Flooding The New Pond With Water!

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brought the uh 66 inch ami grading bucket today should uh move mud a little faster with this at least it feels like it does but i got the machine started up it's warming up parked it over there because the wind was blowing this way from the fire last night and i didn't want to leave it out in the pond i didn't want to leave it right here downwind from the fire so that's where i put it looks like the fire burned out pretty good looks like the smoke is blowing that way which is fine with me i want to come over here and stir this around and see if i can't get a little fire back started oh i don't know if there's gonna be a whole lot of stirring around there's a all the ashes are full of water well crappers well i'll get something back started well well alrighty then i'll uh i'll get some sort of fire back started if the wind's blowing that way i want to burn some more so that's going to take longer than i anticipated but that's okay such as life uh so what i did yesterday was i finished cutting the pond out and i threw all the mud back up here because when we walk down here you'll see just how much water is already soaked in here overnight so the bottom is almost covered um as far as the pond here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take a few more of those trees out so i'll have room to take all this throw it up there and get it out of the way and then i got to come in here last thing and take out my little the previous dam and that's gonna allow all that water to run over it'll probably go down two or three feet yeah probably a couple feet that's a fair amount of water there but i got to cut all this out first so that i'm not having to dig underwater other than my little edge right there that i got to go down so that's the plan for today i'm gonna get the fire back started get uh some room cleaned up knock a few of those trees down and then start bailing some mud so it's going to be all day event right here so piled some brush in there and had a couple pallets laying around and threw those on there and i'm gonna let that catch up there for a minute and i kind of separated out a pile of dry wood that is kind of you know halfway burnt so uh that tends to start back a little bit easier than some fresh green stuff so fire's burning pretty good i've gotten rid of that pile over there i'm gonna finish cleaning that up and throw some more stuff on there but as long as the wind's blowing that way we're not gonna set uh mud on fire so i'm to keep uh it's a little dry but i'm going to keep burning along until i got to get down there and start moving mud i really don't want all that falling on me but i got to take these trees down so i'm going to stack some more on here and let that burn down while i probably come here and cut some logs up and go ahead and drop those trees i just cut the majority of these trees up throw these stumps over here fire's burning just let's go ahead dandy get some more of this stuff burn up while i go over there and knock some more trees down [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] everything stays the same should get majority of this stuff burned up today and i'll be excited for that and also the bond get off of their little ranch yeah they're just gonna get that one [Music] so so so stuck these stuff around the outside edge to kind of hold everything in and then when the hole burns down i can throw those in there so [Music] about one or two more and that's gonna be about all i need to put on there for now i'm gonna finish cleaning up my logs over here and go ahead and drop the rest of those trees get those cut up and then start bailing mud back might be a long day but the good news is making headway all right that's enough easy there look all right so i got three more big trees to take down by the pond site and that's so i can take all that mud and blend it in to this area right here there's a lot of dirt that got to come out today i mean i moved a lot yesterday but there's a lot left it don't look like it but it is all right let's see if this is gonna do a timber 10 come on back this way come back this way wrong way what you doing tree and pull it back right there [Music] all right break a little dirt off not chainsawing in the mud so what i'm going to do is back up this way hit a tree roll this around row row row right on over here don't fly and now what i can do not get stuck that was my lager i got [Music] come get the logs so that i don't have to try to burn these big ass things up i got the cinnamon address so my next concern is so i'm about sunk to the top of the 12 mountain right now but as i wiggle around i sink down pretty good i'm about to add three feet of mud to this so that's that's going to be interesting what that's going to be okay i'm gonna get these down i need to cut them up eat a little bit of lunch go ahead and put on my tilt bucket grating bucket and start bailing all that up here that's a wind boy that's wet i can't believe it that a pine tree normally doesn't grow in an area that wet that's a swamp pine tree what you gonna do tree what you gonna do not really move is what you're not gonna do come on i don't want to fall in the pond and i got to deal with all the branches in the pond you know what i could do i could just drive over here and push it because it'll push more than it'll easy there glad i thought of this right here oh yeah how about that oh more leverage when in doubt push out uh i don't know what the hell i'm gonna get out of that i think it looks like a spaghetti noodle i'll go grab this one while i'm here i'm trying to leave the roots because they'll kind of help expand this area i gotta take down that one maple tree right there too [Music] so [Music] here we go [Music] we're going to do the easy way to deal in roll that bad boy roll it right on over and he'll all go snaps down here i'm going snap snap snap pop i pop get out of here i want to be stuck stuck stuff all right i'm gonna go cut that right there i can oh i can get to that knock the dirt off there we go and all right got the grading bucket on gonna go wear some rust off of it i haven't used it in a couple months at least but it's about to get shined up doing this burning uh fire's burning really good i was able to get all of that pile on there all that stuff that was over there the trees i took down so i'm gonna go ahead and go over there and start transferring that mud back and filling it into that low area that i cleared well that burns down can't even see the smoke up in the sky okay so i'm going down here got the grading bucket on like i just showed and i'm gonna grab this pile of mud and lay it over here start transferring all this back so when i make that last cut i've got a place to put it pretty much [Music] i'm gonna drive it here as far as i can grab as much as i can probably lay it over and go ahead and grate that and just so i don't have to go back over top of it oh yeah now it feels like i'm getting a good scoop a little bit right there that way i can just go ahead and fill in that side and keep grading it back as i go so i don't know about how much dirt i need to dig out or when to stop or you know stuff like that that 48 inch bucket moves a lot but another 18 inches that adds up really about every probably fourth scoop is a whole nother scoop got no problem moving it it gets a little tippy when you get all the way out there oh my god you probably got 10 or 12 000 pounds with a scoop i mean it's 5 000 pounds of attachments right there getting it done now i want to get a windshield full of mud if i keep dropping it from that high up [Music] this does really dried out a lot remember how sloppy it was yesterday yeah this is getting done here seemed like it was taking forever to dig yesterday oh this is gonna have three feet of dirt over top of so i'm not even worried about these sticks just cover them up same principle of digging a hole just over a small area a bigger area [Music] so oh my cleanup bucket i have literally designed this machine perfect for my needs that's what i wanted all right i'm gonna grade that little bit out and then go to i'm getting a lot of mud build back i've already filled all that in and somewhat just looked it up since uh it's mud on top of mud i'm kind of having to grate it as i go instead of just throwing all this back and then running over top of it it's too deep i can't get through it so i'll do that little sections at the time i just took a couple piles all the way up there to the uh far back and uh played that in place and i'll put this here and then lay it up there and work my way back and my next cut i'll go ahead and grab that pile and bring it over here that way all i got to do is dig out of the pond and kind of grate everything out hopefully i'll have time to break it today but i want to get in there first and run around now that i have the greeting bucket uh since i cannot drive back on top of that i'm going to go down in the pond and see if i can't split the banks up make it a little more presentable which i'm not going to be able to get back out there and do anything else that's just going to sit like it is the homeowner's got a bobcat so he can slick it up later on it might be six months before that drives enough so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] let's keep bailing mud i feel like i need to push the fire up but i don't really want to stir all the ashes up to me working over right here behind it so i'll probably just let it die down might give it a little nudge or two just to keep everything nice and hot in there this bucket moves but so much faster but as much as it costs it better do something make the pond a little bigger now how will this [ __ ] dig more plastic i'm grating that slope as i come along here now this is going to be as big as the bomb we were shooting for a quarter acre that's 100 500 and that is probably going to be a little bit bigger than that once i take out that uh pond dam everything's fun so you just try to pat it in [Music] it place sandy once you get down there but it's still pretty compact but you can see how much ground water came in last night because i dug that yesterday less than 24 hours ago so i'll grade some of this and then i'll get up there and grade it create it back so that i make sure that i can still reach it so leave a little roughness for the fish i like those stumps and roots out there plus they'll have the other ponds that's full of logs you can go hang out in if i got enough room for all this in there pretty stuff so the only thing i'm not crazy about this stuff's pretty sandy so it's going to try to wash until this can get stabilized i don't i think the water level is going to come up somewhere like right there i think i don't know it's hard to tell i want to save this muddier stuff put it right there it'll probably keep them washing a little bit better than that pure sand me this thing is the beast i love it though so another tree stump [Music] i'd leave it but it's not going to be that deep underwater right here [Music] well i'll dig out behind that rip that out all right i'm gonna keep on taking home [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so coming along good make another cut or two and i'll lay that back a little farther and then i'm going to come on out here and breach this dam let this i don't know how far this is going to drain down but it'll drain down some and i'll pretty much cut this down to however far that goes so it's not you know i'm not digging liquid mud i don't know i may pull some of this back i'm going to try to get everything i can dug out before i cut that in because then i'll be digging in water and i'll just make more mud and i don't need more mud i got plenty of mud i'm going to go down in the pond before i cut the whole pond into the new section and grate these sides out it's a real solid bottom just all the mud was on top of it i wanted to fix these banks and all that mud and everything and uh so deep if i got up there it was just all slide back into the pond so what i want to do is just run around here and just make it look a little nicer see how i can't even hardly pull it with the excavator it's all slides down but kind of even it out a little bit just so it's a little bit nicer edge it'll make me happier and it won't take long to do hey i left a few stumps out here driving over so everything that's going to be below water i'm really not too worried about it just trying to make that top edge look a little nicer the reveal i really don't know how high the water's going to come up it's probably going to come up at least more board height which would put it about right there maybe a little higher than that so [Music] so [Music] now it's time i made a cut and cut this down to just about the level of the pond to get as much as i could out of here i've already gone down in there and slicked up the edges of the front side like that it's way too wet for me to get back up there on top and carried that out it's just too deep but uh at least i got the show side graded out now it's time to come in here and cut this out and go ahead and let the let the new cut i'm gonna say this is gonna go down shoot it's probably gonna go down two feet to fill this up maybe more find out here in just a few minutes all right let's blow the cut so i want to dig as much as i can out right here first [Music] that way i have the least amount of mind as possible at least i don't have to go too far to get back to the bank over there there's no more going to the left go to the right or forward this is my only way out now once that water comes through getting close i've already dug out yesterday on the pond side i took some of that out to about right here so that's at least three feet deep about to have a wall of water come over i wish i could set the camera up over there but i can't get over there it's too wet one more right here i'm ready here goes nothing he's getting a little more off getting a lot left holding and the money shot here we go [Music] get that stick out of there here we go and big cut mud that's what you call a lot of water moving [Music] look at it sucking it down [Music] well the bottom's covered now look at it all pulling down there it goes [Music] got a waterfall not a waterfall but it's cascading i guess i better quit watching and hurry up pick some more out before it all fills up didn't i over here lollygagging around well the good news is i can see how far i need to dig out now oh [Music] it's like a few more then i'm going to go ahead and transfer that back get it out of the way [Music] look at it swirling around i don't know if i can drive out there or not let's see how deep it is about two and a half feet [Music] well that's gone down about two feet i don't think it's been that low in a long time this is gonna be right nice when it gets done i guess i can file some in there now [Music] got a lot of money to spread out up there now and it's about equalized out and transfer that back and come back grab some more well i said i was gonna get the pond done today and by golly i did so it's got to the whole thing's got to fill up probably two and a half feet now so that should put it about four feet right here and taper to about six out there it's a little deeper on that back edge where i was able to dig it but uh we got a world of mud i mean a lot of mud i've got mud spread out over there and all this is from that dam that went across [Music] oh boy i've had enough for today that burnt down good i'm gonna let that just kind of die down for tonight come back tomorrow spread this mud out start clearing some more [Music] i think that looks pretty good it'll look a lot better once this pile of mud's gone and i can i gotta fix that edge there a little bit it got so wet i can't really shape it the way i want it but it'll dry out enough tonight where i can mess with it tomorrow big pond now
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 567,245
Rating: 4.9326482 out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, flooding, the, cut, new, pond, digging, build, building, land, clearing, tree, removal, fire, burn, burning, heavy, construction, equipment, flood
Id: uJjhD098n8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 32sec (3152 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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