Boys Vs Girls! Who Will Win? 4WD Action #246

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if there was such a thing as four-wheel drive Heaven a four-wheel drive Paradise I don't think you could go past this spot right here Land Cruiser Mountain Park some of the most iconic tracks in Australia and the camping well have a look at it five star it's a perfect location to host something a bit different for this episode of four-wheel drive action that's right it's the first ever four-wheel drive action Jim Carter boys versus girls [Music] Land Cruiser Mountain Park is a 10 000 acre wilderness camping and four-wheel drive Park less than two hours from Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast [Music] looking for a mad deal on the gear that you're chasing like this awning oh I've got you covered keep an eye out throughout this video for an exclusive discount code and get 10 off store wide for all full drive Super Center YouTube subscribers and as always enjoy this adventure because this is an epic trip the boys are in trouble yep my name's ballsy I'm from kawangba I bought my Nissan Patrol with me this weekend dust up racing that's my team race cars off-road plenty of dust hard fast and dirty Nikki Nikki pleased to meet you my name's Nikki Miller I'm from Brisbane and I brought with me my Nissan Navara my husband and I are currently traveling Australia with our two dogs so we're taking the Nissan Navara around with us and we're living out of it at the moment tomorrow tomorrow my name is Tamara Glover I'm from North Side Brisbane and I own a d22 Nissan Navara meet and grow in Cahill was definitely one off that bucket list settle down Tamara hang on can you hear that if Sean is leading you can almost guarantee they're lost I know they're not here they come now and about time too this must be the spot fellas I think the girls will be waiting down here looks like them down there mate how good is this going to be this is going to be a walk in the park for us surely right look at the faces they look scared they've got twice as many vehicles to recover on this trip fill in the blue shirt that's actually a pretty funny joke I'll give you that mate [Music] alrighty contestants that right there is the notorious iconic Camp right I think everyone that comes to Land Cruiser Mountain Park attempts that and we are and in a fitting way too because this is challenge one it's called the hill climb obviously if you make it to the very top you walk away with 50 points because if you stop stall roll over any of that weird stuff you lose a two-point deduction if it all goes pear-shaped you've got to run that winch out you go all the way to the top you're out you're done and it costs you 10 points we'll go first we'll show you how it's done all right guys challenge number one Camp right right fellas coming through it's steep extremely rudded and we'll test the suspension on any truck as you can see Camp Road puts you in some pretty awkward situations yeah that's it fit to me yeah that's it that's her just stay straight on that one so go you go go you good thing that's it perfect that's the one loving it that's a hard right hard right harder right you can drive it you got it mate beautiful you got to be prepared for some really gnarly angles that shawno is definitely a stop hang on a second how are we looking at the back there no we've got to strategize this because AFL you've only lost two points yeah you're gonna have to come back the back wheels slipped into it good drive [Music] what is that right at Cruiser park that's a cool track Renault is always entertaining to watch Camp Road The Big G U it's a match made in heaven jeez the Big Fellas concentrating the GU is double locked and it flexes like a sick giraffe I reckon he's gonna walk straight up there whoa that is some wheel lift right the idea here is to keep the truck on all four wheels [Music] really good Drive Reno top stuff mate no points to duck okay Justin time to bring up the big gu mate now it's worthwhile remembering that Justin has built this truck up to be a tough tourer Camp Road wasn't really on the design board when this truck was being built hold up hold up that's a stop that was just a trial run game come back come back come back all right hold that there now you're cool steady steady mate you want to get to the top in one piece mate put your windscreen wipers on I'm sure that'll help [Music] that's a good drive that was the best Drive I've seen today yeah have a listen to that turbo whistle cap leader td05 oh that's this yeah done okay sure do as I said at the bottom of Camp Road start line ready to go I was quietly confident this is Tamara's playground and she's done Camp Road solo many times in the past easier said than done though hey Tamara so as I'm heading into Camp row definitely best line to take would stick to the left ride the left wall I tell you what she looks pretty darn relax behind the wheel skim around the Little Rock to the right and then the trickiest part is is balancing through a hole trying not to damage the tray slowly crawling through sticking to the left riding the wall right through and coming out the other side yeah yeah nice awesome drive this way this way yeah yeah yeah there we go yes you can really see experience showing here in the lines that she's taken this way [Music] and I was sitting at the bottom of Camp Road looking up there I was like you're kidding they want me to drive up this thing right mate let's go up this hill [Music] sure hope I don't need them I've done plenty of four-wheel driving off-road flat out pedal to the metal this slow stuff I'm an amateur balls he's no stranger to flat out off-road racing but this slow stuff well she admits herself she's enough slow stuff well I did like having him in the car we got halfway up and we crashed down hard on the left-hand side and I was like oh no just folded my door in so that's an awkward angle yeah we got into a bit of a spot we couldn't get going we had about four or five days I'll stop decided to give it a little winch so the girls come down they were to my rescue winched me over one little spot just couldn't get through without the diff locks but then we decided once we were over that we'd drive out I was so proud that I drove out the top of that thing I think if I did it again next time definitely want some lobsters in my car and that is a solid drive for an unlocked gu Patrol okay Nikki your turn as I'm sitting on that start line looking up that hill it the nerves are definitely going okay you have still got everything to play for here in fact I'm confident you can finish on top let's do this [Music] she's giving it a red hot go um definitely like my right foot [Music] I just try and pick my line best and watch my spotters and make sure I'm listening to what they're telling me what to do right about now folks it's worth remembering that Nikki and her partner are currently driving around Australia in the four-wheel drive that she is currently busting her way up camp roadie that is one understanding husband the butterfly started going um the more I looked up the hill the more nervous I got [Applause] [Music] up to an angle I wasn't feeling comfortable with um I definitely took the safer option and winched up oh she's called for the winch it's actually a smart move when you think about it because it's only going to cost 10 points and she's at the top yeah the heart was pumping nerves had settled still had that bit of adrenaline going through me but I'm very very proud of myself to get up and with a little bit of help but still got up there and then have kept me proud and proud you should be Nikki that was one heck of a drive [Music] and that's over excellent take a deep breath you've got this oh what hang up yeah [Music] foreign not really every truck has a bucket on the Bonnet here's the bucket I'm going to fill the bucket full of water each person's gonna drive through then I'm going to put the water in here the team with the most water at the end wins 50 points as simple as that trust me I doubt many of you will get back with it boys all right we've got this in the bag not water practice walking through busy pubs holding a couple of beers all right it's enough talking jump in your trucks who's going first you're up all right start Line's over here mate challenge two the water challenge the girls are up first let's get on with it it's going to be easy just straight up this Creek flat out nothing hard there out comes the buckets I was like what's going on here spilling or ringing you're trying to hook it out wide a bit I think I lost a lot before I even got onto the rocking bed the idea is to finish with water I ran out of water already everyone was telling me to slow down I was the first car up and always get I was angry I was like wait to use other guys harder than it looks yep that's a wise move ballsy why do you have a guy pop it up in the crate despite a very dry season there's always a bit of water to be found just about anywhere you go and land cruising Mountain Park is no different I don't want to go over any rocks you want to go around them the Smoothie you can make it the more water you're going to get to the end with there's not much water left in there made it through the other end no water left I don't even think I covered the bottom of the bucket okay let's see how she did I don't want to drop any of it oh every drop is sacred Tamara's up next doing the water challenge I knew it would definitely be hard to try and keep every drop but every value will drop in that bucket I know we can't spill the water mate we had to beat the boys that was it ready to go let's go I know still managed to be halfway at least keeping half the bucket full right now the girls are helping with the drought by putting a bit of water back into the soil water went everywhere has a little filler in the back keeping an eye on the bucket told me that it's built over the Bonnet and then he was distracted okay let's add it to the telly you guys sitting in that start line I was staring at that bucket watching it very full it was tipping out before I'd even move the car progress slowly slowly yes oh look you're spilling it already I've had watched the others go through but I didn't think it'd be as hard as much easier to watch than to go through it I want some water in the bucket at the end Oh I thought the object was to get the water out you're winning I was watching those rocks and just kept watching the water tip out more and more we may have water in the bucket at the end it wasn't much help having Graham in the car squealing like a little girl and making noises [Music] all right oh that's it that's it oh man he's jumping out while it's still going I think I break Graham when we jumped out of the truck and we had a look at the bucket I was actually really surprised at how much water was still left in there I think the creek filled it up again I think it's struggle honestly it's so much the girls have shown us what they've got let's see what the boys can do now I've been watching how the girls have been going and I've devised a plan see they spilled all the water out when they come to a stop so my thing is I'm not going to stop in fact I'm going to go as fast as I possibly can without being too Reckless because my thoughts are the less time that I'm on the track the less time I've got to spill that water I thought I was going to work but we'll try it out that's actually a pretty solid plan Bruno let's see how it plays out did not go well that did not go well I've still got quite a pretty average start mate I think it's half the bucket gone already spilled off all the bits that I didn't want I didn't want any of that water so that is the wettest bucket of water you'll ever see how good is it I'm willing hey here's my secret ready ready ready ready that's the secret I'm pretty sure I just filled it up three quarters then up we go up we go I'm leaking leaking more than a GQ does oh my God she's up and she's done I would be lying if I said that's not exactly how I planned it oh wow he first got a lot of work ahead of yourself all right well I don't think you can do any worse than Brenno have a crack Sean really hard to keep this car steady it's got a throttle like a secondhand lawn mower is playing up oh there's the line oh I lost about half a bucket then very Good's coming out now that is what you call stuck between a rock and a hard place hang about what's this Shawna is getting out of his truck I'm pretty sure that mud guard is not supposed to be folded backwards like that yeah no thank you should have bought a Nissan [Music] they're back in the game [Applause] a little harder than I need to be yep you can say that again buddy but you have made it to the end let's see how you did you busted your truck you got stuck there's virtually no water in your bucket wouldn't call that terribly successful mate but at least you had fun hopeless God I'm trying I know I know it's harder than it looks it's a lot harder than it looks oh I've got a drop whoa smoothest run yet I'm Thrive of all the six I think that's the best one it's about half a bucket of water there aren't you done very well gently up here truth be told Justin absolutely nailed it but will it be enough settle down not even half [Applause] it was all over they say time flies when you're having fun and with two challenges under our belt we decided to call it a day and head back to camp foreign ly stoked to have my King's Rooftop tent back on top of shorty I am going to sleep like a king tonight renault's treating himself to the awning tent tonight not a bad idea too because there is the slight chance of a bit of rain [Music] well if you thought today's challenges were pretty good you ain't seen nothing yet tomorrow we're going to step them up a notch tonight though we're going to kick back and enjoy a campfire and what looks to be perfect weather [Music] get more for Less at four-wheel drive super center with incredible deals on adventure King's camping and outdoor gear take your camping experience to the next level with the amazing Grand tourer Mark III aluminum Rooftop tent the rooftop tent that practically sets itself up King's portable gazebo is a built Ultra strong with a tough steel frame easy to set up even by yourself and are available in multiple sizes for the campsite or the job site the incredible new 270 degree freestanding awning can be set up in just 40 seconds and wraps around the side in the back of your car for incredible amounts of shelter hit the water on a king's inflatable stand-up paddle board for an insane amount of fun at the beach the River or the dam but warning it's highly addictive plus there's fridges solar panels and more to make every adventure incredible at full drive Super Center you get more for Less [Music] who doesn't love starting the day with bacon and eggs on a campfire that right there is what you call a mountain of both bacon and eggs all the food groups in one barbecue plate but I went a little bit overboard on the bacon sure we couldn't stop him we always had to push him out of the way now we'll get out in the track today we've got some cracking challenges one in particular I'm very much looking forward to I think the guy's gonna have a lot of fun I think girls will win it but the guys will have a lot of fun doing it before that what are we going to put wraps I'm just gonna hit you straight up straight off the plate we might get some wrap some cheese on some cheese sauce mate done right up let's get into us thank you [Music] what are you Rebel I've been looking forward to this little course here this is uh our next challenge and the reason I'm looking forward to it I think we've Incorporated everything that's in forward driving in this challenge here we've got pretty steep Ascent here nice little Hill you've really got to watch your line coming through here because it's got a drop off on either side coming down here you've got a nice little off-camber descent a terribly off camber Ascent there a three-point turn at the top of that there's also we chucked this into the last minute a log up here that you've got to go over with one of your wheels now every person's gonna drive the course and it will be timed we're going to add all the times up to two teams a person with the least amount of time at the end gets a straight 50 points for their team now as I said we're going to put a navi in with you yeah because I just think for a safety reason you should have an Abby on any fast course the navi will be holding a raw egg on a spoon and so every time the egg falls off you lose the seconds of the egg is off the spoon egg and Spoon race here we go Challenge three the egg and Spoon race hello boys you ready we're ready mate I'm gonna give you the countdown yes said go okay we're off nice and slow mate nice and slow I've still got it I've still got it highly slowly slowly it's actually some pretty good skills there Justin I've ridden in the dirty 30 before and trust me just staying in the seat is hard enough oh hang on here nice and slow nice and slow [Music] that's one drop I saw that this is the tricky bit good luck boys I wore it in the face how did that egg not break yeah three-point turn is that egg staying together concentrate mate that's hopeless how on Earth has that egg not busted all over the dirty 30. just secretly I kind of wished it would have that was a pretty good stop boys I gotta say it but the Finish was diabolical yeah [Music] on your max get set get set go go all right all right hold on wait hold on I'm in two wheel drive that's not good are you really into your right two wheel drive I'll put it in four driver good morning rolling the truck is not part of the course mate Wacker in four-wheel drive and do it properly [Music] that was a smooth turn not even a wheel lift coming out of there how good is that gu made some serious time up there get ready to swap it swap it for the clinic [Music] oh no this one broke a sparing problem [Music] s just showing that you're on that script hearing all right we're good oh what is that what is that you got it still on the speed still got it in one piece okay that's legitimate it is so with the egg and Spoon race myself driving it was definitely a challenge almost stalled halfway getting up the hill come on baby tried to give it a little bit going across the top knew it was a time challenge I was hoping to beat the boys obviously it's definitely what we came here for ever bastard of the cone that's gonna cost you coming down through the bottom move tarago Trail I knew I had to take it why the auto lockers don't turn very well it's at least a six point turn where it should be too to get up through that tight section where did that egg go it lost the leg wow we still had to do at least a four point turn at the top oh stinky egg slime [Music] we got it good work girls good work yes [Music] that's a big hole there wait I'm gonna eat gray let me get back oh yeah I reckon definitely poker in there mate that's it harder I can get up you'll get a bite this egg seriously this is my oh I almost lost it almost lost it I'm gonna shut up that's what I'm gonna do it no I haven't broken it oh hang on let's hold on now that situation just got real pear-shaped [Music] let's go upstairs no matter how tired of the situation you're not meant to hold on to the egg beautiful I didn't even feel it perfect that's it it's been a hard sideways eggs being thrown at the judge's head that's gonna cost you a lot of points it's all lined up for the egg and Spoon race it looked like an easy course it was a timed event I thought I've got this in the bag till they handed me over a spoon and an egg definitely didn't want crack dig through my car it's not a good eggy on our faces I'm gonna show the boys up the right way without cheating we don't need to beat them do we all I've got it man there was one spot I watched a couple the others go through they cracked the left-hand side of their car and I was like I do not want to do that because it blowers gassed it up there nearly jumped it straight through the camera crew at the top there eggs were going everywhere still got there caught in the door it's not broken gusted out of there we still ran a pretty good time we were stoked there was no egg through the car [Applause] so we swapped around and I got to jump in I was the navi for Nikki over there and we jumped in the car all going good got into a bit of a pickle a few times yeah that was awesome oh that was the cone my favorite part was when the egg just jumped right off the spoon straight into the dash oh but I caught it all white didn't even break we were stoked we were giggling it bounced off and I caught it good driver you might be surprised at the scores that I've got here at all mate what I've got to do though I've got to pick with the in-car footage just to make sure there was no cheating no there wasn't how many times the eggs fell off the spoon now we've got the footage no no it got lost no I've checked it I've got your bikes in the car I just haven't gone through it yet mate um so I'll correlate all these scores up what I'm going to say looking at these right now though it's very very close if there's anything untoward that's gone if any underwater happened in the cars I reckon the team that did the underwater business will probably lose so we'll see how we go I'll have a look at the cameras tonight all right what do you say next challenge [Music] a pretty critical part of any night in the bush is when you get back into Camp you get a stomper big fire gun you get the camp oven out you make yourself a meal so I thought I'd incorporate that into one of the challenges of course what we're going to do boys versus girls tonight's dinner is a cook-off shawna's going to leave good on you guys I'll leave it to you go for it [Music] well as far as I'm concerned it's hardly a competition tonight because tonight we're cooking up a rib eye fill it roast now first we're going to get that roast mate gotta get it I'll get it yeah Perfect Mate actually while you're in there do you want to give me a beer I'd love to get your beer look at that now that's a prime roast there okay so the girls are underway with what they're calling the bachelorette beef and by the looks of it they're not mucking around either now what we want to do here is make a couple of sneaky little incisions in here the whole idea is to infuse some of the herbs and garlic and flavors and all all the goodness right in here all-purpose seasoning that little bit of oil there now what we really want to do here it gets a little bit messy here Clean Hands of course rub it in rub it massage it in massage it in Yeah the more you massage it the better it tastes that's not exactly true but fun what do you got there tiger it's a bit of beef it really is isn't it what are you gonna do with it just about to Brown it we're gonna Brown it all right well hands off I'm glad you finally managed to skin that sucker all right go for it do what you're gonna do the boys had better get a move on because the girls are already cooking the beef and are not far off with throwing the veggies in this is definitely gonna be a close one honestly mate checking out the girls because we've got no competition whatsoever there we go look at that that's enough grab that in obviously got the garlic down right down in those little grooves I cut before and that's ready to go in the pot we're gonna have gravy plus a roast exactly we're gonna get some veggies going another Camp oven and this is going to be one of those meals that you'll be telling stories about to your grandkids mate not going to have grandkids but I'll tell you what I will do I will let you put that lid on there and get that on the Flyers we won't eat till midnight it's nice looking good guys okay Sean has finally got the roast on the fire and in around two hours that'll be perfect not even [Music] oh look at that look at that [Music] it's the perfect look that was two hours exactly look we stopped every sort of half an hour and make sure there's still a bit of water in there we changed a bit of coals around that's probably one of the best cooked roast you'll ever see whack it down there all right so what do you call this oh Bachelorette Bachelorette beef do you mind if I tried this first push go for it mate plenty of veggies oh my God all right look that is so the meat is so tender it literally falls apart yeah flavors Perfection and there's a tea that there's a hint of um there's a sweetness in there is that Port yeah they put in there mate okay what do you call this Mike this is a ribeye roast okay Spanish Spanish onions we're gonna have to have everything no honestly this is one of the hardest decisions I've ever made Bachelorette beef and a standard roast come on that's the end of your dreaming can't try over this yeah okay okay here it is folks here it is I'm gonna give tonight's meal see I'm serious I'm gonna give tonight's meal you got tissue [Laughter] tonight's meal goes to the girls I'm not taking anything away from the boys that roast is absolutely it's probably is one of the best you've ever had but that is just something that you've got to taste it to believe there's a mix of flavors in there with the port infused in with the vegetables and the gravy and it came to the table within what an hour and a bit the girls have taken out tonight's challenge I reckon now what we should do have a couple of beers and enjoy all of this together hook if I was judging I reckon [Laughter] yeah get more for Less at four-wheel drive super center with insane deals on King's DIY storage and 12 volt gear to build your dream four-wheel drive whether it's an inverter you need to run 240 volt gear on the job site or the campsite a battery box or a 12 volt control box to easily access your power King's 12 volt DIY gear is what you need to take your 12 volt set up to the next level native battery Kings has you covered with a full range of AGM Slimline and lithium batteries in sizes ranging from 98 amp hour to 200 amp hour all built with ultra high quality components to go the distance and of course you just can't beat King's solar panels and blankets to silently charge your batteries anytime the sun's out at four-wheel drive Super Center you get more for Less [Music] all right silence you rat bags this is obviously the bog challenge or the water challenge or the mud challenge depending how you're going to put it there's about six different holes you're gonna have to hit it's simple it's time trial one two three one two three very very easy we're going to add up the times at the end those are the least times wins that's it one last little Gremlin I'm going to throw in you're all going to get a Nabi okay it's going to be a navi from the opposite team the boys get a handicap product boys get it handicapped them's a fighting word seano in your trucks humongous [Music] all right we've got our first contestant on the start line something tells me the mud he's about to fly on your marks get set go [Music] Lead Foot Nicki is off the line there he goes number two yep that's the one yeah where am I going straight here tell me wrong directions I'm not sure if Grandma was helping you or hampering you there Nikki no doubt about it Nikki that is going to be a fast time and of course being the first contestant the time to beat oh yeah nice drive bye-bye that was awesome [Music] Tamara is not hanging around there's a look of concentration and a look of fear in that cab I'll let you decide who's got which go straight in there hold on Justin hold on right we got it and that is a good run well done help as you go made it it's gonna give Shawna a few lessons how to drive a few lessons mate ballsy do you have a copy yes we do [Laughter] hold on okay flat out and off-road this is bullsey's event she should shine here it's gonna cost us some vital time Sean are you supposed to be helping me hold on what are you doing are you doing anything after this gonna be a good time it's gonna be a good time that is going to be a good time ordinarily in these situations I'd ask how you went how the driver was how the drive was in this situation I'll ask how you are sure there's a little wet patches probably there before I got it all right no there's no shame in that Mr Seymour do you have a copy I certainly do on your marks get set go oh he's hard on the gear ballsy my best advice here is to sit down hang on hope you make it through to the end ing Bruno to set the fastest time here [Music] foreign [Music] it was a good drive ballsy was a good drive but I've just found a safety Pender limo check check your recovery gear before you leave the station please this is Carnage mate I can't accept this I can't accept this mate come on look at the castle in worse condition than when you started where's the rest of your flag on Mr whale you have a copy yes I do just said here we go okay Shawna you're up mate let's see if you can beat for a nice time the dirty 30 looks pretty good but is downright short on Comfort I feel for tomorrow right now 30 mate three horsepower [Music] that's a good lap mate let's check your time [Music] [Music] Justin's got a new turbo and the big gu he's in with a shot of setting the best time on the course too good work guys good work let's check your time all right mud challenge pretty impressive display you all put on the boys won based on time yes before you get excited to settle down there were 20 points up for grabs as you know at the end of this 60. yes there was also a five-point penalty for anything I saw that might incur a safety risk puddle that's five points if you finish the company your winch rate was hanging down to the ground Five Points That was supposed to be like that you also put your fan through your radiator no no that was like that that's 10 points you've now include 20 points worth of fines which means you get zero for winning the whole thing bad luck girls you're still on top with one challenge left to go the boys really do have to pull something out of the Hat in order to turn this around yeah mate that is the drive of Shame [Music] ladies and gentlemen you've all seen the course laid out in front of you here there's nothing terribly Difficult about it we've got a water crossing I'm going to do that twice up the off-camber slope around these trees back down the off-camber slope through those two Bob holes over there you've got to straddle a large rut all the way up the hill cross come back down drop into a bog hole which you probably won't drive out of you can winch off this truck over here if you need to back down here off camber all the way up around these trees figure of eight back down the rats yes mate again don't question it just do it down here to the water back out the water it's a time trial fastest team up for 50 points of course there will be a 10 point deduction if you hit a witch's hat because of the fact that you're going to be blindfolded Sean yes you're going to be blindfolded tomorrow I know you can't mate it is going to challenge you we're gonna have we're gonna have one person outside the trucks with a gme handheld to try and direct you where you're going one person in the truck as well now when we get to the winch section down here if you need to winch you might not you can take your blindfold off for safety of course when you drop into the other one down here I might suggest you do the same just in case because it is a little bit gnarly yeah yeah yeah is that you yeah yeah all right let's do this come on let's go welcome to the blindfold challenge boys you're up first all right I can't say a thing dude like literally there's there's nothing oh no yeah he's listening uh it sure is yeah on the inside camera so I can be sure I did it I can fight back okay it's just straight up just don't know's gonna be driving of course with a blindfold on Justin's in the passenger seat to help with Navi Inc and outside just to make sure that everything goes smoothly and can be as safe as possible we've got breno on the handheld okay now oh this is weird I don't like this this is a heck of a lot harder than it looks it's not funny there is so much Faith being put in both your navies here you are literally driving blind all right hand down raise It Off [Music] all right yeah that's it the clock is still running here boys the winch is included let's get that truck to the top and continue as fast as possible back on please really oh no we're hoping you forget oh [Music] keep going keep going keep going keep going okay blindfold off again for this little section here watch actually straight through that oh Shawna you are inches from Rolling it there mate [Music] [Music] wait a second yeah come back [Music] can we secure the vehicle doesn't feel good at all right it's time for me to step in here I've seen the dirty 30 go over once but I want to see it go over again [Music] I can't go to the rear winds okay mate let's try that again that is a much better angle and we're winching again the time is ticking over here I don't know right now but I wasn't being a big hole we are done really take it off we nearly died we nearly died I nearly died well how it's not built for stuff like that [Music] doing the blindfold challenge was something totally out of my comfort zone okay tomorrow already you can see Tamara is not hanging back life idle or not she's going to do this course as cleanly and as fast as she possibly can taking away one of those senses was the biggest challenge to me I felt totally out of control after that I wasn't in no way shape or form in control of my car and I had to rely on everyone else to guide me around that track oh my gosh Graeme scaring me half to death through the window didn't help being blindfolded I felt tense I felt stressed you doing all right who literally freaked out hey yeah my heart's gone but we definitely managed we conquered through the help of both my navies it couldn't have been done without them so we had angled it just chilling lay back arms back this is how easy we're doing this is full driving yeah I mean wow the girls are blitzing the field at this point the boys are into double figures the girls are here in single figures all I've got to do is keep calm and keep the head about them they'll Slaughter this they really will oh my God [Music] right time to put the blindfold back on the girls are absolutely smashing this I just said to them they could literally stop here and have a cup of tea and they'd still win you're in the ditch [Music] the girls are setting a blistering pace [Music] the last section where um an individual nearly rolls his vehicle because that was quite interesting you are kidding me what an effort straighten up okay [Music] the girls are working really well as a team here and I think the boys stand a chance straighten up right good work girls [Music] with the challenges over and done with it was time to find out once and for all who would be crowned the king of the first ever four-wheel drive action Jim carner the boys or the girls alrighty this is it we've come to the end of the first ever four-wheel drive action Jim Carter girls versus boys I'm gonna run through the results very very quickly here I don't really need to yeah it's a four-bomb conclusion quiet rabble Hill Climb the boys won convincingly I must say the couple of winches that were in there plus a few stop starts from the girls the boys won the hill challenge out and out the bog the boys won the bog outright as well wow straight out however due to the penalties included incurred by Bruno you came away with zero points so you may have won it but you've got zero points the water challenge the girl slaughtered you the blindfold challenge the girls slaughtered you slaughtered you the egg and Spoon race the boys would have won convincingly however had you not put Axel grease on the spoon and cheated so I doubled your time for cheating thank you the girls only just won and came away with 28 points the cooking challenge it was so close it was so close I want to Ward both but I can't the girls took that out just because of the time frame I thoroughly enjoyed it so here it is drum roll please oh the boys came away with a whopping 42 points out of 40. the girls came away with 166. [Applause] they've taken out the first ever four Drive action Jim Carter first up I'd like to give you guys a one year subscription to forward of action world's greatest full drive magazine in the world just noticed that comes literally giving these ones away and carry all these at once each I'm gonna put that down you're quite happy closed captioning not available [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] I've never done forget building your own set of storage drawers all paying well over a thousand dollars for a set elsewhere and get your hands on a set of incredibly tough and unbeatable value for money Titan storage drawers our entire range of Titan storage drawers have been built to handle just about anything you can throw at them all models of Titan double drawers come with an included built-in fridge slide on the left hand side saving you up to 200 compared to some other brands that charge extra for a fridge slide each draw top also has these heavy duty spring-loaded tie-down points to secure your gear on even the most corrugated roads we've put them through their Paces like none other we've jumped on them overloaded them with bricks chucked an engine on the drawers at full extension absolutely flooded them and used them off-road year after year to prove just how tough they are the Titan 900 single drawer is perfect for those who have limited space to install a storage drawer it has internal dimensions of 430 millimeters wide 790 millimeters long and 190 millimeters deep the Titan 900 Double Draw setup is ideal for smaller wagons like Prados pajeros and SUVs with the internal Dimensions identical to the 900 single drawer on each side the Titan 1300 Ute drawers are made specifically for Vans and Utes the internal dimensions are 1200 millimeters long 430 millimeters wide and 150 millimeters High the 1300 millimeter single drawers are also a cracking addition to the back of Vans and Utes the internal dimensions are the same as the double 1300 drawers but have an extra 40 millimeters of depth making them 190 millimeters deep and finally for the bigger wagons like Land Cruisers and patrols the double 1070 storage drawers have internal dimensions of 880 millimeters long 470 millimeters wide and 180 millimeters of depth they come 95 pre-assembled and all you need to install them is a couple of basic hand tools and a couple of hours on a lazy Sunday arvo you can also add optional Wing kits both model specific and DIY so you can finish off the back of your four-wheel drive and have plenty of storage available for your next adventure take your setup to the next level with the incredibly tough and unbeatable value for money Titan storage drawers [Music] if you're after a Next Level 12 volt upgrade for your vehicle or your next camping trip then check this out the adventure King's 120 amp hour lithium battery this uses high capacity brand new grade a Lithium-Ion phosphate cells capable of thousands of Cycles it's paired with a high quality BMS able to Output up to 160 amps of current the future of 12 volt setups is here lithium batteries are super lightweight and still have heaps of power capacity in fact this battery weighs just over 15 kilos that's about half as much as a similar capacity AGM but that's not all lithium batteries have the ability to use their entire capacity from 100 to zero percent and still have an incredibly long life the reason Adventure King's lithium batteries are so good is because they use lithium-ion phosphate chemistry that means if you're using the entire 120 amp hours of capacity in this battery every day it would still last almost five and a half years some cheap lithium batteries use Grade B or even second hand cells to keep the cost down but not here Adventure King's lithium iron phosphate batteries use brand new grade a prismatic cells when these batteries are assembled each individual cell is matched with others and then grouped then those cells are balanced which means that these batteries always function at their best and ensure you have full capacity another major feature of these Adventure Kings 120 amp hour lithium batteries is the high quality internal battery management system this BMS for short takes care of the individual cells it balances them while you're charging your battery it prevents overcharge over discharge over temperature and short circuits a high quality BMS is so important and it's also incredibly important to match the BMS to the cells and the use of the battery a good indicator of a high quality BMS is to look for high current discharge and charge ratings this battery is capable of charging and discharging constantly at up to 100 amps and it can do a peak discharge of 160 amps of current a high discharge current and a high peak discharge current are very important if you want to run things like inverters that need a lot of power when they turn on to fill the capacitors if you're looking at a battery that has a much lower charge and discharge rate they could be cost cutting by using a cheaper BMS lithium iron phosphate is a safe technology unlike some other lithium chemistries and Adventure King's lithium batteries are doubly safe not only are they sealed and safe to use in your vehicle they've also passed a short circuit test overcharge test over temperature test and a vibration test so they're ready to be put to use some lithium batteries are extremely sensitive to hot and cold temperatures and they can be damaged or destroyed by trying to use them Adventure King's batteries though can be charged anywhere from 0 to 50 degrees Celsius and used or discharged anywhere from negative 20 right through to plus 60 degrees Celsius they use threaded M8 terminals for high power output and easy connection measuring it at 330 millimeters long by 162 millimeters wide and 215 millimeters tall all they fit perfectly in an adventure King's battery box for a lightweight and Powerful portable power station and with 120 amp hours on tap you could run a camping fridge for five or even six days or you can permanently install them in your vehicle for a Next Level super powerful setup that barely weighs anything and for that reason they're perfect for your full drive motorhome Caravan or camper trailer what you need to be concerned about gvm and GCM limits so if you want a safe lightweight super powerful and super long lasting lithium battery for your next level setup you can't beat an adventure King's 120 amp hour lithium battery [Music] [Music] introducing the incredible Adventure Kings premium Camp oven stove your new best mate for delicious barbecue or campfire cooking and warm cozy fires whether you're at home in your backyard or at your favorite campsite let me show you all the things that I absolutely love about it and I'm sure you're gonna love too this amazing bit of gear has been designed right here in Australia and it combines a camping stove and a portable barbecue into one it can run off multiple fuel sources wood heat beads charcoal briquettes and more when it's time to cook up a feast you can fit two large pots or pans on this huge flat cooktop surface that measures in at 520 millimeters long by 300 millimeters wide that's enough space to cook up a feast for the entire family and because it runs on wood or heat beads you can leave the gas bottle behind one less thing to pack and when you want a beautiful roaring campfire use the included hook tool to Simply lift the two-piece lid off completely and just add in some more firewood the raised enclosed design means you won't risk scorching your grass your deck or even your driveway and you'll be able to use it for a beautiful warm fire at campsites that don't allow open ground fires plus your fire would last longer because you're closer to the heat now that's busy the enclosed design means it's super efficient and you can make the most of your fuel by directing the heat exactly where you want it you can even adjust the temperature of your fire by varying the airflow with these sliding vents on the side a two-piece removable lid on top and an adjustable flue you're always in control remove the entire lid for an open fire or just this circular inner piece if you need extra heat for cooking like searing steaks to finish them off and this up here now that is a real game changer a chimney that extends over 2.4 meters off the ground to direct smoke away from your campsite for smoke-free campfires you can even position the premium Camp oven stove under your awning your gazebo or your shed for maximum warmth and the angular offset chimney piece allows smoke to funnel away rather than getting trapped underneath there's even a spark arrestor on top for good measure there are so many more things to absolutely love about the king's premium Camp oven stove it's been designed to be super sturdy with these four large legs that extend the footprint a foot wider in both directions for excellent stability ability the legs simply screw into the bottom like this and you can remove the middle piece for a lower fire this huge access door swings open with the included hook tool to allow you to easily refill the premium Camp oven stove as required inside you've got this fuel rack that keeps your wood or your charcoal up off the floor maximizing airflow and preventing wasted heat it's a breeze to transport set up and pack down two with no tools required each of the four two-piece legs simply screw together and the chimney pieces pack into each other with everything fitting into the main body of the premium Camp oven stove for simple transport make sure you don't miss the incredible genuine cooking accessories available too like a proper Wood-Fired meat smoker and a clever barbecue Hot Plate set to really take your camp cooking to the next level the stainless steel water boiler too whether I'm at home in my backyard or out camping with family my mates or even by myself I absolutely love my adventure King's premium Camp oven stove it's a portable fire pit it's a wood or charcoal barbecue and it's the centerpiece of every backyard get-together or camping adventure and I know you're going to love yours too [Music] thank you foreign listened the incredible mt-1 go anywhere camper trailer has just received an ATM upgrade to two tons all new adventure Kings mt1 camper Trails will now come with the new upgraded two-ton ATM but don't worry if you already own an mt1 because a retrofit upgrade kit is available too the mt1 is already an ultra tough trailer with a one-piece 150 by 50 mil chassis that extends right from the drawbar all the way to the back of the trailer now it's even tougher with upgraded suspension bearings brakes and wheels to bring it up to a two-ton ATM the brakes are upgraded from 10 inch to 12 inch electric brakes the alloy rims are now rated to two ton ATM and an upgraded set of suspension arms also suit the upgraded ATM and for existing owners the retrofit upgrade is incredibly easy to do at home yourself everything just bolts onto the trailer with no modifications needed that extra payload capacity means that you've got more ability than ever before to carry the gear that you need and still remain legal for more information and full detailed specs on the mt1 see the four-wheel drive Super Center website now with the two tonne ATM upgrade the adventure Kings mt1 go anywhere camper trailer can carry more gear than ever before [Music] you sure looks the car going now I'm like a ninja hello bleep that out man sorry there's your egg yep magic it's easy yeah I bought a picture of me yeah face we're ready to go in addition we're gonna wear that in your truck yeah for another reason if there was such a thing as four-wheel drive Paradise a four-wheel drive Heaven I don't think you can go too far past this past Pasta Pasta you're listening to Five Seconds of Summer no I'm not it just says that she's kind of hot five seconds of summer when I hear the most annoying noise in the world listen to this three three [Music] so this is Bruno's lovely skirt that is that's a pretty sweet skirt look at that I have to wear it because I fell in the mud off camera she just wanted to fit in with us girls let's see what it's like it's it's liberating wow that rut really came up on us didn't it just a little bit might say look I'm gonna put that down to call Navi skills mate you should have taken me on a wider birth before I took a bath hold on he was telling me Brendan wow you squealed when what did it it's downright honest four-wheel drive fun however I have a feeling there's gonna be a few challenges thrown in here and nobody is going to take it less seriously than I'm just going to keep talking probably never stop we have to stand here all day and listen to me rub it on about the sky and the moon he's like oh what do I do do I my straight and my straighter said yeah it doesn't feel like it where am I going totally fine foreign [Music]
Channel: 4WD Supacentre
Views: 29,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4WD Supacentre, 4wdsupacentre, 4WD, 4x4, Camping, Camping Tents, Camping Gear, Kings, Roof Top Tent, Camping Australia, Adventure Kings, Kings gear, camper conversion, Awning Tents, 4wd recovery, Air compressors, awnings, camp shower
Id: yBtTbIV4Evw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 37sec (4117 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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