James Chandler Preaching @ Siloam, "It Is Finished"

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[Applause] [Music] the Gospel of John chapter 19 verse 30 when Jesus therefore had received the vinegar he said it is finished he bowed his head and he gave up the ghost I asked you to forgive me from the beginning that I was not able to tag this with a title but to allow me to present it with the punctuation because after those three words you just simply put a period what intrigues me about these three words it is finished it's not simply what was said or who it was that said what was said it's not the historical doctrinal philosophical or epistemological value in analysing what was said but what galvanizes my interest is the brevity of words used to say what was said in the sixth saying of Jesus he specifically chooses to say only three words it is finished the ministry exercise of operating under what I call the three word Proclamation is by no means foreign to Jesus I believe some of his best work and demonstration of kingdom of foreign took place from the manner of what's called a trifold articulation you remember this one here to come an obvious agitation of his disciples during a raging storm he rolls from a deep sleep he looked directly into the eyes of the winds and the waves and with simplicity of her presentation he was a vow for the sake of time allowed me to share one of my favorite examples of the Messiah's miracle with minimal [Music] [Applause] presentation questions like this so on and so on and so on isolation Oh there's no there's no it's a theory there's no blockage it's not past Elsa [Applause] that's me accomplished [Music] aha [Applause]
Channel: James Chandler
Views: 22,428
Rating: 4.5023923 out of 5
Keywords: Holidays
Id: Xbj43niHmB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2016
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