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hello everyone so for those who do not know we went to Japan and we went to suicide forest and stayed overnight there's an entire video out basically in our long documentary leave oh yes yeah it's a short film we spent the night there and a lot of just I would say crazy stuff happen but it's not because it was all expected all of it was expect right yeah a million people have not seen this video a lot of those people have found things in the video that we didn't notice when we were there and Brendan you haven't even seen I haven't even seen the whole video to be honest I saw three minutes of it short tension span sorry so I used to be mine yeah kept pulling Cobian while editing eggs a lot of weird audio things were happening that we obviously didn't know into watching it back so we're just going to go over some of those key key things and because I guess talk about what the hell happened that night I'm kind of scared I don't know why it was the scariest night of our entire I never got a real idiot what right away I remember like my heart just dropped I guess I was like Elvis I was like hi how is she doc I thought it was a child I really thought I thought this was a child me too at first because you were closer yeah and I seriously thought I saw at school and then yeah you were like I've never seen phones ID besides like chicken bones you know I've never seen like bones in real life so I was like weird do you want to point this out though people were saying and the Cubs I don't know if you saw this but like people were saying there was no predators so why would there be like a prey living there yeah there was no people we're talking about things called skin walkers I don't know if you've ever heard of that but it's like that just gave me a chill what the hell is gay long it's like if there's like scary beings that I can morph into animals they're like warnings of like paranormal stuff if you see skinwalkers or something like that we didn't dance an incentive just kind of fail but I want to mute that and I've actually been emailed by like panel activity specialists who were like what happened to your mic which we'll see later was like a poltergeist too to communicate though for sure so this is where the audio and the mic starts getting really bad and as we get closer and closer to the end of the video where we end up finding something the mic gets worse and worse and worse rember the camera has completed yeah oh yeah and flashlights every guy that's so scary and everything no literally filmed the the day before was this mic and the day after this mic no problems at all it was only in the forest and it was completely fine the parking lot it was completely following luck it was only in this certain part of the forest you and you put fresh batteries in ready for you yeah or because I literally I was like wow does that been a super important I was like I need to put a brand new battery in like so it wasn't wasn't like the mic was dying yeah weird I don't know it's gonna be there oh yes so this is where after years of posting news Jesus Christ so the guys live a snap branch here and there's a noose there I was so prepared to giamatti right there I know I was like there's no way there's no way noose and their steps and dude that was like right in there like we weren't that deep at that point right no we we had just gone in at the actual like yeah they're like a forest yeah people didn't really know this but we like walked a good hour into the forest before there was the forbidden part yeah and then once we guess was it forbidden part it was another hour and it is even that miracle that we didn't get lost yeah like seriously we were deep if we would have gotten lost we would have been screw if we didn't do the marketing and stuff we would have been lost or better yeah right here is where it really was like this major key audio just starts going like they just that was it you know that was like the first time I started getting a little bit heavier now we're basically at the entrance to you dude all right wait step back step back and then everyone really think about what you're looking at right now I'm telling you guys right now this is just common sense we're going to find a body here - I know what we're going to find a body if you're leaving a tether line out right why would you close it off Mike starts getting worse the fact that the line was closed off was super weird reader Tokina news we've seen an umbrella we had seen food there was a tent back there every single time was like there's going to be someone back there yeah it's we're even watching it right now I could my heart yeah language I like started like I like it I feel like I'm watching a scary movie that I was in a way was yes very likely just real life so don't know we did this here's how many different like rapper strings there the other car reels yeah I'm not trying to con men Susan let me just stop and it just comes and goes it's really weird it happens every time we care the word suicide that's it happens quite often on the word suicide Eagles - Mike's ever make that noise on there no so I talked to friends that do like audio engineering and recording like for a living and I played it for them and all of them were like this doesn't make any sense no I don't think that's in the location where you work yeah and they said it's not like electronic feedback they said there's no way it's cellphones like lately that's very scary I don't like that move it one bit makes me feel like we brought something back with us oh yeah all right there that's the tab is what yeah yeah little country you're worried about drugs so freaky we see a tent hello I need you up what what would you have done what would you have done if in that moment you just hear if we heard what and what would we have actually done if me like a real person or like person yeah like it was over everything like actually back then we might I'd probably just straight myself first yeah and then like been like we probably should go check this out I mean we are we have to yeah and we probably always been scared shitless oh my god then we would have had to gone in and yeah after them and try to get them to come out yeah for sure yeah I think you heard can meet you out back and we went over there and there was no over there oh gotta go my first time right now yeah this is not a very smart girl requires that what has gotten all of these lights that we long remember in your 12-hour hike they guide like no I would have a lot of two and a half no he was doing the same thing with all the looks of a lifetime you really want to go back to the tent I'm gonna rock your fire yeah let's just go to the tent oh you're just like tackle this is like a billion after that it is a gun thing they want us to get to see what we were going to see okay so I need you guys to listen like actually I'm going to crank the volume you guys need to listen very carefully here this is one of the things that the viewers found that I had no idea even when editing it I never heard this and then they were like yo there's something here so does listen really carefully but it's been tied to rhythms like we kind our ribbons one ribbon in the thirty two thousand other words right saiyr some right yo no talk look at the chairs bro oh wow yeah scare do it again no seriously everyone talking this is all of us deciding whether or not to go in to the tent area it almost sounds like now it's saying go home oh no I'll play it again play women's how the whole thing I want to hear that whole uh play the whole clip over there it's hard to written by Drita are written one written in a 3000 may go here died here literally one we're deliberating to go back to the tent Oh Mike look at my all my hair sticking up hope and all of us were all talking all arguing uncomfortable that is show and it sort of in a took over your mic no a like literally came from like right here it came from right side audio ago I'm so scared that we didn't hear any of this while we were there like and then you hear it on video like that's Hera Pheri actually really freaky yeah oh my god literally my children I go Ares thank you taking the front venom there we go okay chuckles not with me and you're not working it's not working I'm so mad at you it's how a decoder is like jitter ion turnaround or sore throat illegally I don't know anymore screams this is one like the paranormal specialist so like emailing me like that's photographs like that of a spirit or an event here no - 102 and then you might go that are you I swear to God like spirits lesson Bera and much kidding me jet you're not joking are they are you serious right now yo seriously seriously Tom y'all you know okay we should head back to that because that's we can't list an ounce I can't see with these at all I'm sorry the exact same time all of our lights are dying the audios is being destroyed you haven't seen that you don't know yeah I agree I'm feeling it right now ok not like so back it's going to get insane it's going to go white noise really not wait just stay baekho's we can see is not free on yourself some water forever I learn water like the mic is still working as a saint like this is to combating frequencies disengage or differently arguing the break so something was right there with that rehire and was there would act like it was on top of us that's Bobby [Music] we all are pretty intuitive him and then audio is fine it wasn't any food it wasn't anything in my stomach I just felt horrible it was a weird feeling in my stomach just excited again I think we should leave right right but I think we should leave oh my god yep that's probably something telling us good to go yeah imagine you could translate to here no I wonder something I can I I wonder if sighs - I wanted them in cann if someone can somebody else scrub the audio for like anything any kind of patterns or anything I would yeah I was like full-on like answering questions like things that we were saying is interacting with us yo that'd be too late there's oh you're just and like you all of my nightmare has your mouth and then we walk probably 15 more feet just take those completely like every time we talk about going to the test [Music] was that close or done that's it and then when you watch play I'm gonna play this back right here it can go crazy it's going to stop and then immediately after I see something oh that's so crazy like in cut like right when we're there it's just like a seasonally but now that we have the audio it's like it's another dimension and then now when you play back with the audio in a sense it's like holy love you holy yeah that's really creepy we had no idea this was here we had no idea so the video came out and like email after email after email after message after when comment and they're like okay let's go look at it and we have some people digitally enhanced like the frame and it was confirmed going to the tent and we decide we don't want to walk any further like I would just take whatever light that we have we kind of it's like scanning will see everything we need to say if we don't see anything we leave and that's fart like we're like this we're done here yeah the camera can see by the weekend so we're all focused a dead center of the frame and it just happens through all we're scanning left in the bottom left corner look like as far over as I go there's air right so pay attention to this area I'm just going to dine this thing we've just done boom right there whoa wait adjudicator Mikey like freeze it on that so boy watch watch right here just watch pay attention right here frame by frame yes so right there is a head two arms and two arms and it's just a bit I mean it's long black hair could be a guy the right there is a girl lunch over that is so sad I really would really see it no because we're all looking dead center and it is right on the edge right in the edge of the framing likely right on the edge and this is so that you could have been the person that was staying in the tent that could have been but here's what's even crazier right when this happens at the exact same time that that is shown on screen is when we actually see the other person in the back what if they were like a couple or something yeah but the fact is we were looking so far deep in the forest we didn't see the person that was ten feet right in front of them so right there we're looking for foul we're looking for come on camera a flashlight work we have no idea that there is someone right away no not a forever hood and I'm straight back behind it because we were all looking so dead favorite that I ran out of the middle this one sitting come on Lily this entire time stealing Jackson where should I look Oliver look far and there is a real and right near regular the broken rope is there is literally a rope hanging there we had no idea saying right there where the hedges like leaned over we're looking way back here at that person because no sleeping I never said it while we were out there my number-one fear when we were walking around was shining the light and then just through the trees seeing a body hanging and just like your eyes would take a second to focus on it and then realize what it is that was the number one thing that I was afraid to see in fact that might still be in the video somewhere and we just haven't any nobody hasn't found it I feel bad because I posted the video and I even said in the beginning that could we find a body we're going to blur it or I'm gonna you know kind of just make sure you're not clearly visible like yes we can see it but I don't want it like see details and yet that was in an I had no yeah all these people have seen this video and they've seen what that fifty fifteen and like I didn't have the chance of blurt and I can't blur it now it's just it's permanently on the internet there that is so scary in like multiple times like we're going to see something we're going to see something and we saw something also there isn't another person we had no idea and I'm so close to us to like that was I had feet away yeah us wow I guess to those people that have seen the girl at fifty fifteen that's my fault I posted that and I didn't know it was there and I know a lot of people have like send me emails saying like they're traumatized I've had a hard time sleeping all the things in the video have like irritated people I mean I just wanted to post what happened and I posted the footage that we had and they saw everything nice alright yeah alright and more because we never saw that that's during a lot of us that's very true they saw more than we thought gear and bones and nooses and umbrellas and candy and Romi umbrellas and candy aren't that scary but in forward I forest this every warrior everything is yeah at the end of that video we also made a commitment that it they got 250,000 likes we were going to go on a road trip to just do sketchy overnight videos every single night in a row if you guys don't know that we're really close how many were like ninety five thousand away so we might all be going on a road trip which I don't answer so that's do I regret every decision that has brought me to this moment yeah no can add texting me you want to go to Japan I should have said no no no this is a real place sad that it is you know what it is and J's right there are people that are contemplating suicide talk to someone rest in peace to the people that we saw on the floors to F or didn't see until now that depressed now so that's that's the video guys
Views: 3,951,041
Rating: 4.9581785 out of 5
Keywords: reacting, reaction, overnight, overnight challenge, tfil, brennen taylor, elton castee, colby brock, jay walker, exploring with josh, vice, scary, tfil overnight, forest, bridge
Id: ZfnPwp1EP4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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