Making a 1000m tall POOP SLIDE in Cities Skylines!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to enginetopia in city skylines so this is my dream city an engineering revolution we've got a massive built up area full of the strongest shapes and a load of roundabouts super efficient highway designs less efficient highway designs a machine that takes all the sewage water in the city creates infinite power from it then turns it back into clean drinking water where it's then sent back to the city so it can be drunk and last time we added this very efficiently designed industrial area connected by all the bridges in the world and look at that we've just hit the milestone we are now a capital city engiotopia is the capital of this land which i will name engineering engineerington i feel like engineerington should be the city ninjatopia doesn't matter doesn't matter we've we're a capital city we've hit a population of 32 000 which means we've unlocked all sorts of things you've got a new area we can unlock we've got a ship some roads and then we've got a harbour and a cargo harbor but first at the end of last episode although this is very efficiently designed it doesn't actually have any industrial buildings on it yet you can see down here our demand for industry offices is literally zero there's no demand but some of you very nice commenters you said if i just build a few like things about and that should attract some people so if i go for like a hospital a fire station so if i dot all those about i need to connect them up with power let's grab a few pylons and just can you imagine like a massive pylon just coming to your house just so that you have electricity but before we get into that i got something very very important to announce so exactly one year ago today this little bundle of fluff into my life paddy the apprentice engineer he's a labrador puppy and you've probably seen him interrupt my videos anyway to celebrate owning him for a whole year today i'm releasing a limited edition makeshift plushie of him look how cool it looks complete with a hard hat that's actually a bit soft a collar with a little pee on it a super fluffy tail and the cutest little paw prints you've ever seen this paddy plushie is perfect for engineers and dog lovers alike be quick though he's only available to buy for a very limited time and after that he'll be gone forever so if you want to adopt your own paddy apprentice engineer click the link in the description we can order it from the website let's see what pad makes of this what do you reckon then pad yeah i thought so all right so now we've got all of those we should see demand start to rise uh i said we should see demand start to rise after accelerate time we should see why are the other two rising and not that one we'll just have to be patient i think another comment i noticed people people pointed out that the reason i've got lots of dead bodies floating about yep quite quite a lot going on and i couldn't work out why i was like why aren't they taking the dead bodies to the crematorium well if you remember back to last episode i discovered the sinkhole whoosh how deep is that our little flooding situation is gonna get fixed uh taking the graveyard and all of its space with it so we've got a nice a nice gap here so i think we're gonna plonk a cemetery in that i think we'll put a crematorium right next to it and then a sauna down here just because well yeah just because right i tell you what as we've got medium demand for a commercial zone i might change some of this area to a commercial zone maybe maybe this area this very strong looking area let's replace it with a high density commercial zone baby there we go and perhaps we'll do some low densities around it this seems so wrong for some reason there we go people are finally starting to build over here oh that is what i like to see what is that is that clown shop very nice they are springing up like no one's business and perhaps that will bring some industry or office demand to the city once people start using the bridges they'll be like yes i want to commute on that every day but for now i wanted to focus on what we just unlocked some of the new ship stuff this is a brand new tab to us well to be fair i think all of these are we haven't looked at any of these yet but i'm going to be focusing on the ship because we got we got a river here it's a very clean river since we installed all of those we've got to work out what we want to use so we're going to have a ferry depot this is where the ferries live they're going to live over there all right next we're gonna have a ferry stop so this is where people can join the ferry so we'll connect it to a road so we'll just plonk it there and then where do they want to travel to i guess some will want to go to work we could squeeze one there and some people they might work in this abandoned oil field that seems a bit high to me but i guess the game knows best i'm not sure how tall these boats are gonna be let's connect these up so we'll go from there that needs power so we'll give it a pp private pylon uh this one's going to need power so we'll do the same thing all right also needs drainage so we'll take a pipe under this road i wish doing drainage was this easy in real life bit of lucky and then we're ready to build our ferry line so i think we just come to this ferry pathway and we can just connect these up so if we go from there over to that okay from this one hello paddy yes i've already told them about your plushie i've already told them don't worry they'll buy it i'm sure yes i'll spend the profits on food but you don't worry yes if they get made you can have your own one so i was building my ferry line and then i got to this point and i realized these are in the way now thankfully we've already got an infinite producing power machine so i think we can just delete most of these but now we're free to head upstream oh god no we can't get through the bridges what if we use the move it mod and just drag this up to there have i beaten the cyst oh god it goes through the land right and then we're connected i think to that one so we can come from this end we'll go back along here cheese it back down the river back to the start so now what it says here i need to do pathways what the is a pathway here we go here we go ferry line to create new line from there to there to there back to there we've made a line oh yes yes we've got a ferry we got two fairies oh i did it how the hell are people gonna get on there are you gonna have to abseil onto it or parachute or something it looks like absolute chaos but i promise you they understand where they're going right so that's good the next thing is we've got we've sort of got a stop for our main city which is doing very well ignore ignore is that fire down there as well oh god to be fair that does look like a very architecture inspired building oh no it doesn't it's got the strongest shape on the front of it no where's the fire engines i see a little squirt at the bottom sorted very efficient firemen uh what what does that symbol mean is our cemetery full of garbage what is that oh no no more room why why are there so many dead people there's so many dead people i i don't understand i'll just leave them to die in the nicest possible way because because we need we need another stop so a fairy's sort of good it's going under all the bridges it's definitely not going straight through any of them oh my goodness oh fair play is actually it's doing all right it's like an extreme fairy this one is for the thrill seekers of the world yes people can now get to work that might bring up demand for the industrial area oh my goodness look at this look at this we got buildings we have dead people as well i'm gonna i'm gonna put another cemetery up here maybe on the end of that nut cool but yeah everyone can get to where they want to go now the only thing i feel like i should do is i feel like really we should we should sort of have a tour a tour of architect island in the pooh now that sort of means we're gonna have to build some sort of way up here for the boats now whether that's like a crazy lock system similar to our infinite power dam there or we go with something else now thankfully we've unlocked another tile so we've got a bit of scope to do this so let's go into areas where do we want to unlock i feel like perhaps this one because then we can if we can i don't know maybe make a canal get the boats up to this lake then we could build some sort of solution out the back of there yeah okay i'm gonna i'm gonna unlock that one first off we need to build a canal now we've got a little bit of water there now we probably don't want to go through our oil fields that could be messy so yeah let's try and go somewhere along there i've never built a canal in this game oh look at these look at these so we've got deep canals we've got wide canals oh we've even got flood walls that could have been useful a few episodes ago maybe just a shallow canal for now return on road anarchy and just do that oh that looks uphill to me but um might be okay i'm just gonna dig this out a little bit and make this nice and wide so our fairies can get up there all right okay now we go into cinematic mode and then we press play and we see what happens with the water okay not a lot i sort of thought the canal would just lay flat but it seems to have followed the topography of the land which isn't really how canals are meant to work but let's see can we now extend our ferry line to go up there oh look it's already got nice it's already got a line on it and over here somewhere we can build a new ferry stop i've just realized i've put this in the sacred ground of stonehenge roads are banned from this area hence you've got our road tunnel down here so i'm not sure what we're going to connect this to first perhaps we'll have a parallel road and we can come off the testicle of that junction there all right there we go i think if we head back to stonehenge and look that way yes you can't even see the road so that is perfect that's within the regulations of the world heritage site but yes our next stop our next ferry stop it's up there so in order to get ferries from down there all the way up here we're gonna have to build some sort of system but what i'm thinking is we delete a few of these so we've got a bit of a gap a bit of a gap now this is where we hit pause because i'm a little bit scared but what i'm gonna do i'm gonna grab the landscaping tool thing we're gonna try and go right about here somewhere we basically just want to lower down low intensity you want to try and pick a level that won't drop the poo water level too much so if we say the water level is about there so we'll right click there all right so there we go we've got our level next we're gonna do the slope tool so slope terrain now i've used this before to make a ramp so i'm gonna just try and do it again so basically i think i just right click where i want my slope level to start and then we just go in a straight line over to our lake about here so now if we make that somewhat wide then we just draw a line oh god i'm going to press pause as well i just realized we weren't paused and if we just do birdseye we can just go straight where we want to go now hopefully the road will turn into a tunnel oh it's just left a gap okay it's left a gap a bit of a bend that's the trouble you've gotta you gotta not unclick oh god we want to end up there yes you can see we've made a connection now i'm basically building like a massive sort of aqueduct out of mud and there we have it a massive massive ramp and next we've got to try and get rid of these roads so i think if i just delete the roads i can then draw them again as a tunnel so let's delete that that oh look he's putting the put the landscaping back in nice oh god there's pylons down there all right the pylons might have to take a detour right and then this road there we go then we try and build a road i think if we just go through yes a built-in did it build a tunnel no hang on that's not right that's not right hang on there's are they bits of road already in there i can see it it's called it's called harvey tunnel but i can't delete it there we go there we go so yeah if we come over here and we say page down that means we build a tunnel under right okay stop god damn it in your face game i did it right that's sorted slope tool so we'll right click there fill in these bits all right sorted then if we can we build a canal up there so if we build a wide and deep canal from there down to there oh my god i built a slide all right so let's hit play and see what happens to all of this poo water oh dear i feel like the level up here is a bit too low yeah perhaps before i lose too much poo water right let's press pause so i think the issue is this level is too low all right so now will that flow oh god it's starting hey where's it all going oh no oh no oh no release the donut and hot dog van meter out oh god i don't know why that's happened i feel like maybe the canal things aren't the right piece for that maybe i should just do it by hand what if we were to delete all this and cause i think i could just say slope terrain we should be able to make like a little lip making a nice little ridge so that our water can't escape all right nice next i'm going to delete some trees and we're just about done before anyone goes into the comments and says matt you should have just turned the brush size up or whatever there's usually something like that i miss in these caves i don't i'd rather not know i'd rather not know there we go so as you can see there that is the water level so the water should start to come down here and of course i used to term water in like the loosest possible solution it's very much poo water so we'll probably have to fill this with those cleany things but um let's see how this goes and we'll see what happens oh it's flowing why's it only got to there what's going on no no why is this happening again all right for some reason the water's leaking at that point uh that's disappointing that is disappointing i tell you that oh it's probably a bit less disappointing for me than these people all right don't worry poo water is receding wow they are very impatient water receded slightly let's drive into it idiots you architects you architects and but yeah this ain't great this is gonna pollute my new lake and then we won't get any visitors all right so where does the water get to oh hang on hang on it's working now it's working yes we've got a poo slide we got a base light look at it come towards us well it's only it's only a short length i sort of wanted a constant stream we need to work on our poo inflow to try and make this possible anyway now we've got it sort of about to work what if we try and put a ferry thing up here so yeah we'll say put it there and then we'll try and connect down here i think when we get enough float we can actually click so if we just wait for this water it was green a second ago i just missed it see that click come on game let me have this please come on we just need another poo surge here it comes we're connected we're connected right okay now to our line you want to drag a line to add a stop so yeah we'll drag this it looks like it's not working i'm gonna assume that's because this canal tool is just rubbish like canal should be flat like that's common sense man come on so if i delete this canal and instead i put my own in my custom-made canal so i think we just want yeah level terrain and then we just pick a level over here we just build our own canal now as i've already built a canal i know quite a lot about them i know i know not to let them get filled with poo oh god i forgot about that we have to go around back over here oh no we've gone to stonehenge turn left turn left sorted there might be a little bit of water issues to start with love it so water's going at both directions so this will drop in water but then it should equalize once the water from this end hits it so oh this is going to be quite a lovely shot this ready as the two waters meet boosh uh nothing happened but i'm hoping the levels should sort of equalize and nothing should flood look how fast that water is going now that's pretty scary actually i'm surprised these boats have the power to like carry on right let me see fairy line let's build a path along here then they're connected together nice now we go on to the ferry line and we say drag line to add stop so we drag it up to there and stop nice and then we do the same up to here we've added a stop we've added a stop oh god and look at that if people are quick they can see oh my goodness let's slow slow that down it's beautiful right androtopia taurus if you can get here quickly and gets this very stop up here you can see a once in a hopefully not lifetime opportunity of architect hill burning oh it just collapsed the architect headquarters is demolished it's beautiful oh this is the best thing i've ever done i'm loving this now the only thing i'm a bit worried about is we are sort of contaminating this water so perhaps we have to put the cleaning things in but first off i really want to see how this is going to work it is just charging up there it's doing it oh that is that is special that that is incredible what's going to happen when the water dries out oh it stops it literally stops it's gotta wait for some more poo to come down oh god they were gonna get stuck they're all gonna get stuck they've just crashed into each other for some reason a lot of these have stopped pumping like why aren't you guys pumping what was that noise i think some more buildings just collapsed yep there there goes another one oh they got no electricity why don't they have electricity are they not connected to the grid oh no they're not because i because i remove those pumps oh okay that's that's an easy fix thankfully yeah there you go they're all pumping now that will bring up the water level oh yes all right here we go here we go can we follow this oh we can we can that is beautiful all right look the boat is up you can watch architect hill but oh oh it went out it went out and it actually looks better than it did before oh anyway look the boats are queuing up to get up here it's it's a beautiful sight then i'm quite intrigued how do they go down they do just can't imagine being a boat driver oh that is that is an incredible sight i love that it sort of looks strongest shapes oh no i love like every so often there's not enough there's not enough people pooing that they all just like ground um look i cleaned up the water as well so we're not even we're not even polluting the lake but yeah engiotopia absolutely thriving if you guys enjoyed give the video a boosh go check out the paddy plushie as well only available for a limited time but otherwise i'll catch you guys next time peace love and punah canals bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,377,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, citys skylines, skylines, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines gameplay, lets play cities skylines, city builder, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines suburb, cities sky lines, real engineer plays, real civil engineer, rce, real civil engineer cities skylines, town planning, junction visibility splays, junction visibility dmrb, cities skylines road layout, cities skylines no mods, city skyline
Id: GoeGB9Mhqr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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