Classic Fried Chicken

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hello this chicken licken yummy the fried chicken I'd like to have a box I'll send somebody to get it thank you so much that didn't work out so good did it but stick around we got our recipe and never even have to leave the house [Music] oh man it is a glorious day in February here and it is so nice here in the backyard I'm so glad to be out of the house say I've had a lot of requests and we listen to you folks we do how about some good old fried chicken now I grew up eating fried chicken we raised them things now sure you can go to the grocery store and you can buy any kind of chicken you want you can get thighs wings legs drumsticks combinations half bread split breast chicken finger steak fingers but you want to save a little money that's what we're all about anymore I'll tell you for sure let's buy a chicken and cut it up ourself take him home cut him up what's what's that you said you ain't never cut up a chicken oh my gosh I thought everybody had cut up a chicken so today I've never cut up a chicken you've never cut up a chicken now huh well it's okay sugar make sure your knife is sharp so let's go ahead and take these drumsticks off and I just like to split that skin right there and then just sort of pull down and we're going to take him off now I like to do it this way to work see that break I'm taking leg and thigh all in one piece and just cut him out of there there is a leg in the thigh let's turn him over and let's get that other side you got a chicken what ain't got no legs he can't cross the road let's take them a little wingers over you can see right here we need to cut him and I just like to pull them wings to where you can see that joint in there there's a ball joint now we have chicken wind now right here where this fat line comes in where it's between the breast and the bike itself you can do this with shears or a good knife but you can see right here where it circles out and then all you got to do is just pull it around here be sure you save that skin because I want it on not this hair back don't throw him away folks I guarantee you this is where granny would get to chicken stock when she is cooking chickens down you just throw that in a pot of boiling water add your little celery a little bit of carrot a little bit of time whatever you want put it in there with it boil it down you got your own chicken stock right there at so we'll go ahead and separate the drumstick from the thigh itself cut right in the middle of that seen too worried set go ahead and pull it over like this see this bone that's coming out of there take it right here you have a drumstick and you have a five you can see right here here is the middle of that breast so I like to give him just a little cut right there turn him over give him a little pop did you hear him crack now look what we got two equal halves the chicken breast I am going to cut these breasts in half one more time so I can have an equal fryer one other thing I forgot to tell you if an you buying that chicken make sure if it says the liver the heart and the neck ain't been took out of that cavity reach in there and drag it out 2 and 1/4 cups of buttermilk then I just mix me in good old tablespoon of baking powder whisk it up well take them there pieces of chicken lay them in here because we're going to let them soak in that buttermilk for at least an hour now I want to dip them around in there and make sure everybody's covered well cover it with a piece of food slip it in the icebox as I call chené calls it a refrigerator you recognize something different do you but while that chicken was marinating in that buttermilk and it was calm soon turned into 45 miles an hour so just like we always do at times either move to the bar and or move to the house that their chicken in the icebox for an hour then I pulled it out 30 minutes ago when I pulled it out 30 minutes ago I flipped that chicken over because that way we let that chicken set out here let it warm up just a tad that's going to help so we mix this up some flour and some spices got them combined all here together Shannon will have it in the little description there below go do the shaking bait method today so we're gonna scoop some of it in here I like to start with about two cups of it go ahead and when you get a piece of that chicken just go ahead and turn him over one more time let him drip there just a tad throw him in the shake-and-bake bag remember that commercial it's shaking by key and I got to help well the Beagle and shin and watch it they say hurry up so we're gonna try to shake them all and get it done in a pretty good motion now when you take that chicken out of there it's good to let chicken set right here on this rack for about ten more minutes before you fry what's that gonna do it's gonna help that crust even get a little crispier so I'm gonna get the rest of this shook in a sack we'll get it out here and then we'll get after it so while we're letting that chicken rest over with that butter mixture on it we're going to talk about what we're frying in that is a good cast-iron skillet some good cooking oil which you can use a peanut you can use canola you can use any kind of high-tempo you can use Crisco long as you don't get that old too hot I do suggest if you're using Crisco make sure you have some type of thermometer and whatever all you're using but don't get that Crisco much over about 340 or it'll go to burning so one other things you got to have because my mom and them old women insisted on it what's that Liat I get a lot of questions on YouTube saying my cast-iron skillet ain't got no lead do you got another skillet over this and we'll fit on this one we got to have it so that chicken will cook more evenly and it will help that crust I put canola oil in here it's about yay deep which I'd say is pretty close to 3/4 of an inch now if you've got a Dutch oven you want to bring in here and you want to deep fry this stuff in it or you got one of them plug in deep fryers whatever you can do it either way I want enough oil in there that it's about halfway up on that chicken and when you put four pieces in there what's going to happen things is gonna rise up a loop I've got me a little piece of tinfoil back here in the back I don't like to clean up an old stove on the inside creeping up for about 340 degrees so I'm gonna go ahead and put this chicken in I do recommend you place that there chicken in there with some tummies now try to keep about maybe four pieces in there at a time but similar in weight we're gonna put two drumsticks and two fives in there come on check that old temperature here in just a second and make sure that it's running just pretty good since we laid that chicken in there and what are we gonna do get rid of that thermo meter put that lid on there and what's going to happen we pray we know where we do do that every meal and we're glad to but we're gonna cook it about maybe 7 8 minutes depending with the LIA dome now so stick around and watch the clock all right you got a barn and it's built like this it's like a 10 12 pitch on this 10 barn all right all these chickens and roosters is rocking around out there in the barnyard rooster flies up their own tough like fee is sitting up there perched on it and lays an egg which weighs it go rose roosters don't lay oh yeah man you you jumped on that real quick like a chicken on a junebug did you as another now folks if in your heaven to use another skillet on top of skillet that's gonna make a moisture and steam and drip down now they made them old chicken fryer skillets had them drippers on it well this too is gonna collect moisture up here in sweat a little now when we get through with this we're gonna have to clean this top one just as good as the bottom one and re season it and everything as well let's just slide this over to one side just enough that we can check this here temperature well it's running about 310 so we're gonna turn it up just about two notches we need to take a gander at it and that's a goose not a chicken you can see how things are sort of happening here let's take a look and see what whoa golden goodness and we don't have to put the lid back on there now now we want to probably cook this maybe four or five more minutes on this side but I ask you to get you one of these little thermometers that you can poke in that chicken try not to hit a bone if it got one and you need to have an internal temperature of about 165 let's just take a look through and see what's on the bottom side of this and you can see we're getting pretty close roll them around this little and you check everybody make sure that everybody's on the right page here and we'll check this old drumstick I'm gonna keep rotating them around till I hit that 165 and I'm just gonna make sure that everybody is browned sufficient now as we got them chicken out before we start that next batch we may have to regulate this whole I want to check that temp one more time we kept that a little put them in there put the lid on about five to eight minutes on that first side took the lid off turn them over probably five to seven eight minutes again but you have to rotate them around till you reach that temperature set them over there and let them cool let's get some more of this Yardbird in that grease I like that crunch that chicken has so so tender and juicy nice and crunchy hmm that is some good chicken right there folks I'm gonna have another bite just to make sure mmm big that is so tender so juicy you're gonna love it get them folks around the table get you some mashed potatoes some gravy corn on the cob green beans anything you don't bless it and share in the food and a good time buy you a thermometer if you don't have one you're gonna need it you're gonna need a set of tongs make sure your skillets got a lid on it get your frying station set up to where it's handy to where you're working try to cover your surface so you don't make it such a big mess we appreciate you starting outside with uh sorry the wind up but hey that's Oklahoma in February anything can happen me and Shannon want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts god bless you each and every one there will be a link for all this right below the video in the description and if you need to make some gravy we got a gravy video in there to hit the subscribe button and cockadoodledoo its to eat some chicken B do you want do you want to bite good boy huh you're a sweet puppy you are
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,278,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fried chicken, southern fried chicken, chicken, cast iron, cast iron skillet, dutch oven, outdoor cooking, camp cooking, ranch cook, chuck wagon, food network, chopped, grilling, cowboy, cowboy recipes, cowboy cooking, crispy fried chicken, how to fry chicken, best fried chicken, how to cut up a whole chicken, sunday supper recipe, southern stlye fried chicken, buttermilk fried chicken
Id: FtY0zUI7dKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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