What Was The Scandal At Your High School? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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students of Reddit what was your school's big scandal there was a white kid who had a black baby mannequin to take care of for a week for some project to see if he would be a responsible parent he hung the baby on a tree outside of the school expelled and made news on the local paper my high school did the block lunch where everyone ate lunch at the same time instead of separating them into a b c lunches because our cafeteria couldn't fit the entire student body it was normal for kids to be eating in the hallway the floor or a tables all throughout the school one day during lunch unbeknownst to the staff and student body a rape he decided to hold a lockdown drill he got on the intercom and told everyone there was an active shooter in the cafeteria in order to see how kids would react had it been a real shooting turned into pure anarchy kids calling 911 running out of school and not returning to class after the drill was over kids having anxiety attacks while hiding in classrooms dying calls from students to parents it was pretty bad should I mention how this was several days after the park lamp shooting edit my history teacher blackmailed the girls who weren't doing so good on his class he exchanged good grades for nudes had a few high school math teacher got a DUI on a tractor and was fired pay and CS teacher had an affair while both were married to other people they eventually both divorced and ended up marrying each other accounting teacher married a student about a week after she graduated rumor was that they were already sleeping together when she was 16 and she was pregnant before graduation as well by the teacher at the end of my senior year we had bomb threats about 2-3 times a week one of them was written in lipstick on the mirror of one of the girls bathrooms it said bomb Nenana it was so ridiculous she liked this had a standing out in a grass field for hours while the police checked the building edit this was in Florida we probably didn't go to the same school I'd be surprised if anyone from that podunk ass school was on reddit were they trying to say manana the summer after I graduated the principal was caught propositioning underage teenage male prostitutes turns out my geography teacher was a pedophile with several thousand accounts of child pornography on their computer a bunch of seniors were having a graduation party in the woods one of them passed out drunk rolled into a six inch deep culvert and drowned they didn't notice he died until morning edit from the comments f king hell just how common is this sort of thing someone burned down one of our buildings oh I forgot all about the student crime in middle school a kid broke in one night to the building with the library he piled up a bunch of books and set them on fire plus he stole some stuff one of the things he still was a t-shirt from a fundraiser display he got busted because he wore the shirt sure no one else would have a string of deaths three years in a row was finally broken when some guy jumped out a two-story building but lived in middle school the athletics director was caught putting cameras in the girls locker room teacher sent nudes to a kid because the kids pretended to be a different person on a dating website teacher left kid was expelled some kids didn't want to take a state-mandated test so they lit fireworks off in the bathroom but they didn't realize how quickly they would explode and all three of them got burned the whole school had to stand outside for hours it was in 2007 but my high school had a string of bomb threats there was a bathroom where no cameras could see who went in or out and someone wrote in sharpie across one of the store doors there's a bomb in the school with that day's date the school was evacuated and we all went home for the next few months there was a bomb threat seemingly every Friday we'd be in the middle of the first or second period then we'd all go home after we missed enough days we all had to come in on several Saturdays and the bomb threats stopped this actually came out during my last semester there but it had been happening for years one of the English teachers had been having SX with a few select students every year most were football players it got really weird when I had her class it wouldn't be out of place if a student from another class asked to go to the bathroom and just went to her room to see her one day some kid brought her a drink from McDonald's because he was late to school and got breakfast totally came out because there was this one girl who was in an argument with a facin bleezin and said something along the lines of that's why you f ck your students and the whole incident got brought up to the office and they interviewed everyone found out she'd had a sex with multiple students for the past few years edit I've been getting a lot of comments asking if this was in all I'll say is that it was in Georgia some students put pins into the sewing teachers coffee luckily the teacher was okay but it definitely could have been worse in high school a female dance teacher had a wrestle relationship with a 15 year old female student the dance teacher and her husband had a threesome with said student and videotape said her husband also got a tattoo of the 15 year old girl's initials we had a senior male student in my high school who knocked up a freshman and the Spanish teacher within like a week of each other dose me oh not my school but the small town High School where my kids now attend married female office admin SS up a female student goes to jail for a few years then years later husbands of both women find out they have secret cellphones and have been carrying on a relationship off and on since the elder one got out of prison I've posted it before but having a hard time finding it anyways an English teacher slapped a kid in class and retired that week a girl got pregnant and told everyone the father was our English teacher turns out now no one even knows who the father is her included the biology teacher was having an affair with the principal yeah my principal was having a sex with every teacher I was home-schooled though it's downright wholesome to see age-appropriate a sex scandals and schools a 16 year old sending nudes to a 12 year old in a baptist school girl attempted suicide in the girls bathroom guy got caught having a sex with a teammate in the locker room after practice three girls course snorting cocaine in the bathroom someone was pointing a teacher but we never found out who teacher resigned someone put red hots in the hand dryer in the boys bathroom and it caught fire four years of school three fire alarm bells growing up in a 3k population town in the middle of f king nowhere was crazy as hell sometimes these events were over my four years of high school edit three fire alarms due to actual fires teach a sucker kids dick during my senior year he showed a few people the video then he proceeded to move to California empty balls make safe holes this got more attention than I thought so I have to credit Andrew shield for the joke not a scandal but my entire high school was put under lockdown because there was a rabid squirrel on campus two years ago a senior brought in a sex doll for Secret Santa he then brought it to the senior room and essentially had a fake gangbang with it with 20 other people that's just group m sturbation with extra steps when I was in primary school I know a kid from first grade caught my teacher and the principal doing it in his office mrs crabapple and principal skinner were in the closet making babies and i saw one of the babies a woman with severe medical issues both physical and mental deficiencies snuck away from her group home and hid in the broom closet of our cafeteria for two days she ate all of our garlic bread took someone's jacket and walked out 36 hours later this was in 2007 we didn't have cameras or anything and no one saw her go in or out they only knew she was there because the jacket had a name of the high school and when she was found she straight-up told the police she had been hiding in there for two days the group-home said she had been missing for roughly a day and a half my sophomore year of high school the gym teachers brother gets hired as the computer teacher nice guy was personable not as much as his brother but still two-thirds through the year he just vanishes and most of the teachers don't want to talk about it eventually it gets out that when he was in college the computer teacher got into a barroom brawl during the brawl he took a pool ball put it inside of a sock swung it and smashed a guy in the head with it the guy who gets hit at permanent brain damage the school found out midway through the year and that is why they let him go can you imagine the thought process it would take to conclude that your best course of action in a bar brawl was to take off a shoe take off a sock stuff a pool ball into it and then hit someone whoa there was a male head of year who was gay and had Etzel relations with a guy who was a minor without knowing he was a minor he left the school but I believe did not face any legal repercussions because it was clear that he had been deceived into thinking the individual was an adult could legally give consent happened to a friend of mine met at a party he was 18 she claimed to be 17 they hooked up a month later she thinks she's pregnant and her pair send up getting the story out of her turns out she was 14 yeah she ended up not being pregnant thank God but her parents filed charges against him he was never convicted we see there were enough witnesses that could back him up from the party and I even think she eventually caved and went on record stating she had lied about her age I had to give a statement it all worked out in the end but it was a scary few months there couple things happened at my school on of the pay teachers basically s-surely assaulted a lot of girls while teaching gymnastics we also had like ten people from the same grade picked up by police because they were selling drugs in school and I mean like a lot of drugs was during my sophomore year a male super senior was having a sex with a female freshman and the women's restroom the hell is a super senior we currently have a lawsuit against our district the nurses are claiming harassment against an intermediate principal and the district's refused to step in apparently the nurses caught him having an affair and told his wife he pinned one against a wall and demanded to see her phone not that juicy but the basketball coach Jim Essex CD teacher was a teacher who clearly hated working with wee little sh TS like us so some of us did some investigating how he came to be our phys ed teacher turns out he had been a basketball coach for one of the top university teams in the country just five blocks away from our school but he violated ethics codes by playing players who were academically unable to play and had evidence of him talking to professor's about their grades got sacked and our high school basketball scholarship private type jumped at the opportunity to pick up a coach banned from university leagues of course he'd have to run gym class and teach 13 year olds about their changing bodies as well team's student in our engineering school was making high-quality meth to pay for his schooling got quarters senior year right before graduation you know he couldn't have done it himself I feel like your science teacher mr.white may have helped him I guess the biggest scandal was when a teacher tried to kill herself and failed a kid was trying to get initiated into the Bloods part of this is committing a serious act of violence so he brought a Glock to school and tried to kill the school resource officer principal tackled him the second he saw him pull out the pistol everybody hated the principal until that day on the lighter side the vice-principal wrecked his car one night coming back from a school football game somehow he had managed to hit a dead cow on the side of the road for the rest of the year he got subjected to random moos when he walked down the halls teacher and student were arguing about something student got in teachers face teacher yelled at him to get out student said no teach a spat and students face student pushed him against blackboard video ends this class was hella anoying though there are so many videos about them harassing the teacher one guy rolled a six to the teacher I think he was expelled and multiple students as well I'm out of school now but in high school it was discovered that a student had attempted to print the statistics exam to study before the test this was found out in the morning when the teachers went into the math office put more paper in the printer and out came the exam that the stats teacher did not print now teaching at my high school was punishable by expulsion so the teachers all flipped out this was full exam so we had a whole year of school assemblies where we all got talked to I was a sophomore at the time and only seniors took stats but they were basically trying to get anyone who knew something to talk no one ever said a word no one guy got in trouble nothing we even talked about it after the seniors graduated and no one knew anything so on the day ahead of a huge event that was going to happen in the auditorium of our school someone pissed on the audio equipment in the auditorium of our school and it ended up not working anymore the principal announced that anyone who was a witness and who could tell him who the culprit is would receive five hundred a from the school turns out it was someone from our neighbor in class and probably 8 - 10 guys from that class went into the principal's office to rat him out and receive the money just that the majority of them who went there were just claiming to have witnessed it to receive money as well the guy got expelled from school and had to pay for new audio equipment which was probably at least to around three thousand four thousand day though idk whether everyone who ratted him out ended up receiving the five hundred a or not three popular students from my high school were drinking and driving and speeding around town eventually they drove into a tree doing 120 kilometres per hour and they all died on impact three pages in the yearbook an assembly counseling Memorial and a day off from school for three guys who endangered the lives of others about six months later a student got hit by a car speeding through the school zone while he was crossing the street this kid wasn't popular by any means mostly kept to themselves but he was a nice guy and was really into music and computers not a single mention in the yearbook no announcement no assembly no counseling for the people that knew him no memorial nothing it became very apparent the popularity contests among teachers in the favoritism they showed the more popular students the principal actually had to step down the year after I graduated due to her personal interest conflicting with her professional responsibilities well there are a bunch of kids who smoke and vape in the bathrooms but last year the physics teacher had a huge thing for underage girls this happened in the early 90s before the Internet there was a student teacher an education major from University doing her practicum in the classroom in her early 20s that some of the seniors ran into at the bar one night drinking ages 18 where I live lots of drinking happened she went back to the party afterward and got photographed having a threesome with two of the students photocopies of the polaroid flooded the school she was gone pretty much immediately the administration swept it all under the rug and anyone caught with a copy of the Polaroid was threatened with expulsion our school cheerleaders tea on a pizza and pulled little turds up to look like sausage and sent it to the rival school edit yo some of y'all got weird fetishes leave me out of it and quit da mindful pics of the cheerleaders that was like 14 years ago which one semicolon one teacher arrested for stealing money using an ATM card he stole to two teachers married to other people having a long-term affair three teacher having two year Essel relationship with a student she turns 18 and grudges he quits divorces wife and marries her for gym teacher nearly blows up the school twice five health teacher baseball coach comes to work drinks a glass full of Jack Daniels and sleeps for two hours daily six freshmen girl caught getting spit-roasted in the white room seven band teacher has all male students no girls sleep at his house after each out-of-town competition surprise he's molesting them eight bitola teacher goes off her meds and goes crazy at school curse out class tax principal and cops fall her away the biggest scandal there ever was in my school was on the news some student left her racist and homophobic note on a black gay teacher's desk it basically said that he should be ashamed of being gay and that little black pussy's shouldn't be allowed in a school really badge t reporters were all over the school the teacher filed a report to the cops but they were never able to catch the one who did it this one is just really sad IT teacher stay behind to supervise the installation of the new IT lab celebrated by having a cheeky smoke burnt the new lab and the rest of the building down I went to a private high school in the States one day the kids of the owner of the largest grocery store chain in my area were called out of class our principal had been suspected of killing his wife but not charged we were all sure he was involved a cop was having a sex with a teenage high school girls someone spray painted on the side of the movie theater building then the cop was a cashier a seven stroke 11 not long after you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 105,209
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, animated, animated stories, high school scandal, school scandal
Id: MeonhG1-b5U
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Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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