10 Fallout Vaults You'd NEVER Want To Live In

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in the Fallout universe as it became clear that some kind of nuclear war was inevitable people started crowding into these giant underground shelters known as vaults for the government and the people living inside them they were supposed to be a lifeline for the future mankind's ability to return to the surface and repopulate and thrive after the radiation in the air finally began to dissipate the vaults were safe secure never meant to fail but as fans of the series know that wasn't quite the case what was actually going on was that vault-tec the guys who built all the vaults were using the vaults to test different survival scenarios for the ones actually in charge of the project a conspiracy of businessmen and government officials known as the Enclave who are presumably planning on going into space or something like that so vaults opened early or they were missing necessary supplies or had key systems break early just to see how the vault dwellers inside would respond most vaults actually failed miserably and today we're talking about the absolute worst ones in the 10 fallout vaults that made people crazy could be people inside could be you the player either way there's plenty of craziness going around in this one and starting off at number 10 its fallout new vegas is fall 22 probably one of the most unique vaults in a fallout game it's well the plant vault it's a pretty unique site compared to the rest of Mojave wasteland and that's for sure the actual goal of the vault however isn't nearly as sinister as many of the others it was meant to be a green vault one that would be sustained by plants so actually useful survival research for once of course if you look at the state of the place it's pretty obvious things didn't go exactly to plan the mad scientist said big MT donated some spores meant for pest control but well plant monsters the pest control was a little too effective because everyone in the vault was killed by them leaving the shambling monsters in the place to wander the overgrown halls of what ended up just being another failed vault it's not exactly madness inducing but it's pretty crazy and unique as far as vaults go number nine is fallout 3's vault 92 probably one of the creepiest and most mysterious vaults in the entire series this fault contains some of the world's best musicians and you can even find a recording studio in there it doesn't take much investigating to find that something went horribly wrong in there as well though as mysterious notes referencing a white noise used to plan suggestions in people's head I mean you can find them all over the place another log shows someone's mental deterioration as the days go by their spelling and grammar just get worse and worse and when you find the overseers terminal it becomes clear what was happening in the vault they were playing a tone all the time that would affect people's behavior in order to see if they could create mind controlled super soldiers there's even one log where he admits to planting a suggestion in someone to just go berserk and it took 20 security guards to take the guy down so you could probably see where the things devolved from here this rage suggestion begins to spread uncontrollably and the infected fight the uninfected some try to escape some stay but obviously when you arrive there's nothing but skeletons and mirelurks for being one of the most immersive vaults with an interesting and creepy mystery surrounding it this vault definitely belongs on the list moving on to number eight in fallout four vault 75 the children's vault this place located below the Mauldin middle school was created to enhance the gene pool and create stronger and smarter people using a ruthless method of weeding out the weak if you want an idea of just how bad this fault was keep in mind pretty much the first thing that happened there the parents were separated from the children and then all of the parents were executed then the remaining security and science staff of the vault put the children through torturous tests both mental and physical in preparation for when they would quote graduate and be sent out into the wasteland of course the graduation was even more sinister than that if they were smart enough they would be brought onto the science team well anyone they decided was too weak would be killed secretly after their graduation ceremony even some of the strongest students were killed instead of let out in the wasteland so they could harvest and study their genetic material the actual reason the vault collapsed is kind of vague actually but knowing how things were going it's pretty safe to say there was probably some kind of stew uprising and everyone left were probably killed raiding the vaults purely by evil like this would be pretty high up there it's it's pretty bad moving on to number seven fallout threes of vault 108 the Geary vault yet you go into a creepy very dark vault where nothing seems to work and there's garbage and junk laying around it's spooky already but as you continue some weird looking vault dwellers suddenly attacks you the only thing he says is Gary yeah it's a vault filled with Gary clones and they're mostly all unarmed and are pretty pathetic it's kind of creepy but weirdly funny at the same time and the vault gives almost no clues as to why there's so many clones of one guy the most you find is a holotape in the cloning lab talking about how the clones are hostile to non clones and that they're planning on getting rid of some of the clones to make room for other experiments and obviously that didn't go very well because it is Gary as far as the eye can see in this place it's weird it's creepy but it's also completely ridiculous and did get laughs out of me so basically yeah fallout at number 6 is fallout new vegas is vault 11 there's a bit of a bitter irony about vault 11 that's both tragic and darkly hilarious it's maybe the most interesting vault in the entire series just by story alone there's no interesting enemies or weird twists in the vault like the drugs you when you enter or jumps out from you in the shadows just a lot of logs to read and a lot of exploration to do the first thing that becomes immediately clear is that people in this vault really don't want to be overseer then you find out about the yearly elections where people are elected by the community for overseer but they only pick people they don't like as you soon find out that's because the overseer has to at the end of their year-long term be sacrificed in order for the vault to survive if no one is sacrificed they're told everyone in the vault will die different voting blocs begin to form and people in the vault viciously fight for control over who gets to decide who gets sacrificed things start to get really ugly and people start killing each other and that's the end of the vault but if you explore the overseers offer you'll find one last cruel twist of a knife you go down the hall of sacrifice to see what happens it leads to a room that instructs you to sit after some hollow words about living a good life the walls begin to move to reveal a battery of turrets and robots that'll easily overwhelm you if you continue sitting down fight them off access to the computer and you'll find out the ironic twist nothing would have happened if the vault refused to perform the sacrifice instead a little automated message would play congratulating them for their commitment to human life another happy fall out ending a and a number 5 is fallout 4s Far Harbor with vault 118 this vault built underneath the cliff's edge hotel was going to be a pressure cooker where working-class families would be stuffed into an unfinished second wing of the vault well 10 super-rich families would occupy the first vault and be tended to by robot servants classic vault setup right fully on class lines the problem I guess that never actually happened instead some specific families bought out the vault and when it reached a snag securing funding they used it for their own purposes what purpose might you ask Oh putting their brains into robots of course so yeah this vault is absolutely crazy outside of its intended goal instead of being a social experiment it's filled with completely nuts Robo brain robots who all want you to solve a murder mystery like a classic parlor murder mystery where everyone's a suspect and well let's just say it's completely ridiculous because they're all robots who say stupid stuff probably the most outwardly humorous vault in the entire series this is a really amusing twist on the usual vault formula that's definitely a project in interpretation and number four the fallout 1 Los Angeles test vault which is of course not an actual vault but still one of the creepiest locations in the can this vault which you find under the Cathedral is actually a test vault like I said built by vault Tec it's a demonstration but none of that matters what makes this place so crazy is what's inside it's the Masters secret base of operations and he's probably the creepiest bad guy the entire Fallout series let's be frank I mean look at him he's a head on a screen with an eyeball hanging out and the early CGI effects make it more creepy rather than less and the whole place is covered in the Masters guts and it becomes more and more of a meat circus the closer you get to the overseers office and when you confront him it becomes increasingly clear that the master isn't some brilliant mastermind he's just a completely insane pile of goo famously it's possible to talk the pathetic creature into killing itself instead of following through with its plan to turn everyone into a super mutant and I mean when you look and act like this thing it's probably time to call it quits number three is followed 76 is vault 94 this is a vault that made the players mad not the residents because as you know it's fallout 76 which we all know why is safe to say had a very rocky start both technically and in the way the developers have handled the fallout IP going into fallout 76 we expected there to be a few vaults you could explore like basically every previous game so finding out that the only other vault in the game isn't actually like a unique location in a world you can actually explore but instead a one to four player raid dungeon that's about getting sweet loot kinda ticked people off I mean one of the only decent parts have fallout 76 is being able to explore this massive world and read some interesting lore about its history vaults are made for that kind of environmental storytelling but instead of that we get this goofy multi-step raid dungeon that doesn't really even work well when awkwardly grafted on to what is frankly the gamebryo engine still we know they've used different names through the years they're not getting off the hook it's gamebryo and here's the thing there is a story to this vault but who's going to see it there's holotapes and notes in here unless you play out novice you're on a time limit and you're getting attacked from every single angle by constantly respawning enemies the whole thing just seems like the antithesis to fallout which is probably why with the wastelanders update they're completely removing vault raids from the game hopefully this means follow 76 we'll finally get some normal vaults to explore instead of whatever you want to call this nonsense at number two its Fallout Tactics vault 0 Fallout Tactics is kind of the black sheep of the Fallout series fallout Brotherhood of Steel is kind of a loser burnout of the series pretty well dismissed as being non-canon by fallout fans when it was released it's since been somewhat reevaluated considering some of the less than impressive story turns that later fallout games from Bethesda have taken so it's definitely the weird one it's not exactly an RPG it's a tactical strategy game where you move your soldiers around these mats and mission zones taking on pretty much everything from the Fallout universe and your commanding officers are Lee Emory which is always a plus in my book you never actually encounter a vault in this game until the final mission when you're tasked with shutting down vault 0 the home base of this crazy army of robots intent on destroying humanity a bunch of geniuses had their brains connected to a supercomputer called the calculator and are carrying out the pacification protocol which was supposed to bake the wasteland safer for humans but instead they're just killing humans because robots that's sort of what they do those things really 50 sci fi goofy but there is a final twist they got our Lea Marie's brain too and you have to fight him I honestly couldn't make this stuff up if I tried and finally at number 1 fallout one's vault 13 the OG vault the vault to start them all the first vault that you see in the very first Fallout game the problem with this one was simple a broken water chip which is where the relatively humble origins of the franchise began but that's not the reason this vault is on this list no there's actually much crazier reason found within this bizarre easter egg and fallout 2 randomly while exploring the map and fallout 2 you'll come across these random encounters where the developers usually like to hide their pop-culture references this one called The Guardian forever is a weird rock that you can enter into and doing so send you back in time to vault their teens you can sabotage the water chip ever heard of a stable time loop paradox well don't think about it too hard because it will make you crazy of course that's all just a joke the time-traveling rot portal thing is taken directly from the classic Star Trek episode city on the edge of forever I mean it literally looks the same and it's literally called the guardian of forever which is exactly what they called it in the Star Trek episode the whole thing is a very elaborate Easter Egg but it's a good if not really odd one and again if you think about it too hard it will drive you nuts but I'm willing to bet you'd be hard-pressed to find vaults crazier than these if you'd agree and have something to say about any of these vaults or want to put a vault forward yourself leave us a comment let us know what you're thinking and if you like this video don't forget to click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe and don't forget to enable all notifications as always we thank you very much for watching this video on falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 2,946,095
Rating: 4.8868103 out of 5
Keywords: fallout vaults, hardest fallout vaults, fallout vaults lore, creepy fallout vaults, weird fallout vaults, fallout 4 vaults, fallout 3 vaults, fallout new vegas vaults, gameranx, falcon, worst fallout vaults, scary fallout vaults
Id: _ognyFuZm-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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