Clarified Butter | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends today an essential clarified butter very simple to make let's talk a little bit about butter we love butter especially me i love butter um but if you notice you can't really cook things in butter because it burns it burns really fast because butter has milk milk is protein and protein burns at 250 degrees really that simple so what do we need to do to cook in butter we just need to remove the milk that's what we do when we clarify the butter and how do we clarify about it really simple by the way this is clarified butter we have clarified about it right here graphite butter is just simply it looks like oil it's just butter that where the milk solid and the moisture has been removed water is actually what promotes the growth of bacteria that's why butter goes bad the minute you remove the moisture the water and the minute you remove the milk protein you're done now you got a bottle then it's clarified and can stay at room temperature six months can stay in a refrigerator one year not 17 years one year at room temperature and it's really cool the problem is if you leave it at room temperature it kind of tendency of solidify a little bit so if you want it to be liquid you just got to warm it up a little bit and that's really that simple nothing's a big deal of it you can cook that's 450 smoke point almost 500 degrees imagine that you can cook anything you want and the other thing is going to burn so now that i made a video on it i'm going to use it all the time so you guys can use it it's really simple let's make it together all we're doing is taking two pound of butter and we're going to bring it to boil that's what we're going to do as you are boiling the butter it separates automatically the moisture and the milk salads are going to rise to the top at the beginning create some foamy things we're going to remove that and then we're going to let them rest we're going to put in a glass bowl and you're going to see it then the milk solid falls in the bottom so we're going to scrape the top get as much of the whey from the milk protein as we can remove them scoop them up with a ladle and then we're going to wait for all of the milk started to fall in the bottom and then we're going to pour the butter fat which will be like beautiful nice clear clarified butter you've probably heard of ghee and say well kraft butter is ghee well not really ghee is the same process except we literally caramelize the milk protein burn them not burn them but yeah caramelize them to a dark and and easy to remove that way what happens is that gives the butter more of a nutty flavor it's used in a lot of indian cooking and it's wonderful ghee is absolutely wonderful but it's more nutty uh it's more smoky a little bit nutty let's just stay with let's stay with nadia that's good everybody understands naughty and uh and that's great and it's easy to make two but today we're making clarify butter a clarified butter is we're not gonna burn the milk solid to the solid crisp we're just gonna remove them and we're gonna have this beautiful clarified butter all right we'll probably do another video later on making ghee so you can actually see it's a little bit of a different process so we're going to bring this to boil and then we'll come back in a few minutes so let's just we're going to bring it to boil here's a probably a process it's going to take us um i don't know an hour and a half two hours so we're not going to make an hour and a half two hours video don't worry i could do it and i'm sure some of you will be okay with that but most of you will be like these guys are not and i got enough people telling me i'm gonna so we're gonna bring it to boiler and after it has finished boiling uh welcome back and i'll show you what we're gonna do with it okay so we'll just let that go we'll be back in a few minutes all right friends well it's been boiling for about 10 to 15 minutes the first boil is going to be a lot of foam on the front and on the top of it and then subsidize a little bit make sure maybe once in a while you take a little spoon and mix it just a little bit but that's all you really need to do and now then it's come to boil about 15 minutes leave it alone let it relax and we're just going to pour it in a glass bowl that's all we're going to do we're going to just pour it on a glass bowl just the whole thing don't worry about a thing the process of clarifying it happens in a little while what is going to happen automatically most of the moisture of escape has escaped in the process of boiling it that's where the water comes out that's the dangerous element in the body that's what promotes the growth of bacteria so as you're boiling it you're getting away the most of it and what's going to happen is most of the milk solid is going to fall in the bottom as it cools and the whey protein of the mix some of it is going to stay on the top and we're going to clean it up with a ladle we're going to clean it up and then we will uh deal with the butter fat which is 80 percent 85 percent of it a of it is body fat that's clarified butter then we have right here and the milk solid are going to stay in the bottom and we're not going to use those okay so we're going to come back in a little while this that's the process this has to go through its natural process it's going to take at least an hour for this to happen so we'll come back in about an hour all right folks so about time an hour and a half two hours really went by and here's what we have we have a a little bit of moisture still left on the top of the whey of the milk and most of the milk solid are fall in the bottom you probably can't see that much of it until i start pouring it in but all of the milk solid when in the bottom so now we have this beautiful butterfat here that needs to be clarified so we're going to remove the weight first of the moisture that is left on the top and by the way i wanted to show you this is what it looks like if you leave it at room temperature you just leave it at room temperature it goes like that if you put it in the fridge it's even more solidified but it lasts longer uh so this is it's not a problem it's just if you want it to be liquid you just warm it up a little bit and then it'll be liquid again but if you live at a room temperature it's just solidified like that that's just the product there's nothing we can do about that all right so now what we're going to do friends we're going to remove as much of the moisture as we can as possible or the weight right there and you see it's very simple to do just go easy let's go really easy we want to try to remove all moisture because remember a drop of water will promote the growth of bacteria so we want to make sure we remove all moisture and and making the the milk solid will burn so we want to remove them all right so now at this point i have a cheesecloth on top of a strainer you don't really have to have that you you could some people say you can try coffee filter the coffee don't work so good so this is just regular cheesecloth uh and you don't have to have this if you are careful look you're gonna see what i do okay if you're careful when you're poor say we're gonna pour that in gonna pour that in and we do it very slowly i want to do it very slowly because i want you to see what would happen what's going to happen when i go in the bottom of it you're going to see there is not much milk solid to begin with on this butter it's wonderful but you see you'll see it in a minute so right here we have some beautiful clarified butter it's going to look like oil doesn't smell like oil let me there it smells delicious i'm going to go in there and if you look i'm going to go very careful because i don't want to pull the bottom right there the bottom if you can see in here i i tell you what i'll do in a second i'll stop it pouring see it's starting to be right there so most of that is going to be caught with a cheesecloth but i'm going to stop it right now so you can see it i want you to see inside the pot friends this is when you bring the butter to boil some of those milk solid of caramelized right there you see some of them have caramelized already so you can just go slowly again but here you'll pull some of the milk solid so you just let it go like this folks you see let's let it go right there most of the milk salad would be caught on the cheesecloth if you don't have a cheesecloth you can get a nice kitchen towel and and right there my friends you have clarified butter this is it so you see this solidified and this is clarified better than now we can cook steaks fish meat anything nothing's gonna burn because it'll go up to 450 degrees without any problem and it smells delicious i didn't use this in my some of my first video because i didn't want to scare people but now you guys have been watching my channel for some of you over a year now and you know you can do it you've done a lot of my recipes and you can do this so we're gonna continue using it now then you guys have graduated from level two we're gonna go to level three and we're gonna keep pushing the bar and keep having some fantastic recipe go ahead make yourself a a good amount of clarified butter you can cook anything but remember though you still want to use whole butter to cook a lot of things leeks and onion and all that you can you caramelize them and if the milk protein caramelize a little bit with the onion it makes them that much better so don't worry about that and i finished when you finish the sauce when you finish anything you want to use whole bottle you don't want to use clarified butter you want to because the whole body will be more creamy and it gives you a better consistency and a sexy sauce all right folks i hope you enjoyed this quick segment we made for you clarify butter you'll go ahead and make i hope you enjoyed it give us a thumbs up if you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the thumbs up to ring the bell during the thumbs up ring the bell so you get a notification every thursday when i do a new video go ahead and make a beautiful bowl of clarified butter
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 307,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clarified Butter, Cooking with butter, smoke point of butter, chef jean-pierre, chef jeanpierre, how to, easy gourmet recipes, best chef on youtube, french chef, gourmet cooking, cooking video, cooking food, how to make, everyday cooking recipes, how to cook, dinner recipes, clarified butter (food), french food, how to clarify butter, clarified butter recipe, clarified butter, cooking show, chicken recipes, chef jean pierre, most entertaining chef on youtube
Id: C8ReU5s4i0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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