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hello everyone and welcome to another lesson here with me an English here on English like a native today we're going to be learning about drinks but because it's such a huge subject we're actually going to be looking specifically at how to order a drink and how to offer a drink perhaps you work as a waiter or waitress or in some form of hospitality like in a hotel or a restaurant in a bar or cafe well perhaps you just want to know how to be polite when you have visitors or when you're visiting somebody and you need something to drink because you're very thirsty now another word for thirsty is to say that you are parched I quite like this word I'm parched oh can I have a glass of water please I'm parched now I must apologize if my voice sounds a little bit crackly at any point I do have a very sore throat today so I do apologize about that I will try to speak up and stay loud and clear for you during this lesson but if it wobbles a little bit then please forgive me it lovely to see all of you here as you know I have done some notes I always do and so without further ado I'm going to jump straight in and start the lesson I imagine will be here for at least half an hour so make yourself comfortable so here we go drinks can I just say that drinks are also sometimes referred to as beverage beverages so a drink or a beverage or drinks plural beverages plural means exactly the same thing so when you are asking for or ordering a drink these are the different ways we can ask for one we could say could I have something to drink please could I have something to drink please or can I have something to drink please or may I have something to drink please now people often ask me what is the difference between could can and may well let's put it very very simply can is just a very basic form of asking a question can I have something to drink please could sounds a little bit more polite could I have something to drink please and may I is very polite so it runs on the scale can I could I may I so it's a scale of politeness although it's just simply asking the question can I could I may I it all seems polite to me but if you want to be super polite and you might say may I have something to drink please so that would be a sentence she would use if you were visiting a friend or you were in somebody's house perhaps I wouldn't necessarily use that sentence in a restaurant or in a bar because of course I can have something to drink I just need to order it so if I was in a bar or restaurant I would change the question to can I order a drink please can I could I or may I or can be used as well may I order a drink please could i order a drink please may I order a drink please so you can say any of those if you are buying the drink okay so another thing we could say is get a drink or get something to drink instead of using half we can say get can I get a drink please can I get a drink please could I may I all these can be used again now I only include this sentence because many natives use the verb get but can I get a drink please I'm just going to get a drink you might say to your friends if you are in a restaurant and they say where are you going and you say just going to get a drink or perhaps you're sat at the dinner table in your house you have friends for dinner or family for dinner and you stand up and you go to walk away and your mother says ah where are you going I'm I'm just going to get a drink I'll be back in a moment so we use the word get quite often all right so what else do we have you could just simply say I would like a drink or I would like a and you can be very specific here I would like a beer please or I would like a glass of wine please or I would like a cocktail please or I'd like a cup of tea please you could also use the word want instead of would like I want a beer please of course you see here I put please at the end of every sentence as you know or I may have mentioned this before the British like to use polite words regularly sometimes too much so we say please and thank you a lot so we tend to include it in most questions especially when we're asking for something please please please please please and lots of thank-yous so what I would like is more polite I would like a cup of tea please but as long as you say I want in a nice way then that can be deemed as polite as well it's all in the delivery I want a cup of tea if that's all right thank you okay so I would like and I what let's move on if you are in a bar or a restaurant or in someone's house you may not necessarily know what's on offer of course sometimes you're at the bar and you can see what drinks there are but not always and if you're at someone's house and they say would you like a drink we like well yes but I don't know what you have so I don't know what to say so you could just simply ask you could say do you have if you if you fancy something specific you could say do you have tea do you have coffee do you have lemonade or do you have coca-cola by any chance do you have beer I really fancy a cold beer or do you have red wine I'd love some red wine okay and just in case you're wondering we do say fancy quite a lot when we're talking about our desire for food and drink I really fancy a salad or I really fancy a burger I really fancy a glass of wine sometimes we even say the sentence I could I could kill a burger right now I could murder a burger right now it's strange right I could murder a burger you imagine someone taking a knife and stabbing a burger that's obviously not what we mean we want to take a burger and devour it but yes we use that sentence when we're very hungry I could murder a glass of wine right now it means I really really want a glass of wine or I can murder a burger I really really want a burger okay some of the strange things we say I don't even realize they're strange until I talk to you about it okay so like I said you can simply ask do you have do you have this all right well I'm going to before I move on I'm going to say a very quick hello to my patrons hello patrons hello Calvin hello Eric Eric says you look great today just like a chess black Queen oh thank you very much do you play chess Eric I'm quite a keen chess player myself and hello to everyone in the YouTube chat room there's 169 of you hello where in the world are you watching from in London right now it's gray and it's miserable probably why I've got a little bit of a cold wonderful I've got people from all over the world tell me in your country what is your favorite drink and what is your nation favorite drink in England of course we're quite famous for liking our tea we like our tea in a very specific way hot of course with milk with cow's milk and sometimes with sugar I don't take sugar though I'm sweet enough it's what I say when anyone asked if I would take sugar in my tea I say no I'm sweet enough ok so tell me what's your favorite drink your drink of choice and what is your nation's favourite drink in general what's your country known for in Brazil it's beer I'm told a couple of you are saying beer I mean says T but what country are we talking about here all right I'm gonna carry on while you guys are letting me know about your nations drinks so another way you can ask for a drink to find out what's enough or you could say what soft drinks do you have or what alcoholic drinks do you have you could simply say what kind of drinks do you have what kind of soft drinks do you have or what kind of beers do you have what kind of alcoholic drinks do you have you could say straight away is there any wine is there any orange juice is there any beer is there any gin okay so moving on to offering a drink over here I'm sure it's the same in most countries but over here if somebody comes to your house whether they are there to work or whether they're there to visit it's usually polite to offer them a drink so today I had a servicemen come to my house he was an electrician and he came to fix something in my flat and he was here for about half an hour and the first thing I did when he came in was I offered him a drink that tends to be the expected way of things here I always will offer somebody working in my house I will always offer them a drink say hello how are you come in this is what I want you to do while you're doing that so while you're getting started would you like a glass of water would you like a cup of tea can I get you anything it's normally what I would say and they normally have water or tea or sometimes coffee so offering the drink you can say the following could I can I or may I get you something to drink or could I can I may I get you a drink get you a drink could I get you a drink may I get you a drink can I get you something to drink so there's a number of ways you can ask whether they want something you could say would you like a drink would you like something to drink would you like something to drink or would you like a drink you could say what would you like to drink so in that case you're assuming may want to drink so perhaps if you work in a bar and you walk up to somebody who is standing expectantly at the bar obviously they want to order a drink so probably what you'd say to them is what would you like to drink there's usually a good way to greet someone if you work behind bar what can I get you to drink or if you're a waiter in a in a restaurant you normally get them drinks first when they first sit down while they're looking at the menu so you go over say would you like to order a drink or would you like a drink or what would you like to drink okay do we have anyone here who actually works in hospitality if you do let me know say I'm a waiter I'm working a bar or I work in a hotel do let me know Oh Holly Andrew thank you so much that's very sweet so Leandro has just dropped a super chat thank you so much as you know sub chats all go towards helping the growth of this channel it all goes into a little pot and all the money is saved up and goes towards things like paying for my internet which now you see I've got much higher quality internet so I can better lessons it goes towards pay for things like microphones I do need a better one but this has been a good addition for lighting that kind of thing so thank you very much and you said nice to see you again good sound today you got a microphone yes I did this one is just a cheap one but it's better than what I had before so I am much much happier with it and I hope you are too so thank you for that donation and don't forget anyone who donates is entitled to the notes that I've written so do let me know which notes you'd like all right let's see what nations drinks we have over here we have in India it's tea coffee and lemon juice do you call your lemon juice lemonade or is it just like water with lemon or is it lemon cordial and some of you just love smoothies in Vietnam it's coffee coffee is the drink in Italy is Italy Elena loves fresh orange juice I love fresh orange juice in the morning too in Jordan we have tea with mint and mint or sage or tea with mint or sage that's interesting I have to try that one in sedan it's tea okay lots here lots lots and lots and lots of you have been commenting Dave loves beer and hurricanes and also fireball whiskey wow that sounds like a very hot drink okay let's keep moving on with the notes so we have would you like and you can be very specific with someone perhaps if you're hosting a party and you have beer and wine you could say would you like a glass of wine or a beer so you can be very specific and just say would you like and then say what it is that you have and Julia has also dropped a super chat thank you so much lots of love to you Julia you're always such a wonderful support thank you so would you like a gin and tonic would you like a Pimm's and lemonade I have a whole jug of PIM would you like some you could if you have wine you could offer red or white so if somebody comes up to you in a restaurant or at a function of party says red or white what they mean is would you like red wine or would you like white wine red or white you choose and what do you prefer do you prefer red or do you prefer white I'm a red wine lover I have to say I don't drink very much or very often but when I do I would prefer red wine and they do say that red wine is good for you well kind of I guess it is like fruit its grapes right so it's like one of your five a day so once you've found out what drink they want you may want depending on the drink you may want to offer additional things with their drinks so for example if it's a hot day and they've ordered a coca-cola or maybe they've just ordered water you might say would you like ice with that would you like ice and lemon with your gin and tonic do you have lemon with a gin and tonic I don't know but if a drink would potentially come with an extra then once they boarded it you said would you like ice would you like lemon with that some people and take their tea in a certain way and notice the verb that I use there I say take so here this is very specific for tea how do you take that or coffee even if I say can I have a coffee or how can I have a tea I would say to you how do you take that how do you take your coffee how do you take your tea and it basically just means how do you like it do you like it strong if we're talking about tea and coffee do you like it strong do you like do you like milk with it would you like honey in your tea would you like sugar in your tea so how do you take it and in response you'd say white we always say white rather than with milk you'd say white no sugar or white one sugar or white five sugars hopefully not that would be very bad for your teeth and your body I imagine okay so how do you take it you could simply ask do you take milk and sugar that's what I said to the man that came around today The Electrician he said he wanted tea and I said would you like do take milk and sugar and he said I do take milk but no sugar thank you I was like okay and I made him the best cup of tea he's ever had so yes if you have no milk then we call it a black tea a black tea or black coffee so white or black okay let's carry on down so the types of drinks that we would talk about we would mention soft drinks so if you talk about soft drinks you're talking about drinks that do not contain alcohol so not containing alcohol okay soft drinks for example a soft drink would be coca-cola lemonade water hmm no water's not it is a soft drink but I wouldn't think of it under the banner of soft drinks we would talk about perhaps like dr. pepper one other soft drink is Fanta dandelion and burdock some very strange drinks names tangos I can't think of any others diet coke diet lemonade alright so soft drinks some of those would also come under fizzy drinks so if it has fizz if it has a gas to it then we call it a fizzy drink so a soft drink can be a fizzy drink like Coca Cola for example but the soft drink can also be a juice a juice and a juice is is the juice squeezed from a fruit or a vegetable like for example orange juice apple juice cranberry juice alright it's not a cordial a cordial you mix with water juice is the juice and only the juice from the fruit or the vegetable okay what else do we have we have actually before I go further I'm gonna mention smoothie oh there we go I'm miss Bella a smoothie is a mixture of juice and I do like a smoothie in the morning but they are very high in calories so I try not to drink too many smoothies but I do enjoy a good smoothie alright so if you go into a cafe or a bar then they might say we offer hot and cold beverages and I think it's very clear that a hot drink is a tea or a coffee or even a hot chocolate mmm I love a good hot chocolate on a cold winter's day or a cold drink which of course is any beverage that is cold they might offer alcohol or we could refer to it as an alcoholic drink because they do serve alcohol or do you serve alcoholic drinks and they say yes we do more specifically you might talk about spirits a spirit is the very very alcoholic drink like vodka gin whiskey brandy okay so spirits you were definitely here in a lot of bars the word cocktail a cocktail is a mixed drink it's a mixture of alcohol and soft drinks so it might be like vodka orange and cranberry juice or rum vodka and coke I think that's called a Black Russian a cocktail they always have funny names so so yes a cocktail is a mixture of drinks with very unusual names usually you might hear about a mock Tail a mocktail a mocktail is like a cocktail but with no alcohol in it alright so if you are driving or if you are underage or if you just don't fancy drinking alcohol which is absolutely fine I sometimes just have a cocktail because I don't want to drink and a mocktail is like I said a soft cocktail oh wow Reggie thank you so much you've just sent over us a 2-pound super chat bless you thank you Reggie I don't think you've ever contributed before so thank you and if you would like the notes as a thank you for your super chat or the notes from any other lesson then you are more than welcome just drop me an email my email address is at the bottom of the description of this video and probably not today because I'm rushing out after this lesson but at some point over the weekend I will send you whichever notes it is that you asked for alright thank you so much okay so a mocktail or a cocktail which do you prefer a mocktail or a cocktail and will you be having a mocktail or a cocktail this weekend I certainly won't not with my sore throat I think orange juice is a good way forward for me okay let's have a look what else we have some drinks are referred to as caffeinated caffeinated let me pronounce that for you nice and clearly caffeinated caffeinated caffeinated are is a drink that contains caffeine caffeinated drinks include tea coffee and things like coca-cola also have caffeine caffeine wakes you up you do not want to drink caffeinated drinks when you're trying to sleep green tea for example also has caffeine in it so we also if we have caffeinated drinks you'll hear about decaffeinated drinks and decaffeinated is normally shortened to decaf so if you're working in a bar or restaurant and someone says do you have decaf tea or if you say would you like a coffee after your meal they might say do you have DK so they're just asking if you have the special coffee that has the caffeine removed so decaffeinated decaf okay so my patrons are very quiet today I don't think I have I think many of my patrons are probably out partying on the Friday night because I normally a lot more talkative than this in the Skype room one of you Marine is asking how can you be in the Skype room the Skype room this one here is for patrons only it's kind of like a perk so the patrons have their comments always seen and answered patrons are special supporters of the community they give monthly contributions to the channel whether they're big or small they just want to help the channel to grow and so on behalf of everybody they make a small contribution and you're more than welcome to join the team there are rewards for patrons of course besides just the Skype room there are other rewards available and all the details from that can be found via the link in the description okay let's carry on we're nearly there we're nearly at the end and by the way if you're new here hello I'm really happy that you're here if you're hearing English then please do press subscribe and the Bell notification button so you don't miss any future lessons because I try to release as many videos as I can and go live as regularly as I can so if you don't want to miss out and I would love for you to join us on a regular basis then do press subscribe alright let's carry on so you would also as protect particularly in a restaurant you would also have bottled water offered to you and if if a waiter comes over says would you like water you say yes please they say still or sparkling so still water obviously is flat water with no gas if you're Spanish then it become gas con gas or syngas sorry sin gas would be still and with with gas if you want it sparkling or fizzy then it would be gone gasps so sin gas and congas in Spanish when in English we just say still or sparkling still or sparkling okay most of the time in the UK if you're a waiter and you've asked someone if they want water they'll usually ask for tap water and say yeah can I just have some tap water please that means they don't want to pay for water could you go with the jug to the tap and fill it up from the tap and get their water for free which is generally what I do because I don't like to pay for a little glass of water with my with my food so there we go bottled water still or sparkling or tap water so let's talk about measures so when you are in a restaurant or anywhere where you would order a drink when we're talking about things that come in a bottle then you would say a bottle of a bottle of now notice the pronunciation of this word and this word when we put it into a sentence here we don't say a or aa we normally say a UH a bottle a bottle and this word rather mean of normally becomes of of so we have aa and of aa of a bottle of a bottle of wine a bottle of pop a pop is another word it's a quite an old-fashioned word now actually a bottle of pop is an old word for a fizzy drink like Coca Cola so you might say a bottle of coke a bottle of coke a bottle of coke I'd love a bottle of coke I'd love a bottle of Fanta I could really murder a bottle of wine okay so a bottle of you also for certain fizzy drinks and would get a can of particularly things like beer and coke those kinds of things so a can of and the same rule applies it would be earth and earth can I have a can of coke please a can of coke I would love a can of Fanta and then we could ask for a cup of this usually this usually is regard with what we'd say if we're talking about tea coffee or hot chocolate tea coffee or hot chocolate a cup of coffee a cup of tea a cup of hot chocolate from Reggie you just sent me another super chair thank you so much and you've put a comment with this one watching all your videos great work thank you I'll bless you you're so sweet thank you Reggie that's really really kind of you ok so a cup of tea a cup of tea a cup of coffee a cup of coffee or a cup of hot chocolates is there anything else you'd have in in a cup I guess you could have like a cup of green tea or a cup of herbal tea notice that we say herbal and not herbal Americans say herbal but in British English we aspirate the H herbal herbal ok ok so marine what are you saying you're commenting Lots here and you said I've just discovered this channel I love Anna's videos they are very interesting and I can improve my English thank you that's very kind of you but how can I know the direct days in terms of how often I come online at the moment I'm aiming to be live Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday and I will release videos besides as well I try to do as much as I can but my life is quite chaotic so I can't always guarantee exactly when it's going to be the best thing you can do is follow me on Facebook and on Instagram the links are in the description of this video and by doing that you'll have a clearer idea each day of when I might be to be live because I tend to post and let you know I'm going live at the moment I've just moved how so life is a little bit chaotic so just bear with me what normally happens then is I will generally put a schedule up on a Sunday to tell you when to expect my live videos in the following week but I'll get there I'll get organized and then your guys will know exactly when to expect me okay sorry if it's a little chaotic at the moment I'm doing my best okay so a cup of tea a cup of coffee a cup of hot chocolate now we also in the UK off of tees in the pot mostly this is in restaurants bars and hotels not all households have a pot of tea any more I don't have a teapot here I used to have one but I got rid of it because we rarely use it but if you go out to buy tea they would normally say would you like a mug or a cup of coffee or a cup of tea oh sorry tea not coffee or would you like a pot of tea it's like a pot of tea and normally in a pot of tea you can get two or three cups of tea so if there's a couple of you you'd say we'd have a pot of tea between us please a pot of tea all right that's in actually between us a pot of tea between us is what you'd asked for so you might order wine or beer or whatever it is you're asking for by the glass so I'd like a glass of wine please I'd like a glass of white wine could I have a glass of Pinot Grigio may I have a glass of merlot and if you're talking about size in specifically you could say I need a large glass of red wine I would like a large Cabernet Sauvignon I'd like a large glass of Cabernet Sauvignon please here's what you could say swirl back one of my patrons has said and is it a pot is it pot of tea you need to take ah here so you need the article app is it a pot of tea yes this here is a pot and there's your cup and saucer the plate underneath the cup is called a saucer so you have a pot of tea a cup of tea and a saucer a cup and saucer brilliant thank you for sharing that let's go back to those notes so a glass of wine if you're drinking a soft drink or a beer or an ale or cider you might ask for a pint glass the pint is particularly a particular size for example I think this glass is probably a pint it doesn't have the measurement written on it but this is a pint a pint I have a pint of water and you could ask for a pint of water you could ask for pint of beer you could ask for a pint of stelae you could be specific about the kind of lark or a beer you want to drink could I have a pint of cider please could I have a pint of lemonade I tend to drink a lime and soda is my drink of choice so I just have soda water which is carbonated water fizzy water and and line either lime cordial or a squeeze of lime just to give it a little flavor so lime and soda I would call that so a pint of or if you only want a small one you do half a pint of and notice I'm saying of as with all the other examples of a half a pint of half a pint of okay so you could also say just some could I have some lemonade please could I have some wine could I have some red wine could I have some orange juice please okay now you could say could I have a couple of could I have a couple of beers can I have a couple of bottles of Stella so depending on what you're ordering you could say a couple of a couple of sky is asking what decide amine cider is an alcoholic drink made from apples it's an alcoholic drink made of apples okay lovely so that's the end of what I'm actually teaching but what I want from you is for you to give me some examples of drink name so off you go how many drinks can you name so let me know just one worded answers give me drink names and while I'm waiting for them to come through I want to make sure that if you're here and you're enjoying this and then please do show your appreciation by giving me a thumb please what is the difference between a pot and a kettle a pot doesn't heat up the water a kettle has an electric element that heats up the water a pot just holds the hot water so once you've boiled the kettle you pour it into the pot you pour the hot water into the pot with the teabags or with whatever you're doing it might just be water and you leave it in the pot and then you pull that into the cup so if you go to a restaurant they would boil the water in the kitchen in a kettle they would transfer it into a pot and they'd bring the pot to the table and then you can pour it into your cup okay hope that answers your question clearly enough so some of you are asking about Facebook and Instagram the both of them are linked in the description in this video Facebook is something like speak English like a native and Instagram is confusing it's called British English Pro that's how you'll find me or just type in Ana English and you'll find me that way hopefully I think okay so have we got some alcohol names coming through not alcohol drink names I don't know why I jumped at our caller great we have so David Cameron sorry Dave Cameron is hurricane a type of drink thing because you mentioned that twice um so I've got gin and tonic I've got lemonade is what you're suggesting lemonade what else do we have coming through hello I've never heard of this friend Vic sure knew I don't know this drink has anybody else heard of this tell me what this is I'm going to show you the notes now so you can see when I'm writing if you're writing down cocktail names then please say that it's a cocktail okay so that I so I can mention the little cocktail so beer wine tequila sunrise I'm just gonna put the key laughing now because tequila is the main drink there it's tequila sunrise is forgive me if I'm wrong here it's a cocktail right is that right I'm not a huge cocktail knowledge I don't know all the cocktail names the Slavik in my patron group has said a White Russian that is a cocktail I know that one a White Russian that's a cocktail with rum base why am I writing wrong Russian Russian and we also have a Black Russian I'm gonna put this under the title cocktails it's an apple martini that's a cocktail is it or is that just a type of martini someone please help me we also have I should probably put these in different categories shouldn't I let's put this up here soft drinks lemonade you guys have imp toe I love them toe oh don't correct me vim taupe don't correct me I don't want to be corrected stop it we go Pinto Pinto we have green tea great we have coffee and one of my favorites actually at the moment is iced coffee I love iced coffee what else do we have [Music] Nescafe is a brand of coffee vodka yeah we have vodka vodka what else pins pins is a favorite summer drink over here in the UK oh I'm not showing you these notes you're looking at me sorry I wasn't taking you over there we have a Frappuccino remind me what a Frappuccino is that's the fruity like a fruity drink isn't it a Frappuccino they have them it's like a fruity you have it in Starbucks all the coffee shops I can't remember it's called an S breath so s the best so I might spell all right hopefully hmm no that doesn't know the spelling what else we have oh gosh so many so many drinks being commented up here we have normal tea of course Capucine not yeah Oh No how I spell it right no well I've been corrected there we go uh what else anymore anymore for anymore smoothies yes smoothie I spelled that wrong again smoothie cold brew cold brew it's like coffee isn't it cold brew a Bloody Mary yes of Bloody Mary is a cocktail that involves tomato juice isn't that right oh is that one there we go let's put these ones up with the non-alcoholic drinks a bloody mary is alcoholic isn't it correct me if I'm wrong one else Wow a Turkish coffee Turkish coffee let me put this up you have read in London there are restaurants that offer Turkish coffee usually usually Turkish restaurants of course well let's do we have rum yes rum anymore for anymore do we have green tea on the list yes we do water of course water probably the best drink you can ever drink is water or coconut water very very popular here in London at the moment and actually one of my favorites there is a certain drink that we drink a lot here and it comes from a cow what am I talking about of course I'm talking about milk and then there's lots of variations of milk over here at the moment particularly in London have coconut milk rice milk almond milk there are other notes I can't think of off the top of my head but we drink a lot of milk here orangeade orangeade yes put that on orange ade say like that orange 8 there we go an Irish Coffee interesting an Irish coffee is coffee that has alcohol in it so I'm gonna put that on the alcohol section oh I need for Bloody Mary in the cocktail list Irish coffee let's move this yeah Oh what else do we have orange juice have I got orange juice no that stick orange juice on here orange juice um oh gosh lots of stuff coming through from my patrons Cuba Libre what is this is this a kind of cocktail I'm going to assume it is so I'll stick that one on the cocktail list I'm gonna put a question mark by it though because I don't know it so these than what is kompot what is kompot I don't know one this thing on either so please do enlighten me and grab so okay so Slovak is talking about coffee suave egg it's actually a private student as well and we had a private lesson this morning we were talking about coffee there are different coffees of course like coffee can be a subject in itself the subject of coffee is huge but um you might ask I tend to ask if I'm in a restaurant and they say do you like coffee would you like coffee I would say is it instant coffee or is it proper coffee is what I would say instant coffee is where you put granules in the cup and then you put the hot water in and the granules disappear so you don't remove the granules they just disappear they they dissolve into the water that kind of coffee I don't like but we call it instant coffee instant coffee then there's the kind of coffee where the coffee beans have been ground down you put the coffee in the water in and usually into a CAF tierre or there might be other ways of doing it but usually into a cafeteria and then somehow whether it's in a cafeteria or in some some other instrument you remove the ground coffee you remove these granules out and it just leaves the water the flavored water and that's the kind of coffee I like with the bean whether it's been ground or whether there's a machine that makes it with the beans so ground coffee okay guys um we could go on forever lots of you making lots of suggestions for those of you who have given a super chat contribution to the lesson of course you can add as many to the notes when I send you the notes as you wish to I am going to say goodbye because I am off to the theater this evening my friend is performing in a play in the theater and I promised that I will go and visit and watch their performance which is why some of you are saying you're wearing a nice top that's because I'm going to the theater so I want to thank you so much for joining me it's been an absolute pleasure even though I've not felt very well I've actually enjoyed teaching this lesson and being here with you today if you did enjoy it and you did find it useful I always appreciate a thumb if you are new here make sure you have subscribed and do go and have a look at some of the other videos there are over a hundred videos here now I think you might be looking at close to 200 videos in fact so please do take some time to look at the other lessons I'm sure you'll find other things that are useful to you and I'm always trying to grow this channel we're nearly at fifty thousand subscribers and I would love to reach that in a very short space of time so if you know anyone who would find this useful I would really appreciate you clicking that share button and sharing this with any of your friends so thank you so much for joining me all the links that you could possibly need to Instagram and Facebook are in the description box below I have also included a link to free taxi rides so if you have not yet signed up for uber the app the taxi app and uber is used in your country and your going out drinking alcohol then you can get a free ride by using that link if you are new to Ober so do make sure you use that and do not drink and drive it's very naughty but you don't need lectures from me on what to do in your life I'm sure you all make very sensible choices okay guys have an amazing weekend I will be live again here on Monday I very much look forward to seeing you there take care have an amazing weekend lots of love from London mm ah bye from me bye from the Bears I will see you very soon take care guys bye bye
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 26,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, anna tyrie, Grammar, british, anna english, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, Drink, drinks, how to order a drink, order a drink, offer a drink, ask for a drink in english, order a drink in english, drink vocabulary
Id: OIhK4hz9NkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 45sec (2865 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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