Chiliad - Gaming's Greatest Mystery

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Nate the great

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zombiehughzey 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey how's it going guys it's nate here and welcome to grand theft auto 5's mount chiliad the birthplace for one of gaming's most notorious unsolved mysteries that's recently gotten a whole lot bigger now if you follow me on twitter or have seen some community posts you may have known that i've been wanting to make a video breaking down gta's chiliad mystery for a while generally i only put skyrim and fallout content on my channel however i just find this topic so incredibly fascinating i think it's worth taking a step outside of my comfort zone and i'm honestly not even a huge gta fan you see this mystery all began in 2013 when grand theft auto 5 had just come out and players started to notice something fishy was going on at mount chiliad the tallest mountain in the game all explained the exact details soon but a bunch of easter eggs and clues were discovered that indicated there was a strange supernatural secret the mountain was hiding spoiler alert aliens bigfoot and ghosts were involved but again more on that later the community quickly erupted into a frenzy as everyone tried to figure out what that secret was back when all of this was getting started in 2013 nobody would have thought that the investigation would still be ongoing in 2020 rockstar did such a good job at hiding certain details that some are barely being found after almost seven years of being undisturbed in the game furthermore as time went on the developers occasionally added small bits of new content and updates that expanded the mystery beyond what the vanilla game included then in december of 2019 red dead redemption 2 released and appeared to feature the same supernatural force indeed not even america's old west was safe as if all of this wasn't already fascinating enough the last couple of months saw the community make some huge revelations that have brought us closer than ever to actually solving the secret and for reasons we'll get into some suspect rockstar may finally be getting ready to reveal it sometime soon or at least in the next year or so i personally consider the ongoing chiliad investigation to be one of the greatest stories in any game ever despite not really being all that into gta or rdr otherwise thus what i would like to do in this video is explain that story so far and how it's evolved so you can know what's going on and just appreciate the narrative without ever needing to play the games yourself unless you want to we'll start at the beginning when the first grand theft auto 5 players noticed something suspicious at the mountain and work our way through the mystery's evolution over the following seven years leading up to the recent stuff that's happening now anyway i've spent enough time monologuing you get the idea without any further ado let's do further and break down the tale behind gaming's greatest mystery alrighty so you might think our story would start in september of 2013 when gta 5 first came out however the chiliad investigation actually began before then you see prior to the game's release rockstar had been teasing gta with a number of trailers and screenshots the developers were obviously very proud of the massive world they had built and we're showing it off non-stop we would be returning to the fictional u.s state of san andreas which is based off of the real u.s state of california gta san andreas took us here first and followed the story of the iconic carl johnson or cj this time around though we would be taking up the rules of michael franklin and trevor three very different criminal outcasts who became unlikely allies as the teasers kept coming people noticed something in the background of certain scenes there was this mountain with a weird box on top of it that couldn't easily be made out the internet erupted in a search to figure out what was up and reddit was flooded with what's in the shed posts that quickly became a meme months before the game was even out dedicated fans were able to identify the mountain in question as mount chiliad the tallest mountain in the state which was also featured in gta san andreas this was especially important because back in the mid 2000s there was a popular myth among san andreas players that bigfoot can be found on mount chiliad and that gained a lot of steam in early forms even more startling was that many bigfoot sightings were reported at an abandoned shed on the mountain rockstar's vice president dan hauser ended up confirming in 2010 that the studio originally did plan to make sasquatch a real character in san andreas but decided to cut the creature from the title and any alleged sightings were mere hoaxes nonetheless with chiliad returning for the franchise's fifth installment the community wondered if it would contain something supernatural for reals this time around thus on september 13th 2013 the day grand theft auto 5 officially launched you better believe folks immediately flocked to the location turns out the big mysterious shed was actually just a lift station for a cable car that could transport people between the summit of mount chiliad and the ground although something was still fishy you see on one of the walls of this station is slash was a very odd mural of sorts this painting depicted what seemed to be mount chiliad with eight boxes inside of it and an eye or maybe a on top of it oh yeah and there are some lightning bolts coming from the hill as well what the heck is this most of the boxes only contain slashes but the three at the bottom clearly represent a ufo a cracking egg and a man on a jet pack what could all this mean well the community raced to find out five paintings were soon discovered around the mountain each featuring the eye symbol that we saw on the mural in three of these paintings the eye was clearly above a different symbol one had at the top of a crescent moon another had at the top of a mountain and another had the eye on top of some storm clouds sadly the other two glyphs were too eroded to make out anything other than just to the eye the consensus among the community was that these five paintings likely represented the five boxes on the mural with the slashes in them what exactly they meant was unclear but at least connections were being made aliens were an instant suspect for quite a few people myself included the cryptic nature of everything coupled with that ufo symbol felt consistent with an extraterrestrial message the grand theft auto universe is no stranger to creatures from the stars either off the northern coast of the map deep beneath the sea lies a crashed ufo that can only be reached via submarine thanks to the high undersea water pressure beneath an icy lake in the game's first mission a frozen alien is visible during the tutorial and there are more references we'll get to shortly point is et is real in this universe so their potential association with the chiliad mystery is far from unfathomable furthermore a couple of the chiliad glyphs were found to appear somewhere else south of the alamo lake quite a ways away from mount chiliad is a small rural hippie camp set up near some train tracks it's populated by well hippies that happen to be huge alien enthusiasts and who decorated their surroundings with colorful extraterrestrial friendly paintings and artwork at first it's easy to write these guys off as just a bunch of crazy people they may be onto something though as among the various designs painted on their hill are two of the same glyphs we spotted at chiliad one with the eye above the crescent moon and another with the eye above the storm clouds how could these supposedly crazy hippies so perfectly recreated these symbols did they receive a visitor from the cosmos that showed them did one of their members see the glyphs on chiliad and paint them here sadly the hippies aren't talkative and we don't interact with them much in the story so it's impossible to be sure what they were thinking they just sort of mope around and say hey men how's it going when approached i hope you appreciated that impression by the way lucky for us there was more to chiliad than just the signs a viewing platform on the mountain's peak was quickly discovered to have the phrase come back when your story is complete ominously carved into it with the same eye symbol painted on the ground beneath if the player returns to mount chiliad as franklin after achieving 100 completion of the game that means beating the main story all the side missions challenges etc obviously a pretty difficult thing to do a new side quest would become available at mount chiliad where a crazy man would approach franklin and ask that you help him hunt down bigfoot i could have sworn they're clever bastards some of them wear orange so that people will think they're hunters let's go this way sasquatches huh a pitcher would be good a stuffed head even better scat sites down there in the valley there i'm gonna cover these cliffs been hunting that beast longer and you'll ever know boy you just keep an ear out for them terrible house when i hear him i know either you found him or he's found you now hold on a second if we're returning to chiliad after 100 completing the game how the heck is a new side quest becoming available 100 should mean you've done everything well this quest is actually named the last one like that's its title implying that this is the true final mission of the game alas the man asking you to hunt bigfoot with him would be undeniably mad and claimed he'd been hunting the creature on this very mountain for the last 9 years funnily enough gta san andreas released 9 years before gta 5 and this whole encounter must have been a nod by rockstar to those bigfoot siding san andreas reported seen on the mountain eventually if you agreed to help the man after a bit of looking you would indeed spot bigfoot and have to chase him down in a dramatic fashion sadly though when we finally caught this bigfoot creature it would reveal itself to be nothing more than a man in a costume who had been playing a sick joke the sasquatch hunter would be furious but thank you for your help and promised to continue his search for the real monster which he insisted was still out there and now you will have completed 101 of the game the fact that this mission only becomes available after you've literally done everything else can't be understated it's an easter egg of sorts nonetheless this is a rather anticlimactic element of the chilead mystery isn't it i mean as hard as it is to get the mission all it confirms to us is that someone on the mountain was impersonating bigfoot and nothing more the hunter's convinced the real thing is still out there but his suspicions are hardly confirmation of anything well thankfully this side quest wasn't the only new thing we could find at chiliad after 100 in the game there was something else if you headed to the peak at three in the morning los santos time as any character a ufo would also appear before your very eyes my goalie a close encounter with the third kind it gets even better though because there's two more ufos that also spawn in at 3 am after you've 100 in the game the second is over that hippie camp that also has the glyphs and the third spawns in over the fort zancudo airfield in total three unidentified flying objects became temporarily visible after 100 completion and you can only imagine and we can only imagine how excited the person who found these things first must have been what's very interesting though is that the ufos which appeared over chiliad and the hippie base had an f-i-b logo on them the fib or federal investigative bureau is the gta version of the real fbi so these two saucers belong not to extraterrestrials but the united states government whatever was flying above fort zancudo however appears to be genuinely extraterrestrial and uses a different model that has no human markings what in talos's name is going on here why would the fib be flying these things around well it's very possible this is just futuristic fib tech whenever people see flying saucers aliens are the first thing we think up so maybe the fib designed saucers of their own knowing that if they were caught using them on missions the public would blame aliens rather than the government at the same time the crafts go so fast and seem to fly so smoothly it's hard to believe the fib came up with them on their own and we don't know why they were flying them over chiliad all right before we go any further let's pause for a second and take a step back to summarize everything we've gone over so far because we're about to wrap up with this chapter of the video and move on to what the next gen consoles told us you'll see what i mean in a second so far the community had discovered a strange mural at the tippy top of mount chiliad as well as numerous symbols from that mural scattered around the mountain and at an alien enthusiast hippie camp by completing the game a new secret bigfoot sidequest was unlockable here and three ufos could briefly appear around the map all this information led the playerbase to believe whatever was going on at chilead was a very big deal and entire sites and youtube channels began popping up dedicated just to trying to solve this single enigma in increasingly desperate ways people did everything they had their characters wait at the mountain for in-game years worth of time to see what would happen they tried modding their consoles to no clip inside of the hill and see if there was anything there thousands of hours were collectively invested in the hopes of finding some big really well-hidden secret that could explain everything but by mid-2014 virtually every corner of the game had been explored and examined beyond reason and no additional confirmed clues had surfaced you would think after months if there was anything left to uncover it would have been found by now some began to speculate that maybe the chiliad mystery was dead maybe rockstar had no intention of solving it and just left a huge cliffhanger we know at one point in time the developers were planning on releasing a single-player dlc that got delayed and delayed and delayed before eventually getting cancelled and scrapped for multiplayer parts what if the answers we were looking for were supposed to be in that scrap dlc and are now lost forever it was a depressing thought alas the mystery was far from dead or lost it was merely hibernating and rockstar was far from done between late 2014 and early 2015 grand theft auto 5 released in a special version for the xbox one playstation 4 and pc this new and improved version of gta 5 or gta 5.2 as i like to call it took advantage of the increased power of the new consoles and added many new features and mechanics it also finally expanded the chiliad mystery in two ways it one added some totally new content that contained new clues and two it gave pc users a much easier way to access the game files and come through anything we could have missed let's start by talking about the new things rockstar added one of the first changes players noticed was at the satellite relay station the satellite relay station is an unmarked location on the map in the deserts north of los santos and is simply a bundle of large satellite dishes in the original version of the game nothing really happened here at all and we weren't quite sure what the purpose of this place was it wasn't very significant in the next gen version though these satellites started glowing green at night time and it became possible to spot scientists and fib agents around the area at random times this hinted that there really was more to the fib's flying saucers than we thought they may have been using this station to communicate with or monitor something in the stars another huge thing next gen gta 5 did was scatter slash hide 27 new unique collectible plants resembling tiny cactuses around the map whenever the player found one of these cactuses they could choose to take a bite out of it and briefly transform into an animal yeah an animal you could become an eagle a shark a bear a bunny a pig you get the idea there were 27 playable creatures for the 27 plants the cactuses were so well hidden it took around a month for the community to locate all of them i vividly remember checking reddit every day for a while to see if a new collectible had been found alrighty nate cool story but what does this have to do with jillian again well while there were 27 cactuses found by players dataminers uncovered a model and texture file for a certain golden cactus plant like clockwork the playerbase started scouring the land for wherever rockstar might have hid this special golden collectible hoping it would offer us the chance to transform into a special critter like a kraken or unicorn or i don't know unfortunately nothing was uncovered after months and it started to look like the golden cactus wasn't on the map at all and was just unused you see people found out that the files for the item actually featured the exact coordinates it was supposed to spawn in at and when people went to those coordinates in-game twas nowhere to be found the golden cactus must have been cut from the game by rockstar which is depressing but far from abnormal a lot of content was cut from both the original and next-gen versions of gta it looked like this was just another example months after everyone had given up and accepted this explanation though in late 2015 someone actually found the item in game a reddit user going by you slash rk ruski dug deeper into the code than anyone else had and realized the golden cactus does indeed spawn at the coordinates its game files suggest however only when very specific conditions were met the spawn would only trigger between the hours of 5 30 and 8 am on tuesdays when the weather's foggy additionally the player would have to have found all the normal 27 cactuses on their playthrough already and completed the last one bigfoot sidequest we talked about earlier so it was always in the game it was just super hard to trigger the item spawn interacting with the golden collectible would transform the player into bigfoot hilariously as bigfoot you could still operate certain vehicles and got to utilize a rather powerful melee-like punch attack this was an incredible revelation and at the time i think it'd be fair to say it was the greatest easter egg ever identified in gta 5 but it was only the beginning weeks after rk ruski made his reddit post users noticed that rockstar added a new line of code to the golden cactus's plant file that wasn't there before it was just a sentence that read quote he was wrong to start his hunt on tuesday what the devs were hinting we weren't done that rk ruski had actually done something wrong or missed something as you can imagine there was once again an explosion of attention from the subreddit as if a secret collectible that let us transform into bigfoot wasn't significant enough already rockstar was blatantly telling people there was more to the story it turned out there were actually six other golden cactus plants nobody had noticed at all they were in the game in the files people just never saw them meaning there was a total of seven of the things at seven different locations each one would only spawn in on a certain day of the week rk ruski had merely found the tuesday collectible so there was a different one that spawned somewhere else on monday another one that spawned somewhere else on sunday you get the idea the remaining six were rapidly identified and they'd all transformed the player into bigfoot too people started to notice something though if you interacted with the collectibles in order starting with the sunday one then use the monday one the next day then the tuesday one after that etc when you got to the seventh final saturday consumable your transformation experience would be slightly different you'd spawn near the body of that sasquatch hunter from the last one side quest he died perhaps the real bigfoot got him or maybe it was you hallucinating then it was discovered that during this altered saturday experience whenever you pressed up on the d-pad to growl a strange howl could occasionally be heard calling back to you a very minor change but in july of 2016 more than a year and a half after the new gta 5 version released a redditor named sir galehot discovered that if you followed the howls very carefully for a very long time it would lead you to a location called the thompson scrap yard where you would be ambushed by a werewolf yes a werewolf called the beast sir gilhott posted his findings on r chiliad mystery and alas the golden plant easter egg had finally been completed you have to applaud just how well hidden this all was rockstar managed to keep data miners and players from putting the pieces together for literal years in the age of the internet bigfoot was now officially confirmed and i guess so were werewolves but we still don't know how they were connected to chiliad maybe the bigfoots were aliens maybe the bigfoots were created by aliens we don't know that part yet now something i have yet to mention is that sasquatches appeared as real characters in rockstar's red dead redemption 1. they were specifically featured in the undead nightmare dlc now admittedly there is a lot of conflicting info regarding whether or not gta and red dead share a continuous universe or elements of a continuous universe and undead nightmare may not have been canonized anyway but in the dlc we could get a side quest where a sasquatch hunter would request to help him hunt down bigfoots he claimed they were terrorizing the area sound familiar i got one mister hey i got one got what mister the damn says squash the filthy thing was gonna eat my dog when this girl hollered out and i shot the thing right through the heart again feeling all right mister i've seen a lot of strange things recently but no sasquatch running around here nor no place else they they're made up their sasquatch is every place cowboy they're nastier than your mother-in-law with a bad case of that virus down in manchester post they ate a little girl are you serious do i look like i'm joking the heels are infested with him ultimately we'd end up helping the guy take out around six of the creatures before finally meeting a seventh sasquatch that talked to us he explained that bigfoots or maybe big feet had lived in the forests for thousands of years and were in fact totally peaceful plant eaters who once had a thriving civilization however we pesky humans decimated their population in recent centuries they never terrorized anyone they were intelligent and the hunter's just a lunatic we were then left to feel bad about what we did and the furry boy would walk off into the woods [Music] shoot me human shoot me oh i will you foul creature of the me night why's that keep you from eating more babies [Music] are you talking about human you eat babies you have to to survive everyone knows that ain't your fault we eat berries and mushrooms you fall but we did now none of us are left some maniacs been murdering us i'm the last of my kind we've lived in these hills a thousand years you eat babies if you say so human that family is gone my kind is gone shoot me i can't thank you anymore [Music] make it stop perhaps in the gta universe sasquatches are also meant to be an intelligent species that once thrived in ancient times who knows we'll talk more about these creatures and red dead redemption later on for now let's move on to what else can be found in gta 5. again the release on pc opened up a huge opportunity for data mining data miners were able to uncover files relating to an unused jetpack now a model and texture were not found but there was source code left behind linked to this jetpack vehicle and the source code was only added in 2014. when rockstar released their 1.12 patch it wasn't from the vanilla game itself furthermore completed models and textures were found for an unused green egg and an unused ufo that never appeared in game huh so we have a missing jetpack egg and ufo some speculated that maybe these items were supposed to have had something to do with the ufo egg and jet pack featured at the bottom of the chiliad mural spoiler alert later updates for the game did eventually add all of these items in but we'll talk about those further along in the video at the time the discovery of the unused files seemed to provide further credence to the theory that maybe the whole chiliad mystery was just some leftover cut content this resulted in a very frustrating dilemma for players as people weren't sure if rockstar did have a reveal planned and they should keep investigating or if it was all just a dead end anyway and rockstar had cut out the answers it was a difficult time in 2015 players noticed that rockstar added in some alien themed artwork to a gta online update this artwork could only be seen as an available modification for an auto shop installment players could have added on to their 60 car garage of the ceo penthouse i know that sounds kind of excessive welcome to grand theft auto online ladies and gentlemen but basically in english this painting was very very rare and wouldn't be seen often you're looking at the raw texture file on screen now it very clearly seems to depict some strong alien activity in some sort of futuristic structure and it's centered around a giant almost queen-like alien with multiple tentacle-like limbs many people joked if this was what was at the center of mount chiliad and players wondered if this giant alien-like queen thing could in fact be a real character that's out there somewhere it's only a customizable painting and it's very possible rockstar didn't mean anything by it but still the thought was interesting and some people realized the giant alien monster beared a loose resemblance to a piece of graffiti found in downtown los santos on a building could rockstar be hinting at a giant super alien boss or did their artists add this painting into the game just because they thought it looked cool we were left to wonder now with all of this potential extraterrestrial activity many players look towards the epsilon program the epsilon program for those of you who don't know is a religious faction in the grand theft auto universe that's well it's out there we interact with the epsilon program a little bit in a couple of michael de santa's side quests however most of what we know about them comes from their website and some radio shows that we can access with our phone and in our cars respectively you have come this far but the journey has only just begun you've waited years for this moment you're exactly in the right place i was lost i sold myself i took drugs i was in conflict then i discovered an incredible truth a truth so incredible that if i told it to you now you would melt into nothingness you are ready but you are not ready oh i'm not ready then you're ready i don't know about that the truth is incredible if you're capable of understanding it we have your email address we will send you an incredible education tool that will help you to unlock the secrets of the existence that will cost as little as five thousand dollars five thousand what price would you put on having the tools to understanding everything into achieving the impossible the price i would put on that is every penny you've ever earned kipling just a mother well the price i would put on it is all the money in the entire world because that is how much it is worth but we're offering millions of dollars of top quality research and learning by society's best thinkers for only five thousand dollars think about it michael and if you think too long we know you're not ready keflam [Music] its members believe in a bunch of alien gods who created the world and universe as we know it the most important of these alien gods is kiflam and there are 12 tenets of keflam all epsilon members believe i can't list all 12 because it would take a really long time and well youtube might get mad at me but they include things like the world is 157 years old that dinosaurs were a myth that you are happy you just don't know it and you get the idea one of these core tenants is kind of important though tenet number eight says quote aliens exist and are present on earth if you have a birthmark you may be descended from craf the famous emperor of the fourth peridgement fact what are parrot games well rock stars kind of vagues they're kind of like levels or dimensions or maybe planets according to the group again a big emphasis of their beliefs revolve around space and whatnot so the latter seems relatively likely now it's heavily implied that the epsilon organization is just a big scam for money however where things get interesting is in red dead redemption 2. released in december of 2019 rockstar's owed to america's old west was definitely one of the best games of this current console generation as someone who's still very bitter about red dead online it's hard not to appreciate what rockstar did with the single-player base game itself if the player traveled to a cabin northwest of the town of strawberry they could meet a man named francis sinclair francis is a very weird fellow he spoke in a strange dialect and utilized certain words here and there that didn't make sense and some of which we had never heard before he would offer us a side quest called geology for beginners to locate 10 rock carvings all across the map and bring back their location to him his reasoning was very vague but he promised to pay handsomely so whatever old man well what's eating you partner eating me i'm sorry i'll dry up what see i'm uh hey can i ask you a strange question i mean it sounds ridiculous but i'm on the level i don't have a clue what you just said well i'm sorry sport huh there's these funny rock carvings they look a bit like this okay yeah the thing is i sort of like really badly have to find all of them now it's sort of a puzzle thing of me i know it sounds ridiculous but i'm on the up and up and it's really important little rock carvings yeah exactly little rock carvings what do you want to do with them well it's sort of very complicated and you'll think i'm jazzed if i tell you you're what drunk are you no huh i wish no i'm uh lost it's a long story can you find the carvings i have no idea well i sort of need them hey listen if you find them i'll pay you handsomely send me details if you can here's my card if i can't well i'm sure you can sport i'm sure you can't francis and clay arthur morgan pleasure but i don't understand why do you need these things well i told you if i told you you think i was on the hooch what i'm gonna have a lie down i don't feel very well and neither would you with yeah but hey what harm could it do now as we started finding these rock carvings we'd notice they appear to depict scenes from different points in time both in the past and future like they carried images of the egyptian great pyramids of skyscrapers the chrysler building and even nuclear explosions what the heck after we had identified the locations of all 10 rock carvings and reported back to francis he would pay us generously and run into his cabin and then he just wouldn't come out we could enter the structure ourselves to figure out why mr sinclair hadn't come out yet and he wouldn't be inside it's like the man just vanished from thin air and interestingly all around the cabin were various strange drawings including one extremely large poster that depicted what looked like a portal of sorts and mr sinclair time traveling through different periods in history as arthur makes his way out of the cabin the closing scene of the quest would trigger in which a woman carrying a baby with a birthmark identical to francis's would appear out of nowhere and ask the player who you were and what you were doing she would also refer to the baby as francis in response to all of this our character would just get very very confused and decide to leave to go somewhere else which makes a lot of sense given the context and thus the quest would be completed hello hello mr sinclair whoa oh hello can i help you i'm sorry for intruding mrs sinclair yes how did you know i was looking for your husband my husband he's dead he's been dead since just before francis was born one year ago your husband francis is dead no this is francis my husband tom is dead i'm a little confused yes i think you are what was your name it ain't important excuse me after geology for beginners had ended it would be impossible to re-enter the cabin now it seems relatively obvious that rockstar meant to imply that this francis sinclair character was a time traveler of sorts on some kind of mission but the birthmark he carried on his face has led many players to identify a connection between him and gta's epsilon organization hell chapter 5 verse 2 of the book of epsilon almost blatantly gives it all away when it says quote the mark of craft adams many whom are blessed some descendants of kraft have a mark of birth that adorns the elbow or cheek but he who has the stain of wine on his head or face they drink with croth in the fourth parrot game so yeah according to the epsilon organization this man would be pretty high status and in red dead redemption 2 he clearly possesses the ability to time travel additionally in red dead redemption 2 in an abandoned shack in new hanover players can discover a horrifying scene that's also linked to extraterrestrials and time travel the skeletal remains of multiple individuals can be found dotting the perimeter as well as a mysterious note which reads quote cuckawaba voyager of time and galaxies you can linger here for a while the place is very unique i'll give it that however after reading the note between the hours of 12 am and 3 am you can see an actual ufo briefly fly by many folks on arsenal's chiliad mystery have pointed out that this aircraft appears to have some striking similarities to the fib aircraft we saw from gta v but there may just be a little bit of projection luckily we can get a better look at this ufo somewhere else remember that letter we just talked about that's found inside of the cabin well let's read it out it says quote at the second hour under the half moon by the great love and grace of our savior kuka wow voyager of time and galaxies we cast off our corporal shells so his vessel can take our spirits to the promised realm to live in peace and power until the 2000th year when we will return for the new chosen and worship once again at the peak of mount shan in his love we always rejoice now it's clear whoever wrote this letter was some sort of priest for a religious organization that was worshiping whatever alien was inside of that ufo they seem to have been convinced that the aliens would take them to the promised realm until they came back later on for new chosen ones pay attention to the last three lines though we will return for the new chosen and worship once again at the peak of mount shan in his love we rejoice always mount shan is a real location in red dead redemption 2. it's one of the largest mountains in the game though i don't think it's the largest regardless if you head on over to the peak of mount shan between the hours of 12 am and 4 am it's possible to find another ufo huh just like chiliad we can find a ufo at the peak of this mountain late at night that's not all though because just like chiliad mount shan also might be home to bigfoot or a bigfoot like creature you see near the summit there's a very very small cave arthur morgan can locate and inside of this cave are a number of bones and remains that clearly once belonged to some sort of giant bipedal creature could that creature have been a sasquatch unfortunately red dead redemption 2 doesn't feature sasquatches like red dead redemption 1 did so we're not exactly sure what they would look like in this game but the skeleton seems to fit i mean if it's not a bigfoot then it would just have to be a giant person or something right mount shan is also home to a few other hidden secrets that appear to reference some sort of ancient civilization like there's a sundial we can find towards the top and a couple other strange rock formations there's even one of those rock carvings we mentioned earlier from that geology for beginner's side quest we're not exactly sure what's so special about this specific mountain in many ways it's like red dead redemption 2's own mount chiliad but clearly there's something going on and it may be the same force that's impacting grand theft auto 5. whether or not any of this matters is all dependent on whether or not gta and rdr share a continuous universe or at the very least share continuous elements between their universes there's a huge amount of conflicting information to back up and debunk both sides of this debate like there are certain characters that very obviously have appeared in both games yet in the red dead universe we hear of states like california which don't technically exist in the grand theft auto universe remember in gta california is just the state of san andreas more than likely they aren't set in the same universe just share a few continuous elements of each other's universes like a few stories continue from rdr into grand theft auto but that doesn't necessarily mean the entire setting does by that logic it's absolutely possible and even likely that the aliens we deal with between the games are a part of the same force and they've been around for hundreds of years now but regardless of what connections they may or may not have to the red dead universe the aliens of grand theft auto are still definitely real and there's still a mystery to be solved here and beginning in 2017 leading up until now grand theft auto online got a series of updates that got us closer than ever before remember the unused jetpack ufo and egg from the game's files i mentioned earlier well there was a very popular theory that they were all going to be featured in a certain dlc that got cut from the game that would have revolved around zombies and an alien invasion in the game's files people discovered evidence for something called single-player zombies dlc and numerous supposed leakers from rockstar came forward and explained to various media outlets that it was originally the studio's intention to have dlcs featuring zombies and aliens however the studio decided to scrap them and would be using their parts for future multiplayer expansions it seems that when rockstar was originally developing grand theft auto 5 they didn't really expect its multiplayer component to take off to the tremendous financial success that it did so they were originally planning to add in dlcs about aliens and zombies but when they saw gta online doing so well they said no no no let's cut this and add it to multiplayer sometime later on at least that was how the community's theory went and in 2017 that theory was finally proven correct in june of that year gtao got the gun runners update gun runners was a free expansion that introduced new vehicles of items missions and property to the game's multiplayer mode it didn't do much of anything for single player i digress one of the biggest things gun runners did was introduce a new type of mission called supply runs supply runs were radiant missions that could start basically whenever and they would send the player to locate some sort of supply pick it up and then bring it to a specific location they were basically a bunch of repeatable randomized fatch quests and because of the way rockstar would randomly set their start points and end locations there were literally thousands of different possibilities well a group of data miners calling themselves the game file gurus dug through a bunch of the gun runner's data files and found a secret supply run mission that didn't seem to be normally playable the mission was real and finished but for whatever reason didn't seem possible to trigger in-game by playing around with the scripts and using some complex tools the game file gurus were able to forcefully start it in game and this secret supply mission would send the player to a crashed ufo near fort zancudo to pick up an alien egg and drop it off at a bunker along the way you'd have to fight off mercenaries and human guards that didn't want you to take said egg now like any other supply run this mission had absolutely no dialogue and you were literally just given objectives to go get the egg and return it somewhere else with no context still though even without any attached narrative this was a huge find rockstar was adding parts of the original cut content to the game eventually people found out that this quote unquote secret alien egg mission was actually playable in the game but in order to get it to trigger you would first need to complete over 600 other radiant supply missions and it would only trigger between 2 300 hours and 2 400 hours so you had to do a lot of work to get this to spawn in i should also point out that it wasn't just the egg added in with the supply run but also the unused ufo from the game files as well so now we have the egg and the ufo and we're only missing the jet pack we wouldn't have to wait much longer though as in december of 2017 grand theft auto online got the doomsday heist update this update was pretty huge and i think is arguably the biggest update grand theft auto online ever got at least it was at the time it came out the doomsday heist update finally introduced the jetpack or the thrust as the vehicle was officially called to the game for players to purchase for just a few million dollars however that wasn't all it did the doomsday heist also introduced a small storyline to the game or heist as it's called in this new multiplayer storyline the player and their friends would have to stop a billionaire by the name of avon hertz from destroying the world using a variety of nuclear missiles that he purchased hacked and we would learn that avon hertz's secret headquarters was an old military base buried beneath mount chiliad that he had purchased from the government a few years ago yep that's right ladies and gentlemen mount chiliad is home to a secret u.s military base boom mystery sold right well not exactly apparently the military base was abandoned sometime in the cold war and only purchased by mr hertz within the last few years or so furthermore in the final acts of the dlc we would have to storm the mount chiliad base and personally kill avon hurts while we were inside the underground structure we'd find all sorts of weird futuristic technologies that the us government shouldn't have had access to in the 1960s and players also noticed that on some of the walls of this chiliad mountain base were weird painted murals that the game didn't explain in total there were four new murals added onto the various walls of the chilead base and i'm simply showing you a combined image of all four on-screen now as you can see they each depicted a variety of strange symbols a few of which were familiar the yellow mural appeared to be space themed and there were numerous symbols depicting ufos the moon star maps and the original chiliad painting the second red mural looked to be physics focused and showed off atoms cells and the likes though we're a little less sure about what that one means the third green mural was bigfoot themed and showed off a picture of a cactus plant showed off a picture of bigfoot emerging from an evolution diagram and prominently featured the number 27 the number of normal cactus plants in the game the final purple one was all about the human mind and showed off the yin and yang symbol a balanced scale a lightning bolt an epsilon logo and another eye unfortunately the doomsday heist dlc doesn't explain the meaning of these murals it's almost totally ignored by the game's characters so we're forced to make sense of it by ourselves and we still have yet to completely figure out what each of the symbols means their presence in this old united states military base does heavily suggest that this location was used by us scientists to study aliens bigfoot the human mind and more beyond that though we were still left to wonder what this facility's primary objectives were and we still had no idea what the original chiliad painting meant with the doomsday heist update we finally seemed to identify the ufo egg and jet pack depicted on the original painting and we had gotten to see what was inside of the mountain itself however we were now left with more questions than ever before our next big breakthrough came in august of 2020 literally this month in fact four days prior to when this video should be going live you see in august of 2020 gta online got a summer update that released a whole variety of new vehicles missions etc you get the idea by now just like they did for the gun runners update those game file gurus data miners decided to dive through the files of this new patch and in it they found another secret mission it was basically another supply run mission however this one would send the player to fort zancudo to pick up parts from a ufo inside one of the hangars and drop them off at an hq notably this ufo in the hangar was a slightly larger version of the original ufo we could see flying over zancudo after achieving 100 completion now because this discovery is just so incredibly recent literally just a few days ago people are still trying to wonder if it can actually be triggered in normal gameplay right now the only way to start it up is by forcing special tools and scripts but it's possible there might be an organic trigger somewhere in the game that still hasn't been identified nonetheless this is where the community currently is at in its search or investigation of the chilead mystery we found out bigfoot may or may not be on the mountain that the mountain was once home to a now abandoned u.s military base and we've discovered that the u.s military appears to be operating various alien spacecraft we still need to figure out what the mural we found inside of the chiliad bunker means but so far everything seems to suggest that the united states must have somehow got a hold of a crashed alien spacecraft and was able to reverse engineer some of the technology now what the us is planning to do with this new tech and why aliens originally came to the planet still has yet to be figured out but we're a lot further than ever before now rockstar has recently confirmed that grand theft auto 5 will be getting another re-release on the upcoming playstation 5 and xbox series x this will be the third version of gta 5 to come out and many people believe that just like the second version this third version will also be making some very big revelations many players also believe rockstar will be releasing grand theft auto 6 sometime in the next two to five years but that'll probably all depend on how well gta online keeps doing thus here we are it is august of 2020 we know mount chiliad concerns aliens bigfoot it may even concern a giant alien of sorts but there's still a lot that needs to be figured out and to this day we still don't exactly know for sure what that original mural meant in the first place hopefully someday soon we'll be getting our answers thanks so much for stopping by everybody i know this video has been almost an hour long but there's still so much more to be discovered and honestly we still fail to touch upon a few subjects like there are a couple of in-game secrets people have discovered that may have been related to the chiliad mystery but also might not have been so i decided to leave a couple of those out just to play it safe and make sure this video wasn't you know two or three hours if you're interested in learning more though i highly encourage you all to hop on over to the r slash chiliad mystery subreddit this has been the community where players have been posting discoveries since the mystery began and there's a series of mega threads posted by user bluntsarbest that greatly summarize everything so far and that i drew upon heavily for this video anyway again thanks so much for watching and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,832,987
Rating: 4.8598127 out of 5
Id: SCHpzvmw_PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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