I Don't Think It Was Designed for This

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we have had something like six inches  of rain over the last week so as you can   imagine our driveway is looking pretty rough  right now so let's see if we can go fix it so the road is so messy that i'm gonna need more  traction i'm gonna need four wheel drive for   this project spider web so i'm gonna take the box  blade off of oh there's a spider on my arm off my   arm anyway i'm going to take the box blade off of  the ford 3000 we're going to put it on the kubota so i wanted to show you what we're dealing with  here this is our yard and it's really at the   top of a hill and the water that comes off of the  top of this hill goes straight down this driveway   and i put ditches in the road but  sometimes the water is just too much   and if this ditch this very first ditch  breaks it creates all kinds of problems   and these are the problems i'm talking about  here's the pond at the bottom of the hill   you see we've got some silt going into the  pond and we want to want to try to drag that   out without getting stuck and here are the other  issues that it causes so right down here the water   gets super super fast and if there's enough volume  it's just going to create ruts this rut right here   and it's up to my top of my boot really it's  pretty bad so let's see if we can get this fixed so that's pretty well got the ruts filled in and  the road smoothed out there but i just noticed a   problem that we really need to deal with before we  do anything else my water separator on the kubota   has got a fair amount of water in it it's not  quite up to the level where it's an emergency but   i don't feel good about that water so we're going  to go ahead and get that out so this is about 200   hours worth of water here and uh so i don't i  don't know if this is good or bad quite honestly so that made me pretty nervous too  i checked youtube and it looks like   you're supposed to use pliers to loosen  this ring which i would not have thought   it's got to be a special tool  for this oh there it goes so unfortunately i don't have a new  one of these little elements right here   so we're just gonna have to do the  water for now all right so i got that   drained out and cleaned out so we'll put this  back in and then we have to bleed the fuel system before we get gravel i want to check this  field here this field we had soybeans in   this field this year and you can still  see the remnants of the soybeans here   but it's a small field and you know there was  just no way that it was going to survive the   browsing pressure to make anything for the fall  for the deer so what i want to do of course is   hair it up and plant something for the fall  right here but i'm really thinking it's going   to be way too wet today we've gotten  six inches or so of rain over the last   week or so so i don't think i need to fool  with it today i don't know we'll see if i've   got time after i get done with the driveway and  stuff i may put the hair on and see how it acts so i'm headed to the gravel pile on the  tractor and the tractor is wanting me to do a   regen on the dpf filter so for anybody who is  fortunate enough to not have a tier 4 diesel   engine i'm going to show kind of what's  involved in that so every now and then   these two lights will start blinking on the dash  of the kubota and that just means that the dpf   filter is not stopped up but it's got particulates  in it that it wants to burn off and it's pretty   simple and straightforward all i do is advance the  throttle to a certain spot and uh it just does it   for about 15 minutes and then it's over i can keep  using the tractor while it's doing it it's not   really a huge hassle it's just that it's something  on the engine that doesn't need to be there when the regen on the tractor started i set  a stop watch and it took about 12 minutes so   it's not that it's a huge inconvenience  i just don't see what the benefit is   because it causes the tractor to burn a  lot more fuel not just deer in the region   but during normal operation and if i'm burning  more fuel i can't figure out how i'm helping   the environment by having clean exhaust i don't  know anyway let's work on the driveway so gravel   on this driveway is of course very helpful  but the main source of protection is these   ditches so let's go ahead and pull these ditches  back out and we will be done with this project all right so that gives us four ditches on this  road i'm gonna have to bite the bullet at some   point and get me some more gravel i think as you  can see i didn't get a whole lot on the road but   anyway um let's go to the next thing so i  showed you this earlier this is some of the silt   that went into the pond in the last rain  because of the road i'm going to try to   get some of it out with the back co and i  just hope i don't hope it all gets stuck so   not too bad we got a lot of that silt out of  there and i think what i'm gonna have to do   ultimately is try to get the water to all go to  this side of the road and set it to this side   and i think that's the only thing that's going  to stop it but that worked pretty good let's go   to the next thing actually before we start on the  next project i want to put some winter ride down   out here just to help with erosion control i  think the natural vegetation is going to come back   pretty quick but until it does i just want  to get some extra erosion control going here i forgot my rake so i'm just going to kind of walk  over this and see if i can get the seeds kind of   pressed down into the ground not that  big of an area shouldn't take long Winter Rye is so great it'll just grow  anywhere it would probably grow right   on top of this dirt no problem  but this will just help it out. a couple of days ago or a few days ago i guess my  son and i were outside and he didn't have shoes on   so i was carrying him and i needed to do something  that would take maybe a minute or two so i just   opened the door to my truck and i put him  in the driver's seat and kept the door open   and let him play around and wouldn't you know  it he locked the door so as soon as i got him   out and shut the door i was locked out of my truck  so now we got to break into my truck so as you can   imagine i've had to do this before because i've  only got one set of keys for my truck and it's   actually kind of scary how easy it is to break  into this truck in fact i'm gonna set a timer three minutes and 17 seconds so let's go ahead and put the harrow on the  tractor and we'll see if we can disc that field up so guys that's gonna have to do it for today i  am i've got to go right now and take my daughter   to her archery practice but we did get some of it  done we didn't quit get quite get all of it done   and it actually did till up pretty good so um  there was quite a bit of drag on it from the wet   soil of course but overall it did pretty good  i'll come back here in maybe a couple of days   with some fertilizer finish disking this up and  get some fertilizer and seeds down and i'll try to   video that as well so a lot of y'all are probably  wondering why in the world am i tilling up these   soybeans because soybeans make great winter food  for deer right well let me find one here and i'll   show you so i think this is a pretty good example  except there's not a lot of beans on this a lot   of most of them have more beans than this you  see there's a lot of browse pressure going on   on these beans and this is a fairly small plot  it's probably it's probably an acre and a half   of beans that we had out here and the deer just  nipped them off all throughout the year nipped off   the leaves and they kept growing and growing of  course but you know the beans were really not ever   able to reach their full potential which was okay  because they got a lot of good nutrition just   out of these leaves would have been cool if  they had been able to make it into the winter   then i could have broadcast some oats or some  rye in out between these beans and they would   have had grain and greens out here but that's why  we're just disking it all up because these beans   are not going to last there are not a whole lot  of beans out here for them to take through the   winter so we're really just better off putting in  something new and we're going to put in this mix   from real world wildlife products called harvest  salad it's got several different seeds in it and   different things become palatable at different  times so it's kind of like an all year food plot   some of y'all might be thinking have you ever done  a soil test out here oh yeah we've done soil tests   i've done did one maybe five years ago and one  maybe a year ago the one that we did a year ago   our ph came back to seven so can't be can't  be that right so at this point i'm just kind   of maintaining we won't bother with the ph at all  this year we won't do another soil test this year   we'll just put fertilizer down in our seeds we  may do another soil test next year or the next   but at seven that's pretty good if you  can maintain that you'll do pretty good   but anyway guys i really appreciate y'all watching  this video and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Fall Line Ridge
Views: 187,925
Rating: 4.8700361 out of 5
Keywords: fall line ridge, homestead, diy, Kubota, not designed for this, homesteading, tractor, work
Id: DsC3UgBZyww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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