Beef Bourguignon with Julia Child | Cowboy Remake Beef Stew

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Solid video. The stew looks delicious. A little wine pairing....dont mind if I do.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Thecoolhands 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey in this week's episode we're taking a hearty beef stew made famous by Julia Child beef bourguignon but we're simplifying it and putting a cowboy twist on it so come on let's ride on into camp [Music] we thank y'all for stopping by the wagon this week and who Julia Child for I can remember sitting in my grandma's living room floor about 6 or 7 years old what was we watching we didn't get but two channels ABC and PBS and who was only Julia Child but I could tell that lady had something that I do in common and that is what she cooked from the heart so we're gonna take her recipe use some of her tips change it just a little cowboy wait up put a new saddle on it and we're gonna fix it our way now Julia is she fixed beef you see beef boring both borg borg and beef rhythm to me war genome eats only read word but one thing that means you you do agree on so very much and that is quality meat to start this out now still is not a hard dish to prepare don't buy stew meat just don't go to the butcher and say hey could you give me 3 to 4 pounds of stew me you never know where they might have cut it off from or where it's coming from but today we're using a chuck roast when you get good quality meat and start with it you're just gonna end up with a better product and you can see this chuck roast it weighs about two and a half pounds so I really needed two of them because I'm shooting for about four pounds of meat here but look there is a road map just like Julia told me so many years ago all these seams and little flaps that's where we're gonna cut now I have known some butchers just you just take a knife and cut them here and then cut it again you're getting all the connective tissue the membrane and everything out and it's gonna be tough so let's just separate this out the way it's supposed to be and you can see where you're supposed to cut there is a guideline there so just keep pulling it apart and I really want you to go back and look at that or maybe Shannon I'll have you a link because Julia was swoo she was pretty down on stew me and she said when you get them little old pieces of scrap that might be like this right here is in a stew meat package I seen or just take it and do what you you show them what you did too so you know Julia took hers and she throwed hers but not me culinary advice one for the Duke ER and one for the B so here's another scene what happens just cut that out now we got another piece of meat we're gonna follow this line right on down here cut that out then we can go back and cut this into what we call the right size of meat now Julia when she was doing her version she was going about like this right here well folks you can just fit one of them in a bowl at a time I'm gonna speed this cooking time up and I'm gonna go ahead and cut them in about 1-inch pieces about like so this way I know I'll have a little quicker cook time and any of that fat that you trim off there just discard or slide down here to your taste tester approval you see me take about eight slices of that thick cut bacon and then cut it in little inch pieces put it out here at us about a tablespoon of olive oil or two and cook that bacon down now you've seen when I got that out with that slotted spoon deal and mash that grease out of it because I want to save every bit of that bacon grease that we can get it is very important that we have it then I took me about five carrots or which is two cups and two whole white onion and sort of dice them up we're gonna dump them all right in here and we're just gonna let them go to browning and cooking and get your tender gonna take 8 to 10 minutes we need to season that with a little salt and pepper now this is where me and Julie you might differ a little too I do love me some carrots if I'm gonna have stood carrots are gonna be in it I like to give it some of that bacon grease flavor let them onions get in there with it when we get to the point that the onions are browned and ready to go we need to go ahead and mince 4 garlic cloves put them in there give it a cooking for about a minute because you don't want to burn that garlic stir them continuously or they will burn then we'll transfer this all over into a Dutch oven well that cube meat it is time to put it to use now you got to remember when you have that 4 to 5 pounds of cubed meat like this you're not going to just do all this at one time and it is very important as Julia told you to you want to pet this meat dry before where you ever begin to season it you can season with salt and pepper but why would you when you could have some of this Red River Ranch original so just give it a pretty generous coating all the way around and we'll sort of rub that in toss it about and give it some more on the other side now at this point when we know that's meats dry we can go ahead and put in here and it's a little easier to mix up with the seasoning on it so let's dry this other out as we're being watched so carefully by quality control here to make sure that not even a drop of beef is hits the ground well we got all in the skillet as you can see it is hot I want to hear that sizzle our meat is patted dry and you ready to go in like I say don't overcrowd these things because we want them to get brown on all three and a half to four sides however many they got now folks we ain't browning them all the way plumb through done I'm just wanting to brown the outside edges really good didn't little transfer that batch over into the Dutch oven and do the second batch well we got all our meat browned up we did it and you see me do a little bit of that classical French cooking that I seen from Julia what was it i deglaze my pan it was a little bit of wine let her get all that goodness right up there come off the bottom pull that right back in here next what is deglazing deglazing is the sediment that you have in the bottom of the pan the residue that's comes from browning meat or something that you've cooked in there then you want to deglaze it you've turned all that loose to where it brings up all that flavor and you get to keep it so remember that baking that we had there that we had to use let's put it in there pearl onion now folks we need to have a little talk about pearl onions now if you're really in a bind and you don't know what you get your wife for Christmas we run you through some thread down through here let these drag oh it's not a like that oh and the reason I like to use them in this particular dish is it holds its shape even after it's cooked so you get to cook you get to eat this whole little onion and folks you need to use a pretty stout red wine something that's pretty dry I would even say maybe it's even bitter three to four cups of beef broth I wanted to go ahead and just come up to where it covers plum up above all the meat and everything else so you'll see it when it gets to that point it may take all of it it may just take three a little bit of time about that much which is the right amount two tablespoons of tomato paste we just take some of that liquid right out of there I want to get us all the way mixed up that way we've gotten those humps bumps bumps or contusions so when you got it to this point let's give it a good mix and get the thyme and tomato paste everybody all joined in there together y'all know red wine has got a lot of acid in it if you got you a new piece of cast iron don't be doing this in it okay because it is hard on seasoning this whole thing's about 35 years old been seasoned and seasoned and seasoned again sure it's hard on it but it can be done well you've seen us bring it back over to the fire give it a little stir there we just want to bring it back to just a really good simmer all the way around and when that gets to simmering like that let's go ahead and put it over here on a tall trivet you see me dry out the ground because the good Lord is blessed as we got a little rain then we'll go pretty light coals around the outside edge on the bottom pretty heavy on top we won't want to maintain that little simmer in effect all the way through now if you're doing this in the house you're going to run 300 and you want to keep eye on this you just want to keep that constant little simmer in effect going there for about an hour and a half we want that meat to be good and tender if you're doing this outside in a Dutch oven remember we can maintain our heat here by the height of our trivet and the amount of colds that we have now we will have to rotate that lid one way bottom the other just to keep it's a good even heat surface all the way around now the reason you've got it in a vessel like this it's got a good lid that seals over there it's not to be taken off now if you need to check that in the oven about 35 to 45 minutes in that's fine take you a quick pic make sure it ain't bowling real hard you just want to keep that simmer but that lid needs to stay on there and shut the oven door [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we checked the meat and it ain't fur off its getting pretty tender so I took me about two tablespoons of olive oil and two tablespoons of butter put it in the skillet let it get good and melted we have 1 pound of mushrooms that we have thinly sliced and we don't cook them in there and I think as Julia would say we gonna saute we just want to cook them 8 or 10 minutes until they get good and brown but give everybody a good raking around there just so they get some of that butter back on them well I would call them somewhat brown so let's get this other remaining 2 tablespoons of butter 3 I mean sorry we'll let it melt and then we're gonna take about 3 tablespoons of flour mix in with this and see if we can't get this to thicken a little now you just want to slowly sprinkle that flour in as that butter melts that way we get as a thickening agent you can see we got this all browned up well everything is good try to get that scraping off the bottom because we need it all to be over here in our little pot of stew and in it goes we need a little garlic salt in there folks to finish this off go back to the fire here and let that simmer for about 15 minutes to see if this thickens up some folks there is just so much great flavor that is blended in this pot when you put the mushrooms back in there with the flour it just thickens this up to where it's just the right consistency now my sweet friend Julia she would serve this by itself dip it off there not so much of the broth put it on a plate and then she would serve out of it maybe with a side of broccoli or something like that me I'm going a cowboy version all out full force you know what that is in their shame no mashed taters that's how I like to serve this dish now I'm gonna reach down in there and get me a big old honking dipper fool and I'm gonna ladle it right there on top of them mashed potatoes little mushrooms falling right off there I gotta have one more character even the battle out as my good friend Justin Wilson would say and I wonder did he know Julia Child because I'm telling you I guarantee you this is gonna be good I'm part of this with some wine what time whatever they had on sale today folks I promise you that and get you some of them mashed taters to go with it [Music] the flavors are outstanding the wine I think it just sort of brings it all together but when you can mix it with the mushrooms mmm it's just a great great broth that's with a great cut of meat remember don't buy stew me me and you you both told you get you a chuck roast you can cut it yourself you're saving money serve this however you want whether it's with a piece of garlic bread dipped off down there and that folks pardon me but this video is gonna take you about 20 more minutes for y'all to watch because I may eat the whole bow full well we hope you enjoyed this because we sure did and I think Julia would've too if she'd have been here as always I salute our all our servicemen and women and our veterans and all the spouses who are left at home as those folks are serving wherever they may be we tip our hat to you also now folks I ask you please check out the website there is a lot of new stuff that is there christmas is here it's time to shop remember new cookbooks coming out March 17th but if you want to make sure you get a copy one of the first ones pre-order there will be a little link down there below where you can see all this and as my good friend you you would say see you next time on f15 hope you have a blessed holiday season and I'll see you down the beef bourguignon trail
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 451,765
Rating: 4.9691224 out of 5
Keywords: beef bourguignon, beef bourguignon recipe, boeuf bourguignon, how to make beef bourguignon, how to make boeuf bourguignon, beef stew, julia child, julie and julia, stew recipe, beef bourguignon julia child, easy beef stew, beef stew recipe, french beef stew, red wine recipe, cast iron cooking, dutch oven recipes, dutch oven stew, how to make beef stew, stew meat, stew meat recipes, cowboy recipes kent rollins, Red Dead Redemption recipe, valentines day recipe
Id: _BClG9tUTAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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