The Best Chicken Parmesan Recipe - Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends another fantastic recipes today chicken parmesan really easy to do it's kind of like a chicken melon with a tomato sauce and a parmesan cheese stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how to do it all right friends i'm going to show you how easy it is to make this recipe i promise you anybody can do that there's a few tricks i'm going to show you them easy you know i don't make anything complicated if it's complicated i'm not doing it and you're not going to do it so let's make it easy right cooking is supposed to be fun so let's have fun together chicken breast look at this boy this is like a big chicken we're gonna take a chicken breast right there we're gonna cut it in half now we're gonna make a scallopini i do this in my chicken francaise i do this in my uh chicken milones i do this actually basically it's a milanese with a tomato sauce and the parmesan cheese on it very simple right take a chicken breast right there make sure it's clean extra fat any gristle you don't need anything and if you notice there's two sides to the chicken right this is the inside this is the outside you notice the outside is very nice and smooth no difference in in in shapes and right there look at this look mountain valley right here it's all different right so we're going to put the outside on the cutting board so we know what's underneath nice and flat so then when we cut it in half like this we'll know exactly where we're going so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take my knife right here and i'm going to cut this up and down up and down up and down like this until i got two beautiful scallopini okay it's very important then it's flat and it's important also you get a long knife if you got one if you have a chef's knife it's difficult that's why it's important friends to get a slicer or at least get a bony knife get a boning knife it's very thin you see and this makes it easier but you see look remember when you use a knife friends you have to sow the food you have to activate the microscopic burrs and we call burr microscopic teeth and we call bird you we have to activate him kind of like using a serrated knife you activate it right so what i want to do is i want to go up and down with my knife all right and if i have only a small knife difficult i don't have much space right there right all right so enough about the knife put your hand down don't be afraid nothing's gonna happen to you the knife is not gonna come and get you right and what you do you make sure you put it in the middle right and you go up and down up and down see look see i get half i got half right there half high five right so i'm so good right and i keep going and don't be afraid oh my god i'm gonna cut myself no you're not no you're not no you're not you just care pay attention don't go out there and be talking to somebody when you do this you just pay attention and you get two perfect half you see my friends look a child could do this okay so now we're going to sanitize our hand it's very important we're going to sanitize our work surface i always have a wet rag right there and i'm going to take it i'm going to put it in the flour all right i'm going to take it i'm going to put in the flour and in the meantime i'm going to sanitize my cutting board i'm going to sanitize my knife my rag is a little bit of a bleach water i talked about this in another video i don't want to make a big deal out of it again otherwise they're going to say here it goes again so but it's very important and we're nice and clean and organ and sanitized okay friends really really important otherwise we're going to kill somebody one day so look right there we're gonna put the flour right there we're gonna put the egg and right there we're gonna put the break home i'll talk about this in a second let me first break the eggs over there really quick okay this is very simple right take the fork right there break the egg all right break the egg very simple all right and then we're gonna put salt and pepper salt and pepper in the egg i got salt and pepper already in the flour and i'll talk about the breadcrumb in a second let me just grab a tong what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna try to keep my hands clean and what i mean by that is um i don't want my hand to get full of flour or full of egg because they get all gunky and then so you see look look dry dry dry hands right hands right there right so now i'm gonna go in here right there like this and i'm gonna take the tongue and i'm gonna put them in here like this now it's very important you understand what it is we're doing here friends same thing i do the chicken milanese if you watch the chicken milanese then you've already know how to do this okay flour makes the chicken dry the fish dry whatever it is you're gonna put eggplant parmesan same deal okay the flour makes it dry the egg makes it wet and if you don't have a dry chicken the egg is not going to stick right and then we're going to go to the breadcrumb and the breadcrumb for the parmesan i do panko herb the provence and parmigiano-reggiano okay and i got a lot of parmesan smells wonderful right look look and you notice i haven't touched anything yet right and the reason why i don't touch i want to keep my hand clean so then my hands are not all gunky because if my hands are gunky guess what's gonna happen friends guess what's gonna happen my breadcrumb is gonna get all gunky let me turn the oil on so i don't wait too long i'm gonna use some beautiful basil olive oil i love basil olive oil i have a tuscan olive oil then it's wonderful basil olive oil you don't have basil olive oil don't worry use a good olive oil okay all right now look dry wet remember it's always dry wet dry dry wet dry and you don't want to finish with a flower you want to finish with a breadcrumb so it's easy to remember which one is first which one is second and which one is third and if you remember what why you're doing it you understand it you're drying the chicken so the egg was thick and you're putting the eggs so the breakout mistake it's pretty simple stuff you see it's not rocket science there you go in there right there and you go like this see look look you don't have to touch it okay so by the way this friends is an amazing meal if you want to make it in advance dinner party you can prepare all this in advance yeah yeah i'm telling you prepare all this in advance and then when your guests come in for a dinner party let's pop it in the oven done look that's it we're done all i'm going to do now is i'm going to so dead i got to make sure my oil is at 365. i'm going to sort there and organize everything you see look look look at this a child can do this friends all right you want to put almost salt and pepper on it feel free to do so friends okay a little more salt and pepper let's check the temperature the oil i want to look you know if you don't have one of them digital thermometer you can certainly see it when the olive oil is is close to be 365 it's starting to shimmer a little bit we don't want to smoke the olive oil so it's very important then we make sure we don't overcook the olive oil so you look at it you keep an eye on it when you start smelling it let me grab another tongue when you start smelling it you know then you're getting close to releasing when it releases the beautiful aroma all over you olive oil has a very low smoke point 365 degrees then it breaks down and it's not a good thing we don't want that so i'm close to it if i go into a coiled oil oil is like 250 degrees what's going to happen is my breading is going to soak up more oil than it needs to i want to keep it as crisp as possible that's why i want to go to a hot oil okay so it's really important let's wait a second you'll see it in a second it's going to start a shimmer we're right there we're about 125 degrees and you'll know it you'll see it right away we don't want the oil to overcook we don't want it to break down because that's not good for us so here we go we're right there friends you can see it all right we're going to go in all right and we put it in and when you put it in see you see it right there don't touch it don't be playing with it all right don't touch it right there friends okay now what we're gonna do we're gonna get rid of this dry breadcrumb then we have on top here like this we don't need it and we're going to prepare the chicken ready to go to the oven okay you're watching it's very simple friends first we're going to wait for it to get beautiful golden brown that's why i said don't touch it don't touch it leave it alone leave it alone right there friends leave it alone let it get beautiful golden brown and trust me it's not going to take very long if your oil is hot you're not going to take it very long at all just another few seconds you can shake it around a little bit we look at it there you go look look look look you see let's give it a second or two right there see it's looking beautiful we're gonna let it cook the same amount of time on the other side to make sure we have nice beautiful golden brown on both sides because not only does it look good but it is good that uh carbonization right there is very important and those color than it creates is really really important friends and then we're going to put the marinara sauce and i just made i just finished taping a video of the marinara sauce so i think we're gonna have it released already it's a wonderful recipe that i've been making for 100 years okay i got it it's beautiful you can do it more if you want i just think it's plenty like this put it right there on the tray friends right there okay let's turn this off we're done okay so now what do we do very simple friends we're taking a beautiful marinara sauce that i made and like i said i have the recipe for this okay friends i made the beautiful recipe for this it's very simple you can make it in advance you can put it in a freezer and this if you have a dinner party by all mean friends this is a beautiful right there you see you can make it in advance you know what i can do sometime what i like to do i like to put a little bit of a prosciutto de palma right underneath the tomato sauce okay today we're going to put some uh parmigiano-reggiano cheese parmigiano-reggiano mixed with a little bit of mozzarella cheese you don't have to use that if you don't want to by the way you can do the same exact recipe friends with um eggplant same deal with eggplant delicious for a main course take your mix cheese parmigiano reggiano you can mix with a little bit of uh like i said mozzarella cheese sometimes believe it or not i love to take slice of brie with the prosciutto underneath oh yeah same deal same thing look look make this in advance frank friend and then when you serve your dinner party finish it up with a little basil chiffonade at the end put it in the oven right now until the cheese is nicely melt be generous when the cheese is nicely melt and we're going to put it in the oven and when it's finished we're going to plate it with maybe a little chiffonade of a basil on it a bit delicious you can serve that with an egg noodles delicious here you go friends we're going to take it out right there pop it in the oven the oven is at 375 how long just long enough for the cheese to melt it's probably going to take maybe 10 15 minutes depends how hot your oven is but 375 is all you need all right so we're going to wait a few minutes and then we're going to take it out we're going to decorate it with a little chiffonade basil or or parsi to you whichever one i got in my kitchen okay here we go friends out of the oven all you got to do just put it on a plate like that you can serve it with egg noodles you can serve it with um uh potatoes roasted potatoes would be delicious in there i put a little chiffonade of of basil on the plate on the on a chicken by itself you know chiffonade of basil that's just very easy to make a little chiffonade i'll show you how to make that cheap or not when i do the um the uh the tomato sauce here you go very simple here it is this is a dish folks that can be served by itself just like that it's absolutely an amazing chicken you guys are going to love that go ahead and make it if you don't want to eat it right away you can certainly refrigerate it and eat it later on it's wonderful either way i hope you like the video thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe to our channel don't forget to give this a thumbs up and rate my bell so you get a notification every thursday when i put up a new video thanks for watching go ahead and make that chicken it's beautiful
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 82,194
Rating: 4.9725885 out of 5
Keywords: chicken parmesan recipe, chicken parmesan, how to, chef jean pierre, chicken recipes, dinner recipes, chicken parm, chef jean-pierre, how to make chicken parmesan, gourmet cooking, chef jean pierre onion, most entertaining chef on youtube, easy recipes, onyon chef, chicken parmigiana, best chef on youtube, chef jean pierre onion meme, chicken recipe, what chicken parmesan, who to make chicken parmesan, can chicken parmesan be frozen, are chicken parmesan healthy
Id: 2S3PIzbdxAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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