Oak Grove Baptist Church Sterling VA March 29 2020

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[Music] even though we can't be together [Music] I will rejoice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I will rejoice [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the Lord everybody good morning to you my brothers and sisters my sisters and brothers we thank God for each and every one of you for tuning in to a man the broadcast of the Oak Grove Baptist Church we're gonna go ahead and give the Lord a great big hand clap a praise for our praise team the Lord be praised and we're gonna open up with our gathering statement for the morning coming to you from Hebrews chapter 10 verses 24 and 25 and these are the words of our gathering statement let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works and let us not neglect our meeting together as some people do but encourage one another especially now that the day of his return is drawing near let us pray father in the name of Jesus we thank you for this preaching privilege this opportunity to worship you in spirit and in truth we bless your name Oh God and we are grateful for those who have taken time out of their schedules to tune in to us and be a part of this broadcast via online / Facebook we're grateful God for how you have kept us for another week and how we can come into the homes of so many where we can be able to spread the good news the gospel to those who are a part of the kingdom of God God we pray right now that you would allow your presence to be made manifest and fall in this sanctuary a man which is now a studio to be able to get the gospel out on your behalf utilize all of us who are part of this worship experience to be a blessing unto you so that people will be able to feel the love of Jesus Christ where we are your ambassador as we are instruments of your praise in the earth to be able to let people experience and feel what it is to know what the love of Christ is we pray O God for your continued and ibadi blessings that be with us as we would minister and meet needs of so many it's in Jesus name I pray amen [Music] [Music] just wanna praise you forever and ever and ever for you [Music] [Applause] wanna crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and ever [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord Saints we are so appreciative of you a man taking the time out of your schedules to be a part of our worship experience here online this is an opportunity now for you to amen if you want to be a blessing to this ministry as this ministry can continue to be a blessing unto you this is an opportunity for you to give amen you can give to us amen via PayPal a man you can go to the website praise the Lord and you can click on ways to give paypal or if you want to praise the Lord you could also look at a cash app a man cash app that's a Oak Grove Baptist sterling praise the Lord and you can cash out to us or praise the Lord if you so desire you can also come and a man you can mail directly to us praise the Lord you can mail directly to us 222 eight seven zero Dominion laying Sterling Virginia so we appreciate you a man considering us to be a part of a man opportunity to be a blessing and to give also before I go any further you can go to our website and any announcements you can see them and they are on line you can take a look at them one more thing and that is that we are trying to if you will do something that's going to be a benefit and a blessing not only to our church family but also to the community at large so starting on this too amen we're gonna open up the doors were you if you want to drop something off like a case of water maybe some toilet paper or paper towels or if you will yes some disinfectant wipes anything that can be a blessing to someone our goal is to collect a man the essentials while we are dealing with this kovat 19 the corona virus we want to be a blessing so we're gonna be taking up for the next couple of weeks supplies a man you can bring them to the church will be here from noon day till 3:00 o'clock a man from 12 to 3 you can drop them off at the front door and we'll pick them up from the outside bring them in the Lord be praised and then we're gonna try to be a blessing to this church family to include the community of Loudon Fairfax and beyond the Lord be praised so we thank you in advance for sowing into this ministry where this ministry can be a blessing we're just so delighted so delighted that you took the time to be a part of this experience now as we move forward man praise the Lord to the glory of God a man we're gonna move forward into the word let us pray in the name of Jesus God we thank you for this opportunity to be able to be able to yes just come into the houses the homes if you will of individuals because they can't make it to the church house I pray right now God that your spirit will fall in not only this place but in the place where others watching us by way of Technology have your wake-up consecrate this your servant the lift it up be glorified be magnified honored and adored what is in Jesus name that I pray and claim the victory amen in the gospel praise the Lord in the Gospel according to st. John in the 11th chapter of John's Gospel you'll find these words recorded I'm reading from the new end to excuse me the New Living Translation of God's Holy Word John's Gospel you'll find these words recorded John chapter 11 and it reads thusly hear ye the word of the Lord beginning at verse 1 a man named Lazarus was sick he lived in Bethany with his sisters Mary and Martha this is the Mary who laid a poured the expensive perfume on the Lord's feet and wiped them with her hair brother Lazarus sick so the two sisters sent a message to Jesus telling him Lord your dear friend is very sick but when Jesus heard about it he said Lazarus sickness will not end in death no it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this I want to read this also in the message version you're here at red this way written by Eugene Peterson says a man was sick Lazarus of Bethany the town of Mary and her sister Martha this was the same Mary who massaged the Lord's feet with aromatic oils and then wiped them with her hair it was her brother Lazarus was sick so the sisters sent word to Jesus master the one you love so very much is sick when Jesus got the message he said the sickness is not fatal it will become an occasion to show God's glory by glorifying God's Son go down to verses 14 and 15 in the message and you'll find these words it says then Jesus became explicit Lazarus died and I'm glad for your sakes that I wasn't there you're about to be given new ground for believing now let's go to him dynamic Aid and the diligent assistance to include divine anointing of the Holy Spirit I want to preach from the subject and title new grounds for believing new grounds for believing grace mercy and peace be unto you my father's children greet you in Jesus's name as well as in Jesus's joy just the other day I was up reading from my daily devotional Richard Rohr daily meditation it's from the sinner from for action and contemplation out in New Mexico and on Thursday the 26 the devotional was entitled the dark emotions and he writes author and Episcopal priest Bob Rotella Brown invites us to consider the lessons that suffering has to teach us and reminds us that we can only learn when we are willing to stay put instead of turning away psychotherapists miriam greenspan says that painful emotions are like the Zen teacher who whacks his students with a flat board right between their shoulder blades when he sees them going to sleep during meditation if we can learn to tolerate the whacky better yet to let it wake us up we may discover the power hidden in the heart of the pain though this teaching is central to several of the world's great religions it will never it will never have broad appeal since almost no one wants to go there he says who would stick around to wrestle a Dark Angel that that's recorded in Genesis 32 verses 22 through 31 when we see in that pericope where yes what Jacob wrestled with the angel all night long Jacob told the angel he was not gonna let go until he blessed him and all night long they wrestled they wrestled until Jacob said I'm not gonna let go until you bless me and the angel said what's your name said my name is Jacob and the angel said to him yes your name is Jacob but I'm gonna change your name to Israel see the only answer I can think of is this someone in deep need of a blessing someone willing to limp forever further blessing that follows the room Jacob didn't let go until the Lord blessed him but he also got blessed but he left with a limp in his walk and what I've come to discover what such people stand to discover greenspan says is the close relationship between individual heartbreak and the broken heartedness of the world while those who are frightened by the primal energy of dark emotions try to avoid them becoming more and more cut off from the world at large those who are willing to wrestle with angels break out of their isolation by dirtying their hands with the emotions that rattle them the most it's this view the best thing to do when fear has its grip on us it's the pit is to befriend someone who lives in real and constant fear the best thing to do when you are flattened by despair its to spend time in community yes where despair is someone's daily bread the best thing to do when sadness has your arms twisted behind your back is to sit down with the saddest child you know and so tell me all about it because I have all day to listen the hardest part about doing any of these things is to do them without insisting that your new teachers make you feel better by acting more cheerful when you are around you see after years of being taught that the way to deal with painful emotions is to get rid of them it can take a lot of rescaling and retooling to learn to sit with them instead finding out from those who feel them what they have learned by sleeping and what they consider to be a wilderness one does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light call John wrote but by making the darkness their conscience reading this I realize that in the end a whole lifetime spent with seekers of enlightenment I have never once heard anyone speak in hushed tones about the value of in document what a compelling word what a compelling question Bob Rotella Brown invites us to consider a new word that I've never come to understand but embarkment in document what are we learning about ourselves what are we learning about each other and even God through these times of in Dartmouth what are we only now coming to know through this time of in Dartmouth and when I when I read this text when I read this text and and and this text when it meshed together with yes Thursday's meditation here we have people who are friends of Jesus who are dealing with in Dartmouth we have Mary Friends of Jesus who are dealing with what I consider to be a trouble light situation their brother has died and they live in this town called Bethany Bethany which the word Beth means house and in this town of Bethany where they resided their brother has died and the word Bethany means house of misery as we are moving towards Resurrection Sunday we remember that Jesus was hanging on the cross which looked to be a miserable situation and here we see yes we see Lazarus he's died a friend of Jesus and Lazarus has been and been in now in the ground he's died and he's been buried and word has been sent to Jesus that's your best friend your close friend has died and we need you to come Jesus because you're a friend of ours and we know that Bethany is a place where you can come and relax and you can kick your heels up but we need you not to come and kick your heels up we need you to come and be Jesus Tex teaches us three things that I want to point out my brothers and sisters that I want to discuss with you on the day the first thing the tax teaches us is is that when it comes down to it my brothers and sisters when when we when we find yes these new grounds for believing the text affirms first of all when it comes to new grounds for believing that the anointing yes the text affirms that the anointing is a difference maker when it comes to new grounds for believing I said the anointing makes the difference some of y'all might not want to receive this but let's go through it verses 1 2 & 3 the Bible says a man laying Lazarus was sick and he lived in Bethany with his sisters Mary and Martha and this is the Mary who later poured the expensive perfume on the Lord's feet yes and she wiped his feet with her hair but her brother was sick the two sisters said message to Jesus telling him Lord your dear friend is very sick tax affirms that the anointing makes the difference because we know that Jesus Jesus he was a sign he was anointed for a time such as that when he yes was baptized in the Jordan River and yes the heavens parted open in the Lord God said this is my beloved son whom I'm well pleased and told them to do what he says do and he's been appointed for such a time as this but we see that he's also been anointed because we see now that Marik has taken yes the anointing oil that she possessed that was she possessed she invested in Jesus and she poured it on Jesus told you that it's the anointing that's the difference make up when it comes to this situation that the anointing is the difference maker when it comes to new grounds of being of believing it's the anointing that makes the difference she parted she parted she poured it and that's what I need for you all to understand is that when when it comes to the anointing the anointing it pours it flows she poured it but not only did she pour it yes it was practical and yet profound it was practical because of the fact that she she humbled herself and she poured it out and she humbled herself and she used her hand to write Jesus to speak it was profound because she didn't withhold it from Jesus no she didn't withhold it it was a year's worth of rage it was profound because she decided that it was it was a worthy investment for the Lord so she poured it it was practical it was profound but she became prominent because word got out that this woman this woman took a year's worth of rage and she she invested it in Jesus it's the anointing that was the difference-maker and and if you my brothers and sisters you my sisters and brothers want to understand when it comes to new ground for believing you need to be able to have the anointing in your life yes it's the anointing that makes the difference this woman she took what she had and she invested it in Christ Jesus she poured it it was practical and it was it made her prominent but I also want to suggest to you that the anointing is what makes the difference but secondly the tax teaches us when it comes to new grounds for believing the text teaches us that a delay does not mean a denial o delay doesn't mean a denial it does not mean a denial if you read the story further the Bible tells us that Jesus told the disciples yes we got to go and visit Lazarus because our brother is sick and it will not into death but we got to go and check on him disciples they were talking to Jesus he was trying to get them to understand where he was coming to coming from in terms of being able to take advantage of this opportunity because it was going to bring glory to God yes it was gonna bring glory to God but then Jesus tells us right around in verses 14 and 15 he says I I told y'all that he was asleep but i'ma break it down to you now he ain't asleep no he's dead and then jesus said in in these words in verse 15 he says and for your sake I'm glad I wasn't there but now you will really believe so let's go and see him I love how Eugene Peterson puts it in the message when he tells us he says you're about to be given new ground for believing oh we gonna take this believing thing to a whole nother level where we're gonna we're gonna elevate your faith to a whole nother level so here the text teaches us my brothers and sisters yes that a delay does not mean a denial first of all we see that the delay was intentional oh it was intentional it was an intentional delink yes it was intentional because Jesus said I was glad that I was not there the word says that when Jesus got word he continued to keep doing what he was doing now when he got word about this and he continued keep doing what he was doing he intentionally delayed his arrival and his his intentionality I believe bring brought about some irritation to those who are waiting on him because if you remember when Jesus came on the scene the text tells us that Martha met him said if only you had been here our brother would not have died see he was intentional in his delay which suggested me that some folk were irritated but because of the fact that they were important to Jesus Jesus still decided to come Mary and Martha and the disciples were very important piece of the puzzle they were and very important part of this puzzle and when it comes to this lesson that Jesus was trying to teach them when it came to belief see Jesus and John's Gospel he paints a picture of what he can be based on whatever your situation is oh come on you see in John chapter 6 verse 27 Jesus tells us that he's the son of man it's it's one of his favorite references to himself it emphasizes his humanity but it's the way how he used it because he it was a claim that he he was operating in divinity in John chapter 8 yes yes in John chapter 6 verse 35 he indicates that he's the bread of life which refers to the fact that that his life giving role and that he's the only source for eternal life in John chapter 8 verse 12 he tells us that he is the light of the world and also in John chapter 9 he continues talking about how he's the light of the world he which means that that light has been labeled as a symbol of spiritual truth and because light has been labeled a sign of spiritual truth Jesus is the universal answer for people's need of spiritual truth in John chapter 10 verse 7 the word tells us that Jesus says that he's the gate for the Sheep and not only is he the gate for the sheep but he's the good shepherd sheep when he's the gate for the Sheep he's the only way into God's kingdom because in John chapter 10 verse 11 he says he's the Good Shepherd he lets us know he reaches back in the Old Testament to let us know that that his Messiahship is being being in operation and it's the claim to let us know that we can look to him for love and guidance in John chapter 11 verse 25 he tells us hey I'm the resurrection and the life not only is he the resurrection and the life in John chapter 14 verse 6 he says I'm the way the truth and the life and then he tells us in John 15 and 1 I'm also the truth I in essence my brothers and sisters he says basically I am there I am everything you need me to be and because I'm everything that you need me to be regardless of what you're going through yes and whatever that you need I am that and then some see Jesus is perceived tardiness his perceived tardiness is nothing more than a mere glimpse of his glory showing up in our personal dilemmas when our extremities are primed for God's opportunities which then we are set up for a miracle a blessing and/or breakthrough oh the old folk used to say he might not come when you are but the Lord is always right on time but as I get ready as I get ready to bring this thing to a close my brothers and sisters I told you that when it comes to new ground for believing a delay doesn't mean that it's a deny yes and I told you that the anointing makes the difference but thirdly and lastly the text teaches us that when it comes to new ground for believing text teaches us that a lifeless situation can encounter the breath of life can I get a witness it can encounter the breath of life see because the Bible tells us that when when Jesus met up with Martha yes the Word says that she told him yes if you had only been here our brother would not have died then Jesus told her my brothers and sisters he told her your brother will rise again and she said I know that he arrives he arrives at the last day and then Jesus told her and verse 25 he says look I am the resurrection and the life anyone who believes in Me will live after die everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never die and then he asked her a question do you believe and what I'm saying I love how Eugene Peterson puts it in the message version when he says look look here this is what you need to understand he says you don't have to wait for the year he says cuz I'm right now I'm resurrection and I'm life the one who believes in me even though he or she dies all their lives and everyone who lives believing in me does not ultimately die at all tell your neighbors and neighbor just touch a virtual neighbor and say I'm transitioning yeah I'm becoming what God has destined me to be and I'm so glad I'm so glad I'm so glad that Jesus points out when he talks about my brothers and sisters that when lifeless situations look like they cannot be resurrected the Lord can breathe life on a situation he can yes perform spiritual CPR to bring things back that were once dead and you know what the text shows me that that that's lifeless can receive the breath of life but one of the things you got to understand is you got to roll some stuff away because the text tells us right around and verse 39 that they roll the two because Jesus had to deal with Martha then he had to deal with Mary and she came out and literally repeated the same verbage if only you had been here Jesus had to go through a period of weeping the Bible says then Jesus asked where did you place him show me where you buried him yes they took Jesus to the tomb oh Jesus yes told them to roll the stone away see a lifeless situation can encounter the breath of life but we might have to roll back some stuff we gotta take back some stuff and roll it off yes in order for the life to get into that situation that's lifeless and the Bible says that Jesus a call Lazarus bad name Anto lazarus to come forth so you got the roll some stuff then you gotta allow some stuff to rise tell your neighbor rise slap five with your neighbor and say rise you don't have to sit down and allow things to yes meander ancestor and become yes that which might materialize into mediocrity you can roll and you can rise but then the Bible says that Jesus told those who yes that rolled the stone the way when they called Lazarus to rise he also said now you remove yes the grave clothes offer I want you to know my brothers and sisters when situations are lifeless yes God can breathe life into the situation and you can remove the stuff that had you wants bow yes the stuff that held you back yes can be removed so that you can walk into your new existence and I want to say good morning good afternoon to you may the Lord God bless you real good I want you to know there new grounds for believing I want to encourage all of those that are out there huh yeah that are suffering with the coronavirus I want them to understand that with God all things are possible I want to give a shout out to those governors who have been having it rough trying to figure out how they go make things work out because you got somebody who's occupying the White House talking about you ought to give him some brains but you know one when I think about the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me yeah the president don't deserve praise yes when I think about Jesus and all he's done for me I'm gonna give Jesus some brains so I praise him for waking me up this morning I am huh what started me on my way I praise him for allowing my golden moments to [Music] because your neighbor go to the mirror in the mirror [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cuz I'm reminded of these words about the great author hit right now hit renow and write these words he says hope frees us to live in the present with the deep trust that God will never leave us so I want you to know that your hope is built [Music] the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name Christ the solid rock I stand [Music] [Music] for this opportunity to minister continue to bless our brothers and sisters who are out there they can't make it to the household of faith because the doors are closed but the ministry is still going on we're preaching the word we're trying to make a difference in the lives and an impact on those who might not be able to have those things to survive but God let them know that joy of healing their protection is visible and it's getting ready to take place in their life we love you we are we are doing Jesus name [Music] that were marinating your spirit and trust the god of your salvation as you go into another week we know it's a little different being isolated but we still have a God that is our light in our salvation the Lord is my light and salvation whom shall I fear whom shall I be afraid the Lord is my light and salvation whom shall I fear who shall I be afraid I will wait on you I will wait [Applause] [Music] I will trust I will trust in you [Music] be afraid [Music] shall I be afraid I will wait on you [Music] I will trust will you trust him over oh I will try I will remain [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a confident in this I will see the goodness of the Lord I will remain [Music] [Applause] ha [Applause] [Music] we said I hope [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I converted and this I will see the goodness of the road [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will win I will try [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Oak Grove Baptist Church
Views: 629
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Id: oeU7I85bht4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 40sec (3520 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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