150 Case Steam Engine Pulling 44 Bottom John Deere Plow

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okay guys welcome back so today we are heading to ann over south dakota and we are going to see the case 150 pull a 44 bottom plow so we're actually on our way home right now but we managed to get a interview with corey anderson which is the guy who built that steve engine and we got a bunch of footage from it plowing so stick around and i think you'll enjoy [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] god [Music] you all ready about half [Music] so so so so today we're here in andover south dakota and we're with corey anderson he's the man who built this uh 150 horse case steam engine and uh you want to give us a little rundown of what it is yeah so this is the 150 case road locomotive this was originally built 1905. the case company built nine of these and none of them existed and they all they all didn't pass the test of time they eventually were scrapped and in 2007 i found the original blueprints in the case archives in racine wisconsin and it became a mission of mine to bring this engine back to life in 2016 we started casting parts and we built this engine completely from scratch in just about a year and a half so what was the hardest part of the build probably getting everything engineered so we had the original blueprints but we had to reverse engineer everything and we modeled it all into a 3d cad system and so once we had the 3d cad models and i had the whole engine built in 3d cad then we could make all the tooling that we had to make to cast the parts in the boundary so i have a foundry in webster dakota boundary and our achievement air cast and everything we laser cut and formed all the steel parts we did all the riveting up at a friend of mine's place in fargo jim brydon we riveted all the rear wheels the draw bars we have like four thousand and three-quarter inch rivets that we had to hammer and squeeze and put in hot and yeah it took us just under two years to finish it we unveiled it here in andover in 2018 and we pulled initially 24 bottom flaw with it and then last year we pulled 36 john deere bottoms and this year we're at 44 44. what was your favorite part of the boat was it getting everything together being done or was it the individual component was it finding the boiler which i think it was the process of the build like i love doing the machining most of all so i would cast the parts here in webster with the team at the boundary we'd cast the parts and i actually built it with a good friend of mine i'll share it while i make carrie bradley so i built it out of his shop he helped me do all the machining and i would say that was the most fun was just like machining all the parts seeing everything like piece by piece come come together and i mean it was all just basically a pallet of parts on the floor but it was then when we started assembling it in the middle of the middle of the summer in 2018 we assembled it and finished it like two months so it came together pretty fast yeah all the legwork was before yeah building everything and all the engineering and everything else yeah okay uh so i guess last question do you think it was a bigger feat for you to recreate this machine or do you think it was a bigger feat for the men that built it in the early 1900s without all this technology i would definitely say it would have been a much bigger feat for them to build at the first time um you know they didn't have they don't have any technology to work with so they're you know they an engineer has a concept he has to communicate that to a drafting team that sketches it all out in detail right and they don't have any way to visualize what's coming together which is which is the hard part and that's the advantage we have with 3d modeling as we can we can actually see it in 3d before we build it but also like you know we can see machines and all the patterns with 3d printed sand molds for a lot of one-off castings we've actually just 3d printed sand poured the iron in didn't even have to make the tooling for that stuff so that was a huge advantage for us you know versus just manually making carving wood out of not just hand carving wood is what these guys would have done to make the initial patterns and that's casting the parts and machining it all without any any good tooling or good equipment yeah it would have been a tremendous amount of work and they just had you know it took hundreds of guys to do that back in those days and you know whereas we we basically built it with a handful of guys you know ourselves that's i'm speechless i mean this first time i saw it was today it's it's really cool it's really cool so i appreciate taking the time to talk to us yeah and uh we actually we've got a show down at our place um you can take this or write give us ali later but here's a flyer show down in belleville st louis area yep uh three years ago we had 10 000 people at our farm over the weekend oh wow those are all our sponsors at the bottom we got a couple more there that are going to join up here soon and uh check us out on youtube i can write down my phone number if you want on there and yeah then we can exchange whatever so thank you so much for coming out really appreciate you guys making that making the long trip yeah it's worth it as soon as we got here it's worth it we knew it so echo foreign oh so so so oh uh [Music] tired hurry up oh uh [Music] tired [Music] so so so [Music] so [Music] so boom yes so [Music] do [Music] okay so i hope you guys enjoyed that video of the 150 steam engine i want to give a big thanks to corey anderson for taking the time to do that interview it was really really cool meeting you and we had a great time so stick around later this week we're going to have another video out on the entire show and i think you guys like that as well so thanks again and i'll see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Renner Stock Farms
Views: 514,842
Rating: 4.9359136 out of 5
Keywords: steam engine, 150 case, road locomotive, plowing, steam tractor
Id: FuJbfrcFKyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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