Our Terrifying Return to Suicide Bridge...

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there's a rope hanging from the tree okay somebody's sad and i i don't know why did you actually hear her hissing yeah do you know what the hissing is no a demon do you feel my heart getting like lightning [Music] well hello everyone we are back somewhere that we have not been in over three years we were here october 14th 2016 for the very first time this is gonna be week one video one of a 25 week minimum commitment of paranormal haunted infamously known locations around the world to the world so we figured what better way to start than right here in our hometown where we started four years ago this place this video this location was what catapulted everything and what caused us to keep doing these videos yeah yeah for anyone that doesn't know uh brandon he went to texas with us he's part of senate city but more importantly the reason why he is joining us on these trips is because he is terrified he will not watch a i don't watch his video i don't watch those spiritual paranormal movies i tried getting him to watch the trailer to the conjuring and he turned it off before the trailer even got anywhere scary he legit turned it off dude bro i don't know so so naturally what i decided to do is go with him to all these places how are you gonna do this i don't know i don't know there's no way but i don't know we made a deal and i want you to make the deal again right now you don't get to back out of anything i've agreed to that from day one right so no matter where we're going no matter how scared you are you don't get to back out you don't get to quit you're committing to everything can i agree to like half of that boy does any of this look different to you by the way no i know these fences didn't exist until six months after our first video came out tonight we are meeting up with a lady named linda we never actually investigated suicide bridge yeah who is she like what is she she is a full-time paranormal investigator i found her because she did an investigation with uh ethan yeah and uh mark okay uh what is that almost oh soon his heinous anus yeah yes i don't think it's doing this i think it's a noose isn't it anus and moose anderson news so when i realized she was in this area i asked her if she would join us tonight so she's going to be completely controlling the investigation i explicitly asked her to not watch any of her videos we told her not to watch any of the videos bro we're about there oh no no so the reason i don't want to watch the videos is because i don't want any of like the things she might discover to maybe be tainted because she'd seen our videos okay so i'm curious to see if anything that she catches correlates to anything that fires up here okay i'm just still worried that she might not be a fan of us you know going down there and she's like you know here's the k2 let's go and we're like moose ain't it i think she's actually already down there waiting we're supposed to meet up with her oh yeah oh sketchy down there bro keep our distance from her oh yeah six feet we're already colder uh we're going to stay distant we get close to you though yeah you guys can get as close to me as you want yeah all right so we're going to investigate wait can we please show up we don't want any entities to get attached to me so we're just going to create a little shield all right here we go guys come on ready all right here we go i would be more comfortable efficient this is way quicker than walking bacon ever does this on the intro to ghost adventures yeah discover channels like cut that get that out of there get that out of this i have the night vision camera in the infrared camera but she has a lot of uh paranormal equipment that i've been trying to figure out how to get you said that she's allowing us to borrow her equipment for the for our upcoming trip oh really yeah we have to figure out how to use this well that's why so she's joining us to investigate here okay and then she's going to lend it to us so we're going to have access to all the stuff i've been trying to get for years i'm excited about that dude this is crazy being back here hello linda how are you hello great good you're you're set up ready to go huh how about you thank you for coming out appreciate it oh no worries if i'm correct you haven't been here before here ever ever i mean by choice is that by choice yes okay i'm scared of this place driving here i was scared i'm scared i want to be the voice i want them to be able to talk and what the equipment allows me to do is give them a voice in a scientific way as well okay so people have a hard time going poo poo no you did not yeah yeah because you actually have proof no matter what it is that they might have to say good or bad you're still willing to try and help them communicate that i don't know if you've ever had an encounter with a good voice i don't think we've ever had an encounter with like a spirit box and they're just like hey man what's up no it's no no it's gonna be like cory die no every every single time we've ever heard anything like that yeah definitely we hear our names it's very evil then we run because we're scared yeah we've never turned on the spirit box and heard like it's a walk never corey it's gonna be okay you're on the right path like corey die i'm like oh we've been here three times okay the last time was three years ago we never once came here with any form of investigative tools okay at all so we're genuinely intrigued because we've had a lot of things happen here we've had people sleepwalk um we've had just like strange things happen with the ouija board we've had like candles like blow in and out that might have been cuz i put blood on a ouija board one time so we've had a lot of things happen here so i'm really curious to see if anything you catch on a scientific level was it your blood it was my blood yeah yeah wow everyone was saying that the ouija board was boring and i was like all right we'll see what happens here oh did you cut yourself yeah what wait wait wait wait wait wait i didn't know any better i was a young kid yeah well you should know that is that like a thing like like that's probably something you should not have done yeah as a whole yeah i would go no i'm kind of doing a blood offering too really powerful yeah you know the ouija board is basically direct contact to a spirit so basically you just put your blood on any spirit that wanted it wait so i put my blood on the spirit you did because who knows who you called did you feel something so that's like if someone spills a drink on you at the bar how mad you get but i spilled blood on it on them yeah yeah plus it's kind of making a weird kind of satanic worshiping kind of offering okay get energy off his blood or like get attached to him because of that that's what i'm thinking attached very much so what we're saying is you might have a demon yeah i mean if i start acting if i start acting nice tomorrow i think you could think pull it out i'm on a treadmill so i'm literally getting an exorcism if you seriously do have something attached to you which i hope you don't but if you do they would be able to speak through you i hate to tell you this but they actually would be able to communicate through you well he might be a big old megaphone for you because no the kid's got some history oh yeah professionally i've been doing this for 15 years um but i've been a ghost investigator since i was in my mid-20s i'd like to change your experience and have you guys actually meet some nice ghosts yeah i would like the opposite but i mean again i mean you have a new friend think of it that way just not one that's alive he's over here he's like let's get possessed again it'll make us drive safer you know i mean always making sure because if we have one hand off he might take the other one and you're saying jesus is taking the wheel if that's the friend i make we're flying to boston yeah okay next week and literally we're going off the plane right the sailors everything around there is crazy mountain i can give you a list i have a million places i would love to have that yeah i think they would love for me to have that list too yeah right guys yeah i don't know about all this anymore yeah that's right guys yeah going back to pet hairs and exercises so before we go down to suicide bridge i realize this is something we haven't really done a good job of throughout our videos and the history of this channel is actually giving the history to a lot of the places that we go to we tend to kind of just show up yeah and not really educate our viewers on how these places got to the infamous point that they are where they're at now so i think i think for now on all of our videos we're gonna do our best to do a full-blown research before going into it the first thing that i find very interesting in doing my homework is that the highest point in which you can jump from on the bridge is 150 feet how many people do you think have committed suicide suicide stop don't don't say like how many people are you gonna say like a hundred and fifty right there's a hundred and fifty there's no one the bridget is 150 there are 150 confirmed suicides and at the end of this year they're going to make it impossible for anyone else to join that's what i was going to say i bet with their family it's already there they're finishing it oh i found that really bizarre that's kind of that's kind of eerie yeah 150 feet 150 people have died and now they're stopping it [Music] the bridge is right there are we supposed to be going away from the bridge like alton i like being farther away from the bridge yeah okay elton works in mysterious ways i think we went the wrong way he got lost right is he going no he's going down a trail what are we doing you said he needed exercise and exorcism everyone splits up and then that's when all the bad stuff happens and now we got cory going one way out and going the other way we're down this way ladies and gentlemen we might have to wait our turn oh there's a huge group of people i just saw either going in or leaving a good job really yeah we're about to run into a group of people this is my spot fish we should just use the oculus 5 to decide who has to stay there it is my friend that's our spot right there that little code right there that's where we're going to come up first and then need came up second this is a translation what do you need do you need to be thankful for something are you trying to tell us something about being thankful this is the obvious five and how this works is it's a really fantastic device because it is able to take the emfs we always talk about the electrical magnetic fields that are in the air translate them and give the spirit a voice there's a hundred and fifty thousand words in this thing okay so when something comes up something comes up through especially if they repeat it or if it's very pertinent to what we are dealing with right now need and think wow is it is it saying it needs to thank us yeah bringing so many new people here yeah and maybe actually see remember this positive thing i told you about maybe you're getting this like good energy let's do it what would be an abnormal amount of activity for that i i can say that i've done investigations where it never stops and i've done investigations where this is all we'll get there's it's very hard to really say how many words will come up on this it's impossible it's all up to the spirit once we cross this bridge that is where we've had all of the activity we've ever had has been on this side of the river the other was one time [Applause] yeah yeah this is where it's starting to get here right here did you hear this like you slept left here did you hear that like that dude what what's going on what was that i think yeah i think there's someone over here [Applause] i don't know it's only falling in the same place dude look at how much everything's grown right here [Applause] well the thing is the main tale of this place was about the lady that grew her baby off the bridge oh wow i i what yeah that's like that's like the 100 main sighting sound everything is there's a woman who threw her baby off and he got stuck in the tree and the baby lived there's a rope hanging from the tree yeah that's not really swinging i shouldn't just touch things like that oh sad sad guys are you serious sad every need someone's sad that's saying he needs everyone to be sad you see the light flickering on the bridge oh it just stopped [Music] it was like a cop light was flashing on the bridge and as soon as i said that i want to wait stop going i'm thinking about setting up um an infrared camera obviously there's been some bodies down here and that that can pick it up if we can see them how it works is it works on body temperature like we have there are spirits the temperature will change and it will usually make a human form i think that's a really good instrument to give a shot on down here so we can get okay somebody said move remove the minute i tried to put it down it said remove uh who are you talking oh oh here it's going crazy now page removed set divided divided page removed wow because we could be in on their territory right now where they don't want us to be that chose the entire time being on the side of the river as soon as she started down yeah it just started out crazy this is what we look like wow okay okay that's heat sensitivity okay so the temperature up here is much higher so you see more red okay but down here it's a lot cooler so what i'm finding very interesting is i see a lot of red forms almost looks like a group of people yeah really really it really does but it could also be pointed at these trees this is all blue it's all blue but if i point it at those it do you guys see this it looks like there's a group of people walking over there yeah there's nothing there's absolutely nothing up there maybe that could be where most people have landed it could very well be see here we go we have the bridge right there so you see where the the big red is that would be the bridge the temperature on the bridge yeah and then you go this way that really looked like a group of people walking across the way and now it's all blue there's i can't explain that i mean the first thing i said when i got here was i thought i saw a group of people and then i didn't see them i think i don't see that and i didn't see them i thought i saw six people just in all black and like hoodies and stuff and we never ran into them and we would have seen them there's no other way in or out so so that group you were talking about might not have been human that could very well be because it's a little odd that all of a sudden it looks like that looked like i would say six to seven people across the way that's what you saw and then i precisely saw that that's exactly what you saw she said six yeah six people oh well okay now i have the chills this is our ir full spectrum camera so it'll see all the things the human eye can't so i'm gonna go set this up and then maybe let's invoke into our investigation [Music] yes i don't like that one i don't like that one either oh it just said the way oh the obvious circle where beware for me huh [Music] that's what it just says it was positive when we were on the other side it was it's had a complete turn of events over here you're watching this camera can you see anything i don't let me know [Music] oh boy guys i'm going to let you read what that says i don't like when they come up with religious connotations when it comes to ghost hunts because i never find them to actually be priests or preachers they're usually uh what is the best way to put it oh wolf in sheep's clothing i'd rather devil come up than preacher oh wow because i think that that's a more sincere word so um yeah this concerns me a bit yes yeah i literally just heard that it was like it seems like every time we're hearing something it's it's trying to tell us that we were wrong oh look what i'm sitting on what did i tell you earlier this is where elton cut his finger for the weekend you did it here right here right i'm like i'm i was either sitting right there or right here i mean it was within two feet of this side and it was your finger yeah really yeah it just said slain fingers 100 100 it might have been my thumb but it was a finger and it was right here maybe okay and you did not say that earlier at all no i didn't tell you where i did no you just said you put blood on the weed and you i didn't tell you how yeah i didn't see where the blood came did you ask if it's talking about alton oh yeah he's recognizing you that's wild get this right you set up a ouija board right here right here you cut your finger you put the blood on we were talking about that earlier oh okay i mean i'm like a hundred percent i can question you more and more every day elton i'm excited now i bet you are allison this is this is making your day everybody else is freaking out yeah that answers our question earlier about is something with you [Music] probably [Music] so do you remember elton do you remember us that was weird how you asked the question there's a lot more were you here tonight that was like a scream no that was like a scream from a movie you hear the night elton cut his finger yes or no can i please get your name sir are you with elton right now why are you here with us tonight did you take your life where we're standing you're a woman you jumped i i drove i jumped i heard did you die here it's that same man voice it is and how many of you are here with us at this moment give me a number count please please count tell me how many of you are present did you see that it came that way the group of people that elton saw earlier were they alive or dead sometimes people come here often to communicate with you how can we help you [Music] somebody in the background went stop did you hear that that was almost like it was a weird yeah you and i are standing right here so i think we're hearing more of this i mean what is going on with dave dave are you still with us how old were you when you passed [Music] is there anyone else present with this at the moment that wishes to share their name [Applause] were you a couple who else is here steve that's a lot why would we run should we be scared right now did you say running what should we be running for okay dude all right my hair is still good is your family is your family here in los angeles missing you right now yes or no [Music] you can use both devices you can touch this if you touch this this will go up i'm also going to put out another device that you can actually touch deal you said do that let's have let's make a deal okay okay what is this okay so this is called can i put that up here you may did y'all just hear that what the [ __ ] was it you don't hear the oh yeah muddy me feeling me feeling muddy yeah and that is all water it was water down here feeling muddy [Music] it said drop on the spirit box and also set it on the oculus rift no but it goes draw literally as we're switching cameras because that one's about to die so we just push it off [Music] well so you dropped did you see that it wasn't oh it's back while we have this activity look at that that is actually two people floating right next to him do you see that there were two people where your hand just if there were two figures behind me what was that let's find out did you actually hear a hissing yeah do you know what the hissing is no a demon oh when you hear hissing it's a demon i don't like that that's not there's no question about i was talking about that today with someone you wanna just turn it off completely yeah that's fine yeah make the rods spin like crazy are you serious that's i'm watching dude when i do when i do dowsing garage for all crazy [ __ ] happens do you see this dude have you ever seen this i have is this bad i'm not sure you have 100 control of the watts to be honest you can stand up here and watch i'm trying to look as closely as i can this is always happening with corey this always happens can you make it go as fast as you can oh my god that's pretty quick oh my god that's pretty crazy guys i'm trying to make sure you can't yeah that's so crazy boy you might be a clairvoyant do you feel my heart feel lily i'm really holding his hand down she's my heart is pounding so fast apparently all the years this would just be my educated guess but all the years you played with the ouija board you opened yourself up as a portal almost to these spirits okay i'm not gonna lie it's never been like that like that was spinning like crazy can i try one thing sure is that bad brandon is that bad take one you know corey take one i don't know if a dude i'm actually shaking right now i'm gonna actually recommend oh wow did you hear that yeah would you care to ask a question spirits dave and the others here yo it's never done this that's insane i don't think i need to ask a question i think that there's something very seriously going on here well i want to see if you can get all of ours to do the same thing at the same time i'm actually having like a heart the person okay then stop stop actually yeah i would i would put that down i'm getting like lightning pain in my chest no then i'm not trying to scare you or be dramatic here we heard a hissing noise yeah that's never good any house i've ever gone into that's haunted and i hear a hissing noise without a question it's a demonic possession of some form never ever has not been so i don't know it even shows in your eyes yeah your eyes look different than they did before do you feel like yourself no i just feel super scared right now but you're okay you don't like that he has such a chill smile as he says yeah and your eyes are really shiny like they were not that shiny earlier isn't this interesting that he doesn't want them and then immediately no one asks until he just picks them back up i know there's like a different i'm intrigued there's like a saturation you have well there's you know it's that it's that the car crash you try and look away but you can't it like happens didn't it pick the perfect person because he just like he knows and look how intense his eyes get i don't know if you're getting this on camera but your eyes get so intense when you do this like he knows like giving it energy is what it loves and yet he just i'm definitely i'm super into like i believe that you know energy and all that's real are you okay with letting us borrow some of the tools that you have that we don't to bring with us to salem to rhode island to new york to pennsylvania i think they're ready to go back okay i think they're saying welcome back to the east coast okay i feel like we're all pretty familiar with how they work now yeah so i feel like we can all adequately operate them all and use them properly yeah yeah well maybe let's pack up and head out okay this is i know well it is on camera forgotten is lost again apparently i really don't remember this place at all you have like napster like live oh limewire evan now knows something that you guys don't what just that like what are you talking about i got a bunch of goodies and like you know that your first trip is gonna be fun i got presents for everyone wait what what do you mean i'm just saying i got presents for everyone linda said it's okay luna said i can play with them until everyone gets uncomfortable but she gave me permission i sort of said that that's what it sounds like i'm editing the video so it's gonna say whatever okay okay ahead and bring demon to home response it's not even her voice [Laughter] oh man we're about to have a lot of fun i don't like that yeah we might all have to learn a new language what did he get hey man don't tell me it's like a like a ritual like bible that's gonna summon a spell you gotta read it in another language surprisingly kind of close whoa surprisingly for how you just kind of randomly jumbled words again that was a little unboxing video yeah unboxing videos are usually fun fun for me all right guys well thank you for tuning in i've been watching our return to suicide bridge this was really interesting to have you come on board and i appreciate you showing us how to use everything and you're lending us all your tools first of all again thank you so much for having me tonight it's been a lot of fun great to meet all you guys um please if you have a moment check me out on youtube um hopefully i will be hosting ghost tours again when covid goes away but my youtube show is basically questions and answers about paranormal especially if you're a child that's been haunted so please look up linda the ghost hunter again thank you guys for watching this is of course not even week one this is just video one 25 weeks minimum that we're going to be doing these videos we wanted to come back here start with our feet underneath us uh but tomorrow we're going back to someplace else that's familiar what's that the hawthorne mall oh okay i don't know about that we haven't been there we almost got shot there that place is that place is yeah i had a shotgun pointed on my head elson almost like got shot and then we're off to uh the east coast so stay tuned everyone and we're glad to be back he's like the first video of this video and then you almost got shot let's go back why are we driving um the bus isn't starting right now it just oh it just needs to think about it first the bus needs to think about it yeah the bus got to like take a second to what should i give it a breather to think we were at the bridge for three hours you don't think it just had time to think for three hours no there was too much going on now that we're here with it are we stuck here are we stuck here we might be stuck here this is not where i want to be stuck no at your house maybe yeah sure here no when are we stuck i think so this is like after all the activity too wait wait i was on facebook and i just look up and he's like we're stuck what the last person i heard that sentence from was a grandmother i was trying to share a post and i went live and i went live he oatmeal for two hours [Music] my come on we might live here now just turn it on am i gonna have to sell those ghost hunting gear to buy a new battery we're really stuck yes this is that's why i'm recording because we're actually stuck i was gonna go play rocket league no rocket league for you tonight i'm about to call an uber everyone pray ready i love guys thoughts and careers all right long time that's the longest let the road trip again
Channel: TFIL
Views: 1,574,857
Rating: 4.9709935 out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, tfil overnight, vlog, Elton Castee, Sam and Colby, Sam Golbach, Colby Brock, Travel, overnight, adventure, lifestyle, overnight challenge, exploring, ghost hunting, abandoned mall, tfil mall, overnight challenge tfil, tfil exploring, tfil haunted, ghost hunt, Sam Colby Corey and Elton, Sam and Colby haunted places, exploring with josh, queen mary, terrifying, bridge, exploring with fighters, conjuring, paranormal, abandoned, suicide bridge, corey scherer, queen mary castle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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