Vault 101 Survivors in Fallout 4? - Fallout 4's Greatest Unsolved Mystery

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hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and fallout 4 indeed the entire Fallout universe is one filled with strange secrets and incredible mysteries what's buried beneath Dunwich borers how can mama Murphy see future events what do the aliens want with us if you want to do if you could create an entire youtube series breaking down some of these questions I would know because I have well after shifting through literally hundreds of mysteries and fallout 4 theories there's one that I personally keep coming back to one that for whatever reason it seems like no one else ever talks about not on YouTube or even reddit and community forms despite carrying what seems to be incredible significance on the game's narrative and that is the question of what do the people of covenant have to do with volt 101 and volt tech believe me there's a lot of creepy connections here far more than just that goat test you may be thinking about I talk about this subject briefly for a few minutes in one of my five mysteries videos around half a year ago but there are some new things we found odd cut content that's been dug up and there were some considerable things that I had to skip over I've always wanted to do a full video breaking down all of the elements to this conundrum assessing the various possible explanations and as detailed with fashion as possible many of you will recall that last week I made a similar video on a Skyrim theory and that did shockingly well from an engagement perspective so I figure you guys are okay with these anyway without any further ado let's explore the countless curious connections between the town of Covenant and the volt tech corporation and what may be fallout 4 is most puzzling unsolved the mystery so covenant is a small settlement located just south of Wildwood Cemetery now anyone who's ever seen this place can tell you something isn't right about it the people inside are all remarkably polite way kinder than they have any right to be in a world like this they dress in pre-war clothes live in prewar homes and consume pre-war products it's like a suburban neighborhood before the bombs fell whoa it just doesn't make any sense nowadays but I'm getting ahead of myself before we're even allowed inside of covenant well first we'll have to pass a little test you see upon approaching the town for the first time will find its gates shut and a man named Swanson will introduce himself to us as the guard informing the sole survivor that he would love to let us in but not before we pass what he calls the safe test the safe test as we learn is a verbally administered exam that the people of covenant demand any who want to visit their humble town take evidently it has a way of rooting out potential near do wells and bad influences if we're able to get enough questions right and a pass will be welcomed inside like family after agreeing to participate Swanson will tell us to take a seat and we'll begin however after he asks us the first couple of questions anyone who's ever played fallout3 before will likely quickly begin to feel a sense of familiarity as the questions from the safe test turn out to be nearly identical to those seen in the goat exam in case you're unaware the goat or a general occupational laughter dude test was an exam created by the volt tech corporation that would be used in volts to determine the future occupation of that compounds children it first appeared in Fallout 3 as we were growing up in volt 101 at age 16 every child in the complex would have to take it and while we were told it would be used to determine our future occupation in the volts from a gameplay perspective all it really did was help us allocate our skill points the safe test is basically the goat just with all direct references to volt 101 removed so question four for instance which on the goat would save quote Congrats you've made the vault 101 baseball team which position will you prefer up has been changed to instead say quote Congrats you've made the covenant baseball team and quote you get the picture nonetheless here it is so many miles away from the capital wasteland in the Commonwealth the goat how'd the Covenant folks get a hold of it most people upon realizing this just chalked it up to a simple easter egg by Bethesda with no real narrative significance as if this was just a humble nod to fallout 3 and nothing else of course though we know there's more going on here than that so no matter your answers on the safe test you will pass and be allowed into the settlement as well as granted a bed in the guest house how thoughtful everyone here is great and overall it just feels like we're in free war suburbia eventually though you'll be approached by a mercenary stayin in the city named honest Dan who explains to the player that he's searching for a missing young girl named Amelia Stockton who was apparently a part of a trading caravan that left covenant and never arrived at its destination Dan promises us some caps if we're able to help him find the gorillas long story short our investigation will eventually reveal that covenant isn't quite what it seems after all the residents of the town have secretly created a large base in the ruins of a nearby sewer where they have scientists torturer experiment on and kill suspected since in a grueling fashion we will have to fight our way through this compound in an effort to find Amelia along the way a number of terminal entries and holotapes provide us with even more information turns out the safe test isn't used to weed out bad individuals like we were told but it's supposed to determine whether or not someone is a synth if you failed the test not only are you denied entry into covenant but eventually you'll be kidnapped and taken down here for experimentation the way the safe test seems to be catching synths is thanks to its fourth question of quote you've been selected to join covenants baseball team which position would you prefer since apparently instinctually answer catcher the reason this matters is that it appears in the post-war period most of society has forgotten baseball ever involved catchers and yet synths are still able to by instinct answer this way no matter nuances aside towards the back of the compound we can finally locate a milia locked in a cage but guarded by a dr. Roslyn chambers who will plead with us to allow her to continue her work Roslyn admits that she's the brains behind this whole operation and was only inspired to begin an anti synth crusade after she lost both of her parents to a synthetic attack in diamond city when she was a young girl of over 58 years ago yeah Roslin's kind of old after this she dedicated everything to trying to bring down the Institute eventually her travels letter to covenant and she was able to convince the population to join her now the town is used as a way to lure people into taking the safe test so that Rosslyn and her fellow scientists have more samples to continue perfecting its methods apparently nowadays covenants entire population is made up of people who lost something due to the Institute the doctor understands what she's doing is brutal but it must be done mankind must be saved from the Institute and she believes the only way that can happen is if she's allowed to continue her work and experiments from here we can decide to save Amelia anyway turning Roslin and the whole covenant community permanently hostile or agree to the doctor's pleas and let her kill the girl either way we get paid and the quest will be completed so there you have it the truth behind covenant it's a front for an anti synth kidnapping and spy ring but where are all of these volt connections I promised well let's stop for a moment and take a look at the armor worn by the men guarding covenant secret compound specifically let's examine the helmets they wear zoom in on the front of them and you can find ever so faintly a faded and possibly somewhat painted over vault-tec logo this is voltec security armor they're wearing not only that but one of the doctors we can find here dr. Blythe is wearing an actual unaltered vault-tec lab coat critically I should mention even dr. chambers wears a lab coat with a volte Tech logo but the one she's wearing isn't actually a vault-tec lab coat in the game's files it's supposed to be a generic coat but there's a bug impacting her that causes the logo to be displayed anyway I digress no matter there seems to be a lot of Volt tech gear distributed around the compound this is just the tip of the iceberg though because on the walls of this place players can find numerous posters containing questions and graphics from the goat exam and some of these posters contain direct references to vote 101 on them they all seem to contain the same images we saw on the projector when taking Fallout 3's goat test in the classroom heck some of the posters characters are even wearing 101 jumpsuits so that's it that confirms it these people must have ties to fallout threes player bolts either they met and traded with 101 dwellers or are x101 dwellers themselves right well sadly as you can probably guess we are far from done here and there's a lot more to cover first I should talk a bit about volt 1 Oh one's own history as it's important we're all on the same page going forward and this will also help us contextualize some of the later theories being the player volt we begin fallout 3 in 101 was built by voltic with a single experiment in mind remain closed forever never open and see how that impacts the society inside once the bombs fell on that terrible day in 2077 100 people entered the door was sealed and the experiment finally began for the first few years 101 functioned somewhat normally however before long the compounds leader the overseer and his eventual successors started to take on especially dictatorial tendencies and the bolts started to resemble a police state of sorts by the time the events of fallout 3 begin in 2277 roughly 200 years following the Great War and 10 years prior to the start of Fallout 4 the place was already beginning to fail well 101 wasn't struggling with resources it was uniquely equipped with water chips air filtration systems and a nearly infinite supply of food the place was beginning to run out of a diverse genetic stock basically for the last 200 years the same 100 people who originally entered and their descendants had all been forced to you know get it on and mate only with each other soon enough everyone was kind of related and people were beginning to become infertile furthermore terminals revealed that since the Volt's closing a few of the overseers violated the experiment outright and secretly opened the door up to send small scouting parties into the wasteland while most of these parties didn't do much but explore and conduct research a few scouting parties are said to have gone missing and some lost personnel furthermore we also know that a small number of people also periodically escaped from the Volt's into the outside world since its sealing that said despite these exceptions it does seem as though volt 101 didn't have a lot of contact with the above ground there wasn't a lot of interaction but they were violating that mandate anyway eventually one night in the year 22 87 101 would famously suffer a massive radroach infestation and our player characters father a man named James would take the opportunity to flee the Volt himself without telling us we'd awake the next morning to find the structure in chaos and our childhood friend Amada would explain our DES flight telling us that now the overseer wants to capture and question our character from here we decide to flee bolt 101 ourselves and would make it to the outside world beginning our adventure in the capital wasteland though this wasn't the end for the Volt by no means as after we completed a few of Fallout three's main quest missions and waited a few in-game weeks or even months the player could return to the compound and actually be let in only to find it in total anarchy since your departure the population split into two factions half of the dwellers mostly the young ones want to open the door up and finally embrace full relations with the wasteland starting trade and inviting infinite opportunities also possibly saving them from that whole genetic collapsed they're on the brink of the older folks led by the overseer what to keep the place sealed off afraid of the dangers above-ground you the player would get to determine the eventual fate side with the kids and 101 would finally end its era of isolation being able to experience the opportunities and dangers of the wasteland side with the overseer and it would remain cut off safe from potential outside attackers and disease though doomed to suffer internal genetic collapse within the next decade or so there was also a third option for truly evil players to compromise the Volt's water supply and air filtration systems making it uninhabitable and forcing everyone to leave no matter what after which numerous vault dweller bodies would start popping up across the map implying things didn't go well nonetheless these are the places three possible fates isolation openness or doom so understanding the tale of 101 what connections can we draw between it and the town of Covenant well I'm gonna be honest and say not many after spending a few hours cross-referencing the names of volt 101 dwellers and covenant citizens I found absolutely zero link's there isn't even a single person in covenant that merely shares a last name with a dweller which pretty much guarantees there's no genetic or ancestral relationship here especially when you consider the whole problem in 101 was a lack of families additionally if no one in covenant has a pip-boy of something you would imagine a volte dweller or their ancestors would have if the people of covenant truly have volt 101 equipment they must have gotten it through trade this is at least in theory a possibility well the Volt just doesn't seem to have been doing enough outside interaction to provide covenant with all of this gear at least throughout most of its history remember one of the volts possible fates was openness where the people would finally begin engaging in outside commerce maybe that's the cannon ending accepted by Bethesda and somehow over the 10 years between fallout 3 Zend and fallout 4 is beginning the folks in covenant got their hands on a lot of volt 101 here well far from impossible I honestly don't accept this theory either we don't know for sure how long the covenant folks have been doing their whole anti sin thing but it seems like this operation is well over ten years old Roslin who's like in her late 60s or early 70s if claims she's been at covenant working on the safe most of her life and honestly I can't imagine a place like this could have been built and developed its incredible reputation across the Commonwealth in less than a single decade so I'm going to go ahead and say that the supposed vault 101 link just doesn't make any sense the timelines don't add up the family names don't add up it can't be well some people have suggested that maybe Bethesda made a mistake when they were designing those posters we see all over the sewers maybe what happened is that they simply copied some fallout 3 goat poster assets and pasted them into fallout forum forgetting to remove the direct one references and while these people are still very much connected with a volt or volt tech it's just not 101 we know bethesda did this with a few fallout free textures maybe they copied these as well not thinking much of it and making a big mistake of the very few people who seem to discuss this mystery in the community this seems to be the general consensus Bethesda made an oopsie let's entertain this theory so if not 101 which bolt is covenant link to well there are five bolts in the Commonwealth let's go through each I'll be quick I promise 75 is a popular candidate it's located beneath mold in middle school and it's experiment centered around breeding and training a class of super soldier kids eventually the project failed miserably when the kids revolted murdered the scientists and fled into the sunset above the structure later on the Volt would be occupied by the Gunners maybe the people of covenant descend from those rebelling kids I mean it's unknown what their ultimate faith was and frankly covenants really close to Malden but for one the people of covenant don't have pit boys which they should have if they descend from vult dwellers additionally if they came from these super soldier kids you would expect them to have an I don't know more militant culture these are people who barbeque eat pre-war foods and idolize pre-war luxuries it doesn't make much sense for them to be the heirs of what were basically fallouts spartans volt 95 is in the far south of the map on the edges of the glowing sea it's also currently occupied by Gunners this one is I think the least likely to be associated with covenant as its experiment focused on throwing a bunch of chem addicts into a bunker and cutting them off for a few years before all of a sudden revealing to them a big crate full of campus terminals suggests volt 95 society totally collapsed and most of its residents were killed some may have managed to flee but due to their week in the mental state and again the distance I don't think they had much to do with our curious little town what about volt 114 this one is interesting as it's just south of the river from covenant and it's experiment was supposed to involve subjecting a very wealthy and high-class population to abysmal living conditions and observing how they'd handle such a thing problem was the Volt wasn't finished in time for the Great War and it seems no one ever actually participated by the time fallout 4 takes place its controlled by some of skinny Malone's men maybe the covenant folks looted this place before skinnies boys moved in and that's how they got all of their gear and copies of the goat this is actually a pretty reasonable theory though I think the next one is - and I like that one more covenant could also be tied to vault 111 you see well most of one-one-one citizens died in their cryo tubes they weren't the only people living there upon being sealed what eleven was also staffed with a team of scientists janitors security guards and of course an overseer who were all left unfrozen to keep things running smoothly alas within a few years of being sealed tensions flared as the security guards discovered that volt tech wanted to keep them inside forever they revolted killed any staff that opposed them including the overseer and fled into the Commonwealth maybe these are the true founding fathers of covenant we have no idea what happened to the guards after they escaped but perhaps they didn't just immediately get killed perhaps they stuck together and founded a community I'm not sure why they take a bunch of goat exam coffees with them but it would explain the security armor in covenant why it's so faded it would explain the lab coats and heck maybe even why the town so weirdly obsessed with pre-war life we know the escape was also somewhere around a hundred and ninety seven years ago so maybe in that time they just all naturally lost their pit boys or traded them away it seems possible finally the last vault in the Boston area is the still populated Volt's 81 and the connection here is pretty simple in theory covenant people could have just traded with these dwellers to get all of their vault associated things anyone's overseer tells us they do have some pretty frequent trade with the outside world and covenant is literally known as a trade hub so it's very possible they just bought everything from here though I would wonder why they bought so much bolt tech security armor when there's better stuff available okay but regardless very Ogawa each of the five volts and five possible explanations behind covenants origins assuming the posters were a mistake some of these volts are less likely candidates than others but if I'm being honest all of them seem more likely than volt 101 but here's the problem turns out the Thesz death didn't make a mistake when they were designing those posters we find in the sewers those 101 references on them were made on purpose here's how we know when I first set out to make this video I too had assumed the 101 references were accidental like most others I believed them to simply be assets ripped from fallout 3 and mindlessly placed in Fallout 4 but I wanted to be sure of that so as many folks on my discord will likely recall one Saturday night at 10 p.m. I got together with a large group of fallout 3 and Fallout 4 monitors who know a heck of a lot more about internal game data and the Creation Kit than I do with and together we set out to prove that the poster assets we see and covenant were really just ripped from fallout 3 and turns out we proved the exact opposite what we actually discovered was that not only are these posters unique to fallout 4 his covenant location not only do they bear a unique file IDs but they even have a few minor changes in their actual graph ethic design that suggests Bethesda's artists totally redrew them before even putting them into the compound this was proof enough but then we made another big discovery as everyone probably knows but anyone is home to a classroom run by its teacher of katy normally from around 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. class will be in session what this usually means is the kids will all just be sitting in their desks and the teacher will either aimlessly be walking around in the front or be sitting in her chair little dialogue is exchanged and it's basically just hours of these people sitting and ruffling in silence what we uncovered though is that there was supposed to be a scene that would play out here up where on random days of the week the teacher would start explaining the goat exam to her students and when doing so would display some of the goat questions and graphics on her projector this scene was not cut from the game but it turns out someone at Bethesda accidentally broke it when in development so it was supposed to play out but it never does basically the Bethesda team messed up the triggers kriti chameleons an amazing mater which by the way huge shout-out to everyone that helped out with this project was able to fix the sequence and this is what the scene would have looked like it's not a whole lot but honestly I don't think anyone's ever seen this game play before so I'm gonna show it to you notice the go images we see on that projector have their 101 references replaced with 81 references alright children today we're gonna talk about the goat who here can tell me what goat stands for generalized occupational attitude test very close Aaron it's the generalized occupational aptitude test the goat is used to determine what your best skill sets are and assign you the appropriate career within the vault what if we don't like I mean I don't want to be stuck here doing security or anything if you don't like your results you'll have to take it up with the overseer when the time comes lucky for all of you the goat isn't given until you're 16 years of age now here are some example images that you'll be shown you each image is associated with a question and will have four answers to choose from the image you're shown presents a situation and each of the answers is a reaction for example this image was used in previous tests to ask which position you'd prefer pitcher catcher designated hitter or none you wish the volt had a soccer team your results are then fed into the computer to calculate your appropriate career we don't even have your sports here it's okay Aaron you'll choose the answer based on how you feel use instinct and be as honest as possible otherwise that's a sure way to end up in an occupation that's not suitable for you any questions did the goat say you should be a teacher miss pin yes it did and I feel very lucky to be teaching all of you today what if we don't want to stainable well unfortunately the goat only designates careers within the vault itself if you'd like to pursue something outside of the vault you'd want to discuss that with the overseer give it time you still have six years to take the test a lot can change between then and now oh boy I cannot begin to tell you just how baffled I was when this discovery was made that this entire sequence of Fallout 4 had by accident been hidden by the developers nonetheless Bethesda was paying enough attention to ever so slightly edit and change up the images of volt eighty ones go to exam to reflect 81 rather than 101 in a sequence that they literally didn't even QA test knowing this it's hard to believe that the Covenant posters were in any way accidental if they were watching out for this they had to have known what they were doing they made them on purpose and they want us to know that covenant has a connection to vault 101 this though while a conclusion we can be confident in still brings us back to our original problems there just doesn't seem to be a lot of room for a covenant story to link with 101 the names aren't there the timeline doesn't fit how is this possible one potential though very anticlimactic possibility that could explain these discrepancies is that maybe we were lied to by the vault 101 terminals maybe there was more interaction between the bunker and the outside world then they let on - prior to the opening of the vault by the player basically all this time before fallout 3 started they were doing trading just not documenting it or we mentioned all those exploration teams that got lost and those people who escaped maybe somehow one of those individuals has something to do with covenant it doesn't seem very likely given just the sheer number of volt tech security Armour and again why would exploration teams or escapees have copies of the goat but it's something lastly perhaps the people of Covenant didn't directly get their stuff from volt 101 but instead maybe they found an old volt truck with a bunch of materials found for 101 that never made it there including these posters who can forget the always potential explanation of the cut content maybe Bethesda intended to do something more the Covenant compound maybe they wanted to add in more references and enhance this narrative deeper and development but either forgot to of ran out of time or just change their minds we do know in the game's files that there are various volt 101 jumpsuits that Bethesda textured and made for the game around 35% of the way through development they were left unused and never placed anywhere the Covenant stuff was developed about 40% of the way through Devon maybe they could be connected these last two explanations cut content or finding some old truck or something are the two theories I personally have settled on they're the ones I think are the most likely after spending countless I mean literally well over a hundred hours on this video so much time working with very talented and very smart mod authors who helped me understand so much and needing to rewrite my script multiple times after we discovered different things in the game files this is what I believe it's either cut content or related to an old truck over the last few weeks I've been emailing and tweeting at various Bethesda Game Studios employees who worked on and wrote for Fallout 4 hoping maybe they could finally offer some conclusion though oddly they've ignored my emails at least it seems that way despite oftentimes replying to me before so maybe they making this a mystery on purpose I don't know if they get back to me I will report back to you guys I'm sorry this doesn't end with any definitive conclusions hence the why this remains what is in my opinion fallout 4s greatest unsolved mystery what do you guys think the truth is vote 111 refugees volt 75 escapees remnants of an old vault 101 exploration team leave a comment down below and if you think I missed something or an overlooking something please please please don't hesitate to tell me and fill your comment with as much information as possible with this was one of those videos I got really really attached to so I'm eager to find anything that you know substantiates it or does the opposite anyway thanks so much for watching everybody again a huge chat - the wonderful modders that helped me make this video Ness guru ROK mod forcefield metamath Creedy chameleon they were all a huge help by the way actually pretty chameleon has uploaded the patch to that volt eighty-one classroom sequence so if you want to experience that scene for yourself you can download it on the Nexus and do so anyway thanks again for stopping by everybody and I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
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Keywords: Fallout 4, Fallout, Fallout 76, Fallout 4 Rare, Fallout 4 Top 5, Fallout 4 Random Encounters, Fallout 4 Secrets, Fallout 4 Facts, Fallout 4 Easter Eggs, Fallout Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4 Lore, Fallout Lore, Fallout 4 Rare Items, Things You Didn't Know About Fallout 4, Fallout 4 Tiny Details, Fallout 4 Mods, Fallout 4 Mod, TheEpicNate315
Id: W7Avh1-ukLM
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Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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