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Exploring with Josh: The hidden cemetery, they just now found it a week ago. Elton Castee: Bye, Brandon. Corbin Reinhardt: Uh-oh, uh-oh. Hey, there's a lot of paths. Corey Scherer: Look at that dude. Elton Castee: Whoa, January 11th, 1848. Corey Scherer: Was that you? Mine just died. Exploring with Josh: Well that's a ghost draining our batteries. Corey Scherer: There was definitely just footsteps behind me. Are you following us out of here? Are you coming with us? Elton Castee: Okay. Can exploration videos, let's start a dance crew. Exploring with Josh: Yes, so... Corey Scherer: We got a [crosstalk 00:00:34] B-Boy, we got a popper- Exploring with Josh: [crosstalk 00:00:35] Yeah, yeah. Yo, let's get it. Corey Scherer: ... freestyler, parkour. Elton Castee: Oh, is that what I'm called? When I'm really bad at it, I'm called a freestyler? Exploring with Josh: A man of all dances. Elton Castee: It's freestyle. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh boy. Exploring with Josh: Contemporary. Elton Castee: All right. Cameraman: [inaudible 00:00:51] Want to tell them where we are? Elton Castee: Yeah, whenever you're rolling. Cameraman: Oh, I've been rolling. Elton Castee: Welcome to the video. What's up TFIL friends and family and viewers or casual people that have just stumbled upon this video because we are at, of course, Josh, Corey, where are we? Exploring with Josh: We're at the conjuring house. Corey Scherer: We're at the conjuring house and I don't know how I feel about this. Elton Castee: For the record, this is the real conjuring house, not the set from the movie. This is where the real thing happened. Corey Scherer: Like, this is the real deal. They made the movies [crosstalk 00:01:20] because of this house. Brandon Gross: [crosstalk 00:01:22] Yeah. Elton Castee: Closing in on 300 years old. Brandon Gross: What? Corbin Reinhardt: Jesus Christ. Elton Castee: Very close to 300 years old of a house. Tonight we are going to be learning a lot about this place. We might be playing some games just for the sake of terrorizing each other and we will of course be staying here throughout the night and investigating what is probably going to be all the way until sunrise because I highly doubt anyone is sleeping. But we have all agreed to what tonight? Corbin Reinhardt: What? Corey Scherer: To cuddle? Elton Castee: Sleep in the basement. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh. Brandon Gross: But cuddling in the basement. Elton Castee: That's fine. Brandon Gross: All right. Corey Scherer: [crosstalk 00:01:50] With the well? Corbin Reinhardt: [crosstalk 00:01:51] Yeah, it's cold. Elton Castee: With the well. Corey Scherer: I'm not sleeping nowhere near that damn well. Corbin Reinhardt: Is it open? Exploring with Josh: The well? It's just wide open. Sometimes- Corey Scherer: Stop. Brandon Gross: What? Exploring with Josh: Someone fell in it and someone also dropped their phone in it on accident and people try to grab it out. Yeah, like other investigating people that came here. Corey Scherer: Damn. Well, tonight's going to be interesting. Brandon Gross: Hey. Corey Scherer: Cut it out. Cut that out of the video. Elton Castee: That's going in. That's going in the video. That's got to stay in the video. Elton Castee: Well everyone- Corey Scherer: Oh. Elton Castee: I didn't do that one. That wasn't on purpose. Well. Corbin Reinhardt: Well then. Elton Castee: Thank you Josh for joining and thank you guys for watching. We're going to go into this place and here's to the Conjuring House. Brandon Gross: Oh boy. Exploring with Josh: Cheers. Corey Scherer: Let's do it. Corey Scherer: Okay. Elton Castee: Josh, how many times have you been here now? Exploring with Josh: Honestly, like eight, nine times. Brandon Gross: What? Corbin Reinhardt: What? Corey Scherer: Eight or nine times? Exploring with Josh: Yeah, maybe 10. Brandon Gross: What? Exploring with Josh: I feel like this is my second house because I'm only like 20 minutes from here so it's like. Elton Castee: Oh there are security cameras up the wazoo here now. Corbin Reinhardt: Do you know if they picked up anything on those? Exploring with Josh: Oh yeah. Yeah, so dude, when we go inside they're live so you'll see that sometimes footballs or things move and he has it and will have the footage of it. Corbin Reinhardt: That is big. It's actually so tall. Corey Scherer: It's a big haunted house. Corbin Reinhardt: When you walk in, is it going to be just absolutely to the top? Exploring with Josh: It's a big barn. Someone died in the barn. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh. Corey Scherer: How'd they die? Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah. Exploring with Josh: Apparently they got hung in the barn. Brandon Gross: Yo, where's Elton going? Corey Scherer: Wait. What the hell? Elton Castee: I want to know what's that way. Brandon Gross: [crosstalk 00:03:25] Ah, you see this? I turned around and Elton was gone. I was like... Exploring with Josh: [crosstalk 00:03:27] Don't go by yourself. Don't go by yourself. Corbin Reinhardt: He disappeared in the darkness. Corey Scherer: What? Stop running. I want to go. Exploring with Josh: So one thing that no one knows about is that if we keep going all the way down, there's a hidden cemetery that the Conjuring House, the previous owners owned here. We only just now found it a week ago. Elton Castee: And by cemetery, you mean headstones and... Exploring with Josh: Yeah, yeah. Like old, forgotten ones. Corbin Reinhardt: Did you dust them off? Exploring with Josh: Some of them you have to dust off. One of them has a satanic star on it. Corbin Reinhardt: [crosstalk 00:03:52] What? Brandon Gross: [crosstalk 00:03:52] Stop. Exploring with Josh: Yeah. No one knew about it. No one knew about this until last week because the guy inside there is named John. He was doing a spirit box and the spirit box said to go outside and to go straight, go straight, go left, go straight, and it brought them to the cemetery.[crosstalk 00:04:05] Honest to God, honest to God, that's what really happened. Corey Scherer: [crosstalk 00:04:07] Jesus. Brandon Gross: [crosstalk 00:04:07] Stop. Elton Castee: It gave direction? Exploring with Josh: Yeah. To go there. Dude. We should- Corbin Reinhardt: So we're not going there yet, huh? Exploring with Josh: So it's a mile to get there from here. Or half a mile. It's a half mile in the woods but there's a cemetery that no one knows about. No one's ever filmed it. Even when Ghost Adventures came here, they didn't know about it. No one knew about the cemetery. And it's a forgotten, abandoned one. Corbin Reinhardt: Elton. Elton. Elton Castee: So maybe we won't sleep in the basement. Corbin Reinhardt: We've got to know. Brandon Gross: [crosstalk 00:04:29] No. No. Corbin Reinhardt: [crosstalk 00:04:30] It gets worse. It gets worse. Corey Scherer: We ain't sleeping at the cemetery.[crosstalk 00:04:33] We're not going in the cemetery. Exploring with Josh: [crosstalk 00:04:34] There's no way. Elton Castee: That sounds like a really dope band name, right? Cameraman: What? Elton Castee: Sleeping in the cemetery. Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah. Elton Castee: Like Sleeping with Sirens. Exploring with Josh: It's abandoned. It's like forgotten about. It's overgrown. Some of the headstones are on the ground. Some of the stones are just almost looking like rocks with no writing on them at all but there are actually bodies in it still. Like it's just completely just rotted. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh Jesus. Elton Castee: Wow and you... That's okay. Corbin Reinhardt: Could you imagine if we came here like a week or two earlier and didn't know about that? Exploring with Josh: That's the thing. Brandon Gross: And they found it after the matter. Corey Scherer: Well that was the plan. See Corbin, that was the original plan. Was to come to the Conjuring House but now Elton has an idea. Elton Castee: Yeah, we're going to the Conjuring House, Conjuring Barn, the Conjuring- Exploring with Josh: Cemetery. Elton Castee: ... Cemetery. Corey Scherer: What's next, the Conjuring Playpen? God. Corbin Reinhardt: Well there is. Exploring with Josh: Well, if you guys want anything more that we just discovered, just only four days ago we found out that there might be bodies still in the back of the Conjuring House. Brandon Gross: All right. Who? What do you just all of a sudden think there's bodies in there? Exploring with Josh: So what happened was, all right, this sounds crazy but someone did a séance back in the day and they said that there's seven Soldiers or someone, seven people, buried in the back of the conjuring house. This is all rumored. Then so just three days ago Nick Groff, one of the founders of Ghost Adventures, came here with this guy who is called Bob the Bone Finder who came here and does stuff with cops to find dead bodies that went missing [crosstalk 00:05:57] in the ground. Corbin Reinhardt: [crosstalk 00:05:57] So he's the real deal. Brandon Gross: [crosstalk 00:05:57] Yeah. Exploring with Josh: Yeah. And we discovered that, he didn't say dead bodies. He said anomalies that look like they would be bodies buried in the back of the Conjuring House. And we put flags there. There's so much stuff about this place. It's always just new stuff popping up. Because a lot of people believe that there's just a portal here and there's always new ghosts coming in that no one can keep track. Corey Scherer: Yeah, that's what I read, too. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh, that's creepy. Elton Castee: This land is basically just a massive portal to all things paranormal. Exploring with Josh: Yeah. I believe it. I mean, dude, I can try to lead us to the cemetery but I've only been there once. Brandon Gross: I can try to lead you to the cemetery. Elton Castee: You think maybe we could meet the owner of the house first. [crosstalk 00:06:28] Introduce ourselves first before we're like... Exploring with Josh: Sign waivers maybe too, right? Elton Castee: Oh yeah. Oh, do we have to sign waivers. Exploring with Josh: Yeah. Elton Castee: [crosstalk 00:06:34] Oh. Corbin Reinhardt: [crosstalk 00:06:34] Okay. Brandon Gross: Sounds better and better every minute. Corey Scherer: My name is Corey. I'm 25 years old. I like long walks on the beach. I like to go to Chili's. I get the two for $20. Chicken Alfredo with a potato soup. My favorite soda is probably Orange. Corbin Reinhardt: Nice to meet you Corey. Elton Castee: I really thought you were going to say I enjoy long walks to the cemetery. Corey Scherer: No, that's what I don't like. You know? I'm trying to give you hints. You know. Maybe lets go to Malibu right now. Brandon Gross: Let's go to Chili's, dude. Two for $20. Corbin Reinhardt: That sounds awesome. Corey Scherer: Let's go investigate Chili's, dog. Brandon Gross: I hear their mozzarella sticks are haunted. Elton Castee: Guys, if you are aware, if you want to join us on an investigation we're actually doing a contest right now. We're going to pick two winners- Corey Scherer: Yeah. Elton Castee: ... and we're going to be flying to your hometown and bringing you to whatever the most haunted paranormal investigation place that you would like to go and you can bring your friends and all that fun stuff. Corey Scherer: Yeah. Elton Castee: So we're happy to be doing that. There's actually two ways to enter. So one way is on every single video we post between now and the end of this year, just leave a like and a comment. That's all you have to do and that will count as one entry. We're keeping tabs on that. The other way to enter and if you want to help support us so we can keep making these videos bigger and better and going to cooler places around the world is head over to senditsociety.com. That is the clothing line that we run. For every dollar you spend will equal one raffle ticket. For every item you buy, we donate one to the Boys and Girls Club. Corey Scherer: So wear a diaper because you're going to piss your pants. Corbin Reinhardt: I'm going to say one thing and this [inaudible 00:08:13]. But I don't know if any of you guys saw the movie, but do you remember when she has the clothing sheet and all that and it kisks away from her and the clothing sheet wraps around the person. It goes to the window and it walks away and that's where Bathsheba is. This is exactly the spot where that was and that [crosstalk 00:08:28] would be the window. Brandon Gross: [crosstalk 00:08:28] What the fuck was that? That better be a fucking joke. Corbin Reinhardt: Where? Brandon Gross: In the fucking window. Corbin Reinhardt: Up top? Brandon Gross: On the wall. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh. Exploring with Josh: [crosstalk 00:08:35] Is it? Elton Castee: Have you seen Hereditary? That looks like the big scene in Hereditary. Corbin Reinhardt: What is that? Corey Scherer: All right, all right. Let's just go. Brandon Gross: Sometimes I regret meeting Elton. Other times it's fun. Elton Castee: Does the doorbell work? Brandon Gross: Oh, it does work. Corey Scherer: Oh wow. Corbin Reinhardt: Three hundred years later a modern... Oh, Jesus. Elton Castee: Oh, that was just broken. Corbin Reinhardt: Jesus. Yeah, he's trying to compete with your beard. Elton Castee: I can't. I can't compete. He's in the major leagues. I'm in T-ball over here. Corbin Reinhardt: Exactly. Cory: Dude, you need essential oils. Elton Castee: That's it. Elton Castee: Pleasure to meet you. Cory: Pleasure. Elton Castee: Elton. Cory: Corey. Corey Scherer: Hey Corey. Cory: Without an E. Corbin Reinhardt: All three cores over here. Corbin. Brandon Gross: Brandon. Exploring with Josh: Josh. Cory: John, who just ran off in there, was actually led out to that cemetery not knowing where it was by a spirit box. Corey Scherer: Jeez. Cory: He live streamed it so everybody witnessed [crosstalk 00:09:30] this happening. Corbin Reinhardt: [crosstalk 00:09:31] Oh wow. Cory: It's telling him, "Go straight, go left, go right." Corbin Reinhardt: What. Cory: So it led him out to that cemetery. So it was unbeknownst to us. Corbin Reinhardt: That's scary. Brandon Gross: Yeah, that's insane. Exploring with Josh: So I was like 80% right. Brandon Gross: Yeah. Exploring with Josh: I was 80% right. Corey Scherer: We'll take it. Elton Castee: You were close. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh is someone stopping. Cory: Yeah, we'll get that throughout the night. Corey Scherer: Help. Elton Castee: Oh my. John: That's going to help. Corbin Reinhardt: Fucking dweeb. Elton Castee: They stopped. Brandon Gross: Oh my god. Cory: This started being built in 1680 and as it stands right now is 1736. Corey Scherer: [crosstalk 00:10:03] Oh my gosh. Corbin Reinhardt: [crosstalk 00:10:03] Wow. Elton Castee: I like your hat right now, man. Cory: Oh. America. Elton Castee: Well, if you'd like, we'd love to have a little miniature tour. Cory: Absolutely. Corey Scherer: Yeah. Seriously. Cory: Come on in. Elton Castee: Oh this is crazy. Exploring with Josh: This is really crazy. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh that's some parallel activity. Elton Castee: It's like a little... Is that the basement in the bottom? Cory: That's a moth. Elton Castee: There's a month in the basement though? Cory: Basically what this waiver's for is it just covers us from any liability. Say you get scared and you jump out a window, you're going to replace that window and you'll pay for your own medical bills. Elton Castee: Can I just read what the list of things you are clearing us for? You kind of sneak one in here because it goes weak floorboards, complete darkness,- Corbin Reinhardt: Yep. Elton Castee: ... broken floorboards, obstacles and obstructions, dimly lit stairs, uneven floorboards, steep inclined stairs, sudden motions or movements, demonic possession,- Corbin Reinhardt: Yep. Elton Castee: ... loose stairs- Corbin Reinhardt: Yep. Elton Castee: ... loud noises. One of these stuck out to me pretty weird [crosstalk 00:11:02] I can see. Brandon Gross: Loud noises? Elton Castee: Yeah, loud noises. So we just sign below demonic possession, right? Corbin Reinhardt: Wow. Spiritual attachments. Exploring with Josh: You know when I signed that I didn't read it. Elton Castee: Oh we just did for it. Exploring with Josh: So now I'm getting it. Cory: That's my daughter. She was being interviewed. Cory's Daughter: I did not know about this actual location of the house and I hadn't... Brandon Gross: No way. Cory: Watch. Corey Scherer: That was a. Exploring with Josh: That was legit. Brandon Gross: Oh boy. Corbin Reinhardt: And they hadn't even seen the movie. Jesus Christ. Elton Castee: Who hasn't seen the movie? Corbin Reinhardt: The ghosts. Corey Scherer: My God. Cory: We might have to play it here. Cameraman: Has Brandon finished the movie yet? Elton Castee: No. Brandon couldn't even finish the trailer. Brandon Gross: No way. Elton Castee: He might be the most scared person you've ever had set foot in this house. Corey Scherer: Oh yeah. Brandon Gross: I just don't... Elton Castee: He tried to fight me last night because he wouldn't stay by himself in a certain part of the shed. Brandon Gross: He was trying to lock me in a basement. Elton Castee: No, I just asked him to sit in the room and he was pushing his way out. Corbin Reinhardt: Sit in the room. Yeah. Brandon Gross: I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. Elton Castee: Hey, you like hanging from things, right? Brandon Gross: Yeah. Elton Castee: We'll just have you hang from the inside of the well. Brandon Gross: All right. Perfect. Let's go. Cory: Okay. Corey Scherer: He signed the waiver. Cory: Yeah. I was going to say- Corbin Reinhardt: Have you guys seen any activity on these cameras? Cory: Sometimes there's something that really sticks out to us like a book's off the shelf or something that wasn't off the shelf. Corbin Reinhardt: Really? Cory: Yep. Corbin Reinhardt: Wow. Brandon Gross: I install security systems like this for a living for like seven years and if you guys called me I don't think I would do it. Cory: The guy that put in the system for it, not this system but the other system that was in here. He was downstairs and he come back upstairs. He was like, "Can somebody come downstairs with me?" Brandon Gross: Dude, I'm telling you I couldn't do it. Cory: Yeah man. Don't leave me down there. Corey Scherer: Oh my god. There's a Ouija board in the house. Elton Castee: Jeez. Exploring with Josh: There's a couple down stairs. Cory: There's a couple Ouija boards in this place. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh really? Exploring with Josh: Yeah. Cory: So the first four months we lived in that room and this room. We basically gave them that space and let them check us out and stuff. And actually one night, me and my wife were sleeping in bed right here. It was the first night we left this door open. I woke up. It was around midnight. There's something looking at me from right here just like this. I'm like- Corey Scherer: Are you serious? Cory: Dead serious. And it's completely black. No distinct features. You just see the upper torso. It was just staring at us. I'm like, okay. I know what I'm seeing. All of a sudden my wife, I didn't know she had woken up. She's like what the hell is that. But she said it out loud and as soon as she said it, it just moved right here. There's obviously no room for it to move and I'm like, that's a shadow figure. And what do we do? We high-five each other. Corey Scherer: What? What? Brandon Gross: Most people run. Cory: But I mean we came into this house looking for that stuff. Elton Castee: Yeah. Cory: So I mean we didn't feel threatened. We didn't like, oh my God, there's somebody in the house. You know? So I mean, it's a lot different for us than it is for a family with like the Perron family where they had kids and stuff. Exploring with Josh: Yeah, their kids. Cory: This was their summer kitchen but then it turned into their bedroom. Roger and Carolyn's bedroom after they were attacked further inside the house. Corey Scherer: What was the attack? Cory: Roger was severely scratched. Corey Scherer: Oh. Cory: And Carolyn was actually, she was held down in bed by an unseen force and she was surrounded by for lack of better words witches and ghouls and stuff like that. Yeah. Corey Scherer: And she had no sleep paralysis or anything like that? Exploring with Josh: Okay, this is weird. Walk into this room. It feels different. John: That is a blood board. Elton Castee: [crosstalk 00:14:38] What? Corey Scherer: What's a blood board? Cory: It's a Ouija board but it's a handmade Ouija board but when he sanded it down with his bare hands so he bled into the wood. Corey Scherer: What? Cory: And it gives it an intent. It makes intention. Elton Castee: Is this like decoration or is this a functional? Cory: It's a functional Ouija board. Every talking board is functional in the right hands. It's just you need to know how to use it. These are the two most important things, how to open your session and how to close your session. As long as you know that, you're already ahead of the game. Exploring with Josh: Brandon should use it tonight. Brandon Gross: I'm using the good-bye. That's the only one I'm using. Corbin Reinhardt: Just good-byes. Brandon Gross: Just good-bye the whole time. Elton Castee: Oh my goodness. Brandon Gross: Oh Raggedy Ann dolls. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh, well. You had to have creepy lights in these rooms. Elton Castee: This place looks just awesome. Corbin Reinhardt: Jeez. Cory: Now what a lot of people don't know about The Conjuring, is it didn't end in an exorcism down in the basement. It actually ended in a séance that went wrong right here. Corbin Reinhardt: What? Brandon Gross: What went wrong? Elton Castee: [crosstalk 00:15:45] Yeah. Cory: Okay, so during the séance who was there was Ed and Lorraine Warren. You had another psychic, a priest, a videographer, and Roger and Carolyn Perron. Now the way a séance works is the psychic will call up whatever spirit is there and that psychic will be used as the conduit. It will speak through her. So Lorraine was going to control it. Well, what happened was whatever they conjured up, it just jumped right over that psychic and went after Carolyn Perron. So they weren't ready for that. So then it's speaking in tongue. They couldn't figure out anything that- Corbin Reinhardt: Through Carolyn? Cory: Yeah, through Carolyn Perron. Corbin Reinhardt: Wow. Cory: And it all culminated into her getting tossed into that next room. It just went bad. There's a lot of stuff that wasn't told about that. Roger ended up punching Ed in the face. Corbin Reinhardt: Wow. Cory: And kicked the Warrens out and that's how it ended. Corbin Reinhardt: What? Cory: They had never stepped foot back in here. They didn't know whether she was alive or dead when they left. Corbin Reinhardt: Wow. Corey Scherer: What? Corbin Reinhardt: What you're telling me right now is at the end of the movie, when it's a happy ending and they actually get the possession out of her, that never happened and this place, basically, they just left? Cory: Yeah. Corbin Reinhardt: It's not a happy ending. Cory: No. Corey Scherer: What? That makes it more terrifying kind of hearing. Elton Castee: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah. Elton Castee: Anyone want to do some light reading? Brandon Gross: Oh. Elton Castee: The Origin of Satan. Corey Scherer: I think I'm okay. Elton Castee: I'll read some bedtime stories. Corbin Reinhardt: Jesus Christ. Elton Castee: Take that. Corey Scherer: The dolls are so creepy. Cory: All right. So this room right behind you. Corey Scherer: Yes. Cory: Probably one of the more active rooms. An active room and the room right above it is active so it's kind of weird how it's just a straight shot up. Brandon Gross: Mm-hmm (affirmative) Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah. Elton Castee: Corey, what are you doing? Cory: Get up there, go. Corey Scherer: Is this where we're going? Corbin Reinhardt: He says to get up there. Cory: Yeah, go ahead. Elton Castee: Don't be scared. Corey Scherer: Jesus. Brandon Gross: Isn't there another way up there but the staircase? Corey Scherer: This room gives me chills. I think this is the most weird feeling room we've been in for some reason. Cameraman: Oh. Look at that. Cory: I know. Straight through. Corbin Reinhardt: This room is just eerie. Exploring with Josh: Like I got that chill. Corey Scherer: People were way shorter back then. Brandon Gross: It probably makes Elton feel tall being up here. Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah. Corey Scherer: Is he lost? Elton. Cory: Go down there. Go and see. Exploring with Josh: Oh yeah. Corey Scherer: This is what he does. Corbin Reinhardt: He loves doing this to us. Corey Scherer: Elton. This mother fucker. Exploring with Josh: He's clapping. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh, the clap. Exploring with Josh: He's clapping. Corey Scherer: Wait, wait, wait. Cory: Does he want this light on in that hall? Brandon Gross: No. Corey Scherer: There's a girl twerking in there. Corbin Reinhardt: There's a girl twerking. Corey Scherer: I hear you twerking. Wait. Actually where the... Ah. Exploring with Josh: You scared the fuck out of me. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh my God, dude. Exploring with Josh: Dude that scared me. Cory: You scare yourself? Exploring with Josh: Yeah, I think so. Brandon Gross: He got scared. Exploring with Josh: Of what? Where is he? Brandon Gross: Where are we looking? Wait, what? Corey Scherer: Is he in there? Corbin Reinhardt: There's nobody in there. Corey Scherer: Elton. Exploring with Josh: What is? Corey Scherer: Watch him run out. Watch him not be there. Exploring with Josh: Oh dude. Corey Scherer: Where the fuck is he? Corbin Reinhardt: Oh my God. Corey Scherer: Are you serious. Jeez. Exploring with Josh: I like how none of us seen him. Brandon Gross: Wow. Brandon Gross: So this is a birthing room? Cory: This is where they used to give birth because it's right off the fireplace so in the winter time it was still heated. Elton Castee: You want to go in there? Brandon Gross: No because Elton's on the... If you come. I know if there's a door that locks and Elton's behind it, he's going to lock me in. Cameraman: I'm going to go in with you. Brandon Gross: I don't think anyone. No. You mother fucker. Elton Castee: That's really funny. Corbin Reinhardt: Wow. Elton Castee: I approve. Corbin Reinhardt: Look at that. Elton Castee: Yep. This is nuts. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh, shit. Brandon Gross: Probably like freaking [inaudible 00:19:58]. Oh my god. Very sharp. Elton Castee: No one asked him to do this. I did not. Brandon Gross: I really like that I can't see below me. Cory: We signed a waiver so we're all good. Brandon Gross: Can you shine a light under me so I can see? Elton Castee: Can anyone kill the lights please? Brandon Gross: Hey Elton, can I get more light? Let's turn all the lights off. Elton Castee: Can I kill the lights, please? There we go. Brandon Gross: Oh, yeah. That's great. Don't. No. Corey Scherer: I wish I had that GoPro right now. Exploring with Josh: All on it on. Elton Castee: Everybody go. Everybody leave. Cory: Hold on. We're getting the camera ready. Elton Castee: All right, Brandon. Brandon Gross: Can you pull the [inaudible 00:21:01]? What the fuck are you doing? Elton Castee: Nothing. Brandon Gross: No, no, no. Not happening. I'm fucking shaking. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh my God. Brandon Gross: God dammit. Cory: The crooked neck woman, there's a story about the crooked. Everybody's like the Haunting of Hell House. Corbin Reinhardt: That's what I was just going to say. Cory: This actually, this is what the Perron family used to see. There was a story that it was- Elton Castee: Holy fuck. Where did that come from? Brandon Gross: Corey got you? Elton Castee: Yes. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh that's funny. That is gold. Corey Scherer: Nice. Dude, that was the first time. Exploring with Josh: That's really good. Elton Castee: Smart little idea. That's a really cool idea. Cory: A lot of nine volts. John: Whenever one of my nine volts dies, I just pulled it out of there. Cory: Oh, you're the freaking one pulling it out. I'm like, where's the nine volt. Corey Scherer: You have snakes that crawl through the fucking rafters? Elton Castee: Oh yeah. Yeah, look at all that. Cory: Yep. Brandon Gross: Oh. Corbin Reinhardt: Is that what that is? Elton Castee: Yeah, those are all snake skins. Right there, there. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh my God. Brandon Gross: No you faked this. Cory: This one has still go the eyeballs and everything. Corey Scherer: No. Elton Castee: Eat it Brandon. Eat it. Brandon Gross: How much? Elton Castee: What? Brandon Gross: How much? Elton Castee: Name your price. Corey Scherer: $3.50. Brandon Gross: I get 50% of all TFIL income. Elton Castee: Sure. We're demonetized. Brandon Gross: No. Elton Castee: Josh, what is your confidence in us getting to the cemetery? Exploring with Josh: So when John took me there I said I would never know how to get there by myself and now it's like I have only done it one time and it's dark. Maybe like 35% chance and we might get lost in the Conjuring Woods. Corey Scherer: Was that a 3-5%? Exploring with Josh: Like 35% Elton Castee: 35. Brandon Gross: Oh, okay. I was going to say, three to five I'm probably out on that. Elton Castee: Yeah, yeah. Corbin Reinhardt: That's pretty good odds. Corey Scherer: I mean, three to five. You know. Exploring with Josh: If we get there, though, it's worth it. I think the cemetery is so cool for real. Elton Castee: Cory, what do you think his odds are of us getting there? Corbin Reinhardt: Oh great. Corey Scherer: That's good. John: I had one person fall through the bridge so I don't know. Corey Scherer: What? Elton Castee: There's a bridge? Exploring with Josh: So you cross a bridge and it's like falling apart. I didn't mention that to you guys. Corey Scherer: Huh. Elton Castee: If anything goes wrong, vice versa. Cory: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Elton Castee: I don't trust cell phone. But I trust these. Cory: Roger. Elton Castee: Here we go. Elton Castee: All right, Josh. So far so good. Unless we were supposed to go left there. Corey Scherer: We've been one, four piece split. Exploring with Josh: I think this is going to go pretty swell, boys. Corey Scherer: You guys remember when Elton said we were filming in a house. Elton Castee: Yeah. Uh-huh (affirmative). Corbin Reinhardt: We did film in a house. Elton Castee: Would you rather be out here or in the Conjuring House? Brandon Gross: That's a good question. Corey Scherer: Wow. That is [crosstalk 00:23:28] actually a great question. Exploring with Josh: There's an old abandoned car here by the way. Corbin Reinhardt: I already lost my light. Exploring with Josh: Oh, that is a car. Elton Castee: No way. Corey Scherer: These lights going to go off one by one. Corbin Reinhardt: Dude, that's scary. Elton Castee: There are no backup batteries. Corey Scherer: Oh great. Elton Castee: When all our lights go out, we're done. Exploring with Josh: It's just the killer's car. Corey Scherer: Awesome. Elton Castee: Dude, that is a killer's car. Exploring with Josh: It looks like someone just parked there to pull the body out and go dispose of it. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh no. Exploring with Josh: It's the middle. It's the middle, they said. Brandon Gross: Only walk over the middle. Corey Scherer: Oh, look at that. This is some... Brandon Gross: Uh-oh, uh-oh. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh this is actually really sketchy. Corey Scherer: So if something comes after us and we have to run back. Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah, we're just going to all be like, oh, oh, oops. Corey Scherer: That was sketchy. Exploring with Josh: The previous owners, they had over 20 acres of land and so technically the Conjuring House owned the cemetery but then when they sold it, when Corey picked it up, they only got with eight acres of land. So it's just right out of the line of owning the cemetery but I guess like they're halfway on it so they half own the cemetery and half don't, I guess, because it's on their land. Elton Castee: You said we'll be the second people to ever film back here? Exploring with Josh: Yeah, you guys are the only other ones except me. Elton Castee: Wow. Exploring with Josh: When you see the grave stones, though. For real. Corbin Reinhardt: Look at all this. This looks like actually built up right here. Elton Castee: It's like a dam? Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah, this is like a dam. Elton Castee: Yeah, it's a dam. Cameraman: All right, in order to save battery on that big boy of a camera, we're switching into night vision for a little bit until we make it to the cemetery. How are you feeling Josh? Are you feeling like we're making it? Exploring with Josh: I strongly think I'm accurate so far. Brandon Gross: That's better than what we thought. Cameraman: I'm going to replay that clip in slow motion when we don't make it. Exploring with Josh: It's this way. Elton Castee: There's a lot of paths. Exploring with Josh: Yeah. Elton Castee: A lot of paths. Brandon Gross: It's litter. Elton Castee: All right. Corey Scherer: This is real. Elton Castee: Yeah, I'm probably going to grab those. Exploring with Josh: Remember this, mind you, the ghost told John to come this way. Let's not forget that. Elton Castee: Holy shit, yeah. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh through the spirit box. Exploring with Josh: Remember, he only found this because the spirit box. Corey Scherer: Wow. Exploring with Josh: That's why it's like. Corey Scherer: Do we have any equipment? Ghost equipment? Elton Castee: Oh my God. Corey Scherer: What's up? Elton Castee: I literally just pulled that out. Instantly pulled that out and then you turned and asked for it. Oh, oh. I guess the ghost equipment didn't tell you that was coming. Huh? Corbin Reinhardt: Sure you didn't want a flashlight Corey? Brandon Gross: Corey. Oh no. Corey Scherer: All right. Elton Castee: The K2 tell you that was coming? Corey Scherer: No. Exploring with Josh: We're doing pretty good. Corbin Reinhardt: Little bit more, baby. Elton Castee: Any activity on the K2 there Corey? No? Corey Scherer: It just went all the way red but I don't know if it hit me or something but it's not doing any thing. Elton Castee: Huh. We're here? We really got here that easily? Oh, wow dude. Exploring with Josh: This is it. Elton Castee: Oh my God. Look at that. Exploring with Josh: That's what I'm saying. Brandon Gross: It's so small. Exploring with Josh: This is not a thing. No one comes here. Elton Castee: Oh wow. Corbin Reinhardt: Wow. Brandon Gross: Oh wow. Corey Scherer: Is there a smaller one right there? Exploring with Josh: There's a few of them all around. Elton Castee: There's a big one over here. Exploring with Josh: Just check the dates. Some of them, you can barely read but some of the dates go back so far. Brandon Gross: 1890 or 1823. Elton Castee: 1823. Brandon Gross: But I don't know if that was born or not. Elton Castee: Geez. 1823. Exploring with Josh: Oh, there's one with satanic star here, too. Brandon Gross: 1828 on this one. Elton Castee: What is that? Corbin Reinhardt: What are you hearing Elton? Elton Castee: Where's the nearest road to here? Exploring with Josh: Honestly, I have no clue, bro. We're in the middle of the forest. Elton Castee: Nobody can find us. Corbin Reinhardt: What was it? Brandon Gross: 1828. Elton Castee: I don't know what I heard over there. It sounded like something. I thought it was like a car, but it can't be. I heard something just go [woosh 00:27:36]. Corey Scherer: Huh. Elton Castee: All right. Corbin Reinhardt: That's why it's so small. Elton Castee: [crosstalk 00:27:41] Why? Corbin Reinhardt: William, infant son of Will. Exploring with Josh: So it's a baby grave. Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah. Elton Castee: It's him and his baby? Corbin Reinhardt: [crosstalk 00:27:48] I think this is the baby. Brandon Gross: [crosstalk 00:27:50] I think [inaudible 00:27:50]. Corey Scherer: Dust it off. Dust it off, yeah. Elton Castee: Look, there's another one right here, too. Oh man. Corey Scherer: Oh my goodness. Elton Castee: Oh, there's multiple. Corey Scherer: Oh wow. It might be tiles. Corbin Reinhardt: That one's legit. Elton Castee: Yeah. Corey Scherer: Look at this one. Exploring with Josh: Look at this. Elton Castee: Let's go check it out. Corey Scherer: Holy shit. Exploring with Josh: Look at that, dude. Elton Castee: Whoa. Yeah. Corey Scherer: Oh wow. Exploring with Josh: Some Salem looking graves. Corbin Reinhardt: What the fuck? Elton Castee: What do these say? Exploring with Josh: It should be this one. Yeah, look at this one. This is the weirdest part about the whole cemetery in my opinion. That. Corey Scherer: Oh, what? Dude it's all what? Exploring with Josh: And it looks way better on camera when you look at it on camera. Corey Scherer: Dude, it's the whole thing. I can see it. Exploring with Josh: Yeah. Corey Scherer: Look at this Elton. It's a pentagram across the entire headstone. Brandon Gross: [crosstalk 00:28:35] May sixth, 1833. Died November twelfth, 1855. Dude, that is creepy. Elton Castee: [crosstalk 00:28:46] And the only one? Corey Scherer: This person was born in 1788. Elton Castee: What? Exploring with Josh: I just love how that one's slanted. Corey Scherer: What is that? Elton Castee: I'll just shine this light on it so you can read it. Brandon Gross: Oh wait, is there more over there? Elton Castee: Wow. Corbin Reinhardt: There is definitely one right here. Exploring with Josh: Died January eleventh, 1848. Age 31 years. Corey Scherer: Another one. Exploring with Josh: Hmm. Corey Scherer: What? Exploring with Josh: My flashlight won't turn on. Elton Castee: That light's an energy conduit. Corey Scherer: Can you lead us to wherever you are? Can you make this spike and then we'll go in that direction? Nothing. Brandon Gross: Nothing. Elton Castee: Silent. Corey Scherer: I'm going to walk around. If I'm ever getting close to you, can you make this spike and change to different colors? Brandon Gross: Are we feeling spirit box? Elton Castee: All right, so we weren't originally even planning on coming here because we didn't know about it. We weren't going to even investigate here. Exploring with Josh: There's so much stuff here though. Elton Castee: We have everything so I feel like there's no reason to not. Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah. Elton Castee: So, Corey's got the K2 and then we have the Ovilus 5. We have a Rempod. We have a Spirit Box. Corbin Reinhardt: These are legitimate bodies, right? Elton Castee: So yeah. Exploring with Josh: I guess. Elton Castee: It's crazy old graves. Corey Scherer: I think we should go over near the graves. Exploring with Josh: Let's do that. Elton Castee: Here you go. Corbin Reinhardt: Thank you. Elton Castee: It's all yours. Exploring with Josh: Let's bring out the Spirit Box. Elton Castee: I've got them both right here. Corbin Reinhardt: Come on. You can do it. [crosstalk 00:30:24] You're right there. Corey Scherer: Can you tell us about you? Elton Castee: Good question. Exploring with Josh: Dude. I know. Corbin Reinhardt: Talk about yourself. Anything that you could say. Corey Scherer: We can't see you but you can communicate with us through these devices. Corbin Reinhardt: Should we start walking over the graves? Corey Scherer: Yeah. Elton Castee: Around probably over there. Corey Scherer: [crosstalk 00:30:50] What'd you hear? Corbin Reinhardt: [crosstalk 00:31:14] What? Elton Castee: Did you guys not just hear that shit like ruffle though there? Corbin Reinhardt: I heard that. Elton Castee: And the bushes were moving. Corbin Reinhardt: Camera. Elton Castee: Really? Corey Scherer: No, it said, "Camera"? Corbin Reinhardt: Camera. Cameraman: Show it to me. Hold on. Brandon Gross: No. Someone's probably fucking with you. Cameraman: Camera. Corey Scherer: It says camera. Cameraman: That's the first time I've ever [crosstalk 00:31:33] seen anything say camera. Corey Scherer: [crosstalk 00:31:36] We are walking through the woods. Corbin Reinhardt: Are we welcome here? Corey Scherer: Are we welcome? Corbin Reinhardt: Camera. Corey Scherer: I can't believe it. Cameraman: I just got interference on the microphone. Exploring with Josh: That's weird. Elton Castee: It said camera and then immediately gave feedback to the camera. Cameraman: Yeah. Corbin Reinhardt: That's crazy. Elton Castee: That's what I'm saying. I got it. Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah. Corey Scherer: Are you messing with the cameras. Are you trying to communicate with us? Corey Scherer: Make this device spike whenever I'm getting closer to you. Corey Scherer: Which one has the one with the pentagram? Corbin Reinhardt: The middle. Brandon Gross: This one right here. Corbin Reinhardt: Say something. Brandon Gross: Okay. Elton Castee: Nice. I mean, that's like the known thing is that spirits tend to be more active when the cameras aren't on. They don't like being recorded. Corey Scherer: Will you talk to us if we turn the cameras off? Brandon Gross: What if we cut just audio? Corbin Reinhardt: Troop. Look. Troop. Exploring with Josh: Troop? Corbin Reinhardt: When I looked, I just heard a noise back there and when I turned around it said, "Look troop." I thought I heard something and I turned around. That's when this happened. Corey Scherer: We're going to use a spirit box. Try to put your energy into that. Corey Scherer: Hold it. No. Cameraman: Anyone have a question? Exploring with Josh: [crosstalk 00:33:15] Were you a troop? Were you a Soldier? Spirit Box: [crosstalk 00:33:18] Elton. Elton Castee: Yeah, that freaked me out for a second. Corbin Reinhardt: What'd it say? Spirit Box: [inaudible 00:33:19] Corbin Reinhardt: What happened? Elton Castee: I thought I heard my name. That was weird. Spirit Box: [inaudible 00:33:20] Corey Scherer: Hello? Exploring with Josh: Did someone just say, "Hello"? Corey Scherer: Can you hear us? Spirit Box: [inaudible 00:33:33] Exploring with Josh: I heard a hello. Brandon Gross: We got another hello. Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah. Elton Castee: Maybe. Corey Scherer: Are you buried here? Corbin Reinhardt: David. Brandon Gross: It said the word David. Corbin Reinhardt: I just got the word David. Elton Castee: Are any of these graves say David? Brandon Gross: No. Corbin Reinhardt: Samuel. Tell me if there's any of them. Elton Castee: If one of them says David, let's go to David. Corey Scherer: Yeah, let's look for a David. Exploring with Josh: Kind of like that spirit session could have went somewhere. Brandon Gross: If there's a grave here named David, I will like freak out. Exploring with Josh: In memory. Corey Scherer: Truck. Corey Scherer: It moved. [inaudible 00:34:15] remove star. Corey Scherer: Corbin. Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah? Corey Scherer: Can I try the one you have? Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah, man, go for it. Corey Scherer: Here. You want this one Corbin? Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah, sure. Talk to us David. Corey Scherer: Oh my gosh. Corbin Reinhardt: [crosstalk 00:34:42] What'd it say? Corey Scherer: It says, "myself, shh, roadway." Why'd it say shh again? Corbin Reinhardt: David, I'm not going to find you unless you [crosstalk 00:34:54] point me in the right direction. Corey Scherer: [crosstalk 00:34:54] Are you telling us to be quiet? Elton Castee: Wait, is it saying to go back towards the truck on the roadway? Corey Scherer: Maybe. Elton Castee: I think it's telling us to go back to the Conjuring House. Corey Scherer: Are you telling us to go back to the truck on the path when we first walked down here? Exploring with Josh: It might be saying to leave. Corbin Reinhardt: That's what it's saying. It's saying shh. Why are you here? Exploring with Josh: Yeah, leave. Corbin Reinhardt: Go back to the truck and the roadway. Elton Castee: Yeah. Corey Scherer: Do you want us to leave? Elton Castee: It makes sense. Why are we investigating a cemetery when the Conjuring House is right there? Corey Scherer: That's true. Elton Castee: There's no stories of this place. If there were, more people would be here. Exploring with Josh: Maybe they feel like they're not resting if we're here. Elton Castee: I mean, yeah, Josh said we're only the second people to ever film back here so. Corey Scherer: Did you starve yourself? Elton Castee: This one says Mr. D. Hannah. Exploring with Josh: Mr. D? Elton Castee: Mr. D. Hannah. It doesn't say the first name. It says Mr. D Hannah. Corey Scherer: David, was this your grave? Were we right next to your grave the whole time? Elton Castee: Did you hear that? Corey Scherer: Yeah. Elton Castee: What was that? Exploring with Josh: Let's shine lights over there. Corbin Reinhardt: Over here I heard someone a few times in there. Elton Castee: Yeah. Corey Scherer: Huh. That sounded like something heavy broke a branch. Corbin Reinhardt: It almost feels like we shouldn't be out here. Elton Castee: I know. Corey Scherer: Do you want us to leave right now? If you say yes, we'll leave. Cory: Nope. Corbin Reinhardt: Discovered [crosstalk 00:36:15] band, gold. Elton Castee: [crosstalk 00:36:15] All right. Just making sure. Exploring with Josh: Discovered? Corbin Reinhardt: Various. Dude. It was all the way up. Iron. Corey Scherer: [crosstalk 00:36:23] This is possibly. Elton Castee: All right. I just radioed Cory and he's not out here. Exploring with Josh: So there's no way anybody could be here. Elton Castee: Yeah. Just wanted to make sure. Corbin Reinhardt: Oh. Corey Scherer: Yo. Was that you? Elton Castee: No. Corey Scherer: No, I just saw. Corbin Reinhardt: The whole bush was moving. Elton Castee: Yeah, bush moves. Corey Scherer: No. I just saw a rock come flying from the sky and landed over there. Tell me one of y'all just threw a rock. Corbin Reinhardt: So you think there's something over there? Corey Scherer: I swear that's what I just saw. I just saw a rock fly through the sky going this way. Not straight down. Corbin Reinhardt: I didn't see any of that but I looked and I saw the whole tree moving. Elton Castee: The whole tree? Corbin Reinhardt: The whole tree moved. Corey Scherer: Yo. What threw a rock? Elton Castee: That's crazy. Corey Scherer: I watched a rock and then I heard it land. Elton Castee: Head back to a safer place? The Conjuring House? Exploring with Josh: Yeah. Corey Scherer: Was that you? Cameraman: Shit. Now I don't want to be last. Brandon Gross: Were you making noise? Exploring with Josh: Can we walk up there just a little bit with a big flashlight or something? Elton Castee: Oh, there's like a whole roadway back here. Corey Scherer: It did say roadway. Exploring with Josh: It's a clearing. Corey Scherer: It said roadway and it keeps making noises, right here. Elton Castee: That's not where we came in from. Exploring with Josh: No. I don't even know where that road came in. Corey Scherer: Oh. Exploring with Josh: What happened? Corey Scherer: My light just went out. Exploring with Josh: Did it? Brandon Gross: What? Elton Castee: Uh-oh. Corbin Reinhardt: My light went out. Exploring with Josh: Both your lights went out? Elton Castee: Corbin's light went out like way long ago so we're down to three. Brandon Gross: Well that's actually not good. Corey Scherer: Did you just turn my light off? Are you taking energy out of my light to speak with us? Exploring with Josh: Let me check my battery. Elton Castee: Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Paranormal's one thing. Stuck in a forest with no lights and bears is a different thing. Exploring with Josh: We're not even in the Conjuring House, actually, and we're already getting shit happens. Corey Scherer: Look at my red light. There we go. Exploring with Josh: Did it come back? Elton Castee: Oh. Wait, is your light working again? Corey Scherer: Yeah. Elton Castee: Yo. Corey Scherer: So as we walked over there it stopped. Brandon Gross: I don't even know what it is. It sounded like it was right over this way. Corey Scherer: Area known. Do you want us to go somewhere else? Elton Castee: Look what just died. Corey Scherer: Your light died, too? Exploring with Josh: No it didn't. Corbin Reinhardt: Are you serious? Exploring with Josh: No way. Elton Castee: Yeah. Exploring with Josh: Dude. Corey Scherer: So we have one left or two. Elton Castee: I just went to put it on my head because I'm trying to pack this stuff up. Corbin Reinhardt: Unless the ghost- Corey Scherer: Whoa, mine just died. Exploring with Josh: Unless the ghost is draining our batteries. Corey Scherer: Did I not say one by one all of our lights are going to die? Brandon Gross: Now it's getting scary. Elton Castee: Yeah, I do not want to be out here. No. Corey Scherer: Did you just do that? Exploring with Josh: Yeah. Elton just did that. I can see his smile. Corey Scherer: He's smirking. Exploring with Josh: I can see his grimace. Corey Scherer: No one recorded that? Exploring with Josh: No. What was it? Corey Scherer: Oh, it's going crazy. Wait. It just went all the way to red. So me and Elton literally just heard a little girl's voice. Like Ah. Now it stopped. Exploring with Josh: Maybe because it knows? Corey Scherer: Jumped. Exploring with Josh: Jumped. Corey Scherer: Lisa. Exploring with Josh: Lisa. Exploring with Josh: Lisa jumped. Elton Castee: Oh my God. Corey Scherer: And we just heard a girl's voice. Corey Scherer: Lisa, did you jump? Corbin Reinhardt: There's a Lisa on one of these. Exploring with Josh: Wait. Is it? You sure? Elton Castee: Is there a Lisa? Exploring with Josh: What? Corey Scherer: I thought someone was walking behind me. There was definitely just footsteps behind me. Elton Castee: I thought Josh was behind you. He's over here. Corey Scherer: You heard that too? Elton Castee: Yeah, but I thought it was Josh. Exploring with Josh: Dude, I really feel like there's someone here with us. Corey Scherer: Are you following us out of here? Are you coming with us? All right. Let's go. Elton Castee: Yeah, let's get out of here. Corey Scherer: That was creepy. I know I heard footsteps behind me. Cameraman: It's okay. Now recording. What just happened? Corey Scherer: It said, "something paragraph I question unholy". Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah, I don't like that answer. Exploring with Josh: Question unholy? Corey Scherer: What is your question? Ring. Corbin Reinhardt: Ring. Corey Scherer: Weeps. Cameraman: Ring. Corbin Reinhardt: Ring weeps. Corey Scherer: Unholy ring weeps. Cameraman: Well if you want to tie those together we have someone named Lisa whose husband did something unholy because they had a ring and now she weeps. Corey Scherer: Hmm. Elton Castee: Corey, question for you- Corey Scherer: Mistake. Elton Castee: Is there anything known to you involving a lady named Lisa because we're just getting that name nonstop [crosstalk 00:41:01] across different devices. Corey Scherer: [crosstalk 00:41:01] Mistake, presidents, mammoth, stab, castle. Corbin Reinhardt: What? Corey Scherer: It is really going off here. Cory: [crosstalk 00:41:06] You said Lisa? Corey Scherer: [crosstalk 00:41:07] Monument. Elton Castee: Yeah Lisa is the name we just keep getting nonstop. Cory: The name doesn't ring a bell. Elton Castee: All right. Just thought we'd ask you. We checked the headstones and couldn't find the name either but it just keeps popping up. I thank you. Corbin Reinhardt: It's on red. Corey Scherer: These. These what? Corbin Reinhardt: It's really cold. Corey Scherer: Did you see it all the way? Corbin Reinhardt: Yeah, red again. Right here. Keep going right here. Corey Scherer: These what? Cold. Cameraman: Here record, let me in. Brandon Gross: Dude, we're getting like legit murder words. Like a whole- Corey Scherer: Slower. Elton Castee: Just for the record for everyone. He's not just like making up words. They're popping up. Exploring with Josh: I'm saying the closer we get to the house, the more activity we're getting. Brandon Gross: Is there something with us? Do you think it's following us? Exploring with Josh: I think it's just getting us near the house. Elton Castee: Oh shit. Corey Scherer: That one's out. Elton Castee: It's gone? Corey Scherer: Yeah. It's gone. Elton Castee: So it's only 11:16. We obviously made it out of the trails and we're back at the barn. The Conjuring House is over there. We're going to be doing an all night investigation but we decided we only want to start at like 2:00 in the morning just to make sure that everything we're doing has the highest chance. So for the next 2.5 hours or so, we're going to be... I know this sounds dumb, but we're going to play a game of hide and clap. Corey Scherer: Yep. Elton Castee: Where literally the person's going to be blindfolded with an infrared GoPro and everyone else is going to... Literally that's what we're going to do. Corbin Reinhardt: Didn't you say it was the Devil hour? Elton Castee: That's 3:07 so that's why we're waiting for the investigation until later. Brandon Gross: Jesus. Fuck. Elton Castee: All night. But I just think we're here and I don't know if anyone's ever played. Exploring with Josh: I've never done it. Elton Castee: Like, the hide and clap game. Corey Scherer: [crosstalk 00:43:03] I don't want to. I'll pass. Brandon Gross: [crosstalk 00:43:04] I don't want to play. Corbin Reinhardt: If there's ever a place to do it, [crosstalk 00:43:07] it's here. Elton Castee: [crosstalk 00:43:07] It's here. So I know it's going to be a very like we went from super serious learning about the Conjuring House to investigation and right in the middle, we just have to. It's our style. [crosstalk 00:43:15] It's TFIL. Corbin Reinhardt: [crosstalk 00:43:15] Yeah, we'll never forget it. Elton Castee: So that's good. Corey Scherer: What if something happens while we're hiding alone? Brandon Gross: I know, dude. Exploring with Josh: That's true. Corey Scherer: Like we're just going to have to put up with it? Elton Castee: At least we'll have the GoPro footage. We'll set zones so maybe we'll do like the upstairs of the house and then we'll do the downstairs of the house and then the basement. Then we'll do the barn and then we'll do the woods. So we'll do rounds. Brandon Gross: The woods? Elton Castee: And we'll each take a different place because there's five of us so we can each pick different places. Anyway, that's going to be the next video and then the one after that will be the full blown investigation with everything we have, everything Corey has, there's the blood board there, the spirit boards, there's- Exploring with Josh: We should try the blood board. Elton Castee: We should. Have you not used it? Exploring with Josh: I've never seen it. Elton Castee: So that's just new? Corbin Reinhardt: You've never seen that? Exploring with Josh: I don't know anything about the blood board. I don't know nothing about it. Elton Castee: Let's go hide and clap until three. Brandon Gross: I don't want to do it. Elton Castee: See you guys in the next video. (silence)
Channel: TFIL
Views: 971,322
Rating: 4.9768548 out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, tfil overnight, vlog, Elton Castee, Sam and Colby, overnight, adventure, overnight challenge, exploring, ghost hunting, abandoned mall, tfil exploring, tfil haunted, ghost hunt, exploring with josh, terrifying, conjuring, paranormal, abandoned, corey scherer, queen mary castle, ghost ship, sam colby, ghost hunters, conjuring house, real conjuring house, the conjuring, ghost adventures, ed and lorraine warren, scary places, abandoned places, horror movies, top 5 best
Id: zmsUAEctRLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 16sec (2656 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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