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hello everyone welcome to another live lesson with me Anna English here on English like a native today we are looking at slang words beginning with the letter T so there are many words on this list so without further ado I'm going to get straight on in and start with the very first slang word beginning with T which we commonly use and that is the word pad so if you don't remember any other words that I teach you today remember this one tad tad tad means a little a small amount if I ask you do you take sugar with your tea you might say a tad if I ask you are you cold and you're a little bit cold you could say I'm a tad cold so here the example sentence I've given is the lad was a tad embarrassed about hmm was a tad embarrassed was a tad sad rather was a tad sad there we go I was thinking different things when I wrote these the lad was a tad sad that he could not do more to help his team the lad was a tad sad that he could not do more to help his team so there you go the very first word try to remember that one tad tad tad tad I'll keep repeating it throughout the lesson so the next one is something you may hear but be careful using it because it does involve a swear word and that's the word or the phrase rather to take the I'm not going to say it out loud because otherwise YouTube will tell me off for including a swear word but if you take the then you make fun of someone or you tease them you can use a friendlier version of this phrase you can say to take the Michael or - to take oh I'm sure there's another version of this that I can't remember but take the Michael is definitely one version so take the is the bad one and to take the michael is the friendly version the family-friendly version of slang so here the example is I would never take the out of you because I respect you too much I would never tease you or make fun of you because I respect you too much so there you go tad and take the or Michael rather the next one you might hear from mostly natives who live in the north of England you might hear them say surah surah and it basically means goodbye I've even heard this in the Midlands in Birmingham they say ja ja the Torah is just a friendly local way of saying goodbye but you will probably never see it written except of course for in these lessons great so I've got lots of you joining me now it's lovely to seeing you and I hope you are all well and I also have my patron Skype room open so patrons feel free to ask your questions and they will definitely be answered on the Skype chat so we have three Scott m3 slang words under our belt let's move on the next slang word is telly telly now telly is a slang word short for television so if I say I'm going to watch the telly I'm going to watch the television and the example sentence I've given here is very simply hairy which is a male named Terry shouted Tara to the delivery man after he had dropped off a brand new telly Terry shouted Tara to the delivery man after he had dropped off a brand new telly there we go next one is tenor the word tenor we use a lot here in the UK it basically means ten of our English Pounds a tenor can can you help me find that tenor I had a tenor in my pocket and it's fallen out of my pocket I don't know where it is can you help me find it or like the example sentence I've given here is listen mate I'm absolutely skint any chance I can borrow a tenner until next week listen mate I'm absolutely skint any chance I can borrow a tenner until next week now if you don't remember what skint means then you need to look up the last slang video with slang words beginning with s and that will help you to remember what that word means okay so so far tad take the tour ah telly tenor oh and the next one is thick if i call someone thick i don't necessarily mean that they are wide i mean that they are stupid or they are not very clever so this is obviously not a very nice thing to say so i would consider this an insult if someone calls me stupid i am insulted okay so just be careful who you're calling thick and the example sentence i've given here is everyone called me thick at school turns out they were wrong muhahahaha lovely okay lots of you commenting in the chat room hello yes I did have a nice holiday thanks for asking but I did have to come home early which I was sad about but I am back and I'm happy I've got lots of great videos coming up for you soon and very much enjoying being with you here today and one of my patrons has said hello Anna unfortunately I haven't got access to why the wireless today but I'm watching the video later on okay wonderful well I'm sorry you can't be with us alive properly but you'll see this later okay so those of you who are interested in joining the Skype room the Skype room will in in what's the word the Skype room will ensure that your questions are seen and answered and that your comments are responded to the Skype room is for patrons patrons are people who support this channel and if you're interested in becoming a patron we definitely need your support there are many other bonuses to being a paid not just access to the Skype room but if you are interested in adding support to the channel and joining our skype group then all you have to do is go to the patreon page and that is listed down in the description box below under the under the banner contribute then you'll see it down there join the patron team so let's carry on the next one on the list after thick is throw a spanner in the works this is a great phrase and we use this a lot it might be confusing to some of you if you've never heard it before and to throw a spanner in the works means to ruin it to destroy it to stop it from working properly and so here I've said everything was going great then Jennifer came along and threw a spanner in the works so imagine that I have set up a system maybe it's a workflow between three of us working a workflow and everything works fine we've got it organized you do that bit I do this bit you do that bit we work well together but then somebody comes along a new manager and tries to change everything and it no longer works the system doesn't work things get out of sync people are waiting for work I've got too much to do it just doesn't work anymore because the manager threw a spanner into the works so you can literally apply it to anything if someone's input ruins it okay so that example again was everything was going great and then Jennifer came along and threw a spanner in the works so the next one here is to throw light on something if you throw light onto something you explain it so if you are confused about something and you need someone to explain it to you you need someone to throw light onto it okay so for example here we have no idea what is going on perhaps you could come in to the meeting and throw some light on the situation for us we have no idea what is going on perhaps you could come into the meeting and throw some light on the situation for us okay so I hope those last two are clear because these are regularly used phrases throw a spanner in the works and throw some lights onto something okay so lots and lots of questions coming through the way this works because I'm trying to deliver these lessons nice and quickly so that people watching them when they're no longer live don't get bored and because I've got a hundred and one other things to do including editing planning filming to make sure you have videos every single day I can't answer all of your questions so the best thing to do is to either become a patron and talk to me that way or to drop a super chat so that you can highlight your comments and question and as you're contributing to the channel it's I see you basically because you're making a contribution what I give you back is my attention so if you have a burning question you're desperate to get it answered then the best thing to do is either become a patron or support the channel with a soup chat all right so let's carry on through we have huh the phrase to throw up which I hope none of you have done recently but to throw up means to vomit burr to throw up we use this a lot here in the UK and the example sensors I've given is most people don't like being sick but I will avoid throwing up at all costs because I hate it so much I'm sure some of you here also have that same feeling of being scared of being sick I used to be I used to be scared that I would choke or something horrible would happen if I was sick really sick and so used to have a fear of throwing up I know throwing up is never nice but I used to have a real fear about it and that's what the sentence is about so throw up and if you're not throwing up then hopefully you are tickety-boo tickety-boo this is probably one of my favorite slang phrases for today tickety-boo means great so if I say I am tickety-boo if I say I am tickety-boo I mean I am great I'm wonderful thank you for asking or I could say everything is tickety-boo don't you worry I mean everything is great there's nothing to worry about so the example sentence I've given for tickety-boo is I went to check on the kids and yeah everything is tickety-boo so living life just ask the question can you say this food is like throw-up no because to throw up is an action so you can't describe food as an action because you're throwing up but you can say that food is like vomits because vomit is a noun and a verb okay so it is vomit or it is thick and you you do vomit and you do throw up but you throw up sick or you throw up vomit you don't throw up throw up I hope that makes sense so you could say this food looks like someone has thrown it up or this food looks like vomit hopefully your food is not like vomit all right so the next word that we're looking at here is the word tight tight now the word tight can mean either that someone is not generous with their money or that you are close in a relationship so if I say our relationship is tight it means that we are very close we are the best of friends or we are very we have a very special relationship as a man and wife but if I call you tight if I say you are tight then I mean you are not very generous with your money or perhaps with your things if you don't share your stuff with me then you're not very generous okay so the example census I gave there was Michelle and I were tight Michelle and I were the best of friends we were tight we were close nothing could come between us but then she started accusing me of being tight and it threw a spanner in the works to remember that one it messed everything up it ruined it so Michelle and I were tight nothing could come between us but then she started accusing me of being tight and I and it threw a spanner in the works okay so one of you is asking about the word tickety-boo tickety-boo is genderless it can be used for man or woman or things okay the next one is a fun one the next word is the word tipsy tipsy if you are tipsy then you are slightly drunk a tad a little bit you're slightly drunk okay so the example sentence I've given here is I cannot believe I feel oh I cannot believe I felt a tad tipsy after one glass of wine I'm such a lightweight I can't believe I felt a tad tipsy after one glass of wine I'm such a lightweight I remember tad means little and tipsy means drunk I can't believe I felt a tad tipsy just a little bit little bit drunk at teeny tiny bit drunk after one glass of wine I'm such a lightweight lightweight means you can't handle very much alcohol and we've had a super chat through so thank you very much Olga you haven't left a question so if you do have a question Olga and do feel free to ask and I'll try and catch it thank you so much for your contribution that's very very kind and also as a way of saying thank you then you are also entitled to a copy of these notes so just drop me an email or a message somewhere and I will send you these notes so that you can have them for the future if they're helpful to you thank you very much all right after tipsy we also have the word tit tit okay now tit can mean a couple of things tit is a type of bird you have a blue tit probably some other types of tit birds but it's a very small bird very pretty and it's also an idiot so if I call someone at it you are at it I'm saying you are an idiot you are an idiot or also as a slang phrase it can be referring to a woman's breasts okay so if I talk about a woman's breasts in a slang way I'm I could say her tits but it's not very nice so I wouldn't it's not a swear word and it's not really gross or anything but III never use that word and none of my friends use that word so I don't know just be very careful when using it or just avoid using it altogether but that's what it means so it can either be an idiot a bird or it could refer to a woman's breasts so it completely depends on the context and here I've used both versions I've said Daniel made an inappropriate comment about some girls tits and got sacked what at it as in what an idiot okay so the next one AHA here's another rude one although this is quite a soft slang word here and this is taja taja a taja is another word for a penis so if a man is referring to his taja he's talking about his penis now this is not a swear word it's just a slang phrase that's all and the example sentence I've given is the doctor seemed concerned about Frank's torture the doctor seemed concerned about Frank's taja okay the next one is the word tough tough if someone calls you a tough they're saying that you're someone who is wealthy and upper-class but this doesn't tell you enough it's kind of a negative way of viewing the type of people who are wealthy or in upper classes so it's calling them a negative thing they're saying it's bad that they are upper-class like maybe a bit snobby a tough okay so if I call you a tough it's it's not a nice thing to say and the example sentence I've given here is the TAF scoffed at the waiters which made the restaurant manager angry the toff scoffed at the waiters which made the restaurant manager angry okay so the next one is the word top or the phrase toffee-nosed if you call someone toffee-nosed it's similar to Tov you're calling them a snob basically or somebody who thinks they're superior to those from lower classes or on lower wages so perhaps if I work if I say I'm the prime minister or I work in Parliament I have a very high-powered job and a good wage and then I meet somebody who works as who works as a bartender and they've got a lot less money than me a lot less responsibility than me and I think that I'm much more important than them and I think I'm better than them as a person then you could say that I am toffee-nosed or a tough or a snob okay so those of you wondering about this abbreviation this abbreviation here this is just an abbreviation for somebody it's just to make it quicker to read somebody somebody alright so here I've given the example sentence for toffee-nosed as there is no way I'm inviting the toffee-nosed tipped oh that should be that there is no way I'm inviting that toffee-nosed tip to my party after the way she behaved so here I'm calling someone an idiot but an idiot that thinks they're better than everybody else no way I'm inviting that toffee-nosed tit to my party after the way she behaved good ok the next one we have is ton this is another one that's used regularly ton can mean a lot obviously ton is a weight so you could say something weighs a ton but if I say I have a ton of work to do or I love you tons it means a lot and the example sentence I've given here is we should share the workload as we have tons to get through we should share the workload as we have tons to get through fabulous okay so we've gotten through quite a lot already my patrons guys you are very quiet do you feel free to ask any questions or make comments if you need to I'm here keeping an eye on the Skype room for you we have a hundred and forty-three people watching if you can take a moment right now to click on that share button then that would be really super handy and super helpful because also what I want to say is we are getting so close to that huge milestone which is 100,000 subscribers today we are are on 83,000 subscribers which is amazing and if you are one of them thank you so much for being here if you're here and you're not yet surprised then surprised what am I saying if you're here and you're not yet subscribed it's been a long day if you're here and you're not yet subscribed then do press that subscribe button it's absolutely free and I'm working every single day to make sure you have lots of varied interesting and hopefully helpful lessons to improve your English and I've got loads more to come so don't miss out click the subscribe button and do me a huge favor I really want to get to 100,000 subscribers before the end of this month it's gonna be a really really hard thing to do but with your help I definitely can get there all I need you to do is share just share away and when we get to 100,000 it will all be down to you this community is your community and I need you to help me to grow it the it gets the more I can do for you I'm not going to be like other youtubers who when they get big they stopped making videos and they just do their own thing I'm not gonna be that person I'm gonna keep bringing you loads and loads of stuff and better better and better better every day so help me to help you click share alright there's my big speech over let carry on with the lesson so ton the next word is the word tool now a tool is not normally something you use to achieve something a hammer or a spanner or a screwdriver these are all tools you use them to achieve something to do work with however if I call someone at all I'm calling them an idiot also the word tool can be a way of referring to a penis so a man might talk about his tool he's talking about his penis just like Todd yeah mhm okay so the example sentence I've given here is yesterday Tony the tool got his tool caught in his fly it was not a pretty sight so Tony the tool the idiot got his tool his penis caught in his fly a fly is your zipper on your trousers ouch is what I say ouchy ouchy ouchy it was not a pretty sight I do hope that none of you have ever got your todger or your tool caught in your fly not very pleasant I can imagine all right so some of you asking why I can't say certain words the reason is because YouTube are changing the rules on how they help videos to be seen and videos that include swear words or even words that aren't swearing there are maybe not so family-friendly like perhaps words I've already used like penis maybe I don't know YouTube are kind of not punishing us for using those words but they're not going to help us with those videos and so we're just having to be very very careful with the words that we use and that is why I will show them with stars and so the full letters and that is why I will not say swear words if I can help it okay if you are interested in swear words I do have a swear words video where you can go and check out the meanings of those and the next word on the list is the word Tosh I like this word Tosh absolute Tosh if you're saying something is Tosh you're basically saying it's nonsense it's not true it's rubbish it's absolute nonsense it's Tosh okay so I've put here I wouldn't pay much attention to what Jade says if I were you it's mostly utter Tosh I wouldn't pay much attention to what Jade says if I were you it's mostly utter Tosh so I'm saying it's utter nonsense okay so that is one I do hear a lot and I think it's a really fun word to say it's Tosh it's Tosh okay so the next one is the word tosser tosser is not a pleasant word and it means idiot so avoid calling somebody a tosser if you can help it and if someone calls you this they are being disrespectful to you okay so the example I've given here is the lads whizzed by in their fiesta a Fiesta is a type of car by Ford the lads whiz by in their fiestas shouting tosser and hurling beer cans out of the window all right nice and easy and the next one is the word totally you should definitely remember this one totally means really really really really like very and the example I've given here is you don't need to apologize about leaving this job I would be totally stoked if I were you plus you totally deserve it you really deserve it the word stoked means basic excited I'm excited about it or I would be excited about it if I was you okay the next one we have here is trash trash now if I say I'm going to trash something it means absolutely destroy it or ruin it or make a mess of it if something is trashed it's destroyed or ruined let's put an ad on there so it makes sense okay we have I left the kids alone for five minutes and the house was completely trashed I left the kids alone for five minutes and the house was completely trashed oh gosh you know what kids are like they can make an awful lot of mess in a very short space of time okay so the next one is the word troll something that I have come across quite a lot since I've been doing YouTube and a troll is basically someone who writes unpleasant and provocative messages online on videos on pictures on people's blogs and websites in order to get attention so they write these messages publicly so that they can start so they can start a conversation and an argument so they can upset the people that they're commenting to and trolls are just very unpleasant people and they do it in order to get attention there are trolls everywhere and I even blocked one this morning and the example sentence I've given here is trolls are blocked on my channel yes some people allow the trolls to leave their comments up but I do not I delete them and ban them okay the next one is nice and easy it's the word turd what a great word turd and a turd refers to a poo to excrement a lump of excrement a poo a turd now you might hear us a dog turd obviously we're talking about dog poo so yeah but you could call someone a turd which is also not very nice to call someone a turd who you're calling them a poo and the example I've given here is who left a turd floating in the loo loo is a word a slang word meaning toilet who left a turd floating in the loo it is totally disgusting yuk yuk yuk flush that toilet okay we're getting to the end now we only have a couple more to go so the next word is the word twerp twerp I like this word it feels good in the mouth but a twerp refers to a silly and immature person you're such a twerp you're a silly immature person twerp and the example sentence I've given here is don't stick your tongue in the butter you twerp other people have to use that don't stick your tongue in the butter you twerp other people have to use that oh goodness me then we have a similar word which is the word twit twit and that basically means a stupid person not dissimilar to twerp so twerp and twit and both of these are quite light words they're offensive but not seriously offensive like I would imagine like my mom or my dad have both called me a twerp or a twit so the example here is I am such a twit I forgot and sort it out I forgot to share I forgot to share out the biscuits I made I am such a twit I forgot to share out the biscuits I made okay good just be careful guys that if this letter was changed to an A that would become a bad swear word so like this it's fine twit but with an A that's a really negative really bad swear word okay so be careful with that remem the vowel and the very last word is the word twee if something is twee and you're saying it's overly dainty delicate or cute normally you refer to a person is behaving twee or to an item of clothing perhaps looking twee so it looks cute but a bit too much a bit too cute not not right and so I might say to you I love your new shirt but if I'm being honest it is a tad twee it is a tad tweet it's a little bit cute for you it's a bit cutesy isn't it oh of course I mean we've left off quite an important words of late haven't we which is the word to work at work is a dance a dance of the bottom shall we call it a dance of the bottom I'm sure you've all seen examples of twerking great okay guys so just to recap we had tad take verbs - rah tele tenor thick throw a spanner in the works throw light on the situation to throw up tickety-boo tight tipsy tit taja tov toffee-nosed a ton a tool Tosh tosser totally trashed troll turd twerp twit tweet and twerk Wow what what a great lesson good so many words there that you will find helpful whether you decide to use them or not knowing about these words are going to help you because natives use them and you don't want to get caught in an embarrassing situation where a native uses slang which we do all the time and you misinterpret their meaning or you have no idea what they mean and breaks down that communication so it's really good to have a knowledge of the words that we use commonly and then you can decide whether you use them yourself but understanding is paramount now we have come to the end of the lesson I am here for a few more minutes to answer your questions if you aren't already subscribed then please do press that subscribe help me get to a hundred thousand subscribers make sure you're subscribed and if you can share then that would mean the world to me that would absolutely it would mean a ton it would mean a ton to me it would mean a lot okay so if you have any questions now is the time to ask don't forget that I am on Instagram and if you're looking to improve your pronunciation Instagram is free my accounts I'm trying to upload to every day so go and join me on instagram the link is down in the description box below down there you will also find links to my elocution course or my pronunciation course so you can learn how to speak just like me if you want to speak English like I do and there's also a link to a free audiobook trial which I highly recommend it's something that I use also just listening to audiobooks being read by some fantastic narrators it's really helpful for learning English on the go and also for listening to some incredible literature okay so what questions have we got what what the beaut what is the beautiful picture of behind you the picture behind me is just the British flag of course and it says keep calm and carry on keep calm and carry on it just means don't worry keep going which is what we all should do when learning English unless you mean this one this one is a famous picture and by an artist called Banksy and she just letting go of a love heart-shaped balloon the question is if she's setting her love free or is she upset because she's lost her love that's the question hmm okay the next question is Anna what's the difference in pronunciation between matter and matters just the Zed on the end matter matters matter matters there you go [Music] okay quick question hi Anna have you made a lesson about business correspondence I mean writing emails yes Anna I have I did a lesson a few months ago about writing business emails you just have to do a little search on my channel and you'll find that quite easily hopefully what does ad mean tad means a little if you missed anything just go back scroll back on the lesson and check it out is twerk a negative word it's a negative word in the same way the idiot is a negative word if you call someone an idiot it's not a positive thing but I might call somebody I love and care about an idiot there are words better harsher that I would never use on my loved ones but some words when they're just describing someone being a bit stupid you would use and twerp is quite a soft a soft negative word what does technically mean technically means technically technically explain technically how it works technically I don't know how to explain that you'll have to hit the dictionary for that one I'm afraid technically for me is such a basic word but I don't know how to explain it let's see what the dictionary says I don't free here now so technically is according to fact or exact meaning of something so it's like strictly or with reference to the kitten and to the technique displayed but it's factually means you know how it actually works technically based in fact it's a hard one to explain goodness me okay all right guys I'm gonna stay on the chatroom and chats to you for a few more minutes oh but I do have to go because I got a lesson starting in four minutes I didn't realize the time okay thank you for joining me and don't forget to check out those links in description box below I will see you possibly on Thursday if not it might be at the weekend or next week but check me out on Facebook and Instagram to know about the next lesson otherwise nah lots of love in London thanks for joining me
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 14,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british, english lesson, english vocabulary, learning english, Anna English, british english, improve english, get better at english, slang, slang words, english slang, slang T, t slang words, slang words beginning with t, learn slang, learn english slang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 57sec (2277 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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