Elegant Chicken Cacciatore | Chef Jean-Pierre

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hi there friends fantastic recipe today chicken cacciatore i got it in there it's delicious you're gonna love making it remember subscribe to our channel gives us a thumbs up if you like the video and don't forget to ring the bell so you get a notification every thursday when i do a new video stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how to make this delicious chicken cacciatore well let me show you how easy it is to make that chicken cacciatore friends and remember mison plus we gotta have everything ready in order to do the recipe and be comfortable cooking this is the kind of channel we have for those of you that are new to our channel we have everything ready mizan plus and then we start cooking okay so let's go over the bison plus um bacon or pancetta whatever makes you happy on yo onion we gotta have onion on there folks we got bell peppers today i got little ones they're in season right now so we're gonna use them i'm gonna show you how to cut them properly we've got little tomatoes you got those little tomatoes these days you know they have the golden if you have them you have them if you don't have you don't have a beautiful chopped tomato i use a uh an italian la valley tomato like a santa tomato they're very very sweet they're delicious a little bit of tomato puree we've got some oregano and sage in there with whatever herbs you want that's very flexible we've got some beautiful olives we've got kalamata olive oil sicilian leaving sicilian olives in there got some parsley we got some lemon zest then we're going to put in and we're going to and then at the end we'll put some non carre non perel capers very small capers and then we've got some kenti classico then we're going to put it as a wine in there let's get going we got everything ready i'm using a dark meat friends you can use whatever makes you happy okay some people like a light meat better it's really up to you i'm roasting i'm pan frying my chicken to get a beautiful caramelization i'm doing it in a roasted garlic olive oil use a good olive oil whatever makes you happy remember it's just cooking and not rocket science whatever makes you happy that's what's beautiful about cooking it's yours you make it however it makes you happy okay so let's go so we got the chicken already dusted in flour that's part of the medium plastic you can see it's sticking and we want to make sure the oil is hot and what temperature are we looking for we're looking for 365. so it's nice and hot okay so we're going to go in and we're going to put this on high we got the pot going over there and in the pot in the pot friends we're going to saute we're going to start by putting the bacon and the onion remember onion is always first first unless we got bacon we got bacon then we're gonna use the fat of the bacon we're gonna render the fat and we're gonna use that fat to saute the onion all right so we're gonna put that in there and we're gonna get going all right so far we got the bacon we're going to go slowly and just render the fat let me get my wooden spoon and in a minute we're going to put the onion so onion always first unless there's baking all right so it may be that we should make a t-shirt on your always first unless there is bacon then it takes second place we're gonna let the fat render a little bit [Music] and then we're gonna put the chicken in the pan as soon as my temperature is hot and right now i don't want to go in a cold pan friends you see i don't want to go in a cold pan just a little bit olive oil just enough to cover the bottom of the pan so then we're going to put the chicken in there it's nice and we're going to get some caramelization you can use a light meat and i don't use the skin of the chicken you want to use the skin you go right ahead and use the skin of the chicken but i tell you what you don't need the skin when you're doing something like that i like to use the skin if i'm going to grill the chicken or if i'm gonna roast the chicken but if i'm gonna uh cook it in a braising environment the skin is just fat and and it doesn't have much flavor unless you grill it or unless you roast it in the oven with butter on it oh no no no it's good skin right there all right that's good scooting right there sounded like a justin wilson so here we go folks we're gonna take the chicken we're gonna go in now i'm using some legs and some thighs and look how big those ties are man those chicken i don't know what they were feeding them but those chicken a big chicken so we're gonna take this out of the way everything is going well i'll tell you what i'm gonna do friends i'm gonna move those two pot i'm gonna move this guy right there and this guy right there so then i'm closer to the pot all right that's all i'm gonna do right here look look oh if you could be here right now smelling this bacon it's amazing pancetta is wonderful also it's just not smoked it's just cured okay but that'll be delicious as well put whatever you want with it and make it as big pieces right here you see the fat has rendered enough i put just a touch of extra fat from the beautiful roasted garlic olive oil that we have and then i'm going to put some onion now the onion you notice they're not very finely diced and we don't want them finely diced because we're going to cook them for 45 minutes you see what i mean if i go and i dice them super super fine guess what happened after 45 minutes there's gonna be nothing left make sure you scrape the bottom of the pot so nothing sticks in the bottom of the pot brings okay you constantly do this and now what we're doing we're caramelizing the onion now we're going to check the chicken look this is getting all the brown prank this is what we're looking for right there we're looking for some color we don't have quite enough so let's just wait a little bit longer let's just wait a little bit longer wait a few more minutes okay all right so let's go back to this pan right here we got the caramelized onion we're doing good the onion is starting to caramelize and that's what we want remember the onions got to be caramelized so it's sweet if it's not sweet what's the sense of putting it in there look i got those little bell peppers right there you don't have the regular bell peppers you're going to those just a regular regular pepper but this right here we're going to cut them and all i'm going to do i'm going to show you real quick how to cut them all right so i'm going to show you this really quick let me make sure we're okay in here we're looking good the onions are starting to caramelize they're looking good let's check the chicken one more time just in case yeah we're gonna wait another minute by the time i'm done with the paper i think we're gonna be fine in our peppers so look all you gotta do folks very simple right cut the pepper in half cut it in half again cut it in half again and now we've got some seeds you know i like to remove all the seeds my friend i don't like any seeds in there so what i do is i go like this look i follow and i remove the seeds and i remove the white membrane as well you see remove the white membrane and we don't need the seeds very simple right clean up with space and the best way to clean up the space friends is to take one of them kitchen scraper you see and voila take the scraper we're done let's go back to the chicken let's see how we're doing with the chicken friends and this is doing really good this is looking really really good in here now my chicken i bet yes it's starting to look really good yes yes yes this is what we're looking for here friends you see this is what i'm talking about right there uh we're gonna give this a few more minutes okay all right let's go back to the pot now so now we can put those bell peppers like i said if you have regular bell peppers it'll be just fine okay just dice them i like to give it some texture and those are going to be perfect you see they're going to cook they're sweet they're delicious tomatoes we're going to put some some of those whole tomatoes you know how many of those just put regular tomatoes don't worry here we go regular tomatoes tomatoes they're like a santa tomato they're very sweet we're gonna put this in here right now now let's talk about garlic folks going to put a little garlic in here and since this is going to braise we're going to put some whole garlic cloves in here all right we're going to put a whole lot garlic cloves in there we're gonna bring this to boil let's see how we're doing with the chicken my friends oh yeah now this is what i'm talking about right there friends this is what i'm talking about right there friends look at this you see it's looking beautiful it's looking beautiful we're gonna let it relax for a minute until we're ready we're gonna put our kenti classico and we're gonna put the wine in here measure carefully and we're going to let that reduce a little bit we're going to let it cook we're going to reduce just a little bit we can let it reduce with our sage and our oregano and we're going to let that cook just for a couple of minutes let it cook let the wine evaporate a little bit and then and only then will we add our chicken in there we're just going to let the wine evaporate before we do this let's just bring it to the boil okay so the garlic you can use whole garlic because this is going to cook for 45 minutes so for 45 minutes the garlic is going to be nice and mild or you can put the garlic puree at the last minute we're going to put the olives and we're going to put the uh lemon zest and but we're going to put that at the end we don't need to cook that right now we just need to cook this right now but we don't need to cook the olives and we don't need to cook the the lemon the lemon later you put it in better off you are and the chicken we're going to put it in a minute and we're going to put a touch of chicken stock i'm waiting for my wine to come to boil and reduce a little bit and then we'll put the rest of the ingredient so far you notice i haven't put much salt and pepper but what i did is i put salt and pepper in the uh in the flour of the chicken but now it's time to put it in so we're going to put some salt some pepper and then we can adjust the seasoning to the end we're letting the wine reduce we're letting that whole mixture reduce you can smell the wine by the way we're using a kenti classic over use whatever wine you want to use as long as it's a good wine okay don't be using a wine you're not willing to drink if you're not willing to drink it it's not going to taste any better after you cook it for 45 minutes quite the contrary so use the wine you're willing to drink all right so let's see what we got here friends it's going you see it's reducing we're gonna let it reduce a little bit i can smell the wine you can smell it you can smell the whole thing it's starting to smell really really good but we need to let the wine reduce whatever you're cooking with wine you got to let it reduce unless it's a fortified wine in which case you don't need to if you were to use a port wine or a madeira you wouldn't need to reduce it we're also going to use some capers in there friends and the capers like the like the olives like the lemon they don't need to cook so we're going to put them at the last minute capers are wonderful i use the non-parallel caper they're very small capers that's what they call the gnome burrell that's the size of it they're very small capers you know capers if they're allowed to grow they become a nice white flower very interesting we're going to put a little tomato puree but i'm waiting for the wine to let reduce a little bit first okay when the wine is nicely reduced then we're going to put then we're going to put the uh the tomato puree wait a little bit the chicken is ready to go so let's just wait a second for the wine to reduce okay we're just going to let about two or three minutes for reduction okay now if we look at the wine that's nicely reduced now i can add a little bit of tomato puree that's gonna give us some nice consistency so tomatoes and tomato puree tomato puree it's gonna give us more consistency otherwise this is gonna be too liquid we're gonna use some of the flour that is on the chicken that's gonna help us thicken somewhat but it's still going to be a little too liquid so the tomato puree will help us with that all right wine has reduced wonderful you can smell it it smells delicious now we're going to put a chicken in there friends we're going to take a chicken and put it right in there and this is what we're talking about braising look how big those size thighs are man those chickens must have been like a turkey i'm going to put this right in there you see we're going to let that cook that's the sugar oh oh i didn't tell you but i left the bone in friends okay take it easy they're going a little too fast for me now the um i left the bone in you're gonna take the bone out but i leave the bone in and the reason why i leave the bone in france is because first of all the bone look at this oh yeah first of all because the bone is going to um uh hold the meat together and it won't shrink as much it won't get as dry whenever you're braising it you can leave it on the bone it gives you more flavor from the bone and it doesn't shrink as much so uh but no no skin i i'm gonna put a little bit of chicken stock here folks i need a little more liquid so i'm gonna put about a cup and a half of of chicken stock in here and of course this is our homemade chicken stock and for you guys chicken stock at home if you don't have time to make you can certainly buy a good chicken stock out there just buy low sodium chicken stock and uh and and if you can find one then you should be making one and how do you make one really simple download one of our recipes we have a recipe we make a chicken stock from scratch and we show you also how to cut up the whole chicken in the in the chicken stock recipe so if you wanted to buy a whole chicken because you want to use some of the breast to make it go right ahead that's a perfect thing to do you watch that video for the chicken chicken stock cut up the whole chicken and use that to make your chicken cacciatore or your cocoa van that's another recipe than we did i hope you enjoyed it alright folks we're going to let this cook and when it's finished we're going to finish it up with the olives and we're going to serve this right there out of the pot right there on the table we're going to serve it maybe with polenta you can serve with too much with garlic mashed potatoes you could serve it with noodles you could serve it with rice you could serve it with whatever makes you happy all right so we'll be right back we're going to let that cook slowly bring it back to boil and as soon as it's boiling we're going to bring it back to boil and we're going to let it reduce slowly for 45 minutes to an hour we're gonna keep an eye on it the only thing we're gonna do is every so often we'll just go in like this and we'll just check it to make sure it doesn't stick in the bottom that's all we're gonna do very low you can also pop it in the oven it'll be perfectly fine in the oven it's going to take longer in the oven at 375 for maybe an hour and a half really the the barometer then you have to pick is by the time you the meat should fall off the bone by the time it's ready to go all right so we're going to let that cook go do something we'll come back in 45 minutes to an hour and see how it goes all right all right friends 45 minutes almost an hour actually and the chicken is falling off the bone that means it's ready so now let's finish it my friends what are we going to do we're going to put the olives remember the olives don't need to cook they already they're already cured they're good to go they just need to get hot they're going to get hot real quick in there let me tell you all right look at how it does so then capers let's put the capers in there friends you see look look how small they are they're called nonpareil capers no parel so here we go okay piss put it on more a little less it's up to you and here we have it we're looking good we're looking good we're looking good oh yeah baby it's gonna be good and then and then lemon the last ingredient is this now by now all of you that have been watching my channel i know you know how to use this guy i know you know how to use it michael playing waiter you see all those people do this whenever you see somebody do this go to the other channel we're gonna go we put the tools on top and we go back and forth like we're playing the violins see back and forth like we're playing the violins and if you notice my friends the lemon zest most of it stays in the tool right you see look what you got to do bam every time i say bam i think of ammo lovely man fond memories available emerald at the opportunity medium a few times what a gentleman yeah so here we go friends look at this look at this absolutely wonderful friends now don't be afraid to put some lemon in there man i'm telling you this right there friends it's gonna be so much flavor so much flavor and here we have it friends this right there put chopacity on top this way there friends is the one of the easiest one of the most amazing chicken dish you can ever make and look that was really simple right everybody can find me i'm gonna test it you can serve it with polenta you can serve it with pasta like papadala papadel pasta would be delicious right you can serve it with rice you can serve it with the soft polenta recipe that i make go online and go check out that soft polenta recipe folks i promise you you're going to love it look i just want to show you real quick i just want to show you a leg right there we're going to take it i love the olives too put it with the olive don't put the olives don't put the whatever you want with it but let me tell you i want to show you i want to show you i want to make sure the camera can go in there and show you friends look at this the meat is falling off the bone you see look look how beautiful that is friends look how gorgeous that is you see it look at this this literally falls off the bones i could almost cut it with my fork you take it right there folks and you know what i love i love the peppers look look at the peppers you see you see the peppers up there and look at the pepper i won't even have to cut them they're so soft mmm i throw knife oh yeah see sometimes we cut them too small right and we cut them too small and you know what happen when you cut them too small they you can't even test them they're too small they're delicious they're sweet mmm if you can find those little peppers find them otherwise just take them i love my job don't i have the best job i really do think about it i've been doing this for 50 years and i like it today more than i did it yesterday and and yesterday was more than the day before every day it gets better that's the beautiful thing about cooking more you do it more your life more you do better at it you get and better at it you get more you love it folks i hope you make this fabulous recipe remember subscribe to our channel give us a thumbs up and don't forget to ring the bell so you get a notification every thursday when we put on a new video thank you for watching and we'll see you next week with another fantastic recipe thanks a lot for watching you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 229,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken cacciatore, cacciatore recipe, how to make chicken cacciatore, chicken cacciatore recipe, chicken recipe, easy chicken cacciatore, chicken cacciatore crock pot, how to make chicken cacciatore in crock pot, how to make chicken cacciatore video, easy chicken cacciatore recipe, chicken cacciatore recipes, chicken recipes, best chicken cacciatore recipe, italian chicken recipe, italian chicken recipes, chicken cacciatore slow cooker, italian chicken cacciatore, cacciatore
Id: 7_cwzzVnEXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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