Black Garbage Bags FULL of Money Found Inside Abandoned Storage Unit... INSANE!

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guys you see in this way to see what's in here great we're gonna get into this this is all brand new attacks suede inflates ventures and do I have a good storage unit for you today I think we hit the jackpot on this one crushed on that unit best unit ever it was it's like one of those that you see on storage wars you know it was just crazy we get good units over here I am a professional and you're making almost 70 to 80 grand on this unit [Music] oh my god you know in there you gotta stay tuned get your popcorn [Music] [Music] losing steam it isn't Steve just tired just watching you I might have to get up bring my ventures out here tomorrow see how she does oh this is perfect coming up here we go here's the first one wait what what brain wasn't I'll just name it out we have incorporated for International Concepts a Calvin Klein fleece long-sleeve XL I need a shower maybe a shower we have style income sport women it's got a little furry free top - it but tablets that's a nice jacket this is a comic line this wasn't expensive jacket pocket we have a couple top parts this is a pity Bower that's not bad little hole there huh mm-hmm then we have some life savers Oh anybody should chase them beautiful that gorgeous or wine is beautiful let me get closer to clapping people are way that is pretty it'd be better in the light that's really nice that's nice [Music] guys you see how the boxes are they're kind of cross over each other that's a good indication with the stuff the boxes have been here for a while right the weight has crushed over looks books never used look at that guy let's use me we can probably use that huh yeah makes you want to go camping wow this is a beautiful I'm very curious about the pajamas for sir okay bye look at the pajamas pajamas you can see my arms you guys my shirt by the way what do you guys think you like it alright so okay let's skip this but you can't you can't look at this it's like Jesus dude anywhere you go out something even this is new pretty cray cray huh we want to make sure we show everything those like oh my gosh these are all new oh this is cosmetics you want me to get that one here let me not let me not hit ara there's coach shoes down here theis nice oh my gosh wait to see what's in here it's crazy don't look nice what size of this will show you everything guys these are all brand new on this Wow holy moly hey you guys didn't think I just held the camera I also drive the truck but what I wanted to tell you all hands on the wheel what I wanted to tell you was don't forget the bell the Bell it's it's important i watch a lot of different youtubers and I have the Bell on and also that thumbs up we love to thumbs up or do you want to put it down put it down but who would do that also subscribe but most of you already are but you might not be you might have forgot okay I gotta get to drive in here I really do Drive honey this is $400 so we're gonna get into this this is all brand new with tags and most of its shoes but look at this these are all new to just crazy and we thought that one unit that possibly had stuff stolen in it was good this is like 10 times better I mean anyway alright let's see what's in here it says cosmetics I'll bring it over there okay $12 some of the stuff if it's still good that probably is not so good by the way people buy old makeup if you line it up and put it on locally we sold that 150 bucks this is I don't know cranberry something these are like oh they're like warmers Oh all up in here isn't rocks a lot of it's never been used just keeps going down there supported by all these new clothes all the hangers to do this just they're all new attacks there's more it's incense I'll try not to see you knew what tax name works it's getting old yeah we're the rats no these are actually highly collectible I think it says Lamar go I think these are pretty collectible I never stole my name is 300 genuine leatherr sinks full what anything's in here I was not expecting this Wow quartz badi the flame this is kind of the bathroom is cool just a bunch of bathroom stuff wow these are nice all the detail smashed out these are candle holders but they look cool one of these are silver they look like tarnished silver but I don't know it's mindless the brand-new trying to get some Sun that's cool [Music] some more Chris and Laura it's full here's mac creations by the way guys any empty mac containers you take it into the mac store you just need six of them doesn't matter what they are as long as they're not samples empty Mac containers and they'll give you a free lips a free lipstick or free what eyeliner so just keep your old Mac containers pick your wolf christened allure designed would she would black walnut Banana Republic gap how's it go [Music] okay okay let's get a sneak peek of what's to come the next videos just give me an idea guys I kind of rub my roll and went through a few other boxes just to show you guys what's in it but the truck is pretty much full and this is going to be another load and a half probably so let me show you guys what we have to look forward to next video everything you can think of so I'm trying to think look at this I'll put these back just shoes galore in here and they've all brand new all these clothes dang it just everything you can think of in here all these are every single one of those as you do it's like I can't even reach forks there's just so many bags in the way I'll try to put my knees down hopefully I don't find any rats in here hanging out that's why I sleep over there she's like I ain't getting to know that and terroir oh my gosh if you open this up just full shoes and sandals and just everything you can think think of never used there's a back back back here full of brand-new designer purses I mean look at that's dude just it's crazy right who does this what is in here I mean Keith Moore and hold this for me honey look at just never-ending we don't want to open too many bags and get them all separated but I mean just more photos which is the one thing without using it oh this crazy I mean what do you do with all this like run on me what are you doing with all this absolutely crazy we went through this all right you're something Liz Claiborne this is that gap that's still what's so quite easily first time I see the converse meets all here's some clown look at the whole back full I mean Italy I mean look how many bags there is so look it's all this stuff in here here's a it's all just to do yes days and days and days right this they've never been warned Oh got random stuff in there well if we're just gonna have to show tomorrow huh great horseshoes oh gosh just breathe I can't even get this thing up all right last one run that energy look at this this whole thing is full brain is this Johnny oh these are fried those are actually quite expensive calvin klein suits guys you see in this this night was it's all bail brand-new okay it's gonna be a pain matching them up now that I tore them all out but this you guys get the idea okay I'll get out of the way oh my gosh there's more down here okay so I mean these are all new guys definitely had a spending problem whether you're an employee or not that's crazy anyway we don't want to mess him up too much and gets a big old mess we had to clean up Wow it is kind of gloomy out so I know what a lot of you guys thinking those are mall brands some weren't there's coach you know Burberry stuff like that in there Prada but they're all brand new so I mean a lot of those shoes can sell anywhere from like twenty to fifty bucks in that range but think how many I have I mean what maybe seven hundred pair sitting more than seven hundred pair let's just say a thousand pair that's a lot that's that's a lot I'm gonna do a thousand a thousand times twenty average profit after fees and shipping you using pirate ship of course to ship some of that stuff that's a lot of money so anyway as you can see I have another truckload and a half here definitely have another truckload probably two truckloads I had to get it's a probably a good thing I didn't get those other two storage units because this one is pretty big just in the furniture alone if you include like what I get I mean those are solid wood those are older pieces so just the furniture alone I've more than doubled my money on the unit but it's crazy and I don't want you get like I'm not saying this to I you know I want to make sure painfully clear here I'm not trying to you know make you guys jealous or anything weird it's just crazy it's uh it's intense to get storage units like this like $450 and I just like literally created a to eBay stores you know if I wanted I don't know if you guys are if any of you resellers are in Oregon I may actually sell this all to one person I don't know yet I don't know because there's just so much here so who knows who knows what we'll do but that being said hopefully you guys like this I'll be back here with mom because even though I showed you like a little glimpse there's still maybe 20 more garbage bags over there that we have not seen yet and another probably 20 boxes that I haven't opened and yeah alright so I can't grant see who's going to be here tomorrow probably grandma venture grandma will be with me and all unload this tomorrow morning or tonight probably tomorrow morning's I'm tired and then grandma ventures will be here and she'll help me out with the remaining all right and you can see how important the light is right so if your storage unifier invest in one of these lights because they'll change change your life seriously because a lot of these facilities the lights don't work and there's a really minimal so you kind of want to switch things up and I always unplug it I can do with one hand there we go I always unplug it so yeah we'll be back tomorrow hit the like button hit the subscribe hopefully you like the storage unit videos this channel is gonna blow up tell your friends I promise you see ya [Music] thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left [Music]
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Views: 182,807
Rating: 4.7228723 out of 5
Keywords: Black Garbage Bags FULL of Money Found Inside Abandoned Storage Unit, Money Found Inside Abandoned Storage Unit, Garbage Bags, Abandoned Storage Unit, Abandoned, Storage Unit, FULL of Money, storage wars, storage auction, real storage auction, auction hunters, american pickers, storage locker, storage wars full episode, luggage auction, mystery boxes, mystery bags, auction hauls, storage unit auction, i bought an abandoned storage unit, lost luggage, mystery box, storagewars
Id: t9F0K3QhXMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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