The Original Onyo Pie | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends another fantastic recipe today vidalia onion pie with leeks and brie cheese and cheddar cheese and goat cheese amazing recipe stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how to make it all right friends let me show you how easy it is to make this onion pie it is delicious a lot of prep but that's okay it's worth it first of all i made a a pie dough already pre-baked and i have another video on that and you can make the dough or you can buy a pre-made dough i'll show you how to do both okay so you can make the dough and get it in advance it's done so we we make the video a little shorter everybody complains my videos are too long mamma mia so look we got onion vidalia onion a little squatty onion right and then we got leeks we got shallots we got sun-dried tomatoes then we got a little cream going on over there and then we got eggs and then we got um uh gruyere cheese parmigiano-reggiano english cheddar or any kind of good cheddar goat cheese you us goat cheese and then we have uh brie cheese all phenomenal cheese my friends so now let's start right away first thing we're going to do is uh we're going to saute we're going to saute some onion in butter i don't mind doing it in butter i know that battery is sensitive these days because it burns really fast at like 250 degrees so that's why we did the clarified butter for those of you that are following following the channel i know you're making the clarified butter and that's okay to cook protein but not for this this we wanted the milk protein okay so we're going to get going with it we're going to get that really hot we're going to get it really hot as soon as i can get these things going i got the oven going at 375 degrees let me tell you friend friends this is amazing it's a beautiful appetizer you're gonna love making it it's not that big of a deal uh as long as you have your prep if you don't have your prep then you're gonna have issues you can't just start doing this and then chop and dice at the same time misnom plus make sure your mison plus is ready before you start cooking as soon as the batter is hot we're going to put the onion in there check those slicks out look at this florida leeks i don't know what they put in there but the organic organic leeks look at those things amazing and the vidalia on your vidalia onions as you know them they sweet and they're little squatty onions if they're from georgia you know most of you know that i'm from georgia and uh so look we're gonna saute the onion in there it's an onion pie and we're gonna get in beautiful golden brown and then after the are slightly golden brown friends we are going to put some um uh the leeks we don't put them at the same time why don't we give why don't we give them a little more bottle right while we're doing this let's make the custard also friends and the custard is easy let's increase this right there the custard is cream eggs and cheese and so the cheese always use good quality cheese you know you're only as good as your cheese you're using it use good cheese you're going to be good so here we go we got some beautiful gruyere in here we got some parmigiano-reggiano if you're going to use parmesan it got to be parmigiano-reggiano okay we're going to put that in there we're going to melt them a little bit of cheddar i love the english cheddar the english make beautiful cheddar let me tell you they make fabulous cheddar if you ever never had an english cheddar i highly recommend you try them let me tell you they're wonderful goat cheese i love a domestic goat cheese i love an american may go cheese because it's very mild nothing wrong with the with an english or a french or an italian goat cheese they make beautiful goat cheese too it's a little too goaty for me i like it more creamy and and mild but any goat cheese wherever you are whatever country you are hey you got to be careful because uh i have people from everywhere a lot of people in australia a lot of people in greece a lot of people in india i mean all over the world it's amazing you know i forget because remember my whole life friends i was in my school or my restaurant in fort lauderdale and and i i didn't of course i had people that came and visited for a lot of their from all over the world but really my my main audience was was people in florida and now we got customers from all over uh subscriber all over the world it's quite amazing i love it i'm having a lot of fun with this youtube channel i love it absolutely look look at the onion caramelizing here you guys see the caramelizing so now it's time to put some leeks in there and in the leaks friends i like to put mostly if i can the light green or the white part of the degree of the leek it's sweeter and it's because it grows under the ground and it's much sweeter the green is okay to make stock you know like a beef stock so what i do is i cut that off i freeze it it doesn't look so good but it is this is the same and it's perfect to make the beef stock so we don't throw it away i don't throw nothing away here um also one more onion that we're gonna put in the chives we'll talk about that later hey you know what i got i got onion salt you go to our west side there's some onion salt delicious we're making onion pie we're gonna use onion sauce i know i'm excited i get excited easily you know what i love my job i love what i do i love the opportunity that i have to teach you guys on youtube it's it's a really really cool you know every night in my school in fort lauderdale i would have 30 people in each class and and i was like that's a lot of people already now we've got thousands of people that are watching us that's quite amazing so now the leaks you want to use the light but green part if you can you know they're not always easy to find you can't find leaks put more on you don't worry another onion will put in your shallots look at how big those shallots they make some big shallots these days let me tell you they make they grow them i don't know how they make them let's think let's see i think i have it in here somewhere well oh yeah look look at this look at this is that a shallots or what no no i gotta tell you something funny you know in florida we get produce from different parts of the world this is the french charlotte and this is a canadian scarf i mean look at this thing hello what is going on over there french canadian shadows now you know i tested them i said okay something got to be like different okay uh-uh i can't believe it this tastes the same as this you would think hey maybe the difference nope no difference i wouldn't out there maybe the other one is sweeter no so i'll tell you what it's a grocery store in town then says three of them for four dollars and then you go to the other grocery store three of them for four dollars i take those thank you very much and they are amazing i'm telling you all right so look the onion and the lick are doing good and the shallots remember you put in the shallots at the end friends because you don't want them to be cooked at the same time they don't cook at the same time we're also going to put some sun-dried tomatoes in there and the sun-dried tomatoes are by friends and you notice they're very cut very small they're very cut very small i haven't been drinking i promise you but they cut very very small i don't want a big piece of sun-dried tomato i like a sun-dried tomato and i buy the sun-dried tomato then i already moist so they're not the dry one you know remember years ago you buy you bought sun-dried tomatoes and they were so dry you had to re-hydrate them and a lot of people will rehydrate them in water water i don't know if you know about that but i hate water i i don't water in cooking i only use it when i make stock when i cook pasta or vegetables or when i make a cornstarch slurry that's the only time i use water okay maybe okay brian brian when you make a brine you gotta use water okay otherwise i don't use water water don't taste like nothing we don't use it we don't like it so look look what i got here my friends i got the cheese that has melted it's doing quite well and now as soon as the cheese is completely melted we're going to add the eggs all right so let me make sure i don't forget nothing i'm going to put a little bit of black pepper in there just a little bit of black pepper we're going to put a little bit of onion salt in the egg very take it easy not too much onion you see look looks it's very easy recipe when you think about it right i mean it's a lot of prep that's a lot of prep we're going to make sure the onion are completely completely cooked my friend and then what we're going to do we're going to i got the immersion blender it's easier i mean we could take a whisk and do it what do you think i think i like better the immersion blender let's do it i like better the immersion blender because if any of my cheeses did not melt by any chance this is gonna take care of it okay or you know what you could do so you could put the cheese directly but i like about it the method i think it's much easier you could put otherwise you could sprinkle it in your pie you know it'll be all right also if you don't have one of those so now look this is well well man now we're going to do we're going to temper the egg with the cream we don't need to worry too much about tempering it because we got the white oh i didn't tell you about the eggs frogs but it's three whole eggs and three yolks okay so i really have six yolks and three whites okay and i don't need that much more than that it's perfect oh do it slowly don't be careful so it's okay here like i said you have the white when you have the white you don't need to worry too much about tempering you see and some of the cheese did not get completely completely um you think i'm gonna leave that cheese in there no way i'm not leaving it in there hey you over there don't go on my stove see there you go right there oh boy i better be careful not to knock this thing out yeah you know what let me be safe because i know me yeah i know me i'll drop it up and i make a mess in the kitchen it wouldn't be the first time hey how am i doing with my own over there oh yeah we're looking good we're looking good we're looking good we're looking good they're nice and soft matter of fact you know what i'm going to turn this off somehow i'm going to turn it off there you go goodbye this is it you see they're beautiful and soft and you can see them they nicely caramelize them and that's enough that's enough so now let's make sure that everything in here is nicely mixed i don't want to put too much air bubbles so i'm keeping the blade down i just want to make sure the cheese is all nicely melted okay i got my salt i got my pepper you know what you could do also friends you could add a little bit of garlic in there too as a fact you know what i'm gonna do it i'm gonna add my little puree of garlic and uh i know i have it somewhere it's not in this fridge so don't go anywhere i'm gonna go get the garlic a few moments later [Laughter] oh here it is i found it i found it okay i found it i found it it was right there friends my mommy i this is why i love my garlic puree friends you see this is why i call mison plus and i forgot because i don't like to leave it at room temperature a little bit there don't pretty much don't put much over there friends and we're going to mix it in huh let's continue just give a quick little mix here there you go that's it okay mom i'm here i'm telling you my friends okay so now now then uh everything is off the stove is off we are now going to plate this thing okay so what we do by the way if you have some uh some of this uh onion left oh you know what check the video it's gonna be in the uh essential oil i'm not sure where we're going to put them on youtube but that that that pie dough you pre-cook it in advance and then when you take it out of the oven after 30-35 minutes then it's cooked you put some egg white in it and you bake it another five minutes and you know what that does friends you quite uh you know what that does that seals in so none of the cream is going to get in the dough and the dough is going to stay nice and crispy it seals in so no no none of that that custard if you will is gonna go in there okay friends so look let's put let's put this licks in there let's be generous okay don't be afraid to put a lot of this you know you could uh i mean i'm making an onion pie today but you're good to saute some mushroom or you put a spinach in there you can put a lot of stuff in there friends i'm telling you it'll be delicious we're gonna pop it in the oven for about 25-30 minutes right and then we're going to let it rest a little bit and we're going to cut it and we're going to serve it with a beautiful bell pepper and tomato i made one of those about if i could send the sauces you can see it look at this look at this i should do this for a living check it out look at this so you know sometimes i have too much and and that's okay because i put them on top of a steak on top of a chicken i i love them just like that or or i put them on scrambled eggs if i have too much of this you see look how beautiful that is all right we're done all right let's take it out of here all right let's see what we're going to do now now we're going to take the custard friends and we're going to pour it in here let me make sure i don't forget nothing let me make sure i don't forget nothing let's mix it up really good see look how beautiful the custard is friends look at this make sure there's no cheese in the bottom man if you feel a little piece of cheese right there make sure you mix it up really good so if because if you leave that for a second you know what's gonna happen the cheese is going to fall in the bottom so make sure you mix it up really good okay so you don't forget any of the cheese oh yeah baby you're gonna make some custard with this just custard it'll be delicious cheese custard you put this in a with this right you put this in a in a glass ramekin and you bake them in a water bath oh yeah now you have to be careful here friends you have to be careful here okay i don't want you to put too much i want you to put as much as you possibly can but not too much and you'll see what i mean by that in a minute i don't want to put more than i have to because if i do you know what's going to happen it's going to go underneath the mold between the mold and the dough and then it's going to make it impossible to end mold it so be very careful you want to put as much as you can but don't put more than you have to as much as you can but no more than you have to that's that's really that simple and then on top of it we're going to put a chive chai because chive is the only onion you don't really cook you're just going to bake them in the oven gently okay you don't want to saute chives they're so delicate they're like the most delicate of all onion oh mamma mia do you think i'm putting too much it's possible so we're going to put the chives in there friends just right there beautiful chives beautiful chives they're not that beautiful really sometimes i wonder about me and and uh i saved some parmigiano-reggiano then we grade it with a microplane radius so it's beautiful you see as you certainly can shave it at the last minute just put it right on there but i'm making it in advance that was the videos are too long but you take a microplane grater and you can grate this parmigiano vagina okay here we go friends look at this we're going to bake this in the oven and then it's going to be in the oven for hey take it easy you come back over here and then uh we're gonna pop him in the oven do you think i can put a romo let me see let me see now that i'm finished with the parmesan look at this look at this look at this put as much as you can as much as you can i have no more cheese to put on top so take it easy champion look at this nothing left i should do this one all right here we go friends oh now we're going to take it we're going to pop him in the oven and oh boy that's going to be dangerous i should have done that in the oven you know what but i don't know no no no 50 years not enough in the kitchen oh thank goodness i haven't been drinking anything quit in the middle the oven is preheated at 375 my friends you don't want it to be too hot 375 um fahrenheit but jack is going to put it in what it is in celsius because i get real confused with this with those two we're going to come back in 25 minutes we're going to take it out we're going to rest it we're going to serve it with a roasted bell pepper and then arugula salad we're going to put on top so i'll be right back i'm going to clean up this whole kitchen and by the time i come back it'll be nice and ready to go all right friends it's been about 25-30 minutes now i'm gonna take it out i'm gonna take it out and we're gonna let it rest oh yeah baby oh yes yes yes yes check it out my friends i'm gonna put it right there and i am going to let her rest for 15 15-20 minutes before i cut it if i cut it now it's too soft it's still too soft and it's to set a little bit and every time you have a custard or lasagna anything you need to let it rest you need to get some amount of moisture out of it you kind of know usually if you just put your hand on top of it like that and you feel a lot of heat coming out a lot of steam is coming a lot of moisture is coming out we need to let it out so it lasts time to solidify when i cut it so we're going to wait 15 minutes and i will be right back all right friends we're back i've waited about 15 20 minutes you have to wait remember it's very important now what i'm going to do is i'm going to serve it with a little vinaigrette with a regular salad on top i love it and a bell pepper the bell pepper sauce is uh is nice and thick i don't want it to be liquid i want to be running on my pa on my dough you can learn how to make this and the sauces than the sauces and the sauces yeah that's what it is on youtube and the sauce bell pepper cooley is delicious all right we're going to make a little vinaigrette and i'm not i don't want to do and emulsify the vinaigrette so just a little bit of olive oil i got a basil olive oil and i got a rico lemon balsamic vinegar but i don't want to emulsify i don't want it to be thick i'm going to put a little onion salt a little onion salt and i'm going to put some black pepper i don't want it to be thick you don't want to make a little vinaigrette for a regular root like so wimpy flimsy more like flimsy right and uh so i don't want it to be emulsified you know i don't want it to be like thick so i'm just mixing those two into it it doesn't really matter we just just want to blend them together but just in case i just want to make sure that it's good you test it you know people say to me what's the measurement for a vinaigrette you know it's a measurement for vinaigrette until you like it a little more vinegar that's the right mushroom we're going to mix this up let me get another spoon well i got a fork so there you go just a little quick vinaigrette and i'm not going to put a lot my friend just going to put a little bit okay may put that fork out of the way i don't want people to tell me hey you're eating with the same fork and they're not here eating with me but they don't want me to eat with the same fork so look mix it up a little bit okay you don't need a lot just a little bit of oil that's all a little bit of vinaigrette right there but this this is nothing my friends what's important is how we're gonna take the pie out of the mold now i got a trick i'm gonna show you okay i got two spatula i've got them fish spatula i'm gonna take this and i'm gonna put it on the pot you're gonna wonder why is the pot upside down it's the only time i cook with a pasta it's the only time i cook with a pot upside down but you watch it's because i have to put this pie thing remember it's got a removable bottom well you don't remember that because you haven't seen me make the thing but this thing's got a whoa it's got a removable bottom so if i put it in something that is that is about that side the center of it and and then i remove it the mold should come right out the mold came right out you see that cool that is so now what i'm going to do friends i'm going to carefully holy mackerel i'm going to carefully move it and then i'm going to take it i'm going to move it right there oh i can breathe a little more now oh it's still hot it's still hot so now now it's you say well it's cutter well now we can't cut it yet because i got a mold underneath the the the removable bottom part is in the bottom i don't want to cut it on it because it's a non-stick one so i got to go underneath you see look you can't see because see look you see what i'm talking about right there my friends you see right there okay so we're good now right so now i can take this out of there goodbye oh and i got it now i got a dirty towel here let me clean it up i want to clean it i don't like to work in a dirty surface friends i hate a dirty surface i like it to be clean all the time you see so then it makes it easy so you saw how it did right it's pretty easy right yeah everything is easy when you see it you go i can do this of course you can do this there's nothing in the kitchen you can't do now i'm not saying this when is the night the kids are hungry let's make them an onion pie no you're not going to do that but this is like hey you got a dinner party you want to do something really quite special this is it right there friends you have it okay and you can put anything you want in there all right and and and you don't even have to make the dough if you don't want to make the dough you can buy a pre-baked dough a pre-made dough and and and they're pretty good i think piss balloon piece barrel peas brewery uh make a descendo pittsbury you think it's what it's called all right so look we're gonna we're gonna go now and we're gonna do one of those though it's very important and we're gonna cut it it's not all let me get a knife here there you go uh we're gonna take a chef's knife right there we're going to go in and we're going to go please come to papa nice nice thank you very much oh yeah baby all right we're going to make a nice slice here friends i'm hungry all right nice slice i could have made a big one make sure i got it perfect here so i'm going to take a little bit of that that sauce right there friends that cooley like i said it's not a running sauce okay i don't want it to be runny i want it to be salt that oh it's going to run all over the place and i don't want it to run all over the place see just like this you don't have to put a sauce just the vinaigrette is good enough and right there my friends look at this look at this ones look at this i hope you can see it it's absolutely beautiful look at this gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous now we're going to take a little bit of that arugula salad right there and this is it this is all you have to do my friends you see that was not difficult right you have to admit that the whole thing was not difficult this is it my friend onion pie with an arugula salad and a roasted bell pepper i hope you try this recipe don't forget if you like it give us a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to our channel and don't forget to ring the bell i know you're going to love this you got to make it it's amazing my fact you know i'm going to try i'm going to try friends i'm going to try one i'm going to try one i'm going to try right now i'm going to tell you if it's any good no if it's any good i know it's good oh yeah baby was there on top [Music] um i made a mess [Music] you have to try it's amazing i hope you make the recipe we'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 227,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Onion Pie, Onyo Pie, french chef, chef jeanpierre, chef jean-pierre, chef jean pierre, how to, best chef on youtube, chef jean pierre onion, gourmet cooking, chef jean pierre onion meme, cooking show, cooking video, how to make, onion chef, cooking dinner, onyon chef, easy recipes, how to cook, easy gourmet recipes, funny chef, onyo chef, cooking food, fun cooking, easy cooking, most entertaining chef on youtube, Everything Onyo
Id: XrOEyECmX4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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