Classic Chicken Française with Butter Lemon Sauce - Chef Jean-Pierre

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delicious chicken friend says with a lemon butter sauce and a little sauteed spinach stay tuned you're gonna love this recipe remember if you like it be sure to subscribe be sure to give us a thumbs up and don't forget to ring the bell [Music] okay very easy dish to make and certainly a very very popular dish in the 70s 70 80s i guess i'm aging myself when i say that but it's very simple friends it's a very thin scalpini of chicken then is uh put into flour and put into egg and then it directly goes into the fry pan after you put the egg on it and then we'll put a lemon sauce and spinach to go with it don't have to put the spinach but i like to put the spinach in it so first we're going to make a nice uh a lemon sauce and the lemon sauce is very important to do and and the main ingredient of of a lemon sauce believe it or not friends the main ingredient of a lemon sauce is butter we're going to put a lot more butter later uh because butter is uh uh is fat as we all know and the reason why we love fat is because fat offset acidity and the acidity comes from the lemon so uh we're gonna put some of that in there with the butter we're gonna put a little bit of eureka lemon olive oil for this recipe i'm using a lot of lemon product i love lemon so eureka lemon olive oil sicilian lemon balsamic vinegar lemon juice and and of course a lemon and the lemon we're gonna zest the lemon so it's got a lot of lemon product so we can have a little bit of acidity in there that's okay because we're gonna put enough butter to offset it whenever there is lemon there is butter those two go together perfect so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna put a little bit of shallots if you don't have charleston there you put on your especially uh if it's in a season of vidalia onion in may june july august you can certainly use a vidalia onion or use the shallots and shallots is a also part of the lilly famine it's a bowl and it's a sweet uh we got those big uh shout outs from canada that are quite sweet it's a delicate onion it's fabulous for sauces but you don't have to use onion only about it don't worry about it nobody's gonna complain they're gonna if they complain because you're using um uh on your instead of shout out just don't invite them for dinner again that's all that's the way i do it so now look the chicken got to be very very very thin it cannot be thicker than a quarter of an inch because here's what happened we're going to take the chicken and we're going to put it in the egg and as soon as the egg is golden brown we're going to be out of there i was going to be overcooked so it's gotta be super super thin like a quarter inch or less so it's gonna cook by the time it's golden brown on both sides it's gonna be perfectly fine so it's really important okay you notice right there now you could um you could take the sauce in a whole different level i mean you you could put some white wine in there you can do really really but i'm gonna make it very simple right so you can all make it at home um if you don't have a lemon vinegar you should get this one the sicilian lemon lemon vinegar it is amazing let me tell you it really is and it's 12 years old so it's not very acid and because it's not very acid i'm gonna put some lemon juice in there fresh lemon juice so now this is gonna be very acid i love it when it's very acid because more acid it is more butter i can put in i also like to put a touchy little chicken stock chicken broth look how big that chicken do you think i got enough chicken stock in there i only need like this is all i need my sous chef wants to make sure i got enough chicken stock to cook for the for the church over there or something so we're gonna let this cook for a little while just gently actually you know i don't need that chicken stock anymore that's like a lot of chicken stock maybe he thought i was gonna cook for the church tonight i'm just gonna take it and i'm gonna put it right here okay friends in a small burner i don't need to worry about that i'm gonna concentrate on the chicken so now we got salt and pepper in the flour we got salt and pepper in a couple of eggs i just broke a couple eggs but see look look how thin my chicken is i don't know if you guys can see it you see look look how small it is you see nice i'm daniel folks it's no thicker than a quarter of an inch okay it's very important now you take it you put it in the flour now i like to keep my hands clean so i use the tong nothing wrong with if i were to put flour in there right and then what i'm going to do i'm going to make sure it's very very little flour here i don't want a lot of flour and i'm going to go directly in the egg and the egg got a little flour i mean the eggs got salt and pepper right let me take this out of the way so it's not in our way put my plate in here let me clean up my table and then we're going to get already so what i've been here i'm getting it ready i'm getting it ready to go in the fry pan all right you gotta make sure it's all good so this is all ready to go so now let's get the fry pan ready see it's not a complicated recipe right you notice how simple it is in the sauce we're gonna put a little bit of um parsley and we're reducing that sauce all right and then we're gonna finish it up with butter at the end now if you're making a lot of sauce let's say you're making a sauce for for six eight people you need a lot of volume you may want to add a little bit of white wine and let it reduce or you can add a lot more stock and you know what you can do also you can add a little bit of cornstarch i have it ready here so i'll show you you can add a little cornstarch usually cornstarch is half water half cornstarch and in this case was three times more water than cornstarch i put just a little too much but it's okay because i'm just going to use very little of it you watch you watch we're gonna put right in there and we're gonna go in the sauce let me see if i can turn this guy right there here you go look put it right there in the sauce and very little we don't need a lot you see look that was what a teaspoon see look look look that's what it was right a teaspoon and i'm done with this all i got to do i'm going to finish that up with butter so my sauce is done i'm ready now i'm gonna do the um i got my spinach right there and i got my chicken right there and we're gonna saute the chicken and butter yep and before the butter burns we're going to be out of the pan anyway so this is where we can use butter and since we are in that lemon mold we're gonna put a little bit of lemon oil in the pan friends all right so as soon as the butter is melted we got a chicken we're gonna go in there right uh spinach let me just take my chicken stock completely out of the pitcher so then i can do my spinach right there and the spinach i'm gonna use the lemon sauce to do the spinach at the lemon sauce they are the lemon olive oil and to saute the spinach real quick see i'm ready right the sauce is ready the chicken is going to go right in there in a bottle with a beautiful eureka lemon olive oil we're going to saute the spinach at the last minute you don't want to put spinach don't worry about it it'll be good without spinach you could also add to the sauce some capers i mean you can you're going to have fun with this this is cooking okay it's not rocket science you don't have to follow the rules you're gonna follow make your own recipe the secret now is to make sure this is hot we don't want it to be too hot we just want the butter to melt it correctly and i wanted to get a 275 degree temperature 275 and so i take my thermometer i'm 200 now and my digital thermometer is 225 now 250 275 i'm gonna be perfectly fine if i go and it's cold it's not i mean it's gonna cook but it's gonna be much better if i check i use this all the time this is a great tool to our friends they're not that expensive i think they're like 20 bucks or something they're really good i use it when i go out in clubs at night only kidding okay i'm ready so look ready with your chicken put it right on top of it and leave it alone leave it alone don't touch it don't be playing with it okay don't play with it done done don't play with it all right now let's get the spinach going what do we got here all right we're almost there friends wanna take a spinach don't play with the chicken we gotta cook it i don't want it to be too hot but i wanna cook it so i'm good all right so let me check the temperature here again extra virgin olive oil this is a lemon olive oil it's absolutely beautiful don't touch this burner this one i hope you can all see what i'm doing because sometime i move from one camera to the next and i lose it let me just check it really quick here i don't want to do it too much now be careful oh no it's good it's all good everything is good are you ready for the spinach there you go friends finish yeah i put a lot of spinach yeah reduced down to nothing a little salt and pepper on the spinach a little salt and pepper right there one two three there you go let's check our chicken oh yeah check it out check it out check it out check it out look look look beautiful that is see how beautiful that is we got a cooking on so we go slowly when i want to burn it when i want to burn the butter now let's do a spinach finish they don't require very much at all [Music] matter of fact you know what the spinach are done spinach are done i'm gonna throw just a couple of shallots in there just for extra fun color but the spinach are down look how quick that was this is a quick way to do it our chicken is still cooking it's going to be down really quick see how simple that is to do i mean come on a child could do this and when you're ready to serve dinner all you got to do is just pop it in the oven and continue cooking it we are done so what i got to do now is take a spatula bear with me one second i forgot to take a spatula and i'm going to take my chicken right there look it's beautiful right there you take your chicken you put it right in here you finish the sauce to finish the sauce all you need friends is a little butter in there did i say a little better oh you're gonna put a lot of butter okay don't be afraid this with the shallots looks absolutely beautiful all we need at that point is a little bit more salt and pepper right there see how simple that was at the last minute i just finished it up with a low battery right there just simple simple simple simple simple you see let me put this over here and put a little bit of the sauce right here friends oh yeah baby that lemon sauce is amazing really really really really beautiful look at that take a little bit of the spinach put it on top and voila you have yourself a delicious dinner there you go make a nice little amount right there and you got yourself a delicious chicken with a lemon sauce french says style and here you have it a delicious chicken friend says with a fantastic lemon butter sauce [Music] you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 438,985
Rating: 4.9500651 out of 5
Keywords: Chicken Francaise, chef jean pierre onion, chef jean pierre meme, chef jean pierre polnareff, lemon sauce, chefjeanpierre, chicken francese, chicken francaise recipe, chicken recipes, dinner recipes, how to make chicken francaise, how to cook, chicken francese recipe, how to make, chicken recipe, chicken french, best recipes, quick meals, easy meals, best chicken francese recipe ever, chicken francese without wine, chicken breast recipe, best chicken, Lemon chicken
Id: Rdb8Qg1F1TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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