The Psychotic Experiment of Vault 106 - Fallout 3 Lore

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Oxhorn just has that damn good radio voice.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/eviljammies 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

Always an upvote for Oxhorn content!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Gerfervonbob 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

I love Oxhorn, but I remember one video where he was commenting on how the teddy bears were in odd sex positions but acting like it was a total mystery and making it PG like a mom to her kid.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/IAmALazyGamer 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Catan_Settler 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2018 🗫︎ replies
one day while exploring the road north of the jury Street Metro we find a pack of wild dogs guarding a choke point in a ravine heading through the ravine we see a chain-link fence to the left that doesn't appear to be anything beyond it just a bunch of rock the fence however is totally broken and just outside it is a big yellow sign fallout shelter it's then that we notice a door in the side of the wrong heading down the slope we see that this is the door to vault 106 we arrived in a dark and dusty tunnel the entrance is littered with tin cans and boxes but despite these signs of human habitation the vault door at the very end of this cavern is still closed using our Pip Boy we can activate the vault door control pod to the right of the door the entrance to vault 106 is similar to all of the other ones we've found in the capital wasteland there's always a chance that a closed vault door means this was a control vault but it's clear now that that's likely not the case the entrance is just as cluttered as the cavern beyond the door barrels tin cans clipboards garbage and here our first sign of violence and blood on the floor next to the controls and the blood forms a trail over towards these loggers but the lockers are mostly empty except for the last one and here we find a combat helmet perhaps this was used by a vault security but where is security now turning around we see a door that leads deeper into the vault but first we need to explore this alcove to the east there are a few consoles and shipping containers nothing we can interact with so heading out we can go through the northern door into the vault we arrive in a large vaulted chamber and peering up we see pipes snaking this way and that it's unusual to see such an elaborate network of pipes exposed like this and some of them are still pouring some sort of air or gas I hope it's not poisonous we find it door in front of us and a door to the right the door in front of us however is broken we see that a bookshelf is lodged between the floor on the door but the door is also askew I don't think we're gonna be able to open this after looting a few toolboxes our only choice is to open the door to the east this brings us to a hallway aligned with a yellow stripe which leads to another door before which is a bunch of blood on the other side of the door we find two more doors one to the east and one to the south the one to the south has some sort of window in the wall we'll start here first and we see even more blood in front of the door this door is locked with a very easy lock on the other side we see more tables tipped over as barricades what were they protecting themselves from and at last we find our first remains a skeleton lies on the ground between a bookshelf then oh that can mean only one thing checking our compass we see a red mark oh we get attacked by an insane survivor so they're not dead but they're all insane we see that he's armed with a combat knife he was coming to kill us and he wears a vault 106 jumpsuit giving us the impression that he is indeed a dweller of this vault as we loot the Vote suit however we see that he's suffering from something the veins on his leg are thrombosed bulging out as if his heart was beating too fast what did he have some sort of disease was he suffering from an ailment could that be the reason why he's insane heading back into the room we can more closely examine these skeletons we noticed that this one was holding a laser pistol in his right hand and moving off to the northeast we find another skeleton lying next to another laser pistol so these two dwellers really did barricade themselves in this room and defended themselves to the death were they killed by other vault dwellers who had gone insane well if so why didn't these ones go insane there's a shelf to the east with junk and scrap to the southwest or three lockers but all are empty all that's left in this room is a very hard locked security terminal this requires a hacking skill of 100 or more but if successful we only find one note urgent security notice two vault security if any of our residents notice any unusual odor or faint taste to the air please assure them that everything is okay there was a slight irregularity in our filtration system but nothing to cause alarm the system's have already been corrected and are 100% functional again if you notice anyone acting out in a strange manner please report the disturbance immediately so medical assistance can be sent the overseer okay so something went haywire with their inner filtration system they corrected it quickly but why would the overseer then say to look out for anyone acting in a strange manner did the overseer expect something like that to happen heading out of security we can continue by turning right through the door where the insane vault dweller attacked us this brings us to a t-junction both left and right lead two staircases bringing us down taking a look at the local map doesn't really tell us anything right now but looking on the ground we see a lot at the top of the staircase to the left we'll start by heading left the bottom of the stairs we see a door to the left and another staircase leading down to the right now let's go through this door to the left first Oh scientists wait dad what just happened those scientists all three of those scientists looked uncannily like James the lone Wanderers father did you just hallucinate that oh god maybe something really is in the air examining the nearby lockers we find a full suit of recon armor in one and some bottle caps and the other but nothing else in this room so turning around we can instead go down this other staircase at the bottom we see more blood but before we can examine it something two more insane survivors they have enough of their mental faculties to speak but they don't stop to even address us they just charge they came from this room to the left looks like a reactor room before we explore it let's head out and open this door to the right this just leads to a storage room we find a few lockers but all of them are empty heading out and turning right the other door here leads back into the reactor room the reactor appears to still be functional but everything else in this room is in ruins are rusted we find an alcove to the east and again more tables laid down as barricades aside from a few boxes with minor loot there's nothing in here this then appears to be a dead end so retracing our steps we head up two flights of stairs to this time cross the hall and go down the staircase to the south as we round the corner dad racing forward as fast as we can we could open the door and he's gone what is going on why do we keep saying James the other side of this wall we see three lockers a stack of darts and one and a full suit of combat armor in the other this must have been another research lab lots of tables covered in coffee cups and coffee machines another chemistry sent to the Northeast with a couple of scorched books on top and one what a minute there's something peeking out from underneath one of these books we find a torn out journal entry copping it to our Pip Boy and journal entry 624 three for some reason today the air is different I can't quite place it but the air tastes a little blue I guess as weird as that sounds the our tastes blue blue like my suit that kind of rhymes weird weird beard I always wanted to be a beatnik but the pants were too tight okay looks like whatever malfunction with the air filtration system they had led to some unusual events here but this guy sounded like an easygoing hippie easygoing hippies don't typically turn insane start attacking there must be more to the story turning this lab upside down doesn't reveal much else so heading out we can cross the hall past some old dried blood on the ground into another lab this one has a large switchboard and a projector we also see a bank of servers against the western wall but we sadly can't interact with anything so to continue we need to head out and go east down the hallway this brings us to another staircase going down and rounding this corner more dad's racing forward which one do we follow there were three of them turning right past him again we are going crazy down here and this room is torn to pieces tipped over shelves broken terminals chairs on tables scrap and trash everywhere we see more large computers and moving south we see some lockers to the east with a full suit of recon armor in one I'm thinking this must have been a library we find four tables covered in terminals at the back of this room but we sadly can't access any of them the door here leads back out into the hallway the room across the hall is a wreck but nothing interesting in here heading out and down the hallway we can open the door to the left this is another one James walked through but inside is more of the same lots of signs of violence and attempts at self-defense but nothing we can read or interact with back down the hallway we can round the corner that James did only to find another staircase leading down and deeper into the vault this door leads to the vault 106 living quarters it arrived in the atrium and immediately get attacked by more insane survivors we're on the top floor of the atrium we seat Dwarfs all over the place and there's the overseers office order if he's still alive we'll start by opening this door to the right but this just leads to a hallway a hallway that leads downstairs we want to explore this top level first so we'll head back for now moving south we see one of the catwalks completely blocked up with furniture and turning around we see more tipped over tables I can only imagine what this battle must have looked like to the right we see empty beer bottles plates cutlery and a frag mine these tables must have been defended by a vault security and to the left we see another note lying on a table behind a monitor scribbles scribble D bibbidi hooter Lee who wing-wang brick' bang cute choo-choo upside popsicle tastes like blue ghosts in the hall go boo boo boo oh ho ho okay Hey hi everything's fine after all this likely happened a long time ago but if it was affecting the air here has likely all evaporated away right the door to the south is locked with a hard lock we have to either hunt for a keycard that opens the store or if we have 100 lock-picking we can pick it the door opens leading to another yellow striped hallway the hallway turns left where we can open a door to the overseers office but oh the overseer is still alive oh wait but that vault suit says 101 Alphonse man come on man this isn't even right that was Alphonse Almodovar the overseer we grew up with in vault 101 the father of our best childhood friend Amata a man we possibly killed depending on how we choose to escape vault 101 this vault is missing with our heads he has a corner filled with goods including a Red Ryder tricycle and a footlocker on the ground with a small store of caps on one of the bookshelves we find a box with some detergent in it but the detergent is hiding too stimpaks if we shake him out we can loot him on the top of the shelf is a first aid kit and when done looting we can read the overseers terminal but it's locked with a very hard lock we could wait until we find a key that opens this or if our skill is high enough we can hack it inside we find one item urgent preparations report the ventilation system has been checked in the required security and medical protocols have been initiated as per instructions in preparation for release of the control the following systems have been brought online viche aft s-- zero zero 209 437 518 and five eighteen see the following systems have been disconnected these shafts fourteen and eighty-three a through D the following security precautions have also been completed security protocol 51:46 a camera protocol 52 overseer and a medical protocol 92 middle-earth I have overseen all preliminary tests and can assuredly say we are ready and prepared for the worst clearly the overseer was deadly wrong here but we gather from this terminal that they were expecting some of the dwellers to go insane why were they expecting them to go insane I thought this was due to a Fault in the ventilation filtering system could it have anything to do with the release of the control that the overseer mentioned in this terminal but what control what does he mean by control we don't find a staircase beneath this desk so it looks like there was no way out for this overseer he or whatever remains of him it's likely still in here but this is a dead end so retracing our steps we arrive back at the atrium and now we can walk across a catwalk to loot the bodies of the insane survivors who attacked us the eastern door leads to a bit of a schoolroom all the desks are tipped over there's a projector in the corner and a stack of boxes on the teacher's desk well I wonder what these can be hiding taking them off one by one and shaking them out we find a copy of Nikola Tesla and you hiding in the bottom one heading out in turning left we find the last door in this upper part of the atrium to the east this room has more computer servers one empty Locker and a door to the south opening the door we pass a bunch of privacy screens to open another door to the east where we find this must have been the doctor's office those privacy screens we passed our medical equipment and we see big surgical lights hanging from the ceiling there's a row of lockers by the door which has some armor and caps inside and this entire room shows signs of a struggle we even find a pile of cinder blocks lying on the ground to the east next to a bookshelf and upon the bookshelf is the science bobblehead you found a vaulteq limited edition bubble head the inscription on the base reads always be prepared to explain the house and the wise your science skill has been permanently increased by 10 points after looting other minor containers we can peer out the windows where we see the interior of a cave so looks like vault-tec found a naturally forming cave to build their vault in could whatever have affected the ventilation system seeped into the vault from out there we can peer through the windows on either side but all we see is glowing fungus and brain fungus nothing else which makes this a dead end this leaves one path forward and that's to head back into the atrium to go down to the lower floor peering over the ledge Shh it's a mess down there heading through the northwestern door we can at last take the staircase down on the atrium floor level we round a corner to pass a bookshelf covered in all sorts of goodies lots of boxes to tip out and tip over a couple of first aid boxes and a ton of scrap of note we find one Mentats in one of the boxes continuing around the corner we find another bookshelf with a fragment box a grenade box and loads and loads of turpentine for some reason the door to the east opens up to the atrium floor we don't find any hostiles here but we see lots of blood spatter we'll explore it in a counterclockwise fashion the first door to the right leads to a bit of a supply room there's an ammunition box a box of shotgun shells and some darts in a tipped-over bookshelf lots of other containers and boxes to toss out on the other shelves notably we find two more frag mines another box of shotgun shells another ammo box one more mint ATS in a box and in this box I thought I saw a radix but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't seem to wiggle this one out so I just left it dartz pre-war money another radix on the top level of a shelf and one final ammunition container heading out and turning right we see a puddle of blood on the ground with streaks leading to a door to the south well I think that's where we're supposed to go but before we do let's finish exploring this room the residents had piled furniture and boxes in the middle of the atrium I think they may have tried to climb these boxes to get up high as far away from the insane survivors as possible we see a billiard table lots of junk and scrap all over the ground and we complete the loop to find a door to the north opening it up leads to a dark hallway and the walls are covered in the grime of ages but as we step forward well suddenly everything turns clean and so blugh there are working computers to the Righton working computers to the left going into the leftmost room first we see terminals to the right but we can't access them a mainframe in the middle of the room but we can't access it but then we find a terminal that we can access to me your brain soft works version me a note to me this place is great I think it's time to accept the new and embrace this change relax no I have to admit this is a really clean room my hall megaton that's filthy maybe we should relax moving on to the next one to me another note to me come on don't you like it better here breathe deep in the blue relax well blue is one of my favorite colors and I'm right there's a bit of a blue tint in this room and that blue just smells so nice we see more terminals over here the next one to me please read me seriously this place has everything we need enjoy it while we're here well I want to get kick up my feet and relax but what about dad we still have to find James and the next one to me fine be that way I have nothing more to say to you we're through here oh oh did I just make myself mad we can access the terminal on the other side of this one but we find the same thing fine be that way checking some of the terminals we already read we see the messages have changed fine be that way heading out of this room and crossing the hallway we can open the opposite door in this room is equally clean with a hint of blue and the terminals here all said the same thing fine be that way there's nothing more here for us so to continue we go back to the hallway face north and walk into the dark creeped in closer we see that this is the top of a staircase but as we get closer Oh everything is rusty and filthy again looking back the way we came the clean walls are now ruined by time turning around we see blood at the bottom of the stairs and rounding the corner continuing down to the bottom level we arrive in a large room we see windows to the left and a room beyond strange that these windows have bars on them and then a door to the south this brings us down a staircase and to another long hallway creeping forward Amata three Amata's charged us before vanishing Amata the lone Wanderers best friend when we left back in vault 101 this hallway leads to a room where we find two doors one on either side the left door leads to the male dorm and the right to the female dorm we'll start by going into the male dorm we find the dorm downstairs and at the bottom of the stairs we see three more doors which one do we choose well we'll go left first since it's open and immediately to the left we see another note on top of this desk feel the love man oh man I just had to get my thoughts on paper man otherwise the cat in my head forgets man the sky is as blue as it used to be I'm so happy to be here and my roomies are flailing around in the love mist I can't remember what I was doing before but man is it great here now I never thought about it like this before but the walls just needs somebody to love to man so whatever is being pumped into this vault is not only affecting their personalities their moods but it's affecting their vision as well everything feels looks and tastes blue and as we saw upstairs we were being affected by a - heading out we can next explore the eastern door this leads to another bedroom but aside from the clear signs of violence all of the tipped-over furniture we don't find anything here so heading out in turning left we find another ransacked room this one even has a wall-mounted safe but it's empty and there's nothing else in here with the male dorm explored we can turn around head back upstairs and open the door to the female dorm like with the mill dorm this leads us downstairs hey again have three rooms to explore but all of these doors are open we'll start by going to the left the room to the left is empty though the beds have all been pushed around heading back out and turning into the western room we again find it completely empty but while we're exploring we get rushed from behind thankfully Sharon is not to be messed with there's nothing else in this room so heading out we can explore the final room inside that s we find a nuka-cola and money but otherwise it's empty that's it for the female dorm so heading out and turning east we can go back upstairs and continue down the hallway to the south this leads to another split we can continue forward to go downstairs turn left the road or or right through a door we'll start by going left and these are the bathrooms this is the women's bathroom and I checked all the stalls but found nothing so turning around and heading out we can explore the men's restroom we see the urinals but again there's nothing here it's up to continue we go back to the hallway and go down the southern staircase at the bottom we find another three-way split we'll start by going to the right since this door is open it's another bedroom the most we find in here is a tea camps in a desk hanging out we can cross the hall to open this door but wait there's a note on the ground to anyone who gets this I don't know what happened all of a sudden everyone just started acting strange the overseer told us to lock ourselves into our room and wait until security gets the riffraff under control so that's what I'm doing I managed to catch the security chief on his way past and apparently the weirdos are so out of their head they can't read so if you're not affected say the word fanzini and I'll let you in well that seems like a foolish plan and insane survivor could simply overhear somebody saying the password and then use it themselves also we find handwritten notes by these survivors they're clearly insane but they're also literate maybe they're only literate shortly after exposure after all the survivors all seemed rather easygoing and peaceful in there no maybe the violence only comes much later we find that the door is still locked with an average lock God does that mean that they're still in there after picking the lock oh no we find two adult skeletons on the queen sized bed directly beneath a leaking pipe pouring some sort of steam or smoke right onto them clearly vault security never got the weirdos under control or maybe the vault security became weirdos themselves at any rate no one ever came back to tell this couple that they were safe and so they stayed here and starved to death but turning around Oh a child's bed and on it the remains of a child this whole family died waiting for the insane survivors to leave but they never did above the child's bed is a hard loft wall-mounted safe inside we find a small amount of caps and ammunition heading out we can turn left this brings us to the final bedroom but it's mostly empty all we find is a small stash of caps in Locker but with that this room is a dead end and we fully explored this wing to continue we need to turn around continue north and all the way back up the stairs to the atrium we can now open the door on the southern side of the atrium where we saw that puddle of blood with the streaks going under the door but the store is locked with an EZ lock after picking it we can head inside and begin our descent again down to more staircases until we round a corner she opened the door to the vault 106 science labs on the other side of the door would go down a staircase to a large hallway we see a room through a window to the left and another hallway leading to the right let's enter the room to the left we open a door to the west we find some sort of examination room a large exam light on the ceiling some lab tables tipped over but nothing of interest in here heading out we see a staircase to the northeast we'll head down here first heading down the staircase and running the corner we could continue straight but we see a hallway to the right going right first we open a door to a large room good ready this was some sort of data storage room we see large computers with big tape reels inside there are two lockers here we can find some low-level Armour and after looting a couple of toolboxes we find a copy of tumblers today lying on top of a big tipped over computer heading out of this room and turning right down the hallway we round a corner to find a door to the left sure nough dog we're on top of things this was some sort of clinic but sadly we don't find any first-aid kits continuing down the hallway we can follow a trail of blood down three more flights of stairs until we find a door with more blood on the ground opening the door we find ourselves in another reactor room but then to the west just right for the tea it's go time this resident is wearing a vault tech scientist lab coat in his name isn't insane survivor it's just survivor and unlike all of the insane survivors in the vault this one drops a finger why was this one evil but the others weren't moving west through the doorway we find a tipped-over bookcase a bunch of boxes and a few more giant computer servers and then heading through a western doorway we step out into the cave but stepping forward we see a pile of human skeletons at the base of a pile of rocks were these vault dwellers murdered here murdered here possibly while trying to find a way to escape if so I wonder why they didn't go out the front door after all we found it unlocked these guys had Pitt boys I'm sure they could have opened the door if anyone could but then again perhaps that way was blocked off guarded by security or the insane ones had already broken through maybe their only hope was to blast away through this cave but either they killed themselves being crushed to death by a rock fall or they were attacked while fleeing by insane survivors to the left we see a big metal shelf and on the Shelf a number of ammo containers a first-aid kit some darts and on the bottom shelf we see what appears to be a red pass card but we can't interact with it and on a top shelf here we find a mini-nuke this I believe leads credence to the idea that these vault dwellers were trying to blast their way out but they didn't blast their way out this is a solid rock wall and a dead end which means we have to retrace our steps turning around and heading out of the reactor we can wind our way through the hallways and back up many flights of stairs until we get back to that floor where we chose to go down instead of east this time we'll turn east down the hallway we come to another split a staircase to the left and a door to the right but we don't have to open the door it opens for us goodness that was a lot of them holed up in here never listening to enclave radio we'll turn that off there's a first-aid kit on the shelf some 308 caliber rounds on a bottom shelf some buff out in a wooden box some more 308 caliber rounds at the foot of a bed and these beds are just tossed around the floor of this room but before we can finish exploring we hear another voice actor looting the final few containers and the bodies we can head out of this room turn right and go east up a staircase this leads us to yet another computer server room and we find another reactor and we find a whole bunch more pipes and on the western wall we find a door to the vault 106 living quarters on the other side of the door we find ourselves inside that one room that we previously saw from the other side of those barred windows it's a tiny room and all we find in here is one security terminal inside we find another urgent security notice but this one is written to vault security clearance B and clearance C apparently the one we read in the terminal at the entrance was security a and they must not have had a very good security clearance today at 3:30 p.m. we're initiating control sequence 46 to a we are unsure of the full effects of the gas release so we request that anyone receiving this message head to their designated locations as noted in your C 11 form the assigned locations were chosen for the cover and safety they provide so do not vacate them unless dire circumstances arise remember to handle anyone acting abnormally according to the guidelines provided and most importantly immediately call for medical assistance we thank you for your assistance during this brief test and assure you that the control is non-lethal and will be cleared from the air before 4 o'clock the so this wasn't an error in the ventilation system that was a lie that he told to vault security a the true story is that this was done on purpose this vault experiment was to gas their own residence for a period of 30 minutes with some sort of experimental gas to see what the effect would be but it was so potent but that 30 minutes was all it took to turn many of the residents insane on the desk next to this terminal is the vault 106 master key we can use this to access the overseers room and his terminal if we haven't already but we have and now we just need to get the heck out of here despite saying that the test was only gonna run for 30 minutes the gas is still being pumped into this vault 200 years later but that raises a question this test was only supposed to last for 30 minutes but we've been exploring this vault for much longer than 30 minutes if many of the dwellers here went insane after being exposed for only 30 minutes why are we not well it's clear that some of the dwellers were biologically lucky they just were immune to whatever gas was released here and didn't go crazy as evidenced by the family we found still locked in their room with all these years later or it could be that there was a malfunction after all the gas is still being pumped into the vault perhaps it was only supposed to be a 30-minute experiment but something went wrong causing the gas to continue to pop inside the vault long after the experiment was supposed to end exposing the dwellers to a much higher dose of this stuff than vault-tec initially intended as we read in to overseers terminal he didn't expect the vault dwellers to respond this way he thought he was prepared for the worst the system malfunctioned continued to spray the dwellers until most of them went insane the ones who didn't go insane died locked in their rooms or died trying to dig their way out but we do have a problem here we find skeletons all over the vault that have clearly been here for a very long time but we also find insane survivors that are still alive and wearing vault 106 jumpsuits does that mean that this vault survived nearly 200 years in perfect harmony but only recently executed this ill-fated experiment well no this can't be because vault 106 is first mentioned in Fallout 2 in Fallout 2 we find a terminal talking about other vaults and it mentions vault 106 saying that it was designed so that 10 days after the door was sealed it would begin releasing psychoactive drugs into the air filtration system so this experiment happened only 10 days after the end of the world in 2077 if true how can we explain the insane survivors still alive today well there are a number of clues I think we can use to explain this the first is that all of the insane survivors are not called vault dwellers they are called survivors sure it could be referring to vault residents who survived or maybe it's referring to Raiders Scabbers or mercenaries who wandered into the vault and survived after all the gas is still pumping all these years later support for this is that none of these insane survivors where pit boys we know this wasn't a technical limitation for Bethesda all of the vault dwellers in vault 101 where pit boys if they were fault Weller's why did none of them have pit boys we already know from personal experience that the psychoactive drug instills a strong sense of wanting to stay in the vault and the person affected every terminal we read during our hallucination was trying to convince us to stay vault 106 was just such a nice place we managed to wrench ourselves out of that hallucination but what if these Scabbers didn't and then sucked up so much of this stuff that they went homicidally insane perhaps to protect their new cozy little home one explanation for this then is that the event that killed these vault dwellers happened many years ago and the insane survivors we find are visitors like us who wandered in from the outside now there are a few problems with this the first is if they are Raiders who wandered into the vault why are they wearing vault suits well perhaps this is explained by all of the armor we find here in the vault we find full suits of combat armor merc armor leather armor and it's all stored in lockers scattered around the vault perhaps that was the armor worn by these raiders before they arrived at the vault and when they arrived here they were doused with this psychedelic drug at an overwhelming craving to turn this place into their home and what better way to make yourself feel at home in a vault than to wear a vault suit and so they donned the clothing of the dead people they found scattered around them this may explain why we don't find a single vault suit on any of the skeletons or in any of the containers another problem is that we find the vault door closed when we arrive and if it's anything like fallout 4 you have to have a pip-boy to open the door how could Raiders have opened the door well it could be that they didn't have to they found the door open maybe some of the original vault dwellers died trying to dig themselves out of the vault but many others made their way out the front door but naturally we have no physical evidence of them then once the Raiders or scavengers got inside the vault they closed the door from the inside the final counter-argument I can think of and probably the hardest one to dismiss is the existence of the survivor at the very bottom of the vault he's not an insane survivor he's just a survivor and he's wearing a vault-tec lab coat not a vault 106 jumpsuit like all of the other insane survivors and he drops a finger meaning that he's evil and none of the insane survivors do this gives us the impression then that all of the insane survivors would normally not be insane they would be law-abiding good vault dwellers if not for the fact that the psychedelic drug turned them insane they're not naturally evil evil on their own but instead they have been drugged and manipulated into doing evil that's why they don't prop fingers it also gives us the impression that the survivor is the one responsible for this perhaps he is the scientist who developed this psychedelic drug and against the overseers wishes continued to pour it on the dwellers to see what would happen he drops a finger when no one else here does because he's the real evil one the man behind the experiment but with that explanation we now have to solve the still being alive after 200 years problem perhaps it really is a Raider maybe he's a more scientifically inclined Raider and while he and his Raider gang were exploring this vault he found the controls and for a kick turned the vents back on he never went too crazy like the rest of his Raider gang who began to dawn the vault suits but he thought he'd play along so we put on a vault tech scientist lab coat or maybe we could make things easy for ourselves by saying that the psychedelic drug stops aging maybe these really are the original vault dwellers and maybe this is the original vault tech scientist and they have been around for these 200 years because one of the effects of the drug which they were testing was immortality after all the only ones we find dead are the ones who didn't go insane the ones who resisted the effects of the drug we ultimately don't know the true answer to this riddle but it certainly is a whole lot of fun to think about and what do you think the answer is how can we explain all of these insane survivors being alive two hundred years after the experiment began let me know your thoughts in the comment section below I publish many videos each and every week here on my channel so if you want to make sure you don't miss my next episode be sure to subscribe and to click that Bell notification button I've got a brand new shirt in the shop who's a good boy it's everyone's favorite German Shepherd as you can find on a shirt in a variety of both men's and women's sizes and in a wide array of colors you can also find it on other products as well smartphone cases pillows posters prints etc so if interested you can find a link to my shop in the description below or you can click here if you like what I do and you want to support me in 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Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 2,411,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn, vault 106
Id: R7R1YTnZDto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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