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foreign up already filling up already mate just so you know I have got this much of you since Brisbane we're heading to Cape York we're headed tuned in about halfway heading towards with Rockhampton and we're fire tomorrow so um is it I'm kind of making it a little less structured this series but I guess you could call it a bit more like the OG Chaser lines I know you guys love that and I guess we have to going back to Cape York it's been six years to film whatever the [ __ ] happens hang on I've definitely got the wrong lens on here sorry about being so zoomed in I don't know what's going on this is the outdoor camera I don't know where I track my indoor camera So the plan was simple just like last time we didn't make a plan at all four cars a few mates head to the Telly trap see what happens foreign [Music] bacon frozen peas yeah so if anyone gets hurt I can also use them as an ice pack and they also tasty and fried rice oh so this is Darcy Darcy's come on the trip Darcy's a paramedic so that's a tick in my box and then this is a familiar car you may have seen before flashback to the big run down oh you beat me how he's going yeah good good day bloody forgotten your name Taylor Taylor and Michael and you have you haven't made dinner yet yeah no I'm not too busy playing with his Audi chainsaw where'd you get that yeah Aldi 100 bucks yeah yo hello from Audi yeah fresh this is like the full Audi setup on your car yeah I can't afford it proper products we need fire all right we'll go get to it all right oh no look at that Sunset over there right bloody beautiful and then you just hear this big product placement everyone gets free Beanies you'll need them out at pink now we can go go camping I think these are available now I'm pretty sure by the time you're watching this they're gonna be on the website this made a discovery [Laughter] might go all right in the stir fry I guess yeah sounds good how's that fire going yeah look no good I'm just too busy eyeing off his food works really good hey wow man that's okay or is it off wish it's a toys it must be a fish back out plan there's no way that's going through that it's time to do some chainsaw mods we've made an epic Discovery the Chain's on backwards oh it's hot that's the exhaust pipe he's still going I'm pretty sure the train goes that way all right make sure your thongs are done up [Applause] yeah all right just leaving the first night's Camp we're heading out to Makai today to pick up the last member of the crew short little drive and then apparently he's got a camp for us um a couple hours North Beach camp that's a kit lens yeah I've got some I've got some variable NDS for you if you need me you'll need them oh how does it even screw on Mark it'd be internal thread yeah 50 or 49. oh no it's still recording last minute install I haven't even left last minute installs all right already at the mechanics hey is it a new shop good thing we're out of mechanics because now to ask his cars I've got a bit of a tickle going on it's just your engine I think oh I know what it is it's this making a noise Mitsubishi you see these these things all of the Power that's where the power comes from I'm gonna leave my hand on it okay yeah like that so after some Shenanigans with Sam um [Laughter] he's um a bit hard to get into gears at the moment and check yeah we had a race and we really shouldn't have we shouldn't have had a race break diff stuff yeah yeah Breaky town I mean look at my Airtime water bottle that's custom so I checked my air box for lease and it wasn't Celia so I just siliconed it up Bush mechanic fix so we just picked up um alrighty so we just stopped in at makaim stopped into the mechanic had a little bit of a problem with the Challenger it was just making a bit of a bit of a funny sound from the front of the engine one of The Idler idler pulleys just to find out Loose so we figured it must have been bad all right so now we just pick up another fella called Parker and we're heading to a place called dingo Beach he recommends also how to get some spare parts for Darcy he had a um idler tensioner bearing a bit um a bit shot so yeah we're on our way to dingo beach now [Music] so this is arka's little Lookout so part of the wet Sunday's out there we think I don't fish but it looks like it's good for fishing yeah it's actually uh there's an island just down here yeah I've always got a spearfish in there and you can clean up with trout and all that and um catching fish yeah but I do catch a couple oh of course have you got one first time I went bear fishing with my mate Nick Russo took me out to a place called Timber Dam yeah and um yeah I called a 95 centimeter Barrel first there you go I've never caught a barrel we might might do this is true all right Matt's got a tiny on the back of his Trail so we could punch out when we're up the top but um maybe some stuff off the beach this arvo we'll see [Music] how we made it I don't know what we call it what do you call this place Hideaway Bay and this is apparently rare in Queensland Sunset over the water what are we gonna do tonight Sam a bit of this bit of a bit of like posing for the camera but I'm gonna do tonight I'm gonna go for a run no you're not I am gotta exercise I'm gonna send them up there when the sun sets [Music] good morning everyone first night together and check out this spot it's freaking Magic Darcy Rings a bloody analog map yeah start from there we're thinking mosman now the cape's underwater the cape uh the crab tracks underwater so that's a no-go you want to peel off right over the daintree ferry our pretty windy roads do Cape tribulation which becomes the Bloomfield track she goes up the coast and then you go we're gonna punch across or maybe up that way to Laura and then the PDR good morning we met a couple I don't know if they're going to watch this but hello I told them who I was but they're traveling six months and they left Noosa like two days ago so they've just hit the road I think they're doing the Telly as well so they'll be a bit behind us but lovely young couple we did go for a run yesterday as well I think AKA got us on the Drone doing push-ups so there's evidence of that no one can argue a bit of exercise and then I threw a rod in after that try catcher fish didn't work too well so I just cooked up some steak last night [Music] I can't wait to get on the road again so today we're hopefully going to be going somewhere just before Cairns so we're going to try and find a camp so we don't have to Camp like a caravan Park it's never fun unless you've got to do washing and that but it's too early for that so there's either a waterfall area or there's a beach cam we'll just see which one we decide I think one's closer than the other we'll just see how we go for travel and time [Music] I tell you uh you just gotta you gotta make these trips happen because you know like Sam messaged us four weeks ago and said yeah we're heading up to the cape and we had four women yeah I'll stop and fill up yeah my range ain't the best but I do have probably the best fuel efficiency in the Convoy but I've only got a 70 liter tank so all combined wait check it out oh this thing's badass what's up it looks sick the tools on the back to fix her up [Music] I know the fun police [Music] but we're gonna have a chat you might ran your radio through when you pass us through Brandon yes uh whose car is it it's mine yeah have you checked the Rego no I normally get notifications 20 days past expiry mate yeah where are you guys off to uh Cape York all right well I thought you wanted to go yeah yeah I've got like seven cars dude like maybe I missed it foreign [Music] I've got that many cars but um yeah we'll sort it out I have to bring up the transport department so at least I wasn't speeding 441 and no points it's a six cylinder six cylinder yeah 441 bucks right no points so I've traveled guys eh yeah yeah take all right see I knew I wasn't bloody speeding turns out the Rego from from the patrol was and date or whatever I said it's like the best and this one went to my old Workshop address they must have got sent glad he missed it for box he said I've also got to pay Rego what an absolute stitch up he wouldn't let me off either hopefully [Applause] oh no but then you can see he's trying to like get out of past me to get to you yeah so it was quick yeah they must have a little thing that takes a photo get your license too yeah but he came out he come past it must be in the scan scanned red yeah want to be as close as we can to cancer tomorrow but this one's like foreign 5 30. plenty of time prices have added I paid the uh Rego and he bloody stitched me up with that farm but anyway cars sorted registered and everything's up today what a stitch up up and I forget that anyway I got it sorted it's a different crn number apparently in a business it goes to my old address whatever it was a bloody [ __ ] show anyway I haven't really filmed too much today I've done a lot of driving it's probably the biggest day I drive we've got eight hours eight and a half hours punching up to Cairns or somewhere near there so um just been a lot of driving a couple of stops Darcy's pulled over he's having engine noises out of his bloody Tron I'm going to call it a try on this trip just because it's still a Mitsubishi and then we've got two petrol V8s so they're just living at the bloody Servo and there's me with like I've used a quarter of one of my tanks I'll make it to Cairns easy so yeah just punching through see where we end up tonight [Music] gone we arrived kind of late it's sort of dark as you can see but this is badena Fort no for being the Boulder so it's like a little rapid Boulder waterfall thing and we jumped out of the car Darcy's like straight into the 40s he's like I'm going in so we're all just here to watch because it's bloody freezing you reckons [Laughter] when we wake up straight in there and it'll get us refreshed ready for a drive oh that's a good one we've done the old car park trick but that is right we all sleep in our cars so we're classes carving what do you say Camper vans yeah it says Caravan parking yeah and we're all sleeping in tents I'd like to see if I don't argue that's got a caravan I mean it certainly handles like Caravan yeah it's a bit booty we're definitely doing the swim in the morning then because it's like walking distance the next day let's do it what's going on Sam you ready it's 4 30. and we're going in all right let's go this is what it is warm up yeah yeah yeah we'll go for a run like two birds awesome yes we're gonna go for a swim in a run yeah you don't need to sell sand when I run [Music] [Applause] gotta commit [Music] [Music] thank you that was so cold oh really not much happening today we're in Cairns of all kind of split doing different things sorting out food and that for the cave I had to get a few bits and pieces and Spares some camera mics hard drives random stuff I've got to pick Cody up from the airport so it should be riding shotgun with me so really not much happening today so we're probably going to kick back and then pick things up tomorrow we're going to be doing the daintree Bloomfield track up through Lions then and then back up through Laura ready to hit the PDR so exciting times to come this is where it starts becoming a trip we should be hitting some dirt roads pretty soon so pretty Keen for that we've managed Cairns we're in Cairns now so today is a bit of a day that way it's gonna stop get like some supplies I've got to get a few things things I've got a broken Dash and I've got to get a few breathers so you can get some breathers so little bits and pieces today but we're all splitting up and we'll do our own thing and then meet up this afternoon well the part that I need isn't actually here it's that our bus course for the red Vision but I definitely need to get some fuses yeah so I'm here for a few little bits and pieces I'll go get some breads for my fuel tank because um in the water Crossings I don't want to get water in my fuel system next thing we've got to get is the skin gauge my Dash died so halfway up here so I can't see anything that's going on with the motor one hour later because I didn't bracket the awning properly I did I didn't bracket properly I am bracketed to the mesh I didn't actually bracket into the bars so we want to kind of fix that before we hit the corrugations otherwise we're going to do a awning delete there's four of them and some nuts and bolts just in case Sam's colors fall apart wouldn't be mine though all right so we're at Off the Wall automotive and we got lucky oh that's the one yeah hey mate yeah so uh the Mitzi she was making a bit of a tick and uh all bad apparently yeah it looks like it might have possibly a noise near the dry belt or the Tom belt so we've got the boys we'll pull that down a bit of sticky BK and see if we can diagnose so we can find out yeah I called a couple of places and these these guys were the nicest on the phone so and they're Legends so I'm so glad I came here and what on Earth is going on here what is that they are dirty 30 mate that's uh Sean's car from four wheel drive 24 7. so yeah God didn't do a bit of work for sure no he's a mate of mine and done a fair bit of work from over the years so yeah doing some uh upgrades just fixing up the aircon full set of wheel bearings and stuff just some damage I think I've just come back from the Kimberly so yeah just fixing it up and keeping on the road a few times now it's always fun to see what the boys break that's crazy what a coincidence small world hell yeah hello it's got a new puppy Versace yeah yeah and I got dry shampoo the essentials all right so yeah we just pick Cody up from Cairns airport um Darcy's car was having some dramas it said mechanic so I'm gonna catch up with the rest of them we're heading up daintree today dice is going to catch up other somewhere along the Trap or outlines then basically the mechanics pulled his car apart told him yeah it's pretty funny put it back together again and then gave it back to him so it didn't really achieve much but at least I had to look through and yeah don't really know what the problem is a little ticking sound foreign [Music] made up of two islands low and Woodland Islands he would read the song wouldn't you yeah cool I don't really see much on the camera oh this will get the shot [Music] foreign [Music] hotel we came the other way coming home last time came through here so we're going a different direction this time have a beer find a campsite I don't know yeah okay [Music] boy last time I came here I literally did not even come down here we just stayed in our tents [Music] all right so last night we stayed at lines then we stayed a bit later this morning did a bit of washing we just jumped in the creek for a swim a bit of a wake up how you feeling good awesome really good the others didn't go all the way in because we don't actually want to go too far today we could possibly we could probably make it to Cohen easy but we do want to do that in two nights so tonight we'll find somewhere in between um stop for lunch somewhere and then Cohen tomorrow night get some service get some work done and then we'll be punching up the PDR and really getting remote up to the Telly truck pretty Keen did a bit of um play with the solar so Michael bought a solar panel external one I actually got a plug on the other side for an extra solar to go in so with the red Vision you can see exactly what watts are coming in so now I'm getting 90 Watts from my panel but when we added his it was adding an extra like 150 and I was getting proper like 15 amp charge so that's good to know because when you stay somewhere for like longer than a day or two and you're not driving you need that extra bit of solar so I've already got the fixed solar panel on the roof on the tent but adding that extra one as well just really punching the battery because got two lithiums in here 200 amp hour and only 71 percent oh 71 is left so I've only used 30 and we've been here for probably a good 12 13 hours so run and mint the odd red vision um that's probably a good time we're waiting for our washing to dry let's have a look at the setup I'm gonna go probably go through the cars a little bit each quick squizz at the old 105 was 100 100 series V8 petrol V8 petrol um I've just installed the red Vision with a lithium battery I'm having a bit of drums with it at the moment mainly I just can't get the switching right but other than that just I've uh I had the some reason I've just done it the wrong like the most difficult way I could is I put two single drawers together only because they don't come out in there yeah I had to do the 900s yeah man a whole new top because I wanted it to cover the whole back and have nothing fall in anyway so what have you changed for this kite trip what you would normally have for just your weight Camp isn't that heavy obviously the out of the revision box yeah what else is in here that you normally wouldn't have um all the gear but like I run this stuff this is my this is a daily like like I have this for day trips as well as Now cape ready really [ __ ] um I've got the water tank up top Yeah from vast yeah man it's a great little Nifty thing there's a little proper amount yeah from Rhino Rack no no that's from Bath yeah that's from bus itself and you fill up through there yeah it's an 18 liter water tank and you just turn that big orange knob yes and you get water it's fantastic Pioneer platform Max tracks swags yeah simple simple with all that it's on this trip it's at the Triton so it's not a Triton it's a Challenger oh [Laughter] yeah like I I look for Simplicity yeah in the simplest way especially when you've got kids and you want to just quickly whip up a meal like I'll eventually put an induction cooker in but well that's probably a difference because you have you taken your seats out yeah so normally you'd have seats for the girls you've got that extra space yeah let's um let's have a look at the Triton so what we got here is a trotton yeah we're done oh yeah so I haven't actually said because we were saying your car was at the mechanic yesterday they had a look they pulled it apart put it back together again and gathered back together that's pretty much all that happened there yeah well we know it's not the time we've got now so I know only time will tell morning checks morning checks this morning thank you tip top just topped up my supercharger res tank yeah see that's why we've got a bit of time here so before we go real Bush just I haven't really popped the Bonnet this trip but it's always good every couple of days check your levels and your fluids like I had a little bit of oil down a bit so I've topped it I just bought like a little top up oil it's only a liter just for um engine oil make sure that's good you do have tiny bits of weeping here and there like every car has a little bit of a leak that's a lie it's just my cars really he's all car leaking oh no that's not really my transmission's the biggest one I've actually got like talk about just the liter of engine oil I've got two five liter bottles um not just because it's leaking but my trans coolers underneath and if that gets to stick through it and I dump my um oil out I've got enough to re refill it so how's your car you haven't opened your Bonnet yeah look at the size of that turbo yeah there's a turbo there I've got my second turbo which is the twin turbo then the compound into the third and then this one at the front here see it spins that's super cheap yeah that's the supercharger yeah foreign [Music] yeah so we're just having lunch at um where are we we are Laurel Laura yeah we're a river I don't know it's called the Laura River but it's a river so I don't even have a wrap that because that is a wrap and a half a [ __ ] that tomato is the lettuce of chicken look at the size of that wrap Laura found the river gives me a little setup I'll probably do I should do a bit of a walk around of house set up but quick roadside stop awning out chairs out gas cooker now the worst thing is this pan is that Bloody slippery I literally can't flip the chicken try and flip it and it just pushes it around oh there's a shame we can't go for a swim it looks a little bit stagnant hey what do you reckon I reckon it's a bit shallow we pulled up and someone was camping there it was still smoldering yeah yeah that log yeah I put it underwater and then dark it out and it started burning again I gotta go put it out in the river and it's like yeah this is kind of like Cohen Cohen the water's a bit better though and you can swim they're more deeper the more it flows the cleaner is this is still a bit murky so I don't I don't know what the chances are but I was messaging Jace before and he's like oh sorry I had no service I've been up the cape I'm like yeah no worries I'm going the cape and he just said oh MN Musgrove and I'm like well I'm in Laura and then his his tax didn't go through and it just delivered which means he just hit service which means he should be coming past here soon next five ten minutes so we'll see what the boys are being up to alrighty Tommy is on Channel 27 so just grab the GMA and we'll see if he's on there hey rubber ducky got a coffee mate yo hey Jay's got a copy Jay's got a coffee what about a boost juice come on yeah as you can see we hit the wetsuit yeah yeah light wet what are the chances we're heading up here now so let me switch this noise you can let us know how it is then it's dry down yeah it's all going on here right a few buses we tried the Telly track coming from the top down yeah okay and yeah it couldn't even get past Knoll yeah oh this thing got bogged and flooded yeah yes so yeah it's very deep yeah we're all in the car how deep so yeah but other than that old swampy um yeah had a good run well we're in this Bogle like I was up to the eyeballs in it um the Winch just wasn't doing anything like I mean like it was just loading up so I just yeah so so we had to roll swampy off just drove it off the back and this won't be reverse up in the past that we're in yeah like it's you know it's I don't know so deep and it just drove around through the swamp where you'd never drive yeah yeah you'd never drive your vehicle in there drove around through the swamp out of the front and then reversed up and went yep is this what you call a swamp yeah the road was like this like sideways it's your sludge and then we come around through one Gully and around the corner and his old mate with your Caravan oh [ __ ] just he's trying to pull it with his with he had this brand new D-Max yeah he's sitting there and he's got the misses in the car right yeah and he's got a rope it was two little uh like uh tree protectors yeah joined together what are you doing it with like a big D shackle or something bow shackles he's got one end to the back of the the D-Max and got the other end of the Caravan drawbar because he's disconnected now because he's just stuck in a rut on the side and he's just sitting there and the thing is just literally going nowhere and he's saying to the misses keep going yeah yes that's cool guys that is that was really fun um heading up to Musgrave I think we've decided Musgrave for the night and then Cohen take it nice and easy right hair down but sit at about 80 K's and set up Fields but not too bad so far [Music] [Music] so we're almost almost at our camp for the night we think we're gonna stay at Musgrave it's about four o'clock anyone know what that sound is because the mechanics they couldn't figure it out it's not the tying belt we know that um it's none of the belts all got all of them replaced looks like this one's already been raided though oh it looks like she had it she's a bit busted up not sure if it's a diesel or not but uh if I need to do the engine swap let's run back here grab the 3.2 anyway carry on and catch up with the other guys what'd you get us a chocolatey yeah I've got a caramel Taylor and Michael have like wait from them no don't go to that'll melt it's super hot they have two boxes of snacks and I got jumpy I love jumping very Musgrave but I remember this Camp it's just a bit of grass and it's really busy so we're gonna go back a little bit actually because on the way here I saw a couple of little um kind of dams like man-made dams and a track running alongside them we might be able to punch behind one of them so we sort of got our own little private cam so we don't want to have a fire tonight what is this what is this [ __ ] koala you gave me by the way these are not baby wipes so don't use them on your coochie what are they just be gentle no they're hands [Music] ome sounds like it's good for that [Music] [Music] so we just pulled up um just on the side of the PDR we're just camping it's gonna be pretty sick we've got the fire going thanks to akka he's cooking dinner tonight and the boys have fully busted up their bloody the Aldi chainsaw can we like wrap it around and like just kick it yes Muscle Man everybody pull the starter drill yeah you could probably put a drill on the flywheel yeah we'll I'll do it okay Mr mechanic we're gonna end the old tool broke hit to the rescue again oh yeah especially with broken chainsaws yeah all right ready I don't know we'll find out when we start it oh I bloody stripped it he's got he's got the tig out lane what do they call it laying dimes yeah dime bags baby [Laughter] [Music] scalpel clear box foreign [Laughter] [Music] the first time we've gone to a camp you've been like sold but yeah Mark's like not next one notch next next one is the exact same oh he's a zero Hey Macker if you're watching this is it yeah since the tools are out I thought I'd do some kind of repairs on mine I don't really know behind here is like the breathers and stuff for um the fuel for your tanks and obviously going through water Crossings you want them to sealed up I'm not sure if they're actually done on mine so it's going to rip this guard off and make sure they're not like open to atmosphere and have like a ton of water going into the fuel tank would be real bad that's what's rattling down the highway [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] this is sick uh first first night camping in the cape York peninsula it is so exciting I just can't wait this trip is just a trip of a lifetime really [Music] yeah everyone trailing arm out facing backwards at the moment how does it come out that far let's get it off don't know [Music] let's obviously strip the thread out these are like an adjustable lower and it's quite a fine thread to be honest but it's something that's meant to hold the car together is it wrong normally these have an o-ring on them and keep the water out but it might have got some Rust in there and corrosion there was washouts man they just come up so fast really hard to see and I slowed down for one Mark was behind me in the dust Michael just went for a bit of an overtake and then it was one of those washouts and uh I didn't give him a call out saying that it was there he hit it pretty hard and he snapped his trailing arm so I'm just gonna have to work on getting that back together I'm no mechanic like we've got Sam the boys that actually know what they're talking about seems pretty much an expert when it comes to patrols so all right so we've got a big ratchet strap around the lower control I'm holding that together a little one to pull the diff forward to get the nut through the nut through ratchet straps on tie the excess away and then hope this summer and Cohen to fix this thing throw some welds on it or something put Danger All right so we have found a welder whole mate was like oh I don't know I'll call it bloke and then he's missing he's like oh we got one in the back shed they live here yeah yeah so honestly it went burst in the back take both arms off yeah well the [ __ ] out one and just tuck the other yeah yeah I think just in case this internet shed you said that shed right there I saw that one I'm like that's gotta have a welder in it yeah yeah so good luck yeah man the whole way here is like just jittering and shaking and [ __ ] I'm like crisis averted we're on um and uh Mark is a bloody boiler yeah come up to me he's like he's a welcome what are the chances so we'll get him to do it he's he knows all this [ __ ] so so yeah we'll drive over and yeah it's all about cue the dramatic music [Music] hello baby shots [Music] for the wicked got reception bit of study we will be having a bit of service tonight hopefully I've got to do some work stuff everyone needs to chat to family whatnot anyway so the Ben's in Cohen as reception if you didn't know that so it's really not far we're here we're going there miss you like 10 15 minute drive but Darcy has been here before so he Rings he knows somewhere right near a creek so we're gonna have a swim keep cool because it is warming up here that's for sure [Music] anyway we're at Cullen this is the band The Bands whatever you want to call it there is a couple of bins this is Darcy's he's been here before found a mint spot in the river bloody camp chairs a couple of beers my hot spot is still on you get it okay during my legal research assignment this is the last perception so you don't you have to get it done today uh one for the camera [Music] [Applause] a great idea for a toilet just cut the hole now just don't think about it cut the hole it's like I've done this before Oh that's gonna that's gonna scrapey it's Scrapy Scrappy the wee-wee now I gotta just Brew one building up board and it's got a toilet seat when you're done okay and we'll make it a pizza no I don't know it's just what the recipe says from years ago this is going to be the chicken Luxor it's easy it's a one pot Wonder we've got two pots here four cans of coconut milk the Lux of paste is the secret ingredient frozen veggies bit of water and some spring onions I'm going to be chopping these up you know how you do it I forgot the best ingredient I did forget two important ingredients the chicken for the chicken laksa and Maggie's two minute noodles right turn these on no good boom Jesus we've had that many burns on this trip it's not even funny okay there's that one on they're both on I don't have any Knuckleheads holy smokes oh [ __ ] I told you I'm good at cooking all right so I'm gonna cook the chicken a bit this is where you Chuck in the laksa paste so you just want to like brown the chicken with a bit of this in there gives it the flavor Two Scoops if you like a bit of spice one if you don't now mix that in yeah right a bit of that bit of that just one a little bit you just want to wait till that's pretty much browned or like almost cooked through but not quite because obviously it Cooks later when we put the juices in so you just want to Brown the chicken for like maybe three or four minutes this is the point where you can start chopping your veggies done carrot peas and corn and spring onion we've let it sit for a couple of minutes it's about touch dry I've done about two coats now I'm going to throw in some coconut milk with 500 grams of chicken you want maybe two of these you want to mix it with some hot water so usually about the same so like half coconut water half actual water it's a chicken lock so with the juices all right we're gonna Chuck some veggies in now so you can see it's sort of starting to boil up a few little bubbles coming through so that uh was it coconut milk has started to heat up to match the temperature everything else and then you just freeze it again with frozen veggies it's all about putting heat in taking it out put it back in again spring onion oh smell it and then we just wait for that to basically heat up again get the bubbles up and then the last thing is the noodles that's pretty much done it's that easy why is like it I don't even think it's good that's all right that's good it's my favorite it's really nice 10 out of ten ten out of ten out of ten I didn't see the Flies love it they can't keep themselves away from it a little later [Music] on the bed he's not driving though oh he put the alcohol into the drops did I have breakfast I just made stop for a um RBT the license check thanks yeah [Music] magnet if I've ever seen one that's for sure never been pulled over so many times alrighty just making a turn off the turn off to Cape York so one way weeper one way Cape York and here we come next stop um Bramwell then telly [Music] foreign station will be staying tonight and the next stop is the Roadhouse which is literally the last bit before the Telly truck so it's pretty gnarly from here on battery is a lovely Lifeboat I can actually see the bridge temp from the app how cool is that where is it 14 degrees it's pretty warm [Music] foreign let's go find some Far corner or somewhere you're gonna tell them that they have Wi-Fi they have Wi-Fi it's new he's like we put it in a couple years ago Wi-Fi at the park if you want to come to Bramwell happy hours at five and they do dinner if you want to pay was it 100 bucks yeah I left 100 bucks for dinner or it's just 30. yeah or a 34. just just camping why are you sipping over that sofa this is a buffet dollars for one meal camping and buffet food how much is camping 30. so seventy dollars for dinner yeah nobody's paying seventy dollars oh he said it sells out every night so they put the price up no way I'm serious I don't believe you we'll have to talk to Darcy [Music] please click the button to your left if you want to go and check out the latest merchandise we have on our website if you missed last week's episode click down below to see it and most importantly on the far left hit that subscribe button thanks for watching foreign [Music]
Channel: Built Not Bought
Views: 362,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chasin Lines, Built Not Bought, Sam EYles, Sam Eyles Cape york, tele track cape york, built not bought tele track, duramax tele track, sam eyles bogged, explore life, 4wd cape york, 4wd tele track, 4x4 australia, telegraph track australia, hard 4wding, touring patrol, duramax patrol, sam eyes patrol, built not bought patrol
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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