The Best Deviled Eggs | 3 Ways to Make Deviled Eggs

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hey thank y'all for dropping by guess what the Easter Bunny's on his way in but hey we're gonna help him out with the egg situation we got deviled eggs three ways a sweet a spicy and there's a secret ingredient in one come on let's hop on down there I'll see you in camp [Music] thank you all for stopping by camp we are so glad and so honored to have you because folks you have tuned in to a place to work we're just gonna bring you peacefulness happiness maybe even some excessive tail Waggin and great recipes that's what we got to share with you all because we are so glad we're watching we care about each and every one of you and we consider you all family we do and today we something that's graced every summer picnic guys have ever Easter dinner that was ever laid out there so beautiful guess what it is what you heard me talking about it deviled eggs and Ono dos and tres three ways in Oklahoma that is and oh they are good every one of them's a little different so let's talk about some tips for these deviled eggs on to and first of all folks I think the thing that reigns the bill right up there at the top number one is a fresh egg if you can find it I'm talking fresh I want you to sneak over put your hand under that chicken's butt and just sort of walk around till it loads that egg that's what I'm talking fresh but if you can't get a fresh egg or you can get their folks up I really have become fond of them Organic brown eggs cage-free they got a tougher shell on and then then white things that you can nearly hold up to the light and see through right off the bat I do love a brown egg they are some goodness they are but the next thing we're gonna talk about is you need to put your pot on that stove get you some water boiling before you ever think about putting them eggs in there okay make sure it is boiling then you can put them in a spoon or you can place them ever so gingerly in there and we're gonna let them bowl ten minutes at the least 10 minutes is what we're looking for folks that is a good hard-boiled egg when that takes place turn the fire off if you're tough like me reach in there and just grab them out of there get a spoon dip them out let's put them in something cover them with water cover them with ice now to me I really think if you look them things chill good right there then let's strain them then let's set them in the ice box hey I like to let them chill about two hours I think they even peel better that way so the number one remember I told you there's three of them we're gonna start in numerical order wheeler number one Shands recipe and who it even made the cookbook what'd you say you don't have one of these well they are available now we worked hard on putting them in there and I did follow a chicken around out there for a long time to get my eggs for Shan to create this recipe when you go to cracking these eggs I like to crack them all the way around now some of you might be thinking as you look there we even got another bowl to put these in sugar so we're gonna put them in here for right now if some of you have ever went back and watched the Scotch egg video and remember how we took them out of wou little kettle berries took them out of there and then blow the egg right out of shield you can do that if your gifted you can look at that video okay folks here we go we got this here egg now y'all have heard me call it a cackle berry a rooster bullet and some hen fruit now all of these are available and you can pick up at your local local chicken house you can make sure the neighbor ain't there he might not want you getting it so the recipe says cut them lengthwise now we're gonna do that but I like to do that with a serrated knife rather than just a sharp knife so we're just gonna take try to get right in the center and just cut right there oh my gosh so precise it is why am i doing just three when the recipe called for six because folks I've been practicing on this all week and Shan will tell you when I eat that many eggs if we have to make the whole recipe it might not be good folks so we're just doing it with three but the recipe you will get will be the complete deal three little Eggers the yolk that's what we got to get out of there folks see how they come out when they good and chilled like that and I want you to know folks that we're gonna put all these together and then we're gonna showcase it there at the end so we got our little empty shells which need to be loaded back up here in a minute so we'll put them right out there like that now I have done this different ways but it is best if you do it with a fork and I'm gonna have to get nine didn't take long I thought I left it somewhere else didn't you uh-huh yeah we're all thinking maybe it's in town [Music] now I don't like to combine nothing else before you just go ahead and let's just mash these eggs up now whoo that right there mmm that's what I call looking some good already so get them all mashed up really good and then next is going to come on the goodness so we're gonna put them right there in the middle I want you to pan over and look at that dog chin what is that dog's name Duke he has his own line of mayonnaise now Dukes so many of you southern folks have always been telling me whoa cowboy you need to get some Dukes Mayo well folks if you can find this stuff it is actually the best mayonnaise I have ever used in my life next we're gonna add some relish and folks you got to be having some kind of mustard now you can use that spicy brown mustard Dijon mustard but I'm gonna use about this much that is the correct amount now remember one was telling you there was one that was extra devilish in this deal whoo guess what it is no higher some of you out there to cowboy then broke out the potted meat no it is not y'all seen me take a picture of it earlier it is deviled ham Shannon got to tell me she used to love this stuff spread on the sandwich and when she's going school she'd have it so we're gonna add us some of that there deviled ham and next comes the mixing apparatus so just get her all back over and in this big bowl that may take just a little time but it's gonna be just right it is so we got it to this point and now would be a time to where we might need to adjust it for salt pepper maybe even a little more relish or even a little more mustard so guess what we're gonna salt and pepper it we are because I know it's going to need a little of that and then we gonna add a little salt give it another stir hmm folks you get that little bottle relish in there with that deviled ham but I sort of got a sweet tooth today so I'm just gonna add just a tad bit more of that relish the salt and pepper and the mustard in taste is what I call just right so we gonna call it at that that deviled ham in there mmm said muster knew what she's talking about when she put that in there so if it was me doing it we do it a different way but Shen says we're gonna put all this in a baggie and we're gonna pipe it in there now popping something you do to water if you're trying to get it down there to another set of cows but I'm gonna pay attention today so pardon with me while I get a baggie all right thank they're in here some of you might be asking yourself oh say cowboy want such a big baggy matches the big bowl it does I guess I'm in pretty good shape just make sure you get it all in there so we've got our little eggs in the little deal we got all our little fellers ready to be loaded there so just take you knife and cut the corner of this right out of there unless you got one of them piping bags like we used in a churro video and then Jen says make them pretty so I'm just gonna make them like that right there y'all can tell my pastry chef ability might not be as good as jokes or shams we're going all out we gonna use us some smoked paprika and you can sprinkle as heavy or as light as you see fit the wind is blowing so we gonna have to allow and get way back over here but there didn't get a little dusting on one side but folks that right there is what you called a deviled ham and egg recipes in the cookbook and it is so good but don't quit me now because we certainly get to version number two well on to round number two it is and this is what I call spicing it up just a bit we and they gonna be oh so good so you see me we don't put all the eggs in there and just like before we got to do a little mashing so get them back over here in the middle and folks we're gonna go back with that Duke's mayonnaise again I'm gonna add me some mayonnaise some lookie here honey Dijon mustard about that much now folks y'all knew I was gonna break it out sooner or later didn't you the green chilies are potently relish now they ain't got this I'll advise you to order some but if you can't get it in time how you get you some of them adobo peppers you know chipotle pepper in adobo sauce get you one out of there chop it up really good but I would put me just a little bit of white sugar in there with it because you need that sweetness for this recipe so we're gonna put about a tablespoon of that as well we're gonna add us some garlic and last but not least some Red River Ranch Mesquite because it's got some of that ancho chili now I'm just going to start with a little because we are gonna mix it again and taste it to see if we're about right but folks this is probably one of my favorites even though Shams recipe is great and I love it well we have got her mixed up but somewhere we have a spoon see y'all next week folks go ahead just eat this that is some fine dining out there so I don't think we need to adjust that taste nowhere and guess what shinza we're gonna put it in another baggie so that's what we're gonna do yep well folks we have made it to the grand finale you have stuck around through it all as you can see Becker who it is a glorious day oh glorious some of them storm clouds rolling in might even sing at Garth Brooks song after welcomed into thunder rolls I don't know but stick around with us cause this is the last one and it's got a little special kick to it right there Dean so let's go back to mashing eggs again now you're gonna notice something totally different about this recipe right off the start here in just a minute and you're gonna be thanking the cowboy Way has lost his mind no he ain't pokes he knows what's goin on this is a good deal I promise you don't think bad of me we got one egg we didn't cut in half you know why because it's going right in the mixture two we're gonna use the white to yellow and all of it because I need it for the taste and the body of the little deal so it's gonna be good you can see now I didn't match all them just pulverize them to death because I need them to be just like that but I took me something out there bacon and chopped it up with that hash knife very finely but I do know that you have to save some bacon to feed the critics so there's one critic don't get your paws on the table and here's the other one good boy they do like some bacon let's go ahead and get that bacon in there cuz this is already looking like breakfast here bacon and eggs in a deviled egg yeah you heard it right here you did it is gonna be some fine dining let me move him right here cuz we're gonna move right on to the Duke's Mayo again uh-huh and then folks right after that we're gonna have us a relish after that we gonna have just regular old mustard this time okay one thing it really bothered me when you get some mustard you know when you go to squeeze it there first ain't nothing but water always give it a good shaking and then it'll be ready to go oh and that's just the right amount right there it is mm-hmm now we're gonna go with what the W sauce the thing that can has a little trouble pronouncing and about that much yes we are gotta have a little garlic mm-hmm garlic makes everything better now folks this is where you might think to yourself it could be getting a little odd look here some honey yep - what I'm talking about 100% pure raw honey and I want to put about that much justin of it to get some sweets to it now we got a mixer all together and then we'll season it with a little salt and pepper just to see what's happened but I'm already liking the way this looks when I can see that baking in there and that honey and mustard and so that is a done deal let dog will hunt and let me tell you right there that will make your tongue reach around and slap you in the back of the head and knock your dentures out I don't care what kind of Poligrip you eating that stuff right there is good so I have baby wheel trampled I'm looking to open a pastry chef right down here it's a river if it don't rain so let me get her in there well didn't I do a good job there I did and let me tell you folks these might fast become your favorite because it's even get crazier than you thought it was to begin with member but look here chili powder yep y'all heard me right folks this goes so well with that you gotta have a little chili powder and look here it ain't got no sprinkler deal on it so you gonna have to be careful today Kent well folks I don't know if you can see it but raindrops is hitting me on the head like BJ Thomas song so I'm gonna go ahead and start with contestant number one over here that one just screams out classic old Sunday afternoon at Easter so let's move on to that really see how fast can you tag Kent and last but not least the chili powder folks that was good enough and we're doing this sort of as a Easter deal so Andy if you don't mind my friend would you pop us in some of that there bunny hop music but any later you need any but they didn't either pop pop pop whether you need easy BuddyTV I think you do do doop doop doop doop doop look out well folks even the dogs enjoyed this and I'm fitting to get wet and ain't a shame because Thank You sweet Jesus for the rain because we sure need it in this country we hope you enjoyed this everything you need to know will be down there in the little description below hey we had a good time remember this is a peaceful happy place to be I think all the servicemen and women and veterans and everybody for keeping that old flag flying over here so from our house to your house wherever that may be we love you we gonna take care of you god bless you each and every one I'll see you down the deviled egg true [Music] he's sucking out egg their queen what are we gonna do with these here little fellowship I never I got it going [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 660,584
Rating: 4.9505897 out of 5
Keywords: deviled egg, deviled eggs, deviled eggs recipe easiest, deviled eggs with bacon, deviled eggs tasty, deviled eggs southern style, deviled eggs keto, keto eggs, easy deviled eggs, deviled eggs recipe, how to make deviled eggs, egg recipe, spicy deviled eggs, outdoor cooking, cowboy recipes, cowboy cooking, keto breakfast, keto egg recipes easy, kent rollins chopped, kent rollins, kent rollins eggs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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