Old Fashioned Chicken and Dumplings

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so you're looking for a dish that is heartwarming for your soul and your stomach it got my folks through the depression the Dust Bowl what is it chicken and dumplings you're gonna want some of these [Music] welcome to some cowboy cooking my name is Kent Rollins and what do we do here a whole lot of grilling Dutch oven cooking something in a stew pot get it good and hot good old southern classic recipe called what chicken and dumplings yeah y'all been asking for it and we are going to deliver now before we go any further I just want you to know anything that we used in this video or the recipe all of that stuff will be listed in the description right below the video chicken and dumpling is an old comfort recipe that goes way back during the Depression I mean they'd go down there to a chicken house and grab them one up maybe have a little milk to put in their bowl it up there hey it was good eat and got them through a lot of tough times chicken and dumplings to me is a recipe that when you sit down with family it's something special and that's what we're gonna create today is a very special chicken and dumpling recipe made out of old traditional dumplings now there was all kinds of things you could use for dumplings and I've used canned biscuits I've used tortillas that you just cut up a little yeah the ones right out of the sack flour tortillas just throw them in there pinch off some of them can biscuits if you won't do that I used Pillsbury pie crust just cut them in little pieces folding them over where there's a little thicker throw them in there today we're using just an old traditional dumpling recipe depending my family for a long time it has so without any further ado let's get to this deal now I had four seven ounce chicken breasts as y'all saw before i dime dump them in me some hot water added a little salt to it boil them up till they get good and tender we used to use a whole chicken and do that but I do love me a chicken breast in that way and got a bone nothing out when I'm finished eat folks this thing is just falls apart for tinder so it is ready to go it is cooled off we're gonna cut it up into some bite-size pieces and you might be thinking my god where do you get that hash knife was that Paul Bunyan's I like to get a hole to me some chicken when I reach down in them they're giving me a bite now you can see folks when I say bite-size that's pretty well what I'm talking about for me cuz some of this is going to flake off as it but continues to some of this is going to flake and fall off in the bottom of that pot as we're cooking but you're gonna have a steal a good chunk full out of there so they light this burner back get things back to going and whoa did y'all see that that just snuck up here remember quality control folks I don't know will it work so to that little saucepan over that we got about six cups at that chicken broth left in there we're going to add a half a stick of unsalted butter cream a little bit of salt and pepper to taste dump that chicken back in there give it a good old stirring cover it and we're gonna let it cook 20 to 25 minutes and while that is cooking you know what we're gonna do we're gonna make us some dumplings and start out with 2 cups of all-purpose fire fire no flour and people always laughing at me it's not fuller can't it's flour well here it is flour I promise put us in about 3 teaspoons full of baking powder because I want to give them a little jump I do 3 tablespoons of oil after I stir these dry ingredients good and some of them going away as you can see so today we got more in a little wind we have skirt alert day chin and for you folks that don't know skirt alert y'all ain't lived out here in western Oklahoma or the Texas Panhandle because it'll blow that skirt plumb over the top of your head now you could have a weather rock how many of y'all got one of them you know it's one of them rocks tie on the string you hang it from something if the rock is sitting there like this not moving ain't unhappy good day if the rock is wet what's it doing raining if the rock is sticking straight out that wind is blowing so now we're going to add about 3/4 of a cup of buttermilk so we're going to mix this around till we can get it to where its begins to come together and then we'll get our hands on it you may have to add just a little more liquid but we'll get to that point in just a minute to find out we're gonna go try to making this into a ball it's more consistency of a pie crust than it is a biscuit dough as you can see that's what I would call a little tough for biscuit but it's gonna make really good dumplings well folks we got her to that point to where it's in a ball if in this Oklahoma breeze can we keep some of this flour on there you want a little touch in so we're gonna put it there and we're gonna need it for just a little bit four or five times and we're gonna call that a done deal right there now I like to just sort of try to get it to where it's sort of long it's easier for me to pinch it off that way and mommy you say you get a tablespoon at a time but I just sort of like you just maybe like pull them off like that they all come in all sizes so whatever size you want to make them for how many does it make the right amount now I've known folks that want to roll them up and put them in there mama said you didn't and I'm gonna go with what she told me so I'm just gonna leave them just like this we got them all pinched off we do in the little dumpling deals we got to make sure that that is balling back over here on our chicken stock and I'm gonna give it one more stir before we go to dropping these dumplings over in there and you may hear the wind blowing on that burner so here's contestant number one down in there you go here cut my next thing this is pretty good when you ain't even got a seal if you drop one in the wrong spot I guarantee you the Beagle will catch it I like to put about half of them in there and then we're gonna give it a stir so we're gonna call that half right there and then I'm going to stir it up and I'm gonna put the rest in there and we're gonna let them just simmer there along for about five to six minutes now folks I'm gonna tell you I have had folks try to sneak in my kitchen needle Matt ray right out of the pot but I like to thicken this deal a little now you can do it with flour my mother did but I like to use cornstarch two cup full of water and two tablespoons of cornstarch cool water we stirred that up well folks you want to make sure now that this is brought back to a good rolling bowl and we're gonna pour this gradually in and stir it as our thickening agent continue to stir folks and it ain't gonna take long we're about there two to three minutes at the most but usually about two minutes and you got you some thicker sauce for that chicken and dumplings and we are nearly there [Music] well folks it is a done deal and I wish y'all was here cuz I know my mother and my grandma would pre would be proud of this old traditional southern dish now I know I hear some of you out there saying you didn't put no carrots in it no celebrate no onion it's called chicken and dumplings it wasn't called chicken and carrots and onions and peas and also leave it the old traditional method chicken and dumplings and what have I got here a serving apparatus now I'm gonna reach down in there looky there chicken and dumplings and ever scoop I need me one more of them dumplings to even the deal out y'all see me on that macaroni and cheese like I'm burnin on top out of me partners chamber I got to do a happy dance Thank You mama thank you Jesus that takes me back to when I was a child and I do love them all what I'd call really traditional sort of a pie crust dumpling pardon me well I have another I'm gonna cut one of these dumplings so y'all can see that in there now that is cooked to perfection just a little bit of doughy right there in the middle that's the way a dumpling is supposed to be lat mmm folks this is one of them flavorful meals that will stay with you forever all day long and I guarantee you double the recipe because you're gonna get addicted to this stuff you're gonna sit down and just do one of them Jethro Bodine deals where you just take it up here drink the whole thing so folks we hope you enjoyed this today as we come down here on a very windy day in southwest Oklahoma which is very common here we hope that you learned something create some brand new memories or real if something from the past but we just want to thank you so much and enjoy remember all the information will be below and I want to thank all our servicemen and women and all those who have served for keeping that old flag of flying over the top of that wagon there every day we're gonna have it there but I want to thank y'all so much for watching be sure it hit the subscribe button and I'll see you down the dumpling trail you
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,009,611
Rating: 4.9428411 out of 5
Keywords: chicken and dumplings, chicken and dumplings from scratch, chicken and dumpling soup, chicken and dumplings tasty, how to make dumplings, homemade chicken and dumplings, kent rollins, cowboy recipe, cast iron cooking, outdoor cooking, outdoor cooking channel, campfire cooking, soup recipe, easy soup recipe, dumpling recipe, best chicken and dumplings, southern comfort food
Id: pKLA2yO_jco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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