The Last of Us 1x03 Reaction

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and we're watching The Last of Us yes episode three I think yeah the weather is horrifying but also appropriate for The Last of Us is it you know appropriate for us for you seeing us maybe not but it should have been like this the last episode because the last episode was very tragic one that's true my girl Tess died I will not forgive them people said it in the game you can choose to play you can play tests or something do I die immediately then in the game if I play test I don't understand yeah I just read somebody said you played Joe well like you I read something like that you're with them but then like when it comes to like fighting or whatever you like fighting as Joel I think yeah but like otherwise you're like with them because they see both of them yeah yeah maybe that that's why your tests and I just know there are two games of The Last of Us what does that mean well like there is Last of Us one and then came last of us too I think that's the last of it did that mean two means two seasons oh I think yeah I think someone said that like season one is the first game and then season two and three maybe are the second game and then I'm not sure there's like this I mean they're only two seasons at three seasons three seasons okay I don't know yeah last episode try to I mean tragic for us I don't know if anyone else scared but like again it was some other act true someone just been on too bad if you like any other actress I would be like oh she's dying well it just a matter of time like you I would be like I'll leave them alone to bond you know like to have father's daughter bond and stuff like that but in this case scenario I was devastated she died I could not believe that they decided to do it so quickly yeah so soon they should have just separated you know a tragedy Diaries or something you know what I mean I would love that I just want to watch honestly so it could only gets better than that yeah from here on out now in this episode well like what could happen you know realistically like now like Joel now they're gonna [ __ ] die so like yeah I can only be horrified yeah something's I mean something bad could happen they could um I mean even encounter encounter a lot of things yeah but like I didn't yeah but that's not like emotionally exhausting that's just like scary um they are now on their way to someone I mean I don't know if they're gonna get to them in this episode I think there were like two names that they mentioned maybe Frank I want to say Frank someone and Frank and they're supposed to get her to them why I don't know maybe they're like Savvy maybe they like know how to get through somewhere we don't even know we're supposed to get her right I mean they they believe that she could be the Cure yeah so like I think it's the Firefly so we're supposed to take her somewhere or that yeah and so like how do we know where we're supposed to take her yeah you know like that is now a question yeah if we could communicate with the fireflies inside maybe something like that yeah maybe they have some type of communication with them so like they can figure it out yeah uh so I'm gonna assume that that's what we're doing in this episode because like we don't know where we're going it's gonna be not nice but like somewhat nice uh seeing them be on their own having to bond because they were really you know Tess was kind of keeping the peace and being the glow now she's dead um and so it's gonna be interesting to see how they function together there was a added confirmation that Ali is immune she was not bitten but like you know scratched whatever it was kind of at the same time as tests and tests infection like immediately spread while Ellie was completely fine like there was nothing wrong with her basically um and so now Joel really has no option but actually trusting that Ali could be the Cure and the test did tell him like one of her last words were you know let's have some hope that like this could try to save anybody you can yes I want to see the the aftermath of that how they're feeling yeah yeah that's basically that's not for longer considering the episodes I don't know are very long yes and also like we know nothing still so like what talk about realistically it's a long long time is a long long time hour and 20 minutes it is a long long [ __ ] time I wonder if some like at some point will we go to the Past like when all this just happened and like maybe how uh Joel and Tommy is that his brother like what was happening with them how they came here or something I think we will get um mentions of things that happened yeah yeah I don't think we'll maybe maybe we're gonna have like one episode of something in the past between them or something like that see if you had like a house here like the cabin in the world that'll be nice I think it's very close to the town well that's interesting yeah I should be honestly you have to be like also I feel like someone else you're gonna step into sun to something I hope you don't think he blames you or something like that say I'm sorry I was gonna say that I've been thinking about what happened nobody made your test taking nobody made you go along with this plan you needed a truck battery or whatever and you made a choice so don't blame me for something that isn't my fault I love this child she did the opposite of what I literally thought she could be feeling I mean also I don't know if she's also like feeling maybe a bit of something so that like she knows it's not really her fault but you're going straight a lot yeah what are you looking out for people um someone shot at me in this it's cool yeah yeah I missed two you got this more often than you think she really wants that Gone Girl I feel like some point it's gonna come your time but like I don't think you're gonna enjoy to that point as much as you maybe think you I mean we'll hope not no no of course I don't think so so cute we forgot what you're pretty sure no I'm just zeroing in on it it's been a couple of years I'm gonna take a look around and see if it's gonna do good trust me it's all been kicked over already ah don't take a look around I was really really careful it was nothing's gonna happen huh nothing concerned about the things jumping out at me because I'm holding coffee so I can play and because I will yeah you will scream I like you get me I feel like I get scared because of you yeah see girl oh um what if someone lived here and then like you know like kid their infected family member because they couldn't kill them or something and now someone's there why would you open the door why would you open that like no she just opened the I'm holding clothes I mean she's a mute oh she's going to get why is she girl she's okay she's not going no she's going straight she wants to check it out okay that's better than jumping but like guys it is I don't like this at all okay she's going in what oh my God is that the body I don't know it looks like sand I don't know God I hate kids did you take a good look around okay nothing did you take a good look around before anything oh this freaks me out I hate Darkness so we have just one flashlight yeah yeah that's it what is that yeah it looks like tampons literally I was supposed to say okay what no it's yeah sure but you found tampons I see I was wondering the [ __ ] apocalypse what what do you do that's a head it's a head I said nothing yeah I saw ahead I swear to you see ahead but like buried oh kill them how did they get buried this badly you know what I mean like she grew up on this girl she wants to kill don't be like why why why why why why why why it looks like that's dust but it's probably like something like I understand maybe she's curious I mean of course she is um but again and also she's somehow um well not me neither but look first I'm not an apocalypse second I didn't grow up in an apocalypse you grow up different okay yeah we just had a first kill how do we know that honestly she might have killed before 12 bucks for a sandwich dude you've got to go up in the sky what do you think about it uh I'll be thankful I'm dead to be infected then who hit the first person Indonesia I thought you went to school school teachers how to shitty government hotel to prevent a pandemic no one knows for sure but the best guess of course that's mutated so they got into the food supply come from the basement yeah the flower flower sugar pancake mix you eat enough of it'll get you infected food all hits the store shelves around the same time Thursday Friday night September 26 2003. well Monday everything was gone we will be in first grade like we just started first grade monkeys she's so short thanks what this stuff up there you shouldn't see now I have to see it go to Washington serious Ellie can it hurt me no dead bodies man it's like bodies yeah maybe something like that many many skulls yeah well look like billions of people died I'm not presume about a week after outbreak day soldiers went through the countryside evacuated in small towns told you you were going to a qz and you were if there was room Jesus if there wasn't sick no probably not I killed him what did you sleeping be that people can't be infected foreign [Music] do you think they like picked and chose who's not going to the quarantine Zone like I don't know if you're above 80 sorry or something you know what I mean you died I know it's like I don't know what that's what I'm asking every day it seems like he prepared for this good for him you were right he did prepare for something foreign that's the one from Parks and Rec I've seen him [Music] he is he is a person that like seems Savvy in this world you know yeah smart feel this but like he seems happy well look it seemed like he prepared for this I don't know he went shopping no people I mean shopping in stealing uh in this world no [Music] maybe he was like an ex-soldier or something because I mean hopefully I don't know it's America I mean he basically almost found there's no one else I mean she's the one that made the fence because that would be smart [Music] he seems to be thriving in this way I would lose my mind there's only like so many books you can have here to read it's like a bell okay he's gonna get in the Trap yeah terrifying oh oh I want him on their side but this is in 2003. imagine what the [ __ ] was his job literally he took his soul City this is Walking Dead that's how they made their City he's one person four years later yeah yeah honestly I'd be losing my mind no that would literally no thank you someone fell in oh my God it's not like a person because like he can be alone sometime it's not infected are you armed I would be so happy I would can I take that long to answer I know it but I'm just trying to get to Boston alone that's what looks families actually just yeah Baltimore accuse me is that the actor from the show with me which one or just watching White Lotus which one you every time the manager yeah I don't know I can't like there's too much beer I'll let you how'd you get that who the [ __ ] are you abortion is that way you can make it by Nightfall I'm really hungry I haven't eaten in two days first my name's Frank oh yeah are you bill because he said Frank is nice oh Bill and Frank and this is not an Arby's oh Frankie is gonna be the nice one yeah exactly and he's definitely not gonna be nice also they look live in this place is that where we're going I would live here I think about it he hasn't seen a person for like three years but like maybe someone came by but oh I left some clothes here for you what close look at the shower look at him he's been alone for so long yes [Music] but Frank is a good guy like swim came here or not see if they didn't mention like Bill and friends yeah yeah I'd be suspicious I would be like honestly I I would be like don't invite him home no because like he seems so sweet so I'll be like exactly where's the catch but like not the eventual and Frank I mean this is Bill and Frankie's the nice one [Music] um Okay so everyone's lost all their people skills in these days it's been four years working together not himself oh my God me like this for God knows how long why is she so cute he even has like the big place but like imagine how lucky he was uh to think about it this one made his City like literally I would be like can I please live here there are many houses like what the [ __ ] everything tastes good on your stuff yeah but not like this I'm it's all homegrown yeah it's great is that even wine before my parents I know I don't seem like the time there is more if I can I want to believe me but yeah oh laughs oh thank you you're welcome boss is not that good so I guess I'll be going there it's gonna be like well you can like stay one more night to click one two or something first he's he's won he's desperate this is you messed up but like imagine the small things I mean there's not nothing this is small but like imagine like he hasn't said yeah and he hasn't played for so long and this one is [Music] that's one he has some flavorful yeah okay I'll leave and he is professional see if I didn't know who Frank is I'm like he's gonna punch him in the head I'll be very suspicious but they said Frank's nice and it's been like 15 more years and they're still [Music] but I don't know what it means for a long long time a long long time are they gonna be like together together so who's the girl the girl you're saying about girl there's a girl I know huh good one Frank but imagine this in this world um I just will say bill please oh thank God [Music] she's so cute I'm gonna cry have you ever done this before but before I do I want you to know about another [ __ ] I don't know about snacks for lunches so if I do this I'm interested it's been alone for so long that you think he's gonna when he woke up this day did he think he was about to have sex oh [ __ ] you come on two years later huh [Laughter] what our home isn't just our house is it definitely a [ __ ] break oh I'm sorry I forgot I live in this world you live in a psycho bunker where 911 was an inside and honorable [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] that's why he's prepared I'm asking for wrestling for the lawnmower that's all I'll do everything else myself have you seen resource management run through one of your tripwires he wants to decorate them paying attention to things it's how we show love this is my street too just certainly love it the way I want to resource management not the stupid ones just the wine shop and the furniture store and the golden Boutique the boutique are we hosting formal Garden Party but we are going to have friends we're gonna make friends and we will invite them to visit we don't he's like with us I've actually been talking to a nice woman on the radio dance you know what oh who's this can you not please build my theme what can I just say oh pretty she is the prettiest okay they let us enjoy one more time together we are working together this is so nice look at him more than they are looking where to shoot [Music] thank you I love this God I'm enjoying this episode I understand it's mine brought strangers in our situation that wouldn't be happy either we have all the people who could have found on the radio or actually do some people just trying to get by oh well now that you say it yeah books ran out of my face will we do we talked to Bill and Frank he still does that thing bill is a nice one or something survivalist sure decent people maybe not doesn't matter we're self-sufficient here that that's got a year on it tops I can get you 10 spools of high tensor aluminum bless you the rest of your life are you sure about this yeah it's not a gift you come back we'll trade all right okay like they're so cute oh dude oh yeah the music never gonna come up here we'll protect you can strength and I could consumer later there will be Raiders they'll beat that fancy in your trip wires they'll come at night quiet and armed we'll be fine I mean they're alive so like yeah otherwise I'll be like no friends um [Music] uh end of episode one didn't they play a native song 80s means trouble uh-huh okay because I thought like trouble for us because that point like things were happening but like if they're saying trouble I would not think that like we're gonna watch that not run into any trouble yeah but like before we like that's the last that happened like three days ago you know and they're not going to them I do think all the apocalypse could make me a runner like Potter is also there to do sure let me run a couple of circles oh I traded Joel and test one of your guns for a packages oh oh he's sunshine [Music] I'm sorry what getting older faster than you I like you open it how old are you older memes were still here that was never afraid before I was about to say like you just grew them right why is it raining like that sounds like a bet ches there are a lot of [ __ ] God I hate them oh my God beeping it's beeping [Music] this bill already out of bed [Music] you're so out in the open boy [Music] that's what you get elect I know but like like they're gonna be fine you know this that's not a leg [Music] I gotcha huh I made a list for you it's going on the list I have copies of all the keys they're not dying stop them yeah yeah call Joe huh you can't be her alone [Music] no no no no no he trusts him but that's why maybe they're gonna start bearing more like open withdrawn tests because Joel said this would happen [Music] oh we're it's a day [Music] see sick [Music] spending him took most of the night I'm exhausted God damn it I don't want to fall on a sleeping mature I won't you will and then your feet get blue I'm not fighting about it back in bed I promise you I'm gonna stay up why because this is my last day what if we find a doctor what if what if someone shows up who can help who's coming Bill the door-to-door MRI salesman there wasn't anything to cure this before the world fell apart have made up my mind bill that's possible like this huh like this video too but I've had more good days with you than with anyone else look at me one more good day starting now made me some toast then take me to the boutique where I'll pick outfits for us yeah whatever I ask we'll get married and you cook a delicious dinner Crush all of these up put them in my wine I will drink it my hand bring me to our bed and I will fall asleep in your arms do you love me yes I love me the way I want you to [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why are there already pills in the bottle enough to kill a horse this isn't the tragic suicide at the end of the play I'm old I'm satisfied and you were my purpose I do not support this would be furious but from an objective one of you it's incredibly romantic foreign Bell to whomever will probably go I figured I volunteer forever who is this so they're good August 29 2023 did you find this please do not come into the bedroom you left the window open to the house wouldn't smell it would probably be a sight I'm guessing you found this jaw does anyone else would have been electrocuted by one of my traps take anything you use the bunker coat is the same as the gate code being in reverse anyway I never liked you still it's like we're friends and I respect you so I'm gonna tell you something because you're probably the only person who will understand I used to hate the world and I was happy when everyone died when I was wrong because there was one person worth saving that's what I did I saved him I protected it that's why men like you and me are here we have a job to do could not help any [ __ ] who stand in their way I leave you all of my weapons and equipment use them to keep here cry [Music] oh God [Music] we are just finished making a truck battery it's charging right now okay I have a brother out in Wyoming he's in some kind of trouble and I'm heading out there to find him he used to be a firefly doesn't go see this he knows where some of them are out there maybe they can get you to wherever this land is all right listen about tests if I'm taking you with me there's some rules you gotta follow one you don't bring up tests ever matter of fact we can just keep our histories to ourselves the two you don't tell anyone about you condition you see that black mark I won't think of her they'll just shoot you rules three do what I say when I say it we're clear Ed I think it's all three zombies dude no there's a wall of them I'm 14. smart mother talks about toilet paper in the boxes another hour yeah [Music] what a shower and then your shower seriously he loves her yeah did you find that gun of course she did look might come in handy that's how I saved roll from something or like accidentally shoots Joel who knows could go either way [Music] foreign belt is see it's fixed the mirror because he's not gonna be able to see but like what does he'll be seeing cars like I was about to say another gun [Music] that's what he plays they're gonna play that I couldn't read but I saw something on l better than that kids these days [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] I remember in the beginning of the episode you said something along the lines wow what can happen they're gonna scare us nothing like emotions that happened then you manage surprisingly sure but like how was I supposed to know this one you should have been like how was I supposed to know coaches with this information honestly I when I'm sure because it started I wanted to tell you like um not to laugh at you but like to tell you that like you're gonna cry but like I thought it's gonna happen because they're gonna show us all those people who got killed killed oh yeah and I was about to tell you like uh you're gonna die yes but like that I would have died there because that would be horrific and I would be so sad and it would like kill me yeah but like I was crying through most of this episode because like I thought this was so beautiful yeah I agree like I thought this was honestly this was one of the in my opinion at least it was such a beautiful love story yeah that got a nice ending in my opinion got the best possible landing and they have lived at the best possible life in this in this environment like I I mean I said this entire [ __ ] time I would have shot myself in the very start I'm not living through this you know but like if you lived like this with the person you love like that's all you really you can ask for they had like 20 years they had 20 years they had 20 years like the world went to [ __ ] everything went to [ __ ] and yet they managed to have beautiful 20 years and despite all of that yeah it's like in this world to die on your own terms not eaten and not become yeah one of the infected yeah like I couldn't think of anything that I would like it was really I was really scared um because like I thought it was like it was going so nicely you know and they were like so happy and it was just there's so much joy watching them you know falling in love and everything and uh I was afraid when they were like talking about how you know at some point they were gonna come and then I remember that little the last thing we heard um was an 80s song and like that means uh trouble and so like I thought what if like they come I didn't know if like maybe the infected are gonna come if maybe again Raiders are gonna come and somehow like they die because of that and it's this whole tragedy and that that would have made me really sad yeah and like the world here is already so [ __ ] tragic like give me give me something and they did they like literally stopped this whole story yeah I was to tell this like a love story between two people that we're never gonna see again like they are we're never gonna see them again yeah exactly I just thought that was so beautiful I agree because it emphasizes what's important in this world and especially like if we're gonna look at the you know for our characters that we're following Joel specifically uh who is kind of like Bill uh before he met Frank like living in isolation not allowing himself to care about anyone nor anything um and just like you know he didn't he didn't he said in the letter like I was happy to see the world go to [ __ ] because I didn't like it yeah um but like he found one person that it was worth saving yeah and like he had that and like he turned out a different way than Joel did you know I'm I mean sure like different circumstances but like they did mention a couple of times through the episode they're kind of you know the same like they're very similar in nature and like he allowed himself to love someone and care about someone in this type of a world and that like made all the difference yeah honestly like nothing nothing better could have happened to him yeah in that moment when uh Frank found him yeah honestly I just no words if you ask me I just think this was uh beautiful a written episode I like when they met uh one like he fell into I mean first like when we met bill I was like who the [ __ ] is this because I'm so confused he did look very happy he didn't look very happy and very prepared I mean he was a survivalist I was like he like believed in conspiracy theories but like he was that type of a person he's like the the government is run by Nazi it was such a funny scene he's like the Roman is run by Nazis well now not then I love their fight scene that was so funny like that was like three years in the future yeah and they started screaming because this one because Frank wanted to decorate I mean they're very they're very different people uh I think that's why they work so well together they balance each other out yeah and they did that for 20 years yeah and like when Frank came in and fell into that like hole and everything like first I would if I didn't know his name is Frank would have been very suspicious I would have been like he is just he is about like when you said he could kit you now like just like take everything he sees that you have food and everything like that would have been scary but like when he said his name is Frank and we know there's a Frank and a bill uh that we were going towards then like and this was like 20 years before like we knew it was going to be good good yeah but honestly I have a feeling that's how most of the uh episodes like this would go yeah shows would go like I leave I didn't know his name was Frank 100 don't turn your back yeah because he's gonna I mean he was like he was very cautious and this game is gonna tape you and maybe that's how you're gonna start to communicate maybe he wouldn't kill you you know but like he would want to have advantage against you yeah and like in the beginning like it was so sweet like when you know when they met or whatever bill was a bit like I mean he hasn't seen people for God knows how long and so like he was a bit you know standoffish and shy but like he made him food I think he already kind of liked him yeah and like you know he started playing that song on the piano and then he interrupted him and started playing it and I think like it I I guess at that moment uh Frank kind of maybe saw that there's some type of Attraction there whatever it is um and I just like even in that time when you think about it I was like the early 2000s like even today it's not let's say as accepted as it should be you know to be gay and especially in that time and age um and Bill was already a lot older and so like he when he spoke about it like this was his first time he only had sex like once with a girl like he maybe knew that there was like something different about and then from what he has been taught and like in this type of an environment like an apocalypse you know when there is really nothing around you you can just be fully who you are and like they fell in love and it was the most beautiful thing yeah like it was so it was just so quiet and so sweet I was like really in shock I was really in shock and I hoped that like throughout the episode because they gave you such a beautiful love story I just like I thought please Don't Be Cruel yeah I really just like thought Don't Be Cruel uh because like then what's the point yeah you know I just I don't like it when shows just want to torture you and be like look here you have these two like that's too much for me like understand the world is cruel that's fine you know and like we've seen enough in this show already how awful things are and how it functions and like our characters are very much broken but like you know you need to balance it out and I it would have just been cruel for those two people who have like found each other in this impossible circumstances and like made of Life impossible for for them to meet yeah yeah they didn't I just really didn't want their from like the Raiders or the the infected to come like with like no no I was really afraid I mean I wasn't afraid because I knew there was still in the past yeah I knew it was gonna be okay um but like if it was in the present I would have been so I would have been so disappointed like of course I like I understand in reality you don't even never know what's gonna happen whatever but like that's not reality yeah I was about to say this is real people need to know when you're writing a show you don't need to go too far like you don't need to make everything hopeless and Bleak yeah like that nihilistic approach I think that as the older I get I don't appreciate it like I think when I was younger I had that like well yes everything is bad so like they should portray it like that [ __ ] off like give me something you know can't I can't just be [ __ ] in the Press what is the point they made them grow all together like Frank I guess uh had cancer like he said like for what I have there wasn't a Caribbean before and like so there's not gonna be there can't miraculously come now a doctor or whatever to see me like I'm dying and he knew he was dying and so like he wanted to go on his old on his own accord because like you know the sicker he got a little bit more difficult for him and he would have been in pain and like again in this type of environment you really can't why would you want to suffer yeah that much especially if you know the end is coming any day and uh it hurts you and you're in pain every single day more and more and you also know that it hurts the person you love the most exactly and the second he asked him and he gave him the pills and asked him if he would do that for him I honestly thought that they were gonna go together I thought it like that there there is no way that Bell would want to continue living he was also very old older than um yeah Frank was yeah so I honestly thought that like that's how it's gonna end and that in that way that would be in my in my eyes a happy ending I don't know how to explain that no this is completely like because I would be very like it would hurt me very much to know that like uh bill was there alone now after he had friends he lost him that he would have to bury him that he would have to like you know like that would be so [ __ ] tragic to me yeah you know yeah especially in this world you know where you don't have anybody else around you and like it's very hard to want to survive if you don't love something like maybe it doesn't need to necessarily be a person like maybe you can just love books music whatever like keeps you alive but you need something but he said you know you need something to hold on purpose exactly and like found his purpose that day that Frank came so and they lived together so long in like happiness and Bliss which is like a lot more than anyone else you know they really had such a good life like what I would consider again I kept saying throughout these three episodes we're watching I would not want to live in this world like this world I don't know why you would want to survive but like you will want to survive you have someone that you love and they were able to live in such a healthy and nice environment together and grow old together and like eventually the reason why they died is because they chose to I mean Frank was gonna die and like Bill you know his time and his mind has come he has lived you know he has reached some type of old age you know maybe 60 70 I can't really tell how old he was supposed to be there but like however much it is like he has lived in such happiness for these past 20 years I was able to say that and so like he can had his purpose and they can now die together had the reason to live this entire time and now there is no reason for him anymore yeah so this was like this was not sad as much as it was just beautiful it was just beautiful it was just so [ __ ] beautiful and uh again uh that as well served to Joel's character again just like just like with tests in the previous one and everything she told him that note meant something to draw as well yeah um that's the way that he wrote yeah that was so nice but like again it's you know the show kind of let's say foreshadows it like how well it's gonna really be important to Joel like he Bill found that one person that he wants to protect and that's gonna be um Ellie for Joel like you really you really need something in life to hold on to no I'm gonna die for them 100 not that literally that's you know like everything in this episode was so with them I adore their relationship I adore their like bickering but like also in that bickering you know she's like asking him questions because like she wants to learn about the world like she's so she's such a kid like she's so curious and she's so cute she's very curious yeah she's even but like she is so I don't know she is so full of life and for her to be with someone who is so not full of life and sort of done with life you know I just think it makes a great combination um and and that's why I'm just gonna love their relationship you can affect them both very much his characters and help withdrawal yeah as well I mean as Ellie she's gonna learn a lot from him but I think he's gonna learn as well a lot from her I mean he's gonna have some purpose to life exactly you know he's gonna have some Newfound hope um that he really lost the day that his um yeah like I mean again that's very hard to get past like really it is only natural for him to kind of be at the state that he is in which is why I'm gonna absolutely love it you know kind of Ellie is Gonna Come and give him this new purpose and yeah I just I love all their their scenes like he was you know telling her about the world and how it happened and you know like she really appreciated that like she said like things like thanks for telling me that like it was the I guess flower sugar I mean like they mentioned the woman is working in the flower um Factory and that's how it happened and like they killed the people that they didn't have space for and qz which I'm assuming stands for quarantine Zone because like what else and like that's so dark I think that's so like I thought when we saw that little throwback to it I thought like am I about to [ __ ] see this no I'm just like am I about to see that because like I really don't want to see a woman and her baby a baby dying I don't want to see that honestly I thought that was what episode is gonna be about yeah and I thought it's gonna be so [ __ ] cruel yeah and I didn't honestly at that point I was I thought why I honestly thought why it was enough for like the transition by itself was enough yeah like to see that like that little thing was from the from child from like a baby yeah and they both died I mean God knows how many people yeah again I really didn't want torture porn like we get it I think sometimes like the shows just like to do that and I don't I don't appreciate it um and they want the complete opposite direction the reaction just gave you the most beautiful love story yeah in this world you know I like I don't think this is I think now every episode is gonna go like this like I'm certain that we're gonna see like we saw the best in humanity sure we're gonna see the worst in it as well like especially in this type of world like Joel said like keep an eye out like or like that he was keep an eye out for people because like of course in this um in this day and age the people are as much of a threat as the infected are you know um so and that's how it of course that's how it's gonna work I mean we so watch that with previous shows as well yeah like it's always the people like it's always like who they become in this type of a situation um uh and like it doesn't necessarily bring out I mean it can't bring out the test as long as well as the absolute worst thing yeah it just depends it depends in like in this episode of course it depends of who you are as a person yeah but also depends uh on if you have somebody around you as well like Joe he's gonna have Ellie now yeah he's gonna do everything possibly he can to save her yeah and now they like he got a truck uh and we are going to search for his brother and his brother was a fireplace like maybe he's gonna know where Ali is supposed to go and Ellie has a gun finally oh God is she gonna use it I'm sure she is I'm sure she's gonna use it to save Joel at some point like what's gonna be happening I mean 100 or like trying to save him but like somehow land is even bigger trouble but like she's gonna try to you know use it for the right purposes we'll see how it goes because either either she's gonna use it and land him and um it's gonna backfire it's gonna be even worse but like that like it's gonna be like a lesson to learn yeah Joel didn't want you but like then what's the point she should have a gun you know well I mean yeah uh uh yes yes but like do we have time to you know if you don't know how to use a gun that gun is more of a danger to you exactly but then you should learn how to yeah I agree with people sit here and teach you how to shoot a [ __ ] gun I mean he didn't even mention like I have this car maybe we're gonna I'm sure we're gonna find out more about it but he has this car from someone who shot him and missed and he shot back and Miss I don't know if that's like intentional or not uh but like he said and you'll be surprised how often that happens like how often you miss like you know it's only in movies and TV shows that do such a [ __ ] good shot like someone's running you just like shoot him somehow like it lands doesn't really work um but especially in this situation like this they're not all professional exactly like it's a [ __ ] apocaly but like how they have ammo they have they have they have something they have everything we have a car I think that's really big um and and we're going to search for his brother and what are we gonna encounter in the meantime well well two options infected bad people those are the only two options good people I don't think so like after this episode yeah they're gonna be like let's like let's we gave you this let us remind you see now whoever we meet I'm gonna be suspicious and me because like if I like we said even in this episode we would have been yeah but we had it once we are not gonna get good people again yeah around our two main guys yeah uh so I'm I'm expecting this to be maybe a one-off for the season like this is as much as you get in like I'm thankful I am thankful this was so beautiful yeah I really I really don't know what else to say it was so um stunningly well done like I forgot what we were watching like I really forgot Ali and Joel came out like oh yeah YouTube like I literally forgot what we were [ __ ] watching I was just like watching this love story yeah and it was so beautiful yeah and I did remember like I saw pictures of him I told you I know there's another react from Parks and Records he wouldn't be some type of a character but oh my God I never expected this I really never expect I was not prepared for this at all but it was so [ __ ] stunning okay guys that's it thank you so much for watching we'll see you you know
Channel: LM Reactions
Views: 77,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6FzZkAzmYgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 52sec (3892 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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