Delicious and Beautiful Poke Bowl | Chef Jean-Pierre

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hello chef john pierre version of a pokeball i don't even know how to say hello how you know that's not gonna be traditional friends remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell stay tuned we're gonna have fun together [Applause] well hello there friends i don't know if it's pokey pookie poquetto pocatino i don't know don't worry about it it's a poke ball it's a bowl with rice hey i don't want to hear from the people in hawaii i say this is not traditional i know it's not traditional it's a pokeball pierre and you're going to have fun with it it's a bowl of rice then we're going to make a fun with it and then we're going to put some fish with it and we're going to use a beautiful tuna you can use a salmon you can use a shrimp you can use a bunch of stuff with it and uh and i'll write you some uh some substitute you can do but first tuna i got beautiful tuna right here and i'm going remember number one thing when you buy the fish no smell smelly fish not so fresh okay so i got it right here i'm gonna cut it in little pieces because it's gonna be you know i want you to be able to eat it with a fork or with a spoon and uh and that's everything has to be bite-sized can't be no big pieces we'll go in there and a boiling cut okay so this is a beautiful piece of fish as you can see it's uh it's about a pound a pound a pound and a half probably and um uh i want to cut it in dice and yeah you can cut it in big slices like this and and then cut it in julienne and cut it in dice but this is a little more difficult for people that are not so good with the knife to cut all the way down from here so what i like to do i like to tell you to do is you put it right there and then you make some slices right there and then what we'll do we'll take those slices you see right here right so we take those slices and we put them on top of each other just two of them don't try to do too many and then cut but with the knife i'm using is a slicer and uh it's a very thin knife but you could do it with it with a nice chef's knife if you have it as long as it's very sharp right remember everything bite size if you put too many on top of each other it's going to be difficult to cut all right so here you go right there and then you take your julienne you take your julienne you put them on top of each other i'm there it's beautiful tuna from there my friend you take it and you cut it in little dice okay so not to make the video too long because i got a lot to do i'm going to continue doing that and then as soon as i got it all cut welcome back and i'm going to show you how i do the whole thing okay so i'll be back in a couple of seconds okay friends well remember take the time make sure they're nice and cut okay nice same size remember texture in this dish is the most important thing we need to learn okay texture texture is a conductor flavor don't forget if i give you a big piece of tuna if it's a little piece of tonight that's definitely i promise you that's different if you have to bite in it it's completely different experience than if you don't have to buy it too much completely different we're going to make a little um kind of ponzu if you will where we put a little soy sauce and some fruit juice in it and i'm using a tangerine juice you can certainly use an orange juice for this we're going to put a little bit of it and reason why i'm doing on the side of it all this on the side is because i'm going to marinate the fish with it but before i put it all in the fish i want to test it to make sure it's good so it's really important right i got some toasted sesame oil really good quality toast sesame oil it's going to be one of the main flavor of today's dish so it's really important to use a high quality soy sauce you can use you use a good quality soy sauce tamarind low sodium is a nice soy sauce i mean there's a lot of great soy sauce out there you can spend 40 dollars for a bottle of soy sauce okay some of them are very expensive but it's worth it this is very good uh senjin tamarin very good we're going to use a little bit of rice wine vinegar a little bit of rice wine vinegar just a little bit and and then we're also going to use a little bit of mirin which is a sweet rice wine okay and we're gonna make we're gonna put those together and we're gonna test them and to see how we're doing with it okay we're gonna test it first and you know what i forgot i forgot i like to put a little bit of hot sauce in there and i'm gonna take it out just a little bit i'm gonna put some sriracha in there because everybody has sriracha and it's nice and i made a mayonnaise with sriracha also so okay so we're gonna put that in there we're gonna mix it up we're going to test it maybe a little bit more what do you think this is the kind of thing we really don't need to measure that good and then we're going to put a little bit of ginger i got a little bit of fresh ginger is there for that then we're going to use the microplane grater very little just a little bit be careful with this thing because that's how you make pink ginger and a little bit of garlic very little garlic all right and then we got some little bit of chopped shallots chopped shallots i'm gonna have a mess by the time i'm done in here with all the product i'm gonna use today and and it's some green onion all right green onion all right and then what we're going to do we're going to mix all this and we're going to test it to make sure it has the right balance to make sure it has the right balance now i didn't put any salt because usually you got plenty of salt in that soy sauce delicious you see it needs a little more soy sauce so do me a favor when you do make this dish friends okay play with it i want you to test it a little more i want you to test it to make sure uh you can actually test all the ingredients a little more tangerine sauce and turn juice in there yeah make it you know it's okay so i can write a recipe so you can have it i give you an idea but do yourself a favor do do test it friends do test it delicious delicious so we're gonna take this and we're gonna put it on top of a tuna and let me get a spoon and we're going to mix all this and this friends i will i highly recommended you make it um two or three hours before let the let all this marinated in your uh you mix it it'll make your fish so much better let me put a little more green onion there friends and then what we're gonna do we're gonna add a little bit of sesame seed in there i'm gonna add some white sesame seed to it just a little bit okay and remember this is this is my recipe my dear friends be careful with this champier don't go in there and put the whole thing um it's my idea have fun with it folks remember it's only cooking this is not rocket science eh anybody can do this i promise you you you know you i guarantee you you go to a restaurant you'll pay a fortune for this and and there's no reason for it so mix it up really good mix it up mix it up etc okay put it in the fridge for three four hours and then you can eat it in the meantime i'm gonna put it in the fridge right now and now i am going to play with the rice now the rice my friend let me clean up my cutting board over there the rice my friends um normally they i've had it with uh plain sushi rice plain sushi rice all they do is put a bit of rice wine vinegar to it and i said and it's kind of boring but we don't do anything boring in this kitchen and we don't do anything traditional in this kitchen so what we're gonna do we're gonna put some rice in there and uh and we're gonna have a lot of fun with it okay so we are going to put a little bit of the mirin the sweet uh rice wine then we're gonna put a little bit of pomegranate seed they're gonna give you a really cool nice texture surprise you when you eat it don't put too much just a little bit remember less is more and then sunflower seed in a rice and the whole purpose of doing this friends is uh is texture texture remember texture is a conductor flavor and then we're gonna put some black sesame seed again they don't give you much flavor those guys they give you no flavors but they're really cool for texture it's all about texture it really is it's all about texture so this is our rice this is the rice we're gonna use all right we could have had a little bit of a green scallion in there and that would have been kind of cool too you know we could have and guess what we got him right here so i'm going to do it quick i'm going to do it quick when very thin very thin very thin i don't want him to be too i don't want him to be too um uh too too much present if you will i don't want to you all of a sudden you got see just a little bit very thin very thin you notice that i did them like super super thin right so in there and they're going to give a nice little onion flavor but still be delicate we're going to put some we're not going to put some um uh salt because we got enough salt in there we're going to put just a little bit of black pepper in there just a little bit of black pepper and of course since the toasted sesame oil you gotta buy a good toast to semi-old friends it's a signature of a dish we're gonna put a little bit in it very very little you see you see that whatever that was like nothing but i promise you the rice by itself is a dish is it oh the rice i didn't use i did not use a sushi rice uh first of all not exactly easy to find everywhere not not not in florida anyway uh grocery store but i said you know what i don't care i'm gonna cook with basmati rice yeah you can hear the people in an hour he already said but i already told you it's not a traditional one i'm using a jasmine rice that i cooked in a chicken stock with butter i'm gonna make a video on that for you to cook the perfect basmati rice or jasmine rice i'm going to show you how to do it okay what else are we doing now well we're going to start putting our bowl together really oh oh one more thing i'm going to put a little bit of shred carrots in there friends and and you can shred them with a with a vegetables uh with a um a vegetable peeler or you can shred them with a knife or you can or i'll show you this this tool right there you can buy this on on amazon i i'm going to show you okay it's really a cool tool i think 10 mamma mia it wasn't expensive at all and uh and and it gives you julienne so you don't have to go in there and cut them but you want to make them short you don't want long julienne otherwise it'll be too long and you'll have to cut it right so look look it's really cool friends you go in there and you go like this and look see it already comes to junior so make make short you see how cool that is 10 bucks you don't need to be an expert here widows look at this a child could do this no really the child could do this that's for sure normally i said like people go oh my child couldn't do this you could do this all right so remember texture is flavor friends what what is perfect for carrots a little bit of deer is it going to go in there yeah it's going to go in there so we put a little bit in there and what else is the signature ingredient of our dish a little sesame oil would it go well in carrots you can better than they will a little bit right there boom and we're going to mix this up and we're going to mix this up and right there we got carrots that are going to be really cool testing they're going to be really really cool testing but it'd be better if i put a little bit of black pepper on them you see now all of a sudden look you got cool carrots right then we're gonna do we can put apples we can put cucumbers you can put so many things in there friends okay we got let me wash my hands really quick avocado we're gonna do an avocado i'm gonna show you how to cut an avocado correctly my friends all right now i know it's a lot of a lot of preparation to do but you can do it you can do it just take your time it's not like something you do uh kids are hungry let's make a pokeball well you could really you have your rice cooked in the fridge right an avocado when you buy an avocado friends make sure it's soft everywhere if it's not put it in a brown pepper bag tie it really really good one day two days it's gonna be nice and soft okay we're gonna cut it in half and we're going to dice i'm going to show you the proper way to dice and i want to make sure i'm finding my thing we're going to go right in there we're going to cut we're going to go around the knife just like this really simple we're going to peel it open and now we're going to remove the seed take it up here come back over here well this is giving me a hard time here it is now what i want to do here friends let me get another spoon is remove too small we gotta get you get out of here uh oh you see this one's gonna give me trouble it's got a bad spot in there we're gonna go in there and we're gonna remove the whole thing right put it upside down do the same thing here and when you're doing you're scraping scraping the um the uh the shell see then you you come back now this piece right there is broken it's it's not broken it's it's a i got a dark piece over here it's like when i get tomatoes i got a butt piece in there see it right there gotta get out of there you la mama mia it's gonna be all the way in there you watch it's gonna drive me crazy you watch oh no it's not too bad you know i don't like things that are not perfect so look i'll remove the the two right thing uh mamma mia i had to pick one then it was uh too ripe man so now i'm gonna cut them i'm gonna show you to cut we wanna make sure we don't mangle it too much we wanna cut so we're gonna go a straight cut we're gonna go another straight cut careful with your fingers then don't don't move it keep it straight one cut two cut remember don't move it don't move it three cut move it on the side and hold it together when you do that because it's holding together you see and right here my friends you're to have yourself some beautiful avocado dice see perfectly nice so it's perfectly ripe actually it's perfect it's a little too ripe a little too ripe but let me tell you i don't know about you guys but about two ripe you know maybe i removed that whole thing right here what do you think yep goodbye um i rather have a two ripe avocado than a green avocado they don't taste like nothing at least the two white we know are going to be perfect right so they're a little mushy because they're just a touch too right you know they were green yesterday i put them in a brown pepper bag and look what happened to them mama mia all right here we go let me clean this up a little bit otherwise i'm gonna have a huge mess clean my hands and now my friends we gotta be nice to that avocado right because everything everything you put in that bowl gonna have to be nice right so what do we do put a little shallots in there just a little bit of shallots in there will be perfect and then we're gonna put where are we a little bit of mirin just a little bit of meringue a sweet wine and the star of our show a good toasted sesame oil and now i can't open it all right so here we go whoop very little a little there was an overwhelmed of it okay and right here my friends a little bit of pepper you have yourself a little avocado then it's gonna be delicious now you're gonna oh if you're gonna do this in advance you could also put a little bit of lemon juice a little bit of acid all right so we got this we got this we got our rice and um what else should we put in there i think we should put some cucumbers now i sliced a few of them because i used the uh the mandolin because they got to be super super thin right so for this you gotta have a mango in france you don't have a mandolin i'm sorry but your knife is gonna be very difficult be careful and use a mandolin it has to be super super thin i mean like really really really really thin because well that's a little too thin no it's okay it's okay it it it has to be the whole slice okay this is something we're gonna use for decoration right let me put this over there but if it's too thin it doesn't work either it has to be thin but not too thin and a mandolin is really the right tool to do this okay so remember i always talk about texture texture is a conductor of flavor so now we have a a cucumber cut in very very small very very small slices and then what we're going to do we're going to make little cubes of cucumber so we're just cutting it in half cut it in half no cube we're going to make a little triangle doesn't really matter i'll show you oh maybe a little too big let me see no no no it's going to be just fine that's going to be just fine and we're going to cut little little pieces of it now yes my friends we got a bowl we're gonna make a little cucumber salad yeah now you're gonna say well let me tell you some friends i want you to play with this because it's kind of fun i want you to experience when i tell you the texture is a conductor flavor this cucumber my friends right there is gonna taste completely different than this cucumber think about something but this in your mother put this in your mouth completely different texture different experience in the mouth really really important okay so what do we do with this right now well we're going to put a little bit of i forgot but i got right there my a little bit of garlic california i forgot my garlic olive oil a little bit of garlic all over oil because i love it a little bit of the toast sesame oil because that's just that's the the style of the show a little bit of black sesame seed and now we're gonna have a little cucumber salad black pepper we're gonna mix all this up not with the spoon because it's got carrots on it gonna mix all this up now a little shout outs would have been good but i don't have any more so i'm not going to stop the whole thing too good okay but that's you can do so much with this my friend your apple i was going gonna put some apple in it but i don't have time you can put apple with it you can do so many different things my friend with this make an a nice apple salad you can do so many things you can have fun with it remember let's cooking so now let's make the bowl let's do it together first thing we're going to do friends we are going to put the cucumber on the side of the bowl remember cucumber is all over the place right in this dish so we're going to put them and we're going to put them with the stand up a little bit you see so you have it right there then we're going to put our rice now tuna hasn't had time to uh to marinate completely because this is kind of live and i don't want to cut it again but you could certainly wait a few hours to do all this you certainly don't have to do this i'm just having fun with it because i love having fun with you guys let me tell you you think this youtube channel is so much fun you know i was in a restaurant business and a cooking school business for so many years and uh and it's always work work work work work work work work work cause you got a full kitchen you got a full staff you got a dining room full of customers you don't have time to mess around but when you got a youtube channel you can play around that's what happened after so many years of work okay my friend we're gonna put our rice we're gonna put this in the bottom of the bowl smells amazing everything smells amazing here friends how much rice you put in that's really up to you there's no right or wrong here you do whatever makes you happy friends give it some room for the tuna so the stuff doesn't fall and this my friend is the beginning of a poke poke ball poca pocky pocatino whatever you want to call it it's gonna be good what's fun is uh it's exciting here you go friends look at this it smells amazing i wish you were here you know at the school it was easy or the restaurant was easy because i would tell people said oh i made this over here it's fantastic and i'm gonna make it for you and it was like oh yeah and i would go in the kitchen and i would make it for him you put this in the middle put on a light put on the left doesn't matter where you put it ready it's really up to you at this point to have fun where you put things there you can come with salad right there take some space take some of that carrots right there i could have got a bigger bowl what do you think i should have got a beater bowl because i don't have room to put all my stuff then take your avocado salad and put it right there friends i could have really have a bigger bowl maybe i make my thumbnail in a bigger bowl my friends i think and right there you have yourself a beautiful and you know what friends a little white sesame seed on top and you know what i forgot i forgot my my sauce i made a uh a little aioli and i forgot but i have it right here i made a a um uh shiracha ayori uh mayonnaise and sriracha anything you want really it's up to you right there you take it and you put i forgot to put it upside down and you just go right there on top my friends and let me tell you this is my pokeball i hope you enjoyed it i'm gonna have it i'm gonna have it right now i'm excited i'm gonna have it right now eat it with a fork give it a now you know what we're gonna do we're gonna make it in a bigger bowl next time because it's gonna be difficult to mix so i'm just going to have to dig in just like this and the sesame seed oil buy a good one because that's the style of the show everything is amazing mix make it big enough so you can mix it for the thumbnail you'll see i'm gonna make a much bigger one friends i hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching call it whatever you want but it's fun thank you for watching remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell we'll see you soon with another fantastic video thanks folks [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 111,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Poke Bowl, How to make Poke Bowl, Poke Bowl Recipe, Tuna Poke Bowl, how to make poke bowl, homemade poke bowl, how to make a poke bowl, poke bowl recipe, easy poke bowl recipe, best poke bowl, ahi poke bowl, diy poke bowl, healthy poke bowl, easy poke bowl, how to make poke bowls at home, hawaiian food, poke bowl hawaii, ahi poke bowl recipe, tuna poke bowl recipe, how to make poke, poke bowl tasty, homemade poke bowl recipe, hawaiian food recipes, hawaiian poke bowl
Id: y4kvTieDiY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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