Cashiers Reveal Items They Silently Judge You For Buying (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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cashiers have read it what products make you silently judge the persons who buy them had a teenage girl come in with several members of her family they all came up to the counter practically in tears and bought a pregnancy test she then went into our bathroom to take the test which i thought was odd seems like the kind of thing you do in the sanctity of your own home then the girl comes out balling and then her family starts bowling and they're making a huge scene in the middle of my store it was super duper awkward when a guy buys feminine hygiene products and has to explain that it's for his girlfriend dude nobody thinks you were buying tampons for yourself edit i have learned many disturbing new uses for tampons from alcoholic butt plugs to boner hiding a parity ex cashier of five years here after a while you don't notice and it all becomes the same because you're so familiar with the items your store carries only time i have made an extreme judgment based on items purchased was when a man came in and purchased peanut butter dog treats condoms lube and rope not even joking yeah that's the condom game you try to buy the stuff that'll freak out the cashier the most i work in a bookstore i've had people read with shame while they bought 50 shades of grey and make comments about how i must think they're idiots look i don't give a [ __ ] what you buy at least you're reading and keeping my store open do you also get the weekly old men who proudly slap down their pr and mag on the counter i used to work for borders and those were always the nicest old men no creepers every time i bar lube i always get this feeling that the cashier thinks i am buying it to have butt sx same feeling i get whenever i buy double ended dildos one of our customers buys anywhere from 25-32 bottles of laxatives a week every week and not the oral kind either maybe he cares for a giant family of surprisingly healthy heroin addicts i didn't judge but it's a great story i saw the guy in the condom isle looking absolutely baffled i am a pharmacist and went to help with an inward sigh some people have no idea how to use them he said i have no idea what i'm looking at there are so many i've been fixed for almost 20 years but my boy is going to college and i don't want him bringing stds or any babies home with him full stop he got really excited when i told him about spermadix and bought 5-6 doesn't count boxes that's a good dad okay quick story i have an ultra conservative asian mom who never ever even mentioned sx ever when i got out of boot camp to my first duty station everyone was getting care packages from home cookies civilian clothes etc i got one from my mom it was about 100 condoms assorted boxes with a note please be safe and we will never talk about this package bracelets that harness a healing energy of magnets farewell jokes on you blood has iron and is magnetic i have the power of science and the lord freshman year of high school i was a cashier at a local grocery store there was an upscale organic cupcake boutique in town that sold their cupcakes for about four dollars each it was ridiculous but people still bought them anyway the owner would come in every other week and buy about 20 boxes of betty crocker cupcake mix and frosting she must have had like a 2 zero zero zero percent rate of return on those things edit the cupcake boutique has since gone out of business and the lady was a [ __ ] soccer mom in her mid-30s so i doubt she was the confession on here but it's interesting to know how common this apparently is every week this woman bought a shopping cart full of toilet paper it wasn't my business to ask why but was curious how could anyone or any family use so much of it one day she said that she was glad it finally went on sale because she donated most of it each week to the two homeless shelters in town i thought that was so great that took an unexpected nice turn i cashiered at home depot had a dude in his mid twenties pull up to my register with one rope two duct tape three cleaning gloves for top five bleach six february seven cookies eight bucket nine sponges i wrung him up i didn't even notice what he'd purchased until he came back in he just said dude i could be planning a murder and you didn't even care what the fck i just lost 20 dollars then he went to return everything except the cookies true story edit ffs yes home depot sells cookers they're like right next to all the chips and sodas they're those zero dollars 98 grandma cookies that come in packs of two real murderers use self-checkout sir i make minimum wage they do not pay me enough to care about what you are doing with that rope and tarp when parents with very overweight kids buy nothing but junk food this isn't exactly the same thing but i used to work at autozone one day a customer came in and asked if there were any deals on our strongest antifreeze i asked him if he meant the lowest temperature rating and he said no the one with the most ethylene glycol i was really confused and asked him what he needed it for and he told me it was because his neighbor's kids just got kittens and they were trespassing on his property i excused myself and went back to my boss the store manager and told him and he told me i had to make the sale i had to sell him four gallons of anti-freeze to kill some defenseless kittens and absolutely crush his neighbor's kids i try to never say i hate anybody and i never wish harm on anybody but yeah not a cashier but i worked in fulfillment for amazon for four years i can't tell you how many times i checked out the name on the label for a shipment of questionable combinations memorable shipments lube plus dildo plus baby instead video 16 bottles of laxatives plus adult diapers anytime someone orders ty hookers 101 what you must know about sx and prostitutes before coming to thailand tl dr don't ever think that buying something online means that you escape the judgment of others a vietnamese lady came in a day after valentine's day to buy candy she bought hundreds of bags i made a joke about how the dentist bill must be insane and she told me how she sends the candy to orphan homes in vietnam because they don't have candy there apparently don't judge a book by its cover guys edit a few words edit too stop saying it's bs the story is true whether the lady lied or not however i don't know but i'd like to believe that she is just a good person i worked as a cashier at kmart once and it was like my third week there and then this couple came into my line they were buying lube tissues and condoms as awkward as it was i had to ring them up then out of the complete blue the guy asks me hey you should ask me what i'm going to do with those my supervisor turns and looks me dead in the eyes as a little ball of sweat drips from my brow i'm awestruck i continue to ring them out in silence then i say i'd rather not they both laugh at me and i just continue to wring them out heavy judgment because the chick was really hot kmart was my first job i loved when mexican dudes would come into my line with multiple packs of man thongs other than that that f king job sucked picture it the 31st of october 1974 my mom sends 11 year-old me to the store for a bag of apples and my dad needs gillette razor blades the cashier looks at me like i just took a dump on her conveyor belt not a cashier but i have a story i got rectal cancer at age 28. i had my rectum removed during recovery i became completely incontinent so i had to start wearing depends just for clarity i'm a tall skinny relatively well-dressed young woman the teenage boy checking me out at walmart let out a quiet damn when he bagged them the only time i really judged someone was when he came in and found a perfume he liked and bought too i said it would probably be a good idea if you have two women in your life thinking wife mother daughter etc to get them something different he said oh no one is for my wife the other for my girlfriend if they wear the same perfume i don't have to worry about my wife smelling my girlfriend's perfume on me i mean that is smart but it's also sht why the only people i silently judge are the ones trying to make up a reason for me to not silently judge them so what if you eat that whole cake by yourself a cashier once talked tea to my grandma when she bought pig's feet i think they are gross too but i don't want you talking sh to my grandma about how gross they are mind your business not a cashier either but when my friend would buy depends you could tell the cashier and everyone in line would judge him hard he was a 23 year old college kid who still peed the bed when he drank he tried his best man edit no he didn't wear them to parties he tried to remember to put them on when he drunkenly got home this led to him putting them on backwards multiple times this effectively kept his piss out of his diaper and in his bed and she forgot to put them on and brought a girl home let's just say he convinced her that he drunkenly showered in the middle of the night her ride home must have been the mortified he's not my friend anymore you've got to buy some stereotypical old people things with it and pretend you're doing your grandpa a favor every time this question comes up i wonder what makes you think i think anything about you i think about my feet hurting my back aching and how long until my shift ends you not so much agreed i loved working on a register during high school it was the only job i've ever had where i could genuinely leave my brain at the door i look like i'm making eye contact when i greet you but that's just a trick of the light as it reflects off my glassy eyeballs i used to work at a local pharmacy and a regular customer came in the only items he purchased were a wrist brace and a tube of ky jelly he must have noticed me looking at the items and he said i swear these are unrelated whatever helps you sleep at night dude when parents get angry at their kids for wanting a 50 p pack of stickers or some cheap child's magazine saying we don't have enough money for that whilst paying for cigarettes and lottery tickets sometimes i just lie to my kids about not having money because we have so much of this random sht at home that i think i'm going to scream every time i open a drawer in the kitchen i used to work out a save a lot as a cashier our client base tended to be a little lower on the economic ladder at the first of the month when the benefits get loaded to their cards i always hated to see people push a cart up full of soda chips etc these people also usually tended to be in poor health i didn't really judge them i more felt pity for them i also didn't like seeing people who would come in with the pin number for their card on a piece of paper it was a small town i know that wasn't your card i didn't hold it against the people who had the misappropriated card but more against the people who sold their 300 worth of food stamps for 150 so they could buy alcohol cigarettes drugs etc the sad part was a lot of the people selling had kids when contractors painters would buy america's finest or speed wall paint i assume they are over charging a family or company by getting the cheapest paint as possible we sell batman underwear that comes with an underwear cape at my work i always have a little bit of judgment when those come through my line also when old people buy leggings oh god my parents bought me these for christmas i'm 26. actually they are the tmnt version but what do you do with the cape you can't wear these under anything because of the cape bunches am i supposed to wear these over my pants i feel bad removing the cape portion so i've left it on so far those testicles you can hang from trailer hitches that makes you a douche boy amazon sure solved a lot of the issues in this thread not a cashier but i shop at whole foods invariably there will be someone in front of me she will have some 30 bucks snake oil supplement and an overloaded container of prepared food the kind where you pay by the pound she will pull out cash as she is rung up and realize that she doesn't have enough to cover both so she takes the snake oil and leaves the food which cannot be resold i assume not only is she a [ __ ] for buying some bullsht supplement but is hoping the cashier will let her keep the food once it has been voided since it is going into the trash wife was buying stuff for camping hatchet rope some duct tape for the hole in the tent small shovel and matches the cashier was looking at her and she just bursts out husband pissed me off for the last time cash as i bugged out and just let her go wife and daughter come out and are laughing and crying on mother's day a young guy probably too young to have kids of his own checked out with a mother's day card in a box of condoms i said you must really love your mom he said oh god i didn't even realize i work at a golf course and a medium bucket cost seven dollars for 40 balls while a jumbo is 13 for 100 balls when people come in and get two mediums for 14 it instantly makes me think they're idiots in case you are stupid too two mediums is a dollar more for 20 less balls lol i work in a small hardware store and if someone comes up to buy a plunger and sometimes it's these young women i wonder if they're the ones who just took a big enough shot to clog up their toilet and have to come get a plunger buy a plunger whenever i have to toss an old one for any reason waiting until you need a plunger to purchase one is a bad idea i have had to buy a few pregnancy tests in my time and i always switch the diamond ring my bf bought me to my left hand so i don't get a look of pity just so you think i am not crazy i have a really really irregular period sometimes it'll skip a month sometimes i'll get two in a month but point is that i am on no schedule so i have to take pregnancy tests a lot because i am not sure if it is my weird period or pregnancy i don't really care what you're buying but if you buy a huge box of condoms and a big bottle of lube and change your mind last second you don't want it fcku now i have to walk around the store doing returns with those in my hands in college i worked at a drug store at the camera counter i didn't do most of the cashiering but did occasionally here was a combination of items purchased by one customer that caused me to raise an eyebrow chocolate syrup astroglide children's toy handcuffs i'm not a cashier but once my husband and i were buying cosplay items we bought a crowbar a bat and duct tape the cashier asked if she needed to call the police mayo i've gotten that as well while building a couple portal guns the guy at the hardware store asked if we were building pipelines dart he recommended using metal pipes instead of pvc dart they're very helpful i don't usually judge people on what they're buying to be honest the most memorable customer i've ever had however was buying a pack of toilet paper a pack of paper towels a plunger bleach rubber gloves manga and a live octopus all of them i always judge the person buying things they are so exposed and vulnerable in that moment they revealed so much of their desires from their purchases and all my cards are still face down i pick the thing they are most self-conscious about and hold it up a second before scanning i make eye contact and flash annoying smile then say something overtly humorous with undertones of accusation this is a big bottle of wine i hope you're sharing it with someone they laugh nervously because they have to but they know i trapped them they know just because i make minimum wage doesn't mean i can't be a power wielding psychopath edit thank you for the gold kind stranger i bragged about being guilded to my co-workers and they told me i was stupid comic book store worker here i'd have to say the series my little pony friendship is magic comics those aren't for your daughter and you know it not a cashier either but i know someone whose neighbor is related to a girlfriend of a cashier common otter but i know someone whose neighbor is related to a girlfriend of her i'm not a cashier but i work in the personal care department the most interesting are the girls looking for pregnancy tests so far most have looked distracted and all preoccupied when asking i know exactly what they are feeling one time a girl came up to me one sunday evening asking if we sold the day after pill the pharmacy was already closed so no but seemed really worried she was dressed for clubby like her hair was all matted makeup smeared mascara running she looked like she had slept on the street at the time i thought that she was doing the walk of shame but now i feel bad for judging because something really bad could have happened to her i don't f ck i don't care at all gay prn the satanic bible the holy bible u.s weekly i don't care just f king buy it and leave don't talk to me don't even look at me just leave please also not a cashier but have been desperate to tell this story i was recently at the supermarket looking at dental floss which happens to be opposite the condoms in the lubes two guys stood there discussing the merits of the condoms in the lubes i mean they were obviously not gay dudes they were wearing tracksuits and caps and what we in australia refer to as a bougain chat white trash but the tableau really did give the impression i desperately tried to freeze the muscles in my face but apparently that also makes me look like i'm grinning like an idiot so they worked out what was up luckily they laughed it off and i didn't get blast with a broken cough syrup bottle [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 330,091
Rating: 4.9520402 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, animated, animated stories, cashiers, silently judge, weird items
Id: W2XbfbmCfw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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