Old Start and ride along of a John Deere Model B Tractor | 2 Cylinder Johnny Popper

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what's up guys and welcome back to project time garage behind me here is a i don't know early to mid 50s john deere model b the old two cylinder pop and john this thing has been sitting here um under my shed for i don't know five six years something like that long enough that the tires are starting to sink in the ground and that one over there on the other side is just all but disappeared so goal for today get this thing up and running starting and moving big project and oh if you've never heard the old two-cylinder john deere's i got a pretty unique sound to them i love them so uh hey also i'll put this up on instagram like a while back kind of as a sneak peek of what's coming so if you follow me on instagram you already knew this was coming so follow me on instagram at project time garage i put all kinds of upcoming projects and stuff up there as i decide to do them or as i acquire them so anyway let's see if we can breathe some life back into this old gal [Music] first things first i'm going to get a jumper box and i'm going to get in this battery compartment here and i'm going to see if we have an engine that will even turn over or not because this thing's been sitting here a while it could be just stuck who knows so we'll start there so it's negative ground that means negative negative positive to positive and let's just see what happens here anybody taking bets on whether it's just going to burn to the ground or not well so far so good i guess first things first we make sure we're in neutral and we are then we make sure that this thing is a hand clutch so we make sure that the hand clutch is disengaged and i'm going to leave the ignition switch off for now just want to see if it'll spin over and see if it's stuck or not i'm getting nothing well so we've got a big fat nothing on the starter motor so um we've got to get inside this here to find out what's going on the way these things work is pretty simple the uh the starter solenoid and all is actually part of the starter motor and when you push this thing here down it just pushes a button on the starter to engage it so very simple but got to get this cover off to see what's going on so let's get some tools and get get about that process okay so now that we have that done i'm going to go ahead and take this rod and thread it back down on top of here just for a minute obviously we can't start the tractor like this because this flywheel spins and it'll get all all in this but we can at least see if the thing will turn over like this and oh by the way i did take the liberty of doing this at least it turns over so the engine isn't stuck but now i know we don't have a starter we need a starter so the starter on this animal is right there and it's some pretty old technology check it out this is how it works so there's a ring right here that goes around the starter and at the very top which you probably can't see there's a place for a threaded rod to go in that threaded rod goes all the way up to the top and that's what you push down with with your foot and when you push it down it pushes this whole thing down like so all right let me show you what that does the starter itself there's an access cover here so let's pull that off i'll show you how it works this is the ring i was talking about right here there's our starter under there and when that ring is pressed down it basically just actuates this arm and pushes the little button in like that we have 12 volts on this lug straight to our battery uninterrupted 12 volts and then we have um basically a contact point in here that this right here makes a connection when you push this button in and it just throws 12 volts right to the starter motor now this starter has been replaced it looks like it's not it doesn't really look that old quite honestly which tells me that most likely our problem is the contact in here because lately all of these replacement buttons here that i've used have not been a very good quality and the little contact in there tends to burn up on it after a few uses it just you know it's there's a it's a substantial amperage draw when when we throw the 12 volts into this starter and trying to turn this motor over and it just um it burns the contact so what i've had luck with doing is pulling this thing off and cleaning those contacts and putting it back together so we're going to try that first also look what i found i just happened to glance down here this is the plate that that came off of the starter cover and look there are there's a nut and a washer right there that's pretty interesting i'll bet you that it's the old lock washer and nut from here i'll bet you anything that when this starter was replaced they took this thing right here it just laid it down right there and forgot about it that's what it looks like anyway looks like we're going to need about a 9 16 and a flat screwdriver to get this apart oh and obviously disconnect the battery before you do this this right here this yellow wire most likely goes up to our switch and that's what feeds our switch it really should be a fuse down here of some sort but i don't think they did a lot of fusing back in those days and you can see what we're dealing with here it's basically a a wedge that pushes against this lug up here and this part of the battery so i'm gonna go clean those up real quick you can see what's going on down in there that big wedge there just kind of basically makes a bridge between that thing and the floor of it down there and the starter the post on the starter that's it and i would assume that's where our problem is so let me clean that up okay there's our contacts cleaned up basically what i did i just took a file and followed them you have to be careful you don't want to take too much material off you see that that there's already kind of a an indention there well that's from the the arcing of the starter motor or that's from the switch arcing out when you try to start the thing so it's already eroded that much of that copper away from there so um be careful don't take too much if you do this we'll go we'll also file the terminal on the starter put this stuff back together see what happens okay there's that now we should be able to just put it back together and see what happens flat head screws are fun in tight places uh didn't think i was ever going to get that screw started all right let's go back up top hook the battery charger back up see what we've got here okay so there it is let me hook the battery charger back up or the the booster box back up and we'll come back and try this again let's see what we have here we have to really watch about this because it spins nothing do we have a bad starter okay we're back under the tractor and i just want to do a little bit of testing to see if i have um power here at this lug just troubleshooting now of course you can't see that so okay so here we go test site on this and i have power there which means either this isn't working or it could very well be that this just isn't getting pushed in enough right nope all right back apart it comes i think we're going to have to pull this starter out of here next so let's go ahead and unhook the battery and pull the starter out get it on the bench and see what's going on with it there we go well deja vu all over again here's what i'm going to do i'm going to take this thing back off we're going to take our good old-fashioned booster box we're going to hit the lug right on the starter and see if the starter itself even is any good this the starter actually looks to be a pretty fresh rebuild looks like it's had brushes in it and such i'm not above taking it apart i need to that's where that nut came from that's what it that's what's wrong with it it couldn't throw the bendix out could it well let's um let's carry on with our thought process anyway okay at least at least we'll know here in a second if we're on the right track or not so turn this thing on it's on no nothing hmm unless maybe i'm not getting a good ground kind of hard to get a groundhog thing anywhere the booster box has the shortest cables known to men let's see if that's any better no we're going to take it apart aren't we that's what it's looking like that's what it's looking like all right well no use some messing around let's get it apart and see what's what's going on inside it now that i've rotated it i wonder if i'll get anything out of it or not no oh yeah yeah look here it's just gonna try to run okay so maybe it just has a bad spot in it potentially no i know what it was it's all me look at this i do this stuff all the time when you're looking at jumper cables you see the wire goes down and it's directly attached right there this side is dead there's no there's no current on this at all it's just a clamping thing so i'll bet you any money i was striking this side against the starter which doesn't have any voltage on it as opposed to striking the side that has the the hotness either way let's um let's do this let's put this back on here hook power to it push the button and see what happens whoops i've forgotten some stuff why didn't it work in the tractor i don't know it may just it may really just be a bad spot here on it on the armature i don't know but we'll see the starter didn't sound very healthy because my booster box is almost dead it needs to be charged but i'm really glad i'm putting this this starter solenoid switch back on this with it out of the tractor because putting it on in the tractor is a mess all right so stick this back in here because i assume that's where that goes and i should be able to get my super short cables back out here i should be able to clip onto this guy and then clip on here and i should be able to well let me clip on somewhere else don't i just clip on there i should be able to do that right there and get somewhere with it right so i'm using the right side of them okay we've done something yes i just have to remember to put that bolt back on there when we get out back out to the tractor pretty impressive uh pile of carbon that came out of there assumably from the brushes maybe all right i say we go back out there take care of this and then see if it'll turn over by the starter back together we go [Music] i'm going to go ahead and take the carburetor off and get it into soak because i know it's going to have a problem it's always had a problem as a matter of fact because the passageways in this thing are so long that um it's hard to get them cleaned out in fact they make a drill bit like a an aircraft really super long drill bit that a lot of people use to clean these things out with but i'm gonna go for some evapo rust and a ultrasonic cleaner see if that does anything for us can't imagine what the gas is going to be like in this thing i'm scared to even look let's turn the gas on and see if anything even comes out of it or not nope nothing coming out of there doesn't mean it's empty that just means it's probably just pure gum anyway 9 16. several of them in fact start here oh yeah pretty pretty ugly this lace is dry i guess and of course i want to use a huge wrench to take it apart why wouldn't fuel screen looks okay it's not just a whole lot to these there's a pin that goes through here that holds the needle assembly on it clearly it's been taken apart before get away oh pretty much anything that's cast goes in wow what do you know about that i'm going to go in that for an hour or so and we'll pull it out and put it in the heated washer just wait longer all right fresh out of the wash going back together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay here's where we are so far carburetor's been cleaned and put back on it but it does leak past the needle seat um it probably just needs a a carb rebuild kit not a big deal um it spins over so our starters working now i've got fresh gas in it and um i've turned the gas on until it started leaking out here so what i'm going to do is turn that off turn the gas back off now because i know the float bowl is completely full so what we're going to do is we're going to turn the key off and we're going to spin the starter over but maybe let it draw some fuel down in the cylinders and kind of get them primed and then we'll cut the key on see what happens should be entertaining so key off spin it over key on see what happens as soon as it starts i'm probably just going to turn it back off oh we had something anyway try again and that's where my battery just gave up well about a week went by and if it looks like i'm holding a starter in my hand it's because i'm holding a starter in my hand and it's for this tractor i finally just gave up and had the starter rebuilt because over and over and over it kept giving me fits so look brand new shiny rebuilt starter let's put this on and then hopefully start the tractor okay we have everything done now everything's put back on it it should start off check the oil i've checked the antifreeze everything should be right so um i'm going to turn the gas on carburetor is overflowing but i think it'll suffice to get us moving so here goes nothing very neutral clutches disengaged contact [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do guys i appreciate you watching mission success the ob here we got it running got it to our farm kind of put it in the barn kind of make some more room for me and maya and my shed so um anyway haven't already click the subscribe button down there and appreciate it leave me some comments let me know what you think about this video tell all your buddies about us don't forget to like share subscribe and i'll see you next time you
Channel: ProjectTimeGarage
Views: 15,424
Rating: 4.8981819 out of 5
Keywords: john deere, tractor, antique tractor, hand-start, flywheel start, classic tractor, model a, model b, model h, popper, 1940 john deere, antique john deere, old john deere, deere & company (organization), classic john deere, 1952 john deere, styled john deere, 1950 john deere, 1951 john deere, deere & company (business operation), how to, repair, old start, cold, start, starting, engine, auto, new, old, gas, diesel, tractors, 2 cylinder, two cylinder, projecttimegarage, Project Time Garage
Id: kS22SnW5yyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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