How to Perfectly Roast a Pork Tenderloin | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends amazing recipe today i'm gonna show you how to cook the most amazing pork tenderloin stay tuned remember thumbs up if you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell stay tuned i'm gonna show you how to make this perfectly cooked beautiful pork tenderloin well friends let me show you it's a mustard mustard must if you're going to do a pork shop you're going to do a pork tenderloin you got to brine it it's going to be so tender so moist when you do it i promise you you'll never go back first thing we're going to clean the pork tenderloin when you get it you get that silver skin in it and you get that membrane in it see right there the membrane veins just remove the membrane otherwise it's going to make it difficult for you to remove the silver skin see that membrane right there just remove it just yank on it don't worry about it and then i'm going to show you how to move the silver skin correctly okay let me just uh clean up right there that membrane taking longer than i want okay now look folks very simple i promise you the silver skin you grab the the silver skin in the front and what you do you take your knife and you see the way i take my knife and i put it against the silver skin not against the the drawing against the zipper skin and all i got to do is scrape look you see gently scrape and you see no meat on the other side friends that's the secret you go like this no meat on the other side you see look very simple child could do this okay so we're going to clean it up because the fat the fat i don't really care it'll melt anyway and and that's good okay so we don't care about the fact it's a silver skin then you got to remove friends you see right here look remember that you take it you fold it and you scrape it you see it's pretty simple isn't it everything we do is simple friends i'm telling you there's nothing complicated about this when i tell you a child can do it some people don't believe me but i'm telling you a child could do it so here we go now right there there's a little scene you ready i like to kind of remove it a little bit you don't have to you see right here look make it flat go like this and this is this one's going to melt so i'm not going to worry too much about it either okay i don't want no if you're very very meticulous then you want to remove all of it you see you want to take your time and remove it all of it but it's not that important my friends i promise you you'll never know it's in there right so here we go we got a nice clean pork tenderloin so i got a liter of water it's about about a little bit more than a quart of water cold water makes cold water it goes faster right cold water then i got about um a half a cup of salt and about a third of a cup of brown sugar and i got the um uh juniper berries if you got them if you don't have don't go out there looking for juniper berry and i crack them uh and uh and i put a couple bay leaves in there and uh and let me tell you something this right there my friends you'll never again not brine a pork tenderloin i promise you after you do it and all you gotta do is just put it in there don't worry about a thing put it in there about three hours in the fridge in the fridge three hours in three hours from now we're gonna do it i promise you it's so tender it melts in your mouth so i'll be back in about three hours and we're gonna cook this and we're gonna make a nice sauce and we're gonna make a nice presentation so we'll be back in about three four hours okay friends well the um uh pork tenderloin has been in the refrigerator for about four hours three four hours that's all you need to do don't leave it in there all night okay you don't need to and some people are wondering is it going to be too salty no it's not don't worry all right so look i take it out when i take it out of the blind it looks kind of strange but don't worry it's okay what it looks like now it's way if there's some um um um juniper berry here just uh remove them we want to dry really good my friend really really good okay because you don't want to go in the fry pan very wet so protect pepper towels paper towel paper towel paper towel make sure it's super super dry my friends you can never have it too dry when you're going to fly pen otherwise you imagine right there the fire crackers you're going to fire crackers sometimes i come up with some good one so look friends uh we're gonna go in the fry pan try to make sure there's not too much pepper in there all right so now salt and pepper i think it's dry enough what do you think you think so i think so i think it's dry enough all right no more pieces of juniper berry here all right we're going to go in the pan the pan it's got to be 365 that's why i like this thermometer so i know i'm going to put some coarse cracked black pepper and i am going to put a uh just the salt we could have used the garlic salt in there that would have been okay too but too late now but garlic sauce would work in there all right so b don't be afraid to be a little heavy on the salt and pepper nice seasoning very important right we're going to make sure this is hot we want it to be 365 okay in the meantime i'm going to get ready because while the sky is in the oven cooking now remember also friends we don't want to overcook it we don't want to undercook it we certainly don't want to overcook it either okay and what i mean by that everybody is afraid of trichonosis preconsciousness three glasses three glasses we died 138 degrees okay so first of all we are now the case of trigonosis in like 50 years my friends okay so don't worry that's been eradicated like 50 years ago but if we had a case somewhere out there who figured out a way to get around uh 138 degree you're good to go well we're going to cook this guy at 145 degrees all right so we're going to be fine we're going to put it in the pan and we're going to create a beautiful maya reaction we know you know we like this we like this beautiful caramelization right there so we're going to put it in and when we put it in hey you can cook it that's what it is i don't know you would think all right so look we're going to go put it in there let me mix it to make sure i want to want to put it in to go you're not going to go cheap because this is 300 and 500 and what is it 330 333 i thought i had it on high but no i didn't have it on high so then what we're going to do we're going to make a pen sauce after this is beautiful golden brown we're going to make a pen sauce and then we're going to saute some spinach and we're going to serve with a beautiful mashed potato very simple right a child could do this okay if you don't want to do pork like a lot of you don't do pork do exactly the same thing with the chicken breast same recipe with the chicken breast my friend i promise you it'll be delicious do it with a beef tenderloin really i promise you same same deal with a beef tenderloin though you gotta watch that video over there to clean the beef stand alone if you want to it'll show you how to clean the beef tenderloin okay i can smell it i know i'm good put it in the pan well that pan is barely long enough leave it alone okay let me clean this up here let me clean this up friends let me get my sanitized rack i got my sanitized rag remember my water right a gallon of water with a half an ounce of bleach or white vinegar whatever it is you gotta sanitize sanitize as you go my friend okay sanitize as you go all right clean up as you go so we got a clean kitchen and we see i'm not touching it you notice i want to create that maya reaction that carbonization on the outside okay so let me get rid of this out of the way hey what do you do with this what do you do with this nothing okay water throw it away let me check let me check it not yet okay we're gonna do some spinach right there my friends oh what i didn't tell you also is i put clarified butter in a pan my friends i put clarified butter so i don't have to worry but it's not burning right if you don't have clarified butter use a good cooking oil whichever one is your favorite cooking oil okay that's what you want to use because if you use regular butter it's going to burn right so we're going to turn this on we're going to put spinach and sun dried tomatoes you know when you get sun-dried tomato friends you notice when you got sun-dried tomatoes you got the the core sometime in the sun-dried tomatoes see look just remove the core okay you don't want the coal in there right and then what we're going to do we're going to cut them in very fine julienna and i fine julienne is very simple friends let's check it out what do you think do you think it's good to turn yeah give it another minute okay don't touch it so much look you put them on top of each other friends you see look flat flat right and then you take your knife and you barely barely move the knife barely move the knife you see so what you're doing you're cutting small julienne because i like sun-dried tomatoes but i like a very small pieces i don't like when you go to a restaurant they give you a piece of sun-dried tomato so being a chew on it and they're not chewable they're almost not doable but here my friend look at this you see all of a sudden we got a very fine julienne right there we're going to take that julienne we're going to put it right here oh don't take the knife to clean jump here do as i say all the time be careful don't use your knife to scrape your board okay we're doing good we're doing good friends we're gonna take this guy ah now we're looking good you see now we got some beautiful caramelization here now we got some beautiful caramelization that's what i want i want some nice color i got some color on here now boys and the pan is really getting hot thank goodness we're using clarified butter like i said otherwise it'll be all burned by now what we're going to do we're going to take this guy and we're going to pop it in the oven friends i got the oven at 400 degrees let's saute a little bit on the side a little bit inside a little bit on the other side before i get it all the way around it we're looking good now we're going to pop it in the oven i'm going to stop the oven on the um the hit for a minute now i am going to deglaze this band and make myself a wine reduction first i'm going to put a little shallots in the pan look at those shallots i show them all time they're amazing they call bananas banana shallots believe it or not they come from france i got the one from canada and the beautiful and then i got the banana shallots that are from france look at this thing and they're delicious they're sweet they're gorgeous banana shallots if you've never had them i tell you they're wonderful they're worth it okay we're caramelizing we're caramelizing the um the shallots putting some fresh tarragon you know that's my favorite fabulous herb famous my my favorite hey herbs and now we're going to deglaze the pan with a red wine okay a child could do this right as long as you measure carefully we're in good shape wine reduction how do you make one reduction you can do it in a reduction pan but since i already had this pen dirty and i'm trying to use less pens so you guys don't have to use the you can do it in a fry pan also and the reason why i use the fry pan is right there because i got all the uh the goodies otherwise you use a reduction pan you see and this my friends is a reduction pen this right there we could do this and finish it up right there and let's make sure we got all the goodies in there you see you see smells amazing friends it really really really smells amazing all right so now it's going to take a minute to get heat so reduction saucepan makes it easier to reduce now here we're going to do the spinach and for the spinach friends we're going to use butter i got black pepper all over the tongue we're going to put shout out and we're going to put the sun dried tomatoes and at the last minute we're going to put this right here we're going to wait for the wine to reduce and then we're going to put a touch maybe a touch of beef stock by the way the beef stock friends right over there you gotta check out that beef stock recipe folks you can make the traditional beef stock or you can make the one then then you buy the beef broth already and you you help it by putting some more vegetables in there and i think there's a link over there somewhere all right so here we go friends it's two different videos traditional or the one that you buy and how do you make the one you buy at the store a little richer in flavor and look how beautiful that is friends see how gorgeous that is now remember sauce is good but the sausage is as good as the uh the stock you're putting in you know you're going to use a crappy stock good luck making a good salt put your sundried tomato in there all right and in a minute we're going to check the pork tenderloin time to clean a little bit what makes that wine reduction so fast pretty easy right you notice you notice a child could do this no it's not difficult friends i promise you sometimes we make it more complicated than what it needs to be all right i like to clean the kitchen as i go i think a clean kitchen makes a better food it's state of mind my friends all right state of mind state of mind we want to make sure we're in a clean environment i'll tell you what i could do i can make sure those dried tomatoes and at the last minutes you can certainly add some garlic in there if you want to but the sauce doesn't have any garlic so i don't want to add garlic in here too but you certainly could saute a little bit of garlic in here there'd be nothing wrong with that a little garlic puree in there it'd be just fine but we don't really need it we're going to reduce this so it's not too hot and at the last minute we put some spinach i like to remove the stem of the spinach you can leave them in there if you want uh it's up to you but i think it's more delicate all right we're going to wait for this to reduce and at the last minutes my friend we're going to take out the pork tenderloin so we're going to wait a few more minutes for this to reduce and then we'll check out the pork tenderloin it's probably going to take another four or five minutes so we'll be back in a few minutes okay friends well the wine has reduced completely the pork is not quite ready yet so what i'm going to do is i'm going to finish i'm going to put a little bit of stock you see look there's almost no wine left we used about half of a bottle there's almost no no wine left maybe i didn't use that much i used maybe a couple of big glasses i put a couple of spoon of broth here that's it a couple of couple spoon of stock up a spoon of broth right and um and we can let it reduce a little more or we can put a touch of cornstarch let's put a touch of cold sauce french just a little bit cornstarch cornstarch is cool arrowroot tapioca powder really really cool this is a really simple way to thicken your sauce you can wait and let it reduce reduce reduce but then you lose you lose you lose every time so you put a touch of cornstarch look you see that was a nothing cone stocks right there and then we'll finish we'll finish it up with butter you see that's it that's all i want i don't need to have it that thick you see look it's thick enough right there because i'm gonna finish it up with butter so turn the heat off and i'll finish it up with butter later on okay i'll show you put it on right there all right we're going to check on the pork tenderloin my friends don't be afraid to use the thermometer remember everybody like all your thermometers yo i know you thermometers it's easy for you you get one of those good thermometers put it in here and check it you want 145 150. if you overcook it don't cook it at 180 everybody tell you to cook it in 180. why did he get what you get you got a dry overcooked pork tenderloin we don't want to do that so we're going to check it i'm sure it's about 125 130 by now but i'm gonna check it anyway i'm gonna check it just in case and see what i got yes and i got 126 so good guess so we're gonna wait all right we're gonna wait we're gonna wait another two or three four minutes all right that's all we're gonna do we're gonna wait a few more minutes okay friends we're gonna take it out of the oven we're gonna let it rest for a few minutes while we finish everything okay it's hot because it's supposed to be we're gonna leave it out yeah we're gonna let it rest just a few minutes and then we're gonna cut it it should be kind of like bouncy you see bouncy bouncy okay they're looking at me like wha what are you talking about bouncy here we go friends now let me get a clean tone let me get a clean tongue and then i'm gonna take a little butter little butter friends a sauce the heat is off it is off heat is off i don't need the heat no more right put a little butter in there don't be shy now your guests love butter i promise you what i do is my whisk the minute you put the butter in friends mix it in okay don't be shy it's what's going to make it so special friends so now at this point there's many school of thought when people think you should um leave all the shallots in there and all the the um hey let's make we got some seasoning in there friends i want a fine pepper fine paper fine paper uh favorite thing you should just leave all the uh the let me test it leave the um the shallots and all that in the sauce i find it more delicate if you strain it but it's really up to you delicious so what i like to do is uh i like to strain a little bit of it in a strainer friends you see i put it in a strainer like this and i put it directly in a goose neck so that i can serve my guests with it directly make it simple except i needed a spoon at the same time i was trying to be delicate here instead of that i got a bottleneck i went to a very very fine mesh strainer so it got plugged in really quick you see you see but look at beautiful the quality down there my friends very simple you see very very simple my friends all right we're going to get rid of this let's finish the spinach and i told you i got mashed potatoes right and the mashed potato link is right there folks if you have never seen the mashed potatoes you got to check it out it's wonderful all right let's make sure that pan gets hot i got the mashed potato in the oven what i do is i keep it and i put a plastic wrap on it and i keep it in the oven you see i got a 200 degree oven if you don't have one if you're off to oven a lot of people don't have two oven you put it in the microwave i know i hate to tell you that but you see it's gonna be perfect so we're gonna have a mashed potatoes right there right and we're gonna make a nice plate okay my friends all right we got the mashed potatoes let's saute the spinach real quick we're going to saute the spinach leave really quick right by putting a little bit of the crushed black pepper because that was the mood a little more salt right there and we're gonna saute this spinach just in two minutes and then we're gonna make a nice plate that's all hey you what are you doing over there there you go really simple friends spinach takes two seconds you can put garlic in there like i said but in this sauce we didn't put any garlic so we're gonna we're gonna leave it at it really really simple the spinach doesn't take any time at all this leaves a little small baby spinach baby spinach want to let it grow into big leaves i like it better when they're big but i couldn't get any big one all right let's see we're good maybe just a touch more so they cook just a little bit more with a clarified butter or you can certainly use some beautiful olive oil in there i think we're good right here friends all right now mashed potatoes we got a plate i got one of them uh cookie cutters right i'll take my mashed potatoes put it right in there maybe just a touch more what do you think maybe not too much more and then we're going to put that down cookie cutter it makes a nice you see the idea is to try to be a little elegant if we can be elegant i'm gonna put it right in here friends nice and easy see that's our base right let's clean up that plate that's our base right there friends okay and then hey you come back over here you all right the spinach are done they're good let's get the poor tenderloin who had plenty of time to rest now we're going to go back into our plates now at this point we can take a little bit of the sauce and go around it just a little bit of the sauce right there friends nothing fancy all right that's a little bit of the sauce right there right then we're going to take a beautiful slicer let me push everything out of here a little bit friends so we have a little bit more it's good to let the rest okay remember that so we're going to let it rest a little bit and we're going to cook it's gorgeous it's pink you see look how beautiful it is you see friends this is the way i like it now if you have never tried a pink pork tenderloin my friends i insist and you try one time okay this is a temperature of 145 this is perfect if you have never tried it try it if you don't like it that way i'll be surprised to begin with especially after you brian you know after you're brian it's never going to be white anymore after your brine it's always going to stay that beautiful pink look how beautiful that is look at this folks this is going to melt in your mouth i promise you it's going to melt in your mouth all right so here's what we do we take the potato out right and then we're going to put them out here my friends i'm going to put them right here just like this i want to put him right here oh you know what hold on once again i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm changing the design changing the design plans i'm going to put them right here there you go we're going to put them right here friends just a little bit come back over here you all right i'm back over here you i'm back over here voila voila and voila and voila okay then we'll clean up a plate in a second we're gonna take there you go the spinach put it right in there in the middle right in there in the middle my friends all right just simple and then we're gonna finish with our sauce right here to cover the bottom of the plate that's it and voila my friends we got right there a beautiful pork tenderloin masterpiece that all of you guys can do at home i'm gonna try right now my friend look at this look at this this is like it's going to melt oh that's amazing i love it i hope you make it remember friends it's not that difficult to make it look elegant bon appetit i hope you make remember thumbs up if you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell we'll see you in the next couple of days with more fantastic recipes thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 823,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roasted pork tenderloin with pan sauce, roasted pork tenderloin recipe, how to cook pork tenderloin, pork tenderloin recipe, oven roasted pork tenderloin, how to make pork tenderloin, easy pork tenderloin recipes, how to perfectly cook pork tenderloin, baked pork tenderloin, juicy pork tenderloin recipe, pork tenderloin recipes, easy pork recipe, easy pork tenderloin recipe, roasted pork tenderloin, easy pork tenderloin, pork tenderloin temperature, best pork tenderloin recipe
Id: hzMp_wM3Bzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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