How To Make Juicy Pork Chops | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends i just made myself an amazing pork chop i want to share the recipe with you and make it with sweet potatoes remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell stay tuned we're going to make it together right now [Applause] all right friends well there's it's not really a secret but we know if we want a perfect pork chop we don't want to overcook them pork loin pork tenderloin same deer we don't want to overcook it that's for sure we'll talk about that later when we cook it but in the meantime we have to introduce it because there's no fat in pork especially the pork chop or the pork loin or pork tenderloin there's no fat in there so it's all in the bacon so um what we have to do friends is we have to introduce moisture and so then when we cook it we it doesn't dry out and it becomes chalky have you ever had a chalky uh uh pork chop i have certainly did go in some places uh you want some pork oh no thank you i'm good so anyway what we're gonna do we're gonna make a brine and a brine is really a salt um uh solution uh with water and salt so we can flavor it a little bit and give it a little bit of flavor not that a lot of the flavor is gonna get into the meat but a little bit uh a little bit of flavor so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take some juniper berry if you don't have any don't worry about it uh it's just give you a little umami flavor um it's if you don't have any you want to crush him though crush it you want to crush him don't clash anything you want to crush them and uh we're going to put this with i got about two tablespoon of salt uh right here that i'm gonna uh mix with about a quarter water roughly maybe a little bit more i got some garlic cloves like i said the flavor of it very little is gonna get in now we're gonna get a little bit of a flavor water some of them is gonna get in because the water is gonna get in to the pork so we know some of that flavor is gonna get in there also i put a little bit of soy sauce because that's gonna be really an introduction of salt again and it's going to help us so a little bit of soy sauce we don't need a lot uh what would you say a glass a healthy tablespoon i'm also going to put a little bit of vinegar i use it i like to use for the porky sherry vinegar i got this beautiful sherry vinegar uh this is a 25 year old spanish cherry vinegar it's beautiful i'm gonna put it in here i gotta put a little bit of sugar oh you know i keep forgetting to tell you about this thing this thing right there keep my sugar see look it's not sticking my sugar is not sticking at all and uh and and it's because of this this stone right there that is made out of clay and uh and and so i said well i don't have any one of those so i'm gonna put a break one on my clay pot and put it in there it didn't work somehow this thing worked i don't know how it works i put about a a tablespoon of sugar and i'm using a brown sugar like brown sugar i'm going to mix all this up and i'm going to put some water friends and um this is about a a liter of of water right there we're going to mix all this up really good we're going to put it in here and right in there really simple i'm going to finish the whole bottle probably going to need it all the secret is to make sure your pork chop uh uh salad you know i do the same thing with my pork porch or same deal you can do it in a um a ziploc bag uh make sure the salt is well dissolved it's very important you may want to take a little more time dissolving it there right and then you're going to take your pork chop i got some beautiful rip chops right there and uh bone-in you can do bone-out you can do whatever you want the secret knife is to make sure we put a plastic film on top of this unless you do it in a ziploc bag remove all the air and you go to go to the bag otherwise i put my plastic right on top of this and uh and i let it how long do you let it go no more than six to eight hours six to eight hours and you're perfectly fine so we're gonna wait for four to six hours six six hours we're gonna wait six hours i like to do six hours and um and then we're gonna cook it together all right friends so we'll be back i'm gonna put them in the fridge you put them in the fridge and i'll be back in six hours before you it'll be just to the flash okay friends watch off have been marinated not marinated i'm start again okay friends pork chop have been brined they're ready to go and we're going to take them out of the salty water and we're gonna dry them really really good and then we're gonna saute them now one quick little thing we're gonna do and don't let me forget it i gotta first i gotta get rid of this i gotta i gotta make a couple of slits in the in the fat so they don't shrink on me i'll show you what i'm talking about in a minute actually this fat cap is pretty good so i don't think it's gonna have any issue but let's uh they look kind of strange don't they but they're not this looks better than this same thing really so um we want to just take a a knife right there friends and a boning knife would do just fine now normally you got a big fat cop all the way around you don't have any otherwise you just give it a little slit right there you see you give it a little slit about every two inches or something that avoids the fat from uh um shrinking it so they won't be very flat and then they don't uh they don't seal pretty well in the pan you'll see just when you have a big fat cup this one doesn't have any so it's not that big over there already so i made a big deal over nothing for this one these guys right there but they're gonna be nice let's see you watch all right so i got clarified by the friends and uh and it's ready so i better be get i better move my clarified butter is ready i'm gonna put some black pepper in there you know i like a very coarse black pepper salt we're gonna go very light because we already got salt in the brine so we don't need it and i wouldn't say that was enough right there friends and we are now going to put them in there and we're going to leave him around leave him alone for a second to get some beautiful maya reaction combination of protein okay friends gonna leave them alone now you can do it in a frying pan if they're very thin but when they're quite thick like this you know i like to pop them in the oven for a few minutes that's what we're going to do and now the secret let me clean this up besides uh besides the fact that we don't want to uh overcook them we we really oh hey look come back over here see oh yeah turn it off for a second i don't want to overcook it let's put it that way i the most important thing is i do not want to overcook it and pork a lot of people cook pork like a one fish 5165 oh mamma mia this is very hot too it's very hot very hot very hot a little too hot that's what happened when life you do live tv folks folks you see what happened i burned the butter that's okay you know what it did it helped me it's like nice brown butter it helped me um seal the pan right there so here we go little butter reduce the heat that's what happened when you do live tv you get the pan ready and they get too hot um i forgot what i was gonna talk about because this got me distracted so this is going to be a really nice easy sauce folks we're going to make a little sage mushroom sauce and we're going to put the ingredients in that sauce they're not familiar to this dish and uh so we're gonna put a little pepper a little salt in there and how we're going over there folks like i said if it's small if they're very small you can probably do them in a fry pan but when they thick you may want to finish them in the oven a little bit for a few minutes but you can do them in a fry pan also we're not going to overcook oh that's what i was talking about sometimes i forget and then it comes back a lot of people have a cookbook because they're afraid of trichonosis synchronous has been eradicated uh 50 years ago folks i have another case of trigonosis since i quack only remember when they had what right and and anyway a trigonosuc degrees so you're afraid of it don't worry about as long as you're cooking 138 degrees that's actually two i'm not cooking enough for me i like it at 145 145 150. oh yeah i like it slightly moist slightly um pink in color this is going to be fine probably in a frypan the whole time now we're going to make a little sweet potato smash i use it in a few recipes but i never showed you how to do it from scratch so i'm going to show you today i put a little bit of a worcestershire sauce and then since we put a little um soy sauce in the uh in the brining liquid we're gonna put a touch of soy sauce that's gonna be a salt in there okay that's all we're gonna do really really simple if you have that porcini mushroom salt you can put that in there that would be actually very good we're gonna wait until we have a better color and then we're gonna be doing fine we'll reduce a little bit let's take the potatoes ones the potatoes are cooked oh i gotta show you when i cook the potatoes friends see i put i shave uh uh ginger and i put whole garlic cloves in here i can't see them but in there i put three whole big garlic cloves in it oh yeah i found one anyway it's in there somewhere i put three garlic this is two big potatoes two two large potatoes right we're gonna strain them we're gonna let them drain a little bit see the ginger is right there we're going to take the ginger but i'm right there so the ginger and the garlic both poached the ginger and garlic both are poached which means then they are cooked and mild especially garlic we're going to take it now after it's drained make sure you take the time to drain him really good okay i would probably take a little bit longer if i was not doing live tv pop ginger come back over here you there you go you see look friends you can see the garlic in there the ginger slicedly thin we're gonna put them in here i want you to take the time to drain them a little more okay but i didn't have much time because i'm doing so many things at the same time let me make sure we're doing well in here the sauce is very simple right you notice and those chops right there friends are gonna be just fine we're just going to let them rest we're not even going to put them in the oven they're going to be just fine gotta let them cook let them cook okay let's process the potatoes now you can't do that with a regular potatoes friends sweet potato is the only one you can do that regular potatoes they'll get gummy you don't want to gummy mashed potatoes that's for sure but the sweet potato they can take it i'm gonna put a little bit of cumin very little cumin is wonderful folks in a small small dome those very very little cumin and a little bit of maple syrup oh wow it's a little maple syrup i like very little maple syrup and we're gonna put a little bit of pepper everything is doing well and you know what i forgot i forgot my masala wine but it's in my bar i was wondering if somebody could get it for me my masala now because i uh forget it here we go i'll put a little masala wine in that sauce folks we're going to process those potatoes and hope that they get all mixed up pretty good it looks good to me there you go the masala wine appeals that's great i'm gonna put a little bit of masala wine and the masala wine friends is a fortified one it does not need to be reduced so here we go those chops are gonna be ready i'm gonna take them out i'm gonna take my friends they're ready done i'm gonna take him out want to take them out let's see make sure they feel a little bit undercooked you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do what i tell everybody to do check temperature they feel pretty good those potatoes are done and let's check the temperature friends let's see what we got i think we can give him another another minute or two okay they felt a little rare at this point still now as much as we don't want to undercook them we don't want to overcook them either i'm not worried about the bottom of it because we're going to use that sauce okay so did i put the masala one yes i did let me put a little stock in there friends really simple sauce eh you know i always forget something right i almost forgot the sage but almost doesn't count i'm looking did i forget anything no i didn't forget anything let's check the potatoes let's see what do we got here friends a little smoother a little smoother let me do a little smoothie on the potatoes and i'm almost done yes i'm almost done a little little smoother and then you know what we're gonna do we're going to add butter yes friends we're going to add butter all right let's see oh yeah but there's a downside simple that is now i do so many different things with sweet potato mash friends we could do um we could add some corn in there you know i i saute some corn with onion and rosemary sometime i put it in there you can do so many cool things with sweet potato mash but this is a really simple quick easy recipe for you to do at home mama mia here you go and then all we need at this point friends is butter yeah yeah and do it while they're still hot you see don't be shy now don't be shy you know i'm not shy when it comes to the butter and this right there my friends are wonderful sweet potato mash and look how simple that was to make look how simple that was to make right and here we have it how are we doing on a pork chop oh this time dead down this time they're down i'm going to check them just in case but i think they're done remember don't be afraid to check them people said oh if you park if you're poking if you poke him you're going to release all the juices that's so not true if you're poker you get just a little bit out where you poke that's it you're not getting all the juices out you get just a little bit so don't be afraid of poke okay you're not going to hurt him all right and i'm right now at about 125 friends so we're still not ready well oh this one let me see no no no actually i'm good i'm good i'm good all right we're gonna let him right there we're good let's turn them off the mashed potatoes let me test it friends let me make sure it's good oh i got my microphone out let me check them to make sure they're good they're delicious the the sauce we can certainly leave the sauce like that but it's a little thin so you know what i like to do a little bit of cornstarch don't be shy a little bit of cornstarch it's not going to hurt you little whisk would help the minute we put it in we want to whisk it in the minute you put in your cornstarch just make sure you're taking it that's all you see see how fast i went holy moly that smells amazing the sage the sausage let me check it for salt let me check it to make sure it's good for salt friends let me reduce the heat i don't need that much of a heat oh this is hot it's going to be very hot i got to be careful delicious long as you like sage that i don't know you could use tago that'd be good you know what could be good also in there it's a little bit of cream you could do that you could add a little bit of cream all right friends let me make a plate for dinner let me make a plate for dinner oh yeah look at that that's gorgeous that's beautiful now what we could do also friends we could deglaze this you know what let's do it take a couple more minutes on the video but i think it's worth it okay now this right there friends we're gonna take him here rest for a minute stay here don't go anywhere and uh what we're gonna do we're gonna take the fat out of there take the fat out and take a little bit this is too good too good a little bit of the masala because remember masala wine is one of those fortified wine that doesn't need to be reduced right so that's the cool part we can just do that you can use both madeira masala i use them all the time because i love them and now what i'm going to do i'm going to put this [Music] this font deglazed into my sauce but however i'm not going to put there's a little bit of burnt bits in there right so i'm not putting them in there that's why i'm straining them see straightening them because i don't need the burnt bits right there all i needed was a flavor and guess what right there my friend you have an amazing sauce and and the whole thing really took a little bit i mean it didn't take that long to do the whole thing and you know what'd be good in that sauce you said it you're correct don't be shy now don't be shy everybody loves butter everybody loves butter everything is better with butter that's all everything is better with butter butter is the love of food it makes everything good you see look at his friends now this i gotta test it again test it again friends and let's see what we got okay how do we plate this do i have a clean plate yeah i got one right here we're gonna do these very simple friends all right well this is very simple we're gonna take a uh ice cream scoop and we're gonna put our mashed potatoes it's not big enough you need a big one big big scoop i need my uh big mama scoop i gotta take in a spoon it would have been the same deal really same deal right there with a spoon look at the mess i got i got a mess in here today why is my chop let's put the chop in here right there very simple i'm going to take a little bit of that sauce right there and we're going to put it you know i could have put some vegetables in there friends but i didn't have time to do this and certainly put the sauce all over the chop but i think we're going to be a little more elegant here and put a little bit on the side and you know what we should do since sage or sage cheese sage is the um he's a flavor he's the the herbs of choice the herbs of choice we're gonna put a little bit of uh a sprig of sage yeah a sprig i put the whole tree of it in there and right there all we need is maybe is there a broccoli or sauteed spinach and you have yourself right there a nice uh a pork chop let's get into it and see how good it is my friends okay so we got a knife and a fork and we're ready to go all right so what we're gonna do is just gonna cut right in there and we're going to cut into it and see see it's slightly slightly pink i mean it's not pink it's a slightly pink still on the inside it's a little too big of a bite for me to take i just want to take a little bit of it right there but this is so so tender oh look at this my friend it's perfect and the mashed potatoes with it and the sauce with it mmm [Music] all of those flavors my friends are marrying so well it's a lot of prep to get going remember you gotta chop your mushrooms and all that stuff and the potatoes and all stuff but it's worth it doing i promise you you guys are gonna love it thank you for watching remember thumbs up if you liked the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell thanks for watching we'll see you again real soon [Music] you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 1,176,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pork chop recipes, pork chops, pork chop recipe, pork chop, how to cook pork, easy pork chop recipe, pork chops recipe, how to cook pork chops, côtelette de porc, recette côtelette de porc, receta de chuletas de cerdo, easy pork chop recipes, best pork chop recipes, how to cook pork chops on the stove, how to make fried pork chops, best fried pork chops, juicy pork chop, how to cook pork chops in a pan, pan fried pork chops, fried pork chops, how to make pork chops, pork
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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