Should I Retire The Banana?

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I can't steer to the left at all so we got a call for an RV that is stuck in some sand out here to Long Valley the Warner Valley staging area so we're gonna head out there and see if we can get them we are doing this old school because we're in the banana and it's a big RV and that's just how we do or that's how we used to do the Wreckers up to Chad's Fab getting all wired up what do you got for the weather Tom it's a beautiful morning probably 60 degrees it's going to warm up a little bit today but nice and bright and sunny we got all the dogs with us like I said this is old school mats off-road recovery but we're going to be adding a new element today we're going to let you know what's in the tank Tom what's in the tank we have a little over half a tank of gas no we don't we got a little under half I think oh the needle says over half a tank but that's correcting and telling me that's a little under half [Music] all right so after we get this RV out we've got a little Trail repair rescue on Triple sevens I think it's a repeat customer we're gonna get a two for today [Music] thank you we're gonna stop here we're gonna let the dogs out to run and we're going to lock the hubs in because things are about to get extreme did you think I was yelling at you Max [Music] what happened what do you think of that Tom that was Crazy Steve we just took the record down that with a Jeep and did some damage on the hood when you have to roll through so you don't go over that's steep oh there's a little more more to come so these brakes are 11 better than they were are they good enough oh yeah no more brake mods for a while huh nope okay not till they become a problem oh my goodness and this one's Straight Ahead he looks a little buried what road is he taking out of here good morning I already know we're going to be pulling him this way so I might as well just get in position right now okay well you far stuck good to meet you so yeah last night we came in we had originally I think come down this way and then we had nowhere to go that way back down tried to park here looks fine last night this morning right in the other side's not too dug in [Music] yeah yeah the claw hammer let you down huh almost as you could see we got close to rocking it out but then the other side dug down and yeah what can you do [Music] right where you are I should be able to get out because I was driving fine last night [Music] started up and get it warming up there left or right okay hold it right there all right turn a little to the right about right there let me do most of the work I mean just help a little bit yep a little modified if we have to yeah so first thing is just to pop you up on top of here and then just gently out there I appreciate it what size shirt do you want thank you so much yeah and then uh so as you want I'll trade you a shirt for filming what was your name Kyle so Kyle cut some of this footage today if it's good give them a round of applause foreign [Music] this is the obstacle where Matt damaged the hood of that jeep the other day with the Wrecker it's gonna be climbing it right now in the banana we'll see how he does oh that's a pretty steep little climb yeah that is the wrecker didn't have any trouble climbing back up it this is a man-made Trail see how they've ground this rock all out I don't know why they would have but they did this is only going to get worse and worse as it digs out yeah because that's not a four obstacle that's what I was just thinking that's a solid six or seven do you think the more bear would do that easier yeah I think because it's more very get past that dip the more bear would probably crawl it also these tires are still pretty new tires are better they get more traction with used tires like the more wore out they are the better the traction for dry desert stuff for slick Rock for sand obviously for like mud that's not the case but for what we do bald tires for the win how's your front end holding up well it hasn't broke yet I know for a fact I've done things with it that would have broke the other one I know like the first time on Triple sevens when we got it in that hard bind so steering hard and a lot of gas is a recipe for breaking U-joints and and you would have broke multiple yeah it's the American Iron knuckle right there all the Yukon gears in the middle Yukon axle shafts we need to order these parts oh yeah this one's loose yeah we got one loose note on our tie rod end and no nut on the other side so we got to get those coming from Barnes you might remember this mud hole from the other day we pulled the Jeep out of here that was buried all the way up to the windows he had water coming in the windows there's a huge crowd of people down here and uh he just he just dropped off it's like he went in a little puddle and then just dropped off that puddle is mostly dry now and you can see what he was going into this is crazy that is quite a mud hole I'm sure it just looked like 10 inches deep to him if he got in further he probably could have buried it to the roof okay we're gonna head to the next job it's over on triple seven so we're gonna go check it all out but first we gotta climb this Sand Hill that's quite a dune [Music] we're gonna have to get more speed than that [Music] [Music] We're not gonna make it we got further all right maybe a third try no it's not gonna make it it gets worse and worse the sand just gets softer and softer every time you go up the first time was our bus yep all right we'll have to go up the smaller Doom that one's still big this is also a good sized Dune but for us it's going to be the Dune of shame I don't know if we can do it [Music] thank you we did it so to be completely transparent that Dune was in the way of triple sevens totally necessary not a dude ashamed that was pretty awesome time that was we didn't break anything yeah that front axle hopping I felt like it was that was a lot of power I'm done worrying about your front axle too I'm worried about transfer case now oh that's what I was thinking about when we were putting that all down I guess we better give an official intro for this next job so we got a call for a Jeep this is on Triple sevens he lost his brakes ended up rolling some of his friends pulled him back on his wheels they pinched off his brake line we're bringing brake fluid we're bringing engine oil we're gonna get it started back up and hopefully drive it off the trail the wrecker is up at Chad's Fab getting worked on so we're doing this old school with the banana and our street Sparks foreign [Music] time while we work our way over to Triple sevens so we want to answer some of the questions that we see pop up a lot in the comments so now one thing that I've seen a lot is people asking about how we choose whether we're going to take the banana or the marvere or now the record I can answer that I take whatever I want so this morning I was thinking about these jobs coming up and I really wanted to take the banana because I'm kind of fallen in love with the banana again you know we got the more bear done and it's an obvious choice it's it's cool looking it runs really good it it's really comfortable to drive but the banana has its perch too the dogs fit better in the banana and you know it's the original it's the original rig so I I am I'm kind of falling in love with it again right now who can explain the Affairs of the heart who understands them nobody I see this question quite a bit Tom what is your background I got a master's degree in physics and then another degree in nuclear engineering and then I went to work for 16 years at Idaho National Laboratory as an engineer I started designing components in hot cells and then I went on to doing big research projects radiations and ATR and then equipment installs as a project manager so that's what I've been doing for the last 20 years Tom is a bona fide engineer I am I probably should have done a mechanical engineering degree that might have been better fit for me I like to work with my hands and I like to make stuff and a lot of the people in that type of work are very theoretical so that is in nuclear engineering and nuclear engineering yes I love what I'm doing here because every day I get to make whatever we dream of Matt tell us about the hash marks up here on the top of the banana oh yeah we get questions about that what do these hash marks mean so when we got a banana back from Robbie after he went through and replaced panels fixed all the dents got it all painted up I started keeping track of the jobs because people would ask me how many jobs do we do a year and I honestly didn't know so I started keeping track and it's still not accurate because it's only one vehicle and we don't remember to do it all the time but yeah this is all the jobs that we've thought to mark since we got it back from Robbie and the ones where we had a marker with us yep a couple things have to line up to make this work okay here's another question for you Tom what are your plans with Dig Dug I started Dig Dug like 20 years ago I built Dig Dug to be a trail rig and now we're down here where there's tons of awesome rock crawling so I've got to build it up probably put it on 40s one ton axles four-link suspension something like that are you gonna be showing that on YouTube yes I need to be filming what I'm doing and dropping that on YouTube I have a Channel with one video I need to start adding those soon so keep watching for that that concludes this portion of questions and answers we're here at the bottom of triple sevens let's get back on task this is a shortcut to Triple sevens not actual triple sevens there's quite a bit of off camber like the the gatekeeper of triple seven this is the gatekeeper it's not one obstacle it's a series of them that are terrifying [Music] foreign [Music] back here the tail lights survived though oh that's not bad a little loose oh we broke it for sure all right never mind did not survive well it'll be fixable [Music] all right we'll just pull in and park right here [Music] so it looks like it went over on this side yep [Music] how's it going had better days yeah yeah I lost my brakes on the top come shooting off that Hill oh wow slammed into here and then bounced over on its side the guy was with they straightened pulled me upright but I've lost so much oil and I just aired this up so so what do you think happened here do you think it just burped air out when it went over or something broke beats heck out of me these are double bead locks but it's been took it a couple hours to go down so okay see brake fluid everywhere down here he's holding air that's really good that means we should be able to drive it out well hello again hello again well you know I broke up you hold me off John's Trail oh yeah we did John's Trail and this is the second time for triple sevens yep so I'm pinching off this brake hose so see how it's all broken right there his tires turned really sharp and like it's really hard into the shock there coil over so we're just gonna pinch this off so at least we can start putting brakes in it or check and see if we can get brakes I'm guessing that this has lost a quart to two quarts so I'm gonna pour a quart in and see if anything shows up on a dipstick is is the key on on this or something like I'm hearing some noise it won't turn off okay until I can get it in park I can't get to oh are you locked up because the steering is bound up no uh when I hit this right here and bounce onto my side I put the Jeep in park and turned it off immediately and then they were trying to winch me backwards out of here and so we needed to get it out of park I started the engine briefly I mean a couple seconds just enough to pull it into neutral but now it won't do anything it'll start and run [Applause] so really quickly so what happened is he's pinched his brake line and was losing brake so didn't realize it when it came down this hill he just shot off of it so um there's there's some other stuff going on we're going to pull it down here and just see if we can see what's wrong with it and get it off so we've added oil engine oil because it lost some oil we added brake fluid because it lost all its brake fluid I just started it up the pedal feels like it's doing something so we're gonna find out if it really is foreign [Music] level yeah so is that crunching noise you in a fender no that was this inner fender liner just it got rolled up and okay kind of so I could I can take that off and pound it out I'm wondering now I'm thinking of all the obstacles this direction but they're uphill and all the obstacles this way that are mostly downhill as it goes off to the left about where double Sammy and triple sevens cross I think we're gonna go this way up feels better it does not have great brakes now that it's level we can see what the oil is doing I don't know why this is making noises all the time yeah you have anything on the dipstick it wasn't no it wasn't showing now we've put two and a half quarts in [Music] still not touching Gladiator okay we put in four quarts down we're slightly tilted all right look at that we're right where we need to be this is all of a sudden turned into a trail ride okay I'm just gonna follow him out out of here he's gonna take the easiest line so I should be able to follow him in the XJ no problem all right I don't know if this is the right decision but we have made a decision now we're gonna go all right so there's more of the story developing as we find out new things so if you look here at the front of this Jeep you'll see the whole axle has shifted that way and the problem with that aside from the obvious problem that the axle is not at all where it should be is I can't steer to the left at all so all I've got is like one degree left turn and then I've got all the degrees for right turn so we're going to be doing this trail with no left turn which is going to be interesting so I'm gonna have to do a lot of backup to turn okay so um do you want to just kill this and come watch you watch me how to get through this you gotta turn left here I might do it right there right there trying to spin it around well that front wheel over there has to be on there yeah it's too far it's a little better you can try it nope slipped over [Music] come on you can go right more [Applause] [Applause] it's the same spot yeah you can't turn left to get us evened up man no I'm back up here a little bit well you've got to back up why can't I back up you can back up you're gonna man yeah get me up here and then I'll get you through this you are you're fine in here so this particular job is one part rescue one part hiking and one part trail ride okay we're gonna spot Tom through here [Music] his powers are growing as a driver I failed in this before so this is a chance to redeem myself when I was in the more there and I tried to get up that obstacle right there and after like 17 tries you drove it up oh I got you so this right here is the obstacle that Tom was talking about where he tried 17 times we're gonna see if he can do it in one time this time [Music] foreign first time all right it's nice to be able to Pivot around on the slider I'm gonna let Tom do this next section with no spotter I just gave him some tips to put his tires on the tall rocks to keep from getting hung up on his diff and we're just gonna see how he does so far so good so we're here at the bypass the worst Trail is behind us so I think we're just gonna not think we are going to take the bypass to get out of here but this still doesn't turn at all to the left so I can't see the track bar is what locates this axle and I can't see anything wrong with the track bar unless the track bar is bent and I think that's what's wrong with it you have bent your track bar this is it which one's this one right here this one back see how it's this see how it already has a Bend to go over that right that's just exaggerated now and that's what's pulled pulled everything the whole axle is slid to the left two or three inches yeah and that's and that's made it so we are out of the range of this and the steering box to do what we need to do but let's just get it off of here but the easy part of the trail is ahead of us the hard part's behind us we have a system we're gonna follow along and make sure it stays out of trouble he just backs up every time he has to go left that's working pretty good on this hill for not having a lot of brakes this is like the entry level remote control car when I was a kid that it would only turn when you backed it up if you wanted to make a left turn you had to back it up then drive forward again that's exactly what's going on here I need to make a left turn here so we're gonna back up we're gonna turn right and then look at that voila we didn't catch it on camera but the light bar just fell down [Music] all right we're headed over to wadi's Corral we're gonna leave the Jeep there and then I guess you'll come back and pick it up correct all right [Music] so we're back here at wadi's Corral we got this dropped off we are actually going to be taking the customer to the airport to get a rental car do you guys want to go to the airport huh so what we've decided to do is come back to the yard bring the dogs back they didn't want to go to the airport anyway and uh we're gonna take Irvin to the airport probably in the rental Jeep there you go all right he got me out So Jamie has graciously volunteered to take Irvin to the airport in the rental Jeep so we're gonna start working on the derby car again yeah back to work did you get any done today no thank you sir enjoy your trip I will thanks for watching all right Matt you figured out a nice little system of throwing it into reverse every time you needed to turn left how many of those do you think you did oh I've got a guess yeah I think I backed up 36 times
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,344,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, off road sand dunes, truck stuck in mud, insane off road, off road over the edge, toyota tacoma off road, toyota rescue
Id: 4Tf-o8IEhUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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