Traditional Huevos Rancheros

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folks not only is it a great day above the grass but here's a great morning to have an old traditional dish Spanish and Mexican and heritage huevos rancheros I was taught by an old man out there in silver and city New Mexico who knew how to put the greatest sauce in the world to make this a winner so stick around you're gonna love this [Music] good morning to you well it's morning here I don't know when it is when you're watching this but we welcome you to some cowboy cooking with me Kent Rollins my little great producer Shannon and bagel the security and food critic who is always on duty we thank you so much for stopping by this morning who it is a great day and who do we have a treat for you but before we get into that remember as always Shan will have everything that we used in this video and the recipe in the description and the little deal below the video so what are we making today well folks I heard of this dish a long long time ago but I did never know what it was when I was little and when I started guide nail hunters in southwest New Mexico in the Gila in the 1980s and y'all might have and Shannon have you a link right up there above for the refried beans that this old Spanish man taught me now the uncle he did like some huevos rancheros that means ranchers eggs who they are good and him and that old Spanish man would sit out there around the fire it didn't matter if it was breakfast dinner time lunch time any time if they had them a cerveza which they did most of the time they were also gonna have some huevos rancheros and to me folks that old man told me it's all about the sauce and that is probably one of the most important things we do in the old traditional way that this old Spanish man told me so many years ago out there so what are we gonna do to start this little sauce get you a sauce pan that's big enough to hold this which is probably gonna be a medium size unless you want to double the recipe and cook a whole bunch for folks get you bacon so folks we're gonna put us enough water in there to cover all this stuff that we're fixing the bowl so you may have to add some to it when you get all the players in the field okay two jalapenos two Serrano's now I'm going to tell you right off the bat if you're a little heat sensitive get you maybe one jalapeno and one Serrano then I'm gonna use two medium-sized white onions for this I'm gonna use four garlic cloves in there and I'm going to use four roma tomatoes folks make sure before you drop them tomatoes over in that boiling water to make sure you core that stem out of there and pull them out we don't need it in now put all that in the sauce pot like I say you may have to add a little water and I'm gonna give you a tip there in a trick when you peel these onions and you cut them try to cut them through the center of the root and lead the root on the bottom we'll get rid of it later that way you don't have to try to fish all these onions out while you're trying to get on that root will hold that half together and that half together so it's easier to dig it out of there we're probably going to Bowl this stuff about maybe 10 to 12 minutes or until the tomatoes are soft enough that you can peel them now I like to take me a slotted spoon or something like that when this gets done and just set them aside to where they can cool now my mother would probably tell me if you put them mater's in some cold water when you take them out of there better be easier to peel and you can do that if you wish cut there Hal opinio the stem off of it and it in a Serrano cut them off now if you're really heat sensitive scrape the seeds in the vein out of there okay but folks leave it in there so you'll know what that bites all about then go ahead and put them peppers in a blender then I want you to take them onions cut the root off of them get you them writers out of there one at a time take your little knife and just go to peeling that skin off of them we don't want none of that skin as you get one peeled chunker in the blender throw them four garlic cloves that we bowled in there with it in that blender also but now what are we going to do get two fresh garlic cloves and chunk them in there too and I chopped up two of them guajillo ancho chiles dried take the stem out shake the seeds out chop them up really well put them in there too now we're ready to blend the whole deal up get it good and smooth all right now that saucepan that we got this all out of there make sure you pull that water out okay then dump everything that's in that blender down in there folks what time is it it's time to start the fire have stryker will travel and you can notice as shannon's watching this we have art multi-facet didn't wind break again today in southwest Oklahoma use anything you can for a wind break because it is gonna blow on occasion now we're going to bring that to a pretty good bowl then I'm going to turn it down just a little we're just going to let it simmer for about 10 minutes well folks it has come to that magical time that it is done so what are we gonna do I'm gonna take it over here and let Bertha play a little part she can keep this warm while we get the rest of this going so what comes next fries up some corn tortillas yeah corn tortillas and folks they got to be fried up in bacon grease you ain't got no bacon grease whoa stop it right there go fry you up about 75 pieces of bacon that way you're gonna have some grease I'm gonna take me a pretty good tablespoon full layer in that field skillet which is getting hot I got me a 12-inch Dutch oven that Bertha has preheated for me over here to keep these tortillas in when they get done you ain't got that you can put them in your oven keep them warm wrap them in a towel whatever you need to do to keep them warm but keep them Rascals warm so yeah we're gonna keep them warm ain't no good if they cold I mean well it is time folks the bacon grease has got hot too corn tortillas can you hear that sizzle that's what I'm after and I like to just go ahead and flip them down that way that Greece has got a good hope we're gonna let them until they bubble up just a tad you'll see it see here they got them a little bubbles already taking place folks so what we're gonna do flip it over now a lot of people would say you ought to put them on a paper towel can't and drain that grease off of them what is wrong with you that bacon grease is giving flavor that's why it's going to stay that tortillas is there now at this point in time when I'm making these I like to put a little cheese on them right now so they'll just have something there to keep them happy until I get back to put the lid back on them and that is hot and if you didn't think you might not have had enough bacon grease add you a little bit of old to this because I need some good frying action well we here - cackling berries need a little bit of pepper we're a lot however much you want to put on it all right now folks when you've got a good season cast iron skillet and you can see them eggs is touching just to take it well we got here from a good friend dawn up there a bo dark spatula now I like to take it and make sure that it's got some some grease on it and that grease is hot folks I just want to tell you but mo fingers been burned enough they don't really realize it because we have to lubricate that end of it to get in top of these cackle berries now you see me cut them hung up you see me cut them in in two so let's flip them over get around there here he comes he's wanting to participate why I'm gonna take this filled skillet set it right there that makes its gonna stay hot too what we do there makes is over easy put one right there look at that little shimmy shake in that one see that in there got a little shimmy shake - what comes next folks I like to put me a little more cheese on there a lot of folks won't serve these with hash brown maybe some rice maybe some beans but I'm going old style right now and you know what's coming next some of this here sauce you can see as Shan zooms in here that's pretty thick that's what I'm after and see how good thick that is what comes next cuz you can't never have too much of it she's and I'm using a little blend here whatever you want when we cut that egg look at that that juice come running right out of there just give him a little time to get all over that tortilla get you some of that sauce mixed in there folks this takes me back to Silver City New Mexico in the 1980s huevos rancheros now folks that corn tortilla down there we didn't fry him alone because if you do he will get tough that bacon grease is gonna help keep him soft and that is what the traditional way is with corn tortilla you get that pull it up through there get that egg that cheese but the sauce and the sauce is the star of this deal folks and folks there is plenty of sauce in that there sauce pot and you can use it on more edge you can put it over scrambled eggs you can use this a salts of any kind you can put that stuff in the icebox and reheat it up because this right here is fine down it and I think that old man out there in Silver City New Mexico for giving me this long many years ago so remember folks Shannon will have the recipe listed right there in the little deal below and she'll have your link you can click on for the refried bean recipe cuz who they would go good good a Giga because they would go good with this dish I promise you and y'all hear me say I promise you a lot and Shannon says I sometimes say it too much but I promise you I don't take it for granted that you watch these videos that me and Shan make we appreciate each and every one of you I would like to have a shout out to my good friend John overseas for keeping little America going strong my friend tip my hat to your brother and keep cooking up the good food now remember y'all see it flying there in the background whole glory thank them all all of them servicemen and women and all them veterans and everybody that has ever served to keep this country like it is because that's the way I like it so what do you do now share the food share the video be sure to hit that subscribe button over there and you can also keep up with us if you didn't know consent is big on what she calls social media Instagram Facebook Twitter cowboy Kent Rollins we got you covered but remember we're gonna be in Branson first depart October so if you folks live within a 48-hour driver there come on over we'll be glad to see you hope you enjoyed god bless you each and every one huevos rancheros Rangers eggs and guess what it is a great day we just reached a quarter of a million subscribers on YouTube let's give it up for the producer that is shin cutting folks I'm gonna do something right now that I think that needs to be done let me have that camera this to me at sugar no it's okay so we're going to let Shan have a bike because everybody tells me poor Chandi and get nothing to eat you're so weak from not being able to eat and so long you can't even cut that tortilla [Music] there we go here it comes folks she does gonna get her bite there we go yes [Laughter]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,493,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: huevos rancheros recipe, huevos rancheros, how to fry an egg, how to fry an egg in cast iron skillet, traditional huevos rancheros, cast iron skillet recipes breakfast, cast iron skillet recipe, mexican breakfast, how to cook in cast iron, tex mex, campfire cooking, outdoor cooking channel, huevos rancheros sauce, huevos rancheros salsa, authentic huevos rancheros, best huevos rancheros recipe, mexican eggs, easy huevos rancheros, cinco de mayo recipe
Id: IYhnyp-xKTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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