Unclaimed for Years VINTAGE Storage Unit I Bought Haul Video

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what's going on guys you notice there's a ton of boxes we just did a really big storage units unfortunately I had to bring in the house because I'm short for time and we also bought another storage unit so we're gonna go through these boxes guys we're gonna do a haul video I'm going to show you exactly what I got for the storage unit show you how much money we made we spent a little over five hundred dollars in this units you should have already seen the video that's out already of kind of half of the unit well we got some of these boxes I haven't even checked yet and we're gonna cut it show you every single box that I got so if we've made our money back but you can see there's a ton of boxes there and over there right over there guys so let's go through these boxes together this storage unit I got from storage treasures calm guys which is a site where you can bid on source lockers online guys so let's get through this let me show you what we got and we have the crew here Ashley and mom in the background commentating as well yeah alright guys alright so first box guys this is this right here is a really cool unit and there's a ton of boxes so we're gonna try to be as quick as possible here let me make sure I've got the camera correct cool alright guys so the first box we got a bunch of Barbie dolls these are new in the back hitch but back in the day they wanted 40 bucks for this Barbie doll in particular so yeah the boxes are messed up but these are brand-new never used and the whole box is full of them guys we have a pin on rollerskates [Music] here's another another one guys in the package which is really cool we have a I paid over 500 for this unit so about 550 bucks after fees and so here's another one yep this is this guy's in the package so as we go through this stuff remember guys you gotta try to recoup our 500 back that we spent on the unit so I'd say this is a really good start and we're only in one box there's too little in here actually yeah and here's another box this one is actually a little older I don't know the exact year I'm still new selling the Barbies but it's that's 1986 in the back another baby here yes yes it's super cute no want to see you want to see you guys let me know let me know in the comments below if you ever spot anything alright guys so let's go into the next box this was really good though we're getting close to recoup on our money and we're only on box number one so all right so this box here as you can see it has not been opened we didn't have time to do it and our battery died when we were doing the sorting of things so we do not know what's in here okay I love how everything they did was like super nice like they packed everything in plastic this is Karen Scott Wow so this is kind of cool yes and they took care of it look at that this is definitely a older piece we have another collection here this one would not in plastics this is looks like it's a another piece here it's everything some hangers nice everything's on hangers no it's a full house of pants oh no double it's got a now if she really liked this brand here's another one speed this up and we'll go through this stuff quick guys it's definitely a vintage so by the tag it's kind of an older tag so put the clothes here we don't have to go through all these close games but a lot of these clothes are new at times in some of the boxes so Oh Eddie Bauer I don't know if these things have seen the light of day I think if it in the box for a while another Eddie Bauer sweater another Eddie Bauer so we were we have a lot of a Bauer here and this is new attacks that's nice yes it's uh Jake Jill new attacks then we have another one here new attacks so we are actually making our money back here and then another one here another I think this is scarf but nuit tags so I'll separate the new attack stuff with the used okay so this was definitely close definitely close let's put it back in here all right box number Supersport oh that's for your shoes yes new in the package okay oh well let's punch them in here another one oh this is dr. Scholl's yeah wow it really likes there's some others here little gel insoles hey hey when they have the UPC I'm happy because that means they're quick to list right some others they're not exciting stuff but brand new oh yeah oh yeah poor will put them down here there's some use ones in here but we can donate these brand-new my dr. Scholl's not bad huh those easy to list the list but this is new oh they look like work pants movie collections yeah I don't know they look like work pants platforms of some kind they're brand new so easy to list this does an MSRP 36 bucks hey we like brand new stuff Eddie Bauer another well this is this is kind of cool Coldwater Creek huh little sweater that's a cramp a sweater all right what else do we have in here this is kind of cool it's a foot I think this is something you want long it's something I think about this is pretty cool so a lot of the boxes have breakable in with the clothing yeah stylize some sort of collection you guys can see that all right and we're keeping all this stuff so we can all right now we have just a bunch of well that's nice that's a rug a bunch of rugs in here alright let's come onto the next box case but hey not bad some brand new stuff yeah never used so it's remember I'm showing you every single box so we have another 40 to go alright alright box number 4 box number 4 all right mrs. thing there is this boxes full purses bags so I don't know I don't sell a lot of purses to be quite honest they're really good shape this one's el America I don't sell a lot of persons want to do some research even this is brand new a little duster guys brand-new yeah that's a nice purse I'm sure it's not fake cuz that was like barely even touched it okay oh you always got look inside these things we find a little watch yeah alright when we got here oh there's a bag within the bag oh yeah a bag within the bag here's Nine West [Music] [Music] [Music] smell doesn't smell bad remember guys everything I've shown you we paid 500 for it all so we have I mean we're only one box for it's like a hippie bag let's fall some papers but remember we give those back to the facility those are some cute bags yes Liz Claiborne I think yeah it's this one's new oh we're getting some more new ones in here brand new with new attacks new it thanks they only want 35 bucks for this one t.j.maxx hey hey new with tags we'll take that we got another one here oh that's so cute you can Nordstrom made in Italy they even have a little brush in here that's never been used so that's kind of cool well this one's kind of beat up here this was another Nine West a tote bag you get a pack you get this one there's something in it though full of money oh there were - this is a Bath & Body Works bag all right another bag here this one's feet up - all right all right this is random trash see this is trash okay just wring the paper and another purse that keep coming there's every color Crazy Horse all right so that's not bad a whole box full purses have to go through these I think they probably gave that away few box so money yep okay so this one is a keeper on to the next off to the next alright here's another box like quick County I think this is fine that could be wrong alright so this is a lot of clothes that have came perfectly in these protections let's see what we got shall we alright so this is brand new and it's vintage it's older you can tell by the tag what size is you wear it's an older tag new attacks this is an 18 wide versus large but we have some more new attack belts in here and huh the neck you have - oh so we have a Nike another cool in France [Music] and we have some gloves some leather gloves new ones okay max folder some other gloves here and we have a weird-looking smart whoops all right let's get into the rest here we have new belts but this was some older Ross tag so this is a new belt two more belts you get a belt you get about what the heck is this I have never seen one of these before [Music] all right this is unique 100 here we go the brand we all know and love Orbis oh yeah champion good something Paris yeah vintage made in the USA oh it's kind of price tag nope this is tricky really plans in we have a land in particular you saying a grandmotherly love word je Jill oh here's another new attacks and old marshals tag an old marshals tag somebody's close I'm like what [Music] [Music] let's see here let's see we have some more no never never nd this is this is a new as well this is Jones New York they want a 59 bucks back in the day new attacks they kept really good care of their clothes a lot of the stuff is brand new they're good they're probably watching likes why why so many clothes Nicole summers I've never she must be good what I like about this is no goodwill tax yeah just when you're buying store jewelry there [Applause] mmm this is a vintage Ormus this will sell for good money look at the pattern Wow somebody's gonna love this this will sell nicely that's a good fun all right let me put this back in we'll go on to another box another box all right so another box this I wonder if these are brand new cos they have the yeah I think if that's a Drake [Applause] Oh lights out see everything was in plastic everything was just like taking care of nicely [Music] we almost lost it it would this new attacks so new at AG sweater wow they retail pricing 100 that is really cool yeah 125 bucks on this thing Wow I'm telling you 500 bucks was not bad on this you're not cute that was not bad yeah this one's cute too he's gonna love this that's so cute alright alright what do we got here no Sag Harbor it's like a casual dressy dressy good we have more they're probably tired of the clothes but there's like there wasn't that ton of clothes boxes but this seems like I'm grabbing all the clothes boxes to start this one is interesting hmm this one I don't know like I feel like it it has why would have the catalog number and all that on here this isn't where this is brand new but it's like a beaded beaded one oh it's a dressy one very pretty pants of course we need to wipe know this we have a lot of Kleenex s brand-new never used so of course we're gonna use those what is this Oh what is this is there anything oh man there's actual hair is oh it's a weird that's a wig it's actual and it's got the tag still on it what the heck is this thing I don't like a little butter also anything it just keeps coming it just keeps coming this is nice who this new attacks - yeah well we already got our money back and pants on with this unit is crazy all right let's see what sitting here and another white one here hostess and new attacks and we have guess what some more what are these this is gonna be like a three-hour video there's actually nothing in there besides a lid another box we left boxes oh okay this is hair stuff yeah it's kind of one shot but it's got a bunch of fun my brothers in here and they're all new new ATAG umbrellas another box guys another box down great here's another box and I have a feeling it's gonna be close bathroom rugs bathroom rugs like that do you want any of them give it to Grandma oh this is new a lot of the stuff will sell guys the older all right so random random piece of fabric yeah some brand new lease to use these let's go keep something to actually buy that and mom wouldn't what is this old baby let me guess rollers Oh bobbles it's a new one never used another used for a brand-new bottle you can sell these old ones there's a bunch of old old new bottles in there there are only two dollars and fifty cents what else do we got [Music] [Music] all right not bad not bad so we have fitted sheets these actually have sold a lot of fitted sheet your friends older ones storage keeps up oh oh wow these are cool these are old Sesame Street shoes those are so old Sesame Street shoes for baby for a baby but this this is a bunch of older baby stuff in here guys I mean just a bunch of older baby stuff it's got oh yeah main Taiwan [Applause] alright what's in here guys what is in here old dog clothes for newborns maybe yeah this one's called real baby bunch of older baby stuff wow this is a pretty cool box it's a little different than clothes which is nice all right guys let's go on to the next oh whoa sorry guys alright box number nine box number nine okay look at this hanger and Orbis hanger it's kind of cool and it's new and what brand is this yep mom said he could sell the hanger with it I like it it's a brand new man we are crushing it seriously it's kind of a cool outfit yeah this one here and it has tags inside of it it's kind of like I work and it's got theis Coldwater Creek and this one's got tags as well brand new man there's a lot of new attacks stuff in here I think that's a rope not a rope made in the USA it's vintage older yeah grandma wants a rope really cool yeah we don't have all clothes with you this is miscellaneous here is a cool pillow hello mom okay well so we got it oh this is really cool that's cool - baby stools I've never sold this brand before what is it I'll have to take a look it's an old speaker [Music] speaker speaker and a footrest in one box guys alright let's go what is this bad boy this is a so random random boss slippers or hat oh this is a huh oh yeah this is like a knitted one Nordstrom made Italy vintage sounds cool a little hot oh yeah this is all accessories little you know your mugs this is all accessories in here alright continue on let's continue on you guys are getting bored yet right [Music] alright I feel like to see this one number 10 Momsen number 10 alright remember guys that beats 500 for this unit so everything that you've seen thus far we haven't even hit like 5% of 5 video 3 let me show cuz some folks go for good money so here's another one this was a quick box [Music] [Applause] another yes in the package let's continue if you guys have ever played with those sub - milk juice glasses that looks like old ah yeah cute here's another here's another set this is stuck in Taiwan I mean how long is t.j.maxx dinner then here's a here's a cool little roller an old roller alright another old baby Oh figure this guy leg up but this is old Lego people yeah it's numbered and there's no part code on it they wanted 420 back in the day oh wait there's Fargo there's another toll Oh these attacks on another duck and another doll Wow first target listing is $80 here's an old Disney puzzle we also have some it's got some more Legos in it [Applause] there's a lot Disney actually you want to all right guys let's go onto the next box all right box number mom went to the bathroom so I don't know I think box number one 11 or 12 units I gotta get this process box number 11 some vintage sweats some older sweats I think this is a sweat box some more sweats [Music] these are wood yeah there would yeah that's gonna be uncomfortable these are literally would know certain wood that's what really gotta be uncomfortable oh wow Seymour Oh brand-new made in Brazil oh my gosh no maybe no they're not brand new or they're just really old I don't know the sides and the top are really good condition actually these are made in Italy yep or like a weird-looking one made in Italy yeah we got a loss treatments unit oh wow back in the day they wanted $70 for the issues back in the day they are sorry 68 they wanted 68 bucks those got to be really old so black and white you there in it walk and white shoes those are kind my mom used to wear when she was young huh all right bunch of brand-new sucks older side a lot of sweats in here all different colors and what do we have here oh these are brand new attacks I have not seen Jeezy what kind of jeans are these I don't see any Mexico I hope to look there look at the Ross tag on them oh they're they're old Calvin sir sorry uh yeah Calvin Klein oh here we go another pair of shoes some of these shoes mounts go through big massive road [Laughter] oh whoa whoa whoa talk about belts here oh my gosh look how many belts are here and they got and they're got tags on no no this was belts and some or sweats guys so let's go on with the next box shall we box number 13 or 12 new for VHS those guys this will sell I don't know here's another one here's another cover [Music] and this is all new guys this is really cool these are old or old hardware guys they wanted 18 bucks back in the day and this doesn't even have UPC so they're older no UPC here's another one brand-new never used older Wow here's some more old mobs and another one I mean they're completely sealed there's another little hardware thing here here's a bunch of these Scott this bad boy is sealed as well here's here's an old smoke alarm maybe this I don't know if I would have trust this I mean battery I bet the single cell smoke alarms are not cheap new recess lane and let's see what's in here it's a trim kids got all the pieces like electric it's got two of them clipper some of you sell that's a good brand that's a good you got good ice all right not bad all right little hardware box for you guys let's continue on let's continue on box number what box numbers lucky lucky 13 box lucky through because born yet we have may have another 40 boxes Lenya seasons alright alright let's continue on here there's something good in here but I can't go through it yet alright let's open this up we got a lot of older clothes guys looks like a man's this guy's new attacks never been worn you can a la nuit sucks guys there are nice shorts but you can't tell I'm showing these ties because maybe you guys know something about and we just have a bunch of miscellaneous clothes will spare you though every single night nightgown stuff like that will spare them from oh this is just all random clothes this is that's cool and it's got the yeah J Jill Jill now what is this another box mysterious Babu these are they'll probably be some more wigs in there no these are boss shoes they're nothing special but hey here's some more new with tags J Jill I'm sitting right J Jill yeah I think so [Applause] [Music] I mean this is just packed full of clothes GW there's some see Nikes yet what's that jo plumb maybe USA Washington Oh Washington Huskies yeah oh here's a Disney here's a Mickey oh that's cute now that's really oh this is morbus Mickey this may be worth some money yeah you see you see that's pretty cool that's pretty cool here's some more new attacks all right guys it's going to the next bucks let's go onto the next box but this thing is pretty cool number 14 drama services all right let's go through this so guys I showed this in the other video since the small video full of shoes let me show you some of these shoes some of you guys may know more about these shoes back from the day they wanted 68 bucks for this pair and made it Italy these are these are really cool they wanted 35 bucks for these things they are back in the day 5 bucks for some of these shoes I'm just like I know I yeah they want some black hair they wanted 62 bucks back in the day for these these are just like a basic black what is this that's random seal and old egg cook that's a good brand old egg cooker in this thing Wow the first one that's crazy some more shoes so they why there's no price on these boys these are now still in the plastic Wow thank you care for shoes and a cooker but a cooker these are eight and a half's what size this grandma this is heavy Wow Oh cuz they put something weird in here okay so they wanted sixty bucks for these I said it Italy admittedly looks like a bobble or something in here oh yeah she put a bottle in here Oh to keep them well those are nice I think these are different pairs than the box yeah these are not the Italy derivate in China so these some of these boxes are not matching up she probably works yeah I have to look up some of these and see if they're worth anything some of the boxes match up and there's some doughnuts yeah it's box or nothing yeah these are new those are cute they look just like the other ones only a different color they are she likes that style one smart cookie you are these are Karen Scott's oh wow yeah they wanted 50 bucks for them but they're really you and there's still they look they look new actually these are new here's a lot of shoe things but here's the thing like some people may want the vintage Karen Scott these are really interesting they feel they're like feed it or something they're like Indian shoes they're pretty one it's 70 bucks and these are the shoes huh all right let's see what's in here oh wow we got another box here another box this is all random stuff s is full perfume is it cologne or perfume I think it's perfume that is a big bottle of it - that's expensive perfume that's what it is it's kind of cool makeup wow it's not blurry on smart perfume what's the brand I can't even pronounce that I've been alone [Applause] they got a lot of perfume in here all right so we have all these shoes and let's go on to the next boss oh hey guys all right box number oh we have an interesting box here not close and old is about to come sister this is Japan oh there's something else in here oh that's too bad wow there's some interesting stuff in here well let's need heart look [Music] oh that's a cute clock yeah it's beat up but it's new that's kind of cool not as cool as an egg cooker but it's got some miscellaneous stuff in here yes storage units some tools for 500 bucks we're gonna make some phantoms you won't be surprised to find 15 to 20 on this all right here is it what is this thing it's a pest repeller it's an old officer together do you plug you plug it into an outlet yeah yeah I used to use that does it work yeah it must admit like it's brand-new interesting we have here some seal perfume it was 32 bucks down to it's like made in France and some more perfume some more seal perfume right closes spray well that's good and some more more sealant spray we even have a book Princess Diana video two of those what is it air is this a candle if this is a oh I sold yeah so camel today and yesterday Beverly Hills we're getting to meet we're getting some eBay offers here okay sorry guys let's get on with this some more spray okay we have oh oh this is mom's forte that is so cool you put in your little deal oh oh and you even put on the side your thread Wow here's some more selling stuff mom what is it here some more vintage bus art pins and pimples right pimples yeah here's some older symbols yeah this looks like wow mom this may be your little thing what do we have here this is a speaker resistant there's definitely don't even know it's weird just man Japan somebody somebody will know it's like a little speaker well I think it's a speaker I put it on there or maybe no no no it has a oh it's a radio oh it's a little pocket radio wow what is in here oh okay it was sewing box oh I'll bet that is all the I already got sliver from the last name sign barely all right guys let's go on to the next box box number sixteen sixteen [Music] all right ooh look at this is brand-new that is what is it it's like a sheet set it's King actually it's the Brittany collection very nice I sold some old sheets already here's another one this one makes use though all right oh this is just a miscellaneous one here guys more Kleenexes older Kleenexes I beg these older Kleenex in eg Kleenex I wonder vintage Kleenex to sell I think we should sell vintage for $10 a box I mean do you think vintage Kleenex ourselves I don't know oh yeah another it is a wig guys we have some adult stuff here adult stuff yeah okay so what about some you have some lotion here I'm not trying I'm just trying to show everything on get so people understand oh yeah so people understand what they're getting units got a lot of razors in here in the package we have some lip stuff here wait we have a lot of makeup in here completely Brandi covergirl this is just all makeup guys all holy so I got all these soaps they look like handmade soaps English ice bag look at this this is all pretty much brand new it's them all still sealed all this this is old covergirl probably never use yeah I mean this is all sealed I'll still make this this is in fact every single one of these are brand new yeah all these are brand new [Applause] I think it's more makeup that's common well oh this is 40 bucks on it yeah all right guys let's go on to the next box this was semi exciting guys you guys are in control the Box numbered what are we on yeah all right box 17 guys box 17 hopefully you're not falling asleep yet we're back sorry guys you can hear my husky in the background all right so we have some more than women's this is a price tag of 100 bucks but I think these are not linens I think these are actually high soon all right and another this rabbit wool Oh or sorry rabbit hair yeah that's expensive rabbit hair Wow all right Outlander let's see what's in here [Music] this is Pendleton oh maybe the USA pure virgin wall this is a peloton that's a this is a this is a good find here fellas sure yes always a Quicksilver we have a box in here another pair shoes from Marshalls they're not used she put jars okay so what else do we have here thank you sir this is every juicer actually it's such a cute skirt Claybourne am I saying that right [Music] yep oh this is new attacks for laundering around the house having a dinner party really hey are you wanting a dinner party what is in this box are these actually lands in though because some of the boxes are not matching up no these are Skechers actually but they're not they're not used their new Skechers eats no all right guys this is Fox 17 yes we'll split this up into two or three videos so we'll do three more boxes on this video and and then we'll separate all right number 18 number 18 what do we have here guys Christmas this is made Japan did a Christmas bill oh it's broken Oh [Music] this little train set little whoops your insect so they got this from my urn Frank but a long time nineteen eighty five years old wouldn't you Sansa this is 1998 Nick DVDs this so oh it's a cup sets [Music] this is hold hallmark lunch old hallmark they don't even have [Music] Christmas star old Santa here's like a cheat upper starter thing you can tell I know a lot of my Christmas here we go yeah these are I'm in Japan I'm not gonna get this out but yeah all right so Christmas we got two more boxes to go through and then we will do another twenty tomorrow I think the total is probably what 50 50 boxes so romantic all right box number 19 we'd have this one on one more guys and we'll do another video tomorrow with 20 more now this one what does this one say this is suits okay this one is more clothes more clothes on this one okay I don't know I'll see Nicole summers yeah oh yeah very professional had a little walk yeah cool summers c-47 oh wow this is nice I won't take this one out of a plastic ware oh well this is a different one nice yeah see look at this this is gotta be worth some money I mean Thailand and then look at this one yeah still tags Wow oh this is new attacks to never use new attacks size 16 brand Castleberry London New York may in the United States that vintage new attacks I don't know new attacks yeah there are some money in this box bigger nicer clothes look at the prints on the collar she was fancy yes and very she probably do a lot of meetings or something yes very fancy oh we have some non clothes in here too here's a nice Lands End people still buy lands in especially since Lambton is a Sears brand I mean they still sell long side of Sears but primarily Sears sold lands all right what's hiding in here what is hiding in here new it's a nice 136 bucks some more new with tags let's act on the side focus mm and look at this thing Oh new attacks they wanted 72 bucks for it yeah literally this one box that's probably to pay for whole unit needs of stuff she probably buys and the crazy part is guys as we did 20 boxes now we have another 25 boxes and then I still have another 10 boxes to the storage and I installed to pick up so it's crazy all right let's see what's in here and all for 500 bucks what is in here these are all bags these are yeah oh wait yes and they still make up in it this is it's got makeup in this stuff old makeup Victoria's Secret is in here oh another wig so any of you guys saw wigs another wig here's a Victoria's Secret ah box hey that weighted piece and what we got here some more dr. Scholl's more dr. Scholl's it's awesome well one more box guys one more box for this video look cool little hat okay we're gonna find more hat all right guys one more bucks you guys believe it number 20 Wow and we saw a lot more you go fine okay that's ready are we gonna get a prey couples here we have are we packing supplies that's good what can this be Oh coca-cola coca-cola bottles a little dessert isn't this a dessert one mom all right another coca-cola now that's the size it was not your size [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] that's from Marshalls are you supposed to put herbs in it here's an old tea pan it's made in the US so they used to sell tea in those cans that's a great [Applause] here's a that's a trivia yeah that's cool I like that yeah I look pretty in your window it's kind of heavy actually [Applause] oh this whole time no oh is this one oh I think but milking this thing oh that is definitely for a wine should we get this one your dad maybe wants another one no it's like weird and you guys [Music] [Applause] this is what you put nerve okay obviously we don't cook that's retired what this is it live right now you can tell that I still want to athletic okay [Applause] yeah like you guys [Applause] sherbert actually sounds really good sherbert here's some old I love oily oily thanks should there doilies there they look well you know I am wearing glasses it's only she put on your dresser and you put your perfumes on them do they grab one like this or no [Applause] all right this is video number two 20 boxes that we've done today guys we have another I would say 30 boxes to go so we did the main video in the storage unit this is part one of the unboxing hopefully you guys like this style because sometimes in the storage unit we can't go through every single little thing so we'll do a video number two of the last 30 boxes and show you guys the last 30 boxes they're completely different lot electronics and so we'll do that tomorrow get it filmed chop it up and hopefully you guys like it oh yes and I did buy another unit that I'm picking up Friday so I bought two units this unit was just too big to put in one video guys so hopefully you like this remember I paid a little over 500 bucks and we've only went over 20 boxes I still have 30 more I think in one of the clothing vintage boxes all new attacks we probably got close to paying off our whole unit with one box so this thing is crazy there's so much money here and it was a fantastic unit all right guys stay tuned for the next video and I will talk to you later see you guys you guys want to say goodbye bye guys see ya
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 305,923
Rating: 4.7243729 out of 5
Keywords: Unclaimed for Years VINTAGE Storage Unit I Bought Haul Video, Unclaimed for Years, Unclaimed for Years VINTAGE Storage Unit, VINTAGE Storage Unit, Haul Video, Storage Unit, storage unit auctions, real storage auction, storage auction, storage wars, auction hauls, storage facility auction, storage facility, buying abandoned storage unit, won a storage auction unit, buy, sell, antiques, treasure picking, huge finds, hauls, treasures, buy abandoned storage unit, wades ventures
Id: Ckf_XkNC-60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 19sec (6079 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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