NEGLECTED! Bringing an Old Tractor Back to Life

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So welcome back everybody. If you've been  watching the channel for any length of time   you have undoubtedly seen me use the old Ford 3000  here. This is the first tractor that i used around   this place and there's a bunch of videos on the  channel with me using this particular tractor.   When i got the Kubota my intention wasn't  to replace this tractor with the Kubota.   But as you can imagine the Kubota's a lot more  comfortable to use so this tractor kind of got   put on the back burner. I do get it out every now  and then to use it for one purpose or another but   for the most part it's just been sitting here  collecting dust. The last time that I used it   was when I put my Spring food plots in and that  was in April or May I guess. So it's a pretty long   time. So what I want to do today is I want to  get it out, I want to brush the dust off of it,   deal with a few issues that it's got, and I want  to attach the mower to it because i think it'd be   a great dedicated mowing tractor. But there are  a few little issues that we have to deal with   first so let's go ahead and get this thing going  again and breathe some new life into it. The first   thing that we're going to have to deal with is the  battery. As you can imagine the battery was kind   of the first thing that went. And that's really  the reason that I haven't been using it so much.   We've got a fair amount of acid leak here that we  need to deal with. I've got some baking soda water   so we'll just pour that on  and get that neutralized. Go ahead and swing this battery out  probably should have done that first. I should have been giving  this thing way more attention. You can see we got lots of pitting going on  over here. That's just a result of all that   acid sitting there for so long. Lots of peeling  paint and I'll have to put a little coat of paint   on this just so that it won't... just give  it a little bit of protection in the future.   But I should have been doing something  with this all along. It's pretty obvious   that battery was leaking and messing stuff up. So as you saw there the battery should have been  changed out a really long time ago. It leaked and   has created some rust and pitting issues and the  paint is all peeled. So what we're going to do is   we're going to scrub this out real good, get it  probably not all the way down to the bare metal   but as close as we can and repaint it. I've got  the correct color of Ford blue so we'll make it   look halfway decent. So let's go ahead and do  that and see what it turns out looking like. So that's going to need just a few  minutes to dry. So what we'll do is   we'll go ahead and change the oil and give  that some time to dry before we paint it.   I wrote on the oil filter last time I changed  the oil it was 2018. It was...I really can't   read the date very well. It looks like December  maybe of 2018 and 3,285 hours. Now it's got   3,364 hours. That's 79 hours and I definitely  didn't do that math before I turned on the   camera. So it's been a while and you can see I  haven't put a whole lot of hours on it in the last   three or so years. So let's go ahead and change  the oil and that'll be one step out of the way. I think my two-year-old  could have done a better job. You don't need any of this. This is spray paint. That's pliers. What's making that noise? That's a bee. Where'd the bee go? I don't know. That's brake cleaner. That's Zaza's tractor. I'm fixing Zaza's tractor.   He thinks this is his sister's tractor. So we made  some pretty good progress on the tractor. We got   the oil changed, we got the oil bath air filter  changed, we got the battery tray repainted and   scrubbed. You want back down? Okay. Hey, can you  say thumbs up? Thumbs up! There you go! That's   not your thumb but they know what you mean. But  we're getting real close. The battery should be   in at the shop tomorrow. They had to special order  it because it was kind of an old school battery.   Yeah, we're making some good progress. We'll get  it out hopefully tomorrow maybe the next day and   put the mower on it and maybe give it a bath as  well. But, yeah, making some good progress here.   Alright so it has been like 24 hours or so since  this has been painted and it is nice and cured.   So let's go ahead and get this off  of here and put it on the tractor. That's sawdust. I want to show you all murphy's law here. This  thing went in in exactly the direction I didn't   need it to go because i can't get that pin  in there until this post gets turned. So I'm   going to have to figure out, get some pliers  and see if i can turn this post a little bit. That wasn't bad at all. Does it pass inspection? Check it for me. What do you think? You like  it? Okay, thank you. Okay,   I'm also going to add some of this toolbox drawer  lining material here. It'll add some padding   to this so that the battery  has a little bit of cushion.   And it will also prevent leaks. So if we have  an acid spill again hopefully the acid will   be stopped by this and it won't eat up our pan  next time. So that's kind of my thought anyway. What is this? It sure is. Alright so here's what we're going to  do now. I'm going to get all of these   tools off of the tractor. It's amazing  how many tools you can accumulate   working on something like this. If I just  put them all up when i was done with them   it'd be a lot easier. But I'm going to get  these tools off the tractor. I'm going to   take my helper inside and see if his sister can  watch him. And we're going to try to get this   thing cranked up and moved out and pressure  washed. Alright, here's the moment of truth. I got dash lights. What do you want man? You want to clean  that one off? Alright well stand back. There you go. No it's wet! Of course it's wet.  You'll have to wait for it to dry. Alright one more finishing touch. This, uh,   shroud or shield or whatever you want to  call it right here has been off of this thing   for so long i don't think i know how to...i  don't think i remember how to put it back on. What do you think? Okay. Alright guys so i'm very  happy to report that we have breathed a lot of new   life into this machine. We got the oil changed, we  got the oil bath filter changed, I did check the   coolant and it's fine. Got that tire pumped up.  It does need to be greased probably. We did a new   battery in it. Got the battery pan cleaned out.  I got all the rust...well most of the rust off   of it. Got it repainted, got that acid stopped.  And I tell you what I'm pretty happy to have it   back. It's gonna be a handy tractor just to have  for extra things. It'll be a good little food plot   tractor. Good for mowing. And it's got a lot of's got a lot of life left in it. What do   you think? You like it? You wanna go for a ride?  Let's go for a ride. I almost forgot to mention.   This video has gone kind of long so we'll do some  mowing uh maybe on the next video. We'll get the   mower hooked up to this machine and do that on a  different video. Right now we're going for a ride.
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 121,958
Rating: 4.9063005 out of 5
Keywords: tractor, ford 3000, fall line ridge, DIY
Id: BhFhcd2Ht_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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