Our Famous Chicken Marsala | Chef Jean-Pierre

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one of the most often requested recipe out of all the requests the recipe you guys have sent coming for chicken masala stay tuned i'm going to show you how to make the most amazing chicken masala you've ever made remember if you like our recipe subscribe to our channel gives us a thumbs up and don't forget to ring the bell stay tuned we're going to show you exactly how to make this all right friends well let me show you how easy it is to make that recipe boy if there's one recipe that has been requested more than any other recipe is this chicken masala so i'm going to show you how to make it's all about the sauce it's always about the sauce let me show you how to do this we're going to start with the sauce and then we'll put the chicken in the oven and i'm going to do it with the rosemary garlic roasted potatoes and carrots very easy to do well everything i do is easy like i said it's all about the sauce friends so let's make that sauce going i use associate a reduction saucepan it's a little easier to make it you don't have one of those just use a regular pan we're going to start with a roasted garlic olive oil we're going to let that get hot while this is happening i'm going to introduce the ingredients this is mison plus remember amazon plus you got to get everything ready and then you can do the recipe with us all right so bacon if you don't have bacon you don't want bacon don't put it in onion shallots if you don't have shallots don't worry mushrooms today we got sage and a little bit of tarragon i like those two together they're wonderful you don't have one or the other don't worry about it you got thyme you can use rosemary you can use uh oregano that's okay i like to make it with sage and a little bit of tarragon but make it whatever makes you happy garlic we got our garlic puree you don't have garlic puree just make a chopped garlic a little bit of cream then we got a the black mission thick balsamic vinegar that we use all the time it's really amazing a little bit of masala wine i'm using a dry masala because my vinegar is sweet if your vinegar is sour then you better use a sweet masala mine is right and a little bit of roasted garlic olive oil all right friends we're going to get going the first thing we're going to do is we're going to get a uh we're going to saute the bacon first remember bacon is the only thing then goes before the uh who goes before the onion otherwise onion was always the first always number one is on your own unless there is bacon that's sounds like a poem bacon is always number one no no onion is always number one unless there is bacon okay that's all there is to it and why is that why do we put the bacon first well because we render the fat and we use the fat that has rendered from the bacon and we put the onion in there okay now if you have onion and shallots do you put them together nope the onion takes a little bit longer to caramelize than the shallots so you first do the onion and then you put the shallots and if you only have onion then don't worry about it's fine if you only have shallots then that's fine too there's nothing wrong with that okay we've got to make it easy go remember folks it's just a little bit of onion here i'm making just a little sauce i'm just doing two chicken breasts so i don't need a lot of salt actually you know what when you make a sauce like this my friends you can make that sauce in big quantity and freeze it yeah it'll freeze for a long long long time we want to caramelize this before i put in the shallots when i got a couple of minutes i wanted to show you friends how we keep our herbs but you know what i'm going to do it later i want to show you because a lot of people have already asked me how do you keep herbs fresh i got a system it's fabulous you know keep your abs for a week 10 days some of them two weeks when you buy fresher but otherwise you buy them if you don't sow them correctly two days later they're not good for nothing so i'm going to show you how to keep them nice and fresh it's really cool i got a really cool technique that's the kind of technique we use when you're in a restaurant business how do you keep things fresh you can't be buying things every day so you're looking right now friends and you notice then the um oh i forgot to tell you in the mid place we have a little bit of beef stock it's on the stove over there without the beef stock so we'll go back we'll talk about this in a minute but right now let's not worry about it i just want to make sure i don't forget to tell you for the meals on plaza we're waiting for the onion to caramelize just a bit and i'll tell you what we're waiting for the caramelized onion we're going to start the chicken breast let's just do that and the chicken breast i could saute them in in olive oil but it'll burn if i go in the oven to cook the chicken breast so i'm going to use a little bit of clarified butter and uh and we have a video on clarify butter it's under essential i want you to go and look at it because it's really important to make it you know if you make clarified butter folks it stays for a long long time you can keep at a room temperature for four or five months if you did it correctly or you can keep it in a refrigerator for up to a year without any problem clarified butter is buttered and you brought the mold you removed the milk salad so all you have is butter fat it's got a really high smoke point and you can keep it for a long time okay now you guys have been watching my channel long enough i think you've graduated and you can use it all right so let's slow this a little bit it's going a little faster now we're going to put some uh shallots in there now i'm going to show you something really cool you see the banana pot we got a little caramelization i'm going to show you what we're going to do with it this is really cool when you got bottom you got to check the bottom of the pan constantly friends make sure it doesn't burn and you shake it i mean i don't mind at all a little bit of comedization in the bottom i don't mind that at all all right so look we got some nice colors in the bottom of the pan right there we got some nice color remember it's all about the sauce so we got to concentrate on that sauce now we're going to put the mushrooms and we're going to saute the mushrooms we're going to saute the mushrooms until we extract all of their water and then we'll put in a vinegar and we're putting our wine and we're putting the rest of the ingredient and and what we need to do is to get rid of all the water in the mushroom and for that we're gonna put some mediterranean sea salt that's gonna help us extract the water in a mushroom and a little bit of salt and we're gonna let that cook for a second not worry about it for a second check the bottom of the pot constantly check the bottom of the pot constantly so it doesn't burn on us and we're going to go to a medium heat so it's not too hot otherwise we will burn the bottom of the pot really easily let's get into the chicken here my friends now like i said i'm doing on a clarified butter it's hot now clarify butter we can get a temperature up to four 400 450 degrees without any burning it so i wanted to make sure it's not hot i got two breasts of chicken a little salt and pepper we're gonna get some nice golden brown color to it salt and pepper we're gonna put them in there we're gonna get them golden brown while the sauce is doing its thing put them in a pan and like we do the steak don't touch them leave them alone leave them alone my friends a little more salt and pepper on the other side leave him alone we're looking some beautiful color leave him alone don't touch him everybody wants to play with them so look let's look at what we got here the mushroom is starting to release all of their water and then we're going to do some roasted potatoes it's a lot of stuff to do but the good thing is if you're at home and you're cooking with the kids one should do the chicken the other one should do the sauce or everybody in the same pot so look look look you see all that steam right there that's the water coming out of the mushroom water is the enemy of food folks in a minute you're going to see the bottom of my fat you notice by the way i'm using a wooden spoon i like to scrape the bottom of my pot you see right there look see what they don't know if you can see you may not be able to see because the camera can only be in so many places at the same time but let me tell you folks this is important we're going to take a little spatula right there i'm gonna scrape the bottom this side of the pot look look look you see what we're doing friends we're shaking and look let's look at the bottom of the pot we're looking good you see you see now if i have a little burnt bits in there i don't mind i don't mind a little caramelization you see it's starting to smell delicious my friends it really is all right let's see how we're doing with the chicken the chicken chicken chicken chicken ah i want some beautiful color there's a little bit more i still don't touch it i didn't touch it i didn't touch it for at least like a minute and three quarter all right let's see what we got here friends let's reduce the heat i don't want it to be too hot so now now we can put up look look look at the mushroom i released all of their waterfronts you see mushroom have released most of their water it's already smelling beautiful this is a nice base right there it's a beautiful base right so now we're going to put the the sage and a little bit of tarragon if you just have sage just start going put whatever herbs you want remember it's not written in stone somewhere oh my goodness he's got to put stage instead no it's your recipe put whatever you want somebody doesn't like it tell them to go eat somewhere else all right let's look oh yeah look look look look look look at his friends look at this look at this friends look at this is that gorgeous or what so now friends we can go in the oven it's not going to take very long i know they're very big but maybe 10 minutes okay we're going to take them and we're going to cook them until they're nice and beautiful juicy i got my oven preheated already so here we go hasta luego now let's concentrate on the soaps my friend all right now see look the mushrooms are released 90 percent of their water mushrooms are gonna have a nice texture why do we want to release the water in the mushroom because water that's like nothing and i don't want water in my food you put water with wood if you want i don't want it taking the mushroom the onion out of here what else do i got okay so now i can concentrate on the sauce a little bit of garlic this is my garlic puree you guys have made that if you're not you go to essential on our website on our website on a youtube channel under the essential and it's garlic berry you don't want to use garlic puree don't worry just use chopped garlic a cup of chopped garlic don't worry let's find this okay so now we're gonna put it in how long do we cook the garlic for how long what do you think we cook it until we smell it the second we smell it it's releasing this beautiful aroma and i want to capture that aroma because i don't want to burn garlic i want to aroma aromatic fragrant floral garlic right now right now right now i'm going to put the balsamic vinegar in here this is the fake balsamic vinegar fork if you ever never had this before i'm telling you it's amazing okay if you've never had it before you should try a fake vinegar or a good balsamic vinegar this is 18 years old it's a beautiful vinegar okay we're going to put the vinegar and then we're going to put my vinegar doesn't need to reduce because it's already 18 years old it's already reduced dry muscle be careful don't get them drunk a little masala wine and like i said i'm using a dry masala wine okay dry masala wine because my vinegar is sweet if my vinegar was sour i would use a sweet masala wine okay i'm going to show you the herbs i don't want to forget to show you that what do we have here we're going to take a really quick we're going to put a little bit of beef stock now now you probably all have seen my beef stock recipe if you haven't seen it you got to go on the on the essential again for instance do it now you don't want to worry about making your own beef stock don't worry just buy a good beef broth somewhere okay there's a lot of good beef stock recipe out there there's a lot of just buy ones if you don't mind low sodium friends low sodium low sodium please please buy low sodium and some of them are like four five six hundred milligrams sodium per cup so you want to try to buy something delicious and if you have never made your own you should try one time it's not that difficult i promise you and you can keep it in the freezer for 17 years look at this look at this sauce right there we're going to fix the consistency in a minute i'll show you how to do that we're going to put a little more salt and pepper in there because i don't have any just a little bit we just start a little bit on the mushroom but that's nothing before i continue with this my friends i'm going to do the potatoes really quick but i want to show you real quick how do we keep our fresh herbs because you buy herb at the store and and if you don't if you don't do something with it if you don't keep them correctly they're going to go bad in no time at all so i'm going to show you what we have in here okay this is my herb my herb container it's like a type of ware type containers you know it's aromatic i put a towel on top just a moist towel not wet moist right then i put a paper towel underneath the paper towel i got my herbs you see i got my parsley i got i keep my chives in a container because they stay nicer and then my thyme and my my rosemary and my oregano and then and then italian parsley and then the regular opacity right here underneath this my friends if you notice right here i don't know if you can see but i got a paper towel so paper towel herbs one more paper towel and though dry dry pepper thai i put double double paper towel right go right there and then i put my moist towel right there i put my moist towel and then i close my container now if you notice my container on the inside it's wet because of the condensation from the herbs and the rag and and i close it see close close close the closet i even remove the air by pushing it down and this my friends will keep my fresh herbs for long long long long long long time i got no room in here so you know what i'll put it here i'll put it back later uh it keeps i got herbs under my fingernails now it stays for a long time i promise you the possibly two weeks the the sage the rosemary the thyme the oregano 10 days some of them like the basil you can't do anything with it some of the chives maybe not so much either but that's a good way to keep your fresh herb keep it in the fridge somewhere where there's room i don't have room in mind let me do something really quick i got the chicken in the oven i gotta move my friends i'm gonna do the potatoes okay so the potatoes let me put them right here so we can follow with the camera okay this is what i'm doing here friends i got little potatoes then we've cut uh in little pieces and if they if they small i leave them alone and then i got carrots then i cut i'll have to show you how to do that i have to do a video on cutting vegetables and i always forget to do it but i'm going to do it there's so much to do sometime you know i don't have time to do it all but i will show you i promise you by the time i'm done everybody in america will know how to quick the cook will know how to cook i promise you it's not difficult anybody can do it okay cooking is not rocket science everybody can be a good cook now not everybody can be a good singer or or a musician or that requires talent cooking requires understanding the ingredients it's not that big of a deal everybody can do it i promise you okay now we're not talking about becoming a master chef we're talking about becoming good home cooks so here's what we're going to do in those um those potatoes that i already cooked so what did i do i cooked the potato in water and i cooked the carrots in a separate water and when they were cooked i took them out i let them cool the carrots i put them in ice water really quick because otherwise they they wouldn't keep the color nice and neat like that right okay so it's a very simple dish we're going to take a little bit of chopped rosemary right and then we're going to put some of the garlic some of the garlic puree then we have a little garlic puree right there and a little bit of garlic oil garlic olive oil and we're going to mix all this together until we have a nice mixture if you don't have garlic we'll just put a beautiful olive oil okay you don't have to put garlic but if you have it why not right and then you're going to take it your potatoes that are cooked and your carrots then i cooked so now what we're going to do we're going to take some black pepper a little more coarse and a little more salt we're going to mix all this up we're going to mix all this up friends and then we're going to take a spatula and we're going to mix all this up and then we're going to bake them in the oven friends we're just going to bake them like this in the oven and let me tell you those potatoes my friends are going to be amazing we're going to put them in the oven with the chicken and the chicken is cooking it's going to be ready in two minutes while the chicken let me put all this stuff out of here when the chicken is continue cooking which is going to won't be very long tell you through it won't be very long when the chicken is ready what we're going to do we're going to check it i'm going to clean up everything and i'll be back in one second to finish the sauce all right well the chicken is now ready friends i'm gonna take it out of the oven and we're gonna let it rest a little bit you should always let it rest a little bit and remember you take something out of the oven when you do live a towel on the pan otherwise hey you know it wouldn't be the first time you would think after 50 years in the kitchen then i don't make mistake like that i still do i think it's a human thing it has to be right because otherwise you would think a chef is being a kitchen 50 years doesn't burn himself anymore i still do every so often not often but i still do too many times we'll take the chicken out whenever you take something out of the oven then it's hot you put a towel on here okay it's an unspoken rule in a commercial kitchen you got to put a towel and take something out of there because you know it's hot the next guy may not know it's hot so now what do we do here friends the sauce let's look at the sauce sauce is good but you know what the sauce is a little liquid so what do we do if we have a bermanier we can thicken it if we have a cook roux we can thicken it but let's say that we don't have eco crew we're going to make one of those so you guys can use it but let's say we don't have any what do you got flour right now no it's too late for flour flour needs to cook we're ready to eat so we don't want that so we're going to put a bit of cornstarch slurry arrowroot tapioca powder you can use a bunch of thickener but cornstarch is the easiest one this is cornstarch and water a mixture very simple you put a little bit in there folks very little you don't need to put a lot in there just a little bit make sure the sauce is hot when you do this but so then you know what to put in because remember cornstarch only really works if the mixture is boiling so you put a little bit first bring the sauce to boiler bring the sauce to boil it and then see how much you need be careful just put a little bit first don't go out there and putting too much and then what you got to do let's say you put too much what do you do don't worry just put almost stock in there okay you could also put a bit of wine in there you can put a masala in there it'll be perfectly fine because masala doesn't need to be cooked remember so put a little bit first and then let's see what happened let's see what happened and let me tell you something just a little bit i put in look look you see a little bit i put in france it's enough to do to have done it so the chicken is resting you gotta let it rest you gotta let it rest there's no question about you don't wanna cut a dish just a few minutes look that sauce is perfect what else could make the sauce better what do you think yes you're right butter nothing wrong with that friends how well we put the butter at the end because we're turning the heat off and we put the butter at the end because butter don't be afraid now i am not afraid uh you put the butter at the end so it does not separate my friends remember butter is made of three components butterfat milk solid and water butter will separate and become oily but if we do this right away right now it just barely melts you see barely barely barely melt and that sauce right here my friends oh yeah baby that sauce right there my friend is going to be just amazing all right that's a set right there right here wait a minute let's not touch it let's not touch it let's just take the chicken breast out take the rag out of here now and put it right back so you don't forget it we're going to take the chicken breast out and we're going to cut it now we're going on a cutting board and we're going to cut that chicken breast see we've got a beautiful seals on the other side some people always said to me how come you don't seal the other side you see one side and then you put the other one down in the pan and look how beautiful it comes out on the other side you see so we got a nice thing nice color if you are not sure of the temperature you want to cook it to 155. don't forget put a thermometer don't be afraid to put a thermometer in there there's nothing wrong with it you want to keep it to 145 you still want it to be nice and moist you don't want it to be all dried out oh you know what we got fruits we got it i got to take this towel because that's the only one i got i got to take this potato out of the oven my friend there you go the potatoes are there we're gonna put them right here let's not worry about the potato right now let's go back on a cutting board and let's cut that beautiful chicken breast i like to to be cut nice and thin so it's delicate i like to make some nice cuts and so it's delicate and it's not too thick so it's more delicate you see friends and if we look i want to show you in a second so you can see it if we look right here look at beautiful nice and moist the chicken is you see you see right here probably can see it from from the top or you can see it from the side you see how nice and moist at his friends we don't want it to be a dry chicken dried chicken is overcooked chicken is not good my friends we don't want to overcook chicken see what i'm doing by the way i'm cutting it nice and small and i'm pushing back a little bit that's all a little bit of an angle and i'm pushing back just slightly right so now just like that very simple we're gonna take it we're gonna put it on the plate let me push this out of the way clean up my rag right there we're gonna take we got a serving plate right there i'm gonna put just a little bit of sauce underneath okay you can put the sauce on top you can put it underneath you can put it wherever it makes you happy so now look you see let's put it in like this my friends let's put just a little bit more sauce on that side right there just a little bit so we cover the whole side just like this you see look how beautiful that chicken is whoa well that's going to be some serving let me tell you i don't know who's coming over for dinner but man that's a chicken breast serving let me tell you and it's so moist this is going to melt in your mouth my friends what do you think just like this see very simple right that was not complicated right what do you think easy to do now let's take some of those roasted potatoes right there with a nice spoon or a tongue whatever we can do just put a little bit of those through this right take some of those roasted potatoes in there and just let's put them in just like this friends just like this very simple i wouldn't have to do anything fancy here just like that a couple of potatoes there you go we can organize them if we have time i don't have time because it's hot and i'm hungry and here we have it because i'm grabbing the tongue in the wrong way just organize however you want it i'm probably going to organize a little bit different but when we have a little minute or maybe i put the cards all the way around it but here it is just put a bit of beautiful parsley leaves on top just very simple right my friend don't do anything anything fancy but still take the time to make it look pretty okay very simple you know what we should do and i'll probably do it in a minute we're going to take some potato and put all the carrots around it i think that'll be real pretty real simple but that's how simple it is friends i want you to make this recipe it's really simple it's all about the sauce make it with steak make it with lamb make it with beef anything that sauce is what it's all about chicken masala the easiest recipe in the world i hope you enjoyed it remember if you like it subscribe to our channel we need new subscribers ring the bell so you get a notification every week when i do a new video and don't forget to give us a thumbs up thank you for watching and we'll see you all next week [Music] you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 332,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chicken Marsala, chicken recipes, how to make, chef jean pierre, chef jean pierre onion, how to, dinner recipes, chicken recipe, chicken recipes easy, easy recipes, how to cook, cooking show, how to make chicken marsala, chicken marsala recipe, most entertaining chef on youtube, easy gourmet recipes, dry marsala, marsala sauce, chicken marsala recipes, chicken recipes for dinner, easy chicken recipes, chicken recipes tasty, boneless skinless chicken breasts
Id: 0-nu34KqUPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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