Now We Know Vault-Tec Started It

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What if Starfield picks up as the Enclave settling new planets?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BadPartyGod 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and welcome to yet another fallout investigated video so let me just be straight up and admit that what I would like to talk about today is vault-tec and the company's incredibly curious relationship with space and to an extent maybe even aliens I know at face value you may think wait a minute Nate what are you on about but hear me out when the dots are connected across the various Fallout games not only four but three to one and even seventy-six and some cut content a very interesting picture begins to form one that indicates everyone's favorite wasteland corporation had a much more frightening grand planned in mind than we ever knew and they very likely were even behind the great war itself in fact they definitely were according to one source but more on that later if you've been watching the channel lately you know we've actually been talking a lot about supernatural things going on in the Fallout franchise and the research train those earlier videos led beyond as well as some incredible recent discoveries by the community that I can't take credit for or what's inclined me to explore this particular topic because man something fishy is going on alas what we're gonna be doing today is running through the games of this IP and picking apart what they each reveal about the Volt tech company will also analyze what a certain canceled Fallout game and canceled movie were poised to say before we finally make our way to something big data miners of Fallout 76 and fallout shelter have just found at the end of the day well technically there is room for some doubt I think we'll prove that this corporation started the war all along and had its eyes on the Stars since the beginning there's also something else but let's not spoil it anyway without any further ado let's do further and figure out what the heck volt tech was really up to so before we start combing through all of the games I think a good place to start is by just introducing the bolt tech Enterprise according to what most people know this will provide us with some helpful context and hopefully refresh any memories that may or may not be a little hazing that before the bombs fell in the late 21st century world tensions were reaching a boiling point and faced with a rapidly escalating conflict in Asia the American people and government realized that nuclear war had become a legitimate possibility in response the semi private company vault-tec was founded and the United States president authorized project safehouse which saw Vitti receive trillions of dollars of funding to construct large underground bunkers that could shield portions of the population from the initial blast of any atom splitting and continue to protect them for the next few decades until radiation levels above ground slowly returned to more habitable conditions once everything was safe enough volts would be given all clear signals and their populations would be free to rebuild the great American society we all knew and loved death at least that's what people were told the reality was that most bolts were made to test how isolated trap populations would respond to a number of horrifying experiments as soon as they were sealed and very few volts ever planned on reopening for example vault 111 from fallout 4 examined the effects of long-term cryogenic sleep on humans and suspended animation without their consent volt 75 was designed to create a race of super soldier children through a Spartan like training regiment it said that volt 77 was home to a single man who has given nothing but a crate of puppets by the company we just wanted to see what would happen you get the idea there were a small number of bunkers that did indeed fulfill their marketed purpose and to safely Harbor their dwellers for decades until an all-clear signal was issued but those merely existed so the company could have a control variable that could compare everything else do it not because Volta actually cared but hold on a second voltic is clearly trying to collect data on human behavior but what good is that data if the bombs have fallen and society is totally collapsed like this twisted evil stuff would kind of make sense if it were a part of some grand a military experiment but none of research starts until the apocalypse has already hit what's the point of gathering this until and who's it going to be on that how would the company be able to still monitor everything with the world destroyed was there a single central command bunker / center thing who knows this is the real million dollar question or questions our video seeks to address and ultra straight up say that none of the games give us any direct 100 percent answer as to why some of the games point in various differing directions and there does definitely appear to be a strong link to the Enclave that we'll explore later on but this is largely a mystery in the franchise that to this day is officially unconfirmed well let's finally start jumping into the games and see what they reveal we'll start with fallout 4 and then jump back to fallout 1 to new vegas 76 etc I know it may seem to make more sense to just start in the beginning but trust me this is for the best so despite being one of the biggest titles fallout 4 is pretty bland in the lore it does tell us about the company or at least vanilla fallout 4 is pretty bland that's called foreshadowing the most notable event for the purposes of this video is probably the introduction of the game which of course takes place minutes before the war really begins after customizing our character a representative for the company visits us informs us that because of our family service to the United States military we've been granted free spots in the local volt volt 111 then just seconds after the rep leaves the bomb star flying and we rush over to the structure just in time and that's where the game really begins now this whole entire intro sequence just screams insanely lucky coincidental timing seriously what are the odds that just after your family got accepted the big kaboom would begin this always had a little uneasy with me because anyone who's ever taken a creative writing class before and knows that including such in saying coincidences in a piece of literature or media is a great way to confuse and D immerse the reader or in this case player and should be avoided unless there's a really good narrative reason to do so especially at a point is critical as the introduction at the same time this is still a really good sequence and it familiarizes us with the plot quickly and thrusts us straight into the action so perhaps bethesda was just okay with the trade-off however when we're talking about the Volt tech rep and he's getting us all signed up there's this really interesting moment that the writers clearly designed on purpose with a man kind of well he says something very lucky what's so important why nothing less than your entire future if you have a notice sir this country has gone to heck in a hand basket if you'll excuse my language the big kaboom is it's inevitable I'm afraid and coming sooner than you may think if you catch my meaning now now what are the chances of that the obvious implication is that this dude knew exactly what was up yet the context is still ambiguous enough to afford a lot of deniability it's very likely that volt tech just tells all of their representatives to say that to encourage sales or maybe he personally just had a lucky feeling or maybe the voice actor just took more creative liberties and they should have if we look and fold out for his creation kit we can in fact see the actual scripts the voice actors would read when delivering their lines and we can find that the Volt tech rep was directed to quote unquote speak confidently when making the allusion to that big kaboom so whatever the truth is this was definitely done on purpose moving on after escaping from what Elevens cryo pods at 200 years later we'll wake to discover it abandoned and could read a few terminal entries which provide a bit more relevant information the terminals are mostly just diary entries from the old overseer before the way yeah the perspective they provide is very useful for our purposes evidently 1:11 did receive an early warning indicating that the birds were in the era this bought them valuable time to prepare and get everything ready to go just in time for us furthermore the overseer was apparently directed to not open the vault up for anybody but voltic no one else not even the United States or the United States military oh my open with volt Tech's approval this is important keep that in mind other volts like eighty one also have similar mentions in there overseer instruction terminals any way beyond vague allusions to the company having a better idea than anyone else of when the bombs would fall and the insistence that only volt tech themselves should be allowed to issue an all-clear instruction there's not much more info vanilla fallout 4 has that's of relevance welcome to the DLCs later I promise now let's jump into fall outs one and two and explore what they suggested out the company originally when I first wrote this script I plan to talk about each of these two games separately but honestly we just saved so much time by meshing them together and including them in the same segment because they're so related these games of course both take place on the west coast of the United States with fallout 1 occurring around 126 years of prior to the events of fallout 4 and part 2 of beginning around 80 years after that in them we learned that long before the great war ever began back when the world still seemed to somewhat normal many high-ranking members of the United States government and military including certain congressmen presidents generals etc all came to the conclusion that nuclear war was inevitable and together they formed a secret society called The Enclave which developed contingency plans to allow their members to survive any sort of nuclear attack thanks to a number of bunkers and offshore rigs ax with the idea of them being able to carry on a government after the rest of society had collapsed by the time these games take place the Enclave is back in force well really they're back in allow to fall out one doesn't even mention them they didn't exist in the first one but I digress by the time fallout 2 takes place the Enclave is back in force and has been kidnapping people across the wasteland and has been taking them to their secret structures for experimentation apparently the enclave believes that in order to truly rebuild the United States the wastelanders inhabiting the ruins will need to be wiped out and exterminated so everything can start back up from scratch and to accomplish this goal the Enclave is producing numerous horrifying bioweapons anyway at some point and fallout 2 as we're working to get some kidnapped friends back we meet the enclaves president a man named mr. Richardson and he explains that the real reason the United States began project safehouse and had vault-tec filled all those shelters was so that the Enclave could monitor their experiments after the war and use the data to further the research goals noting that a few volts had no experiments so that Enclave researchers would later be able to raid said volts in the future and kidnapped the uncontaminated humans for experimentation oh how awful well no no not quite you see we had planned ahead we were ready we had a number of sanctuaries that would enable the glorious American civilization to endure this facility the vaults were part of the great plan actually they worked almost exactly the way they were supposed to you might call it a social experiment on a grand scale the vaults were set up to test humanity some had not enough food synthesizers others had only men in them yet others were designed to open after only six months they each had a unique set of circumstances designed to test the occupants vault 13 was a special case it was supposed to remain closed until the subjects were needed fall 13 was in scientific parlance a control group so that explains it right voltic and the bolt began because people in the US government were already planning for things to go south and what had a large stock to conduct some unethical experiments after the bombs went boom bingo right well not exactly in various form hosts after the release of bull out to developers for inner playing Black Isle Studios the original creators of the Fallout franchise who made these games clarified that President Richardson's description was only kind of right and that wealthy enclave did have some data from some bolts they were also shut out from quite a few remember and fallout 4 of all the bolts in that game told us not to listen to anyone but voltec presumably anyone includes the enclave according to the devs Richardson was a bit wrong he was partially just lying to sound more intimidating and partially just didn't really understand what he was talking about remember fallout 2 does take place over a hundred years after the apocalypse so maybe he heard some information wrong something I definitely need to emphasize is the folks at interplay in Black Isle the franchise's original creators did a lot of retconning between fallouts 1 & 2 just on the message boards alone like constantly you see them saying yeah just forget about that or no we were thinking about that at that time pretend that never happened and it's hilarious but does make the lore a little bit more difficult to understand from our perspective anyway yes so at this point in time with the information we do have full text goals are still fairly ambiguous apparently the Enclave was doing their best to try and get some of their information but they didn't totally control the company well one of the riders for fallouts 1 & 2 a man named Tim Cain no not that one who in fact originally came up with the whole idea of volts in the first place was asked by community member on the forms what the enclaves ultimate goal was and he simply said quote the enclaves plan was originally to go to space and colonize another planet end quote oh my so according to one of the lead writers The Enclave was never even interested in trying to save America or anything like that no they wanted to export this society to an untainted planet somewhere in the Stars at least that was their original objective before they presumably failed and settled on what they ended up doing but that really puts the bolts and a whole nother perspective no wonder why they would have cared so much about how isolated human populations behaved they would have been dealing with isolated populations traveling the stars for years if they succeeded [Music] Bethesda would go on to on earth most of the lore from the original fallout sand do their best to keep everything in line but it's clear they also wanted to tell their own story and they took some liberties as well this makes it rather difficult to decide whether or not 10 Kane's quote on the Enclave wanting to go into space would or should ever hold up to be canon because unless bethesda game studios themselves ever confirmed that to be the case well then it may as well not be nonetheless before we dive into fallout 3 in what that tells us there are two cancelled fallout projects that released between fallouts 2 & 3 that I'd like to mention both by interplay again considering after this point Bethesda took over the franchise it's difficult to consider what they had to say totally canon and because both of these projects one being a movie the other being a cancelled game were both cancelled obviously not even interplay fully considered than canon yet still they provide us with a lot of interesting perspective fallout van Buuren was the code name given to a wooded vin interplays a fallout 3 of course before the game ever released bethesda acquired the rights to the franchise and Van Buren was totally scrapped however they got pretty far along in developing the story and indeed if many of the design documents for these games into all of the Lord they would have revealed have been posted online one of the major contributions to the fallout franchises lore Van Buren would have made was completely fleshing out the Enclave as a factions objectives and in it we'd learned that just before the bombs fell in November of 20 76 the Enclave apparently anticipated what was coming and seize control of the Bloomfield Space Center of quote they knew nuclear war was just around the corner so they tried to refit the Hermes 13 spacecraft and convert it into a that would take personnel mainly themselves off the planet destination yet to be determined it end quote so according to the original minds behind the Fallout franchise the enclaves endgame was always in the stars not on planet earth and to that end the objectives of volt tech make a lot more sense furthermore turns out before interplay signed everything over to Bethesda they were actually considering a fallout movie they did not get very far and there's no evidence to suggest this film ever got past the treatment phase a film treatment is simply a really really long summary of a movie's potential plot before the script is actually written however in 2011 the entire 15 page film treatment or plot summary was posted online and we got to see everything they were thinking about doing a very important thing to note is that the guy who actually wrote the treatment and everything wasn't an interplay writer or developer of instead it was an actual TV film person guy familiar with the industry a film writer named Brent V Freedman who does a lot of gaming film crossover stuff because of this we have to keep in mind that mr. Freedman probably wasn't the most familiar with the Fallout universe as Laura and probably didn't understand quite a lot about it as a result when we look through the treatment there's a lot of weird inconsistencies we'll find here in there no matter the fallout movies plotline would have been very similar to the fallout 1 video games plotline in a bit that it followed the tale of a group of volt welders who were forced to go find a new water purification ship outside of the wasteland because the one in their Volt had broken down it's honestly really bad but there's this really interesting scene the treatment describes where the dwellers are at some sort of wasteland market and one of them is approached by an ancient self-proclaimed his Dorian who wants to talk to the dwellers and ask them what they know and well I'll just let this familiar voice explain what happens next an ancient self-proclaimed historian approaches our hero wanting to know all the details of all thirteen turns out the historian is writing the definitive book on world war three ball thirteen is the final chapter each vault was populated by upper middle-class families buying the equivalent of timeshare in the future our hero asks how the war started and is shocked to learn that it wasn't China or North Korea or India that fired the first strike the first nuclear bomb was launched by the creator of the vaults a zealot businessman who wanted to fulfill his own prophecy of world annihilation that first bomb triggered a panic chain reaction among other countries leading to a four-hour world war 3 do bear in mind this is apparently just a random wasteland or who claims to be a historian so you know the exact accuracy of the information they provide the heroes with is questionable at best but given the fact that the writer of this treatment clearly doesn't understand the lore of the Fallout universe it seems very likely that he was told to include this plot point by someone at the studio who really wanted to see it done meaning this likely may have been interplays original opinion on how the Great War was supposed to have started the film never released so obviously we can't consider it definitive Buckhannon and now that Bethesda is in control of anything it doesn't really matter if that's what interplay wanted anyway unless bethesda says otherwise but still this is some very interesting and useful context for what we're trying to understand because maybe Bethesda is a little interested in following through on interplays original vision we'll see though if you'd like to watch a full video on the entirety of the cancelled fallout movies plot line and maybe hear a familiar voice along the way I'll leave a link in the description down below to a video done on it by tks mantas who really goes into detail and explains everything but without any further ado now that we know what fall outs 1 & 2 have to say as well as the canceled inter Flay ip's let's finally jump into fallout 3 and let's not even hold any punches back let's start with the real interesting stuff so megatons is one of the biggest settlements in the entire game and very likely it's the first settlement you'll encounter after escaping from vult 101 importantly this entire town is built around a nuclear bomb that dropped but never actually detonated depending on the players choices you can actually permanently deactivate this bomb and ensure it never poses a threat at all or you can trigger its warhead and cause the entire place to be leveled and kill presumably hundreds of people though Megaton really only has like 10 or 20 folks in it anyway take a good hard look at this thing what's that this bomb doesn't have a Chinese flag on it no it has a volt tech insignia what the hell this wasn't fired by America's enemies in the war and was dropped by voltic presumably admittedly if bolt tech was dropping bombs all around the United States to cause a panic or create apocalypse or whatever I imagine they'd want to keep their identity a secret so I don't get why they print their logos on the actual bombs that just seems really dumb but no matter there you go additionally fallout 3 also teaches us that when the United States did decide to launch its nukes against China it believed it was not engaging in a first strike but was simply responding to an enemy who already struck first we know this because that for Constantine an old military installation in the capital wasteland we can find a number of terminals that reveal the US was engaging in response measure MX CN 91 so the u.s. at the very least thought they weren't being the aggressors of merely answering another attack could it be that maybe the states were really under attack but not by China instead it was vault-tec and the military just panicked and got it wrong perhaps Bethesda really is staying true to the original plot of the Fallout movie or maybe they seem to imply that the Enclave and elements of vault-tec were working together we know for a fact the Enclave held a great deal of influence over the voltec corporation though again we're not sure how deep that influence went but it's not unreasonable to imagine that maybe the Enclave really was gearing up to go to space and they were ready to enter the next phase of their plan but before they could get in their ships they wanted all of the data the Volt's would provide so they had volt tech start the war a little bit early so they could start research as soon as possible okay well hold on a second though if volt tech started this great war if they were really the true instigators behind everything how on earth would they have been able to get their hands on a nuclear bomb well we'll get there just hang on so the last thing I want to direct your attention to regarding fallout 3 are the overseers terminals in vault 101 if we access them we can see that within the past few years the Volt was apparently contacted by the Enclave and I'll just read it to you quote the vaults recently received unexpected radio contact over the governmental vault-tec frequency from an organization calling itself the Enclave governmental codes are valid according to the Volt's ancient records and the Enclave put forth an offer of amnesty and unity with the official remnants of the American government in exchange for access to the vault and its data stores they claim that our whole passwords no longer match their records preventing them from extending their offer in person after brief negotiation I have refused entrance to this Enclave I cannot trust my Volt and its inhabitants to an unknown factor much less one that would so gallantly suggest abandoning our volts great mission all the more reason prevent the rebels from opening the bolt to the likes of them end quote so the Enclave was even trying to interact with the local volts of the capital wasteland and apparently had quite a bit of knowledge about them and accessed the original frequencies the only reason they couldn't get in to vote 101 is that somehow the passwords must have changed or they lost them alright well moving on to Fallout New Vegas there's actually not much of no years keep in mind New Vegas was actually made by obsidian or the successor to interplay Studios who made the original fallouts 1 & 2 and funnily enough the game carries over a a lot of elements and themes from the cancelled fallout VanBuren project and a few characters are even present but that said there's not a lot of information on the Enclave or volt Ex grand plan or anything like that the closest thing to a notable event is a potential Wild Wasteland random encounter in which we can find a nuclear bomb buried into the ground that's undetonated and this bomb has the same model and texture used as the Megaton explosive it's just undetonated and it too has a volt tech logo as it's a Wild Wasteland encounter though we probably shouldn't take it all that seriously anyway let's just move on back to fallout 4 and specifically its DLCs starting off with Nuka world so Nuka world of course was the game's final major expansion and it took us to the nuchal world amusement park which was divided into multiple separate themed zones so there was a kitty Kingdom themed zone a safari adventure themed zone and of course a space galactic themed zone this galactic zone was unique though as it was constructed not just by the nuka-cola corporation but in collaboration with arc jet rocket systems robco and volt tech bolt tech specifically erected an attraction called volt tech among the stars this was a ride or really museum experience kind of thing that allowed visitors to tour of what volt might look like on a different planet specifically the planet Arcturus one on the rod we can see biopharm's astronauts in suits robotic aliens it's a neat little moment now unfortunately we do later learn thanks to some terminals that the Volt tech company was using this ride to perform horrifying experiments on its staff and visitors however still maybe this idea for an attraction didn't just come out of nowhere mamie volt tech wasn't really treating this attraction as a ride but more of a as a test as a practice who knows if not it's quite a coincidence the company would opt to participate in something like this rather than I don't know just build a fake volt anywhere else in the park oh well then there's the wasteland workshop expansion which I never thought I would talk about in a video like this the wasteland workshop was of course a settlements based dlc that allowed players to construct their own mini bolts after discovering the ruins of vault 88 or really the vault 88 construction site the Volt was never finished well while we're down in the construction site we can find that volt tech actually discovered uranium deposits hmm remember how we were wondering how the heck they could build the nuke on their own I think we found our answer all right well let's finally head on over to fallout 76 the latest game in the franchise that absolutely everybody loves and has no negative reviews and everyone's very excited for this part of the video anyway 76 right off the bat doesn't appear to necessarily confirm or deny any of these theories however recently as many of you know 76 received its wastelanders expansion that introduced human NPCs dozens of hours of new questing content and a few new locations one of the big places wastelanders focuses on is an area called the crater this is a place that appears in vanilla fallout 76 and just appears to resemble the crash site of an old Space Station normally this place was always relatively inaccessible meaning we couldn't go inside and look around however with wastelanders we can now do just that and it's actually a major base for the incoming Raider faction what we learned from the inside of this thing is that at least judging by the paint that's used on various doors a couple of the bodies and a few terminal entries it seems there were volt tech scientists aboard the space station when it was in orbit what would they be doing up there furthermore there's a location called volt tech University that's always been on the map that chances are you're at least somewhat familiar with even if you haven't played fallout 76 like you've probably seen it before in trailers and whatnot well both tech university originally was a normal private university that the volt tech company bought some time in the late 21st century and turned into their own institution 1 volt tech purchased this university at least as terminals tell us they immediately fired the overwhelming majority of the staff and replaced them with their own volt tech employees the only people who were able to remain were individuals the company deemed relevant to their objective so think engineers and a couple of scientists those kinds of people were allowed to stay well those people and another exception two professors one named Michael Blake and another with an unknown last name but the first name of a Jacquelyn these two individuals were linguists they specialized in studying foreign and ancient languages for some reason voltec kept them aboard and what they were studying just before well you know what happened with something called with the horse creek petroglyphs apparently the horse creek petroglyphs were a series of stone ends like the stones that contains some weird engravings on them that these two researchers were trying to understand for whatever reason voltec must have decided that their work was relevant enough to keep them on board now the horse creek petroglyphs are a real thing in West Virginia you're seeing a picture of them on screen now and with the addition of the wastelanders update bethesda actually added the stones in the game with the weird inscriptions now they weren't attached directly to any quests or anything like that they were just plopped right in and left without a trace but they're here now many suspect that these have extraterrestrial origins and that volt tech kept those two staffers on board because they really really wanted to figure out what those glyphs are telling them since the addition of these rocks which have been dubbed the guide stones there has been an incredible community effort to try and translate them and figure out what they say there's a particular Fallout 76 data miners discord where most of this activity has been going on and it's incredible what they've tried to do they in fact seem to have effectively translated much of it so far it still mostly comes out to gibberish but one phrase made out is quote unquote prepare yourself for destruction of your life by fire when you arrive life weakens protect what remains here on earth end quote I'll leave a link to this discord in the description down below so you can check it out for yourselves but the overwhelming consensus there which is pretty much confirmed that'll explain why in a second is that it's definitely aliens behind these stones and these aliens are a little bit more personal than you might think because data miners have also cracked another interesting sort of code but one of a different kind at the National Research Radio Center there's a couple of terminals that currently don't do anything relevant for the purposes of this video however deep in their files we can uncover they have IDs related to these guide stones and unused actions that would allow the player to seemingly send messages to an alien in space I know it sounds a very very weird and vague and that's kind of the nature with these to mine things the consensus is that we'll probably receive something in a future update or DLC that actually allows us to perform this function and it's possible it could vary greatly from what we found so far given the nature of you know data mining future content but it looks like there's definitely more to this story and if that's not all volt 96 is a volt in fallout 76 that currently isn't accessible by normal means you can't go into it or anything like that Bethesda has confirmed that eventually in the future it will be opened up as a part of a raid slash dungeon thing like they do with most vaults well for a long time players have actually been able to glitch into this structure and data miners have also reviewed all of its files and one very interesting discovery made is that inside there supposed to be a flatwoods monster boss that would spawn in the flatwoods monster is of course just a zetton alien that appears in 76 what would it be doing in this vault well we don't know yet because the vaults not open this is all still admittedly subject to change as is the nature with anything we're trying to date a mind from the future Bethesda might decide they don't want to go that route or we could be dealing with placeholder assets however given everything we know about volt tech in their previous interesting relationship with the Stars I think we can safely say there's definitely something going on here and the company may even be in contact with the Fourth Kind not to mention their presence on the spaceship and everything it just all makes too good of sense and hopefully very soon fallout 76 will finally give us the answers that we've long been searching for my personal theory and the one that seems to be the general popular consensus on reddit is that the volt tech corporation had a deep relationship with the Enclave the enclaves objective was always to go into space and utilize ships to go search the Stars for new planets to : eyes they wanted to use volt text data so they can better understand how their societies would function when aboard these isolated ships as a result the vault-tec corporation also had a very deep fascination and interest in space and many of its executives and leaders were aligned with that objective at one point or another the company eventually decided to start the Great War and let the bombs fly perhaps the Enclave was ready for a tapping or maybe they were about to get found out and had to do something whatever the case they also were responsible for the war we'll have to wait and see where the story goes in the future anyway with that we are going to wrap up thanks for stopping by everybody what do you think happened here do you think the vault-tec corporation started the Great War or was involved in its inception in some way or are you more in line with the more traditional explanation leave a comment down below as always like writings are very much appreciated again thanks for watching and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone you appear able but not a threat no come in hope you peace who are you so captain of the Chinese Navy I say the younger that you are this gentium ah this summary my beautiful boat speak harsh words of me if you must but my young sir speak of her with respect why are you here war is over long over and my answer holds no bow no treasure nothing for you to plunder
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,727,319
Rating: 4.8850942 out of 5
Id: GttlVvy9fU0
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Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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