we were not ready.. | Fans REACT to THE LAST OF US on HBO - Episode 3: Long, Long Time (SPOILERS)

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oh my [ __ ] god it's a dinosaur Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] on their self a show that we're real nerds because we haven't proved it enough yeah I know all the comments are like I can tell you guys really like the games yeah yeah I don't think there you go yeah I'm scared for this episode I've heard this episode is really intense well okay I've also heard that it like Strays quite a bit from the game okay this part interesting this is a spoiler warning spoiler we might talk about the entire game we might even talk about part two yeah we're watching this show as big fans of the game and we're not gonna hold back if you want a spoiler free watch through you have plenty to choose from and please come back to this one yeah after you've finished it all um we're both you know we both played the games um pretty knowledgeable pretty big fan so a lot of what we're going to talk about is speculation um based on what we know yeah and seeing how it differs from the game series yeah so sorry for not putting spoiler warnings I mean we did put spoilers but we didn't put them in the actual video sorry about that we've never done this before we're just learning also I think we fixed our audio issues we had the noise compressor on too high I think last week's yeah whoopsies that's why it was like half as long as the one before because like so much of our dialogue you couldn't hear yeah um we'll do better we're learning sorry I mean we had brilliant things to say but I guess you'll never know I'm really looking forward to seeing Nick Offerman it's gonna be very Bartlett yeah I'm really excited and we've also decided to uh not play the games while we're watching these oh yeah because last week we played we played the game up until basically like where the show is but we decided we're not gonna do that because we wanna emotionally you know yeah speaking of emotions uh I want to have a little moment of silence I don't know if you even know this the actor who played Tess in the game died today seriously yeah of cancer at age 45. that's incredibly sad so moment moment for Annie worshing that's really sad I found out on Tick Tock of all places oh no somebody like put in a comment I was like what so that's really sad she was way too young yeah um especially after I don't know it's like weird it's like I mean obviously she was more than Tess but like but like we just had test this episode last week yeah and I remember like there was all this stuff like when Anna tour was first cast and people were like why didn't you just cast anywhere she was sick and nobody knew it could be good okay oh it's an hour and 16 minutes oh [ __ ] that's long it's so long this is exciting like I'm excited to learn about Frank yeah because we didn't really get to meet him in the game no he was just he spoilers he was um incapacitated um he was unalived and I love that Marie Bartlett is playing have you seen Murray Bartlett in anything possibly his face looks very familiar uh have you seen the White Lotus yes I've seen the first few episodes he's the manager uh okay yeah I know he does a really good job he was great in that he's also in Tales of the city um I haven't seen that yet it's like that really gay show it's good it's nice I mean I haven't seen the original series but I saw the one with Elliott page in it it's definitely not why I watched it no I uh I'm also really terrible with names so sometimes when people say oh this person's in it I'm like oh cool cool and then I see their face and I understand why they said that you know Nick Offerman right oh yeah yeah I think I also get him mixed up with Zach Galifianakis um a lot yeah I don't have that issue so now we're actually gonna meet him and come to like him yeah and then get our hearts broken yes I wonder I do have a theory and I wonder if they're gonna kill off um bill seen this I can't remember if we talked about this or I've seen a theory that like The Twist is gonna be that by the time Ellie and Joel get there they're gonna be dead both of them I mean it's already subserting subverting Expectations by having this character in it yeah exactly um and we did get some context as to what their situation could be because at the end of episode one we had the radio come on that's right I think it was 80s yeah yeah um which meant that they were having issues it was the Red X they were trying to figure out that out so we know that something's wrong because we knew like there were definitely undertones there's undertones throughout the first and second game obviously in the second game of just like queerness yeah um and there's a lot of fan theories about you know bill um I don't even think it's Theory I think it's it's Canon Canon it's very clear okay it's just because we didn't we didn't really get anything in the game you know yeah but I uh well I mean Ellie finds that dirty magazine true oh yeah how's that thing didn't you say so she joked about the pages being sticky was like it all stuck together when Joel's like um she's like I'm just [ __ ] with you [Music] I mean what else are you gonna do you're the two two people left exactly it's the apocalypse you know what happens if Lincoln stays in Lincoln what happens in the apocalypse stays in the apocalypse I mean look what happens in the DLC seven people commented on our our look from the previous episode when Ellie was like no gate all right let's get into it shall we do it yeah an hour 16. I'm scared I'm scared and excited and I'm just so happy that we have so much content I know it's it's pretty good it's gonna be good yeah Joel oh it's Joel it's his hand yeah from being the crap out of that guy ouch look at that that looks like BC I forgot for a hot second that we have just lost house you want your jacket back he gave her his job I've never been in the woods more bucks than I thought brand new made a choice so don't blame me for something that isn't my fault damn it's not wrong no that's good she shouldn't be taking on the guilt of that they're building front nice Frank is how'd you get that scar on your head what is it something lame like you fell down the stairs didn't fall down any stairs okay so what then someone shot at me and missed see that's cool yeah you can get him no I missed two did apples more often than you think because you suck at shooting [Music] [Laughter] you know seeing as it's just the two of us I was thinking [Music] they're Dynamic is already I love it since episode one has been wonderful I mean back a minute I gotta grab some stuff I stash stashed I have stuff stashed here yeah that's a lot of goddamn questions yes I do I thought we said hang back and she followed him yeah no way oh comic books and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and bursts out your bones oh man she's so Ellie dude zeroing in on it a couple years I'm gonna take a look around see if you didn't think good interesting it's all been picked over already maybe maybe not this looks right out of the game it really does oh such a little [ __ ] she really is there's gonna be a body down there no too curious for her own good oh my God yeah Ellie how are you gonna get out well maybe also some like a little bit of invincibility you know yeah well I think Tess tried to get that out of her last episode yeah oh there we go she's still young that's how she's gonna get it infected down here oh she have her period what did I say what did I say oh very trapped Don't Go Near it Ellie Williams what are you doing I mean I keep coming back to the idea of like morbid curiosity bruh [Music] Ellie what do you do oh my God it's coming out of his eye put him out of his misery oh Ellie oh that's creepy do you think that was her first kill Ellie yeah well it first infected kill she kind of did the Humane thing killing it really yeah I mean and this kicked over my ass I love that I love that so much she's 14. yeah like what are you doing it's not much ammo out there for this thing makes it mostly useless if you're just gonna leave it there no no it was really nice to have that moment of Ellie and the clicker almost clicker but she was so unfazed layout like morbidly fascinated but oh oh you flying one of those a few times sure so lucky I didn't feel like it at the time it shoved into a middle seat pay 12 bucks for a sandwich dude you got to go up in the sky [Laughter] yeah well so did they oh grin was it a monkey I bet it was a monkey it wasn't a monkey I thought you went to school bedroom School teach us how to shitty government to prevent a pandemic I figure no one knows for sure but best guess cordyceps mutated so they got into the food supply probably a basic ingredient like flour or sugar there were certain brands of food that were sold everywhere all across the country across the world bread cereal pancake mix Friday night September 26 2003. about Monday everything was gone this Merchants to monkeys I wonder if that's a nod to 28 Days Later sure I thought the game with the monkeys at the University that's what we'll cut across the woods here isn't the road easier yeah it's just there's stuff up there you shouldn't see no I have to see it I don't want you to serious Ellie can it hurt me no get you honest man should have said Ax Murderer uh whatever it was I think it's gone that's probably not Mass grave yeah about a week after outbreak day soldiers went through the countryside evacuated in small towns told you you were going to accuse me and you were if there was room if there wasn't Jesus these people aren't sick no probably not I kill them would it just leave me be dead people can't be infected a baby oh no dude he's hiding so he's been there since our birthday yeah today your new world order Jack boot [ __ ] yes [ __ ] fair oh that's awesome dude they're just gonna kill all those people oh I mean we knew he had a basement but like this is oh my God he must have been one of those like doomsdays that's exactly what I was thinking he was definitely he was prepared oh yeah oh my God you don't just throw that together in two days the mask nice house he's a good business he's so happy everybody's gone oh yeah this is his town now he's gonna go out in the boat oh yeah oh he was so prepared I mean come on he has a whole plan this is the best actually this is great this is what I would want this makes so much sense for him too yeah oh wanna feel stupid traps Tim he's living the best life oh hell yeah look at him [ __ ] candles [ __ ] yeah oh I mean that's pretty much out of the game too yeah he's got it all [ __ ] wired up Jesus for over four years so he was there alone for four years 2007 I keep thinking it's a doorbell oh someone fell in the pit remember who it is the love of his life oh wait he sounds Australian I'm just trying to get to Boston if I feed you then every bum you talk to about it is gonna show up here looking for a free lunch and this is not an RB Harvest didn't have free lunch it was a restaurant talk about it to any bums or hobos or vagabonds I promise they cast him so well I know oh he has a shower I left some clothes here for you what clothes I'm gonna open the door thank you I thought he was gonna have to I have five more minutes sure sure thank you this is amazing he's treating him to dinner oh my God look at his face I mean he hasn't eaten in two days damn what is it a Chardonnay I thought he was gonna say something about like gonna say grace or everything tastes good when you're starving now I'm hungry oh my God it's the gayest thing you could have done make him a fancy ass dinner and then and then sommelier and pouring it like that I know I don't seem like the type how you do classy that was the gays if I ever saw one fantastic thank you you're welcome the first person he's talked to in four years I mean even after two years of covet I have no idea how to be Social Services or but first I'm gonna keep making up excuses to stay I've been staring at this the whole time is it antique 1948 wow wow you know how much these are worth currently nothing oh I'm scared well we know that it's gonna not end well no like I said this last episode too is I think every episode is gonna end with someone's death like none of it is gonna end well and we have to meet the brothers too at some point too happy feels like what do I do anything [Music] no thank you sorry not this song well I'm not a professional well neither am I not this song his mom liked it I think I mean it's also very representative of him he's alone then I'll leave someone tells me girl you're singing about there's no girl what's your name go go take a shower bill foreign [Music] have you ever done this before not with anyone or the girl a long time ago simple things okay okay but before I do I want you to know that I'm not a [ __ ] I don't have sex for lunches not even great ones so if I do this I'm gonna stay for a few more days yeah yes oh [ __ ] you come on hey would you stop do I ask for things ever we forgot the cleanup I know I'm gonna grab it what the [ __ ] that's so cute oh my God another fighting this is unheard of in television what a scene like that that's overtly gay in a show that feels very survival tough like it just doesn't happen and to have such representation it was like so tender like it was it wasn't it didn't feel like a stereotype no it didn't feel like oh we have to have a gay character it felt so treated like a norm and that never happens I can count on my hand the amount of times that I've seen this in television where it's not the the quirky queer or like The Fabulous gay man or that everything that they do you know I'm saying this now but we know this is gonna end in tragedy um it just it we never get this especially with two very Burly yeah Berry survival type guys foreign [Laughter] I haven't cried like that in a while wow and to have sorry before we keep going but to have a sex scene that is just so normalized and so tender like it it's such a sweet heartwarming moment yeah she's like I'm gonna stay a few more days he's like okay damn oh my prayers like there's no girls just like I know I'm like oh I could not believe like how fast that went because it could have they could have just been like I know and then like some tender hand holder but instead they actually took like fully went and the fact that bill like immediately and they both like got emotional I mean you could just feel like bill hasn't been [ __ ] touched in years like I mean this obviously is something that he struggled with yeah um and to have two grown men cry as well like it just breaks so many of the stereotypes and so much of what Society tells us about queer couples gay men men in general like [ __ ] so far it will get very sad which is The Stereotype but like we know that this is gonna happen um but just this I'm so happy that they did this I'm so happy that they didn't shy away from treating it like any other couple that we're seeing on TV like any straight stereotype of it's normalized there's like we're not shying away from any part of it you know it just damn damn I'm just so surprised and happy I love how we both we went from like smiling to like yeah we both went oh excuse me okay three years that's a long time would you stop do I ask for things ever free Your Mark is where a lot of relationships this isn't for me this is this is for us who cares what they look like I do our home isn't just our house give me a [ __ ] break oh I'm sorry I forgot I live in this world you live in a psycho bunker where 911 was an inside job and the government are all Nazis the government are all Nazis you say resource management so help me I will run through one of your tripwires oh my gosh Jesus so let me love it the way I want to and I'm kissing up some of the shops whoa not the stupid ones just the the wine shop and the furniture store and the clothing boutique are we hosting formal Garden parties now but we are going to have friends we are and we will invite them to visit a little idealistic don't have friends Frank we will never have friends because there are no friends I've been talking to a nice woman on the radio Tess you want this really is right yes it is paranoid schizophrenic too I'm not scared oh yeah because it's 2010. so when they were together for a long time yeah which I get I they're having a garden party oh my god oh this is so Ellie's what 13 so she would have just been born I love this I'm the same way oh you're a paranoid schizophrenic too schizophrenic you know what let's go inside Tess I want to show you something excellent I have been waiting to see it not inside Frank [ __ ] these two it's mine brought strangers into our situation mine be happy either what of all the people he could have found on the radio were actually decent people just trying to get by oh well aren't I the lucky one we can't help each other and get that gun out of my face they're gonna be best friends we'll be fine [Music] oh I guess the fence stopped working pick it up not that so they've been together almost 10 years yeah oh no what is this you can make it a wedding what what it's okay ready yes Sam did something oh strawberry I traded Joel and test one of your guns for a packet of seeds you what a little one don't you dare you [ __ ] foreign [Music] what the [ __ ] that's [ __ ] up using this song they're really using the second game soundtrack to Accent these moments I'm sorry what getting older faster than you owner means we're still here I was never afraid before you showed strawberries that was [ __ ] up oh yeah foreign ly and armed he said I don't know hey get [ __ ] damn I thought bill was still sleeping yeah where is he fighting them I think one of them's gonna get shot not dead shot but just oh my God I almost lost your shot this is from the trailer there he is oh oh and his barbed wire hey that's what our trailer don't distract him yeah that's a bad shot I gotcha I'm not gonna die but I ain't buying it there we go we're good come on oh he's in a wheelchair oh oh okay he's either infected or he has like some illness you get you warmed up Ms LS something like that something that affects our motor skills [Music] it's painting him you should take your pills oh no they're not married I wonder where we got those from but I promise you I'm gonna stay up why because this is my last day oh get married and you cook a delicious dinner then you will crush all of these up put them in my wine I will drink it take me by my hand bring me to our bed all right I can't do you love me yes they love me the way I want you to [Music] [Music] [Music] why are there already pills in the bottle enough to kill a horse this isn't the tragic suicide at the end of the play I'm old I'm satisfied and you were my purpose [Music] something tragic is going to happen they're already dead but then what was the signal well and Wine's still there the Wine's still there on the table Frank do you think it would smell if they were still in there can you see anything it's been a while there's dust [Music] it's Bill's letter foreign it's from Bill to whomever but probably Joel I figured I fell under whomever okay was this car key so they're dead August 29 2023 if you find this please do not come into the bedroom we left the window open so the house wouldn't smell it would probably be a sight I'm guessing you found this Joel because anyone else would have been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps [Laughter] take anything you need the bunker code is the same as the gate code but in reverse I never liked you it's like we're friends almost and I respect you so I'm gonna tell you something because you're probably the only person who will understand I used to hate the world and I was happy when everyone died but I was wrong because there was one person worth saving that's what I did I saved him then I protected him that's why men like you and me are here we have a job to do and God help any [ __ ] who stand in our way I leave you all of my weapons and equipment use them to keep tests stay here I'm missing a battery [Music] [Music] show me your arm I just finished making a truck battery it's charging right now okay I have a brother out in Wyoming he's in some kind of trouble and I'm heading up there to find him he used to be a firefly and my guess is he knows where some of them are out there maybe they can get you to wherever this lab is all right listen about tests if I'm taking you with me there's some rules you've got to follow rule one you don't bring up tests ever matter of fact we can just keep our histories to ourselves we'll do you don't tell anyone about your condition condition you see that by Mark they won't think it through they'll just shoot you rule three you do what I say when I say it we clear repeat it [Laughter] let's try it out again oh [ __ ] yes why was the music on oh here we go every few weeks that's my next guess this playlist wouldn't run over the radio 80s grab some cans from over there nothing dented or swollen he thinks I'm infected are gonna show up dude no [Laughter] not for her yeah good call got the priorities it's the outfit they have hot water I'm taking a shower and then you're showering [Laughter] [Music] little [ __ ] her outfit yeah outfit Ellie don't play with [ __ ] it's the outfit oh what'd she find a gun that's yours belly sized that's the one that Frank grabbed yeah yes hold on you look pretty oh my God his hair nice I love this it's great oh look at her she's so cute she's so excited we're going on an adventure a cardboard it's your first time in a car it's like a spaceship well it's like a piece of [ __ ] can you go get us there just the mirror back well yeah what are you looking for other cars seat belt she doesn't know oh my God are we gonna get the magazine soon I always yes oh David we gotta get some Hank Williams up in here Hank Williams come on oh wait don't leave it leave it oh this is good this is Linda Ronstadt do you know who Linda Ronstadt is you know I don't know [Music] the window so that was different wow I mean I think I'd heard that like this part was like the one that deviates most from the game one of the creators he kept saying you know it's a show about love and about people um yeah whereas the game was very focused on also people but I don't think it was as much about love I think it was about surviving it was survival and kind of understanding that the infected weren't the worst things out there yeah um and then also following along with the relationship between Ellie and and Joel I liked that they went off together I like that they I'm going to just say words because I like that they died together because the way that this was set up I feel like Bill is older than he was in the game because here it feels like he's probably edging on like six or older yeah because I feel like he's older than Joel yeah definitely um so it would make sense for him to say you know I've had enough of this especially at my age um and like the one person I care for in this world is going I mean I was thinking that when when like Frank was drinking the wine I was like why didn't bill just go too like what is he gonna do now exactly I thought it maybe had something to do with the radio um like initially when I said something really shitty happened I had thought that maybe Bill hadn't taken enough um um and so had like put on the radio um and there are certain parts about this that I really appreciate because it started a conversation about assisted suicide in the medical field and for me that's something that's really um important and I think it needs to be talked about I have two people in my family who chose to go that way and so right um both of them had incurable ailments they suffered for a long time and to be able to give them that option and go on their own terms really help to them but it helped us too um so I appreciate the series bringing this into the conversation um and I like that he really didn't fight it you know um but gave him the dignity to make his own decisions yeah [ __ ] callbacks and I love that he like stepped out and like had a moment with it because like in the game it's just like no we're not going to talk about it and then they never talk about it again yeah like they probably won't talk about it again but we still we got to see more of Anna tour yeah and we did get a little bit of that like pre-outbreak not in the same way obviously but more context like exactly don't talk to me what happened in the you know a couple days after and it was nice to get a timeline too because we didn't like when you're playing the game we don't have context of pre-pandemic pre-outbreak timeline we don't know how long sorry not pre-pending the only thing we have is like the is like the opening credits like the radio Clips exactly sorry I was trying to say that we don't have a lot of character background oh yeah and we don't have timelines as to how long bill was in that town if that's where he came from you know the game doesn't really explore that which is fine it's a game you know you can't have everything and there probably is more details in the notes that were left around I just did not read all of them now we know how long they spend together and it's a long ass time a long time you know they had a full like 20. I mean you know it is really beautiful that like they were able to like live a full life together and like [ __ ] be self-sustained and grow old together like that's I'm sure in this kind of world under these circumstances very unusual oh the gays that moment with Ellie at the beginning oh with the clicker yeah yeah I do want to talk about that yeah that was interesting she had a bit there was a little bit of a like hatred ah Stone Cold I'm just like slicing it like I guess it's morbid curiosity I think but I wonder if it's also to do with her yeah immunity she's like I'm not one of you but I don't know like well I think it's also trying to understand what's happening to her because as much as she's immune we can see that the area around her bite does have tendril looking things yeah it's still in her so it might it might be hinting at a thing of like not that Ellie's being taken over anything but maybe she's wondering like what is this doing to me how much of this is really me and that might be a line that we follow later on because the look she gave it kind of reminded me of the look on her face when Joel was like killing that guy it's like Fascination yeah which is understandable you live in a world that's completely broken down you're surrounded by violence but I feel like she's been so removed from all of it because she's at the federal base yeah that things that are so normalized now to her are still kind of a curiosity you know because she hasn't seen the world she hasn't seen the violence she hasn't she's barely had any contact with infected right it was really interesting I liked it a lot because it added so much depth to her and to her understanding of herself and and her curiosity because we didn't really get that in the game I love the the bit with the tampons yeah that was a great that was great what'd she say to Joel again uh she was like cleared out my ass of course he wouldn't consider that as useful yeah I remember like wondering like I think when I played part two I was like what do they do about periods in this world I mean literally every I guess what they did before we had anatara napkins make your own oh hello why I always get that thought with every like apocalypse hi hi buddy oh he's like I want to be a part of the conversation too um yeah with every apocalypse type movie I've seen or TV show I'm like but periods because it's never a dress no ever never although I also wonder like how many women would have like a regular period I guess it depends on if you have regular access to food and stuff you know yeah lots of stress yeah I feel like the amount of stress that some people are going to go through is going to cause them to just not to like stop having them at first scene with the Ellie being like don't blame me because I feel like in the game I feel like she did blame herself for it for sure 100 I would too I would definitely blame myself for something like that yeah but that's why I was so proud of her yeah but it's interesting that she's not taking that on because she might she might later just because you say something doesn't mean you fully internalize or believe it and it could be her as much as she's saying it to Joel she might also be saying it to herself yeah it's true you know I've done that it could have been projection yeah hey um I'm a writer and I'm a woman and I'm gay and I'm Canadian so if y'all need writers for season two hit me up hit me up I know like well more so the second game than the first but I know [ __ ] everything about it yeah everything autistic try me I don't feel like we need to prove ourselves um and a lot of our comments have been people saying how much they love that we know the games yeah and that we're really knowledgeable but I still feel this need to say you know we do know it we're not fake or whatever yeah and guess what I played it on Grounded I played it on Grounded I played it on permadeath by chapter but permanent do you have platinum on that I still got the award for permadeath oh really which one might go Jurassic Park I don't know what I expected you to say but it wasn't that it's the only one I have see you next week oh God I gotta go to work tomorrow I hate that this airs on Sundays does not help the Sunday scaries it really doesn't bye
Channel: TLOU Explained
Views: 72,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anna torv, bella ramsey, hbo, murray bartlett, neil druckmann, nick offerman, pedro pascal, queer representation, reaction, the last of us, the last of us hbo, the last of us hbo reaction, the last of us reaction, tlou
Id: C-LJ0g5lQGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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