MADE SO MUCH MONEY I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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I don't know what this thing is but I have a feeling we won't need the connect for it so set that aside I thought this was oh this is gonna be a good one again because remember that crafters dream come true the unit with all of the thousands upon thousands upon thousands of items that could be used for anything to make money but we're gonna dig back into it there's hundreds of boxes and totes so let's jump in well let's find out how much money we can make today and before we do let's put your guest down in the comment just in this video how much do you think we're gonna show today five hundred a thousand two thousand dollars let's hear your comment down below don't forget to subscribe hit the bell and make sure you hit all so you get every notification every time we upload and every time we go live let's go treasure hunting [Music] last unit of the day nice and packed guys big unit 10 by 15 all the way up 450 yep 450 475 475 in a 75 mm 450 bid 75 475 in a 75 5 5 at a 75 450 bid 75 450 bid 75 in a 75 by 5 it is 75 for 75 I got four and a half need 475 475 in a 75 I 5 into 75 anybody 75 450 last call for 75 it's all boxes and all totes really exciting if I find a couple cool ones I'll open them up and we'll show you but we're gonna be working on that's probably for a week for sure here it is ladies and gentlemen this wall this pile is actually it's everywhere so like this right here I've found some Christmas stuff and I've set it over here to go off to auction okay because now's the time really to sell Christmas stuff and that's all Christmas stuff and supplies and I've dug through some of the boxes we've shown some of the boxes like I've sneak-peek tin to a lot of these just to see what's in it and I build a wall here I haven't looked at a single one of those or single one of these or there's totes upon totes upon totes back here so let's see what we could find in some boxes and then maybe we'll dig in some totes as well look at that more yarn storage all right I pulled a few boxes and we're ready to dig in now this one's not a box this is a tote but I'm sure you guys will forgive me right all right let's see what we got extension cord for those who just aren't long enough and look at this again we've got beads look this is how meticulous she may was look at this jewelry creating making the whole deal this is just absolutely incredible there's some already made right there oh no wait that's a brand-new one jewelry designer these are beautiful absolutely beautiful there's so much profit so much profit in this unit it's hard to even know where to begin to start look at this organization hard to know where to begin to start even making money on it look at this a bead I love it I just love it and I'm sure this is the same let's look in this little thing here yep labeled beads it's all labeled you know exactly you know exactly what you're getting with this lady and this is just absolutely incredible or insane or or bingo I think I won because I love bingo a little bingo no no no I love bingo uh-huh I love bingo whoa whoa whoa whoa I love bingo thinking how much people like bingo honestly I kind of like beads I don't even like them that much but man I I own them now I like boxes big boxes and I cannot lie this one says paper and assortment and so it's the assortment that intrigued me to want to pull it look at that that's pretty I mean that's obviously for decoration to hang something maybe it was to actually hang this footboard for all we know it was a beautiful clipboard right there little rainbow it color and we got a brand new petty pause trim down them nails actually I probably need this exact same thing on my toenails especially since it's winter now you know my toenails wouldn't fit inside there but this would probably do the trick pretty well they'd start to do it there's a there's a brush we're gonna go ahead with all this paperwork we have lots of dog hair so let's see let's see let's see what's the miscellaneous we've got cards in here so one of the things we always always want to check obviously want to check the cards gift cards and money and yeah Merry Christmas Happy New Year that one was for you that was a good pick huh we got a little painter stray palette and oh this is even better we got our rent receipt okay I give out quite a few of those every month oh look at this look at this that is one giant stamp of a wolf look at that all right set that whoops pull those out let's set that aside here well so we have in here in the assortment we've got the eyeglass case that'd be a good Christmas gift for anybody on your list you guys hearing what I'm hearing I'm hearing pure profit pure profit and money now now no I was just hearing glitter and I was I don't do glitter I do not do glitter but I do all these crafts oh my goodness just more more more bead beads the magical the magical supply the more we find the more we knew she by alright my English may have been off on that rhyme but you gotta you gotta admit that beat was that I just laid down we do have paperwork here we got different kind of paperwork than you're used to this is sandpaper work 30 sheets but there's a lot of mail in there too I'm going to set that aside we got something here this Ripper open look at this little artistic picture frame oh no it's a little mental picture decoration that's cool whoa As Seen on TV the Z alert the emergency lighting Street alarm person alarm trigger device poor score door or window a lot oh wait I thought this was a I was hoping for sure this was actually a Taser another Zhaan guard alert prevent crime please tell me please please tell me this is a Taser alright we're gonna have to we're gonna have to figure this one out that's the Taser we're gonna have to I'm gonna have to get tased we're gonna have to practice make sure it works because we can't be selling something that we don't know that works ok and we have all more crafts look at this glamour girl fashions trendy fashion styles don't I guess it's clothing for for baby doubt but you've got all kinds of stuff like enjoy it all what's this headphone splitter and foam stand there's a headphone splitter okay this box is random very very random but here's the other thing I want to show you okay I pulled this box over here as well you see the piece of tape I had no intentions of showing you this box but I thought it was probably just a box filled with garbage this is a Hoover steam back box right from Kohl's and so I thought oh this is probably just filled with garbage let me check and I'll throw it away real quick and then I pulled this tape I didn't even pull it all the way off and I saw what you're about to see this thing has never ever ever been out of the box this is a brand new steamer it was sealed in the box muddy many of the viewers have been dying to see what's in these totes and even some of these boxes so here we go we're gonna dig in we might need some tow some knives no see what we have here now keep in mind even though my eyes are open there we go my eyes are open and oh there we go we got some light on the subject here these eyes are very very closed right and it looks like we've got a ton of you know it dowels let's see what we have down here most of them look brand new we probably have hundreds of dollars just in dowels there's Santa well sets and outside over there this one brand new in the package as well so let me see if I can get a little bit of a better shot there maybe if I was a better cameraman and there maybe that'll work a little bit better so there's a brand new Dow kamil limited collection and we're gonna put her in here as well and that'll probably just go for sale right here sign come up on the next one and this one is don't sealed I'm gonna see what I can do to untape it and see what we have in here because this could be the money box all right eyes are closed again here I'll tip us down a little bit maybe that's the better shot there and we've got look at that long flowing hair the eyes do open eventually hopefully you're actually seeing this and I'm not screwing it up this is not well whatever you may think you may think oh man this is filming the whole deal this is so easy this is not an easy thing to do especially when you add this entire component of YouTube to your already every day job it takes everything three times longer to do and that's not convenient when you've got a business to run but it sure is a Hailes of a lot of fun when we have viewers and subscribers like you what we have here crib blanket this is not what I thought it was I thought we were gonna have dolls instead we have all kinds of weird crafty things no dolls in that one yeah I said I said Dallas let me say it do L see this one this one's gotta be Dallas for those of you at home for those of you at home let's have a fun game count how many times in this episode i say dowels and put it in the comments below okay and your your interpretation of how it's spelled all right here we go open her up Oh backwards again and they're gonna shine some light on here since it's freezing cold in the warehouse this is the crown porcelain doll collection and this is certificate of authenticity it doesn't maybe it'll tell me it does tell me this is the owner of a beautiful soft expressions so this is a soft expressions dowel so both porcelain right there that adds to the creepy down collection I know some ladies I'm glad you're excited because there's a Hailes of a lot more coming up here we go saving the best dowels for last see that right there that's some kind of instrument I think but coming to know May and Gary maybe it's actually an art supply until then let's dig into Egypt because you're all going Where's George she's in Egypt bidding on abandoned pyramid let's see let's get a better look some of these books man wish I had a kunai f-- and since I'm at the warehouse I could do and always cutting away from the sausage we're doing really well here we go okay whoops almost lost the camera all right I want to know who's your mommy in the comments below who's your mummy and we've got Oh who's your mummy who do you converse with that's your mummy and let's see what else do we have we've got the discovery of Lost Worlds although I would I would have to say that Egypt has never been lost and the crazy part is people still wonder who built the pyramids that's very very very well documented in history it's something that came up recently the Egyptians built the pyramids they did it with slave labor look at your history it was actually the Jewish people that were in slave labor and they made the bricks the whole deal and that's how everything got built the Valley of the Kings and here we go so just because you saw somebody go who built the pyramids on TV and was nationally public casted everywhere doesn't mean the world doesn't know who did it it's very very well-documented piece of history even if people are in denial oh I had no idea there was gonna be a creepy nun doll nobody could have ever prepared me for this okay all right let's talk this is what I did I created a YouTube channel and I do stupid things for some reason people watch and I don't have to tell you anything not anything at all I think I'm gonna give this to George because she she went to Catholic school she was one of those bad kids and so she probably this would be appreciated by her she would have been one of the kids getting rapped on the fingers with the ruler all the time all right well what do we have here period pieces these look like period pieces Oh guys not the period you're thinking about ladies you'd understand these are from a period of history Wow look at the intricacy there and they have the stand okay here's another Oh careful with her look at all of that the collection memories porcelain dot Loretta or Laurette hello Laurette so that is Laurette it must be her sister Barret there we go there and another one you know I have opened every single one of these backwards I peeked so here we go maybe there's a reason why I opened them backwards because I don't know how to open them the right way oh we got the blondes careful blondes are dangerous there we go so we have let's look some of you porcelain collectibles so this is craft showcase porcelain collectible there's our hat there we go looks like Little Red Riding Hood and this this will just be a very very dangerous grown-up someday without a doubt that's why we put the creepy dolls back inside here for for all the offended ladies right now it's called a joke it's okay soften up you'll be all right I'll be all right and we can laugh you have another sealed box here and I already got the Kenai Finn do it again remember always always always cut away from the sausage safety first right here we go chop chop chop chop probably they're just curious this box wasn't labeled so I had to know oh it's the best thing ever it's exactly what I was hoping for colored pencils mm-hmm twelve of them I was hoping for 13 but I wasn't that lucky even though I was still really lucky okay I've got some hardware got some replacement lights for Christmas that's good timing and then we've got replacement fan pull chains and replacement covers for our electrical just in time for nothing and then we've got another pencil set just in time for pencils you can never have enough right we do have the crafting fabric so we got the frogs and I know all the superfans you know what frog stands for fully what you know come on let me know in the comments and have this thing this is an odd odd thing I have a feeling this is for crafting because there's like this this is the tail end right this is just like me something goes in and then it goes through the process and then all of a sudden something comes out and it's usually bigger than what went in yeah that's probably what that is and we've got some more hardware and pieces as well let's see what's in the bag real quick what's in the bag is brand-new Easter bunnies from Big Lots that's what's in the bag it'd be good if I could actually keep it in the shot too that'd be that'd be smart on my part bring on the dowels backwards again oh my goodness what is this this is the Amish series look at that Amish series hey you I don't have a beard and a mustache but would you like to get married actually it was her parents talking to my parents they say we should probably be married where do you have it filled with cows I have a very big field and I have plentiful cows would you say the field is ample yes the field is very ample to the side that's sure down you tell I've been in the cold a little too long oh man there we go more Devils all right let's see what we have here these aren't your typical Barbie dolls us for sure these are the dolls you can't play with this is Mary Ann oh that's Mary Ann so we know who this is ha ha that's ginger all right I want to know in the comments below as well who's your favorite Mary Ann or ginger who are you a fan of and let's see if this truly is ginger let's see is this ginger ginger brand-new look hands are still bubble wrapped still bubble wrapped wow wow wow wow this one feels heavy oh yes and yes we have we have thought this was a jewelry chest this is not a jewelry chest this says the Nativity here we go let's here we go okay whatever it is let's wind it up again okay let's try again maybe I did it wrong okay let's open it again well we definitely have a beautiful scene and give you a close-up of the Nativity and I I just can't get the music going for some reason maybe I am doing something wrong I'm not sure maybe there's an on button off to check that out later we've got we've got Golden Books Hansel and Gretel Tom and Jerry oh these are these are great yeah Donald Duck yeah these are good those are worth a little bit pretty penny and then we have all brand-new look at that all brand new shirts double 2x right there classic classic fit it's all brand new so that's that's a good I don't know $20 right there just some shirts and we have here this is and I'm not even going through the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of totes of craft supplies that we already know is in there I'm curious about what's in the other stuff that's what I really want to know the craft supplies that's an easy that's a given there's money there this is all personal paperwork let's set that aside it's the it's the little gems and surprises like Peter Rabbit all Strawberry Shortcake if that's an original that's worth money the golden songbook right it's these little gems that I'm actually interested in like a battery who doesn't need a double-a battery I know I do and then let's see the cards I'll go through all of these cards although I think these are all brand-new this sure are these are all brand new so nobody's ever put anything in them those are all brand new and then have a brand new photo album as well let's figure out what that instrument thing is 3 2 1 oh look at this little Indian girl so we get the little Indian girl all wrapped up all brand-new look at that bubble wrap still on the feet and everything bubble wrap on the hands protected and then we've got I don't know what we're gonna call her we're gonna call her we're gonna call her brown eyed girl right laughs did my brown eyed girl missing the Hat yeah so there's brown eyed girl with her hat and what's this year who's it gonna be something are you guys seeing this oh look at this not only creepy Dao creepy baby that is one creepy looking baby but if I don't do something about my hairline my forehead is gonna look like that in no time ah man man okay all right that is a good reminder do something about my mic receding hairline okay okay I'm gonna look like creepy baby and nobody wants to look like creepy baby nobody wants to be creepy baby apparently somebody wanted to own creepy baby okay we're gonna put creepy baby right there and we're gonna pull up the next one which hopefully no more creepy babies here we go Wow well I do declare this is the classic beauty collection this is the tote C limited edition 1998 so there she is right there apparently that was a great year for porcelain dolls one of the best for porcelain dolls so I'm told and there's the classic beauty collection there well 1998 that was a hails of a year for porcelain one of the best years they ever did make porcelain many will tell you there were better years of porcelain but no no the ingredients they used the recipe the just everything the the artistry it will never be matched 1998 I don't know what this thing is but I have a feeling we won't need the kenai for it so set that aside I thought this was a musical instrument but something tells me it probably is not or maybe it is maybe it is this says okay musical Network right here I'm trying to find a zipper so when you gotta be kidding me there's no zipper oh I found it okay here we go so I've been wondering what the Hailes is inside here let's see let's see you guys could probably guess here we go in three two one it is it's a Casio so this is probably here's a okay so here's an accessory kit so everything you need to learn to play it so for whatever reason these still they have great value this probably this would probably go for an easy $75 and and that's with the case and with everything the accessory the whole deal so when you find these at a garage sale when you find them at a thrift store hold on to them because they actually do have value and that's a good thing I'm gonna wrap it back up and we'll try and get some get some money out of that one [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 36,886
Rating: 4.8141909 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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