OVERNIGHT in "HELL HOLE" (Claustrophobia Warning)

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if you break a limb down there there's nobody getting you out yeah that is the biggest spider i've ever seen in my life oh my god here we go oh yeah you're not gonna like this oh my god oh no there's spiders all the way down here we are almost to the center of the burning canyon right there oh my god what's up everyone and welcome back to tfil's 25 weeks of abandon those are coyotes overnight haunted crazy place tour whatever we're calling it we're on a road trip right now to alcatraz we are going to be staying tonight at alcatraz jake is joining us hey everyone i'm joining them he's joining us he's ready in his neon uh colored jacket yeah taking it back to the 90s baby not stealthy at all we don't want to get quiet so he's joining us for this little road trip we decided to make a pit stop here at a place called hellhole that brandon knows about brandon has filmed two videos here one of which went massively viral it's got like 10 million 11 million yeah um so maybe as we walk in he'll give us a little explanation but we had to make this stop uh the name hellhole i think might give you a good description of it you know it fits the trip yeah so let's do this creepy walk in hope coyotes don't kill it and corbin's super ready yeah corbin i mean we're all doing it so what yeah i'm not i mean we all we always gotta like dip our toes in the water like oh yeah if you're tough on my foot i don't get to though right i mean i can't just dip my toe i already got the light on my head like there's too much stuff at play for me i guess how are they gonna go down the hole if it's full of water what where's the pipe hey guys welcome to the video [Laughter] so right now we're coming up to a fence we gotta hop then we're gonna go down through the forest through you know i don't want to give too much away because i really don't want anyone to make it here for because of these videos so it's not even it's a good start to a video there's a fence we could hop through a forest to a hellhole yeah we can't see it like something out of my imagination it's also awesome dude it's off path too but what i will say is if you are watching this and you do know where this is do not post the location of it because i i feel like the more people that come here like i really don't want someone to watch our videos and get hurt in here because you could die inside of here really easily oh great you know like if you break a limb yeah i heard if you break a limb down there there's nobody getting you out if you if you run out of like light for some reason if your flashlight dies or anything you will not get out of hey stop i'm just saying please stop do not come here if you know where it is and don't comment where it is if your name is corbin you are not getting out of there [Laughter] actually somehow perfectly flipped over he just did a weird car wheel he breaks the wall okay i'm going to see you later all right evan you can parkour this gate real quick right side flip it can you jump it yeah oh god this is how we oh oh you did it brandon how did you find out about this place um so i saw a picture of this place online somewhere and just the entrance to it you'll see very soon is super creepy looking so i was fascinated by it asked everybody i knew to ask everyone they knew i finally found one person who agreed to show me and uh she brought me here cory's just losing his mind right now yeah this is really steep here so you know we'll walk past a pentagram that that's how you know you're on the right track of course to get into hellhole yeah i mean wait it says r.i.p rest in peace look at this crazy win crazy win sounds like someone that's never been to america this rock has got a crack crazy win america oh yeah rest in peace crazy win i like how i'm letting them lead the way and they've never been here before so i'm just going to see where they take us what these trees say dude this is not normal i feel like we're in a movie right now this is good [Music] doesn't it feel like as if the earth or like the world is like tilted dude we're walking straight but like how everything else is sideways don't say that i get really because it's something dude at some points in the cave you get really disoriented and you literally can't tell what what's up and what's down stop like it's really creepy last time i had to leave i started having like a little panic attack i made it like maybe halfway through and i was having a panic attack had to get out i really couldn't tell like if i was looking down or straight or up it gets a little crazy it just keeps getting worse and worse as he talks wait is there something in there i think there's land in there no i actually think there's something in there dog no is that is it a dog there's a dog in there you pull out a chihuahua a litter of what you mean tarantula um one thing i will say is be careful because a lot of all the like sticks on this side are poisonous come on dude wait wait look at that i bet you that's poison oak no no it's all this is a little one sticking up that's all poisonous are you serious yes wait where where where all the ones you're watching you're everybody's stepping on this little guy all of these little ones sticking out are all boys so i chose a terrible day to wear shorts yes why are you wearing gucci flies yo why are you wearing red velvet gucci slippers to the hell hole he's trying to show up in hell like what's up [ __ ] i'm here how does someone even find this i think you can go in front i just want to make sure it's getting steeper oh boy more importantly who goes down that first hole and you like are so so skinny you found it yep the entrance dude we're in the middle of nowhere where's the entrance what are you kidding me where's the entrance dude dude it looks so much worse in person holy crap i don't know if i can fit through that i still don't see it elton like for size like my hand come can almost touch the top and bottom of the entrance you know it's tiny like the hole was way bigger like this is all like poured in and whatnot but so if you like if you weren't able to fit through this you're not going to fit through most of the case measuring device exactly it's to keep out people who won't make it through the cave hey so what is dipping your toes in the water you guys going to come down like do that um no don't be like garrett dude and just dip your toes in and then just be like okay we're dipping at least get like down in a shot fired damn up here you just dipped it yeah you're good you're you're you're in the hell hole i'll see you guys later well what so what's the plan is everyone gonna come in i think everybody should at least i mean i think the camera won't fit in that hole no they could do there's no way the camera's gonna fit now i guess i just have to stay for anyone watching the camera is like this but we have some gopro this is yeah this is going to be strictly gopro footage here well that was pretty that looks pretty wide right there yeah oh my god it says r.i.p in there so this is all we're taking in a gopro got a little light strap to it and then where are you going i can't why what's wrong my foot's too big what do you mean my foot's too big prove it i work size 11 so show me that your foot can't make it excuse me i feel like if anybody's shoe size is less than this then they should be able to go in good prove it just get your foot through there there's definitely no oh see looks like you just make the cut yeah i think you're good yeah dude it's it's scraping it that really hurt my toenail i think you could do it actually do you go head first then or do you go feet first um don't be inappropriate huh oh dude so this is the way that i go in this is not comfortable man i actually might be too fat to go in there oh i'm not this is not i'm not even kidding i might be i might be just going like that where are you about to stand wait how do you get out what are you standing on uh there's i mean there's a oh i mean like the floor is like not all perfectly here it's kind of hard to see but what is even in here on this side there's a little bit of a floor to stand on on that side there's wait is it going 45 degrees yeah so it goes down down what happens if you slip and slide in there oh then i mean so if you break yeah you land in a pool of water and then you do it again i would much rather have that than this no like i said if you break a bone in here like a leg or anything you are not going to get out of here so that's why i really don't want people to know where this is try to keep it on the hush hush because i don't want anyone coming here and getting like yeah yeah you brought three well-known youtubers here too exploited you've tortured me now it's time for a me to torture here like i'm literally looking at it bro and like you right there if you just like this is nerve-wracking we should put two people in there if you're looking for him if you're like pulling him out like it looks like oh yeah and you're pulling out like look at that i'm looking at the lens right now it looks insane what do you want me to do open mouth like open mouth no no open mouth struggle oh that's a different thing you're looking kind of lonely bro that's how we get thumbnails everyone all right before we go into the hellhole i just wanna let you guys all know if you aren't aware that corey and i are actually doing a fun little contest right now where we're picking two winners two of you guys and we'll be flying to your hometown and going on an overnight investigation or adventure or anything like that whatever the cool spot you guys have in your area we're gonna make that happen the two ways to enter one is super simple just on every video leave a like and a comment until the contest ends on every single one of those videos or you can head over to centersociety.com and for every dollar you spend equals one entry again picking two winners uh like january 2nd or so and yeah thank you guys for watching and enjoy the hell hole oh boy straight down where they're at right now you'll touch the bottom i mean you got like a foot and a half dude bro i'm like legit too fat look at this this foot straight down put your right foot straight down dude this is like crazy it's like that flexible oh my god am i going to fall oh that's insane hold where do you go what you go this way are you serious i'm supposed to go into that no you go in here down that way this wasn't dead i'm not about this dude are you afraid of spiders yes okay oh my god quite a few in here monster gonna jump on my face holy oh god there's another one above your head brothers oh god there's so many oh my god oh my god it's a hell hole why would you not expect points bigger one yes there is that's a black widow that one will kill you get out get out get out get out no we didn't get the thumbnail get out no dude i can't i love that movie it is a good movie jordan peele just a crush oh you got a spider on you don't say that oh get it get it did you see them you ready i'm ready to go minus those spiders i've never seen that many spiders in there i'm ready to stop just stop i'm ready to stay you're staying i'm ready to stay yeah yeah dude i'm ready to stay too this is gonna be sick i'm down to go into like here and i don't know like it's gonna be sick right here like you're not coming into the thing yeah this is gonna be so tight yeah literally yeah yeah yeah i just have some like i have some life goals that i still need to achieve so i'm i can't go in there are you going to achieve them out here well no i just don't want to die before i treat them i mean i don't think you'll die didn't you guys like both say you're going to put your toes in like uh you know go down i didn't say that corey said that give me your toe come on come on he said he's going to put his gucci's in i think you don't just want to pinky tail come here i can't give me a little pinky dope i'm literally about to i'm literally about to sneeze right now we'll sneeze your foot into this hole come on come here come here corey i normally don't have to ask you this many times you get my whole come on dude you never have to repeat it come on how many times come on i'm only putting my pinky toe that's fine no literally elton elton oh my god oh boy get the other leg i know how to get out of this situation you got to come in with us you see get away you're going to take it back here until the next person shows up up kissing boots hi guys welcome to hello can i take your order um what would you guys like today anything i would hear the specials i would like one soul please one soul please okay how would you like that medium medium well um child soul okay uh do you want like the meal or you just want like just the i mean like large cocoa pepsi please tell me of dr pepper dr pepper dr pepper no we don't you don't do beverages doctor no what fountain drinks you think we carry in hell the blood of jesus is generic no we have craft soda here you got jesus oh no they have that that root beer that they have at vegan places no i'd rather almost almost rather be in there than to sit out in the woods i'm low-key feeling that too because i literally just heard someone talking did you for real yeah i did too actually well i'm gonna go in here where they probably won't go do you not think it was probably the echo we were all talking pretty loud no no wait for me wait should we make corbin go first no no i'm going left where would you go first no dude no i know i swear to you i'm going last i'm not going first no way no way no if you're in the middle it's better no no no go i'm pushing a bit elton that is the biggest spider i've ever seen in my life oh my god i haven't gone in yet oh my god do you see it though oh you're shaking okay you guys are waiting let me get let me get that is the biggest spider i've ever seen in my life dude what are we gonna do [Music] we're gonna hide we're gonna find another hole ow dude the louder you yell the more these spiders move elton i swear to you i will actually get out of this hole if you could mess with me but i'm not being serious the louder you yell them or they move okay good come on here watch i'll prove this like crazy you're such a hoe you are such a piece you are such a piece of i swear this is not right i'm getting away go go go go go i'm gonna go escape away from you guys i really think gorbachev first i think no i'm not i'm actually not going first actually no in front of me i think you should go in front of me no no because i know what you do behind whoa yeah we gotta go down there and then we're getting close once we're down there we're getting close to the what they call the man trap on the map i swear i might come back up like no i didn't know you got this dude corbin don't make me actually be positive encourage you to do something i know i know i'm not in my character but i can do it i can be nice to you i've honestly never heard you do that don't make me be nice to you corbin no i i will be i will be i will be nice don't you and i will encourage you to do something and help you conquer what don't make me make you be a better person elton i am going don't i'm gonna do it don't you do i'm gonna help you improve your life grab your rope and go down that hole elton you keep talking me like that i'm going to treat you with respect that's even scarier this is the man trap what look how you see that dude i'm gonna have to go on a jenny craig diet right now there's no way you better start dieting from the time you get from there take here uh cory do you have any slim fast you can throw down what they got any what any slim fast we don't have any slim jims no no slim fast how fast do you want them oh if you can just do it throw it down right now it'll be good well we don't have them oh we're screwed all right dude oh god oh you have to go down that way stomach oh my wait how do you get there how do you wait but brandon pull yourself back up hold on i can't why are your eyes doing that what look what you're straining way too dude do i need to be strong i'm not i'm not a fit boy you don't need to be strong man you're good how do you get back um so last time this rope wasn't here so somebody was here very recently could that same person still be in here i hope to god not go down you should probably see how he gets back up oh i'm not coming no i'm putting that on the way up yeah yeah corbin that's a later problem you keep thinking about these now probably so many later problems you should really go first no i'm not because i don't think you're going to do this part logic i'm not talking he said legit dude story don't let corbin out i think he just said don't let corbin out he just yelled don't let corbin out what the [ __ ] what where did they even go corbin can i can i give you like a little bit of advice yeah there's spiders up near where you are there are no spiders down here at all that's great but the thing is i want to see you get back i will yell and i'll make those spiders come down here you are an ass i'm like aquaman are you gonna like rain dance for the spider the aquaman of hellhole go first all i'm hearing is excuses yeah all i hear is someone who's trying to compare himself to others instead of trying to improve the self the person that he is okay then go for it you know what i mean all right shut your light off oh this isn't bad for him really no if your feet go down you should get close right there come back up how do you feel about coming back out don't be hard really oh my god it looks awful i'm just trying to rope a little bit too much dude actually no seriously like can i see somebody come back up because i'm really scared no no crystal made it up you'll make it up dude i i'm serious can i really see somebody come back up no no brandon seriously i need that i've okay so i've made it up this with no rope i've made it up this no rope with ease okay the rope is literally gonna is like i kind of honestly want to take the rope out we can do that yeah wait no it actually won't go it just holds them down there we go yep roll on your stomach there we go yep yep oh my god that is nice dude you got over there so quick i want to be able to know how to get back up well we're going down so that's interesting um i put a foot here there we go sick this party house party room but yeah these party rooms the party room oh dude i'm so oh my god dude i am actually so happy we made it to party rooms yeah dude it's just nothing but a party we didn't bring a speaker can you imagine a sound box in here party room was the one thing i was like okay if i make it there i'm happy with myself and i will i do appreciate you you know motivating me because i did not know how he could do that i forgot to bring my phone so i don't have the map to show you where we are when we're done uh i forgot to bring my phone in here and that had a picture of the map of the cave what's so when you're exploring and you're going somewhere uncharted like what's the one thing you should bring like did you bring cookies i didn't see you didn't even bring cookies so what would be the second thing you should bring hey [Music] yeah do you want to see if they can hear us yes sure corey corey jake what the [ __ ] was that they screamed no that was not them that was out here no it wasn't that wasn't there are you sure yes okay dude let me let me just tell you one thing don't ever do that again in your whole life jesus that was the worst thing i've ever heard oh dude this being in the party room with no light does not make me want to party at all no i think it's a pretty nice party spot all right and you've never gotten lost here already i got lost last time oh oh that's fun and yet you still didn't bring a map or cookies i did i just didn't bring my phone man and cookies i just didn't even have those to be wait you just dude he didn't bring his spell you didn't bring his mouth no you missed that where were you for that full coverage don't even talk about where i've been with my mind because it's been in another dimension you're thinking about doing backflip together though uh yeah [Music] oh what dude i've never seen anything like that in here i've been in here three other times and flew in my face holy [ __ ] where'd it go all right i think it went up up there somewhere you went the direction we're going what do you what do you think they're actually doing out there right now if i had to guess i think they'd be playing patty cake uh i imagine it's probably a little bit less terrifying than this probably more light-hearted that's just a guess i think by now they're probably already in the fast food place i guarantee it there's no way they stay in the woods i bet you they didn't get anything you think they left 100 you think they were going to sit in those creepy woods oh boy holy okay well then what the [ __ ] okay jesus christ i'm watching corbin lose like two percent of his mental ability abilities you've also done abilities and abilities i don't know here um corbin you're gonna have a rough time up on this next spot yeah yeah here's the fun part about corbin now is i feel like he has to follow us out because he doesn't know how to get out by himself exactly um only two of us are gonna be able to fit in this spot for right now and then he'll have to come in after sorry corbin so we gotta go through there right right down through there i don't see literally anything that we're going through that's it wait break break my foot pointed i want to be treated oh yeah corbin you're not gonna like this oh you were sh ah wait how do you get back up you [Music] [Applause] but still this is ah how do you get back up dude and this this this hole right here is what you just fall down in yeah that one goes to a dead end it gets too small you can't fit down what's the point dude what like what's the point it's fun yeah this is this is great time dude i'm really glad i'm doing this well and it says uh and lisa tender in late september this time of year the main concern are hundreds of rattlesnakes in that hole and around the cement on the outside have fun stay safe so it's not near september is it like late september it's like a month after september oh wait early november late september so there's gonna be rattlesnakes in there that's what it says yeah and out here look it literally the hell hole it literally says anyways it's late september this time of year the main concern are the hundreds of rattlesnakes in that hole and around the cement on the outside so lift your feet over with a thing that you're hitting lift your feet over that yep up yeah your left foot needs to go over it there we go now you can come in you're good oh oh you are kind of wedged in there i don't know i think i'm oh look at this shot right here so what oh my god these are sounds i should never have to hear oh i never thought i would hear alan giving birth but i just watched him birth himself oh my gosh [Music] yeah yeah now you're good there we go wait dude this is popped you're good it opens up in here oh my god [Music] dude wait how are you up there in the news down there oh my god oh my god this is where i belong oh no there's spiders all the way down here oh my god i've never seen spiders this far in but wait don't they run when i yell don't worry okay stop going back and do that stop it look at this oh the lights like it's over yeah come on burger king sounds pretty good right now yeah burger king sounds fire yeah remember the uh spicy chicken fries yeah we showed you a bomb it'll be fine right yeah and burger king has like the best milkshakes burger king has by far the best chocolate milkshakes i've ever had i've never had a milkshake there what yeah what i don't know i just i you know i usually get a soda quite frankly where are we though we are almost to the center of the birthing canal so if we flash a map um you'll see the corkscrew is coming up and it's very close to us right now that was that the tightest part i think so and there are some spots at the bottom of the cave that are tighter but this is really bad spot i don't this is like my least favorite spot okay i'm melting do you wanna you wanna do the honors no that's not i that's not your joke that's why you want me to go first because you actually can't that doesn't make sense no it's okay yeah that doesn't make any sense at all corbin is getting left behind over there oh [ __ ] we could can i fit up there huh i would just chill right there for a second until i get a little farther out am i going belly forward yes so you're gonna realize get the [ __ ] out of here no yeah no oh yeah no it's like it goes back and forth so like your legs will get a little bit wedged and you'll have to like i don't know you kind of gotta like just wiggle your way through it um hmm this that's it's like up a little bit from this and then what what's what what's back there though um that's the room that i was like it doesn't matter through here where's the room with all the books and cool stuff oh that's coming up yeah there's a there's a couch and a tv um no no no no there's not yeah there's a couple of strawberries there's a couch down here they uh built it in here okay legit is this possible it is you're gonna get it's gonna get really tight though and it's not very open after it um so i'm gonna say this yeah i've already had my boot get stuck once this is worse right this is worse than anything we've gone through look at the size of my shoes versus all of yours yeah they're like size three yeah they're size of sevens i'm not proud that one of you was right even though you were making a joke dude i actually don't know oh wait oh yeah yeah they're going good oh dude [Music] that pushed me so hard it made me burp looks like you're already getting a little wedged right there oh dude like you got it dude keep going you have successfully made it through the corkscrew dude hell yeah they pushing myself too hard if they want to puke all right what the [ __ ] you only crawl with this no you don't go up you go like sideways get the [ __ ] out this is insane there's not enough room for me to come through if you sit there yes there is dude like that huh this is okay this is the spot in the cave where i start to like like it's all fun and happy for me up until here and then i start freaking out okay well come on oh god damn it okay okay don't forget the gopro oh i know i just i have to get my body through first okay holy [ __ ] okay where oh where are we going here wait that is the way you're supposed to go yes oh that's not you said told me you had to go stop lying to me while you were in this spot because right where i'm at is where you can either go up or to the side right here if you go sideways you didn't bring the map you didn't bring kill keys and you're a terrible communicator and you left our friend back there to die yeah you know because i'm freaking out a little bit i need to get to a bigger spot about did you say you go head first down this again yeah it honestly would probably be much easier going down this because you're going back you just slide really yeah come on you can do it i know i can but well if you know you can then prove it get out of your way um that's the height of it and then it just drops straight down for like 100 feet are you guys standing up yeah yeah why you want to come don't you oop well here i'm slithering are you being a little snake right now a little slithering are you on your way are you slithering over here you little snake you are aren't you no sounds like you're bringing a little slithery snake over there little sneaky one little sneaky slithery snake almost smiling you did it buddy i'm so scared good [ __ ] i'm so scared good [ __ ] all right let's go you even did it in dude i've always wondered what it'd be like to see you get birthed this is it you see me get what birthed look at that oh my god you have to just use your fingertips oh god dude elton no like i mean you did it so dude i'm pumped i didn't i really prefer you i didn't think you would make it this far yeah i did you did corbin yeah i was actually so happy that elton came because i knew that i'm an athlete and i know that like you know he's a jack of all trades but jesus how about uh how about we go back guys how was that that sounds good right away you got to lead the way yeah i don't think we have all the gear to go down down down no so go meet up with them i mean what do you think they're they've been we've been in here for a long time what do you think they're doing wouldn't it be crazy if we came down here and it was like as well so below but everything we were doing they were doing they didn't know they were doing it it's like they're just in the forest crawling and they can't stop wide open they're just crawling for no reason it's just because we're but what i'm thinking more of like a like a time travel thing like what if we come out here and then when we get back in daylight 1920s there's all that means that's sick how crazy that'd be so cool [Music] oh my god look at you was that a short joke yeah dude that's insane how small you are justin i'm just going to summon all of the bat and all the spiders on you right now no and i will make you move your nose i will do it elton has that high note okay i forgot i'm about to just run and leave you guys i will do it i'll get out of here no no please there he goes all right this is like the six oh my god he's getting so close to my foot hey corbin i'm more scared of you than the bat welcome to my house corbin come on corbin okay ready to go you're crazy jesus christ what did you get us into dude i don't know i want to get out he's turned into the freaking hell holy [ __ ] oh you passed again get away from my speech he looks like pennywise is look like doesn't he look like a miner was in here for like 40 years he looks dirty jesus oh after getting out of the birth canal it's feeling better oh dude it's up there welcome home honey oh my god you guys do not know the experience i've just been through we're just chilling up here man i'm sorry oh that sounds great that sounds awesome would you guys have a little bed and breakfast or something i'm sure they were just as interesting did you guys eat some pancakes we went to denny's oh my god you guys have no idea oh my god he doesn't care about the spiders anymore this i swear to you this right here is nothing it's nothing compared to what we just went through this right there this right here is my swag oh my god you guys have been down there for three hours sorry i'm a little late with your order um we had a we had a dispute with the chef he was shaving his pubes into the food again do you have any food that's why nothing did you forget the [ __ ] straws again i forgot at all i'll watch this be the point gonna get stuck oh look at this party when he gets stuck i gotta leave him bro he's like joking he falls back and just slides it down so tell us about your experience he's not even out yet he's just posing he's still yeah ellen looks like he enjoyed it so what the [ __ ] happened i'm more curious to know what you guys did we were down there for a while yeah we're done for a long time you guys do we experimented with some things with each other we were almost attacked by what love on three three two one wheelchair wheelchair gerbils no no no three two one wheelchair chinchilla no way there is a [ __ ] wheelchair chinchilla down there but he's not on a wheelchair he's not in a wheelchair he's in a wheelchair it's in a wheel because he's a chinchilla but there's a chair you know what i'm saying it sounds like they had a rough time yeah never in a million years did i think we'd be talking about a wheelchair chinchilla oh yeah i did i forgot to bring my phone and i had the map hey corey yeah what do you call an obese rodent what a double chinchilla oh this is dude no jokes so one of the main comments in my videos is like are there bats in there and i'm like no like there's no bass there's no spiders all we've seen this time with spiders and then i'm like charging ahead and a bat comes swooping down straight at my face and i i just like tucked in the fetal position i don't know what to do it's so funny yeah we had to actually stay there for a little a little while yeah i don't know when i enjoyed it that was a great time i'm so glad you i know you're a little frightened to go in how was your experience compared to what you thought it was going to be he did it just for the rest to be honest he almost quit it was actually yeah no legitimately is exactly what i thought it was going to be it got to the point where elton had that you hated every moment of it yeah going in you hate every moment of it but the worst part is going back out and thinking can i fit through that this way can i go down this way and that's sketchy well thank you guys for watching brandon thanks for showing us thank you thank you brandon again reminder this is this is all part of our 25 weeks minimum of abandoned cool locations like this haunted stuff paranormal we're on a road trip to alcatraz uh we're also doing a video at a baseball stadium cage diving there's a bunch of fun stuff coming up i don't know what he just did jake weber everyone we'll see you guys in the next video all right later [Music] you
Channel: TFIL
Views: 1,773,346
Rating: 4.9588866 out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, tfil overnight, vlog, Elton Castee, Sam and Colby, Sam Golbach, Colby Brock, Vlogsquad, Travel, 24 hour challenge, overnight, adventure, overnight challenge, exploring, ghost hunting, abandoned mall, tfil mall, overnight challenge tfil, tfil exploring, tfil haunted, ghost hunt, trampoline park, Sam Colby Corey and Elton, Sam and Colby haunted places, cave, hell hole, deep cave, deep cave exploration, tfil catacombs, tfil new zealand, tfil scary, claustrophobia, jake webber
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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