👀👀This was fantastic! The Last of Us Game reaction.

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[Music] somebody call a doctor because Bad Medicine is back that's the Appleton Oak this is Diamond day of Damon I'm Mason Quinn guys tonight we thought we'd have a little treat for you we're going to be taking a look at some of the biggest scenes from The Last of Us the video game version so Oak and I can finally see what all the hype was about yeah I've I you know obviously knew that the series was based off a game and you know Diamond Dave kind of led us through some of the bigger parts and talk to us a little bit about how things played out but spoilers of course I haven't uh yeah so I've stayed away from well no no just so if this is your first time catching this so as we were watching this series um Diamond Dave would kind of fill us in from the end of that episode backwards so there was never any sort of spoilers for what was coming in the gameplay moving forward it was always here's where at okay this is how the gameplay compared to this episode in the same time frame if that makes sense I have stayed away from every single piece of Last of Us spoilers or gameplay or anything that I could once I found out we were going to be well before I even knew this because I don't know it was a thing but uh so this is all fresh for me yeah folks we thought it'd be kind of cool to kind of now that they've seen the TV show it's actually come back and see the gameplay of it to see if they noticed you know any kind of little differences or whatever it may be we thought it'd be a piece a fun piece of content for everyone to view with us so with that being said let's go [Music] foreign [Music] Episode by episode for the most part to kind of keep it in uh sequence that way video credit to Source spy 91 where they they just went full-on 10 10 hours straight or at least that's the way yet it makes it look look like so it was really done uh done really well so let's shout out here it's an hottie Dog King oh there she is Tom Tommy listen to me he is the contractor he's the contractor okay I can't lose this job I I understand let's talk about this in the morning okay we'll talk about in the morning all right good night hey that's good Joel looks a lot like I mean like Pedro they just do a good job yeah I mean obviously she's different but it's way past your bedtime still today and please not right now I do not have the energy for this here what's this your birthday complaining about broken watch so I figured you know you like it I think this is it's nice but I I think it's stuck it's not what no no no no no did you get the money for this drugs I sell hardcore drugs oh good I started helping out with the Morgans then yeah you wish music really happy that they kept the music in there yeah I mean it's so iconic you'd have to I got the old cordless phone this is 2003. oh girl good catch dawn of the wolf was that another one of their games or I don't know let us know folks hello Sarah honey I need to get to Daddy on the phone Uncle Tommy what time is it I need to talk to your dad Uncle Tommy got that bat right by her nightstand I think I'd be I'd be grabbing that what was that all about oh this feels like gameplay the way it is oh yeah congratulations too Dad let's see in everyone hit the music MNT practically despise all the things I like okay so typical teenage okay yeah all right so button open the door dad still pretty good graphics for for the gameplay Mitten spikes 300 increase FDA lists contaminated crops is that what that said Daddy getting all the little uh little drops of information here and clues yeah radio versus newspapers yeah pretty cool are you in here seem to be somehow connected to the nation what the heck are you we've received reports big master bedrooms me some commotion coming from oh I forgot all about that gas leak it's always a gas leak Jesus it's got the StairMaster being used as a closed hanger as they usually are hey sometimes you just need to dry some stuff out we'll see those pics those pictures like on the wall in her bedroom yeah well done all the guitar I remember in the finale good teacher to play the guitar choke eight missed calls where the hell where the hell are you call me so it's 215. 208 211. yes well if he said call me at 208 211 he said I'm on my way he ain't wasted no time no hurry home late so I go ahead and order food see you in the morning like in Metal Gear I always used to get so excited but oh it's this flashy thing over here yeah very spacious kitchen as well it's a large large home a lot of square footage oh there he is sir are you okay yeah does anyone come in here no who would come in here Don't Go Near The Doors just the rounds into the cylinder kind of sick oh she's yep oh it's got blood on him already oh geez somebody that you knew imagine your neighbor coming at you like that Sarah it's something this morning bad going on and we have got to get out of here do you understand me yeah Atomic come on just now notice that the lights you have any idea what's going on out there I got some okay in this they have uh this is a Jeep Cherokee oh there's a pickup trucker ladder and stuff tell me what happened later Hey sir are you holding up honey well Daddy just blew away the neighbor thanks no radio we're doing great News man would shut up where'd it go you said uh always put up roadblocks on the highway no getting into Travis County when you get the hell out take the 77. it's not gonna be good Christ how did this happen they got no clue but we ain't the only town okay oh the fire fire yeah it's Lewis's Farm some fish made it up yeah you know it's almost the same well it's off to the left in the other in the TV show but no the way they forgot that yeah I said it's just a beautiful princess we're good can we work in the city that's right dude fine trust me all right see what they need I think you're doing keep driving I got a Kid Joe so do we have rooms yeah it makes a little bit more sense in the gameplay though because they would have had the Guinness in the cab with them at least in the TV show that could have hopped in the back of the truck yeah it's kind of our first kind of shot of Joel as to he's very much protecting number one right right and those in his immediate family the first uh whatever did I say moral dilemma morality conundrum maybe just backtracking well now in the in the show they went through the court oh I forgot all about that looks like they're in hospital robes they must have gotten out of a house I mean look how backed up the traffic is up there through the window ankle nowhere God that would have been intense in the show still happy with what they did it's kind of cool now going back and seeing all this move what are they running from yeah well in the thing too with the team the TV show where they could show Joel's face and Tommy's face her perspective hold on [Music] okay so not an airplane not an airplane I think the the airplane crashing in the TV show like you know you're having a serious like Global issue and when airplanes are coming down and I think that's what they yeah we've seen car crashes on nowhere gravity of an airplane crash yes forgive my pun but the gravity of an airplane crashed is significantly more impactful than I think a car wreck well just the way they did that too with the sound like at least in our heads yeah because we were wearing headphones you know and just the you know you're putting yourself in that position of like holy [ __ ] look at these planes here at this holy Old Brick s I think that's the one thing the TV show did is it really puts you in the situation and anybody who watched our reaction saw the comments we were making about water and footwear and clothing you know crazy a little bit hold outside okay so we're back to game Place characters are shifting oh you just hear everybody around you I know I just oh do you have to take you have to take them out hold them back yeah yeah cause Tommy's way up there I do like how they gave him a red shirt so he stands out a little bit don't look sir [Music] I hear all that screaming geez oh God I'm gonna get out of this I mean this brings like it we know what's happening right because it brings like it still that intention is there [Music] nice catch Tommy yeah close the gate close the gate trying to be stinky playing possible Jesus God damn it we're almost there we're almost there baby keep going find the way out of here come on Joel oh [ __ ] Tommy get to the highway hurry we can't leave him so the difference from Thomas TV versus there almost here [Music] man that helicopter is like circling around be confusing you can hear him chasing you yeah I know it's right on us even though there are glimpses of Shadows there oh hey we need help stop please it's my dog I think her leg is broken right there we're not sick got a couple of civilians in the Outer Perimeter please advise Daddy what about Uncle Tommy there's a little girl but yes sir somebody we've just been through hell okay we just need oh gosh oh Jesus Tommy oh no sir move your hands big I know baby I know this one you're gonna be okay baby stay with me [Music] every time this is really difficult you know and of course there's no there's no hospitals right like there's you can't go to a hospital baby and even if you could with that kind of engine you never made it yeah I know you could have a doctor right there and it wouldn't matter now is the watch broken there I couldn't really tell oh what a start and that's what an awesome video the governor has called it okay so is this where they're going to give us like the intro where it's in the in the TV show we got the uh yeah it's it's I personally it's real different if you ask me yeah the TV show they gave us like the the doctor and where was the India or Indonesia Los Angeles is now the latest City to be placed under martial law all residents are required to report because like even at this point directions necessarily a group calling themselves the fireflies have claimed responsibility for both attacks their public charter calls for the return of all branches of government the demonstrations broke out following the execution of six more alleged fireflies still rise with us remember when you're lost in the Darkness for the light believe in the fireflies shows like the spores like blowing off and stuff but yeah you know Mason Quinn brings up a good point they didn't really explain that it was a that it was a fungus or how this happened in the video game where the TV show they definitely like do it people want answers like how everything started or at least some sort of insight okay so here's your time Jump I'm coming grumpy jaw oh there's Tess this must be Tess no not how I'd advise starting your morning but I have some interesting news for you where were you Tess Western District hey we had a drop to make we we had a drop to make yeah well you wanted to be left alone remember so I'll take one guess the uh old deal went South and the client made off with our pills is that about right deal went off without a hitch ration cards last us a couple of months easy you want to explain this I was on my way back here and I got jumped by these two [ __ ] all right and yeah they got a few good hits in but look I managed these [ __ ] still with us let's find out who they were yeah look they were a couple of nobodies they don't matter what matters is that Robert [ __ ] sent them our Robert he knows that we're after him he figures he's going to get us first it's not a [ __ ] yeah he's not smart enough Black Hill you do old Warehouse in area five can't say for how long though well I'm ready now yeah oh I can do now man the voice only buns so good in this motion capture Quinn some people want the motion capture well I mean that's good too but like you know that's what the fact that they're using legitimate actors whereas before some of the voice you need to have in video games was like comically bad yeah oh hello Robert Joe know her feelings right now that was all about that car back yeah the car battery guy yeah [Music] look whatever it is you heard it ain't true okay I just want to say guns you want to tell us where the guns are yeah sure but it's complicated look all right just hear me outside don't boot to the nose stop stop stop oh she'll break his arm what you're squirming you were saying sold them double dipping excuse me I didn't have much of a choice I owed someone you owed us I'd say you bet on the wrong horse I just need more time give me a week you know I might have done that if you hadn't tried to [ __ ] kill me where's our guns foreign just give me a couple oh look at his arms the fireflies oh the fireflies what they're basically all dead we can just just go in there finish them off we get the guns what do you say you come on [ __ ] those fireflies let's go get them that is a stupid idea oh taking any [ __ ] no well now what you'll get our merchandise back I don't know we explain it to them let's play it look let's go find a firefly you won't have to look very far ah don't show it up Queen Firefly why are you here business you're looking so hot [Music] Where's Robert I like how she holds her arms yeah I needed him alive the guns he gave you they weren't his to sell I want them back doesn't work like that test the hell it doesn't I paid for those guns you want them back you're gonna have to earn them how many cards are we talking about I don't give a damn about ration cards I need something smuggled out of the city you do that I'll give you your guns back then some how do we know you got him well I hear the military's been wiping you guys out right about that I'll show you the weapons I gotta move What's it gonna be I want to see those guns follow me [Music] we gotta get out of here now I like how it goes back from Cinema to gameplay so I I I've like I said you know did a little bit of Call of Duty so I always liked watching the the cinema stuff at least once and then yeah before I move forward here uh in here you know you guys are always talking about TV shows go get the ammo go yeah go get supplies like yeah that's all you do in this game yeah tons of stuff but you're just constantly picking up gear supplies but the one thing that I liked from the TV show is that it brings the reality of where versus a video game you can't carry seven different rifles ammunition you know you got to be selective with what you're bringing and I like how Joel uh and Pedro did that in the TV show you don't know let her go there's our girl yeah with the switch plate yeah it looks almost identical on the TV show [ __ ] what happened don't worry this is fixable yeah the old oblique shots but I can't come with you well then I'm staying Ellie we won't get another shot at this I think that's word for Words it'll meet you at the Capitol building that's not exactly close oh the Capitol Building you're capable you hand her off come back the weapons are yours double what Robert told me speaking of which where are they back in our camp we're not smuggling [ __ ] you'll follow me you can verify the weapons I can get patched up but she's not Crossing to that part of town I want Joel to watch over her well I don't think that's the best way how do you know them I was close with his brother Tommy said if I was ever in a jam I could rely on him was that before or after he left your little militia group he left you two he was a good man take her to the north tunnel and wait for me there is Cargo Joel cargo cargo so it started right cargo you'll be fine now go with him don't take long and you stay close let's go see this one jewel is not as like cold yeah right away yeah you know how this goes here maybe don't do anything stupid move oh there's two of them here I had the one dude in the game yeah we'll scan them I'll call it in put your hands on your head boy that makes it a lot more difficult to get away from here story I understand look the other way you're gonna make this worth your while shut up [Laughter] what BTA a couple minutes [Music] oh Tess could have been a little bit quicker there I'm not going to complain but that's a little no we were just gonna hold them up or something oh [ __ ] look Jesus Christ [Music] Marlene set us up why the hell are we smuggling an infected girl [Music] not infected no it's live I can't explain you better explain fast look at this I don't care how you got infected it's three weeks old no everyone turns within two days so you stop bullshitting it's three weeks I swear why would she say you up I'm buying it I don't have much time to snow I choose to buy it or not you know in the TV show he was able to grab a radio and I don't I don't remember if he grabbed her I think he grabbed these guys stuff in the TV show yeah that's when he didn't get anything was that like three knife stabs or oh there we go boys that was the okay that's basically episode one okay nice or from the up from the TV show to the game so yeah no it's it's really cool the difference uh you know well the difference and the similarities between the two obviously a very immersive game that sucks you in uh especially if you're wearing uh you know headphones or earbuds like we are I mean the sound is everywhere you hear the helicopter circling around it sounds like the runners and clickers and bloaters are are right next to you or right behind you so you know what it just immersive experience and I can see how people would just like stay up for hours playing this and uh there must have been a lot of people calling in uh to work the next day because man this thing would suck you in and you know the thing I like about it which is also shown in the TV show is that you've got Federer on one side fireflies on the other and our protagonists kind of right in the middle not really trusting either side so it's an interesting story a lot of times in video games it's always we're the good guys against the bad guys and I like how there's Shades of Gray in this one yeah this um this is I mean for for being a video game it's pretty it's pretty intense you know you know what a video game can deliver a certain level of anxiety when you're playing it um that the creators did a good job it's interesting having seen the show and then going back and watching the game but I feel like for the people who played the game and went through the gameplay and stuff and then got to watch the show it must have been such a cool a cool experience to see this but to see the similarities I mean but look because you didn't need to you didn't need to play the game at all to watch the show you know and I'm guessing there's so many people who have subscriptions to HBO Max and are like oh this is the newest hottest show and one of the interesting things that we saw actually if I'm correct I think right up until the last week like viewership grew week to week and I'm guessing you know maybe what happened for that look it it popped off huge its first week but I'm guessing what happened is maybe you had some people like oh it's based off a video game and then of course that movie before on Facebook the next day it's like oh my God it was so awesome okay maybe we'll check it out and then it just grew and grew so you didn't have to watch the game to to be to to love the show as as of course you saw with my Mason Quinn but I feel like it's just a totally different experience for the people who did go through the gameplay because you're so interactive with it right like you're interactive you're part of it and then when you watch the show you're kind of just sitting back almost like a helpless feeling you know you're kind of just sitting back you can't do anything and you have to watch um they did a great job with the sounds I have um a relatively obnoxious uh home theater set up in my basement at my home you know upstairs where you know the family and stuff I have the sound bar with the subwoofer but my basement I used to work at Best Buy and anybody who's ever worked in retail knows that speaker stuff is heavily marked up and you get great deals on it I've got like Tower speakers with a giant Klipsch Center Channel a huge floor sub my rear speakers aren't like your little surround sound speakers they're floor Tower speakers so when I was playing like Call of Duty it's like you could hear rounds falling on the floor the subs shaking the walls and stuff so I would like to go back and play this with the setup that I have um and just to have that I mean you know when the bass hits my stuff literally shakes in my house and it even just through the headphones and we use pretty good monitor headphones here well Quinn's got just his earbuds but um it's still though that's still like you still get yeah they're right there yeah like that scene where they were running towards the highway you could hear it's it's so crazy like you could hear that they're behind you yeah you know it's almost done you just want to look yeah it's so I mean big shout out to sound design I mean obviously that gets overlooked in a lot of games and movies and stuff the sound design on this was incredible but this was a lot of fun it's cool seeing how some of the scenes uh are the same some are different some seem like they're like shot for Shot line for line which I think you know is cool and I'm sure when they were writing this out they're like look we're going to have some differences here and there but some of the stuff that goes into the TV show should be shot for Shot line for line so the people who did play the video game can just be like oh that's exactly how it was and but I was cool yeah whoops lost my pen that's all right I don't need it no what I would like to do is I think for each time we kind of stop I'd like to ask you guys and you guys out there well do you prefer the video game version or do you prefer the TV version because for this opening part I think I prefer the the TV version if nothing else for the uh for the airplane crash into the car uh them going through the field and uh obviously Pedro's acting was incredible so uh for me I think I prefer the the TV version at least from sitting back and watching from entertainment standpoint for me these are two different mediums so it's hard to say which one I would go with uh as you guys just saw here like the game medium versus TV medium there was like you guys were just saying shot for shot but then the TV gave us and these this cast and crew an opportunity to enhance more which I feel like the TV show did in certain areas which I'm sure you guys are going to see when we cruise through some of this that TV enhanced the game story a little bit more with some of the things they were able to do that maybe that Neil and crew just didn't think of at the time for this yeah or however that scenario plays out but uh for me it's hard to say because they're it the gameplay like you were saying you're so interactive with it you were in it versus TV you're feeling it so it I mean I can't pick yeah I I don't think but I can't no because I don't think you can really even compare the two experiences just for like you know you were talking like you're walking through the city you're looking you're picking stuff up you're putting it down I don't know maybe they have options for do you want the shotgun or the rifle or the revolver and you're it's so when you're watching um when you're watching the the TV show it's just playing out in front of you it's you know 59 minutes whatever each episode when you're playing the game you could take it slow you can walk you can turn you walk down this alley you're very much in control it's a very immersive experience it's a video game it's a you're you're controlling everything outside of the Cinematic scenes where whereas with the TV show you just sit back and watch you have no involvement I guess I mean in terms of the things that they change oh the things that they changed I I guess you know I guess the test seems pretty hardcore in the game yeah uh you know they feel like they softened her up a little bit where um you know I think honestly I think that this game has been so cool so far I think had they adapted the the the TV show like shot for shot I think it would have been cool what this really makes me want to do or not that I didn't before but this really makes me want to watch like all the talk with the directors yeah and all these we stayed away from all that we stayed away from all of that you know we just finished the the last episode not very long ago and we haven't really had time to go and listen to Hey the director tells us why they shot this this way and why they did that so to your point on that uh during the bill and Frank episode that's the one I immediately went to because remember I wanted to get a better understanding of why they Rudolph bill um and it's always either Craig or Neil or both so you're getting a writer in every single one of those podcasts they're in their Town HBO they have them on YouTube so if you guys I would highly recommend it because it is they give you a lot of detail of what they were thinking first in the game and what they presented to us on TV so definitely recommend which I think is important when you look when you um when you take any sort of source material and turn it into a movie people are going to have questions why did you do it this way now some things are going to be blatantly obvious look there wasn't the technology to shoot it right it was you know I've talked about the Potter movies there's so much inner monologue and stuff that the only way to get that sort of feeling across the screen would be have somebody narrate what's happening what you're not gonna do in in that sort of movie but I think it's a real treat for the fans to be able to have the directors and the right leaders give insight as to why they did things the way they did and that's absolutely something that I'm going to want to take a look at when we're done with you know going over the gameplay so this is going to be one of the more episode two here was part of the iconic scene here yeah the lucky step as you're going though because it's going to be a little [Laughter] oh you see the dust falling off the board nice attention to detail oh she looks pretty worried was that everything you hoped for Drew's still out word for word this way troll seems a little nicer in the game than he did yeah in the show we're almost done stay focused yes ma'am okay so in the game or on the TV show they find the truck outside first and all that stuff no no no no what happens now what are you doing Tess maybe they uh maybe they hit a map or something to tell us where they were going far are we gonna taste it where was this lab there's oh she never said she only mentioned that it was someplace out west what are we doing here this is not us what do you know about us about me I know that you are smarter than this really guess what we're shitty people Joel it's been that way for a long time no we are survivors this is our chance it is over Tess and we tried to go home I'm not I'm not going anywhere this is my last stop what our luck had to run out sooner or later you going on to me she's infected Joel let me see I didn't mean show it to me oh Christ oops right it was the ankle in the uh the TV show no TV show was up there oh this was three weeks I Was Bitten an hour ago and it's already worse this is [ __ ] real Joel got to get this girl to Tommy's he used to run with this crew he'll know where to go no no that was your Crusade I am not doing that yes you are look there's enough here that you have to feel some sort of obligation to me so you get her to Tommy's oh that's different I can buy you some time but you have to run run you want us to just leave you here yes there's no way I will not turn into one of those things come on it's easy for me no no just go let's [ __ ] go Ellie I didn't mean for this you're gonna move all way different oh well now we're different but yeah I mean you had federous soldiers versus Clickers [Music] yeah no no barrels of gas no big old boom nope all right guys so that was uh what we consider episode two I guess real quick hits we may miss some stuff uh but we're just trying to make this just kind of get to yeah I mean for me obviously the biggest difference was the way that tests went out in the TV show uh versus here I thought the way it was done on the TV show was absolutely brilliant uh we saw soldiers instead of uh clickers and there wasn't all the gas and and the lighter and that whole thing was so well done uh absolutely incredible yeah that was for me that was the kind of the big thing that I miss I guess in the video game yeah I think uh you know I think if you're somebody who was really passionate about the video game you would have been completely okay with the differences that they had in the TV show that moment where she was mouth to mouth with the clicker and you saw the cordyceps coming out I mean that was such an intense shot she had to keep her cool and everything I mean that was so I mean it's as far as like just really impactful scenes of the entire player you know nine episode series I think Tess is going out was one of the most impactful I mean it was one of also one of the most visually like creeping you out I mean because we saw we saw a handful of scenes where we saw the cordyceps going you know from one mouth to the next but the fact that she was essentially conscious that that it's just happening um to do uh to get the lighter going and of course it wasn't going at first and um so I I think that um for as as good as the video game has been what we've seen so far I think the addition of something more dramatic for the TV show I think was important and that's one of those things where you can sit back and watch this and be like okay it wasn't exact to the source material but the writers got it right yeah and I can see the other big thing being the other masks the fact that Joel in here wears a a mask you know to filter spores and everything and they obviously didn't do that in the TV show um I think of nothing else for just pure Simplicity I mean look you want to show your games yeah Neil and Craig kind of did give an explanation on it yeah what was that because because to me that changes everything completely if you also have to worry about this being some sort of Airborne I mean that changes everything every environment you go into you'd have to have that and then of course uh when we talk about how realistic they were with the limitation of supplies and things like that how many functional gas masks are there look as an n95 or what's going to work you know as a surgical mask gonna work and I feel like it could have created complications but man it seems like a big big detail to leave out so In fairness though Craig and Neil are quoted saying that they're not ruling it out for future Seasons okay just uh I can't remember their full out right quote but essentially they wanted to keep it more Centric around storytelling around the characters and a little bit more as you could tell because right they they had less clickers less infected yeah right so it wanted to push it and Mason great Mason Gwen does bring up a good point like you'd think in the interest of safety you'd be having those gas masks on all the time and at some point it's like okay we want to see the faces of the actors and to I mean if where wouldn't you wear one you know every scene you know when they were you know going through the buildings when they were Underground on the subway and the TV show I mean you'd literally have one non-stop everywhere you're going into the old house you know I mean everywhere you go every person you went around that you didn't know wasn't infected you'd want to have one on so I think in the interest of being able to see the actors the emotion and everything it was probably better that it was left out and I don't know how they would introduce it in future Seasons um to be like oh by the way now it's Airborne I know maybe it's evolving and things like that I trust them yeah I I trust them it is an interesting point in the game but when you're talking about actual acting and not just video games um I think I think it was a a fair decision at least as far as I'm concerned to Omit that from the TV show Square oh there's the noise [Music] that was close uh thanks for the rocks and all uh Ellie hey Woody Joel Bill what are you doing turn around and get on your knees calm down a second turn around all right get on your knees don't test me just take it easy anything sprouting God damn it I'm clean I see so much you're done I you come into my house you set off all my traps you damn near break my shooting arm who the [ __ ] is this Punk and what's she doing here I am none of your goddamn business and we're here because you owe Joel some favors it starts by taking these off I owe Joel some favors or some kind of joke I'll cut to the chase I need a car well it is a joke Joel needs a car well if I had one that works which I sure as hell don't what makes you think I just give it to you huh yeah sure Joel go ahead take my cards take all my food too while you're at it by the looks of it you could lose some of that food listen to me you little [ __ ] I need you to shut up right it's just a firecracker in the video she thinks I owe you ain't worth that much actually bill they are well it don't matter because I don't have a car that works there is one in this town parks there are Parts in this town meaning that you could fix one up all right I'm gonna do this there's some gear I'm gonna need all right it's on the other side of town now you help me go gather it and maybe I can put something together that runs but after this I owe you nothing that's fine a couple days from now we'll probably be dead anyway good follow me oh goddamn towns booby trap if I stay right on my ass can't miss it [Laughter] here we are you don't touch anything and you close the door Gear Up uh-uh what I need a gun no you don't Joel I can handle myself no he's stay here fine just wait around for you two to get me killed well this goes on record is the worst [ __ ] job you've ever taken yeah it's up there how in the hell is Tess okay with his suicide mission must be her idea really well in the broad's not as smart as I thought she was what the [ __ ] seriously you got to take that kid back to where you found her I can't just take her back and send her packing let her find her own way but let me tell you a story Once Upon a Time I had somebody that I cared about partner somebody I had to look after and in this world that sort of shit's good for one thing get you killed so you know what it did wasn't the [ __ ] up and I realized it's got to be just me ability it ain't like that it's [ __ ] it is just like that hey when I say to you we walk down the steps what'd I say I'm just fixing your stupid pile don't touch damn it you keep babysitting long enough and eventually it's gonna blow up your face can we please just get on with you here let's get on with it inside the house now so that worked out well ah I'll go check out this side of the house Bill somebody had the same idea they stole my [ __ ] well then what the hell is Plan B you ought to be thankful you're still drawing breath that was plan A B C all the way to [ __ ] Z the furthermore don't test she could take off nothing to do Jesus oh what do you know this guy or something Frank Who the hell's prank oh wow he was my partner oh I was the only idiot that would wear a shirt like that oh no he's got bites here I reckon he didn't want to turn I guess not well [ __ ] him oh [ __ ] that's different uh it's significantly different huh look what I found it's got some juice in it that's my battery blue and white S10 [ __ ] [ __ ] get out get out jeez yeah except this one's got a little rust on it batteries drain but cells are alive meaning meaning we push it get it started the alternator recharge the battery yep that's exactly yes they did look you wanted a plan B As Good As It Gets what are you thinking can you drive and we push all right this'll do stop just keep it running all right that girl nearly got us killed you gotta admit she did hold her own back there you ain't gonna make it oh oh uh uh here what's this you'd be amazed at how many cars still got gas in them appreciate it look good about your buddy back there uh that's a tough deal Square we're Square and get the [ __ ] out of my town so as you saw there uh Bill said get the [ __ ] out of my town and that was the last last year last we see them but there is a letter so right here gentlemen is the uh note Frank left bill but Bill never got it yet yep where's in the uh in the TV show if I recall whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what a totally drastically difference yep I mean that is okay so what were you thinking when you watched the TV show well that's why in our review and I know there's a handful of you that hammer oh but that's why we can uh not confused uh with uh the decision that they went with having Bill and Frank do a a happy ending is how is how they like to call it right yeah but the decision to write off bill is what kind of got me like what was there what was the writer's thinking yeah why did they want to write them off just have that introduction I mean this is this is I mean I thought the test part was huge you know they have to have her this is they have to have tests going out so Joel and Ellie can move on without her and they do it different but this is like a major difference in the story because then of course in episode three they wrote uh what I'm convinced is like one of the most epic love stories like in cinematic or TV history and I thought they did a phenomenal job with it and for as much as I loved episode three and I think everybody who watched it um loved episode three this changes things dramatically and the only you know what and I'm sure the writers had a good um uh you know a good explanation as to why I did in their podcast and I think if I always want to give characters depth yeah and I think like to give characters depth and just show that Within within all the the bad that happens you know if you can still find good with the right person and yeah and I thought it was a very inspiring episode and great I'm still glad like don't get me wrong I'm still glad they did episode three the way they did it's just surprising to me that they went with that significant of a shift yeah you know episode three was a lot of fun as well when we got to see Bill kind of like get his prep on so to speak I mean that was a lot of fun to see him go around town and see that except shooting out in the middle of the street with no ah that didn't make much sense no cover yeah so that's uh as you guys saw we didn't even get to see what Frank looked like here no so it was a bit episode three I thought they did in a more Justice for Bill and Frank well that's the thing right you're telling a story in a TV show that you have to get people in involved in and invested in and I don't think that just showing people at the game here as great as it is I mean you ain't gonna hook them like you hooked them with episode three in the TV show no I as you heard me say a couple times I thought game bill was TV ready so we saw in here he was way more of an [ __ ] oh yeah then he was presented as the TV character when they were eating lunch and he had the uh the pistol right there on the table Yeah pointed at Joel pointed at him look if you're if look and I know you don't have to you don't have to be a Firearms person to understand that having a gun pointed at somebody is is a bad thing but when you really really get into firearms and um most people that I am closer with that are that are firearms type piece people are very responsible about their firearms use and to have a firearm pointed at you empty loaded anything is a giant no no it's like like literally the literally one don't Point your firearm at something you don't intend on on shooting so sitting at a table with a firearm pointed at somebody even unloaded would make me feel very uncomfortable just on over my courtesy and a prince standpoint much less loaded so that was a if if you were a Firearms person watching that episode that was a huge huge deal and I think some people thought oh it's just a gun sitting on the table no that was and that's why Joel said like you know he brought up my face don't point that [ __ ] thing at me yeah even though it's just sitting on the table because that is a massive sign of I don't even want to say distrust but disrespect for another person to uh to do that but I I we're going to talk a little bit about episode three after we finish this yeah it will take us right to where like we're kind of all over folks I'll have somewhat of this edited better but this is technically the end of three right here okay yeah seeing again with the masks and hey look um I don't even know here's how this thing's gonna play out you don't bring up tests ever in fact we just keep our histories to ourselves secondly don't tell anybody about your condition they think you're crazy will try to kill you and lastly you do what I say when I say it we clear sure repeat it what you say goes good I know there's a town a few miles north of here there's a fella there that owes me some favors a good chance he could get us a car so this is basically the start of episode four right here okay yeah I think this was I remember this was the episode Oak where we're like oh they got a truck loaded with supplies they'll have that for about 10 minutes before they lose it wait what happened it always goes okay I know it doesn't look like it but this here is not a bad read only one problem right there to be continued hey Cliffhangers where did you get that uh packet bills I mean all this stuff was just lying there what else did you get well here let's make you all nostalgic you know that is actually before my time I didn't winner though it was verbatim again yeah well better than nothing oh I'm sure your friend will be missing this tonight light on the reading but it's got some interesting photos Ellie that ain't for kids whoa how how the hell would he even walk around with that thing get rid of that because I want to see what all the fuss is about oh why are these all stuck together [Laughter] I'm just [ __ ] with you bye-bye dude Pittsburgh 76 West so yeah obviously in a TV show they went to Kansas yeah yeah you know what this isn't that bad [Music] she tried to get some sleep I'm not even tired [Music] [Laughter] oh perfect yeah we all didn't like this what's wrong with the video games they'll make rash decisions Joel and look how that's all blocked yeah like it's oh are we waiting for the brick to come out of the window or the cinder block easy holy [ __ ] are we gonna help him put your seatbelt on Ellie what about the guy he ain't even hurt [Music] oh boss wow that was pretty damn close to the TV show and this is the same song too that they had in the TV show yeah this is definitely different than me yeah oh oh oh that was close tapping the [ __ ] out of school oh got him oh [ __ ] breath we're leaving oh oh smashing that square button Square I better hope it works they'll fire underwater a little different from the TV show yeah I feel sick and you just hang back like I told you to she had to save your ass well you're glad I didn't right I'm glad I didn't get my head blown off by a goddamn kid you know what no how about hey Ellie I I know it wasn't easy but it was either him or me thanks for saving my ass you got anything like that for me Joel we gotta get going lead the way she puts up a lot of his [ __ ] too yeah it's all right in a quick little condensed version that was basically episode four yeah I mean in episode four on a TV show was super intense um we set it from the start that they got a truck full of supplies and everything well that's not gonna last and obviously in this show it didn't the the fight scene was a little bit different obviously really intense on the TV show and again you know the differences that we've talked about are you're talking about a video game where you're playing versus a TV show you're watching uh the the folks at home watching a TV show aren't going to necessarily going to want to watch uh Pedro run around a uh an old restaurant or something looking for dog tags and ammo and anything else so I mean obviously you're gonna have a difference with those two mediums but you know it's staying pretty dang true uh I should say the TV show stayed pretty true to the video game for me it's obviously in reverse because of what I saw first you guys get it but yeah I mean it's it's very accurate and uh Badness just going back and watching it realize it makes me remember how much fun this show was and definitely going to be a re-watch for me yeah you know one of my biggest issues with the TV show when they said they were going to St Louis and I said okay if we're in Boston and then go homeless to go home to Wyoming why would we be going down to St Louis if you were headed through Pittsburgh that makes more sense I mean anybody who's driven out east from like I've driven out east from Wisconsin and you basically go down to Northern Illinois cut across Indiana Ohio and and right to Pittsburgh I've driven to Pittsburgh actually and if you were going to come from Pittsburgh and go to Wyoming it would be you know pretty much a straight shot West and then once you got um you know once you got past Illinois you'd be headed Northwest a little bit so I was really thrown off in St Louis I'm sure there's been explanations um at this point I think we're Past spoilers did you know why they said they went to St Louis or so there was a lot of comments in our reaction of the them saying Craig and Neil because they were shooting in Canada they had nothing to show like Pittsburgh and Canada yeah so they had so unique yeah they had more location look-alikes and that's it's it's funny you bring that up because that was the thing that and I didn't read any of those comments but that was the initial thing I thought it's like okay if we go to St Louis of course there's the arch but you know unless you're by the arch I mean but um if you've been to Pittsburgh Pittsburgh is very much a city where there's uh you know there's there's big valleys there's a lot of your old like Steel type Bridges some of the architecture in Pittsburgh the like the bridges and things like that roadways the rivers so uh the Three Rivers yeah so Pittsburgh is Pittsburgh is unique and it's in its landscape and its architecture I think more so than some of the Cities I think anything look the further east you go the older everything is right that's where stuff was was settled and so the further west you go um I think it probably would have been easier so that does make sense that hey we're going into you know St Louis because people weren't gonna call out immediately I do remember in the TV show they got when they um or Kansas um St Louis I know there's uh same thing Kansas City right yep I'm seeing St Louis uh just you know Kansas City Missouri and then Kansas City there's Casey MO and there's Casey Kansas yeah I go to uh for work usually twice a year I'm down in Casey MO and it's like it's Casey's Kids versus Casey MO uh but um but at any regard I do remember people had a problem with and they were like oh we're 10 miles west of Boston and they were like they're in anything like that in Boston yeah yeah and I'm sure they kind of knew that we're like okay guys this is where we're this is where the story has to take place take the ride this is where we have the ability to shoot and again look this show was this show was incredible so that's not even something I'm gonna begin to nitpick with because we understand that if they're gonna follow the video game if you're following a story it has to take place in a certain area and you can't always shoot there you know it's just that's just not how it works so yeah and this this team puts so much effort into set design and details details details I hammered that home the entire time we're watching the TV show so I think it'd be a disservice if they tried to do like some major CGI cheese to try to make some place in Canada look like Pittsburgh so I'm fine with it I was was really excited the further west they got I love the American West huge fan of it so I just wanted to see more of that is it was has there been any like I mean while we're on the subject but I suppose now this is good if that was any was there any like bad criticism of the show that you guys saw yeah I mean go look through our comments on some of the reactions there was some people that were displeased were they mad because it veered away from the source material with the with the it's a mixed the best way I can put it is mixed bag so my here okay so here's probably gonna have some people comment on here what the game was so much better here's my question among people who didn't play the video game who only watched the TV show I'm wondering what level of criticism that was given you know who didn't play the game people who didn't play the game and they only watched the show because I can I certainly understand if I played the game like the the letter thing with Bill and Frank that's huge that's huge that is a massive deviation so if I'm somebody who's hardcore to the game even Pittsburgh to um to Kansas City it's a huge deviation but I'm talking people who just watched the TV show weren't referencing the game at all were there people who watched the TV show who were like yeah I could take that didn't like the TV show they're I I didn't see any criticism everybody that I saw was was raving about it I did see comments from people who were hey you veered pretty far off the source material this should be if you're gonna make it the same title as the game make it the same as the game yeah so I did see some of that um but you know they got to remember that not everybody's you know uh a gamer and again we said it a hundred times some things simply don't translate video game to a television media I just watched when you said that because I just watched this morning actually I finally got around to it they uh HBO put a 30 minute uh behind or the making of Last of Us putting out everything and uh Troy Baker in there he and this is all paraphrasing so uh Troy when he was given the news that they're bringing this to a TV adaptation Troy admitted like he was upset he's like why the game's a basically a masterpiece and Neil uh told Troy that a lot of people aren't going to be picking up a remote in the store and basically uh you know telling him that this story is a great story that needs to be told and Troy was like this is absolutely does after he said it like that yeah yeah when you put it that way I mean I think there's a lot of things it's like oh don't ruin it by making it this or don't ruin it by making it that and uh I think um and obviously there's a different time frame of when they the decision was made to you know turn it into a game but I think um for for real world delivery times the the the the the rings of power like just talk about people being upset from the way they had died the way the original Source material was adapted for screen versus this like I don't see many Amazon fans with the rings of power d uh logos on them anymore no no and uh well anyhow yeah we can get into that moment but I I just I just wanted to bring up the point that I think that the TV show was done even though it deviates from the video game um the TV show was done in such a fashion where if you were somebody who hadn't played the game at all and had no gripes based off of it didn't follow the source material exactly this show was like a like an A plus plus I will say there was a few comments that I do slightly remember uh I can't remember which episode but there were some people who would label it I haven't played the game and I felt this episode was a little slow for me yeah some something okay so some filler filler episode Gamers hating yeah I mean I think it was your usual complaints of hey this is supposed to be a zombie show where are the zombies where's yeah you know they're always gonna happen you did you know what now that you say that I did I did see some people comment on hey look once they got outside of basically outside of the original qz and uh you know got past the uh where we were introduced to Mr bloater Man once they got past that it was basically a non-issue yeah and you know those are fair criticisms uh from people who played the game of people who haven't you know because there's probably some coming in with an expectation of someone telling them hey the zombie show even though it's not zombies well it depends on who how you like to label your stuff here but you know you're being told this to zombies so they're having an expectation oh we're gonna see a lot of that stuff but then you come in there's probably not a lot to a person's taste yep but again just it's it's so it's all subjective with entertainment so that's what's the beauty of it whether you nitpick on something or you don't so yeah all right well yeah Henry and Sam [Music] it wasn't the sneak up on them no no wow that's definitely not the same way leave him alone easy son and he can talk it's all right they're not the bad guys a little lower the gun man you hit hard you know what I was trying to kill you yeah I thought you were one of them too then I saw you if you haven't noticed they don't keep kids around survival the fittest you're bleeding nothing even the details yeah Sam I think I caught your name was Joel Ellie how many are with you they're all dead hey we don't know that there were a bunch of us someone had the brilliant idea of entering the city look for supplies those [ __ ] ambushed us scattered us now it's all about getting out of this [ __ ] we can help each other Ellie safety and numbers and all that she's right could help each other we got to hide out not too far from here be safer if we chat there all right take us there yeah I'm cool how is me I must have triggered some kind of safety gate or something Henry simply lift this so this is awkward yeah I know it's like every time hey this thing is in budget man get out of here same do you stay close to him safe go oh man they're right on them oh look at those guys yeah this is a pretty significant uh significant difference as well oh that's right when they're going through the neighborhood yeah sniper yeah and here's our sniper guy and we're down the street I didn't even the TV show it said we'll stay here before you start I need you guys to keep him busy I'm gonna go around and see if I can't get the angle on it okay hey be careful yeah jewel gets there so we don't we don't get this scene with the bloater coming out of the ground in the video game that was like such a iconic scene I think okay anybody hurt no we're good I think it's time we quit this place come on let's go thank you shut the hell up that serious [Music] it's Tommy's birthday that's all he wanted to do is just went to Harleys and drive cross country oh man I could die happy if I could just ride one around the block what was it like it was good it was real good can you believe this guy come on man give me details describe it you know what you two deserve a little privacy no no Ellie Ellie this isn't just any regular motorcycle okay you get on that bad boy you feel that engine nothing like it oh yeah how would you know seen it in my dreams okay [Laughter] I don't think anyone from my group is gonna show up yeah worst part about it all explaining it's a Sam well it's safe to say those two have officially bonded what are you doing taking stock of all the food we found today I see how are we doing on canned peaches did Henry send you no would Henry send me to make sure I'm not [ __ ] up somehow I'd say we all did pretty good back there especially you is everything all right yeah everything's fine okay well have a good night how's it that you're never scared who says that I'm not what are you scared of see scorpions are pretty creepy laughs being by myself I'm scared of ending up alone what about you those things out there one of the people are still inside what if they're trapped in there without any control of their body scared of that happening to me all valid questions okay very much first of all we're Team now okay we're gonna help each other out and second they might still look like people but that person is not in there anymore Henry says that they've moved on that they're with their families like in heaven do you think that's true I go back and forth I'm in I'd like to believe it but you don't I guess not he's asking a lot of questions oh well a serious talk I almost forgot there um you can't take it away forgot all about that all right I'm pooped it's not a trip I'll see you tomorrow holy [ __ ] you guys what what is it it's a Voltron that's not Voltron it wasn't made out of cats it's not a Transformer drop a comment folks that there's the bite okay so this is different hell no that smells good morning or Sam I'm sleeping for once oh if you want them to join us you can go wake his ass up oh no Sam oh damn what the hell [ __ ] he's turning that's my [ __ ] brother screw it really yeah you're all right oh my God save oh no soon Henry that looks stupid Henry what are you doing I'm gonna get that gun for me okay oh okay okay easy this is your [ __ ] this is nobody's fault anything Henry Henry no oh and soon now we have another little time Jump I mean I assume it's fall the season not uh in the fall of the Season yeah the fall of some other city but yeah so that was episode basically episode five-ish yeah yeah game purposes we just did yeah and again another Super impactful Scene when uh Oak and I saw it for the first time on the TV show and you know it it has to say it hits you the same way even seeing it in the in the video game I mean the massive amount of guilt that Henry feels as a brother for doing what he did and just a a no-end situation and the reveal that you know obviously in the beginning the reveal that Sam was bit and um yeah this one this one was pretty incredible and we can go back and forth as to whether or not he gave him a Transformer or a Voltron you've guys let us know of course let's transformed um no another pretty significant deviation um that the TV show took from the the video game here of course in the TV show we saw a lot of development of the fireflies and some of their inner workings why they were so hell-bent on finding Henry and Sam and plus they were they're incredibly ruthless right so um a big difference with uh you know them getting split up and Joel having to spend some time and Ellie having to spend some time and the trust that that that built um the the sniper scene and that whole scene I mean from from a visual standpoint and I get again why they did it watching this now you know I get why they did it for the TV show like they wanted to have some sort of holy [ __ ] moment with the clickers and then look that bloater scene was one of the coolest things the truck Falls in and it just keeps going you know I mean that was patient build yeah and that was wild so pretty significant deviation as far as how this all played out but it got us to the uh the end very quickly now again we saw um I think one of the biggest things that we saw and I believe it was this episode where we saw the things that fedger was doing and when when fedra fell like how bad it got I mean there was some uh I mean there was some really grass some of the most graphic television that I think I've seen in a very long time and arguably some of the most graphic television ever made as far as when they were showing the people um you know you know turning on the federal people I mean it was bad I mean we saw hangings we saw we don't need to get into it you saw how bad it was but then of course they chased them down this guy who was doing the sniping radioed in for help and we had that whole scene where of course Joel was um sniping to help get not only I believe the clickers but also some of the people that were chasing them off them um but again kind of the same end result of course in the show we saw a little bit more interaction between Ellie and and Sam Henry Henry Sam Sam was younger yeah yeah so Sam yeah so of course that yeah thank you Mason Quinn he was he was deaf in the show which I'm not sure why they made it death in the show um maybe to make him feel a little bit more vulnerable um the the brother had to take even more of a protective role because his younger brother couldn't hear and of course the clickers the noise they make and with people coming um I don't know if it was to make the younger brother more vulnerable they they do uh Craig I believe well Craig and Neil do a pretty good job of explaining the reason they did this with salmon here on the podcast I know some people dropped some comments in there uh but I do recall a little bit of some of the verbiage yeah Neil eventually was like oh my God that was genius that you you know we made him that way in the show why didn't I think of that for the game yeah essentially was this to give us a little bit of a and correct me if I'm wrong here I'm just trying to do a real quick uh just a quick yeah paraphrase of it essentially they just wanted to give it a difference of a character for this position of the show okay um you know versus talking it's more complex and more intriguing if you have a character that's yeah that's definitely more sign instead of having to talk and make noise which works perfectly in this world but yeah it's definitely I didn't even think of it from that angle yeah if you were in a world war being quiet was Paramount um of course you have you know symbols that that we see with you know different military functions and things like that but to be able to actually sign would be would be damn a pretty big advantage over over people trying to find you but of course at the end um in the TV show we saw Ellie cut her hand and try to you know hoping that the blood would fix Sam we saw them you know wake up in the same room together so but the end was was kind of the same so another um another very impactful like Mason Quinn said it's interesting when you when you watch a video game and the video game can be impactful but I think you know you have to you watch it you always kind of implant yourself in those situations and regardless of whether it's fiction or whether it's a video game or a book or a movie you know the situation itself is is a sad situation and so it's uh it's hard not to be impacted by it at least in some fashion foreign don't even think about reaching for your weapon tell the girl to drop hers now I got something for you last year I went back to Texas back home almost that stuff is long gone I forgot all about that oh Tommy went back home in the game I mean that's not a a short trip looks pretty good oh wow look at that oh that's gotta hurt I hadn't seen that picture in 20 years oh no dude you sure I mean I've said I'm good okay now hold on to it for you tell me that I need to talk to you privately yeah okay let me just check on my guys real quick come on let's go at the crew you got here another good man this place gives him a second chance give this all a second chance so why'd you leave Boston I've been on quite the adventure little brother I reckon he's got something to do with that girl he's got everything to do with that little girl well go on then she's immune immune to what I see him I know I've seen her breathe enough spores to take down a dozen men and nothing I wouldn't have believed it neither but I can show you all right I'll bite why bring her here supposed to deliver to the fireflies the way I figure they're your boys you finish the job you collect the whole damn payment I've seen a firefly in years you know where they are I'm not asking for much Tommy I just want some simple gear enough to set me on my way what makes you think I'd do this for you this isn't for me Tommy this is for your damn cause my cause is my family now you ain't talking about some walk in the park here Jesus boy have Maria get some of your born-again friends to do it they got families too Tommy I need this you want some gear sure but I ain't taking that girl off your hands this is how you gonna repay me huh repay you for all those goddamn years I took care of us took care that's what you call it I got nothing but nightmares from those years you survived because of me it wasn't worth it bring you the Cure from Mankind and you want to play the pissy little brother we ain't back in Boston you lay your hands on me again it won't end well for you the hell is that we're under attack still remember how to kill right that was almost kind of Rick Ross you're gonna fight off Bandits and [ __ ] you okay yeah yeah I'm fine cool man yeah we're coming in from every direction that Maria was like we gotta run and so we Dove over these tables and this huge guy blasting Slow Down slow down slow down listen hey hey are you hurt no God damn it I need to talk to you absolutely not you tell him to go find somebody else Maria I can't have this hangover do you have any idea how many men we lost here today what's that all about oh they lost a bunch today too yeah does that have anything to do with me talk about it later did he tell you where the lab is no talk about it later right yeah and then I turn into one of those widows okay I have to do this I don't know what else to say Maria here we go if anything anything at all happens to him it's on you yes ma'am she's thankful you know yeah I know I'll take that girl years to the fireflies you don't have to worry about it's best this way you know maybe some real good will come of this I need to talk to Ellie oh let's see how this goes down say again I didn't hear you Joe wait what is it that girl of yours she took one of our horses and rode off which way is this really all they had to worry about boys movies oh the Diaries yeah skirt bizarre get up we're leaving well and if I say no do you even realize what your life means huh running off like that putting yourself at risk it's pretty goddamn stupid well I guess we're both disappointed with each other then what do you want from me admit that you wanted to get rid of me the whole time Tommy knows this area well I'm sorry I trust him better than I trust myself stop with the [ __ ] what are you so afraid of that I'm gonna end up like Sam I can't get infected I can take care of myself how many close calls have we had well we seem to be doing all right so far and now you'll be doing even better with Tommy not her you know what Maria told me about Sarah Ellie you are treading awesome Mighty thin eyes here I'm sorry about your daughter Joel but I have lost people too you have no idea what loss is everyone I have cared for has either died or left me everyone [ __ ] except for you don't tell me that I would be safer with someone else because the truth is I would just be more scared that's word for word from the show word for word yeah you're right you're not my daughter [Music] sure as hell ain't your dad and we are going our separate ways get it together we're not alone yeah they're just constantly under attack here okay this is when they're at the uh smashing that square oh oh there it is okay so it happened significantly different yeah way different oh yo yo rebar right through the guts oh it always fading out like that he takes out two of them yeah in the game I am the guy who went over the edge with right yeah you ready one two three the blood dripping yeah I can hear it so yeah guys that was basically the end of uh episode six right there okay well that was uh way different than it went down in the TV show and and I think um I don't know remember if if it was you Diamond Dave who said or maybe some of the folks in the comments but I thought maybe there were some thoughts that they changed it the way they did because that was a very similar way that it kind of happened with Rick Grimes and The Walking Dead he fell on the rebar like that pretty much almost you know a very similar uh location in the body and everything so I don't know if that was the case or if they just wanted to add a little something different with having the guy uh shank him with the uh stump of a bat essentially uh so definitely very different but you know they still had the emotional scene in the bedroom and and again I know it's a video game and I don't know if it's because I've seen the show already but it still has that impact of Ellie being like look everybody I've ever loved or wanted to be around is either left me or dead and now he's trying to do it uh to Ellie as well so that was a really really cool scene to see and I don't know if it was you know really Joel having self-doubts about his abilities or him just wanting to get away before he started to uh to get too attached yeah I mean we missed the cabin out in the middle of the uh the woods thing with the older girls Graham green and our uh our friend that used to be in uh Northern Exposure that was a great comedic kind of you know experience I think it showed that not everybody was there's people who lived the reality of what was going but on but not everybody was grizzled and you know and hateful and it was I thought that was very refreshing of course the nature and how they met up with Tommy I mean that that scene with Ellie and the dog like oh if it sniffs you she's gonna tear you from whim to limb like that was super high anxiety you know we didn't know right away like okay maybe this is where they run into Tommy and then they go into town and it's like hey Tommy like holy [ __ ] so so this was significantly different of course in the TV show we didn't see that town I mean I think they may have mentioned Raiders and stuff like that but we didn't you know see them being under attack of course they talking about how many people they lost um the bedroom scene was almost I mean the way she was sitting in that day bed up against the window reading the diary the things they said I mean that was almost word for word um so I think that was very well done and I think I think you know what it seems like watching the video game is it seems like um some of the really heavy hitting scenes the I mean really heavy hitting scenes the Henry and Sam scene where he has to take out his brother and then he you know takes his own life they kept that pretty close so I think the really big things you know of course Test passing was different but it feels like you know the intro where he loses his daughter so it seems like the really really significant scenes they've kept um for the most part true to the video game rather they for the TV show but this was interesting again um Joel fell didn't get the baseball bat and took out multiple guys from their group not just the one and it wasn't Ellie who did it you know I mean so some pretty significant differences here um so interested to see how the rest I'm not listen to me like I'm interested to see how this game plays out like it's like it's already done and they did the TV show uh interested to see how well especially the Raiders right coming to their place as in episode six it was just basically a safe haven right for the most part at least in that episode right that's what it felt like and so you know I I remember when when we were into episode six I'm like okay do you even leave at this point right here you know it seems pretty awesome maybe let's just stay here but all night you know they had they had a mission so absolutely all right so now we're gonna go right into episode seven where it was all Ellie and Riley this one folks we're gonna do just the IGN uh instead of me just trying to fly through all the gaming ones this is already going to be a heavy edit all right [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] I'll be back in a Flash promise you're awesome how Riley owl I thought you were dead you've been gone for three weeks I haven't seen you and I don't even know how long 45 days 46 technically a lot longer than the game yeah [ __ ] cars what no way yeah what the heck this is awesome [Music] oh okay smile um um okay bunny ears wait Closer Closer Closer [Laughter] [Music] okay yeah okay sorry I gotcha uh okay here's the arcade yeah I told you Riley definitely much cleaner same Rogers that's been nice she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen [Music] oh [ __ ] it's a tight turn [Music] use this one kept the the noise making yeah you block with this oh wait how do I play to match the buttons so many of them not finished yeah the screen turns dark angel knives blades begin to live she pierces this person again and again into his heart flies right out of his chin okay that was pretty cool that was really nerd check it out that was interesting what is that like a wolf man or something put it on it's mad oh so he's getting okay yeah I don't put it on stupid oh it's clown yeah save me same got some Al Snow heads there in the background [Music] ah the dad glass things I think nobody said anything like we didn't want to like be Deputy donors oh the glass uh fun like jazz version of I've got you babe that I've never heard before yeah okay so they had them switched foreign here there was one there was a couple in the game yeah [Music] oh fatality nice fill your arm laughs [Music] same spots wait I see you without two options what if you take the easy way out quick painless the way I see it we got two options option one you take the easy way out it's quick and painless like line for line word word option two two we fight for what [Music] we're gonna turn into one of those things what are you talking about it's over it will be but not yet whether it's two minutes two days yeah how she drags them foreign let's just wait it out you know we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together two minutes we don't give that up I don't want to give that up they can just be a poetic and [ __ ] and lose our minds what's option three sorry let's option three I'm sorry I'm sorry foreign yeah they didn't really change uh much of anything on there just a couple of small details that they dropped in as far as how uh Ellie got Joel out of the situation that he was in but yeah for the most part it was pretty much a shot for shot uh you know a couple of differences yeah yeah for the stuff they showed us um obviously there was more uh clickers in the mall than just the one that we saw on the show and as I mentioned before the three of us were incredibly nervous watching the girls dance on glass just thinking that that what if it breaks you're gonna get caught it's a little bit of a dad mode there uh moment there rather but again we talked about before with scenes that were so powerful and impactful you really didn't need to change them and I'm sure that's how the creators of the show felt yeah that whole episode was so powerful because you know one of the things that you 've uh it's easy to lose sight of is that kids who grew up in this they they hadn't seen malls and merry-go-rounds and arcades and all the things that um you know adults took for granted as part of their upbringing and it was such like there was just this like this I don't know if in a sense is the right word because you know that the [ __ ] that they've seen right like they've seen things that no teenagers should ever have to see look they've seen enough to last 10 lifetimes and just but the little things that we you know we like never thought twice of uh you know in in in our age look we went to the arcade When We Were Young I was there was merry-go-rounds and malls and it might not be the case anymore in a lot of malls but it was um it was it was a very powerful episode in as Mason Quinn had said there wasn't really much that needed changing again in the video game I will I will critique the show a little bit it would have been very easy to show her I mean they implied it I believe in the next episode but it would have been very easy to show at some point Her Like saddling up on the horse and having Joel on something yeah yeah I believe so in the next episode you saw like a path and then the tarp so they made it I mean they made it clear that she you know hauled him with the horse there was no way she was pulling it themselves but I think just in the interest of like here's what it actually happened if you were wondering I would have liked that shot to have been in the show but otherwise uh again just a phenomenal job you know it's funny you mentioned that I'll make this quicker it's funny you mentioned that because I've had those same critiques with The Walking Dead with the way they do some of their shots it's like well you couldn't take the four seconds to to show us this you know like it's four seconds two seconds just show me two seconds you know things like that but I understand my only Conor to that is they gave us enough in the next one there's a tarp you see a trail and I think maybe they wanted people to be like oh that's how you know like so you have that aha moment like sometimes the the best stories of the horse taken out though from the guys didn't because didn't Ellie fall off the horse and the guy came later remember that came okay yeah we got to the house no so sometimes I think that's what they do like hey let's not spoon feed this to him let's imply how it was done in the next one so you have that oh that's how they did it but I liked the shot in the video game where they show her on the horse um it's very uh it's a very stoic shot like she's on the horse by herself doing this by herself I think it was a powerful shot I would have liked or a powerful animation it's always funny we see it still we you know even when we we've done other animated movies oh that's a great shot yeah that's what you know what we mean you know but I would have liked to have seen that otherwise um I love the way they kept very true to the video game the story at least for the really powerful moments yeah and if anybody can drop a comment uh there to kind of let me know what was going on in the video game where Ellie's playing uh the Mortal Kombat type game she like had her eyes closed there and was visualizing the sequences I don't know if maybe that was something you do as a player or it's a little bit different but if anybody's got a comment on that I'd love to hear it yeah let us know who's there come out hello we just want to talk no any sudden moves and I put one right between your eyes ditto for Buddy Boy over there buddy boy what do you want name's David they got it flipped clean shaving though here from a larger group women children they're all very very hungry so am I women and children all very hungry too well huh maybe we could trade you for some of that meat there what do you need weapons ammo clothes medicine you have any antibiotics we do back at the camp welcome to followers I'm not following you anywhere bloody boy can go get it he comes back with what I need the deer is all yours anyone else shows up you put one right between my eyes this show they said they were going to split it after go on you know what I thought in the show she said you you get the medicine we'll split the deer split the deer in here she said you can have it I'll take that rifle gosh and then also in the show she didn't have the bowl she had a rifle yeah a little bit of a Daryl Dixon in this yeah a little bit until ah good move to check and see if it's actually loaded it's probably gonna be a while you were why don't we take some shelter from the cold bring him with us look at that's a sizable racks uh pretty impressive you know you really shouldn't be out here all on your own I don't like company what's your name why look I understand it's not easy to trust a couple of strangers whoever's heard you clearly care about them sure it's going to be just fine we'll see oh I forgot about that that's different whoa look at that what the hell [Applause] oh yeah you got another gun the whole time sorry I really like my rifle back now no you have your pistol I've had some practice that's right oh that's a massive difference yeah he had a different gun will you handled yourself pretty nice back there that's Siri like a pretty good team we got lucky lucky no no no such thing as luck you see I believe that everything happens for a reason oh boy here's that talk and I can prove it to you now this winner has been especially cruel a few weeks back I sent a group of men out nearby Town look for food only a few came back said that the others had been slaughtered oh yeah crazy man and get this crazy man traveling a little girl yeah this was a holy [ __ ] movie yeah or a scene in there everything happens for a reason get upset it's not your fault kid James lower the gun no way David I'm not gonna let her lower a gun now give her the medicine bad the others won't be happy about this no that's not your concern well the [ __ ] out of the way won't survive long out there I can't protect you [Music] let's get out of here oh she's got a rabbit in the TV episode they didn't show she was out on the horse did they because we were asking like you were just running yeah she's like well how is she gonna get the the deer back well he could have dragged it back or the horse that's a pretty significant detail they left out of yeah put your horse in the garage does anybody else see the humor in that it's gonna Park you here now when he said something [Music] I only managed to kill but I did get this move your arm s looks like it was more middle abdomen in the uh in the video game yeah here we go sorry hold on you're gonna make it I mean talk about just perfect timing for all that for Joel here yeah I mean he was pretty much gonna he was gonna be a goner hell everything happens for a reason Dave it does [ __ ] you dragged me yep in the snow like we talked about I'll draw them away from here this scene was great in the show Peppers okay in the show that she put the block you know yeah it's not a snowmobile back there sure enough God I will say even here in the game then the music detention a little bit yeah oh that's different [Music] get your ass off heading off Jesus they got a lot of people oh come get me [ __ ] okay they're everywhere in here [Music] a little bit of a yeah pretty brutal oh yeah that's where David gets her yeah ah the old sleeper yep what a difference from uh yeah oh oh he's he's cooking oh yeah she's it's a lot more clear that they're cannibal yeah video or a game wow yeah wow it's not even they didn't hide the question I mean they still show it and they still make it very clear on the TV show like this is like way more in your face yeah like I bet the other one wasn't they panned on that yeah she's watching how are you feeling super you should eat I know you're hungry I've been out for quite some time yeah it's deer the people stew who some human helping on the side no no I promise it's just the deer meat you're a [ __ ] animal awfully quick to judgment considering you and your friend killed how many men they didn't give us a choice and you think we have a choice is that it [Music] kill to survive and so do we we have to take care of our own by any means necessary so now what you're gonna chop me up into tiny pieces stray from the show please tell me your name contrary I've been uh quite honest with you now I think it's your turn the only way I'm going to be able to convince the others coming in some of what can come around you have heart you're loyal and you're special you're all the creepy handsets are you stupid little girl oh exact words you are making it very difficult to keep you alive what am I supposed to tell the others now Ellie what tell them that Ellie is the little girl broke your [ __ ] finger how did you put it tiny pieces word for work yep it is see you in the morning Ellie well they just uh yeah slow down there Joel yeah no kidding you're half Frozen huh so at this point this was all like the gameplay paused and all this stuff was going on this is a pretty awesome cinematic scene for a video Yeah holy [ __ ] okay oh you get to go on all right look at his health meter yeah it's a little real almost two of them oh got him good right in the face what are you doing I like it when they keep selling it in here yeah I was thinking here he said oh boy I think I'd be using that instead of my fist is she alive what girl I don't know no girl oh she's alive it's just David's newest path oh that's different yeah oh twisting it you the market on the man it'd be the same exact spot your buddy buddy right there you can verify it go ask him go on told you what you wanted I took this [ __ ] that's all right I believe it pretty it was there too yeah oh yeah I forgot he was biting him yeah I warned you really so are you right there roll up my sleeve look at it tainted me they did mate okay go back Bob what'd you say happens for a reason right huh what the hell is that she would have turned by now it can't be real looks pretty [ __ ] real to me yeah word oh [Music] that's actually a deer at least yeah that's deer okay let's play a zelly so she's outside yes though okay she goes back oh they do all that cooking it up doing a little barbecuing it was wild in the show like this place is on fire and he just like didn't care oh look at that that's different yep that's how it starts well that's all right I see like some of the stuff that I kind of forgot nowhere to go bought out no you're not infected no one that's infected fights this hard to stay alive unless you wanted to miss oh that's a uh I suppose when you're playing the game you don't know what's what well I suppose we don't know what's gonna come next the game you just think you're gonna try to take him out yeah okay so you get him in the game and now it goes into cinematic mode all the clothes and the shoes on the back there oh yeah oh Christ I gotta find her I gotta find her yeah that was almost shot for shot Billy see that would have been kind of d uh interesting to have you know to be like he just turns Corner boom he sees the smoke or fire again still like the way the show did it in case you missed it ah here comes a creepy part if they stay true oh I knew you had hard you know it's okay to give up ain't no shame I guess not it's not your style is it you can try begging you huh let me tell you something you have no idea oh okay in this TV show it was a little bit more implied it's me it's me it's me look look yeah the TV show wasn't just okay yeah that was a baby girl what he finds her in here and not outside Eric's in the TV show he talks about the fighting and it goes for his belt that it gets a lot yeah I mean first yeah it's traumatic either way but it gets a lot creepier in the TV show which you know [Music] pulls any Sim any shred of sympathy you may have had for the guy you lose that in the TV show wouldn't yeah that's implied yeah and you know the other the big thing that I kind of took out of this was uh the the characters looked uh a bit different in the video game versus the TV show and this might be like a strange compliment to the actor who played uh David he was way creepier in the TV show I mean they nailed that actor from a standpoint of guy who just gives you the creeps and absolutely crushed it on the TV show now the game here went into a lot more detail we got to see some more stuff with Joel uh that we didn't see the there's a ton more guys in the town during the horse uh Escape or trying to lead him away from Joel uh but yeah man I mean the you can see how that you would really get into you know the fight scene obviously at the end where you Gotta Creep around they purposely have the plates busted so you make noise when you walk over them that was a nice touch but uh yeah definitely a very powerful scene in both the the TV show and the video game I thought the TV show hit a lot differently um again I thought the guy who played David was a heck of a lot creepier there was some really you know evil things that were implied a lot more heavy in the TV show so uh you the Ellie's definitely a lot more justified in what she did I think I I told Diamond Dave after we did the reaction the TV show I said hey I think I might have said something and I don't know if you want to edit it was like and get that mother sucker is uh kind of what I said I'll keep it PG for this yeah but uh no definitely uh just a crazy powerful scene as we were uh you know sprinting to the finish of the first season yeah given the language used in the actual show and the nature of the violence I think I don't know I think we're okay using colorful language here um yeah some some pretty significant differences of course the number of people that come looking for um Joel and Ali obviously in the TV show it seems significantly more manageable um there's not a bunch of people trying to get her off the horse but I mean again the basics of it I mean they got her off the horse by shooting the horse and Joel comes and that was pretty close other than you know in the movie he drives the knife and the guys are in the TV show and the guy's gut after he says I trust you but a lot of things ended the same um you know it's interesting so we did get the creepy like hand on the hand thing in the the prison cell of course um so it was implied that you know dude was a little creepy um in in the game as well um the body being right there out on the table she immediately knew what was going on but in the show there was an ear so it was it was implied without having to show that um like in here though it wasn't right away right you know so like here was immediate when she woke up amazing Quinn brings up a really good point when I was watching episode eight the guy who played David when they were in the woods and when they were uh you know he was creepy in the beginning when he was doing the preaching thing right but you're like okay it feels kind of cultish and then he just had this very human like you know fatherly figure side to him when he was in the woods talking about you know hey we understand you're out here things happen for a reason then it got a little weird and when he flipped a creepy I mean it was Ultra creepy so I mean uh shout out to that actor for his his ability to you know have you kind of be like let your guard down like hey you know we're out here we have people that are you know starving too and then just to flip on the Creed Factor look I the yeah I know we dance around a lot of stuff look in the interest of just being like straightforward not dancing around the assault of a different kind was implied in the TV show and the things that he said oh this is I like it when they fight it's my favorite part like look um uh you know you know bringing harm Upon a Child is one thing um that that kind of assault is is completely different how you look at him um even the hand on the the whatever in the uh you know in the cage scene may have just been like hey you know I'm the priest everything's okay but the way they played out that final scene um in the TV show um one for the viewer you had zero sympathy for this guy at all you wanted the end result to be the end result but I think the biggest thing is that it was just a completely different level of trauma for Ali and I think that's the the different thing like look throughout this entire I mean her entire life people have been you know killing other people trying to take them out it's not the first time she's had you know somebody you know try to hurt her but this is like I said it's a it's a completely different level of of trauma um for the person you know potentially on the receiving end but also it invokes a completely different response from the viewer like had he been running around you know the the picture of them just running around the restaurant and he's got you know his pistol being like Oh you took out our guys whatever and trying to take her out like that the the feeling that that invokes like hey it's you're you know you're a jerk trying to take out a young child versus what they did totally totally different so um you know I thought the game was was good but man they really hit you hard and kind of give you the kind of the creepy crawlies like you need to go home and take a shower after watching the TV show um and then of course in the TV show she was outside kind of made her way outside and seemed a little bit more disoriented um versus in here Joel kind of came in um but I would say for the most part pretty pretty parallel as far as as far as the important parts from the game to the TV show ah the giraffe scene which by the way that was a real giraffe they were feeding it looks very real it didn't feel like a CGI draft Yeah the uh Milwaukee Zoo's got like five or six of them you can get pretty close to her amazing animals up close that's exactly what she says yeah and then it goes away slow down kiddo hurry come on cool we got a flashlight and a dark stone works every time this was such a cool concept that in the middle of all this there's just you know a herd of giraffes bounce can't deny the view though uh oh here comes the talk we don't have to do this you know that right it's the other option go back to Tommy's be done with this whole damn thing after all we've been through everything that I've done can't be for nothing [Music] oh this definitely was not included in the uh that's pretty sweet no that'll give me all right jeez and there it goes oh look at the current yes pulling them these are run out of air pretty quick time to surface okay does he have to do CPR to bring her back to life and smash that square button [Music] okay this changes things a lot yeah I mean in the show they just look at the place she's not break it and in the [ __ ] air oh what a shot to the Head that's a huge difference yeah welcome to the fireflies sorry about that they didn't know who you were I know she's all right he brought her back you came all this way how'd you do it it was her she fought like hell to get here I still think it's awesome that they had Marlene who actually did the motion voice capture actually be Marlene yeah oh it was the same person I lost most of my crew cross in the country I pretty much lost everything and then you show up and somehow we find you just in time to save her maybe it was meant to be that's wild it's the same I didn't know that figured you would have mentioned that you don't have to worry about that maybe I did we'll take care I worry let me see her please foreign you can't she's being prepped for surgery how do you mean surgery the doctors tell me the cordyceps the growth inside her has somehow mutated it's why she's immune once they remove it they'll be able to reverse engineer a vaccine but it grows all over the brain it does find someone else there is no one else listen you were going to show me stop I get it but whatever it is you think you're going through right now is nothing to what I have been through I knew her since she was born I promised your mother I would look after her then why why are you letting this happen because this isn't about me or even her there is no other choice here yeah you keep telling yourself that [ __ ] foreign he tries anything shoot him bad move don't waste this gift Burbridge I kind of forgot about I said get up move only one guy you're only gonna have one guy I should move there's a human excuse Trevor escorting somebody stay out of Arms Reach which way that's how they can turn around and get you oh look at that there's this bag what the [ __ ] you doing keep walking I said keep walking where's the operating room ain't got time for this where top floor the far end oh patience course UPS remain high in both serum a is cerebral spinal fluid coaches take it from the patient rapidly grow quarter steps in the fungal media lab however white blood cell lines include percentages and absolute counts are completely normal there's no elevation of pro-inflammatory it's a tokens and Neymar the brain shows no evidence of fungal growth in the Olympic regions which would normally accompany the program of aggression in the infected we had to replicate this in the laboratory under conditions we are about to hit a milestone in human history equal to discovery of penicillin after years of wondering in circles we're about to come home making make a difference and bring the human race back to control of its own destiny so essentially right there that's that says it would work it would work yep it's a hundred percent guarantee that it would work wow you know because in the TV show they kind of I don't want to say they left it open but they left room for doubt there's no way to extricate the parasite without taking out the holes okay it's a way I've seen we yeah and now we're asking for my go ahead the tests just keep getting harder and harder don't they I'm so tired I'm exhausted and I just want to end this so be it see like those two little nuggets yeah that's a pretty significant deal that's basically saying it will work but in the same kind of like that right there we already knew that yeah I mean and granted you're still doing it in a post-apocalyptic hospital-ish Shady equipment and you know surgeons who haven't been professionally trained in 20 plus years this is it what are you doing oh this is our future think of all the lives we'll save [ __ ] he grabbed a scalpel's got a piece shut the hell up oh he keeps getting real close to those door frames in your head with her head I was thinking I was thinking the exact same thing jeez you can't save her even if you get her out of here then what how long before she's Torn to Pieces by a pack of Clickers that is that she hasn't been raped and murdered first for you to decide and you know it oh look at how scarred up her arm is yeah you can she won't feel anything God what a cut yeah so they don't show him him well maybe they do another flashback well remember this is so far they're on beat with what they did in the TV show oh that's right oh yeah it didn't cut back in the TV show they did cut back oh ah what the hell am I wearing let's take it easy drugs are still wearing off what happened around the fireflies turns out there's a whole lot more like you really people that are immune it's dozens actually Ain't Time a damn bit of good neither they've actually oh they've stopped looking for a cure and taking us home sorry wait laughs let me go let's come after her oh foreign things up yeah [Music] looks like we're walking hey wait ah back in Boston back when I Was Bitten I wasn't alone my best friend she got bit too we didn't know what to do so she says let's just wait it out yo we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together I'm still waiting for my turn Ellie her name was Riley and she was the first to die and then it was tests and then Sam not him that is on you you don't understand I struggled for a long time with surviving no matter what keep finding something to fight for now I know that's not what you want to hear right now swear to me swear to me that everything that you've said about the fireflies is true I swear confidence okay boom gentlemen what a finish and man I tell you Dave you were right having those voice recorders and they're pretty much changes the whole story uh to a great degree I mean look if if anybody was put in the situation where it was a child they were taken care of or their own child obviously they're not gonna sacrifice them for the rest of the world I mean I you would have to be like the most Vulcan logical doctor Spock zero emotion to be able to do that but that's why it shouldn't be Joel's decision at all because he makes what you can argue is the selfish choice you know he's he's doing it for him um I know this is like one of the most talked about decisions a lot of you guys in the comments are saying nah ten years later and it's still being debated as to whether or not Joel you know did what he did um yeah I mean so you have what in the video game is telling us is pretty much a a a deadlock cure to get rid of this and uh and Joel makes the choice he does and then lies to Ellie about it and now I guess we'll see how things play out in part two but this was you know very well done like I said I wish they had the details in there about the recorders but if they did then it makes the decision that much simpler whereas the way they did it in the show leaves it open-ended leaves it open for discussion yeah amongst the fans and I think it's that much more of just the complete mental maze that you're in or uh just an unfathomable decision for anybody to have to make so this whole thing was fantastic I loved going through and seeing the gameplay getting caught up um getting kind of remember some great moments from the show I thought this was a lot of fun you know I I think regardless of whether they end the TV series the way they did or whether they include the uh information from the video game you're still going to have a a ton of debate um there's a morality debate there's a debate about lying and things like that however I really think these audio recordings should have been in the TV show I really do because then it changes the debate from because you know one of the things Mason Quinn brought up in our thing is oh yeah we don't even know if this is going to work you know and if you're somebody who says oh I don't even know if this is going to work so why risk it um that changes the whole debate look there's still a heavy debates even if you say hey this is a lock we have to sacrifice her life especially here's one thing I don't really think about if if I recall correctly Tommy's wife was expecting was she not in the TV in the TV show she's expecting and now unless we skipped over it here we'll just stay we'll just stay for sure so on the TV show she's expecting and you you have a whole community that he's going back to that okay what about your niece or nephew or nieces or nephews or you know possibly future Generations or even look Joel's what in this you know mid-40s or whatever in this late 40s there's no early 50s okay there's no who knows that he wouldn't have another kid I mean uh expectedly or unexpectedly or somewhere in between um so when you when you say that there's a lock for a cure that changes the debate significantly now of course at the end of the day they didn't give Ellie the choice right right which that is what I think bothers me the most had they said and I think that's look they did this very this is very purposefully this these are things that were overlooked by the writers because this is what creates the debate if you have Saida Ali hey you know this is this is a one-way ticket and she says let's go when she's the hero she's the Martyr right you're sacrifice Bruce Willis for everybody she's um I don't know it's looked over I think it's very deliberate right right but I'm saying you know uh what's the movie Seven Pounds with Will Smith where he [Music] Armageddon Bruce Willis he sacrifices his life for everybody you know pushes Ben Affleck back on the ship this is the last second hits the button what a beautiful beautiful moment in cinematic history but um so I I look regardless of whether they included the audio recordings into the TV show again there would have still been huge debates that could have included that it just changes the nature of the debate I prefer the debate with this information included and if you are going to take Source material uh like we've said about previous stuff let's include the major major things and to me these audio recordings were major major things now again sure the guys at HBO were like yeah we could throw this in there yeah then it becomes this debate whether you know one life versus the millions and there's two debates right it's the whether you make the sacrifice for the greater good or the one person and then the second big debate is Ellie doesn't even get to make a choice so you have two debates there you take these recordings out then it's the well we don't even know if it would have worked in that it's like and it's like wow that's what a lot of people in the comments were saying that you know given the age of the technology in the hospital the fact that no doctors have been professionally trained for the last 20 plus years well you know that sort of thing that was open too I mean and look there's there's I mean there's a multitude of of questions okay let's say you're able to in that hospital setup that you have that barely has electricity able to are you are you going to be able to create a vaccine where's the vaccine going to be produced which plant yeah which of which drug companies plan we got Pfizer we got AstraZeneca Johnson and Johnson got a plant up and running you've got ampoules we've got you know vials we got whatever we're going to be able to produce this Mass produce this and uh then we have cars and Railway systems and helicopterside the body uh how long is the last four outside of the body can it be transported without being refrigerated we got Refrigeration trucks there's a million questions that can be asked um but um like I said I think this is information that should have been included in the TV show but it creates for a even more intense debate if you don't I'm guessing that's why the writers didn't look it doesn't change my there's a few things where I think like man I would have really liked to have this included in the show and there's we've watched other programs there's you know I love all the Harry Potter movies after going through the books like and that might have been nice to included in the book you know like the biggest thing that look the deleted scene from Potter where petunia is saying hey look you didn't just lose a mom I lost a sister it humanizes her right it changes like the whole ending of Potter is changed with like a 30 second scene they kept it out do I still love the movies Draco Draco getting his the Juan toss I mean these are things that take you know very small portions of time they're already filmed you're just leaving it on the editing room floor so for me uh I still love the TV shows I just I really wish there's a few things they would have added in um that I think would have uh I guess kept it closer to the source material but if you take away the source material it's still a phenomenal show yeah because in at the end of the video game here that makes Joel a villain I mean you know it it kind of I mean that's well yeah yes and and we're still going to disagree it will still disagree on this because they didn't give Ali the choice that to me is um look if if they said Ali this is up to you and she said I'm willing to sacrifice my life for everybody else and Joel's like uh no you're not still goes through and says selfishly like because Joel could have easily said like hey you're too young to make this decision you don't understand the ramifications then you could even say well you know we we tend to not let you know kids under 18 make these massive life-altering decisions because you know the brain development they don't understand the ramifications but in any regard look uh I know we don't rate uh TV shows the video game from what I've seen five out of five the TV show five out of five two different um pieces with different material but both incredibly well done so huge shout out to the people that created the game everybody from HBO the voice acting the real acting I mean this this is just the the quality here is just mind-blowing and I gotta be honest guys like I play like my Call of Duty and Madden and stuff like that the amount that went into this video game I mean this is before they knew they were going to turn it into a TV series The the the amount of the quality that went in this video game itself is mind-numbing so this is this is such a refreshing prod uh project even though it's obviously very heavy material and uh can be very depressing to watch I mean this is this is incredible whoa whoa they are you about to hit us with an alternate ending yeah what actually well whatever guys sorry guys I kind of forgot uh to pull this up here you kind of forgot that there's an alternative my bad on almost forgetting this uh yeah let's put on the old headset I almost forgot one of the biggest things oh my God so because you were giving praise to because you got picked on in the comments for oh you're under selling the motion capture but Oak did not know that this was motion captured so when you were giving praise and you didn't mention it they triggered me yeah they're so much smarter than voice acting yeah so right here folks a couple of a handful of you actually sent this so we're gonna let the gentleman see this alternate ending here I would think so originally when we did the ending for The Last of Us it was one long cinematic instead of you picking up Ellie and playing through it then running through the hospital so that how it played out was Joel burst into the into the operating rooms he's Ellie there on the operating table with three doctors surrounding her he grabbed one of them hostage he yells at the other dude to get away from Ellie Marlene walks into the room get away from her you can't save her even if you get her out of here then no we see Joel uh shoots and kills the surgeon shoots and kills the other two doctors and shoots Marlene uh and you know it was one of the most pivotal moments in the story and we had to get it right make sure that tone was right there all the characters and motivations were coming through so we did multiple takes more than we usually do for a scene and Troy Baker who played Joel was really into it like a lot of times he like burst into the operating room and he'd drop his gun and over the course of the day of shooting it like that happened two or three times and it became kind of kind of a joke foreign sorry keep rolling but after like seven takes we got it we had a really solid performance so we felt like we could we could ship the game with that but I felt like okay let's do one more just to kind of end our day so I took Royal Dandridge aside Merle Dandridge is the actress that played Marlene I asked her um I gave her one line of Direction which will become obvious what I asked to do once you see the scene and I'm like can you do this with this he's like yeah yeah of course I'm like all right don't tell anyone just keep that to yourself and then I went over to Troy Baker and I said Hey listen um we don't have it yet uh we're getting close but it needs to be more intense it needs more energy he's like okay okay I got it I'm like you know what and like be careful with the gun he's like yeah yeah I know I won't drop it I'm like well but even if you do play the scene out don't start at the beginnings again you know I know but I won't drop it I'm like yeah but if you do play it through he's like okay I got it you know I'm like you know what no matter what happens in the scene don't stop play it all the way through he's like Neil I got it okay all right let's head and walked over to the side and yelled action and you're about to see the results of that but keep in mind Troy Baker nobody else except for Merle has any idea what's about to happen everything is improvised enjoy Parker get away from her get away you can't save her even if you get her out of here what then look at everybody cracking up in the back good I'm so confused tonight for you to decide [Music] am I feeling so much confusion I've got a man in my arms and a girl with a gun to my head well there she is to the right time please okay he's just cracking up [Music] come on let's get you out of here they're coming soon and I will let you die your brain is oh man oh that is some improv there that is some big time I'm I mean I'm just shocked at how good the two of them could sing and perform like that so when uh when we were watching the uh when we were watching this series Dave was Diamond Dave was like let's get this guy some more screen time and I had made the comment maybe they even drop it in here I don't know how much editing he wants to do I had made the comment like look this guy very much feels like he has real world acting experience and again um thank you for drop I I miss look there as you guys know we've had a ton of comments so I didn't even really consider the making of the game was motion capture I I assumed it was I should have known well I hadn't seen the game at all to be honest my dad was 10 years old so I had thought maybe it was some kind of animation and not necessarily motion capture so when you think animation you think obviously people working on computers motion capture obviously you have the actors in there they're doing that but wow like if my my the look of my face I don't think was really like wow this is weird or whatever I was just like listen to this guy sing Listen to her sing I mean look at these performances and um and that was the one thing you know I I when as we were going through in Diamond it was like oh hey look this guy got a part you know part of me felt like maybe they were doing that because it was like Hey you took such you played such a big role in the video game we'll throw you a bone and give you a part in the in the series and now it feels like okay we have incredibly talented actors and actresses that were the motion you know the subjects for the the motion capture how can we work them in into the show as well you know while still having our our main characters um this was this was really really fun to see and just really just solidifies my uh my thoughts that you know some of the people who were given roles uh you know that weren't who they were in the video game were very deserving of that and you know hopefully they they find them their way into other bigger roles if they haven't already you know have that have had that opportunity we just don't know about it because you know we didn't know their names yeah I mean I think oftentimes you forget just how talented even you know a lot of background actors are there's a ton of talented actors out there who are fighting and scraping and clawing every day just to get rolls and they're incredibly talented they can sing they can dance they can act they can do a ton of stuff but you know like like so many musicians like if you go walk up and down Nashville you'll hear musicians who are every bit as good as anything you're hearing at the Grammys but it's just it's that opportunity it's that chance it's that break and it I just like to give a shout out to everybody who's an actor out there who's uh you know working hard trying to to get those roles and uh you know keep your head up it'll come for you I yeah I can't believe I almost forgot this uh so thank you to all that sent that over I can't wait to see the playback for these two faces these two guys face I know what my face was I couldn't resist the first time when the first link came through because I was like oh what's this that they're sending you know and because sometimes it's just best for me to go through it before I send off to you guys when you guys are at the other Studio or whatnot but uh I was just like wow this is one awesome that Neil's you know told him to do that no one else knew seen people pop in the background there both of them having the musical ability that's what I mean that's what got me yeah I built a character soon like yeah I was just super impressed and like Troy didn't know what she was gonna do and for Troy to still stay locked down and not they didn't miss a beat just went with it like Neil said because I my dumb ass was like what are you doing oh I was saying hold on you know like some kind of like you're doing some kind of pause but yeah uh overall gameplay the two the two different mediums that we have here gameplay whenever when anyone says that this is top five of all time I believe it uh I didn't get to play yet I know it's coming to PC here like real quick I'm actually probably going to dive into that uh the gameplay is phenomenal the show's phenomenal yeah would there be some nice I wish they did those kind of things in there sure would have been cool but at the end of the day episodes were still freaking phenomenal unbelievable uh to some uh to the main concerns that I see your main criticisms that I see where people wish they had more clickers uh or you know infected kind of coming at the characters totally understandable because if you played the game or even if you didn't because you came in with you know an expectation of whatever it might have been I've I feel you on that I hear you on that but to me it's not a game changer because the episodes were just phenomenal yeah I mean I think it all involved yeah thank you for all and all your hard work in the game on the TV show Gustavo gosh you just thank you for your brain on the musical uh that you provided for the game and the TV just awesome yeah I mean and the thing to remember about that is that this is only the first season guys I'm sure due to the success of it HBO is not going to be like oh well I guess well yeah second Seasons well I guess after two seasons we'll call it quits there's gonna be a lot more to come and again I always stress this with you know with any type of big project like this and I'll make this quick is that how easy would it have been for this to go completely wrong how many times have they tried to do video games into movies and TV shows and it's a complete and absolute dud the fact that this worked and came off as amazing as it did that that's what blows my mind is it it completely blew apart the track record that video games have making the transition to movies and TV shows I mean probably the most successful one I can think of before this of any level would be like probably the Resident Evils you know that truly had legs and even those were kind of debatable as to how good they were but completely amazing that this show was able to do it real quick too to add on to that a buddy of mine sent me uh because you know on YouTube you can do like the quick clips of something and I I'm just started the the last episode I'm kind of bouncing around of all the podcasts that Craig and Neil do for HBO uh he sent me just a clip where I think it was Craig he's literally saying you'd have to be a [ __ ] idiot to rewrite this ending from the game to not be on the show so that they and they're all over saying how they are staying very true and very faithful to everything about it if they have an opportunity to enhance or do whatever they did it phenomenally yep absolutely video games a 5 out of five absolute Masterpiece TV series five out of five absolute Masterpiece that's my uh those are my final words yep same here you're the same all right guys this has been a long one been a fun one so for the Appleton Oak that's Diamond day of the Moon I'm Mason Quinn this has been bad medicine it's the next day already we're gonna get to it we'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Badd Medicine
Views: 101,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y7OhCs6M3FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 23sec (10943 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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