt anything yeah i forgot about that and i never knew that you looked over that way i never knew that the mirror moved i never knew any of that happened so and it and it's on the same exact side because i believe it's my right hand right i'm on your right side so it would have been exactly where you were looking get the [ __ ] out were you scratched shut up flashlight right side show the flashlight wow look at that it's hard look look at that from the side you can see her raised up you have two scratches holy [ __ ] nelson you got scratched they're like deep scratches where it raised it was like like a cat like scratches it like raised the skin up like it was swelling i i know i know where my scars are they're all my knuckles also i'll point out this whole time i'm never looking back to where the door is uh-huh i never looked at the door no no it's not do you want to show the camera and after all that we try to leave the room and we can't yeah i just hadn't gone off for a while sorry the rem pod hadn't gone off for a while and we all tried to leave the room and we couldn't you know so i'm curious so after this clip after we watch it do you guys think it was for a good reason or a bad reason i think it was for a good reason did something happen that we don't i don't know the only things before that were the growls so i feel like i don't know i don't know but it like jokes though so like it was like that's true that's true are we allowed to leave this room i'm gonna leave this room all right i made the candle first yeah we basically just did a really really long sound and you're not closing it out properly you're not even close make it beat if you my foot's not even on the ground my right foot so my weight never shifted jesus christ we thought maybe leaving i mean if i get any closer it'll be nice i can't leave either no one's gonna we have to look at the look at the marks look it's still going that's the mark i haven't i didn't get past that and you didn't get past that also wait i mean everybody who's seen the video already knows it takes you have to be way closer to it to be able to set it up oh yeah you pretty much got to be touching it yeah yeah at least at least a foot yeah and we did i think it's in the video i think we spent a good amount of time like being like could you definitely stomp it could you step on a certain floorboard like could anything set it off and like we could not nothing we couldn't figure it out especially up there on the uh attic yeah and then everyone out there any place would have had like a creaky floor yeah to like move it up and down that would have been at the attic but it never happened and that was the room where the door first slammed that was a room that the door first slammed we never you and i together we're in there never and it happened to have the giant black mirror in it the only room with the giant black mirror dude what is the mirror moving that other i don't know if the mirror could correct me like is it possible no that dresser was flush against the wall it wouldn't have shifted and like it doesn't even look like the mirror moves it looks like the image within the mirror moves yeah it doesn't you don't see the frame of the mirror that gave me chips it just felt like everything within the mirror just like took a weird little angle to it that part happened after we were done with the black mirror and at that point the black mirror would have been facing the mirror yeah uh it's definitely i think the craziest night that maybe we've had as tfio i agree one of the most active nights yeah for sure built more still oh that but that was but yeah that's that was nuts but this was the one that made us like learn a lot of really valuable lessons like to sit still and just spend a lot of time in one place yeah as opposed to like five minutes or five minutes your five minutes here five minutes here and expecting to get something everywhere how long are we sitting there over and out for a long time yeah we started at we started in that room at like 4 37 yeah when we like actually got in there and by the time we like set up the camera it was like five and then we were basically in there until our flight left we had to leave for our flight yeah something yeah i think that was the first place where we all kind of like you were saying a second ago got more comfortable with activity happening and being able to just sit there and be like okay this is going off right well just look at the way that it happened i mean like when that first thing started going off you like grabbed elton and then maybe what like 10 minutes later yeah exactly it was that's true we're getting better with it you know every single time we do something and we went into that entire place with jokes and that was like the whole like pouty face like whenever you want to share information yeah let's pull it in oh yeah that whole place like we were just joking around i want to go investigate right now i don't know if anybody else is i don't know like i'm low-key wanting to go go sun right now next one's queen mary i think the next one's queen mary depends on the order it's either gonna be queen mary or uh alcatraz we're gonna get probably some insane evidence dog there's quite a few stanley hotels on the horizon shank the shanghai tunnels in portland both of those places we can't leave if we wanted to oh yeah yeah i i i wasn't with you guys i've been on the queen mary by myself and it was creepy pool bear is haunted it is like like compared to a lot of the places we've been like we get some crazy stuff but the queen mary is for sure hauntz all i'm comparing it to in my head is the uss salem that we were at that was i think the queen mary is more haunted well thank you all so much for watching this video and tuning in to the overnight channel again we are still working on new videos you're literally hearing us talk about it what we have lined up that's the reason why we're kind of posting like the master cuts of like old three-part series is to kind of keep the channel still going and flowing getting people on while we're filming editing planning all the fun pieces that have to go into these videos are getting done so when we do finally post a new video we have new one afternoon afternoon after a new one we're making sure we're top loading as much as we can we are going over the hills we are going to bobby mackeys we are going back to the conjuring house we are going actually into the salem witch house um which was not easy to get to happen but that one's i forgot about that one too salem witch house the real one yeah the in salem yeah like the real one it was they said no to us last time um so that one's coming about and a bunch of other cool stuff we might go to the shanley um josh just went there he got like shanley yeah shanley shanley hotel it's in uh east east new york and josh just did a video there and josh was like holy [ __ ] you gotta go don't wow and i'm like all right josh is telling us to go who's like a very skeptic i was like cool yeah that's a definite thanks so a lot of cool stuff coming up and we appreciate you guys all being here we're gonna make these videos the best they can be yeah well thanks guys and see you guys in the next video [Music] [Music] you
Views: 213,409
Rating: 4.9819961 out of 5
Id: 34lHiwX831I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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