Jumping The Pond Together!!

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[Music] say hey hey hey like once or twice like excited like hey oh hey hey hey nailed it what's up man you really gonna do this i'm doing it you're in i'm in olin i'm all in i just want to know who let this guy in because he's brown no no my god all right we have um an idea he's already said he'll do it which is crazy it's really gonna be up to you man because you're the mechanic that hair is just saying i can do it just say hey this this this right here going first you last go check it out i mean let's go check it out why do we still have it what is going on i don't know man guys who remembers oh look at the seat man he's scuffing it up dude birds are in here there's a bird that's in there wait is that the one like the actual one that he ramped yeah you can't even ride it dude that gas has got to be terrible the pond jump who remember who remembers the pawn jump it was epic it was beautiful it was fun zombies the zombies are coming brian get us started we gotta go i'm trying she just don't have no life in her right now right now i think that'd work what is it spray paint that's it that's the one you actually wore oh my gosh oh that's it that's the one put your helmet on it doesn't matter we got every bike that you rode here this thing hasn't been started in three years i can't believe it look at this thing still running still charging you know what's crazy i just remembered you never gave me my my license for passing the test for saving the baby right now i just had a moment right now where's my certificate it's like crazy memory lane right now because all three bikes that he originally jumped are here and that little bike that's the one we hooked pulled out from the pond it still runs real question is can this one run what's your prediction one out of ten give it to me doc you know she good no a little oil oh little diesel fuel winner i get a rat's nest on fire in here might get a whole rat jump out on your face make a new home out of that mullet boy oh you got power she got power for high beam low beam they know we're coming i'm still alive time's flying look time is just cooking oh my gosh that's real dude we're losing time the solenoids just fried oh it's smoking yeah i think that's it man i don't think that's the move i don't think it's going to start i don't think it's going to start man ryan's going to catch himself on fire is what he's going to do sparks near that mullet dude you know that thing's got chemicals and i hope it starts and just takes off thumbs up if you want to see country jump this pond again because i do i'm gonna give it a like right now i got a request oh a request here we go let me all right what's your request so you gave the thumbs up right right that you're all in yeah so that means you're all in to hop on the bike with me and we do 10 of us together tandem yes and let's do the bike jump you down all right we'll do it let's do it double up you guys want to see it tell us you want to see it i know you ain't going to the moon have you seen this guy trying to take off on it [Laughter] literally i are trying to fit well they're making bets like they always do and they've lost before and had to shave but we're figuring out how we make this jump possible and big and like fireballs and make it legit and fun and and fun and fun and fun oh my gosh guys we are switching up we're switching up big time you want to fight what a fight did you get one of noah uh he might meet us here i don't know i just wish we had cat litter you know hey bud hi who's stuck back there somebody stuck back there oh she's crap dad can we get on the conveys we can do whatever you want we are um switching up little family time incoming we're at the pumpkin patch that we try to come to every year and right now today as i'm filming this it's october 1st so look at the turkey i see the turkeys yeah there's the turkey there's another one where are you pulling them turkeys all the memories that is a lot of pumpkins say cheese look at mommy look at mommy i don't know if i've ever told you guys this but i love my family i love them [Music] it's working these photos hard hope you guys see them she's working it i forgot money no money how are we gonna get pumpkins with no money today on uh vlog education we learned that this funky looking thing is a jumbo gourd look at that looks like an alien you have now learned something from this vlog officially because you did not know what that is look at that thing that's some alien you do not know what this one i know what a gourd is and this just don't remind me of one bye kane bye he gone he gone with me whoa that sounds cool oh my gosh let's go put your feet up did she say puppies that is not a puppy you added i mean puppies for the record i've had some dogs that look like this oh you're so soft he wants food you guys have learned at least two things on this vlog that this is not a puppy you guys are paranoid what is happening what is happening oh my gosh somewhere there's definitely vlogs of each one of the kids like kane at cora's age here doing the same thing oh you're flying what happened cory what happened cory you ever flew a plane before oh boy got some turbulence going on oh run little hamster he's a hamster cora he's oh you did it now wow knox you just chillin you chillin huh [Laughter] well you're just as silly as it gets how about you look at you keep crawling crawl crow crawl fast fast see ya see ya she's gone there you go hold on the red rope a little red rope oh are you bouncing kane don't hey i got you the only thing under you is hot lava that's it just don't look down [Music] that's true fear come on girl you got this come on girl scariest thing ever soon you'll be doing it you'll be doing it big man just gotta keep working them legs [Music] hey hey did you have fun yes yes that was like 97 play and three percent pumpkins oh you want to show them your halloween basket show them i got a halloween bastard you gonna fill it with candy at halloween all right guys last jump of this video i promise we're going to end it with um this i'm actually going to wrap this video up because what i'm doing um won't go on this video because well you guys know why i'm basically gonna mount this it's got a fuse to this we're gonna put this um i'm gonna i think i'm gonna unwrap it so it's like a long strand like this unwraps it unrolls right um and then i don't know this is heavy i might have to do half of this and then i'm gonna have the drone take it up and i'm gonna light the bottom and it's just gonna climb up i don't know it's a good idea but i'm gonna do it for instagram and i know that it won't go over well here so thank you guys so so much for hanging out with me and the guys me and the family and me in the garage i love you so so much thanks for still supporting this channel and our family and my friends and um and come check out the socials um working on so many new fun things that i hope you guys will also jump into we love you you are beautiful you are one of a kind smile more you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 517,915
Rating: 4.9495611 out of 5
Keywords: ramp, jump, biggest, fly, big, fun, motivation
Id: OlI61CPVsZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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