OLD ANTIQUE TOYS I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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Hales low howl the hills are yeah well here back at the warehouse we're getting ready to dig back into the 210 dollar unit that had these huge jewelry box some of those items such as the portable dishwasher the actual dishwasher I've already sent off to auction and the couch it was pretty nasty ripped up that's been put out on the curb lawn but we stopped the unboxing of everything else now many of you want to see that $500 unit that George and I bought last weekend George and I are going to go pick it up tomorrow so tomorrow evening you'll get to see what's inside that but until then we got to finish up this $210 unit today so let's dig in box number one we're gonna do this without the flash in the warehouse because I know all the orbs you know you guys fear those just like I do so no flash no orbs let's see what we've got here we've got a little purse and no identification on it unfortunately and it doesn't look like anything in it it's already been already been gone through so set that aside look at this we've got a Kellogg's Kellogg's mug here - smacks I packed that for George for breakfast this morning we got Tony the Tiger and somebody named Ronald we even got the raisin brand son inside huh it's kind of cool we've got another mug here look at this boss fearless leader the chief big wheel boss boss boss boss boss boss you guys thinking what I'm thinking we need to take this home and give it to George I think this is George's new mug she's gonna get that I'll take that home set that aside we got towels in here I'm gonna go ahead and donate the towels we've got a Sony CD DVD player doesn't look like blu-ray hopefully the actual remote is in here - we've got this looks like a Nintendo Wii wires I would be okay with that yeah this is a Nintendo Wii so we got some video game wires in here it looks like we've got power protector looks like we've got some old toys look at this here this looks like an old tin toy it is it is an old tin toy Oh careful careful careful careful some of you guys know there's another one attached no no no no it's a carry Hey ha ha yes look at this look at this look at that tow truck Wow let's see now I've been selling these for quite some time I've got a couple I've been selling them for a couple hundred bucks so this toy right here could potentially pay for the entire unit 210 not sure what it says maybe some of you guys know what it says let's look at the other side maybe we've got a crank here my guess is there was a crank at some point and there's the string there was a crank at some point and you would pull whatever you were pulling right up here so maybe there is another vehicle to this but man these old tin toys are so cool love them love them love them we need maybe we're gonna find more in here let's find out we got Crown Royal you know what we got this this is a Sega Genesis wireless controller I know my Sega two of them we've got two Sega Genesis wireless controllers and we've got the classic game console right there there's for the Sega Genesis my favorite system ever created in the comments tell me what was yours my older brother's was Nintendo the original NES mine was Sega Genesis they all loved Sega Genesis at one time my goal was to own every Sega Genesis game they ever made and I got very close and then I paid for all of my college by selling my collection looks like we got a million different cords and ends here for cellphones scandisk we're gonna set that aside let's see what we have here this this tote just looks amazing so far alright we've got four trucks this has three dollars two pages this looks like old advertisement for Ford trucks so they were buying now here's another one behind it yeah this is old Ford truck advertisements cool three bucks a piece they paid for it looks like they've got some stuff here 2003 escape 2003 Explorer I don't think there's too much collectible about that that'll go straight into recycle bowl we have here United States of America seal the Great Seal 1776 direct handcrafted I wonder if this is worth anything DC 6500 huh we're gonna have to look that up now you guys have more time to look this stuff up than I do so if you look it up let me know because I'll get home I'll have to edit video for almost probably 6 hours tonight get the video up pass out and then get on the road and go pick up another one look at this old Jersey train right there I love this tote oh my goodness this is some other cool stuff down in the bottom I love this tote the toys are my thing that's what I enjoy okay so we got New Jersey Central that's the only one it looks like we've got there with that I wonder what is around there's some other cool toys down there we're gonna get to I can see them there's Tommy jeans sweatshirt that'd just be donated we got a piece of art that looks like skull art probably did it on their own those who wonder if I look behind every piece of art for money the answer is yes I usually do that off-screen afterwards because it takes too much time there's another hand-drawn piece of art okay we got the Hershey's chocolate company nothing inside just a little tin but here we go we're getting some more video game pieces and cords here's to the we here's for the week this is what we want another tink truck down look at this oh yeah look at that I love it love it another one I just sold a blue one this is called the blue pumpkin I just sold a blue one a month two months ago for 175 there you go there's I should probably should turn the flash on I am gonna turn the flash on in the next box so everybody can see everything even though we're gonna be inundated by orbs Wow now it looks like we could be missing a piece right up here probably flashers but even with that missing piece this probably still is gonna sell we got a couple other old toys down here look at this cast iron how cool is that I wonder how old this thing is my goodness got an odd little mirror there say hi to yourself yep that's what I'm recording on this I'm Samsung s7 and we've got a couple other little Cobra Ford a mirror a couple couple flashlights this one what a great tote I do have the flash back on and so no doubt there's gonna be orbs everywhere so you tell me what you like orbs or no orbs let's dig into this duffle bag again I always like to do the sides first oh we got to rip in there look at that we got some canned goods but it's ripped I like to do the sides of front because I don't know why I like to do that I just it's part of my system I checked the sides first and then I go into the front nothing in them this thing's in pretty rough shape though let's see what we got okay looks like looks like somebody started to knit a scarf look at that it's kind of sharp in it no no they finished it it looks actual finished it's kind of a nice scarf there somebody's gonna enjoy that find that at Goodwill oh we got a bottle of carpenters glue I don't have any doubt that's no good anymore all right let's see if we can dig in a bit here remember always go through the clothes feel them now everybody always asked me Jeremy do you put your hands in the pockets do you check everything I don't and the reason I don't is because I deal with so much volume it would take me forever and I think we have a snow white look at that we've got a snow white outfit we sure do yeah I guess no white outfit in there I'm gonna set this aside I'll go through that on my own and look at that look at that about two o'clock I haven't eaten anything since a cereal bar this morning York Peppermint Patties I think it's Christmas look plus see let's see what it looks like huh to eat or not to eat that is the question Oh hmm hmm when you're hungry you're desperate you do anything right just survival at this point oh we could wash it down with some chocolate cheesecake hazelnut that would go even better see what else we have here playing cards we got Oh broody Brody Brody in company ello Brody Greenglass I don't know if that's depression or not where we have here pipe guard wrap on pipe guards need that up here I found some money but it's only a picture of money and a blurry one at that you probably don't want to see who that is what else do we have some kind of part two something other than that we got the random sandals the one shoe and we got the broccoli cheese heaven here oh we got Darth Vader yeah we got Darth Vader with electronic masks let's see let's press some buttons that one doesn't do anything huh maybe if we press some of these maybe not okay this one doesn't do anything three two one well it's gas of adjustments here probably needs new batteries it looks like you wear it like a welder's helmet it's kind of cool see what's this this looks old webbing strapping oh look at that you know what this is this is the old the old film rolls and take my gloves off yeah that's exactly what it is it's the old film roll look at that let's see vodka or gin for next vodka or gin for next weekend okay there's a note in there that says and this says AMVETS Department of Ohio so they needed vodka and gin for all the AMVETS and this video let me just read this off screen for a second and see if it tells us what it is it does not tell us what it is it does tell us when the video was shown 71 71 70 one seventy one seventy two seventy two and it tells you where how many people were in attendance who it was shown by the name of the film is the AMVETS story that's what the film is right up there now I see it name of the film the AMVETS story how cool is that and we have it huh wow wow wow wow so this is from the 70s then the AMVETS story the original film man I bet I bet some people would love to have that part of their collection see what else we have here we've got we got a little guest purse with come on big moon in well better than money peanut butter cookie recipe you can't go wrong with peanut butter cookies you just can't there's no way to go wrong with those nothing in the purse we got to excuse me we got a belt this looks brand new and we're gonna go ahead and donate that more belt buckles and pieces see we got little little tin arees here got some nuns this is this look this is George if I ever pass before her [Music] look it's George see those eyes we got oh and it's it's their sisters my oldest I get these nuns these nuns got a little bit of issue I never met a nun that Duns is that never met a nun that does that and look there's three of them okay moving on we've got a chair we got a chair with with a little little area there what's this oh you know we are always finding female pleasure toys aren't we let's turn in I'll oh I bet that would do the trick all right let's make sure we a good thing we got gloves on let's set that aside some string this one basically at the bottom looks like a lot of random craft items nothing real special down there we'll go with the next one oh you know what this is the toilet paper from the one dollar three dollar unit let's just just go ahead and dump this out remember we loaded it all up together so this is garbage that's just gonna go in the garbage and then we had the video games now let's find out if they're in there not just a case this one that one's in there remember this is what I saw now just a case that's no good we need it to be in there now destiny is in there but my guess is most people want destiny they want the code garden warfare let's see yep in there that's great okay we got some other random things in here New Orleans Cajun seasoning good little hair remover we'll set that aside Oh flea and tick shampoo that's not a good time to see that when you're in your storage units piece of toy that's going straight in the garbage it's not all there it doesn't do me any good okay we got some power cords we've got got more video games that's an empty one call of duty black ops blazing song interlude three so wrong game in that case it's another destiny yep it's in there Madden in there okay we got our toilet paper that one's pretty rough we're gonna we're gonna go ahead and recycle that one these two are going right in the bathroom here in the warehouse never have enough toilet paper in the warehouse this no that looks like a never-ending poop Metamucil could probably fix that poopie right there got toilet paper got toilet paper can't get it off get it off all right let's see what else we've got we got our we got another Jorge shoe that's what we've got didn't we find a Jorge shoe not too long ago here's the other one that would have been nice to find with the actual one yeah what was going on in that unit okay we got a jacket well let's just say we got a jacket we're gonna set that aside what's this good that it's like a really heavy it's got a screw on on the underneath really heavy metal kind of cool curious of what it is that'd be some kind of collectible of something else do we have down in here gerber rice cereal we'll check that for anything and everything the Huggies we got French vanilla that's what George wipes we got we got baby supplies man when you're hungry you'll eat just about anything even pear and pineapple looks like we've got a lot of decor here tangled but then wrapped up and a lot of clothing this is gonna be kind of a nightmare to undo how do you even get it tangled like that okay see there we go okay my guess is T light holder and candle holder so a couple still got clothing wrapped up in it and work through it Holly Hobbie American Greetings see we can find in here go softly things are mixed just just the wedding dress maybe no that's not the wedding dress that's probably a curtain here I am thinking wedding dress well there's a shower curtain we've got the shower curtain when we have here it's heavy looks cool wow I've never seen anything like it before it really looks cool I guess it's a art decor piece let's see what else we got well it looks like this one this one didn't survive no markings I've got a pill in the bottom something else some kind of bulb that's a shame it survived okay we've got a child's art project probably more clothing and everything surrounding this stuff this would be this would be a slingshot for a very very large water balloon actually two water balloons that would be a slingshot four here we have an alien what's it do let's see hmm not sure what it does I'm Smith some batteries it's a skeleton not an alien okay we are getting down to some other things definitely a Star Wars fan that's a bank no rubber plug there oh look at this we're finding some money you got pennies glued on to a jar here huh it's unusual when we got here I want to say it's an ashtray but I really don't know maybe it's made like that first awesome oh no saw this one looks like milk glass hmm candleholder shells all around it nice little piece we've got pennies all over in the bottom what is this a liquid you clouds up for vaping crazy clouds flavored eliquid okay more projects with shells on bottles more bottles more vases and an owl black & decker tool case here we're open it up su got ya nice battery-operated little skill saw nice so the charger and the battery are in here as well that's phenomenal actually there's a missing blade I think I saw it earlier let's get that back with it another box here see what we got got Quaker rolled oats 1984 looks like a little something that you hang up got a alternator equipped I don't know if they were collecting the alternator or or what have no idea what it goes to Briggs & Stratton that's about all we got there check this out harley-davidson lock I don't see the key but we do have the harley-davidson lock again Harley Stiles for it depends on what the item is vus how so quick on they for me as soon as I sell it it's sold here's an efficiency fidelity honor pin to go with the old cast-iron skillet let's look here we go the lodge skillet USA now this thing is dirty it needs a huge cleaning but man what a cool skillet see what else we have looks like we have some glassware down here that one's sealed I don't know do you fill that with something is that like an art project and we've got some other things and paper yeah pink glass there's a bottle with I don't think that's porcelain I think that's actually plastic so another bottle there we have here yeah another pink bottle huh odd stuff we're gonna take a look inside one more thing everything else was open and so I've done a lot of the cleaning and sorting already a lot of it was garbage I'll show you that again 210 for this unit but it's getting dark I've got to get the actual trailer hooked up so that George and I can get on the road first thing in the morning to go get the five hundred dollar unit and get you guys a unit update and video to show you what's in it before it gets dark look at this affidavit probable cause warrant he said yes I rolled down the back window defendant told lieutenant Whitmer broke into the truck then I left again da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da alright so normal paperwork that we would see in a unit somebody's always in trouble with the law we've got picture frames old Cabbage Patch look at that see if we got a date on this 2005 not old enough it looks like we've got some just some household items down in here you know most people keep their skeletons in a closet this person kept their skeletons in a cooler there are a lot more items from this unit for example this entire garbage can is filled with tools I've got an entire tote over here completely and totally filled with tools I see pipe cutters I see a little bit of everything tool belt accessories this is the garbage can that I filled today sorting through this unit and this is the actual recyclables that I went through and sorting the unit so again lots of stuff going out on the curb lawn to find that gold that's part of the treasure hunters life if you're anything like me you're thinking christmas is coming early tomorrow as we head up north and we go dig into that five hundred dollar unit George being right by my side I can't wait so mama I'm coming home I'm starving all I've had to eat today is gummy bears so thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe and remember adventure awaits go find it god it's good to be the bus Jeremy my mug is empty I need a refill stat you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 45,509
Rating: 4.9061832 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found GOLD, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: Hgt2zipCu3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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