Smothered Steak / Salisbury Steak with Homemade Mushroom Gravy Recipe

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hey y'all looking to travel down memory lane but you ain't got time to drive that far well I got you fixed up an old classic dish that will take you there right from the start smothered steak with a homemade mushroom gravy get in the car and let's go to draft [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by camp today my name is Kent Rollins and we're gonna do a little cowboy cooking what do we do we do a lot of grilling we do a lot of cast-iron care Dutch oven cooking but hang on folks cause you're in for a treat today an old classic dish that my mother fix so many times smothered steak with a homemade mushroom gravy yeah you heard me right homemade I'm getting on the fancy today I am just for y'all now this goes back to an old classic dish of mine that my mother's served so many times because we'd have a piece of old tough steak laying out there in the deep freeze that she had throw out bring that sirloin in there and she'd take a saucer to it so many years ago and just run that saucer back and forth across it till she got it tenderize just a little so we're gonna use as a piece of sirloin as always the recipe will be posted right there below and anything you need to know Shands got it there so let's get this old Comfort classic food dish underway well folks we have put us four tablespoons of butter in there and let it melt now we need to keep that butter from burning so what's going to help that three tablespoons of olive oil which is about that much give it a good start I'm gonna let it come back to nearly a simmer and then we're going to throw in half of a white onion that has been chopped and keep stirring that till they get good and tender well as the fancy folks say we have got the onions to the translucent stage so what comes next 8 ounces of sliced mushroom now I'm using today a baby portobello mushroom pretty little rascals they are - they're mushrooms that we done got throwed in there let's add two minced garlic cloves really well keep a stirring because we sure don't want that garlic to burn hmm that is a great smell coming out of that little Dutch oven in about 15 minutes or 12 whichever Bertha's got in mind today they're mushrooms will get really softened see them mushrooms have turned a little golden brown and they begin to soften now so we need something to add a little thickness to this so we're gonna put 3 tablespoons of flour now you got to stir this pretty rapidly now we just want them mushrooms to get a little of that coating that flower that's on there so it'll be good and too flavorful and next comes the fancy part of this dish what is that a peanut Guercio I think is what Shan told me it is that how you say that Shan peanut peanut God's ratio Pinot Grigio oh you're gonna taste it for us okay you test it will I get my stirring stick is it still good we're gonna take this here peanut wine whatever it is and we're going to use 1 cup we're going to stir this and cook it until it is reduced down by about half well Bertha took a 5-minute step into about a five-second step she don't regulate heat real well she shares it on high she gets chance folks nephews cooking this in the house you would let it reduce down and probably cook for about five minutes two years about half there Bertha ain't got a nob and she was in a hurry so I'm gonna set this right over to the edge of this to slow it down just a little when I add four cups of chicken broth so get her stirred up to where there ain't no clumps nowhere and we're gonna bring this back to a good rolling simmer bowl give it a little salt and pepper and a little salt what time is it you know what time it is it's time to add the thyme at this point it is and I like to use me about three of these sprigs I'm pretty proud shannon introduced me to this stuff it is pretty good stuff it is so just get them leaves in there and out here you can do this discard I'm out there in a pasture maybe some of it'll grow wild if it gets a chance and I can pick it later now we are gonna add a cup and a half a heavy cream which is gonna give it that richness and I like that stuff I do will bring this back to a good bowl let her cook for about maybe 10 minutes and then it'll be ready to go on to the meat will well that mushroom soup is over just simmering right there on Bertha let's go ahead and prepare this meat now I'm going to use a tenderizing hammer to this sirloin and I'm not just gonna beat it flat like beef jerky I just want to give it some love taps you can see that about like this yeah and say folks have been asking that did not happen with a hammer nor a tool it happened with a handyman Jack up again a trailer so if you don't want to use a meat tenderizing hammer hey let's go back to the way that we prepare steak get you some lime juice rub on there let it sit for me then we're gonna put meat tenderizer on it and seasonings set it in the icebox about two hours but today folks I sort of like this hammer well we have all got them tenderized a little and there's probably if you was to figure it up maybe about four six to eight ounce pieces and you can see the meat inspector is here he heard that there was meat there I like to use me some of that Red River Ranch mesquite seasoning and if you ain't got none channel heavy I'll link up there where you can to get some and I like to season it whale all over rub it in will make sure everybody's got some now if you don't have some sirloin steak you could use some cube steak I've even done this with hamburger patties when I was on ranches and in a tight hey it's the same principle turn them over let's make mature we get that other side season will folks we're gonna do them do do do them to do do do do like do I could do what can do what you do Roger Miller mmm-hmm yeah we're gonna do these just like my mother did so many years ago just a light sprinkling a flower on there shake it off do the other side make sure everybody gets a little coating it's gonna help give them a little Brown in effect a little quicker but it's also gonna help it taste oh so much better now got me a 10-inch filled skillet here and I'm gonna add me three tablespoons avocado over that says extra virgin so let's get us some of that there soloing runner back over here make sure they got some grease under and we'll probably do about three pieces at a time now we're just going to cook this till we lightly brown that flour on both sides that's gonna help it with that taste but also some of that flyer that's on there going to help thicken up that mushroom soup as we continue to cook it won't take long to brown these has done her job we've been on about a minute we have and you can see that's about the color I'm after I just want them to brown up just a tad and it don't take her long when these come out of there folks I'm going to put them right in that shroom soup over there give them a little slushing to get them down to the bottom and you'll be good to go then so folks if you're doing this in the house make sure you have at least a 12-inch cast-iron skillet pre-heat your oven to about 375 degrees Brown your meat in that skillet have your soup already done pour it over the top slip them onions right on top slipper in their oven let it bake about 45 to 50 minutes mmm then you can call me well we thinly sliced that other half of that white onion into little rings here and we're just gonna scatter them out across the top some of them did accidentally fall on Bertha you don't lost that one we did but we got two out of three survivors there what happens next just a little more salt and pepper on top then we're going to take it out there put some coals underneath and on top of it and go to cooking well you see me put a ring of coals around a little further than normal on the outside edge because folks I'm looking for a slower cooking time now slower we cook this in this Dutch oven today the tinder that meat is going to become now sure in the house you're cooking it 375 degrees for 45 to 50 minutes but out here we put us a pretty heavy ring but it's pretty good ways off from there loaded the top up a little more we'll rotate it because that breeze is blowing normally I try to go at least 30 to 35 but we're getting a microwave breeze so things it's happening [Music] I mean stick a fork in it it is done this dog will hunt all day long it will now you see me about 20 minutes in there go ahead and scoop them coals up as they begin to a shout a little and keep that hard simmer just going probably cooked out here in the great outdoor kitchen maybe 30 33 minutes something like that but everything is good reach down in there that meat would come apart with a fork you can see that good golden color that that mushroom soup has got in there and the smell when I took that lid off it brought a blue herring in from 38 miles away it was so good the way I like to serve this rascal is I like to go ahead in there and give me some of them gravy with them some of them mushrooms and onions and put him right there first and then find me a piece of meat and he looks like a good lay them right down in there and I don't save me some mashed potatoes the Beagle off of them I did you got a have a little mashed taters with this deal so we're gonna put them right there on the side and what does that call for you heard it right right here you did live in breaking news more gravy I wish you was here gosh brings back so many memories from walking into my mama's kitchen when I was about 10 or 11 years old and smelled this coming out of there hmm praise the Lord pass of biscuits it'll take a pan fool to stop that gravy up that is some kind of fine dining hang on a minute I'm feeling pretty lucky today hang on a minute I got a call it's Campbell's Soup people they want me to make this and sell it that mushroom soup is probably the star of this show it is now you cook that up there and onions and butter started it off with a great flavor and a great taste but the thing that kicked it over the top the cream and the wine now you might be telling yourself I can't cook this with wine because I don't drink well folks we don't cooked it long enough that the wine and alcohol done bowled out of it but the taste that's that peanut Kuroshio gives to it oh it is out of this world the meat cooks in there and simmers in that broth just long enough that it gets good and tender well folks hope you enjoyed today cuz I sure did one of my most favorite meals of all times to fix hands got everything you needed in the little description below and be sure and hit the subscribe button and the bail and share the food and the videos with your neighbor because the world needs more good neighbors we do I want to continue to thank all our servicemen and women and all our veterans for keeping that old flag flying high above their and you better stick around now cause coming up the next week guess what it is Santa Claus might drop by camping give us a ho ho ho and fix some of his favorite dishes that's coming up so Jenn we don't left out a really important part we got to see how big the meat inspector we better see if it's fit to eat what you think he says it'll work folks so as always me and Shannon appreciate y'all taking time out of your busy day to watch our videos god bless you one and all and see you down the smothered steak tree
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 483,719
Rating: 4.9726048 out of 5
Keywords: salisbury steak recipe, smothered steak, mushroom soup, mushroom gravy, cube steak recipes, cube steak gravy, outdoor cooking channel, campfire cooking, how to make salisbury steak gravy, how to make smothered steak in oven, comfort food cooking, dutch oven recipes camping, cast iron skillet steak, easy mushroom sauce, how to make mushroom soup, how to make mushroom gravy, cowboy recipes, kent rollins, comfort food, how to cook steak tender, classic recipe
Id: -vcVtHNKoEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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