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this is where an unsolved murder happened in 1912 where eight people were murdered in this house with an axe anybody who starts getting weird go outside like don't push you if she went let's play yeah it just went towards the bed why'd you kill all these innocent people everyone died oh feeling like i kind of want to get out why did you use an axe [Applause] what's up everyone and welcome back to tfil and our 25 weeks of haunted abandoned historical cool creepy places tour thing that we're doing yeah if you can't tell what's behind us we're in valiska iowa yeah at the infamous axe murder house uh for those that don't know this is where an unsolved murder happened in 1912 where eight people were murdered in this house with an axe it was a family of six and two of the neighborhood friends that were here they were mostly kids right yeah it was a total of six kids and two parents yep and they never figured it out a bunch of people went to trial no one was ever convicted of anything wow and we're here when you want to talk about a haunted house yeah this is it yeah this is the haunted house definitely everything you could ever imagine has been seen here apparitions full body apparitions footsteps voices evps this is the most documented paranormal location we've ever been to so what we're going to hang out here for an hour to the nowhere hotel no we're not leaving until 10 in the morning perfect so yeah in the morning yeah and then if everyone wasn't aware uh we did a contest we ended up picking three winners where we would fly out to their hometowns and bring them to do like an overnight investigation or whatever things that they wanted to do we have one of our winners here with us all right if you can't tell she's not from iowa based on the lack of 85 jackets needed here i was talking to her about like what she wanted to do not really too many haunted places in tampa and i was like well we have to drive through somewhere i've wanted to go for a long time and you were like yeah we'll fly out to des moines and drive two hours to this house yeah so here we are are you getting your decision to come out here yeah reason number one how is she not cold reason number two okay well uh conveniently i have the keys that is on an action that they put on an axe handle okay so okay here we go all right oh i guess just like that huh oh should i tell them now or later that's not the entrance wait till they get there okay look at that is it how is it frozen icicles on your muscles no i don't yes you do no way wait does that mean i have snot then it's either snot or probably a lot of energy drinks a lot of energy yeah yeah hey uh fyi that's not the entrance do you see any other pathway to that door we just made it i've never wanted to get inside a haunted house so bad you're not going to want to leave when it gets even colder tonight here we're about there's no lights in any of the rooms there's got to be some somewhere look at the top there's nothing up here no i don't think there's any light switches this is just why they kept it the way it used to be so like this is like the telephone yeah you ain't calling them i don't think you can post on tick tock with that phone oh here we go all right let her go first oh yeah [Laughter] you came to the only house that we've been to that has no lights no lights once this has never happened before yeah this is crazy so as soon as the sun goes down in about an hour and a half yeah evans are only light is that one of those pictures that like looks at you when you move huh okay everyone remember exactly which way the eyes are pointed right now and then in the morning i hope it's the same direction oh my god they covered the mirror what they have an ooby oh what there's a reason to cover the mirror i'm not going over the history right now too much because we actually have a tour guide coming he'll be here in a little bit to give us everything historically and paranormal evidence when is that happening it'll be like an hour and a half so you're off the stage yeah they even kept the same calendar up too they found a calendar from the month it happened why yeah june 1912. you sure you don't oh my god i don't want to go up first it's going to be scary it's going to be very scary if you don't go up and you stay down here by yourself i'm going up but i'm not going first so who was sleeping in this lap this house sleeps like three people where are we supposed to sleep two there in this yeah in the broken road it's definitely broken right i'll be honest i get the wall no you get the one closest to the door no is that where the killer came out of no no no this isn't where he hid and then no no he came in through uh allegedly opened the back window downstairs oh and then made his way up yeah started downstairs and then made his way up here what about this so we're literally walking the same oh oh we got a secret room oh wow oh no holy look at this don't lift your head up there's like a hundred nails right behind you yeah yeah yeah stay in the middle this is exactly like this is the birthing room that's what this is hundred percent make sure you watch out that oh wait wait what did you do you just locked the door elton they had these uh they had beyblades back in the day those are beyblades look i'm iron man what is going on hang on you guys playing without me get out it's our room looks like you have toys you want to hit your head on the ceiling get tetanus shot yeah what's going on here what's on the ceiling nothing a couple thousand nails [Laughter] really yeah oh yeah they're right so how are all of us gonna fit on this bed like that three times yeah that's how we sleep at really scary places yeah this looks like to me what a great room for someone to sit in by themselves oh god good thing we have a nice i think we have new volunteer going back to tampa already really wow look at that that's the victims oh my god boyd moore young that's all more by the way everyone if you don't know corey and i are actually now doing a monthly contest so every single month we're picking one winner and we will be flying out to your hometown and bringing you to do like an overnight investigation or something fun whatever is that you want to do or i guess in caitlyn's case coming all the way to iowa where it's negative 18 degrees so there are two ways to enter that contest one super simple just leave a like and a comment on every single video and every video you do that equals one entry the other way is to head over to centersociety.com and for every dollar you spend equals one entry so again there's two ways to enter and then every single month it restarts brand new contest brand new winner so check it out it supports us and uh yeah enjoy the history and the rest of this video okay bye how big is your keyboard sir hello how's it going good good nice to meet you hey how are you doing good i'm john i'm the tour guide guy here nice to meet you so you guys are doing the overnight tonight we are the relax murder house june 9 1912 town had a church service which got over about 10 p.m and this was like a in the bible school event where the kids would sing songs everybody in town's at this thing they come home about 10 p.m with aina and lina stillinger there's a family of six with two overnight guests friends that with their daughter they had a sleepover next day the neighbor mary peckham's knocking at the door because like 4am she's like something's not right by 8 30 she gets a relative to use his key on the main door here and it was uh overcast that morning kind of rainy so he lights a match and just walks into this bedroom here and this is where aina and lina were found oh that was catherine's room but she gave it up to her friends so this dude just runs out gets the authorities which was the town constable the minister the physician they go upstairs find six more bodies so you got eight total six kids two adults everyone's in bed uh bodies are covered faces are covered with sheets the axe is left right here raw bacon on the floor in that room food at the table where this person ate a meal afterwards afterwards yeah that's insane i mean that's insane to kill you just don't mess with little kids kill six kids two adults and eat a meal and detectives question people for five years i mean you got five years of gossip in a small town about a murder everyone in town was a suspect the only one that was ever tried for any of this was a minister named reverend kelly who confessed to it in 1918 but he said voices told him rise peter's slaying went for a walk ended up across the street and he said a shadow came out of the backyard and handed him the axe said he walked in that door 1am voices told him to slay out her lace and he killed everyone then he said he didn't then he said he worked for the queen of england so so he's crazy yeah he was for sure schizophrenic right after that the bank offered six months free rent for whoever would move in oh john eastman's the first stayed one night in the house slept in the barn for 10 years left his wife and kids in here he wanted nothing to do with it wow jeez homer rittner and his wife stayed two nights in this room they left claiming to hear footsteps and said that they saw the wife saw a silhouette holding max which goes back to this river and kelly thing um 30s and 40s they were doing seances in here to find the killer which that's always an awesome idea yeah um in the 60s a family moved in said nobody in town told them what happened here and whatsoever they lived here a year claiming tons of stuff they did the big cliche leave in the middle of the night left half their stuff here and nobody told them obviously before realtors would ever say anything like that yeah i come in to clean one day and i walk in that kitchen i hear somebody walk across the upstairs shut a dresser door he's like who is this like nobody's supposed to be in here when i moved to this town the cop quit the only cop in town just quit wow so i'm just sitting in there and this is all going through my head in like 30 seconds like what do i do you know it's footsteps like yeah and i know it's a dresser because it goes we can shut it i go up there nothing goes straight to the bar after work and the guys are doing that ooh houses make noise like fully aware of what a footstep is at this point in my life i'm not a complete idiot so i started staying the night and like i told you i've done over 400 overnights alone and the idea was to debunk it of course is there a floorboard i step on and a door shuts you know um at this point i've never seen a ghost i've seen the shadow figures which creep me out because that goes back to kelly's shadow before thing i've seen every door open and slam objects move chairs rock heard voices poltergeist type active activity for about a month where things were stacking and opening things would stack yeah what do you mean yeah what kind of things would stack so i would come in this particular time i had a little cleaning lady come in cleaned i just looked at it afterwards i'm like yeah cool looks good i got the keys nobody's in and out of here but me i come back later that day i walk in every door is open every drawer is open and there's dominoes stacked on everything as far as activity it seems like these two rooms are almost safe sevens really um this one i'd say ninety percent of everything's upstairs for sure this room has a very amityville quality happening with it like mental manipulation we read those notes it's the same theme so and so gotten a fight with so-and-so it's like they tried splitting my team up and this is where the dude stabbed himself in 2014. yeah what happened we're gonna do like a dude that was investigating here stabbing yeah doing an overnight just like you guys were was sitting on this bed and he was provoking trying doing that come at me bro thing he said he was provoking and he has no idea and he woke up in the emergency room so what happened was he took a hunting knife was about yea big shoved it through his chest so how like you would have a stopping mechanism like to take a knife and just and it happened he was sitting right here at another room maybe something and in the 60s the family that lived here said their dad was sitting in the kitchen they looked at him he's just sharpening his knife with a sharpening stone and he goes what dropped the knife wrapped up his hand and that's when they loaded up the pickup and they were gone if anybody starts getting weird go outside like don't push the issue in this place reverend kelly's confession he said he felt like he was in a dream state being forced to do something beyond his control i investigate other places like i got the keys to the axe murder house okay you know it's like the dream come true and i will investigate here this is too much really yeah i've looked for patterns and birthdays anniversaries moon phases storms the eclipse there's got to be pattern to it i found nothing but i found one pattern that works with this place and i'll explain that upstairs oh man oh boy all right you said that was in 2001 2014 i believe oh my god what seven years ago do you know what day it was don't say it june 10 no it was it was summer time okay somewhere in the summer it's just like a random day yeah people are pretty smart to come here during the summer what was that what happened there's no chance i was the only person that heard that no no i don't know everyone else is upstairs or over here wait so we got a light so we feel like what what is that you didn't hear that no like something big fell over in that room as soon as we walked out wait someone get a flashlight i don't have anything lighted up oh a picture phil yo look oh their names their names not their names or no yes it fell off the wall that was right here it was right there on the dresses that was one of the first things we saw oh sick i would say in the 20 years i've been here i've never seen that thing just fall ever i'm glad you're here on this one this is gonna be uh i don't think we've ever gotten like paranormal activity like that quick that fast we're still on the tour we're not even it's 7 p.m oh jeez that's not something that just falls over like i said i've never seen it just fall over like you'd have to take force to knock that off the dresser so this is the parent's bed um the dad was here the mom on the inside mirrors covered of course through the house why uh the killer had done that so this is the axe one of the big axe marks no way yeah that was wallpapered over what you can see the ceiling word been patched up so he probably came out of the attic with the amityville windows came over and just probably walked over to the top of the steps and heard something because there's a big pool of blood there that wasn't connected to this so it's like he came out of the attic boom boom walked over heard something just froze just stood there with the blood dripping off the axe prey went in got those kids just a boom boom boom boom downstairs got those two just a quick blow to incapacitate him back up got him again again again what again he did a round two yeah we do a lot of forensics groups and stuff and they say the mirror covering and the face covering his remorse do you think he was up in the attic ready waiting when they came home from church and he just stayed up there until midnight to five in the morning just hung hanging out in there crept out boom boom because you would hear you got eight people in the house yeah nobody hears anything that's exactly where it's unless because there's eight people in the house everyone that hears anything i think it's just one of the seven other people this is the side of where i had the creepiest thing i've ever had happen oh boy and it was a friday night i came in i locked the kitchen door so nobody just walk in i'm trying to figure out how to fix that deal oh this yeah oh i was just playing with it oh no and i'm just kind of messing around with it so many walks in the house huh and i'm just like come on people we're closed obviously and i'm like well obviously it they broke in because it's dark so hide in the closet the plan was to scare this kid and just be like why are you breaking in like if you want to see it i'll just show it to you yeah you know and i'm in there they're walking around downstairs forever they finally come up here into the room i kick that door open to the big nothing no no no and i was frozen i couldn't even talk i was just standing there i'm like like nothing would come out of my mouth i go downstairs i could see the doors still locked i watched a surveillance video nothing what and you heard like footsteps over the stairs walking around and up the steps is like heel toe when i kicked that thing open it was just like like a freezer and i couldn't i could not say a word good luck guys i'm going to throw these in the mailbox get your pen and paper and just let you get after it thank you dude is it fun you're having fun tell me how fun you're having see the best thing about alton is that you don't have to have fun he'll tell you that you're having you're having fun you're having so much fun this has infinitely more murders than the conjuring conjuring girls are just like accidental deaths this was like the worst thing that you could ever do but going in a house and killing eight people is just and then going back around and hitting them all again until fun and then and then after that eating a meal yeah so he could have gone on to have children so his bloodline is still going it could be yeah you heard dripping yeah that was just happening what's moving what's moving you're making me look like a idiot spirit what's moving this what this pink cloth dress thing was just like swaying that's what i'm trying to figure out but everything should be closed i'm gonna go find out yeah it's cold right is there wind though no everything's closed am i stupid is there a draft in here i guess if you're new to our channel and you haven't seen any of our videos before we've upgraded all of our equipment we've been borrowing a lot of paranormal tools and said i've tracked some new ones down upgrading our night vision camera this thing is literally 20 times better than anything we've ever had before the evp recorder we have both we have like the old one and the new one seo one kind of got broken this one's way better audio quality and everything what's in the box this is our new rem pod so this one is has way better signal and also like i is the box the vampire so now yeah go ahead go for it oh [Music] wow oh it has to be like energy heat something yeah yeah wow those are just motion sensor lights so oh i see something i like cat ball and then we have cats cat balls yep a lot of stuff yeah balls so that should stop so the only way these go off is yep emotions getting in my bag oh man so really the only thing we're missing that we used to use is the obvious yep but i have a replacement on my phone everyone remembers the notebooks at the warehouse right yeah oh and look how many there are oh wow so if you didn't see the blair house video there was notebooks in every room people documented yeah their activity lots of orbs not dust we have pictures and videos to back that up most active in the hallway upstairs video kept blurring and cutting out slept in living room had uncomfortable feeling it remained freezing and my husband soaked his shirt with sweat it was definitely an experience closet door slammed shut and they even put the times but that that happened at 7 30. uh it said block was pushed off a dirt what what does it say it says a block was pushed off the dresser at 7 40. so it's got 740. that was remarkably close yeah hey because it was absolutely 7 30. wow had plenty of activity with dowsing rods in the parlor and upstairs kids room according to the rods lena and paul came forth minutes later the other three more children and ina showed their presence by the dowsing rods amazing activity upstairs in the parents bedroom it asks do you want to come with us and they got also an answer that said sure that was both caught on the spirit box i feel like i don't want to read anymore yeah that way it doesn't possibly taint don't take it yeah yeah yeah it'll be interesting all right all right tomorrow morning we'll add to the basket yeah let's do it if we're lucky we each have a whole page to write we should start in here and then go into there because that's where the picture felt yeah okay they say that's the mental area though where's the can i put that next to the picture frame the the box because if it's strong enough to push a picture frame off a dresser by the way we'll hear this anywhere in the house we should also do a uh we should also do one of these k2s as well rempot is right here it's all the way back there in the attic right there so that thing goes off and then there's lights all the way through so see in the background got cap balls motion sensors rem pods spirit box yeah it's maybe 10 p.m right now and we will be here until 10 a.m oh that's officially 12 hours on the clock 12 hours how many minutes is that everyone a lot 14 minutes 14 minutes on the clock 14 minutes yeah i like that 12 times 14 400 okay okay you just [Music] um that just went off by itself oh we're doing that right now okay pretty good right volume yeah hurry yo that was story straight off the bat [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was like a line of like lights like that were like the size of like a ball like it was like here here here here here and it just went straight across the bed and it was there for like two seconds and then it just disappeared like bro that might be on camera i swear bro there was like just a straight line yeah and it was like balls like it was like circle circle circle circle circle they just appeared and then disappeared out of nowhere and they were like balls yeah it was circles on the bed but also i'ma scoot up because i keep looking in the mirror yeah when i first looked in the mirror it goes corey so i don't want him looking at me through the mirror we're back oh yeah do we have permission to stay here tonight right cry after it stops are you stuck here what is your name [Applause] you're doing it right yeah you're doing it [Applause] it's crazy that it like went off right when we first turned it on corey you want to like walk around the k2 and see if maybe there's something somewhere yeah whatever it's worth everyone assumes that the murders happen somewhere between midnight and five in the morning yeah and it's still like 10 15. yeah true so yeah that means right now it could be hiding up there oh i'm going with you come on go go first okay i know then you're gonna you're gonna lock me in no i'm not gonna go hey i have a deal have a deal ready on three we're gonna make a deal okay ready okay what's the deal one two three caitlyn goes in oh my god dude it is so scary is there anyone in here with oh yeah look at that oh heck yeah oh can you make that can you do that again to show us that you're in here with us are you standing behind us now come on you already made it go off and you're already talking to us you don't have to be scared again yeah thank you [Music] are you are you a little kid okay there's no answer are you an adult if you're an adult can you make this go off again that's the only way that you can answer we're not able to hear you but i know that you can hear us let's think about it though because if he was here he would be hiding right and if he's hiding you who just knocked on my foot elton wait how would they even do that okay go go go down see if there's something there we don't have a light oh that's you can someone turn a light on like can someone pull their phone out i uh that's that's like the living i mean let's see hey wait one second wait one second um i kind of want to get out you don't understand it knocked on my right foot yeah look no elton my foot was on this are they down there i think they're down there why did they knock on the ceiling doesn't scare you i heard it he wouldn't be hiding right here he would be hiding in one of the corners he doesn't want to get spotted and this is before the killings happen should we go ask if those long yeah we should we definitely we definitely should there's there's yeah might as well for now because there's no way that's not them it was just one though yeah i only did it one time just one time yeah are there any pictures of you in this house we can't see you and we can't hear you can you take me to the picture of you i want to see what you look like make it spike a little bit harder if you'll take me okay oh oh all right i'm gonna stand up all right are you in this picture right here are you in this hello bro or are your pitchers upstairs we have to go upstairs yes we have to go upstairs like right now all right you got to show me where your picture's at cory if you're in the picture in front of me can you make it was it spidey you just spiked [Music] okay i'm gonna say out the names on the pitcher and you make this device spike when i say your name okay all right is your name boyd [Music] maybe it's none of them or are you an evil spirit and you're just messing with me and you're making me look in the mirror no we're gonna read some of these nursery rhymes and if you like any of them just give us a little sign however you want and up she took her little crook determined for them to find she found them indeed but it made her heart bleed before they left their tails behind him it happened one day as bo peep did stray onto a meadow hard bi this isn't a word there's she what what's that word i don't even know jackie jackie come give me the fiddle if ever doubt me there they'll thrive name i'll give you my fiddle hey to any mini alive if i should go and give you my fiddle don't think that i'm gonna some of the hard words right these don't make sense let me see let me see let me see i i've had is that the last part yeah which one do you want to do the least downstairs really downstairs is going to do the least yeah downstairs is perfect no the attic is the least the attic is the least okay which one do you want to do the most but if you have if you had to pick one which one would you want to do the most this one this one's the one you wouldn't want to do yeah okay you want to do or you don't want it i would want to okay okay uh the volume of the spear box is off so now this is your volume to see you know you can just take them off you control it but i would go all the way is that too loud there you go that's all you all right all right let's uh let's all come over [Music] i think [Music] what time are you coming no something happened to you right now are you reliving that moment right now when that man came in your house with the axe behind them were you hiding behind them were you trying to protect yourself what did you do hear it can you tell us what your name is spirit is everybody with us right now is the whole family still in this house is this the moore's house [Music] you want us to find you where are you we're gonna go walking for you where are you you okay did no one like walk in front of me no but i just said i saw i heard footsteps i had my eyes closed but because the lights right here it looked there was like a shadow that passed right past me crazy because corbin had just said did anyone know your footsteps down the hallway i just like i just heard it coming from right here of the stuff that you were saying was a little crazy it's a little bit crazy from what we were asking yeah wow we still don't know who it is it won't tell us its name yeah and you know what usually that that means no one knows who the killer is so what evil spirits usually you know if they try to make a general they try to disguise themselves yeah yeah maybe somebody tries to do it in another room i'll do the animal room the annabelle room mm-hmm i'm gonna all be in the same room you guys can go in the uh the main living room or something should i just do it while i stare into the mirror yes right now because if you guys are in a different room no downstairs in the animal room it's the only current the only oh there's the only one we haven't taken the blind off and if you guys are in the different room i can't see you guys anyway all right this is the room that we were told is where you can start to get a little menacing it's the annabelle room was that what he called no amityville he called it the amityville amityville because the name of the horror house whatever was in the house drove the father to kill his entire family okay i'm out i'm out okay yeah i'm out too all right i'll leave that with you antonio wasn't saying the mirror say something i'm gonna do what the killer was too afraid to do oh you're sitting in the room with me huh are you gonna join you're gonna stay here for a little bit where would you like us to go you should go in the other room there's all the cat balls are set up in there too cool have fun count to uh 30 seconds and you start asking questions 30 29 28. everything i've seen about this place says for the most part that there is some serious demon caliber energy in here now you've even forced someone in this room to try and stab themselves so see what you got very well very well are you angry that he's in that room the murder was real how many people died in this house are we talking to the moors or the stillingers pray why'd you kill all these innocent people everyone died did you do it because god told you to or did you do it because the devil told you too are you afraid at all are you afraid at all i don't like it huh i don't like it i can't i see you look like you're very afraid i don't like it are you inside the door right now you want me to kill the doll what are you saying to me i don't like that i don't like that i don't like it he's just being creepy he's like playing with the dolls he's speaking to whatever it is oh he just told me a what if you're the demon or the killer of this house this is what the little girl looked like when you took her life it's aggressive right here you're calling me the wuss but you murdered a child in her sleep with five other children and now you can't even say anything to me interesting do you want elton to get out of that room yes elton is the one in the room that's who we're talking about pretty good sentence do you want him to leave where's all this anger coming from why did you use an axe because it would kill people that's interesting are you the one who was asking for help earlier fall asleep yes i am rolling i just turned it off all right okay you should come in here we should feel like i did that for a super long time it was interesting i'm i'm very curious to hear i'm very curious to hear that because you recorded it right yeah i didn't say anything unless i was like a million percent i heard it's like i would hear the thing and like make sure and then i would say you know what's bizarre is what i after i said it like a few seconds later because i think i said the killer it's interesting or something yeah he's back and then like it felt like maybe a minute later i heard like the scream yeah which sounded like killer he's back you know that's what it sounded like later i was like oh that's a bizarre sequence of things now and also beheaded i couldn't tell on that one that was crazy it could have been behave or behead okay brandon didn't like the doll yeah i couldn't tell because i can't see your mouth but at one point i saw this and i was like oh you want me to cut the head off that's not what i was trying this what was happening he picked up the like annabelle doll the raggedy and all and like i it was so dark like i can't really see ellen's face but i just see like the doll's face like coming closer and closer to me why did no one mention this today what is it henry lee moore born 1874 in boone county missouri date of death unknown was an american forger murderer and suspected serial killer who was convicted of killing his mother and grandmother with an axe in their home yeah more he i think was he was he one of the suspects yeah that moore was possibly responsible for a string of unsolved axe murders in several states among them being the baliska axe murders his last name is moore and he was convicted of killing his mother and grandmother he killed his mum and grandma with an axe he lived in missouri illinois iowa colorado the other one in kansas his own mom and grandma with an axe and lived in colorado where the other same incident happened in iowa the other the murder he was actually convicted for happened on december 17th 1912. six months after this yeah september 17th 1911 was the colorado springs murders no so he got caught at the end december 17 1912 was when he killed his mother and grandmother and naturally got caught so he did all these other string of murders working his way up to his own mother and grandmother which would hold on and that would mean this would be the last murder before actually killing his his own family yeah so imagine that he's killing stranger after stranger family after family then kills an entire family with the same last name then goes and kills his actual family with his last name it sounds like he's like working his way up because he killed more and more people each time this guy was going around the same year killing people with an accident like there just happened to be two different axe murderers in the same year in 1912. where do you want to be cory in the bed in the chair you're in the chair you're the dowsing expert you're the dallas man hi dalles do we want to put the rim pod sorry downstairs yeah how about this or one more person plus me and evan or something then you want to go in the attic with me yeah we can just use this that's a good idea what is the exist you're in here yeah that's it look at the cap oh look at that i made it i it didn't look like you had to move that i was gonna say you gotta hit that thing really hard wow and that's happened twice yeah all right wow i don't know if you've ever done just a clean evp session i don't think we've ever done it because i like being able to hear things on the spot yeah so this will be an interesting one [Music] all right so i'm sure that you guys have seen these before because many people have came here and investigated um these are dowsing rods and i'm just asking you a couple questions and you can spend them you can pretty much do whatever you want with them i'm just gonna try to talk to you we are currently in the attic where we believe the person who committed the crime in this house was hiding is there anything you can say to us or want to say to us if so feel free or if you wanted to show your presence you can move this little ball right here so i was told that this was mr and mrs moore's bedroom if that is true and if mr and mrs moore are in here with me could you please make these rods cross okay yo look dude this is what it does when it gets dude this is what it does when it gets scary look it keeps going around is that what is it is that one yes bro see this isn't normal i've had so many mediums tell me they don't know why the it does that why does it with you yes when you left after that day when you murdered everybody in this house where did you go can you please make the rods point into the part of the room where youtube passed it straightened itself that's kind of weird i mean it kind of hit this one and stopped it yeah that's kind of that's still it just went towards the bed if there's anything you want to say or make known demonstrate any of your abilities now's your chance also totally get it if you don't want to a lot of people that always come here could you please point to the part of the room where the man was standing with the axe i mean it's kind of point to right where evan was cross the rods if you don't know where the man was they were asleep is that immediate they were asleep they were asleep they wouldn't know immediately yeah as soon as you said that they wouldn't know if you're anywhere in this house we have a device set up on the stairs that will alert us if you physically get near it if you have the ability to do that and go to those stairs you will terrify the people in the other room could you please point these rods to the part of the room where the axe left a mark on the wall please put your energy into these rods and point to where the axe left him wow that one's having a harder time but does that count evan yeah how does that does that count how does that not count low key i cause uh my hand i don't know if it's the gloves but my hands kind of kind of keep stopping it once it's spinning yeah i know what you mean but this but they definitely spawn that way that freaks me out too the fact that that's there remove this ball if you can make it roll back toward me that'd be super cool if you are trapped in this house can you please make the rods cross yeah some of these questions like they're already they already know they're anticipating them sorry it's okay did you hear that yeah with all of the energy that you have can you please put it into these rods and can you try making these rods spin as fast as they can it was like deeper than that i heard something you're just walking downstairs i heard walking there's footsteps downstairs are you here with us is there anyone in the attic with us right now are you still up here waiting for the family to come home could you point to the area where the man that killed you guys is currently talking to our friends can you point these rods to where he is right now that is crazy that's kind of freaky man and they're in the attic alone in the dark that's pretty freaky all right move the ball around you want to try and give us another chance roll towards the camera you can roll it back that would be awesome [Music] oh that's creepy [Music] is whoever killed you stuck in this house with you cross them for yes make them go outwards for no did you hear that yeah like a footstep it was some sort of a noise anything happen i think we heard like a stomp on the floor yeah yeah and what's funny is that we heard the noise we talked about it and then you guys talked we could hear you talking about something and we heard you go is if we heard you go if there is there's someone downstairs like the rods yeah whatever yeah so you guys must have heard the exact same thing we did yeah yeah exactly it's pretty loud if you guys have heard it too yeah definitely i asked where the killer would be and it pointed towards the attic sick yeah just did that just turn all by itself yeah do you think i'm close enough to it because the chair the chair would be there unless you move i mean unless you kick the chair moving yes it was an execution's rock all over again oh my god you saw that with me i was so unhappy the whole way through listen look at my hand i'm like what i didn't see anything but i heard everybody go whoa my jaw dropped for a second until everyone saw it and then i heard the scream i heard the same scream from somebody with an axe and i was like this is not how it happened ironically this was open just like that [Music] and that just came like quickly dude i turned [Applause] i was like i'm gonna see someone outside like that's why there's no doors inside here maybe oh yeah because it would probably yeah i would just keep slamming shut all right everyone it's like four or something in the morning our plan was to stay here all until sunrise but the heater upstairs has completely stopped working the heater downstairs is like blowing cold air so it's working this guy is not enough to heat everything and it is negative 20 something it's like we're outside outside it feels so in here none of us are really prepared for this at all like we thought yeah it's gonna be a little bit different so just for that reason is why we're gonna head out early yeah actually we don't wanna get hypothermia doing this yeah thank you for watching tfl guys if you guys want us to post another video um please subscribe to our patreon we don't have a patreon are you doing oh no you look like you're doing my impression of you that's like what i do when i'm doing impression of you [Music] yeah i was being you impersonating me okay and then corbin's brandon yeah yeah yeah in person hey guys how are you doing search up thank you guys so much for watching uh tfile and joining in on this i really wish we were uh taking this a little bit more intensively but it's genuinely so damn cold in here right now we're losing our minds yeah thank you for for flying seriously yeah we're gonna go drive to a hotel now that we were somehow able to book and find rooms in yeah see you guys next video yeah peace surf's up sirs up mother [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TFIL
Views: 2,036,017
Rating: 4.9648271 out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, tfil overnight, Elton Castee, Sam and Colby, overnight, overnight challenge, exploring, ghost hunting, abandoned mall, tfil exploring, tfil haunted, ghost hunt, terrifying, paranormal, ghost hunters, ghost adventures, scary places, abandoned places, horror movies, dybbuk box, 3 am challenge, cursed items, seance, bellaire house, paranormal activity, buzzfeed unsolved, haunted house, ghost stories, corey scherer, most haunted, axe murder house, ax house, villisca iowa
Id: OOh0E8ea_KI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 21sec (3501 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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